Spelling suggestions: "subject:"total quality management"" "subject:"dotal quality management""
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The use of Total Quality Management (TQM) concepts in public sector infrastructure project deliveryKhomela, Emmanuel Marang January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built
Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment
of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Building, 2016 / South African public sector clients use a variety of Total Quality Management (TQM) practice
in infrastructure project delivery. However, there is a dearth of information on the impact of
TQM on these projects. The three main drivers of public projects delivery are time, cost and
quality. In many instances, the quality of the work is lacking and this in return hamper service
delivery and consequently cost and time overruns are experienced. Furthermore, The public
sector in the South African construction industry is the main employer of consultants,
contractors and professionals in the construction fraternity, could lead from the front by bring
the culture of quality in the construction industry.
The study is investigating the level of TQM adoption in the public sector and is motivated by
the limited academic research that has been done locally in TQM with respect to construction
industry, especially from the client’s perspective. Internationally there have been extensive
studies that were conducted on the subject. In general, there are ten elements of TQM, if
practiced, there is an opportunity for positive results which can be attained both in short and
long term basis.
A questionnaire was used to collect the qualitative data, from public sector engineers and
technicians, Consulting engineers and Contractor, which is then analysed using a range of
statistical techniques, tables and graphs.
In general, TQM concepts are used in the South African public sector infrastructure projects.
There public sector should work towards quality management certifications, which will
translate into standardised quality process. TQM can only be achieved if there are already
process in place.
Keywords TQM, Infrastructure projects, Project management, Service delivery Public sector,
South Africa / EM2017
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The Relationship Between The Sterling Quality Framework And Student Achievement In One Florida School DistrictShort, James D. 01 January 2010 (has links)
The focus of this research was to determine the relationship, if any, between student achievement and the implementation of the Sterling Quality Management System in a southwest Florida school district. A quantitative analysis focused on three sources of data. Two surveys provided by the Florida Sterling Council were used to collect data from school based personnel and student achievement gain scores obtained from the Florida DOE School Accountability Report 2005-2009. In this study, little positive correlation was found between perceived implementation of Sterling practices and student achievement gains. Of a possible score of 5, the total mean implementation score across all groups was found to be 4.14. This meant that the perceived level of Sterling implementation among respondents overall was very high. No significant correlation was found between the total average Sterling implementation mean score and student achievement gains (school points) made between 2005 and 2009. Overall, very few correlations were found to be statistically significant. This suggested the lack of a linear relationship between Sterling implementation and student achievement gains in the schools in the study Following are recommendations for future research. 1. This study could be repeated using a population of multiple school districts in Florida or in different states. 2. This study could be repeated using different measures of student achievement, such as end of course exam results, SAT or ACT scores, or achievement in Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate programs in high schools. iv 3. This study could be repeated with a population of administrators that includes all school principals and assistant principals. 4. This study could be repeated in a school district that has achieved the Sterling Quality award. 5. This study could be repeated to determine a relationship between Sterling Quality and other school effectiveness measures, such as parent involvement, community support, and teacher retention. 6. Determine the relationship if any that the implementation of Sterling Quality practices at the district level has on student achievement.
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Total Quality Management Approach To The Information Systems Development Processes: An Empirical StudyHo, Phu Van 21 July 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to study the application of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Information Systems (IS) development processes. The study describes and evaluates TQM concepts and techniques in the IS development processes and interprets sub-organizational elements in the application of TQM in the public sector.
This dissertation uses a multiple case study methodology to study the development processes of IS in three public agencies. This study attempts to examine what quality means across these public organizations and to discover the differences between IS development methodologies that do or do not apply TQM concepts and techniques.
The late Dr. W. Edwards Deming, regarded as "father" of post war Japanese economic miracle as well as leading advocate of the TQM movement in the United States, developed a systematic approach to solving quality related problems which aims to fulfill customer expectations. His system of management is adopted as the theoretical basis to this dissertation. The "lessons learned" from these case studies, empirically and in literature, reveal multiple experiences of TQM applications to IS development processes in the public sector. / Ph. D.
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Quality management : National or global driving factorsKroslid, Dag January 1998 (has links)
Around the world Quality Management is commonly regarded by industrialists and academics as a management concept that encompasses the potential in any organisation of developing into a company-wide philosophy with a profound focus on stakeholder values and improvement processes. However, there are mounting evidence that Quality Management has developed into an important strategic issue also on a national level, and that some leading industrial nations have enjoyed significant gains in the post War era by means of nation-wide progresses in Quality Management. In this thesis organisation is therefore substituted with nation state as the unit of analysis, with the ultimate objective to gain insight into how quality management movements in the industrialised world develop and prosper. Based on empirical data from the Cross-cultural Quality Management Research Project, a bird' seye view of Quality Management is taken in twelve leading industrialised nations. Comprehensive descriptions of Quality in Australia, Brazil, Germany, Japan and Sweden are given in order to identify what national driving factors that currently have an influence on national quality management movements, whereas China, Great Britain, Italy, Norway, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and the United States are assessed on a more overriding level with an objective to determine the factors' scope and characteristics. The existence and influence of national driving factors in Quality Management was firstly discovered in the mid 1980s by one of the field's pioneers, Dr. Joseph M. Juran, and a core task in this thesis is to re-examine the identified factors current applicability. The outcome is a proposed set of national driving factors, embracing economy, national quality societies, people, certification bodies, industrial structure, organisation and its quality function, and government. Although, these national driving factors are found to be common to all countries, they are genuinely national in the sense that the national context by and large determines the factors' character and influence. To gain insight into how national quality management movements in the industrialised world develop and prosper, it is therefore recommended that focus be direct towards the national context with its national driving factors. The factors are powerful explanatory variables that so far have largely remained an untapped fountain of knowledge within the field of Quality Management.
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The impact of TQM on a traditionally segregated work environment: An empirical study of the healthcare sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Al-Dakheel, Hiafa M. January 2002 (has links)
In the last decade, the rapid development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has forced its government to implement modern management styles such as Total Quality Management (TQM) to ensure continuous improvement in the provision of healthcare. There is a considerable body of literature that shows the benefits of implementing TQM in hospitals, but there are few empirical studies that show TQM implementation efforts in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, the healthcare literature did not explore the implementation of TQM in a context of gender segregated environment such as the case in KSA. This research project is an exploratory investigation assessing the impact of TQM in a gender segregated healthcare environment such as KSA. The research design used triangulation methods to investigate the problem at hand. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used through field-work and external comparisons. The approach was based on the following: (1) Assessing the level of perception and understanding of TQM principles in several KSA hospitals, taking into account the differences and similarities between the different gender population, (2) Examining the approach to TQM implementation and its degree of effectiveness in four Saudi hospitals to highlight critical factors for effective implementations using the Baldrige assessment method; (3) Benchmarking the Saudi hospital experiences to UK and USA hospitals to highlight key facilitating and inhibiting factors; (4) Using key findings from the previous steps to identify the critical factors and propose a model for TQM implementations in a segregated healthcare environment such as the case in the KSA. The survey research findings show a weak appreciation, awareness and understanding of TQM in managing healthcare organisations by the respondents in the KSA. It clearly shows that many employees in the organisations do riot understand TQM. The degree of emphasis for each quality activity varied and thus more research needs to be done to investigate the importance of each quality activity to a TQM implementation process, as there are varying degrees of emphasis across the board. The KSA case studies show that in implementing organisations, TQM intentions and TQM policy frameworks are generally acceptable. However, the implementation process is generally weak and lacks coordination in the majority of these organisations. It is clear that the majority of the KSA cases have not succeeded in total commitment towards a total quality culture. When compared to the UK and USA hospitals, the majority of the KSA cases show deficiencies in most of the critical activities that form the foundation of a successful quality process. Furthermore, the study indicates three critical factors in KSA hospitals that either did not exist or were not given full attention. The importance of these factors were further validated in the literature. The factors were continuous top management commitment, continuous education and training, and culture awareness. These factors were then used to develop a model for TQM implementation for a segregated healthcare environment. / King Saud University
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Total Quality Management in Central America: A case study in leadership and data-based dialogueOsland, Asbjorn January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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The Implementation of Performance Management Techniques in a Time of Economic Recovery: The Case of LouisvilleScheitz, Maria A. 28 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Strategier För Skrotminimering: En Fallstudie På AlfaMichael, San, Shanshal, Faisal January 2024 (has links)
Datum: 31 maj 2024 Nivå: Examensarbete på civilingenjörsprogrammet inom industriell ekonomi Författare: San Michael Faisal Shanshal Titel: Strategier för skrotminimering: En fallstudie på Alfa Handledare: Sofia Wagrell Nyckelord: Skrot, skrotminimering, Total Quality Management, TQM, kvalitet, Pareto-analys, hållbarhet Frågeställningar: 1. Vilka är de betydande orsakerna till skrot inom Alfa? 2. Vilka specifika åtgärder och strategier kan Alfa implementera inom sina produktionsprocesser för att effektivt minimera skrot? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka orsakerna till skrotbildning för att sedan utveckla förslag på strategier för att minimera skrot. Arbetet siktar på att skapa en hållbar verksamhet som även är resurseffektiv genom att identifiera och analysera orsakerna till skrot samt föreslå de mest lämpliga åtgärder. Denna mer hållbara verksamhet bidrar i sin tur till minskad miljöpåverkan och ekonomiskt ansvarsfull produktion. Med ett fokus på minimering av skrot hoppas arbetet kunna främja kostnadsbesparingar och skapa långsiktig hållbarhet i företagets verksamhet. Metod: För att besvara studiens frågeställningar och uppnå studiens syfte tillämpas en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats. Den kvantitativa datan samlades in genom en Microsoft Power BI rapport där mönster, samband och trender kunde identifieras. Den kvalitativa datan samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer för att ta del av uppfattningar, erfarenheter och åsikter. Slutsats: De främsta orsakerna till skrot inom Alfa identifierades som bristande kommunikation inom verksamheten och med leverantörer, dålig kvalitet på material från leverantörer samt ineffektiva inspektions- och dokumenteringsprocesser. Dessa faktorer leder till ökad skrotning, förseningar i produktionen och risk för att defekta produkter når kunderna. Först och främst är förbättring av intern kommunikation avgörande. Ett steg mot förbättring är att införa stoppmöten där företaget snabbt kan identifiera och åtgärda orsaker till produktionsstopp och skrotning, vilket samtidigt förbättrar samarbetet mellan olika avdelningar. Vidare är det viktigt att förstärka kommunikationen med leverantörer genom att skapa tydliga kommunikationskanaler och kvalitetskrav, vilket säkerställer att material av hög kvalitet används i produktionen. Kontinuerlig förbättring och teknologisk uppdatering är också centrala förbättringar. Implementeringen av ny teknologi och upprätthållningen av strikta inspektionsprocesser kan leda till att Alfa säkerställer att endast felfria komponenter används i produktionen. Effektiv dokumentation är nödvändig för att analysera orsaker till skrot och fatta faktabaserade beslut, vilket hjälper företag att systematiskt minska skrot. Slutligen kan främjandet av återanvändning, genom att etablera utbildningsprogram och reparationscenter, bidra till att defekta komponenter återanvänds istället för att skrotas, vilket minskar avfall och kostnader. Med hjälp av dessa specifika åtgärder och strategier kan Alfa inte bara minska sina produktionskostnader utan förhoppningsvis också bidra till en mer hållbar och ekonomiskt ansvarsfull verksamhet, vilket ligger i linje med studiens syfte att skapa en resurseffektiv och miljövänlig produktion.
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TQM, the feminine principle, and social change: the importance of principled implementationEmory, Winola Frances 10 October 2005 (has links)
W. Edwards Deming/s management philosophy of continuous improvement, TQM, has gained attention in the public and private sectors as a means of resolving the "crisis" in modern American organizations. TQM's effectiveness is dependent on its principled implementation. As an imbalanced perspective, the hyper-rational masculine conventional management wisdom has thwarted real organizational innovations by limiting methods, techniques, and actions to its frame of assumptions. A radically different set of assumptions or world view, the feminine perspective, is needed to provide balance and to create the possibility of true innovation that can lead to resolution of the crisis faced by American organizations.
Jungian psychoanalytic understanding of psyche structure, development, and the dynamics of repression provide the theoretical framework for understanding the importance of a principled implementation of TQM. This principled implementation will avert an masculine warping of TQM and will provide a means of balance between the masculine and feminine principles. Critical analysis of documentation and literature reveals clear evidence of TQM's congruence with the feminine principle and its potential for radical change in organizations and society. / Ph. D.
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The implementation of total quality management in ChinaShi, Ji 24 January 2009 (has links)
As global competition intensifies, more companies have found that it is imperative to develop quality management systems that will continuously improve the quality of their products, simply in order to survive. Total quality management (TQM), a term widely accepted as a new management philosophy which was developed based on the management practices in Japan, may hold the key to unlock American industries’ competitive power. It is understandable that many American managers have embraced TQM with great enthusiasm since the early 1980s. China, on the other hand, adopted a policy of economic “reform and openness” in 1978; the goal of this more “open and reformed” policy was to create a better economic, social, and political environment for its state-run enterprises in order to improve their efficiency. Since then, however, western management systems ---- including total quality management ---- have been introduced to Chinese managers. Realizing the potential of TQM in helping those state-run enterprises, the Chinese government has taken a leading role in promoting the implementation of TQM. Rules and regulations have been instigated to enforce the government’s determination to pursue TQM. Moreover, the news media in China has taken an active role in the process of promoting TQM. Special programs have been produced to raise people’s attention to those quality related issues.
Despite the early start and wide support received from the government, media, and industry, the effectiveness of TQM implementation in China’s state-run enterprises has been far from satisfactory. Quantity, not quality, is still a main concern of many managers in China. “Shady” products (products of suspect quality) are still sold in the markets. The overall quality level achieved by the Chinese products is clearly below the quality standard set by developed countries. Why have China’s state-run enterprises failed to reap the benefits of implementing total quality management?
The main objective of this thesis is to report research that examines the recent history of quality management in China, the national movement toward TQM, the benefits some enterprises have gained since implementing TQM, and the reasons of China’s failure to reap TQM’s full benefits. It is hoped that the experience of China’s TQM implementation can assist other countries in developing a better strategy and to avoid making similar costly mistakes. / Master of Science
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