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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le Torrent d'Anne Hébert, ou, Le mythe devenu roman / / Mythe devenu roman

Doray, Michèle January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

A la source du "Torrent" d’Anne Hébert

Ceschi, Geneviève January 1978 (has links)
Le recit de la destruction d'un fils par sa mere et de la revolte de ce fils, revolte qui culmine par le matricide, constitue la trame de la premiere partie du "Torrent" d'Anne Hebert. Le propos de la deuxieme partie est consacre a 1'exploration de 1'alienation qui succede a cette tentative de liberation. La prise de conscience de la difficulte d'8tre, de vivre et de s'exprimer au Quebec des annees '40 sous-tend la nouvelle au niveau de la realite socio-culturelle qu'elle exprime. Au niveau de la realite psychique du heros, les themes, les images et les personnages sont su-bordonnessa 1'expression symbolique de 1'exploration de 1'inconscient. Au niveau de la motivation profonde de l'oeuvre, il y a 1'exploration du mystere de la creation artistique et 1'affirmation du triomphe de la parole en depit d'un inconscient empoisonne par la culpabilite. Enfin, a un niveau plus primitif, "Le Torrent" aborde la question de la procreation et de l'origine biologique de l'gtre humain. Ce besoin d'exprimer l'indicible complexite de la vie a donne nais-sance a la creation d'une ecriture qui se caracterise par une exploitation fort poussee du champ semantique des mots et des noms propres, par le pa-rallelisme et l'amalgame de plusieurs genres litteraires a l'interieur du cadre de la nouvelle. La juxtaposition de differentes approches de lectures permet de decoder les sens multiples qui sous-tendent la chalne eve-nementielle du "Torrent". Une premiere lecture, axee sur le drame d'une conscience alienee, fait ressortir la revolte d'Anne Hgbert contre 1'oppression morale qui regnait a l'epoque au Quebec. Cette revolte, amorcee par 1'impact des idees nouvelles amenees au Quebec par la guerre, fut precipitee par le choco: de la mort du representant le plus tragique de sa generation, le poete Saint-Denys Garneau. L'association^ la qu§te du Graal evoquee par le nom de Perceval--le cheval par le biais duquel le heros du "Torrent" espere se liberer--inspire une lecture orienteeksur l'aventure spirituelle et la quete exis-tentielle du heros. Le recours a la source medievale semble constituer une double tentative de sublimation: celle de l'aventure spirituelle de Saint-Denys Garneau et celle de la vocation d'ecrivain d'Anne Hebert. Cette vocation, en assurant la releve de son predecesseur, s'est vouee a la denonciation de tout ce qui emp§che 1'epanouissement de la personnai lite. Au coeur de l'oeuvre, il y a, en effet, d'une part, 1'exploration douloureuse d'une personnalite peu a peu detruite par la culpabilite et, d'autre part, 1'affirmation du triomphe de la parole-temoignage. Dans ce contexte, des elements de conte fantastique temoignent d'une imagination nourrie par les Ecritures et deformee par la peur du peche. Des elements d'auto-analyse revelent les sympt6mes cliniques d'une alienation qui de-bouche sur le suicide tandis que des elements de roman policier ont pour fonction de souligner le caractere truque d'une investigation qui se heur te aux resistances psychiques de son instigateur. Enfin, l'allegorie du couple antithetique, heros empeche et femme troublante au regard extra-lucide, permet de dramatiser le r61e que jouent 1'inconscient et la memoi Hire involontaire dans 1'inspiration poetique en faisant ressortir la force d'auto-destruction exercee par le moi profond sur une conscience alienee. Cependant, une plongee heroSque aux sources de cette alienation, symbolisee par les eaux tourbillonnahtes du torrent, et un engagement total envers une mission de temoignage par la parole permet-tent de triompher de la mort. Enfin, "Le Torrent", dont la structure mythique est identique a celle du mythe d'Oedipe telle que degagee par Levi-Strauss, pose la question essentielle de la complementarite des sexes et de l'origine de la vie. / Arts, Faculty of / French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies, Department of / Graduate

Le Torrent d'Anne Hébert, ou, Le mythe devenu roman /

Doray, Michèle January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

Estratégia de web cache utilizando redes P2P de clientes sobre WebRTC

Paula Filho, Carlos Botelho de January 2016 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2016. / Submitted by Fernanda Percia França (fernandafranca@bce.unb.br) on 2017-03-10T17:17:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_CarlosBotelhodePaulaFilho.pdf: 3959000 bytes, checksum: cc882cfd3824c33e2ae1cd9d7dd0d0fa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Raquel Viana(raquelviana@bce.unb.br) on 2017-04-04T21:04:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_CarlosBotelhodePaulaFilho.pdf: 3959000 bytes, checksum: cc882cfd3824c33e2ae1cd9d7dd0d0fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-04T21:04:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_CarlosBotelhodePaulaFilho.pdf: 3959000 bytes, checksum: cc882cfd3824c33e2ae1cd9d7dd0d0fa (MD5) / Cache na internet e um mecanismo chave para o aumento de performance e estabilidade de sites em momentos de grande número de acessos. Entretanto a maioria das estratégias de cache não levam em conta o poder do cache localizado entre nós clien- tes. Novas tecnologias desenvolvidas para a nova versão da especificação do HTML, o HTML5 possibilitaram que nós se conectem e interajam entre si, possibilitando a troca de dados sem a instalação de plugins ou addons de navegadores. Este trabalho descreve uma estratégia de cache que cria uma rede P2P de clientes agindo como servidores de proxy cache assim que os mesmos fizerem a primeira requisição ao servidor, distribuindo os dados potencialmente entre todos os visitantes do site. Aumentando a disponibilidade do site em picos de acesso, e minimizando drasticamente os custos de infraestrutura, e como os nós irão prover conteúdo dentro das redes dos provedores de internet, a estratégia pode potencialmente aumentar a velocidade de abertura de página ou de conteúdos de mídia. Assim como uma diminuição no custo de transferência de dados nos provedores de internet. / Web caching has been a key player in increasing performance and website stability in times of heavy usage. However most caching strategies do not take into account the power of localized caching between client nodes. New technologies developed for the new version of HTML specification, HTML5 have enabled nodes to connect and interact with each other, enabling them to share data without the addition of browser plugins or add-ons. This work describes a caching strategy that creates a P2P network of clients that act as proxy cache servers as soon as they issue a request to the server, distributing the caching data potentially across all web site visitors. Increasing the web site availability in high peaks, minimizing drastically the costs of infrastructure and, since the nodes will provide content to localized clients within their ISP networks, the strategy will potentially result in a faster overall speed in page loads, or in media content loading. As well as decreasing costs for ISPs due to the minimization of data exchange outside of the ISP network.

Avaliação da influência da fonte suplementar de carbono na remoção de alquilbenzeno linear sulfonado de água de lavanderia e comunidade microbiana relacionada em reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado / Influence of supplementary carbon source in the removal of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate from laundry wastewater and related microbial community in anaerobic fluidized bed reactor

Macedo, Thaís Zaninetti 12 March 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi avaliada a degradação de alquilbenzeno linear sulfonado (LAS) de água residuária de lavanderia comercial (ARLC) em reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado (RALF) utilizando areia como material suporte, lodo oriundo de UASB empregado no tratamento de resíduos de suinocultura como inóculo e tempo de detenção hidráulica de 18 horas. O período de 330 dias de operação foi divido em quatro etapas: (a) etapa I, com adaptação da biomassa ao substrato sintético contendo etanol e sacarose (1:1 DQO); (b) etapa II, com adição de ARLC (18,2 ± 11,5mgLAS.L-1) ao substrato sintético mais etanol e sacarose (1:1 DQO); (c) etapa III, com adição de ARLC (25,4 ± 8,8 mgLAS.L-1) ao substrato sintético mais etanol e (d) etapa IV, com adição de ARLC (20,4 ± 5,8 mgLAS.L-1) ao substrato sintético, sem adição de fonte suplementar de carbono. Equilíbrio reacional ao longo das etapas de operação foi verificado em função da baixa concentração de ácidos orgânicos voláteis e sólidos suspensos voláteis efluente. Na etapa I, verificou-se 82,9 ± 13,6% de remoção de DQO para 683,9 ± 110,4 mgDQO.L-1 afluente. Para todas as etapas de operação, observou-se a manutenção dessa eficiência sempre superior a 88%. Verificou-se aumento da eficiência de remoção do surfactante de 51,7 ± 23,9% na etapa II na presença de etanol e sacarose (1:1 DQO) (872,3 ± 141,8 mgDQO.L-1 afluente), para 72,9 ± 18,8% na etapa III, somente com etanol (705,0 ± 155,8 mgDQO.L-1 afluente), e de 76,8 ± 16,9% na etapa IV, após a retirada das fontes suplementares de carbono (633,4 ± 156,88 mgDQO.L-1 afluente). A substituição de sacarose e etanol por somente etanol foi extremamente favorável para a remoção do LAS, isto porque foram identificadas alterações das populações microbianas de acordo com a modificação da fonte suplementar de carbono relacionadas, principalmente, ao nível taxonômico de família. Na etapa II, observou-se predomínio de representantes da família Comamonadaceae (abundância relativa de 47% no biofilme). Também para o biofilme das etapas III e IV, verificou-se decréscimo para menos de 4% da abundância relativa de representantes pertencentes à família Comamonadaceae. Todavia, verificou-se aumento da abundância relativa de representantes da família Rhodocyclaceae (18%, 88% e 77% no biofilme das etapas II, III e IV, respectivamente). O principal gênero da família Comamonadaceae identificado na etapa II foi Curvibacter, cujo crescimento pode estar associado a açúcares (abundância relativa de 28% no biofilme). Verificou-se decréscimo da abundância relativa deste gênero inferior a 0,9% nas etapas III e IV. Para os representantes da família Rhodocyclaceae foram identificados gêneros possivelmente relacionados à degradação do LAS: Dechloromonas, Georgfuchsia e Zoogloea (78%, 67% e 98% dos gêneros pertencentes à família Rhodocyclaceae identificados no biofilme das etapas II, III e IV, respectivamente). Por meio do sequenciamento massivo, 37 gêneros possivelmente relacionados à degradação do LAS foram identificados. Quarenta compostos xenobióticos, alguns tóxicos à biota aquática, foram detectados no efluente via cromatografia gasosa/espectrometria de massas. Verificou-se, por meio do índice de Bray-Curtis, maior similaridade entre a biomassa do biofilme e do separador de fases de uma mesma etapa do que entre amostras de biomassa de etapas de operação distintas, evidenciando que houve diferenciação das populações de acordo com a fonte de carbono empregada. Por meio do balanço de massa global, observou-se que somente 0,81% do LAS removido ficou adsorvido. / In the present study, the degradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) from laundry wastewater (LW) was investigated by using an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR) with sand as support material, inoculum coming from a UASB reactor used in the treatment of swine manure, and hydraulic retention time of 18 hours. The operation time was divided into four stages: (a) stage I composed by the adaptation of the biomass in the presence of synthetic substrate containing sucrose and ethanol (1:1 COD); (b) stage II with addition of LW (18.2 ± 11.5mgLAS.L-1) plus synthetic substrate containing sucrose and ethanol (1:1 COD); (c) stage III with LW (25.4 ± 8.8 mgLAS.L-1) plus synthetic substrate containing ethanol; (d) stage IV with addition of LW (20.4 ± 5.8 mgLAS.L-1) plus synthetic substrate without supplementary carbon source. Low concentration of volatile organic acids and volatile suspended solids were observed in the reactor effluent indicating the system exhibited good stability. The COD removal efficiency was 82.9 ± 13.6% during the biomass adaptation in stage I (683.9 ± 110.4 mg.L-1 of COD influent). That removal efficiency was high throughout the operational time, exceeding 88%. The surfactant removal efficiency increased from 51.7 ± 23.9% in stage II with the presence of ethanol and sucrose (872.3 ± 141.8 mgCOD.L-1 influent) to 72.9 ± 18.8% in stage III, with only ethanol (705.0 ± 155.8 mgCOD.L-1 influent). In the stage IV, after the withdrawal of additional carbon sources, the removal efficiency was 76.8 ± 16.9% (633.4 ± 156.88 mgCOD.L-1 influent). The replacement of sucrose and ethanol by only ethanol favored the LAS efficiency removal due to the microbial community change according to the additional carbon source modification, what was mainly detected at family level. In stage II there was a predominance of representatives of Comamonadaceae family (relative abundance of 47% in the biofilm). That relative abundance decreased to less than 4% in stages III and IV. However, there was an increase in relative abundance of representatives of the Rhodocyclaceae family (18%, 88% and 77% of the biofilm in stages II, III and IV, respectively). The main genus of Comamonadaceae family identified in stage II was Curvibacter whose growth may be associated with sugars (relative abundance of 28% in the biofilm). That relative abundance was decreased to less than 0.9% in stages III and IV. For representatives of Rhodocyclaceae family, some genera possibly related to the degradation of LAS were identified: Dechloromonas, Georgfuchsia and Zoogloea (78%, 67% and 98% of the genera of the Rhodocyclaceae family identified in the biofilm from stages II, III and IV, respectively). By means of massive sequencing, 37 genera possibly related to degradation of LAS were identified. Forty xenobiotic compounds, some of them toxic to aquatic biota, were detected in the reactor effluent through gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry. According to the Bray-Curtis similarity, the samples collected in the same operation stage showed higher similarity coefficients than those collected in the same sampling site (biofilm from support material or phase separator). That result confirms the microbial community differentiation according to the carbon source employed. Through the overall mass balance, it was found that only 0.81% of LAS added was removed by adsorption.

Avaliação da influência da fonte suplementar de carbono na remoção de alquilbenzeno linear sulfonado de água de lavanderia e comunidade microbiana relacionada em reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado / Influence of supplementary carbon source in the removal of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate from laundry wastewater and related microbial community in anaerobic fluidized bed reactor

Thaís Zaninetti Macedo 12 March 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi avaliada a degradação de alquilbenzeno linear sulfonado (LAS) de água residuária de lavanderia comercial (ARLC) em reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado (RALF) utilizando areia como material suporte, lodo oriundo de UASB empregado no tratamento de resíduos de suinocultura como inóculo e tempo de detenção hidráulica de 18 horas. O período de 330 dias de operação foi divido em quatro etapas: (a) etapa I, com adaptação da biomassa ao substrato sintético contendo etanol e sacarose (1:1 DQO); (b) etapa II, com adição de ARLC (18,2 ± 11,5mgLAS.L-1) ao substrato sintético mais etanol e sacarose (1:1 DQO); (c) etapa III, com adição de ARLC (25,4 ± 8,8 mgLAS.L-1) ao substrato sintético mais etanol e (d) etapa IV, com adição de ARLC (20,4 ± 5,8 mgLAS.L-1) ao substrato sintético, sem adição de fonte suplementar de carbono. Equilíbrio reacional ao longo das etapas de operação foi verificado em função da baixa concentração de ácidos orgânicos voláteis e sólidos suspensos voláteis efluente. Na etapa I, verificou-se 82,9 ± 13,6% de remoção de DQO para 683,9 ± 110,4 mgDQO.L-1 afluente. Para todas as etapas de operação, observou-se a manutenção dessa eficiência sempre superior a 88%. Verificou-se aumento da eficiência de remoção do surfactante de 51,7 ± 23,9% na etapa II na presença de etanol e sacarose (1:1 DQO) (872,3 ± 141,8 mgDQO.L-1 afluente), para 72,9 ± 18,8% na etapa III, somente com etanol (705,0 ± 155,8 mgDQO.L-1 afluente), e de 76,8 ± 16,9% na etapa IV, após a retirada das fontes suplementares de carbono (633,4 ± 156,88 mgDQO.L-1 afluente). A substituição de sacarose e etanol por somente etanol foi extremamente favorável para a remoção do LAS, isto porque foram identificadas alterações das populações microbianas de acordo com a modificação da fonte suplementar de carbono relacionadas, principalmente, ao nível taxonômico de família. Na etapa II, observou-se predomínio de representantes da família Comamonadaceae (abundância relativa de 47% no biofilme). Também para o biofilme das etapas III e IV, verificou-se decréscimo para menos de 4% da abundância relativa de representantes pertencentes à família Comamonadaceae. Todavia, verificou-se aumento da abundância relativa de representantes da família Rhodocyclaceae (18%, 88% e 77% no biofilme das etapas II, III e IV, respectivamente). O principal gênero da família Comamonadaceae identificado na etapa II foi Curvibacter, cujo crescimento pode estar associado a açúcares (abundância relativa de 28% no biofilme). Verificou-se decréscimo da abundância relativa deste gênero inferior a 0,9% nas etapas III e IV. Para os representantes da família Rhodocyclaceae foram identificados gêneros possivelmente relacionados à degradação do LAS: Dechloromonas, Georgfuchsia e Zoogloea (78%, 67% e 98% dos gêneros pertencentes à família Rhodocyclaceae identificados no biofilme das etapas II, III e IV, respectivamente). Por meio do sequenciamento massivo, 37 gêneros possivelmente relacionados à degradação do LAS foram identificados. Quarenta compostos xenobióticos, alguns tóxicos à biota aquática, foram detectados no efluente via cromatografia gasosa/espectrometria de massas. Verificou-se, por meio do índice de Bray-Curtis, maior similaridade entre a biomassa do biofilme e do separador de fases de uma mesma etapa do que entre amostras de biomassa de etapas de operação distintas, evidenciando que houve diferenciação das populações de acordo com a fonte de carbono empregada. Por meio do balanço de massa global, observou-se que somente 0,81% do LAS removido ficou adsorvido. / In the present study, the degradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) from laundry wastewater (LW) was investigated by using an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR) with sand as support material, inoculum coming from a UASB reactor used in the treatment of swine manure, and hydraulic retention time of 18 hours. The operation time was divided into four stages: (a) stage I composed by the adaptation of the biomass in the presence of synthetic substrate containing sucrose and ethanol (1:1 COD); (b) stage II with addition of LW (18.2 ± 11.5mgLAS.L-1) plus synthetic substrate containing sucrose and ethanol (1:1 COD); (c) stage III with LW (25.4 ± 8.8 mgLAS.L-1) plus synthetic substrate containing ethanol; (d) stage IV with addition of LW (20.4 ± 5.8 mgLAS.L-1) plus synthetic substrate without supplementary carbon source. Low concentration of volatile organic acids and volatile suspended solids were observed in the reactor effluent indicating the system exhibited good stability. The COD removal efficiency was 82.9 ± 13.6% during the biomass adaptation in stage I (683.9 ± 110.4 mg.L-1 of COD influent). That removal efficiency was high throughout the operational time, exceeding 88%. The surfactant removal efficiency increased from 51.7 ± 23.9% in stage II with the presence of ethanol and sucrose (872.3 ± 141.8 mgCOD.L-1 influent) to 72.9 ± 18.8% in stage III, with only ethanol (705.0 ± 155.8 mgCOD.L-1 influent). In the stage IV, after the withdrawal of additional carbon sources, the removal efficiency was 76.8 ± 16.9% (633.4 ± 156.88 mgCOD.L-1 influent). The replacement of sucrose and ethanol by only ethanol favored the LAS efficiency removal due to the microbial community change according to the additional carbon source modification, what was mainly detected at family level. In stage II there was a predominance of representatives of Comamonadaceae family (relative abundance of 47% in the biofilm). That relative abundance decreased to less than 4% in stages III and IV. However, there was an increase in relative abundance of representatives of the Rhodocyclaceae family (18%, 88% and 77% of the biofilm in stages II, III and IV, respectively). The main genus of Comamonadaceae family identified in stage II was Curvibacter whose growth may be associated with sugars (relative abundance of 28% in the biofilm). That relative abundance was decreased to less than 0.9% in stages III and IV. For representatives of Rhodocyclaceae family, some genera possibly related to the degradation of LAS were identified: Dechloromonas, Georgfuchsia and Zoogloea (78%, 67% and 98% of the genera of the Rhodocyclaceae family identified in the biofilm from stages II, III and IV, respectively). By means of massive sequencing, 37 genera possibly related to degradation of LAS were identified. Forty xenobiotic compounds, some of them toxic to aquatic biota, were detected in the reactor effluent through gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry. According to the Bray-Curtis similarity, the samples collected in the same operation stage showed higher similarity coefficients than those collected in the same sampling site (biofilm from support material or phase separator). That result confirms the microbial community differentiation according to the carbon source employed. Through the overall mass balance, it was found that only 0.81% of LAS added was removed by adsorption.

Dynamic 3D-Torrent Assembly for Bit-Rate Adjustments in P2P Video Streaming

Lin, Ching-Chen 27 August 2010 (has links)
In this Thesis, we propose a mechanism to dynamically adjust the video bit rates through the segmentation and the reassembly of SVC (Scalable Video Coding) segments in a P2P network. At the transmitter, an SVC film is segmented into a number of segments with different sizes. Each segment is further chopped into Torrents according to three scalabilities of SVC (Temporal, Quality, and Spatial). The Torrents with three scalabilities are referred to as 3D-Torrents. At the receiver, we present three approaches of grabbing Torrents (Temporal-First, Quality-First and Interleaving) form P2P networks to validate that the proposed 3D-Torrent reassembly can adapt to different bandwidths and to fit different hardware equipments so that any possible video freeze-up time can be avoided. To demonstrate how the proposed 3D-Torrent reassembly affect video bit rates in the P2P video streaming environment, we implement the segmentation, grabbing, and reassembly of Torrents on a Linux platform. In the P2P network built by Hadoop, we study (i) the video freeze-up time with/without adopting 3D-Torrent reassembly, (ii) video quality under different grabbing approaches using two different types of video, static and active background. To compare the video quality at the transmitter to that at the receiver, we modify the conventional PSNR equation. Two new dimensions, Temporal and Spatial, are included in the new PSNR3D equation to compare the video quality between the transmitter and the receiver. From the experimental results, we observe that the freeze-up time approaches zero using the 3D-Torrent reassembly and video bit rates can be dynamically adjusted according to the available bandwidth.

Evaluation of microbial dynamics on low-sodium cooked bologna under different packaging conditions

2014 September 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to assess the growth of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria on low sodium concentration sliced cooked bologna under refrigerated storage conditions. In study 1, the effect of three different sodium concentrations (1%, 2% and 3%) and two packaging conditions (aerobic and vacuum) on growth of a cocktail of inoculated spoilage bacteria such Lactobacillus curvatus, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Brochothrix thermosphacta and Pseudomonas fluorescens were investigated by using culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques. In general, reducing the sodium concentration from 2% (the current industry standard) to 1% NaCl in the cooked bologna system did not have a significant effect on microbial growth. The utilization of Ion Torrent high-throughput sequencing in this study allowed the description of the total microbial community present on sliced cooked bologna. Taxonomic analysis revealed the microbial community belongs to the phyla Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Finally, in this study, in situ meat redox measurement values were collected over time using platinum electrodes placed on top of, and in between bologna slices. While the redox values obtained were, in general, consistent with increasing bacterial cell numbers, issues of reproducibility and consistency were evident. The second study focused on the impact that the addition of a bacteriocin, Micocin X®, to the meat blend would have on growth of spoilage bacteria and in particular, Listeria monocytogenes, in vacuum-packaged cooked bologna formulated with 1% and 3% NaCl. In general, results demonstrated Micocin X® had a significant effect on the growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Listeria monocytogenes; however, no substantial effect was assessed in the control of lactic acid bacteria or Brochothrix thermosphacta.

Roman Maman les petits bateaux qui vont sur l'eau ont-ils des jambes? et essai "Traces de l'eau et de l'enfance de la nouvelle Le torrent d'Anne Hébert dans Maman les petits bateaux qui vont sur l'eau ont-ils des jambes?"

Cyr, Élisabeth 16 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire est divisé en deux parties. La première est une création littéraire. Maman les petits bateaux qui vont sur l'eau ont-ils des jambes?, un roman qui met en scène Ficelle, d'abord fillette, puis adolescente et enfin jeune adulte, que l'on voit évoluer en parallèle de son fils, Betha, jeune homme devenu alcoolique, qui perpétue un étrange rituel dans le but de rejoindre sa mère qui s'est enlevé la vie quinze ans auparavant. La seconde partie est un essai, "Traces de l'eau et de l'enfance de la nouvelle Le torrent d'Anne Hébert dans Maman les petits bateaux qui vont sur l'eau ont-ils des jambes?", dont la réflexion tend à démontrer l'influence que l'oeuvre de l'écrivaine québécoise Anne Hébert, et plus spécifiquement l'eau et l'enfance telles qu'elles sont représentées dans sa nouvelle ±Le Torrent¿, m'ont inspirée à mon insu lors de la rédaction de mon roman.

Modulação da comunidade bacteriana associada ao milho (Zea mays L.) através da inoculação de bactérias promotoras de crescimento de plantas / Maize (Zea mays L.) associated bacterial community modulation through the inoculation of plant growth promoting bacteria

Aniceto, Rafael Martins 02 December 2016 (has links)
O uso de fertilizantes minerais é de grande importância para que a cultura atinja o seu potencial produtivo e torne a atividade de produção viável economicamente, no entanto o uso excessivo é danoso ao meio ambiente, trazendo riscos à saúde humana e à biodiversidade local. A utilização de bactérias promotoras de crescimento de plantas (BPCP) tem se mostrado uma alternativa promissora e sustentável, visando melhorar a produtividade e reduzir o uso de fertilizantes. Essas bactérias colonizam a rizosfera e tecidos internos da planta e são capazes de estimular o desenvolvimento e sanidade de sua hospedeira através de mecanismos como disponibilização de nutrientes, produção de fitohormônios e controle de patógenos. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da inoculação de três linhagens de BPCP em milho e o impacto causado na comunidade bacteriana associada à cultura. As linhagens utilizadas foram Burkholderia ambifaria RZ2MS16, Bacillus sp. RZ2MS9, ambas isoladas da rizosfera de guaranazeiro, e Azospirillum brasilense Ab-v5, um inoculante comercial. Primeiramente, foi realizado um ensaio de antibiose entre RZ2MS9 e Ab-v5, constatando não haver inibição. Após, um experimento de promoção de crescimento em condições de campo, foi realizado, com plantas de milho inoculadas com: (i) RZ2MS16; (ii) RZ2MS16 e Ab-v5; (iii) Ab-v5; (iv) RZ2MS9; (v) RZ2MS9 e Ab-v5; e (vi) tratamento controle. As sementes foram inoculadas e, 60 dias após o plantio, a altura da planta, altura até a inserção da espiga e o diâmetro do colmo foram medidos. A inoculação com Ab-v5 e a coinoculação de RZ2MS9 com Ab-v5 promoveram o incremento de 3% em altura da planta, além disso, esse consórcio promoveu incremento de 9% no diâmetro do colmo, todos comparados ao tratamento controle. Usando o DNA total da folha e raíz do milho, o fragmento 16S rRNA bacteriano foi sequenciado, através da plataforma Ion Torrent, para avaliar o efeito da inoculação na comunidade bacteriana associada à ambos os tecidos. A inoculação foi capaz de modular a comunidade bacteriana associada à folha, com a análise de coordenadas principais (PCoA) explicando 39,51% da variação. Não foi observada modulação na comunidade bacteriana associada à raiz. Foi observada diferença na estrutura da comunidade bacteriana quando ambos os nichos foram comparados, independente de inoculação, com a PCoA explicando 80,97% dessa variação. Assim observa-se que estudos dessa natureza são de grande importância para o melhor entendimento da interação entre as BPCP e a comunidade bacteirana associada à planta hospedeira, e dos mecanismos que levam ao desenvolvimento da cultura. / The use of mineral fertilizers is of great importance to the crop reaches its potential yield and become the production activity economically feasible, however, its excessive use is harmful to the environment, and brings risk to human health and local biodiversity. The use of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) has been shown as a promising and sustainable alternative, aiming to improve productivity and reduce fertilizer use. These bacteria colonize the rhizosphere and plant internal tissues and are able to stimulate their host development and health through mechanisms such as nutrient availability, phytohormone production and pathogen control. This study aimed to evaluate the inoculation effect of three PGPB strains in maize and the impact on associated bacterial community. The strains inoculated were Burkholderia ambifaria RZ2MS16, Bacillus sp. RZ2MS9, both isolated from guarana rhizosphere, and Azospirillum brasilense Ab-v5, a commercial inoculant. First, an anthibiosis assay was conducted between RZ2MS9 and Ab-v5 strains, showing no inhibition. Then, a growth-promotion assay was performed under field conditions, with maize plants inoculated with: (i) RZ2MS16; (ii) RZ2MS16 and Ab-v5; (iii) Ab-v5; (iv) RZ2MS9; (v) RZ2MS9 and Ab-v5; and (vi) control. The seeds were inoculated and, 60 days after sowing, the plant height, height to the cob insertion and stem diameter were measured. The inoculation with Ab-v5 and the co-inoculation with RZ2MS9 plus Ab-v5 increased the plant height in 3%, furthermore, the co-inoculation increased stem diameter in 9%, all compared to control. Using total DNA of maize\'s leaf and root, bacterial 16S rRNA fragment was sequenced by Ion Torrent platform, to evaluate the effect of inoculation in associated bacterial community of both tissues. The inoculation was able to modulate the leaf bacterial community, with principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) explaining 39.51% of variation. It was not found modulation on root\'s bacterial community. Difference in the bacterial community structure was observed when both niches were compared, regardless inoculation, with PCoA explaining 80.97% of this variation. Therefore, it is noted that studies of this nature are of great importance for a better understanding of the interaction between PGPB and bacterial community associated to the host plant and mechanisms leading to crop development.

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