Spelling suggestions: "subject:"timefrequency"" "subject:"timerequency""
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Detekce komplexů QRS v signálech EKG / Detection of QRS complexes in ECG signalsZhorný, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the detection of QRS complexes from electrocardiograms using time-frequency analysis. Detection procedures are based on wavelet and Stockwell transform. The theoretical part describes the basics of electrocardiography, then introduces common approaches to time-frequency analysis, such as short-time Fourier transform (STFT), wavelet transform and Stockwell transform. These algorithms were tested on a set of electrograms from the MIT-BIH and CSE-MO1 arrhythmia database. For the CSE database worked best the method based on the wavelet transform with the filter bank Symlet4, with the resulting value of sensitivity 100 % and positive predictivity 99.86%. For the MIT database had the best performance the detector using the Stockwell transform with values of sensitivity 99.54% and positive predictivity 99.68%. The results were compared with the values of other authors mentioned in the text.
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Porovnání úspěšnosti vícekanálových metod separace řečových signálů / Comparison of success rate of multi-channel methods of speech signal separationPřikryl, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The separation of independent sources from mixed observed data is a fundamental problem in many practical situations. A typical example is speech recordings made in an acoustic environment in the presence of background noise or other speakers. Problems of signal separation are explored by a group of methods called Blind Source Separation. Blind Source Separation (BSS) consists on estimating a set of N unknown sources from P observations resulting from the mixture of these sources and unknown background. Some existing solutions for instantaneous mixtures are reviewed and in Matlab implemented , i.e Independent Componnent Analysis (ICA) and Time-Frequency Analysis (TF). The acoustic signals recorded in real environment are not instantaneous, but convolutive mixtures. In this case, an ICA algorithm for separation of convolutive mixtures in frequency domain is introduced and in Matlab implemented. This diploma thesis examines the useability and comparisn of proposed separation algorithms.
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Bezkontaktní detekce fyziologických parametrů z obrazových sekvencí / Non-contact detection of physiological parameters from image sequencesBršlicová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of contactless and non-invasive methods for estimating heart and respiratory rate. Non-contact measurement involves sensing persons by using camera and the values of the physiological parameters are then assessed from the sets of image sequences by using suitable approaches. The theoretical part is devoted to description of the various methods and their implementation. The practical part describes the design and realization of the experiment for contactless detection of heart and respiratory rate. The experiment was carried out on 10 volunteers with a known heart and respiratory rate, which was covered by using of a sophisticated system BIOPAC. Processing and analysis of the measured data was conducted in software environment Matlab. Finally, results from contactless detection were compared with the reference from measurement system BIOPAC. Experiment results are statistically evaluated and discussed.
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Analyse de la polarisation de données multi-composantes à partir d'une seule station ou d'une antenne : méthodes et applications à la caractérisation du champ d'ondes sismiques / Polarization analysis of multi-component data from a single station or an array : methods and applications to the characterization of the seismic wavefieldLabonne, Claire 09 December 2016 (has links)
L’analyse du champ d’ondes est un prérequis essentiel à l’étude de la propagation des ondes sismiques qui permet à son tour d’améliorer notre compréhension des processus physiques liés à la nature de la source et notre connaissance des milieux de propagation. L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer des techniques de traitement du signal afin d’améliorer l’exploitation des informations apportées par les stations et les antennes 3 composantes dans le but de caractériser le champ d’ondes sismiques. Elle se concentre sur les analyses de polarisation, leur extension aux antennes 3 composantes et leur utilisation conjointe avec des traitements d’antenne classiques. La thèse revient sur les approches existantes qui tentent d’étendre le traitement d’antenne aux 3 composantes. Ces méthodes existantes se montrent complexes et leur utilisation reste limitée, la thèse suggère deux méthodes alternatives associant successivement traitement d’antenne et polarisation. Afin d’exploiter au mieux les analyses de polarisation, un système standardisé de paramètres décrivant la polarisation est développé et associé à une solution de visualisation permettant de regrouper l’ensemble des paramètres essentiels à l’interprétation sur une figure unique. Finalement, une étude de polarisation sur l’antenne 3 composantes du LSBB (Laboratoire Souterrain Bas Bruit) démontre la possibilité d’utiliser la cohérence spatiale de la polarisation comme aide pour l’interprétation des sismogrammes / The analysis of the seismic wavefield is an essential pre-requisite to the study of seismic wave propagation which in turns helps improving our understanding of the physical processes behind the sources and our knowledge of the propagation medium. The objective of this thesis is to further develop signal processing techniques to more fully exploit the information brought by the 3 component stations and arrays in order to characterize the seismic wavefield. The thesis work focuses on polarization analysis, its extension to 3-component arrays and its joint use with classical array processing. A review of the existing methods that attempt to extend array processing to the 3-components leads to the observation that these methods are complex and their use is limited. Therefore, two alternative methods that associate array processing and polarization sequentially are suggested. In order to best exploit the polarization analyses, a standardized parametrization system describing the polarization is developed and associated with a visualization solution regrouping all the parameters necessary for the interpretation on one figure. Finally, a polarization analysis performed on data from the LSBB 3-component array demonstrates the possibility to use spatial coherency to assist with the interpretation of seismograms
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Réflectométrie optique dans le domaine fréquentiel pour l’analyse des réseaux locaux domestiques optiques / Optical frequency domain reflectometry for the characterization of domestic optical home networkFall, Abdoulaye 14 June 2016 (has links)
Le projet FUI12 RLDO – dans le cadre duquel s’inscrit cette thèse – préconise une solution de réseau de topologie en étoile passive pour la montée en débit des réseaux domestiques. Cette solution de réseau rencontre des difficultés dans son implémentation avec la non-uniformité des puissances des ports de sortie des coupleurs multimodes. L’analyse de ce point nous a permis de comprendre que les propriétés des modes de propagation dans les éléments du réseau jouent un rôle clé dans les problèmes rencontrés. Pour caractériser la propagation dans le réseau, nous avons développé un banc de réflectométrie optique complexe dans le domaine fréquentiel. Les phénomènes limitant la sensibilité à la phase – liés en particulier à la non-linéarité du balayage en fréquence de la source laser – sont étudiés pour contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes. Puis les performances de la mesure en intensité et en phase de l’instrument que nous avons mis en place sont testées. Nous avons aussi étudié les conditions de résolution optimales pour caractériser les modes d’un guide multimode et analysé l’incertitude sur la dispersion chromatique dans le cas où il est impossible de déterminer si on a accès à un mode ou plusieurs modes dans un diagramme de dispersion donné. Nous introduisons par la suite une méthode d’analyse temps-fréquence adaptative, permettant d’obtenir les courbes de dispersions avec une résolution optimale. Cette méthode nous a permis de montrer le caractère quasi-monomode, en condition d’excitation monomode, de la fibre multimode spéciale RLDO à 1310 nm et à 1550 nm. L’analyse de la propagation dans les fibres optiques, associée au modèle que nous avons développé pour comprendre le fonctionnement des coupleurs multimodes, a permis d’expliquer les difficultés rencontré avec les premières expérimentations de la topologie de réseau en étoile passive multimode et d’envisager des pistes de réalisation d’un prototype de réseau fonctionnel / In order to develop high capacity future-proof home network, the FUI 12 RLDO project suggests passive star network topology using multimode couplers. This topology encounters implementation difficulties due to the non-uniformity of the power distribution in the output ports of multimode couplers. Analyzing this problem shows that the properties of modes propagating in the network elements plays a key role in this non-uniform characteristics of multimode couplers. In order to characterize these modes propagating in the network, we have developed a complex optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) setup. The phenomena limiting the sensitivity to the phase in OFDR – in fact, those related to the non-linear frequency tuning of the laser source - are investigated to contribute to a better understanding of the limiting mechanisms. Then we have tested the intensity and phase measurement performance of the developed setup. Later, we studied the optimal resolution conditions to characterize the modes in a multimode waveguide. We have also analyzed the uncertainty of the measurement of the chromatic dispersion of modes in case where it is impossible to determine whether one or several modes are present in a given dispersion curve. Additionally, we have introduced an adaptive time-frequency method, to obtain the dispersion curves with optimal resolution. This method allows us to show the versatility of the special RLDO multimode fiber (single-mode behavior under single-mode excitation at 1310 nm and 1550 nm). The analysis of the propagation in the optical fibers, associated with a model we have developed to study the behavior of multimode couplers, has permitted to explain encountered difficulties with the experiments of the multimode passive star network topology. This also gives insights to develop a functional prototype of network
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Reconstruction de phase par modèles de signaux : application à la séparation de sources audio / Phase recovery based on signal modeling : application to audio source separationMagron, Paul 02 December 2016 (has links)
De nombreux traitements appliqués aux signaux audio travaillent sur une représentation Temps-Fréquence (TF) des données. Lorsque le résultat de ces algorithmes est un champ spectral d’amplitude, la question se pose, pour reconstituer un signal temporel, d’estimer le champ de phase correspondant. C’est par exemple le cas dans les applications de séparation de sources, qui estiment les spectrogrammes des sources individuelles à partir du mélange ; la méthode dite de filtrage de Wiener, largement utilisée en pratique, fournit des résultats satisfaisants mais est mise en défaut lorsque les sources se recouvrent dans le plan TF. Cette thèse aborde le problème de la reconstruction de phase de signaux dans le domaine TF appliquée à la séparation de sources audio. Une étude préliminaire révèle la nécessité de mettre au point de nouvelles techniques de reconstruction de phase pour améliorer la qualité de la séparation de sources. Nous proposons de baser celles-ci sur des modèles de signaux. Notre approche consiste à exploiter des informations issues de modèles sous-jacents aux données comme les mélanges de sinusoïdes. La prise en compte de ces informations permet de préserver certaines propriétés intéressantes, comme la continuité temporelle ou la précision des attaques. Nous intégrons ces contraintes dans des modèles de mélanges pour la séparation de sources, où la phase du mélange est exploitée. Les amplitudes des sources pourront être supposées connues, ou bien estimées conjointement dans un modèle inspiré de la factorisation en matrices non-négatives complexe. Enfin, un modèle probabiliste de sources à phase non-uniforme est mis au point. Il permet d’exploiter les à priori provenant de la modélisation de signaux et de tenir compte d’une incertitude sur ceux-ci. Ces méthodes sont testées sur de nombreuses bases de données de signaux de musique réalistes. Leurs performances, en termes de qualité des signaux estimés et de temps de calcul, sont supérieures à celles des méthodes traditionnelles. En particulier, nous observons une diminution des interférences entre sources estimées, et une réduction des artéfacts dans les basses fréquences, ce qui confirme l’intérêt des modèles de signaux pour la reconstruction de phase. / A variety of audio signal processing techniques act on a Time-Frequency (TF) representation of the data. When the result of those algorithms is a magnitude spectrum, it is necessary to reconstruct the corresponding phase field in order to resynthesize time-domain signals. For instance, in the source separation framework the spectrograms of the individual sources are estimated from the mixture ; the widely used Wiener filtering technique then provides satisfactory results, but its performance decreases when the sources overlap in the TF domain. This thesis addresses the problem of phase reconstruction in the TF domain for audio source separation. From a preliminary study we highlight the need for novel phase recovery methods. We therefore introduce new phase reconstruction techniques that are based on music signal modeling : our approach consists inexploiting phase information that originates from signal models such as mixtures of sinusoids. Taking those constraints into account enables us to preserve desirable properties such as temporal continuity or transient precision. We integrate these into several mixture models where the mixture phase is exploited ; the magnitudes of the sources are either assumed to be known, or jointly estimated in a complex nonnegative matrix factorization framework. Finally we design a phase-dependent probabilistic mixture model that accounts for model-based phase priors. Those methods are tested on a variety of realistic music signals. They compare favorably or outperform traditional source separation techniques in terms of signal reconstruction quality and computational cost. In particular, we observe a decrease in interferences between the estimated sources and a reduction of artifacts in the low-frequency components, which confirms the benefit of signal model-based phase reconstruction methods.
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Time Frequency Analysis of ERP Signals / Time Frequency Analysis of ERP SignalsBartůšek, Jan January 2007 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá vylepšením algoritmu pro sdružování (clustering) ERP signálů pomocí analýzy časových a prostorových vlastností pseudo-signálů získaných za pomocí metody analýzy nezávislých komponent (Independent Component Analysis). Naším zájmem je nalezení nových vlastností, které by zlepšily stávající výsledky. Tato práce se zabývá použitím Fourierovy transformace (Fourier Transform), FIR filtru a krátkodobé Fourierovy transformace ke zkvalitnění informace pro sdružovací algoritmy. Princip a použitelnost metody jsou popsány a demonstrovány ukázkovým algoritmem. Výsledky ukázaly, že pomocí dané metody je možné získat ze vstupních dat zajímavé informace, které mohou být úspěšně použity ke zlepšení výsledků.
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Vibration-Based Health Monitoring of Multiple-Stage Gear Train and Differential Planetary Transmission Involving Teeth Damage and Backlash NonlinearitySommer, Andrew Patrick 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this thesis is to develop vibration-based fault detection strategies for on-line condition monitoring of gear transmission systems. The study divides the thesis into three sections. First of all, the local stresses created by a root fatigue crack on a pinion spur gear are analyzed using a quasi-static finite element model and non-linear contact mechanics simulation. Backlash between gear teeth which is essential to provide better lubrication on tooth surfaces and to eliminate interference is included as a defect and a necessary part of transmission design. The second section is dedicated to fixed axis power trains. Torsional vibration is shown to cause teeth separation and double-sided impacts in unloaded and lightly loaded gearing drives. The transient and steady-state dynamic loading on teeth within a two stage crank-slider mechanism arising from backlash and geometric manufacturing errors is investigated by utilizing a non-linear multi-body dynamics software model. The multi-body model drastically reduces the computation time required by finite element methods to simulate realistic operation. The gears are considered rigid with elastic contact surfaces defined by a penalty based non-linear contact formulation. The third section examines a practical differential planetary transmission which combines two inputs and one output. Planetary gears with only backlash errors are compared to those containing both backlash and tooth defects under different kinematic and loading conditions. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis shows the appearance of side band modulations and harmonics of the gear mesh frequency. A joint time-frequency analysis (JTFA) during start-up reveals the unique vibration patterns for fixed axis gear train and differential planetary gear, respectively, when the contact forces increase during acceleration.
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The Bilinear Hilbert Transform and Sub-bilinear Maximal Function Along CurvesYessica Gaitan (12469794) 28 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Multi-linear operators play an important role in analysis due to their multiple connections with and applications to other mathematical areas such as ergodic theory, elliptic regularity, and other problems in partial differential equations.</p>
<p>Within the area of multi-linear operators, powerful methods were developed originating from the problem of the almost everywhere convergence of Fourier series. Indeed, in their work, Carleson and Fefferman lay the foundation of time-frequency analysis. By further refining their methods, M. Lacey and C. Thiele proved the boundedness of the classical bilinear Hilbert transform for a suitable range of Hölder indices.</p>
<p>In this thesis, we consider the general boundedness properties of the bilinear Hilbert transform and the sub-bilinear maximal function along a suitable family of curves.</p>
<p>In the first part of our work, we present a short proof of the maximal boundedness range for the sub-bilinear maximal function along non-flat curves, giving a unified treatment of both the singular and the maximal operators.</p>
<p>In the second part, we discuss the boundedness of these operators along hybrid curves. This work aims to present a unified perspective that treats the case obtained by joining the zero-curvature features of the operators along flat curves with the non-zero curvature features along non-flat curves.</p>
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Vibroacoustic Analysis of an OLTC Diverter Switch for Condition Monitoring : Time frequency analysis with Fourier and wavelet transform in combination with multivariate logistic regression for condition monitoring of OLTC diverter switchPersson, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Vibrations are everywhere around us all the time and we often recognise them as sounds that we can hear and analyse with our brain. In this thesis, data that has been gathered from a diverter switch (DS) in a controlled environment, is analysed. This data consists of vibroacoustic measurements and information to indicate what is happening inside the DS as the vibroacoustic data is gathered. The frequency properties of vibroacoustic data from the DS gathered before this thesis are displayed using a wavelet transformation model. This means the frequency properties of the signal can be approximated for all times in the operation with a certain accuracy. As the DS is built from many different components, the frequency properties of these components are compared to the time-frequency picture of the full DS operation. This sort of comparison ends up not being feasible as the complexity of the DS frequency pattern is much more than that of a sum of its component’s frequency pattern. A second approach of analysing the gathered vibroacoustic data is by using a classification model. The information about what is happening inside of the DS is used to train a logistic regression model on different defined regions of the vibroacoustic data. Before the training is preformed though, the different defined regions are transformed into frequency space with help of the fast Fourier transform. With this, a classification model is produced, where vibroacoustic data of any time region can be fed into the model and the model will classify which defined region this vibroacoustic data belongs to. The results are promising, and the model can be used both for classification of the defined regions and potentially used to determine if the vibroacoustic properties of the DS has changed due to wear of the mechanical components or transformer oil.
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