Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oor"" "subject:"boro""
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Production, characterisation and economic validation of fuel pellets from Cassia Tora (Tafas in hausa language) for domestic and industrial applicationsAikawa, Ibrahim Usman January 2016 (has links)
A laboratory scale method was used to produce pellets from cassia tora stems with pelletizing temperature conditions of 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105 and 120oC under a pressure of 50, 70, 90,120 and 140 MPa. A total of 30 pellets were produced under each condition of production. The physical and chemical properties of the pellets were investigated. The pellets produced under 75oC and 90 MPa were found to have durability 90 %. A Bulk density range of 617 to 619 kgm-3 was measured for all the produced pellets irrespective of production conditions. The pellets produced in the range of 50 MPa/30oC-140 MPa/120oC were found to have a moisture content ranging between 7.18- 9.6 %. Ash content of 4.2 % was achieved using both Thermogravimetry (TGA) and CEN/TC 335 standard. The gross calorific value of the pellet was determined to be in the range of 17.89-18.1 MJ/kg. TGA results also indicates low moisture and ash content and the process of pyrolysis occurred at 137-550oC at 10oC/min heating rate. The activation energies and reactivities determined from TG/DTG curve are 72.01, 106.81 and 88.67 kJ/mol and 1.76 E+19, 5.1 E+06 and 3.92 E+05 for step I, II and III respectively. A water boiling experiment was carried out to evaluate the cooking efficiency of the pellets compared to fuel wood, kerosene and liquefied natural gas (LPG). The energy intensities and energy cost of 1.2, 0.78, 0.56 and 1.36 kJ/g of water and 0.2, 0.7, 0.4 and 0.2 Nigerian Naira (N) were calculated for fuel wood, kerosene, LPG and the pellets respectively. vii An economic analysis of fuel pellet production from Cassia tora stems has been carried out for conditions found in Kano state, Nigeria. The total production cost, for a base case scenario of 5t/h and operating for 270 days a year, is £4/tonne (1094.5 Naira/ton) of pellets. A ‘Willingness to pay’ analysis was also performed using the Contingent Valuation Technique. A structured contingent valuation questionnaire was administered to 420 randomly selected households in the Kano metropolis and Chi-square analysis was conducted on the data collected. The results of the analysis, at a 5 percent (0.05) confidence level, showed that p-values were less than 0.05 (0.05>p) for all the responded variables. It is confirmed, from the analysis, that an inadequate supply of energy is a statistically significant problem in Kano state and households significantly use fuel wood for domestic energy applications. The results also indicated the willingness of households to switch to a new product and were willing to pay a mean amount of £5 (1361.5 Naira) for a ton of the fuel pellets. Properties of the cassia tora pellets were found to be comparable with other biomass fuel pellets. It is recommended that policy and investment should be geared towards fuel pellet production in Nigeria, to address problems of energy poverty and environmental deterioration, and provide a means for further economic development.
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Směrovací protokoly v sítích s volnou topologií / Routing protocols in scale-free topology networksMahdal, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This master's thesis (further only MT) deal with problems of scale-free topology networks with a view to technology MANET (Mobile Ad hoc network) or more precisely Motorola MESH. Further studies routing technique and quality of services (QoS) in these networks. Theoretic part of MT in introduction shortly characterizes properties and kind of Ad hoc networks, next part is dedicated to technology Motorola MESH and shows practical usage of this technology. Analysis of problems quality of services and optimalization QoS in MANET is content third parts of MT. Fourth part specifies division of routing protocols, analysis of routing in MANET and characteristics routing protocols OLSR, AODV, DSR and TORA. In practical fifth part of MT are in introduction simulated simple MANET and mesh networks and further is created model of MANET network, into the model are implemented accessible routing protocols in simulation program OPNET Modeler and on the basis of simulation these protocols or more precisely output statisticians of simulation are protocols compared from several aspects and suitability for transmission of multimedia data (voice, video).
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Community Decision Making Aids for Improved Pasture Resources in the Madiama Commune of MaliEl Hadj, Meriem 08 December 2004 (has links)
The lack of forage resources in the Sahelian region of Mali is a major constraint to food production and food sufficiency. Madiama commune is located in northern Mali, in the Niger Delta region. Three separate experiments were conducted to investigate ways to improve pasture resources and productivity. The first experiment (2003) was designed to investigate the influence of sheep grazing tethered at two different residual heights on botanical composition, forage biomass and animal performance. Young sheep weighing approximately 18-24 kg were tethered for a certain period of time depending on residual canopy height. Two treatments 3 or 6 cm residual height were each replicated 4 times. Animals were rotated based on canopy height and each tethered animal followed an 8 paddock rotation. Measurements included forage biomass, plant diversity, animal performance, and botanical composition. The forage species found on these pastures were primarily Schoenfeldia gracilis, Panicum laetum, Setaria palludefusca, Eragrostis turgida, Eragrostis tremula, Zornia glauchidiata, Tephrosia pedicellata, and Cynodon spp. Accumulated seasonal forage biomass increased while forage quality declined as the growing season progressed. Treatment had only a slight effect on animal weight gains (1 to 3kg season-1). These results suggest that residual height may not affect livestock gain. The second experiment was designed to investigate the potential of Cassia tora (C. tora) which is an invasive weed in the region as a supplemental feed for livestock. Cassia tora was harvested within the Madiama commune and ensiled with or without additives (water and or honey/sugar) for 60 or 90 days. Harvest occurred at the vegetative stage in year 1 and mature growth stage in year 2. Prior to placing the chopped material in the bags for ensiling, sub-samples of fresh C. tora were obtained for dry matter (DM) and chemical analysis (NDF, ADF, CP, IVDMD and TDN). In year 1, the ensiled material/fresh material across treatments and locations had NDF varying from 48 to 56 %/ 56 to 57%, ADF from 34 to 41 %/40 to 42%, CP from 9 to 10 %/9 to 23%, and IVDMD from 53 to 64 %/52 to 54%. In year 2, CP averaged twice as much as year 1 with significantly less fiber probably due to the fact that harvest occurred at the vegetative stage. Addition of water or sugar/honey improved the nutritive values of the ensiled material. These results suggest that C. tora can be a reliable feed source during the dry season. A greenhouse experiment was conducted using various P sources (Tilemsi phosphate rock (TPR), North Carolina phosphate rock (NCPR), Aluminum phosphate (AlP), Iron phosphate (FeP), and Triple superphosphate (TSP) and rates (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 mg P kg-1 soil). Plants were grown for 10 wks, harvested and separated into above and below ground plant parts. The root and plant material were dried, ground and analyzed for elemental P. The result showed variable P solubility and uptake by the plant. Overall, addition of P resulted in an increase in above ground biomass as well as root mass compared with the untreated control. Field and greenhouse experiments showed that in the Sahel region of Africa where feed resources are scarce 8 out of 12 months a year, anything we can do to increase pasture resources and animal productivity while maintaining a healthy ecosystem, could improve the quality of life in the community. / Ph. D.
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Bristande självhävdelse och självständighet : En studie av neurosbegreppet hos Tora SandströmSevelius, Inna January 2010 (has links)
Inna Sevelius: Bristande självhävdelse och självständighet: En studie av neurosbegreppet hos Tora Sandström. Uppsala universitet: Inst. för idé- och lärdomshistoria, magisteruppsats, vårtermin, 2010. Uppsatsens syfte är att bidra till historiseringen av neurosbegreppet genom en analys av begreppet hos en kvinnlig pionjär inom psykoanalysen i Sverige. Studien inbegriper en diskussion av Sandströms neurosbegrepp i relation till annan samtida psykoanalytisk teori och andra samtida tankeströmningar samt en analys av begreppets konsekvenser för Sandströms syn på barnuppfostran och på den terapeutiska praktiken. Enligt Sandström uppstår neuroser pga bristande självhävdelse under uppväxten. Hon betonar särskilt aggressionshämningens betydelse. En bristande självhävdelse leder enligt Sandström till osjälvständighet, men min analys visar på en könsskillnad i detta avseende. I linje med samtidens essentialistiska och komplementära syn på kön beskriver Sandström författaren Ernst Ahlgrens strävan efter självständighet som neurotisk. I senare skrifter antyds däremot könsskillnader baserade på uppfostran. Sandströms neurosbegrepp är vidare förankrat i biologin. Hon diskuterar såväl människans medfödda förutsättningar för psykisk utveckling med koppling till samtida evolutionsteori som neurosens kroppsliga symtom och visar här ett tidstypiskt intresse för psykosomatik. I sin syn på barnuppfostran ligger hon i linje med den samtida s.k. frihetspedagogiken. Sandström invänder mot Freud i flera avseenden, men framför allt när det gäller hans fokus på sexual-hämning som den väsentliga orsaken till neurotiska besvär. Min analys visar – till skillnad från tidigare forskning – att hennes relation till Alfred Adler är ambivalent. Förmodade influenser från Wilhelm Reich samt den norske psykoanalytikern Harald Schjelderup hör också till sådant som inte uppmärksammats av tidigare forskning.
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Mobile Ad hoc network routing protocols have been divided in several different categories such as Reactive and Proactive Routing Protocol. The performances of these categories are evaluated in different scenario with TCP variants. We present a comprehensive TCP performance evaluation study to understand the nature of the TCP performance in different scenarios with variable amount of payload and number of nodes. The traffic consists of three different packet sizes i.e. 512, 1000, 1500 bytes each. Three different routing protocols (AODV, DSR and TORA) are to be evaluated with three different TCP variants (Tahoe, Reno and New Reno) in three different scenarios having 3, 5 and 8 nodes. The performances parameters on the basis of which routing protocols are to be graded are mainly throughput, congestion window and delay. Conclusions are drawn based on the simulation results and the comparisons between them have been elaborated. / N.W.F.P PAKISTAN. Mobile no: 0092-3339173438
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[pt] A pesquisa envolve a crítica textual do livro do Gênesis
transcrito em IX
rolos de pergaminhos pertencentes ao acervo do Museu
Nacional, no Rio de
Janeiro, conhecidos como Pergaminhos Ivriim. Seu texto
encontra-se como
fragmentos de livros e livros completos da Torá, compilado
em Hebraico
consonântico quadrático, tendo sido comprados por D. Pedro
II, Regente do
Segundo Reinado Brasileiro, em sua primeira viagem à
Europa, entre 1871 a
1872. A análise envolve a elucidação, segundo os
princípios formulados por
eruditos do Antigo Testamento, das características
massoréticas, divisões e erros
de transcrição presentes nos rolos I, II e III referente
ao texto do Gênesis. Além
disso, algumas questões foram especialmente apontadas,
tais como, o critério
utilizado para validar as variantes textuais, as razões
para apontar a possível
família textual e o período de sua transcrição. As
conclusões puderam ser obtidas
a partir da confrontação textual entre o livro do Gênesis
na Torá do Museu
Nacional com as transcrições de diferentes períodos do
texto Hebraico:
massorético primitivo, medieval tardio e contemporâneo.
Estes foram
relacionados entre si sob três diferentes níveis: o
primeiro abrangendo a colação
das variantes textuais, o segundo envolvendo a análise, e
o terceiro enfocando a
possível família textual da Torá do Museu Nacional. / [en] The investigation is concerned to the textual criticism at
Genesis book,
transcript across the IX scroll rolls from the Museu
Nacional collection, in Rio de
Janeiro, named Pergaminhos Ivriim. These ones are a square
consonantal Hebrew
writing, as fragments and complete books, which have been
brought by D. Pedro
II, Regent of the Second Brazilian Kingdom, along his
first travel to Europe, in
1871 and 1872. The analysis is related to the
investigation about of massoretic
features, divisions and scribal errors through the rolls
I, II and III, concerned to
the fragments of Genesis book, evaluated under rules
formulated from the
principles of Old Testament scholars. So that, some
questions were posed, as the
criteria used to find out the textual variants, the
reasons to appoint the textual
family and the period of its transcription. The
conclusions were obtained by
textual confrontation between the Genesis writing
fragments according diferents
periods of Hebrew text: ancient massoretic, late medieval
and contemporary.
These ones were closely connected each other under three
stages of investigation:
The first step related to the collation. The second step
concerned to the analysis of
the readings. The third step affected the textual family.
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Ženy v tradičním judaismu se zaměřením na tradice a zvyky Židovské obce v Praze od První republiky až po současnost / Women in traditional Judaism focusing on tradition and customs of the Jewish community in Prague from the First republic to the presentPříplatová, Silvie January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis outlines the view of women's life in traditional Judaism on the territory of the capital city of Prague. The work is not only focused on Jewish history from the First Republic to the present, the development of the social coexistence of Czechs and Jews over the last two centuries, but also on the preserved traditions and contemporary practices of Jewish women. The aim of my work is to clarify the traditions and customs that have been observed and changed in Prague and have evolved over time, under the influence of the surrounding world or migration. All this, with the emphasis on the fact that even though the life of pious Jewish women is full of statutes and provisions, these women are still given great respect, family, religion, culture, or society. Many years of thought and attitudes have persisted in the Jewish population in the form of dogmatism. On the part of the Czech population, motivated religious, social and even superstitious prejudices persisted. An unobtrusive observer may seem from the outside view that the lives of women in traditional Judaism or the practices of women in Prague since the First Republic are stable and unchanging. These ceremonies and practices have passed in the past with some developments that have culminated in the territory of Prague in the...
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Impact of Node Mobility on the Voice Quality in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) / Effekter av Nod Rörlighet på Röst Kvalitet i Mobila Ad hoc-nätverk (MANET)Mondal, Sharup Barua & Ratan Chandra January 2011 (has links)
Enormous developing electronic technology has brought telecommunication to the sky inspiring popularity. Wireless Network (WN) technology will be emerging so far human. Presently users give the impression loving be connected all the time (everywhere) to the network or Internet through diverse access system, e.g., Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) [9] and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access [30]. In telecommunication; MANET is considered as self-configured unlike nodes creating infrastructure-less network connected by means of WN, as nodes can exchange data packets without a central control [18]. Choosing beyond line of sight (BLOS) communication, MANET can be an intelligent selection, which is flexible for using and cost saving. However, to maintain quality of service (QoS), more or less challenges still have to be resolved [18]. Multimedia as well as VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) gaining more popularity as the internet world favored by the huge use of WN (access technologies) [20]. To maintain persistent services in different MANET situation unlike routing protocols (RP) are employed. In this thesis known (MANET) routing protocols OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) [20], DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) [30] and TORA (Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm) [14] have been considered for voice traffic as they maintaining dissimilar characteristics in the dissimilar situations as WN factors (like; bandwidth, signal strength, network traffic or load, network size) influencing the voice quality [9]. This thesis work focusing on the impact of node mobility influencing voice quality in unlike RPs in MANET. To decide the best suit RP in the MANET, the OPNET (Optimized Network Engineering Tool) Simulator 16.0 has been brought into play. OLSR is proposed to be best fitting RP for MANETs running VoIP appliance. / Enorma utveckla elektroniska tekniken har fört telekommunikation till himlen inspirerande popularitet. Trådlöst nätverk (WN) teknik kommer att utvecklas så långt mänsklig. För närvarande användare ger intryck kärleksfulla vara ansluten hela tiden (överallt) till nätverket eller Internet via olika system för tillträde, till exempel, Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, Mobil Ad-hoc-nätverk (Manet) [9] och Worldwide Interoperability för Microwave Access-[30 ]. I telekommunikation, är Manet betraktas som själv-konfigurerade skillnad noder skapa infrastruktur mindre nätverk som är anslutet via WN, som noder kan utbyta datapaket utan central styrning [18]. Välja bortom synfältet (Blos) kommunikation, kan Manet vara ett intelligent val, som är flexibel för att använda och kostnadsbesparande. Men för att upprätthålla service (QoS), mer eller mindre problem återstår att lösas [18]. Multimedia samt VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) allt mer populärt eftersom internet världen gynnas av den enorma användningen av WN (accesstekniker) [20]. För att behålla ihållande tjänster i olika Manet situationen skillnad routing protokoll (RP) är anställda. I denna kända avhandling (Manet) routingprotokoll OLSR (Optimerad Routing Link State) [20], DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) [30] och Tora (Tidsmässigt ordnad routing algoritm) har [14] ansetts för taltrafik som de upprätthålla olika egenskaper i olika situationer som WN faktorer (som, bandbredd, signalstyrka, nätverkstrafik eller last, nätverkets storlek) Att påverka ljudkvaliteten [9]. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på effekterna av nod rörlighet påverka röstkvalitet i motsats till RPS i Manet. För att avgöra det bäst passar RP i Manet, den OPNET (Optimerad Network Engineering Tool) Simulator 16,0 har kommit in i bilden. OLSR föreslås bli bäst passar RP för MANETs köra VoIP-apparaten. / Bergvägen 18 5tr 196 31 Kungsängen Sweden Mob: 0046(0)737106987
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Konstruktion eines bakteriellen Systems zum Export von Coenzym B<sub>12</sub> / Construction of a bacterial export system for coenzyme B<SUB>12</sub>Toeche-Mittler, Caroline 31 October 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Själsfränder : Om Tora Vega Holmström och Adolf Hölzel / Soul Mates : About Tora Vega Holmström and Adolf HölzelSchuff, Karin January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the artists Tora Vega Holmström and Adolf Hölzel. Hölzel taught students in painting in the Dachau art colony, where TVH attended his classes in 1903. A thorough investigation of her notes provides us with novel information concerning his teaching and his theoretical outlook on art.
Their correspondence extended 30 years past her stay in Dachau and over the years their relationship evolved into a cordial friendship between two likeminded colleagues. Tora Vega Holmström often came to visit Adolf Hölzel in Stuttgart, where he had come to teach at the art academy. She became a member of the group of avant-garde artists known as the Hölzel circle („Hölzel-Kreis“).
On a visit to Sweden in 1911, Adolf Hölzel came into contact with the Swedish progressive educational movement at the community college ”Hvilan” in Scania, which was led by Tora Vega Holmströms father. We establish that through Hölzel, there was an indirect influence from this institution on the methods of teaching employed in the early Bauhaus in Weimar. Throughout the 1920s, Tora Vega Holmström spent time in France and became a intermediary between the cubists in Paris and the Hölzel circle in Stuttgart. Through a brief analysis of some of her works we show how firmly her style of painting is grounded in Hölzel’s formalism and his theories of colour.
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