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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maurice Ravel Piano Work "Le Tombeau de Couperin"

Hong, Yu-Mei 17 January 2005 (has links)
Abstract Ravel was an important composer between the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, and played an influential role in the history of piano music. His innovative composing style and techniques were not only reflected his distinctive personal traits but also intimately related to the contemporary art of his time. Ravel¡¦s piano work, ¡©Le Tombeau de Couperin¡ª, which was written between 1914 and 1917, includes six pieces:¡©Prelude¡ª,¡©Fuge¡ª,¡©Forlane¡ª,¡©Rigaudon¡ª,¡©Menuet¡ªand¡©Toccata¡ª. The thesis is divided into five sections. The first section presents Ravel¡¦s life and career. The second section is about Ravel¡¦s compositional styles. The third section is about the compositional background of ¡©Le Tombeau de Couperin¡ªand neoclassical qualities. The fourth section is to explore the musical structures of ¡©Le Tombeau de Couperin,¡ªespecially in the formal structure, harmony and melody. The fifth section is the analysis of ¡©Le Tombeau de Couperin¡ªwhich emphasizes the author¡¦s performing practices and interpretations. When playing this composition, besides the quality of timbre, articulation, dynamics, and speed of playing, the player should express more in interpretation in music by understanding its compositional background and compositional method.

Le silence des femmes en Mc 16,8 : une analyse rédactionnelle

Koublanou, André Rémy January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Intertext, dialogue, and temporality in Maurice Ravel’s Le tombeau de Couperin, La valse, and Valses nobles et sentimentales

Curry, Nicholas Allan 10 October 2014 (has links)
Anachronistic appropriation of earlier music or musical styles creates an inherent conflict of temporalities. Ravel's compositions based on historical dance forms present a particularly rich medium for investigating these kinds of historical tensions. Whether the minuet in Minuet antique (1895), the waltz in La valse (1919-20) and Valses nobles et sentimentales (1911), or the forlane or rigaudon in their respective movements of Le tombeau de Couperin (1914-17), these forms bring with them associations regarding historical place, and ties between musical norms and expression of temporality. The temporalities expressed in these works are not straightforward linear dramas but rather tension-laden and multifaceted. This paper selects three of these works -- Valses nobles et sentimentales, the forlane from Le tombeau de Couperin, and La valse -- to show how a complex sense of time is expressed by Ravel in different ways. While these three pieces differ greatly in execution, they are similar in impulse: each of the three takes different approaches to intertextual and intratextual problematicization of temporality. In analyzing these three works, the first framework is one of intertextuality -- to what extent does the work connect itself to a specific work, composer, and style, and what structural and aesthetic expectations are brought into play via these connections. Each of the three works treats this question in differing ways -- the "Forlane" of Le tombeau de Couperin explicitly appropriates the music of Couperin, La valse interacts not as much with a specific work or even composer but with the genre of the waltz as a whole, and Valses nobles et sentimentales creates an intentional rift between the waltzes of Ravel and those of Schubert. But while differing in the degree of influence or quotation, each of these draws in expressive and structural prototypes and creates tensions of temporality that are worked through in the context of each piece -- dialects between past and present, conflicts in both structure and meaning. Through entering into dialogical relationships with the works, forms, and genres of the past, these three works gain potentials for expression. / text

J.S. Bachs Chaconne : Teknik, Analys och Interpretation

Rydsäter Kaufman, André January 2020 (has links)
J.S. Bachs Chaconne är den sista satsen från Partita nr. 2 i d-moll för Soloviolin och är med sina 257 takter längre än svitens alla andra satser tillsammans. Den är idag betraktad som ett av de mest tekniskt och musikaliskt utmanande stycken som någonsin har skrivits för violin, och innehåller samtliga för tiden kända aspekter av violinteknik. Föreliggande studie behandlar först en musikteoretisk analys av Chaconne, följt av en kartläggning av styckets underliggande koraler och avslutningsvis en undersökning av anknytningen till Bachs hustru Maria Barbara Bachs plötsliga frånfälle. Studiens resultat påvisar att det inte bara förekommer totalt elva av Bachs egna koraler inkorporerade i stycket, utan även en numerologisk och musikvetenskaplig anknytning till M.B. Bach. Dessa upptäckter åskådliggör att närmare analys berikar framförarens interpretation av Chaconne i synnerhet, och övrig musik i allmänhet.

Ravel för fagott : en transkription av Le Tombeau de Couperin

Larsson, Arvid January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Detta är en beskrivning av hur man kan transkribera musik och på så vis åstadkomma intressanta nya stämmor. Som exempel har jag arrangerat tre satser ur Maurice Ravels verk Le Tombeau de Couperin för fagottkvartett. / <p>Arkiverad ljudfil finns:</p><p>Ravel: Le Tombeau de Couperin - Il Menuet.</p><p></p>

Les tombeaux et les épitaphes de Ghazni (Afghanistan) entre le XVe et le XVIIIe siècle / Tombs and epitaphs from Ghazni (Afghanistan, 15th-18th centuries)

Massullo, Martina 30 October 2017 (has links)
Les fouilles archéologiques et les prospections conduites à Ghazni ont permis de collecter une grande quantité de documents épigraphiques. Parmi ceux-ci, un corpus inédit d’inscriptions funéraires en langue arabe, gravées sur des tombeaux en marbre, fait l’objet de cette étude qui se base sur un fonds photographique unique, gardé dans les archives de la Mission Archéologique italienne en Afghanistan (1957-1978). Ces tombeaux, datés entre le VIIIe/XVe et le XIIe/XVIIIe siècle, témoignent d’une nouvelle phase d’activité de la ville après la période d’abandon dans laquelle elle fut plongée au VIIe/XIIIe siècle, suite à l’invasion des hordes mongoles. À cette époque, Ghazni perd à jamais son rôle politique et culturel mais la ville continue à jouir d’une réputation de sacralité assurée par la présence de mausolées et de tombeaux vénérables des souverains ghaznévides et des personnages renommés de l’époque qui y furent enterrés. Leurs tombeaux devinrent bientôt des lieux de dévotion populaire et de pèlerinage inscrits dans un circuit dévotionnel d’importance locale. Le prestige historique et religieux de ces monuments est resté intact et s’est renouvelé au fil du temps, les cimetières de la ville ont grandi et se sont multipliés jusqu’à dessiner une nouvelle topographie urbaine. Ces tombeaux et leurs épitaphes permettent de retracer un profil tout-à-fait nouveau de la ville et de ses habitants entre la fin du moyen-âge et l’époque pré-moderne. Il s’agit de monuments authentiques en termes de forme et conception, résultat d’une production qui n’est pas associée à une dynastie ou à une époque particulière, mais qui est fortement enracinée dans la culture locale de la ville / Archaeological investigations and surveys in Ghazni - the ancient capital of the Ghaznavids (late 10th-12th c.) - delivered a large amount of epigraphic documents. Among these, an unpublished corpus of funerary inscriptions engraved on marble tombs is the object of this study, mostly based on the photographic archives of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Afghanistan (1957-1978).These lavishly decorated tombs, dating from the 15th century onwards, bear epitaphs carved in cursive script, which display a combined use of Arabic and Persian. They attest of a new phase of activity of the city and shed new light on Ghazni history, after the long period of dump and destruction it suffered in the aftermath of the Mongol invasion (early 13th century), when the city lost its ancient political and cultural hegemony. Nevertheless, Ghazni witnessed a new renaissance as a religious and pilgrimage centre as the high number of mausoleums, holy shrines and tombs prove. These monuments mostly belong to local prominent personalities and often preserved the echo of their prestige for centuries, attracting later burials and becoming part of a local holy itinerary. Extensive cemeteries and burial sites grew up all around the city, redefining the local sacred topography.The tombs and their epitaphs draw a new sketch of the city and its inhabitants between the late Middle Ages and pre-modern times. They maintained a refined level of craftsmanship along the centuries, showing an outstanding artistic longevity and originality which is the result of a production not associated to a particular dynasty or epoch but deeply rooted in Ghazni local culture

L'espace, le monument et l'image du mort au Moyen Âge : une enquête anthropologique sur les tombeaux médiévaux de la Collection Gaignières / The space, monument and image of the dead in the middle ages : an anthropological study of the medieval tombs from the Gaignieres Collection

Marcoux, Robert 26 April 2013 (has links)
Comme toute civilisation, l'Occident médiéval confère au tombeau un sens particulier. Basée sur les dessins de la collection Gaignières, l'étude sérielle de plus de 1500 monuments funéraires permet d'explorer la construction et les usages de cette image-objet entre le XIIe et le XVe siècle. En combinant les méthodes quantitative et qualitative, l'analyse fait ressortir de ce corpus hétérogène des structures et des dynamiques qui opposent deux approches monumentales du tombeau : une approche verticale qui implique l'usage de structures en élévation et de la statuaire, et une approche horizontale qui concerne spécifiquement les dalles funéraires. Cette bipolarisation est socialement déterminée. Les tombeaux verticaux sont privilégiés par la haute hiérarchie ecclésiastique et laïque et les tombeaux horizontaux par le reste des clercs et des aristocrates, ainsi que par les bourgeois. En plus de refléter et de reproduire la hiérarchie sociale, une telle répartition des tombeaux renvoie à deux types de constructions mémorielles. En s'imposant physiquement dans l'espace ecclésial et en refoulant les références à la mort, les tombeaux verticaux participent surtout à une commémoration rétrospective du défunt dont les finalités sont temporelles (identité et légitimation sociale). En entretenant avec le lieu de la tombe un rapport direct et évocateur, les tombeaux horizontaux répondent davantage aux besoins d'une commémoration prospective, orientée vers le salut de l'âme. Ces tendances commémoratives ne s'excluent pas mutuellement mais constituent, en définitive, les deux pôles entre lesquels se développe la variété formelle et iconographique des tombeaux. / As with all civilizations, the Medieval West gave a specific meaning to the funeral monument. Based on drawings from the Gaignières Collection, the serial study of over 1500 tombs helps to explore the construction and uses of this particular « image-object » between the 12th and 15th century. By combining quantitative and qualitative methods which help reveal the structures and dynamics of the documents, the analysis identifies two ways of approaching the tomb as monument : a vertical approach characterized by the use of elevated structures and statues, and a horizontal approach entirely associated with funeral slabs. The bipolarization is socially determined. Vertical tombs are favored by the upper echelons of the religious and lay hierarchies, while horizontal tombs are used by the remaining clerics and aristocrats as well as by the burghers. In addition to reflecting and reproducing the social hierarchy, these tendencies express two types of memorial constructions. By physically imposing themselves in church space et by avoiding direct references to death, vertical monuments mostly answer to a retrospective commemoration by which the glorified memory of the deceased serves temporal ends (i.e. social identity and legitimacy). By maintaining a close and suggestive relation with the site and content of the tomb, horizontal monuments favor a prospective commemoration orientated towards the soul's salvation. Far from being mutually exclusive, these two types of commemoration rather constitute the poles between which the Medieval tomb expresses its formal and iconographic diversity.

A Study of Ravel's Tombeau de Couperin

Henderson, Ruth 07 1900 (has links)
Ravel' s "Tombeau de Couperin," a suite for piano, was published in 1918 by Durand. Its first performance was in the Salle Gaveau in Paris in April, 1919. Shortly afterwards Ravel scored four of the six movements of the piano suite for small orchestra, composed of flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, and horns in pairs, English horn, trumpet, harp, and strings, The new version was introduced in America in 1920. The four orchestrated movements, Prelude, Forlane, Menuet, and Rigaudon, have no programmatic content and the titles identify the forms used. "Le Tombeau de Couperin" is a souvenir of World War I. Each movement is dedicated to the memory of a French soldier fallen in battle. The "Tombeau" form dates from the seventeenth century and is a musical "homage" to Francois Couperin, clavecinist of Louis XIV, and one of the great names of French music. "The separate movements, cast in eighteenth century dance forms often used by Qouperin have been described as "tonal wreaths," not too somber nor too profuse, laid with tenderness on an unforgotten tomb." This piece represents Ravel's extreme effort to express himself in the simplest possible manner. The music is subtly archaic; form, line and texture artfully suggest eighteenth century, but the harmony suggests twentieth century. "A transparent serenity full of color and feeling pervades this piece of classic purity written in tribute to Ravel's fallen comrades." A study of the piano suite has been made. The pieces are charmingly and precisely orchestrated. They have been used for a ballet which will not be dealt with.

Tracing Messiaen in Naji Hakim's Le Tombeau d'Olivier Messiaen

Lee, Hye-Young 12 1900 (has links)
Olivier Messiaen and Naji Hakim are both representative composers of the twentieth century. For the performer this "modern" music is difficult to analyze because of the increased complexities of its harmonic language. Therefore the purpose of this study is to demonstrate a way to approach Naji Hakim's Le Tombeau d'Olivier Messiaen through Messiaen's own musical language. This study examines how Hakim has borrowed Messiaen's theory and used it in his own piece. Chapter I outlines the purpose and motive of this study. Chapter II briefly outlines the piece, introduces the meaning of Tombeau in music history, and presents Messiaen's modes of limited transposition, one of the main sources used in the composition of Le Tombeau d'Olivier Messiaen. Chapter III details Messiaen's influence in Hakim's piece. This influence consists of four elements: melody, mode, harmony, and extra-musical ideas. This chapter is the primary portion of the document. After examining the influence of Messiaen, a conclusion of this study is offered in Chapter IV. Four appendixes are attached to this document: an interview with Naji Hakim about Le Tombeau d'Olivier Messiaen; the modes of limited transposition in Le Tombeau d'Olivier Messiaen; a biographical sketch of Naji Hakim; and program notes from Le Tombeau d'Olivier Messiaen.

Analysis of Michael Daugherty’s “Le Tombeau de Liberace”

Domer, Adam D. 09 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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