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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pièces chantées écrites en breton vannetais au début du XXème siècle : processus de traditionalisation / Sung pieces written in Breton of Vannes in the early twentieth century : traditionalization process

Guillevic, Myriam 18 December 2018 (has links)
L’étude du processus de traditionalisation des chansons, c’est à dire les différentes étapes qui font de la création d’un auteur un élément de patrimoine musical commun à une population, se base sur un corpus de deux-cent-soixante-dix chants composés dans la première moitié du 20ème siècle en Bretagne. A cette époque, un fort élan de création traverse le pays et de nombreux auteurs s’attachent à renouveler le patrimoine musical, notamment dans le pays vannetais, secteur géographique de cette étude. La première partie de cette thèse étudie donc ce corpus en cherchant à mieux connaître les principaux auteurs de ces chants, en détaillant les thèmes qu’ils abordent et le contexte historique dans lesquels ilsévoluent ainsi qu’en examinant les caractéristiques littéraires et musicales de leurs oeuvres. Vient ensuite la question de la médiation de l’oeuvre par le biais de différents moyens tant oraux qu’écrits et notamment la presse afin qu’elle atteigne le public à laquelle elle est destinée. La seconde partie consiste à observer le devenir de ces chants un siècle plus tard. Ce travail se base sur le recensement et l’écoute de très nombreux collectages et la lecture de cahiers de chants pour déterminer quelles pièces ont survécu à leur création ou au contraire ont disparu ou n’ont même jamais existé. Il vise à essayer de comprendre quels critères permettent d’expliquer ce phénomène. À ce recensement s’ajoute l’analyse de dixcas d’étude avec l’observation détaillée de tous les collectages trouvés de ces exemples, complétée par des entretiens avec plusieurs chanteuses et chanteurs afin de percevoir leur ressenti à l’écoute de ces dix chants. Lors de ce travail, plusieurs constantes ont été relevées qui permettent de mieux appréhender les différentes transformations que subit un chant pour devenir traditionnel. La création d’un homme devient alors collective. / The study of the process of traditionalization of songs, that is to say the various steps that make the creation of an author a piece of musical heritage common to a population, is based on a corpus of two hundred and seventy songs composed in the first half of the 20th century in Brittany. At this time, a strong impetus of creation crosses the country and many authorsstrive to renew the musical heritage, especially in the country of Vannes, geographical area of this study. The first part of this thesis studies this corpus by seeking to better understand the main authors of these songs, detailing the themes they cover and the historical context in which they evolve, as well as examining the literary and musical characteristics of their songs. Then comes the question of the mediation of the songs through various means, both oral and written, and in particular the press, so that it reaches the public for whom it is intended. The second part is to observe the fate of these songs a century later. This work is based on counting and listening to numerous collections and the reading of songbooks to determine which pieces survived their creation or on the contrary have disappeared or never even existed. It aims to try to understand what criteria can explain this phenomenon. To this census is added the analysis of ten cases of study with the detailedobservation of all collected collections of these examples, completed by interviews with several singers in order to perceive their feelings by listening to these ten songs. During this work, several constants were noted that allow to better understand the different transformations that a song undergoes to become traditional. The creation of a man then becomes collective.

Territorialização e tradicionalização: refletindo sobre a construção da identidade faxinalense no Paraná / Territorialization and traditionalization: reflecting about the construction of the faxinalense identity in Paraná

Barreto, Marcelo 11 October 2013 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo compreender quem são e como vem se reproduzindo os faxinalenses no Paraná. Os faxinais representam diversas comunidades que se encontram nas Regiões Centro-sul e Sudeste do estado do Paraná que praticam o uso comum de suas terras. Atualmente, esses sujeitos vêm buscando construir a identidade por meio da autoafirmação coletiva. Procura-se refletir sobre a construção dessa identidade, que ganha força entre grupos camponeses no Brasil os faxinalenses são um caso. Os faxinalenses estão inseridos na sociedade moderna, porém com suas particularidades. Estes se veem constantemente desafiados a darem respostas às transformações que ocorrem em escala global. Essas respostas são parte do movimento que leva à reprodução social do grupo. Tais respostas são tomadas com base nos costumes que não estão circunscritos à esfera local de cada comunidade, mas que se fazem presentes em escala global. No momento de afirmação dessa identidade, um conjunto de elementos oriundos da escala local e global passa a fazer parte das relações diversas travadas cotidianamente nos planos: econômico, social e político. Os costumes do grupo definem tanto suas práticas específicas, impregnadas pelo movimento global, quanto as condutas do local em relação ao global. A identidade, por sua vez, emerge da contradição em meio a um processo que definimos como tradicionalização. A pesquisa se concentrou no faxinal do Salso no município de Quitandinha, na região metropolitana de Curitiba. Esta comunidade vem construindo sua unidade por meio do fortalecimento dos laços de identidade contra as práticas que procuram diminuir o território da reprodução social do seu grupo. Dessa forma, busca-se compreender como vem se dando essa resistência a partir da construção da identidade faxinalense entre os moradores do Salso. / The present thesis aims to comprehend who are and how takes place the reproduction of the faxinalenses in Paraná. The faxinais represents several communities located on the Center-south and Southwest portions of the state of Paraná that practice the common use of their land. Nowadays, those subjects are looking forward the construction of an identity through the collective self assertion. It aims to reflect about the construction of this identity that is increasing among peasantry groups in Brazil the faxinalenses are a case. The faxinalenses are inserted in the modern society, but with their own particularities. They are constantly challenged to give answers to the transformations that occur in global scale. At this moment the assertion of this identity, many elements that comes from local and global scales turns to take place on several everyday life relations on economical, social and political basis. The costumes of the group define such their specific practices together with the global movement, as the local conduct in relation to the global. The identity, at once, emerge from the contradiction in between of a process that we define of tradicionalization. The research concentrated on the faxinal of Salso on the city of Quitandinha in greater Curitiba metropolitan area. This community, constructs its unity through the strengthening of identity ties against some practices that aims to decrease the social reproduction territory of their group. This way, it aims to comprehend how this resistance is happening by the construction of the faxinalense identity among the people from Salso.

Blåkullamarschen i Visby

Ronström, Owe January 1988 (has links)
Sedan ett antal år tillbaks samlas varje år omkring 1000 påskkäringar i Visby på Skärtorsdagens eftermiddag. De samlas, marscherar iväg längs Visbys forna affärsgata, får ett pappägg med godis och går sedan hem under fridfullt tuggande och smackande. I bakgrunden,tryckta mot husväggarna, döljer sig tidigare generationers påskkäringar, de som en tid hotade att helt försvinna, och i fonden avtecknar sig Visby med ringmuren, kyrkorna, smala gator och låga hus. Blåkullamarschen i Visby har med allt detta att göra; påsktraditionerna, utdöendet, godisätande, föräldraskapet, Visbys förändring, relationen mellan det gamla och det nya. Blåkullamarschen är ett stillsamt, nästan anspråkslöst evenemang som inte pockar på särskild uppmärksamhet. Men det är också på sitt sätt ett märkvärdigt fenomen som inte låter sig alldeles enkelt beskrivas och förklaras. I beskrivningen av marschen skall jag låta köpmännen i Visby, påskkäringarna själva och deras föräldrar komma till tals och jag ska låta dem konfronteras med teoretiska antaganden om återupplivande av äldre traditioner och om skapande av helt nya. Jag hävdar att medan strukturella ekonomiska och demografiska förhållanden, liksom också rörelser som «grönavågen» och liknande, kan bilda en bakgrund som ökar förståelsen för fenomenet, är det bara genom att fokusera aktörernas intentioner som man kan finna hållbara förklaringar. / This article discusses the «B1åkulla» march in Visby, Gotland, Sweden. The event is arranged yearly on Maundy Thursday. Children and parents defy the winds, rain and snow of April to gather in the center of the small medieval town and march up and down the formerly busy street, hoping to get some of the coloured, candyfilled paper eggs distributed by the local merchants' association. The march is headed by a brass band, and most of the children, and some of their parents, are dressed up as påskkäringar, wearing old and outsized skirts and blouses, big scarves around their heads, their faces made up with red lipstick and black paint. The children are the heirs of the påskkäringar of the forties, fifties and sixties. Youngsters then dressed up as old women, begging for Easter eggs, bread and candies, walking around individually or in small groups. Although formerly widespread, the custom faded in the sixties and almost disappeared. The march was initiated by merchants in Visby in 1973 and became an immediate success. About one thousand children, one-fourth of all the children on the island, participated together with their parents, making the march one of the major events of the year. To find the factors that contributed to the success of the event, I turn to the perspectives of the merchants, the children and the parents. The merchants have obvious commercial interests; the children disguise themselves and get free candy; the parents remember the old days when the busy street was the natural meeting place and they walked around as påskkäringar themselves. From the researcher's perspective, I discuss the event in terms of effectivization, rationalization and institutionalization of an old custom, then turning to Hobsbawm's notion of «traditionalization». These concepts illuminate the historical and social background against which the actions of the performers may be analyzed. The last part of the paper discusses the concepts of «revitalization» and «folklorism». I maintain that these theoretical concepts must be rejected on the grounds that they are heavily biased by objectivist notions of «authenticity» and «false consciousness.» I find that, however simple and obvious the objectives of the actors may seem, only they can explain why so many children and parents in Visby find it worthwhile to walk the streets of Visby together on a Thursday afternoon in April.

Territorialização e tradicionalização: refletindo sobre a construção da identidade faxinalense no Paraná / Territorialization and traditionalization: reflecting about the construction of the faxinalense identity in Paraná

Marcelo Barreto 11 October 2013 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo compreender quem são e como vem se reproduzindo os faxinalenses no Paraná. Os faxinais representam diversas comunidades que se encontram nas Regiões Centro-sul e Sudeste do estado do Paraná que praticam o uso comum de suas terras. Atualmente, esses sujeitos vêm buscando construir a identidade por meio da autoafirmação coletiva. Procura-se refletir sobre a construção dessa identidade, que ganha força entre grupos camponeses no Brasil os faxinalenses são um caso. Os faxinalenses estão inseridos na sociedade moderna, porém com suas particularidades. Estes se veem constantemente desafiados a darem respostas às transformações que ocorrem em escala global. Essas respostas são parte do movimento que leva à reprodução social do grupo. Tais respostas são tomadas com base nos costumes que não estão circunscritos à esfera local de cada comunidade, mas que se fazem presentes em escala global. No momento de afirmação dessa identidade, um conjunto de elementos oriundos da escala local e global passa a fazer parte das relações diversas travadas cotidianamente nos planos: econômico, social e político. Os costumes do grupo definem tanto suas práticas específicas, impregnadas pelo movimento global, quanto as condutas do local em relação ao global. A identidade, por sua vez, emerge da contradição em meio a um processo que definimos como tradicionalização. A pesquisa se concentrou no faxinal do Salso no município de Quitandinha, na região metropolitana de Curitiba. Esta comunidade vem construindo sua unidade por meio do fortalecimento dos laços de identidade contra as práticas que procuram diminuir o território da reprodução social do seu grupo. Dessa forma, busca-se compreender como vem se dando essa resistência a partir da construção da identidade faxinalense entre os moradores do Salso. / The present thesis aims to comprehend who are and how takes place the reproduction of the faxinalenses in Paraná. The faxinais represents several communities located on the Center-south and Southwest portions of the state of Paraná that practice the common use of their land. Nowadays, those subjects are looking forward the construction of an identity through the collective self assertion. It aims to reflect about the construction of this identity that is increasing among peasantry groups in Brazil the faxinalenses are a case. The faxinalenses are inserted in the modern society, but with their own particularities. They are constantly challenged to give answers to the transformations that occur in global scale. At this moment the assertion of this identity, many elements that comes from local and global scales turns to take place on several everyday life relations on economical, social and political basis. The costumes of the group define such their specific practices together with the global movement, as the local conduct in relation to the global. The identity, at once, emerge from the contradiction in between of a process that we define of tradicionalization. The research concentrated on the faxinal of Salso on the city of Quitandinha in greater Curitiba metropolitan area. This community, constructs its unity through the strengthening of identity ties against some practices that aims to decrease the social reproduction territory of their group. This way, it aims to comprehend how this resistance is happening by the construction of the faxinalense identity among the people from Salso.

Alltagsgattungen und der Ort von Kultur : Sprachwissenschaftliche und kulturanalytische Studien anhand von Milchverpackungen in Deutschland und Schweden

Tienken, Susanne January 2008 (has links)
The present dissertation examines how culture in terms of webs of significance comprises even everyday genres, and how everyday genres in turn partake in creating cultural contexts. The theoretical cornerstones of this study are to be found in a dialogical notion of context and a semiotic notion of culture. Furthermore, the study benefits from the analytical concept of communicative genre by which texts can be set in the broader context of societal or socio-cultural relevancy. The methodological framework – with contrastive viewing as an overall heuristic approach – has been developed by combining elements from linguistic hermeneutics, literary cultural analysis, and critical discourse analysis. The study shows that the most significant trait of Swedish milk package texts is the recontextualization of national historical topics, closely entangled with elements of school discourse and children’s literature. This endows the texts with a certain socio-cultural meaning, even though this meaning is dependent on other interactive resources. However, on recent milk packages, changes of communicative patterns can be seen, indicating socio-cultural change. The most significant trait of German milk packages is – besides the ubiquitous use of fresh generating an advertising context – the recontextualization of the fictionalizing topos of locus amoenus, closely intertwined with control and surveillance. The contrastive viewing of 19th-century texts in the dissertation makes clear that contemporary German milk packages still imply urban-bourgeois perspectives on rurality. Finally, the study shows that culture in terms of webs of significance has no location where it is, but a location where it is represented – for instance in everyday genre texts. It illustrates how linguistic hermeneutics can be done.

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