Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tourists"" "subject:"ourists""
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Vývoj cestovního ruchu na Kubě ve 20. a 21. století / The progress of the tourism in Cuba in the 20th and the 21st centuryValchářová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of tourism on the island of Cuba from the beginning of the 20th century till the present time based on the travel books written by travellers who come mainly from the United States of America. Next, it analyzes tourism during the 20th century. It monitors Cuban tourism from the historic point of view, where it records the period of communist government, racism and similar problems till the present time. It mentions another, however not so representative part of tourism, sex tourism. It is trying to stress the positive aspects of places that represent the tourism in Cuba.
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Конкурентност Јабланичког округа као туристичке дестинације / Konkurentnost Jablaničkog okruga kao turističke destinacije / The competitiveness of Jablanica district as a tourist destinationStamenković Predrag 12 April 2017 (has links)
<p>Дестинацијска конкурентност има све значајнију улогу у локалном економском развоју, док су перспективе њеног унапређења, посебно значајне за неразвијене регионе попут Јабланичког округа. У докторској дисертацији је извршен преглед владајућих ставова из литературе о конкурентности туристичких дестинација, и дата су тумачења водећих модела дестинацијске конкурентности, индекса конкурентности – TTCI, модела Ritchie & Crouch као и модела Dwyer & Kim. Детаљно је приказана ресурсна основа туризма Јабланичког округа, кроз преглед и тумачење географског положаја, природно-географских карактеристика, друштвено-географских карактеристика као и материјалне базе посматраног подручја. Кроз методолошки део, извршен је приказ инструмената, процедура и узорачког оквира истраживања. Резултати истраживања су потврдили, делимично потврдили или оповргнули постављене истраживачке хипотезе што је пропраћено одговарајућом дискусијом. На крају дисертације су дати предлози будућих истраживања, и изнете идеје за мотивисање интерних стејкхолдера за покретањем промена ради повећања конкурентности туристичке дестинације Јабланички округ.</p> / <p>Destinacijska konkurentnost ima sve značajniju ulogu u lokalnom ekonomskom razvoju, dok su perspektive njenog unapređenja, posebno značajne za nerazvijene regione poput Jablaničkog okruga. U doktorskoj disertaciji je izvršen pregled vladajućih stavova iz literature o konkurentnosti turističkih destinacija, i data su tumačenja vodećih modela destinacijske konkurentnosti, indeksa konkurentnosti – TTCI, modela Ritchie & Crouch kao i modela Dwyer & Kim. Detaljno je prikazana resursna osnova turizma Jablaničkog okruga, kroz pregled i tumačenje geografskog položaja, prirodno-geografskih karakteristika, društveno-geografskih karakteristika kao i materijalne baze posmatranog područja. Kroz metodološki deo, izvršen je prikaz instrumenata, procedura i uzoračkog okvira istraživanja. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili, delimično potvrdili ili opovrgnuli postavljene istraživačke hipoteze što je propraćeno odgovarajućom diskusijom. Na kraju disertacije su dati predlozi budućih istraživanja, i iznete ideje za motivisanje internih stejkholdera za pokretanjem promena radi povećanja konkurentnosti turističke destinacije Jablanički okrug.</p> / <p>Destination competitiveness plays an increasingly important role in local economic development, and the prospects of its improvement are particularly significant for the underdeveloped regions like the Jablanica District. Doctoral dissertation inspected the ruling positions from the literature on the competitiveness of tourist destinations, and gave interpretation of leading models of destination competitiveness, like index of competitiveness - TTCI, model Ritchie & Crouch and model Dwyer & Kim. Detailed display of Jablanica district tourism resource base was given, through review and interpretation of geographical location, natural and geographical characteristics, socio-geographical characteristics as the material base of the observed area. Through methodological part, presentation of the instruments, procedures and sampling research frame, was given. Research results have confirmed, partially confirmed or denied the proposed research hypotheses as accompanied by a corresponding discussion. At the end of the dissertation, suggestions for future research, and set out ideas for motivating the internal stakeholders to initiate changes in order to increase the competitiveness of tourist destination of Jablanica district are provided.</p> Read more
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Perú latinoJimenez Araujo, Fathy Aldair, Minaya Alvarez, Michael Alex, Olivares Huaman, Lucy Jenifer, Zavaleta Vasquez, Cristian Junior 26 February 2022 (has links)
El presente trabajo se realizó un plan de negocios con el objetivo de que se pueda resolver los problemas que presentan los turistas al momento de viajar, los cuales les hacen tener una mala experiencia y por lo tanto menos ganas de poder proyectar un próximo viaje, a través del desarrollo de una aplicación móvil con la función de brindar información a aquellos jóvenes que no tienen conocimiento acerca de los lugares turísticos que desean viajar. Debido a esto, pierden la oportunidad de descubrir las aventuras de los lugares más hermosos y atractivos del Perú. Luego de evaluar al público objetivo planteado, se desarrolló la aplicación PERULATINO que sirve como vinculo entre los tours del Perú y el turista. Esta app tendrá dos versiones, una versión gratuita donde se podrán registrar datos y obtener información de los destinos más concurridos y una versión con paga (premium) donde se tendrá acceso a todos los lugares del Perú y a descuentos exclusivos. Al término de la proyección de ventas, se realizaron planes de marketing y diversos análisis financieros para comprobar si la idea resultara rentable y si conviene invertir en ella. / This work was carried out a business plan in order to solve the problems that tourists have when traveling, which make them have a bad experience and therefore less willing to plan a next trip, through the development of a mobile application with the function of providing information to those young people who have no knowledge about the tourist places they want to travel. Because of this, they miss the opportunity to discover the adventures of the most beautiful and attractive places in Peru. After evaluating the target audience, the PERULATINO application was developed to serve as a link between the tours of Peru and the tourist. This app will have two versions, a free version where you can register data and obtain information on the most popular destinations and a paid version (premium) where you will have access to all the places in Peru and exclusive discounts. At the end of the sales projection, marketing plans and various financial analyses were carried out to check if the idea would be profitable and if it would be worth investing in it. / Trabajo de investigación Read more
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Beyond Dark TourismJohansson Retamal, Geraldinne January 2023 (has links)
Background: The development of Dark Tourism has evolved much over recent years. The term Dark Tourism is too general for a subject matter that is multilayered and complex. Aim of the Thesis and Research Question: Is to present the consistencies, vagueness, and disagreements of the different categorizations in Dark Tourism. It is my intent to provide a new understanding of the Theory and Empirical Material of Dark Tourism. What lies beyond Dark Tourism and its categorizations? Which values this phenomenon can offer to the Dark Tourists and residents of Dark Sites? Method: In this chapter I am going to present a qualitative method with thematic analysis, hermeneutics, and criticism. Previous Research: This section should be seen as literature review, as well as a presentation and thematization of my empirical material. Analysis: General analysis of the categorizations, highlighting the vagueness, strengths, and disagreements. Discussion: Through utilization of a critical analysis of Dark Tourism sites in terms of their selection and interpretation I can contribute to the debate, discussion and move towards a new procedure of seeing Dark Tourism. Conclusion: Dark Tourism is not only a touristic activity. The description "dark" does not, however, adequately convey the multifaceted nature of this phenomenon. Read more
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Влияние иностранных представительств в регионе на развитие въездного туризма: опыт деятельности Генерального консульства Франции в Свердловской области : магистерская диссертация / The impact of foreign missions in the region on the development of inbound tourism: the role of the Consulate general of France in Sverdlovsk regionБревнова, Ю. А., Brevnova, Y. A. January 2018 (has links)
Объектом исследования является влияние иностранных представительств на въездной туризм в регионе. Предметом исследования является деятельность Генерального Консульства Франции в Екатеринбурге на территории Свердловской области в сфере туризма и развития въездного потока. Целью работы является исследование влияния Генерального Консульства Франции на формирование въездного туристского потока в Свердловскую область. / This work considers the role and the impact of the foreign mission in the region on tourism. The main idea is the role of the Consulate General of France in the formation of the inbound tourist flows in Sverdlovsk region. The questionnaires and events were analyzed that have affect in tourist flows from France. The main directions of cooperation between France and Sverdlovsk region were revealed.
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The Reality of the Provinces and Other StoriesTrude, Brian J. 22 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Motivación de visita al Complejo Arqueológico Huaca Ventarrón, 2021Paredes Berru, Cindy Gianella January 2023 (has links)
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general el identificar el nivel de motivación de visita en los turistas del Complejo Arqueológico Huaca Ventarrón, 2021.La metodología empleada fue de enfoque cuantitativo, en cuanto al instrumento y a la técnica fueron el cuestionario y la encuesta, con una población de 181 visitantes nacionales encuestados. A su vez, es de tipo aplicada, su nivel es descriptivo y el diseño es no experimental transversal. El modelo base fue desarrollado por Sastre & Phakdee (2017) quienes investigaron las motivaciones de viaje, las cuales son de empuje y atracción y el comportamiento de los turistas británicos que van a Phuket-Tailandia, desarrollando un constructo en base a teorías relacionadas a la variable en estudio; motivación de visita. La variable en estudio está dimensionada en factor de empuje, cuyos indicadores son diversión, descanso y relajación, escapar de la rutina, hacer algo
emocionante, visitar algo nuevo, aventura, aliviar estrés, experimentar nuevas culturas, experiencia y conocimiento mientras que en el factor de atracción tenemos a paisajes naturales, amabilidad, clima, seguridad, calidad de servicio, higiene, alimentos, calidad de aire, agua y suelo. El resultado del estudio de los niveles de la variable motivación de visita, el más relevante fue el moderado con el 43.6%, mientras que el nivel bajo tiene el 30.9% y, por último, el 25.4% equivale al nivel alto. Concluyendo que, la afluencia de turistas ya sea nacionales o internacionales es muy reducida, mencionando la carencia de una planta turística, lo que repercute en la poca atractividad para volver a visitarlo. / This research project has as a general objective to identify the level of motivation to visit in tourists of the Huaca Ventarrón Archaeological Complex, 2021.La methodology used was of quantitative approach, in terms of the instrument and the technique are the questionnaire and the survey, with a population of 181 national visitors to survey. In turn, it is of applied type, its level is descriptive and the design is non-experimental cross-sectional. The base model was developed by Sastre & Phakdee (2017) who investigated travel motivations which are of push and attraction and the behavior of British tourists going to Phuket-Thailand, developing a construct based on theories related to the variable under study; motivation to visit. The variable under study is dimensioned in thrust factor, whose indicators are fun, rest and relaxation, escape from routine, do something exciting, visit something new, adventure, relieve stress, experience new cultures, experience and knowledge while in the attraction factor we have natural
landscapes, friendliness, climate, safety, quality of service, hygiene, food, air, water and soil quality. The result of the study of the levels of the variable motivation of visit, the most relevant was the moderate with 43.6%, while the low level has 30.9% and finally, 25.4% is equivalent to the high level. Concluding that, the influx of tourists, whether national or international, is very small, mentioning the lack of a tourist plant, which affects the lack of attractiveness to visit it again. Read more
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Sustainable Tourism Mobility on Gotland with the Main Focus on Electric VehiclesLiu, Zhaoyi January 2022 (has links)
This paper explores Gotland’s sustainable tourism mobility from a qualitative perspective in order to better understand how tourists choose their mode of transport in a sustainable way. Tourism transport accounts for the majority of tourism-related CO2 emissions compared to other tourism-related activities. There three types of tourists, real tourist, second-home owner, and residents of Gotland s are chosen to be the target groups investigated in this paper. Both private and public transport were included in order to get a more holistic view within sustainable tourism mobility in Gotland. Sustainable private transport mainly refers to driving in an electric vehicle (EV) or a biogas vehicle (BGV). Public transport refers to bus transport in Gotland. Behavioral change and effective policies are the two possible ways to make positive contribution to reduce those emissions. However, both positive and negative signs have shown that instigating behavioral change and formulating an effective policy within tourism industry can be taken longer time than expected to achieve the goal made by the municipality of Gotland, known as Region Gotland. For this paper, 4 interviews were conducted by interviewing 5 local experts all of whom are working in the field of sustainable tourism mobility. Their insightful thoughts could make this study more reliable and discerning. When it comes to process of data collection and data analysis, data were coded and analyzed using thematic approach. The study result reveals the need of forming the personal identity of tourist leaning toward sustainability and that identity plays a crucial role in travel planning and tourist-government communication. Therefore, the suggestions are made based on tourist behaviors and communications between various stakeholders. The result shows three most-likely happened events which are social campaigns, resource allocation with the support of tourism industry, and smart public charging networks planning Read more
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Enlightening Dark Tourism in NepalThapa Magar, Asha 12 1900 (has links)
This study aims to examine the motivation, experience and benefits of Nepalese domestic tourists visiting the seismic memorial sites after the 25 April 2015 earthquake (known as Gorkha earthquake). A total of 403 surveys was gathered from seismic sites of Nepal (Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patan). Data were tested to analyze why the tourists are interested in disaster sites and how their experience during their visit impact the benefits of the visits. Additionally, partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed to test the relationships among tourist motivations, experiences, and perceived benefits at the dark tourism sites in Nepal. Among the five motivational factors discovered, the empirical results depict that emotional reaction is the strongest factor of the dark tourism motivation, affecting both cognitive and affective experiences. Additionally, this study confirms that cognitive experience is more influenced by dark tourism motivations than affective experience. Among the four experience factors examined in the study, self-reflection is found to have the strongest impact of three aspects of perceived dark tourism benefits, such as knowledge gain, fulfillment, and appreciation. Overall, the findings of the study provide important implications to the management sectors of dark tourism sites, enhancing the importance of providing cognitive experiences (i.e. distributing the educational materials about the dark tourism events and offering the knowledgeable tour guide who can guide the sites) and affective experience of the tourists (storytelling about the events, organizing educational and volunteering programs at the sites). Further, this study contributes to the limited literature in the context of dark tourism and provide important managerial and practical implications based on the case of Nepal earthquake in 2015. Read more
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Sustainable Pathways in Tourism: Exploring the Role of Airports, Destinations, and Tourist Behavior in Ecological TransitionSerio, Riccardo Gianluigi 07 February 2025 (has links)
This research explores the nexus between environmental sustainability and tourism through three empirical studies. It examines airports’ sustainability investments and operational efficiency, evaluates the role of eco-certifications in attracting tourists to destinations, and analyzes young tourists’ pro-environmental behaviors. Findings highlight sustainability’s dual role as a moral imperative and a strategic advantage.
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