Spelling suggestions: "subject:"total coequality managemement"" "subject:"total coequality managementment""
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The impact of TQM on a traditionally segregated work environment : an empirical study of the healthcare sector in the Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaAl-Dakheel, Hiafa Mansour January 2002 (has links)
In the last decade, the rapid development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has forced its government to implement modern management styles such as Total Quality Management (TQM) to ensure continuous improvement in the provision of healthcare. There is a considerable body of literature that shows the benefits of implementing TQM in hospitals, but there are few empirical studies that show TQM implementation efforts in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, the healthcare literature did not explore the implementation of TQM in a context of gender segregated environment such as the case in KSA. This research project is an exploratory investigation assessing the impact of TQM in a gender segregated healthcare environment such as KSA. The research design used triangulation methods to investigate the problem at hand. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used through field-work and external comparisons. The approach was based on the following: (1) Assessing the level of perception and understanding of TQM principles in several KSA hospitals, taking into account the differences and similarities between the different gender population, (2) Examining the approach to TQM implementation and its degree of effectiveness in four Saudi hospitals to highlight critical factors for effective implementations using the Baldrige assessment method; (3) Benchmarking the Saudi hospital experiences to UK and USA hospitals to highlight key facilitating and inhibiting factors; (4) Using key findings from the previous steps to identify the critical factors and propose a model for TQM implementations in a segregated healthcare environment such as the case in the KSA. The survey research findings show a weak appreciation, awareness and understanding of TQM in managing healthcare organisations by the respondents in the KSA. It clearly shows that many employees in the organisations do riot understand TQM. The degree of emphasis for each quality activity varied and thus more research needs to be done to investigate the importance of each quality activity to a TQM implementation process, as there are varying degrees of emphasis across the board. The KSA case studies show that in implementing organisations, TQM intentions and TQM policy frameworks are generally acceptable. However, the implementation process is generally weak and lacks coordination in the majority of these organisations. It is clear that the majority of the KSA cases have not succeeded in total commitment towards a total quality culture. When compared to the UK and USA hospitals, the majority of the KSA cases show deficiencies in most of the critical activities that form the foundation of a successful quality process. Furthermore, the study indicates three critical factors in KSA hospitals that either did not exist or were not given full attention. The importance of these factors were further validated in the literature. The factors were continuous top management commitment, continuous education and training, and culture awareness. These factors were then used to develop a model for TQM implementation for a segregated healthcare environment.
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Total quality management: a study of its applications to customer services in a Hong Kong elevator companyLai, Po-wah., 黎寶華. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration
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A study of the service quality in property management companiesYau, Kam-fai., 游錦輝. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Housing Management / Master / Master of Housing Management
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Managing Logistical Complexity: Agility and Quality in Newspaper Distribution : An Empirical Study of Herenco Distribution ABNKume-Kwene, Samuel Ngole, Besong, Fred Tanyi January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Introduction</strong></p><p>Overtime the execution and control of business activities to meet and even exceed customer satisfac-tion has become an absolute top priority. This is because with an increase in the demand for diverse products and services of quality in unprecedented numbers, there is an automatic injection of complexi-ty into the activities and processes which companies undertake in order to fulfill customer satisfaction. This complexity which could be logistical in nature is usually centered on the provision of quality prod-ucts and services on a timely basis for customer satisfaction. In order to keep this complexity aspect in check while fulfilling customer satisfaction, there is the need to manage the different facets of complex-ity that relate to quality and agility.</p><p><strong>Purpose</strong></p><p>The purpose of this study is to understand the managerial actions on the logistical challenges of quality and agility in a Newspaper Distribution Company.</p><p><strong>Method</strong></p><p>In order to fulfill the purpose, the authors undertook a qualitative-single case study following an induc-tive approach. Interviews were conducted with two managers and these were basically face-to-face in-terviews though we also conducted some of the interviews by phone.</p><p><strong>Findings</strong></p><p>Managing complexity challenges of quality and agility requires the utilization of Total Quality Manage-ment (TQM), Just-in-Time (JIT) and Information flow (IF). Through the utilization of TQM, quality standards are enhanced through continuous improvement and the pursuit of excellence in the activities of the company. JIT as a philosophy helps in the elimination of waste and in the speeding up of processes within a company’s supply chain that result to the timely delivery of goods and services to customers in order to enhance customer satisfaction. Also, Information flow through the aid of diverse technologies such as mobile phones, radio phones, the internet, the World Wide Web, Customer Rela-tionship Management systems, Structured Query Language relational database but also word of mouth transmission have helped in the facilitation of decision making in the company relating to the delivery of quality products and services in an agile or responsive manner for customer satisfaction.</p><p><strong>Practical and Theoretical Implication</strong></p><p>The attainment of the requisites of agility while maintaining delivery quality may not be sufficient to enhance customer satisfaction. The information in the model provides management with a pathway to follow in solving logistical challenges towards enhancing customer satisfaction. The study offers theory development opportunities.</p><p><strong>Originality</strong></p><p>A model of logistical complexity management was designed for the attainment of customer satisfaction.</p>
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An empirical investigation of total quality management in Palestine : a proposed generic framework of implementation : the construction of a generic framework for effective TQM implementation in Palestinian organisations : an empirical investigation of critical quality factors and best practiceBaidoun, Samir D. January 2000 (has links)
Although academic interest in TQM increased substantially in the last decade, still the gap in the literature is hardly surprising given that research and theory in TQM implementation are still at a very early stage in the West. To-date, there are only a handful of empirical researches reported in the literature that have attempted to identify what constitute as constructs of TQM that can be manipulated to effectively implement TQM. All but very few are studies done in developed economies. Moreover, knowledge of TQM in developing economies is almost totally lacking. Against this backdrop, this researcha ddressesth e identified gaps in the literature on TQM. Thus this thesis focuses on the effective implementation of total quality management in Palestine, a developing economy, through an empirical investigation of critical quality factors. The research methodology involves combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies to identify the key quality factors cited in the literature and considered by consultants and experts as essential to successful TQM implementation. The research design also included: Lan empirical investigation to assessth e level of TQM awarenessa nd understandingi n the Palestinian context, 2. determining which key quality factors are critical to successful implementation using a survey questionnaire, 3. determining what tactics and techniques are used in addressing and implementing these critical quality factors by Palestinian organisations, using semi-structured interviews, 4. determining the prerequisites of effective TQM implementation in the pre-launch stage using in depth interviews. By complementing and integrating the findings, an implementation framework was constructed with the support of the knowledge acquired from the literature review. A simple and practical step by step with implementation guidelines framework aiming at assisting Palestinian organisations in planning on effective implementation of TQM was constructed. The research findings indicate that top management commitment and involvement, employee commitment and involvement, managing by customer-driven system and processes and continuous performance improvement, are essential to effective implementation of TQM. This implies that Palestinian organisations recognise and implement the same critical quality factors found in Western countries. The proposed framework is built around four major constructs that relate to top management commitment, employee commitment, customer-driven system and processes, and continuous improvement. It emphasises an implementation approach of top-down deployment and bottom-up participation focussing on businessp rocessesth at add value to customers atisfaction. In conclusion, this empirical research revealed that TQM could be implemented in the developing economies (such as Palestine) as Palestinian organisations subscribe to the same quality factors as those found in the developed economies.
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A Comparative Study of the Impact of the Total Quality Management Program on Exit Level Texas Assessment of Academic Skills ScoresMaulding, Wanda Smith 12 1900 (has links)
The management style being used by school personnel in Texas and across the nation today is predominately that of a bureaucracy. This model was organized around the industrial revolution that was exercising authority at the turn of the century. Writers and researchers have pointed out that such a model is not capable of providing students the knowledge and skills they will need to enter an increasingly demanding society. One management style relatively new to the educational arena today is that of Total Quality Management. This study reports the results of the impact of the training in those principles by measurement of student test scores.
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The Influence of Interorganizational Trust, Individualism and Collectivism, and Superordinate Goal of JIT/TQM on Interorganizational Cooperation: An Exploratory Analysis of Institutions in MexicoGlaser-Segura, Daniel A. (Daniel Armand) 12 1900 (has links)
Since their introduction to the United States from Japan in the 1980s, inter-organizational cooperation practices between buyers and suppliers have provided lower costs, shorter development and production cycles, and higher levels of quality and productivity. Many studies of interorganizational cooperation have relied on transaction cost economicsframeworks,which ignore cultural differences. Few studies have analyzed inter-organizational cooperation in Mexico, a less-developed country (LDC) with a cultural and industrial environment differentfromthe U.S. This study is concerned with the influence of interorganizational trust, individualism and collectivism (indcol), and the superordinate goal ofjust-in-time/total quality management (JIT/TQM) on inter-organizational cooperation.
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An Investigation of the Relationship Between World-Class Quality System Components and PerformanceBerry, Roger W. (Roger William) 12 1900 (has links)
Within the past two decades U.S. companies have experienced increased competition from foreign companies. In an effort to combat this competition many U.S. companies focused on quality as a solution to the problem. Researchers agree this emphasis on quality systems has changed the way many managers conduct business. Yet, no studies have identified which components of world-class quality systems, if any, contribute most to changes in performance.
The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate three research questions pertaining to world-class quality systems: (1) What are the components of world-class quality systems? (2) Does a relationship exist between world-class quality system components and improved organizational performance? (3) Which world-class quality system components contribute most to changes in performance? The theoretical foundation for investigating these relationships is developed from Galbraith's (1977) information processing model of organization design.
An extensive literature review resulted in the identification of seven components common to world-class quality systems: management involvement, customer involvement, employee involvement, supplier involvement, product/service design, process management, and continuous improvement. The literature suggests implementation of these components leads to changes in performance in such areas as productivity, throughput time, and quality output.
A cross-sectional field study was used to gather data to answer the research questions. In this study, each component of world-class quality systems is measured as an independent variable. Change in productivity, throughput time, and quality output are measured as dependent variables. Factor analyses, correlation analyses, and hierarchical regression analyses are used to test the relationships. The target population was ISO 9000 certified companies located in the United States.
The results indicated that management's involvement and employees' involvement are positively correlated with change in performance. The results also show that a positive relationship exits between the use of world-class quality system components and change in performance.
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The quality of graduates from the Department of Operations and Quality Management at Durban University of TechnologyNogaya, Noloyiso January 2012 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Technology: Quality,Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2012. / This study examined the quality, employability and the competencies of graduates from the Department of Operations and Quality Management at Durban University of Technology (DUT). The objectives of the study included determining the relevance of the curriculum to the workplace; evaluating the views of graduates regarding employability; and assessing the views of organisations regarding graduate performance in the workplace. The study also proposes that with the knowledge and skills acquired in the field of Operations Management, graduates should be able to reach their full personal and professional potential. However, these graduates still experience difficulties in adjusting and coping with the realities of the labour market.
Combinations of qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. The study was exploratory in nature. The study made use of questionnaires to obtain the respondent’s view. The pilot study composed a sample of ten graduates. For the main study, forty of the sixty graduates and employers completed and returned the questionnaires that were administered. The response rate was 67%. The Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Analysis was used to measure the reliability of the questionnaires. Face validity was verified by the statistician for pre-administering of questionnaires.
The results revealed that obtaining a qualification in operations management at DUT increases the employability of graduates. The study also showed that employers are content with the way in which these graduates are able to translate their theoretical knowledge into practice, and to identify and solve problems within organisations. However, the study shows that some employers did not provide adequate support and guidance in relation to their development. / M
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Evaluering och effektivisering av en manuell produktion : En fallstudie över hur The Toyota Production System, Lean Production & Total Quality Management filosofierna kan tolkas och appliceras för att effektivisera produkt– och materialflödet i ett producerande företag / Evaluation and increased efficiancy of a manual manufacturing company : A case study of how The Toyota Production System, Lean Production & Total Quality Management can be interpreted and applied in order to increase efficiency of product- and material- flow in a manufacturing companyHolmgren, Albin, Wagell, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
Flexit AB är Norges största tillverkar och leverantör av luftbehandlingsaggregat och centraldammsugare. Företaget växer och har nu expanderar över Norges gränser med en vision att bli störst i Norden och kontinuerligt växa med 10 % per år. Flexit har idag ca 200 anställda och en omsättning på ca 550 miljoner NOK per år. Tack vare denna expansion ökar marknadsandelarna, vilket leder till en ökad efterfrågan av Flexits produkter. Dagens produktion av proffsaggregat, den största modellen av Flexits produkter, kan dock inte möta den prognostiserade efterfrågan. För att kunna möta den nya efterfrågan måste Flexit öka kapaciteten i produktionen av proffsaggregaten samt effektivisera materialflödet inom fabriken. Examensarbetet antog en mixad metologi och har beaktats som en fallstudie med Flexit som fallföretag. Data har samlats in med hjälp av semistrukturerade- och kontextuella intervjuer, observationer samt tidsstudier. Data analyserades via ett analytiskt ramverk inspirerat av innehållsanalys. Målet med detta examensarbete var att presentera ett antal förbättringsförslag som vid implementering leder Flexit till ett effektivare materialflöde och en ökad kapacitet av produktionen av proffsaggregat. Inspirationen till dessa förbättringsförslag grundar sig i de idéer och verktyg som presenteras i produktionsfilosofierna Toyota Produktion System, Lean Production och Total Quality Managemnet. För att etablera dessa förbättringsförslag strukturerades examensarbetet i tre delar. Detta för att på ett pedagogiskt sätt leda läsaren genom de resultat och slutsatser som har genererats under projektets gång. I del 1 hanteras värdeflödesanalys, där målet var att identifiera slöserier, effektivisera monteringsstegen samt att jämna ut produktionen. I det framtida läget av värdeflödesanalysen jämnas process- och personalbeläggningen ut, begränsande monteringsprocesser får en ökad kapacitet och implementeringen av en Telfer minskar genomloppstiden samt ökar säkerhet för montörerna. Det framtida läget beräknas öka Flexits maxproduktionskapacitet med upp till 77 %. I del 2 används systematic layout planning (SLP) för att effektivisera materialflödet och minimera transporter inom fabriken. Resultatet från del 1 tas med in i del 2 och påverkar resultatet av SLP. Genom spaghettidiagram och SLP identifierades transport- och rörelseslöserier. Med hjälp av SLP genererades ett nytt layoutförslag som effektiviserar materialflödet och minskar de onödiga transporter inom Flexits fabrik med 75 %. I kapitel 8 presenteras en sammanställning av resultaten från de två första delarna. Om de förbättringsförslag som presenterats implementeras beräknas Flexit spara ca 2 miljoner kronor mellan perioden 2017-25. I del 3 presenteras även ett underlag för hur Flexit kan grunda ett arbete med ständiga förbättringar. Ständiga förbättringar etableras via implementeringen av Kaizen och 5s, vilket kommer hjälpa Flexit att utveckla och förbättra dessa förbättringsförslag ytterligare, samt leda dem mot en fortsatt utveckling. I och med utvecklingen av arbetet med ständiga förbättringar identifierades ett teoretiskt gap mellan organisatoriskt lärande, innovationer och ständiga förbättringar. Genom att etablera ett ständigt förbättringsarbete, där en öppen och aktiv företagskultur uppmuntrar till innovation, kan ett organisatoriskt lärande växa fram. / Flexit AB is Norway’s largest manufacturer and supplier of air handling units and central vacuum. The company is growing and has now expanded over the borders of Norway with the vision to become the largest manufacturer and supplier in the Nordic region and continuously grow by 10 % a year. Flexit has about 200 employees and a turnover of approximately 550 millions NOK a year. Thanks to this expansion, an increase in market shares has occurred, leading to an increasing demand for Flexit’s products.Today’s production of Professional units, the largest model of Flexit’s products, can not meet the forecasted demand. To be able to meet the new demand, Flexit must increase the capacity of the production of Professional units and streamline the flow of materials within the factory. The thesis adopted a mixed metodology and decided that a case study was the most relevant research design. Data were collected through semi-structured- and context interviews, observations and time studies. Data were analyzed using an analytical framework inspired from content analysis. The aim of this thesis was to present a number of improvement proposals (IP) which will help Flexit achieve a more efficient material flow and an increased capacity of the production of Professional units. The inspiration for these IP’s is based on the ideas and tools presented within the management philosophies of the Toyota Production System, Lean Production and Total Quality Management. To be able to establish these IP’ls the thesis were structured in three different parts. In this educational way, the reader is lead through the results and conclusions of the three parts, which is generated through the thesis. Part 1 dealt with Value stream mapping (VSM), were the goal was to identify waste, improve the efficiency of the assembly steps and to even out the production. In the future state of the VSM the process –and staff occupancy was evened out, limiting assembly processes gets an increased capacity and the implementation of a Telfer reduce throughput time and increases the safety for the workers. The future state is expected to increase Flexits maximum production capacity with up to 77 %. In part 2, Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) is used to streamline the flow of material and to minimize the transports within the factory. The result from the VSM in part 1 is included in part 2 and affects the outcome of SLP. With spaghetti diagrams and SLP the thesis identifies transport –and moment waste. Using SLP, the thesis generated a new factory layout, which streamlines the flow of material and reduces the unnecessary movements within Flexit’s factory by 75 %. In part 3, a summary of the results from the first two parts is presented. If the IP’s presented in this thesis is implemented by Flexit, they can save up to two millions (Kr) between 2017-25. Part 3 also presents a basis for how Flexit can establish a continuous improvement (CI) program. This program is established through the implementation of Kaizen and 5s, which will help Flexit develop and improve the IP’s and help them towards continued development. With the development of the CI program, a theoretical gap between organizational learning, innovation and CI was identified. By establishing a CI program in an organization, where an open and active organizational culture encourages innovation, an organizational learning will emerge.
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