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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les compléments de l'invention concédée : savoir faire, perfectionnement et assistance technique / Know-how, improvements and technical assistance in patent licensing agreements

Ghassemi, Youssef 19 March 2012 (has links)
La R&D interne coûte de plus en plus cher et son efficacité en termes de succès commercial est limitée. Lalicence de brevet constitue incontestablement un outil décisif pour maintenir la compétitivité des entreprises,notamment dans les secteurs de haute technologie, telles que les biotechnologies et les nanotechnologies. Lapratique révèle que, pour assurer un réel transfert de technologies, l’invention concédée est le plus souventaccompagnée par des prestations complémentaires portant sur le savoir-faire, les perfectionnements etl’assistance technique. L’interprétation et les modalités d’exécution de ces prestations sont à l’origine denombreuses questions d’importance pratique et théorique. D’une part, l’appréhension des notions de savoir-faire,de perfectionnement et d’assistance technique est délicate. D’autre part, l’étendue des obligations du concédantet du licencié à l’égard des compléments de l’invention concédée est incertaine. La prise en compte del’économie du contrat de licence de brevet s’avère essentielle pour apporter des solutions juridiques et pratiquesappropriées. Il s’agit de déterminer la destination du brevet concédé, telle qu’elle a été convenue par les parties.Celles-ci envisagent-elles une simple autorisation visant l’exécution de l’invention selon la description ?Cherchent-elles, au contraire, un transfert de maîtrise de la technologie brevetée permettant une exploitationoptimale ? En droit américain, en l’absence de clauses portant sur les compléments de l’invention concédée, leconcédant ne doit rien d’autre que la délivrance du brevet à son licencié. En revanche, force est de constaterqu’en droit français, sauf stipulations contraires, le donneur de licence est tenu de délivrer, en cas d’inégalitéd’information entre les parties, tous les compléments indispensables à « l’exploitation effective et sérieuse » del’invention concédée. / The internal R&D is increasingly expensive and its effectiveness in terms of commercialization success islimited. Patent licenses are undoubtedly a powerful tool to maintain business competitiveness, especially in hightechnology sectors such as biotechnology and nanotechnology. The practice shows that, to ensure effectivetechnology transfers, patent licenses are most often accompanied by accessory obligations on know-how,improvements and technical assistance. Interpretation and implementing rules of these obligations are the sourceof many issues of practical and theoretical importance. On the one hand, the notions of know-how, improvementand technical assistance are difficult to define. On the other hand, the extent of the parties’ obligations as to the“complements” of the licensed invention is uncertain. It is crucial to understand the economics of patentlicensing agreements to provide legal solutions and practical measures. This is to determine the legal purpose ofthe license, as it has been agreed by the parties. Do they contemplate a simple authorization for the “execution”of the invention according to the description? Do they seek, instead, a transfer of control of the patentedtechnology allowing optimum “exploitation” of the invention? Under U.S. law, in the absence of an expresscontractual stipulation, rights to know-how, improvements and technical assistance cannot be taken for granted.According to French law, unless otherwise provided in the contract, the licensor is obligated to supply, in case ofinequality of information between the parties, all “complements” which are indispensable for “an effective andserious exploitation” of the licensed invention.

Economic Impacts Of Free Zones In Turkey: A Questionnaire Study Conducted With Firms Operating In Turkish Free Zones Regarding The Perception Of The Firms On The Success Of Free Zones

Kavlak, Mehmet Emin 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In Turkey, the trade regime has been liberalized to some extent after Resolutions of 24 January 1980, and Turkey started to implement export-led trade strategies. As a part of these policy instruments, the Free Zones Law was published in the Official Gazette in 1985. Following various amendments in the Law, objectives of free zones have been defined as &ldquo / promoting export-oriented investment and production, accelerating the entry of foreign investment and technology, directing enterprises to export and improving international trade&rdquo / . Within this context, the purpose of this study is to explore the economic impacts of free zones and analyze the free zone firms&rsquo / perceptions on the success of free zones by assessing to what extent the establishment objectives of the free zones in Turkey have been realized.

Analyse de l’activité et culture d’action des professionnels de la bioproduction de substances actives pharmacologiques, cosmétiques en système Plantes à Traire® pour la conception de formations sous l’hypothèse de l'enaction / Analysis of activity and culture of action of professionals of the bioproduction of substances in plants milking® system, for the conception of training under the hypothesis of enaction

Gagneaux, Marie-Hélène 26 June 2015 (has links)
La thèse, réalisée en France, porte sur le transfert de la biotechnologie Plantes à Traire® (brevet Université de Lorraine – INPL-INRA-ENSAIA), de la France vers le Brésil par le Programme International de Sauvegarde de l'Amazonie, Mata Atlântica et des Amérindiens pour le Développement Durable (PISAD). Cette organisation non gouvernementale scientifique à but non lucratif intervient dans le tiers secteur : l'économie sociale et solidaire. Elle allie un projet économique de co-développement durable à une finalité sociale : a) l'offre de principes actifs naturels utiles à la recherche médicale et à l'innovation des industries du secteur pharmaceutique, nutraceutique, et cosmétique ; b) la sauvegarde de la biodiversité des forêts d'Amazonie et Mata Atlântica et des Peuples autochtones Índios, qui en sont de grands connaisseurs. Cette ONG est le maître d'ouvrage et le maître d'œuvre du projet Herb'Içana©, qu'elle réalise en partenariat avec une communauté Índios Baniwa de l'État d'Amazonas, des institutions gouvernementales, des centres d'excellence brésiliens et français, pour la valorisation équitable de la biodiversité et des savoirs traditionnels Índios sur les plantes médicinales, par le biais des biotechnologies vertes, du bioengineering et bioprocess de production d'extraits aux principes actifs naturels thérapeutiques et cosmétiques (Meyer, 2003, 2004a et b, 2005, 2007).Dans ce contexte, la construction de formations ad hoc est liée aux enjeux d'implantation de ce dispositif technique, d'implémentation des technologies et biotechnologies Plantes à Traire®, et d'apprentissage des techniques et des savoirs relatifs au travail de bioproduction d'extraits végétaux pharmacologiques hautement purifiés par des membres des tribus Índios. La recherche en formation est engagée selon une approche d'anthropologie de l'activité humaine, envisagée comme l'expression du couplage entre un acteur et son environnement (Maturana & Varela, 1987 ; Varela, Thompson & Roch, 1993 ; Theureau 1999, 2004, 2006 ; Durand, 2006, 2008), pour la conception d'outils innovants favorisant l'apprentissage et le développement individuel et collectif, utiles à des intervenants variés (scientifiques, techniciens occidentaux brésiliens et français ; medicine-men Índios ; professeurs des écoles bilingues interculturelle et formateurs des organisations indigènes), amenés à agir de concert en situation interculturelle de travail de formation. Elle s'inscrit dans un empan temporel long, et comme une contribution à un programme anthropotechnologique de l'activité humaine et de conception de formations sous l'hypothèse de l'enaction, développé par Durand (2008).Les objectifs de l'étude conduite sur le terrain de l'entreprise française Plant Advanced Technologies, détentrice des droits de licence mondiaux d'exploitation du brevet Plantes à Traire®, sont : la compréhension du travail, de l'organisation de l'activité et de la culture en action des professionnels engagés dans des pratiques de recherche et développement de principes actifs naturels et de leur bioproduction semi-industrielle.Les résultats des analyses présentées dans la thèse alimentent la conception de formations accompagnant le transfert de technologies réalisé par le PISAD à partir de 2015. La thèse ouvre des perspectives de recherche s'intéressant aux relations entre transfert de technologies et culture d'action, expériences fictionnelles mimétiques et construction de connaissances entre scientifiques et Peuples premiers d'Amazonie dans une visée d'ergonomie de la formation. / The thesis, realised in France, is on the subject of the transfer of the biotechnology « Plant milking technology » “Plantes à Traire” (patented by the University of Lorraine – INPL – INRA – ENSAIA) from France towards Brazil by the International Programme of the Safeguard of Amazônia, Mata Atlântica and the Amerindians for Sustainable Development (PISAD). This scientific, non-governmental, non-profit–making organisation intervenes in the third sector: solidary and responsible economy. It unites an economical project with a social objective: a) the proposal of natural active principles, useful for medical research, and the innovation of industries in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmetic sectors; b) the safeguard of the biodiversity of the forests of Amazônia and Mata Atlântica and the native Índios, who are experts in the matter (these techniques). This non-governmental organisation is the maître d'ouvrage and the maître d'oeuvre of the project “Herb'Içana©” realised in partnership with the Indian community “Índios Baniwa” of the state of Amazonas, government institutions, Brazilian and French centres of excellence for the equitable valorisation of the biodiversity and the Índios's traditional knowledge of medicinal plants, through green biotechnology, bioengineering and the bioprocess for production of extracts containing natural therapeutic and cosmetic active principles (Meyer, 2003, 2004,a et b 2005, 2007).In this context, the construction of training ad hoc courses is linked with the stakes of the implantation of these technical tools, the implementation of the plant milking technologies and biotechnologies, and the apprenticeship of the techniques and of the knowledge related to the bioproduction of highly purified pharmacological plant extracts by the Índios tribes. The research in training is undertaken according to an anthropological approach of human activity, considered as the expression of a coupling between an actor and his environment (Maturana & Varda 1987, Varela, Thompson & Roch, 1993; Theureau 1999, 2004, 2006, Durand 2006, 2008), for the conception of innovative tools favouring individual and collective apprenticeship and development, useful for various intervening participants (Brazilian and French technicians and scientists, Índios medicine-men, teachers in cross-cultural bilingual schools and instructors from indigenous organizations cooperating in an intercultural context of training. It is part of a long time span, and is a contribution to an anthropotechnological programme of human activity and conception of training under the hypothesis of enaction developed by Durand (2008).The objectives of the study conducted in situ of the French company Plant Advanced Technologies, holder of the world patent license for the plant milking technology are: the comprehension of the work, the organisation of the activities and the “culture in action” of the professionals engaged in the practices of research and development of natural active ingredients and their semi-industrial bioproduction.The results of the analysis presented in the thesis supports the conception of training accompanying the transfer of technologies realized by PISAD from 2015. The thesis opens new research perspectives on the relationship between the transfer of technologies and the “culture of action”, “mimetic fictional experiences” and the construction of knowledge between Scientist and Native people of Amazônia in the perspective of ergonomics and training.

Modelo de transferência de tecnologia verde por intermédio dos núcleos de inovação tecnológica em institutos de ciência e tecnologia brasileiros / A model for green technology transfer through technology transfer offices at brazilian science and technology institutes

Silva, Luan Carlos Santos January 2016 (has links)
As tecnologias verdes assumiram uma posição importante para o desenvolvimento da sustentabilidade global, e a transferência de tecnologias pode ser um mecanismo pelo qual as indústrias podem conquistar e manter sua competitividade no mercado e garantir a sustentabilidade, promovendo uma atitude de mudança e de acompanhamento das necessidades humanas, econômicas, sociais e ambientais da era atual. O objetivo geral da tese consistiu em desenvolver um modelo conceitual de processo de transferência de tecnologia verde para os Institutos de Ciência e Tecnologia brasileiros, tendo o NIT como o agente facilitador para a cooperação. Com a revisão sistemática da literatura realizada sobre os processos e modelos de transferência de tecnologia, foi possível verificar que ainda não existem modelos aplicados para tecnologias verdes. Através da ferramenta proposta para avaliar a estrutura de transferência de tecnologia, identificou-se quais as dimensões que integram o modelo e sua relação com os grupos de pesquisa e NITs. O modelo proposto elaborado consistiu em três macrofases: pré-transferência, desenvolvimento e pós-transferência. Através deste modelo é possível apontar, antecipadamente, as principais barreiras que impedem esse processo, além de fomentar desenvolvimentos científicos e tecnológicos futuros, capazes de influenciar de forma significativa nas indústrias, uma vez que anteciparia futuros problemas relativos à propriedade intelectual que possam inviabilizar a cooperação entre universidade-indústria no Brasil. / Green technologies have assumed an important role towards global sustainability development. Technology transfer processes could become the responsible mechanism for industries to assure and keep market competitiveness and sustainability, promoting a change of attitude and monitoring nowadays economical, social and human needs. The main purpose of this study was to develop a conceptual model of green technology transfer process for Brazilian Science and Technology Institutes, focusing on the Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) as the facilitators of such cooperation. Literature review on processes and methodology for technology transfer showed that there is no specific methods for green technologies. Through the proposed tool designed to evaluate technology transfer processes, it was possible to identify the dimensions integrated into the model and into the research group and TTOs. The elaborated model consists of three distinct phases: before, during and after technology transfer process. Such tool besides being able to point out, beforehand, the barriers which interfere negatively on such process, it is able to promote future scientific and technological development capable of significantly influence on industries specially because it can anticipate intellectual property issues that could undermine industry-university cooperation in Brazil.

Investimento Direto Estrangeiro em Moçambique: aspectos positivos e negativos / Foreign Direct Investment in Mozambique: positive and negative aspects

Mucanze, Nelson Alberto [UNESP] 30 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nelson Alberto Mucanze (nmucanze88@gmail.com) on 2016-12-05T15:38:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Corrigida Submissão.pdf: 1234900 bytes, checksum: 73634aeababf12b62d29b7d01f3e6017 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-12-07T11:46:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 mucanze_na_me_arafcl.pdf: 1234900 bytes, checksum: 73634aeababf12b62d29b7d01f3e6017 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-07T11:46:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 mucanze_na_me_arafcl.pdf: 1234900 bytes, checksum: 73634aeababf12b62d29b7d01f3e6017 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Moçambique tem experimentado taxas de crescimento econômico muito satisfatórias nos últimos anos. Segundo os dados da African Economic Outlook (AEO, 2014), o país cresceu em média 7% ao ano nos últimos dez anos. Os dados do Banco de Moçambique (2015) mostram que o fluxo de Investimento Direto Estrangeiro para o país evoluiu de US$ 347,3 milhões para US$ 4,9 bilhões entre 2002 e 2014. O governo moçambicano tem vislumbrado o IDE com papel estratégico para manter as taxas de crescimento econômico, aumentar o nível de empregos, proporcionar o desenvolvimento e atualizar a economia moçambicana em termos de transferência de tecnologias. No entanto sabe-se que essas “boas” consequências dos fluxos de IDE não acontecem automaticamente, é necessário que se criem políticas que façam que os retornos do IDE gerem riqueza para o país receptor. Neste trabalho, parte-se do pressuposto de que em Moçambique, apesar das altas taxas de crescimento econômico, os grandes fluxos de IDE não tem gerado riqueza para a economia nacional porque são concentrados no setor extrativo, têm muitos incentivos fiscais, não geram empregos, seus lucros são repatriados, têm pouca ligação com a economia nacional e incentivam conflitos políticos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar a importância do setor extrativo na atração de IDE para Moçambique. / Mozambique has experienced very satisfactory economic growth rates in recent years. According to the African Economic Outlook (AEO, 2014), the country grew at an average 7% year in the last ten years. The data of the Bank of Mozambique (2015) show that the flow of Foreign direct investment to the country evolved from $ 347,300,000 to $ 4.9 billion between 2002 and 2014. The Mozambican Government has glimpsed the IDE with strategic role to keep the rates of economic growth, increase the level of jobs, provide development and upgrading the Mozambican economy in terms of transfer of technology. However it is known that these "good" consequences of FDI flows don't happen automatically, It is necessary to create policies that make the returns of the FDI generate wealth for the receiving country. In this work, we start from the assumption that in Mozambique, despite high rates of economic growth, the large flows of FDI don't have generated wealth for the national economy because they are concentrated in the extractive sector, have many tax incentives, not generate jobs, their profits are repatriated, there is a little connection with the national economy and encourage political conflicts. The present work aims to identify the importance of the extractive sector in FDI attraction to Mozambique. / CAPES: 24/173538-1

Modelo de transferência de tecnologia verde por intermédio dos núcleos de inovação tecnológica em institutos de ciência e tecnologia brasileiros / A model for green technology transfer through technology transfer offices at brazilian science and technology institutes

Silva, Luan Carlos Santos January 2016 (has links)
As tecnologias verdes assumiram uma posição importante para o desenvolvimento da sustentabilidade global, e a transferência de tecnologias pode ser um mecanismo pelo qual as indústrias podem conquistar e manter sua competitividade no mercado e garantir a sustentabilidade, promovendo uma atitude de mudança e de acompanhamento das necessidades humanas, econômicas, sociais e ambientais da era atual. O objetivo geral da tese consistiu em desenvolver um modelo conceitual de processo de transferência de tecnologia verde para os Institutos de Ciência e Tecnologia brasileiros, tendo o NIT como o agente facilitador para a cooperação. Com a revisão sistemática da literatura realizada sobre os processos e modelos de transferência de tecnologia, foi possível verificar que ainda não existem modelos aplicados para tecnologias verdes. Através da ferramenta proposta para avaliar a estrutura de transferência de tecnologia, identificou-se quais as dimensões que integram o modelo e sua relação com os grupos de pesquisa e NITs. O modelo proposto elaborado consistiu em três macrofases: pré-transferência, desenvolvimento e pós-transferência. Através deste modelo é possível apontar, antecipadamente, as principais barreiras que impedem esse processo, além de fomentar desenvolvimentos científicos e tecnológicos futuros, capazes de influenciar de forma significativa nas indústrias, uma vez que anteciparia futuros problemas relativos à propriedade intelectual que possam inviabilizar a cooperação entre universidade-indústria no Brasil. / Green technologies have assumed an important role towards global sustainability development. Technology transfer processes could become the responsible mechanism for industries to assure and keep market competitiveness and sustainability, promoting a change of attitude and monitoring nowadays economical, social and human needs. The main purpose of this study was to develop a conceptual model of green technology transfer process for Brazilian Science and Technology Institutes, focusing on the Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) as the facilitators of such cooperation. Literature review on processes and methodology for technology transfer showed that there is no specific methods for green technologies. Through the proposed tool designed to evaluate technology transfer processes, it was possible to identify the dimensions integrated into the model and into the research group and TTOs. The elaborated model consists of three distinct phases: before, during and after technology transfer process. Such tool besides being able to point out, beforehand, the barriers which interfere negatively on such process, it is able to promote future scientific and technological development capable of significantly influence on industries specially because it can anticipate intellectual property issues that could undermine industry-university cooperation in Brazil.

Mission impossible : A case study on how to manage the tension between openness and secrecy in the defense industry

Eriksson, Lisa, Sajland, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
Title: Mission Impossible? A case study on how to manage the tension between openness and secrecy in the defense industry. Background: This thesis is built upon a unique case exhibiting open innovation within the defense industry. Practicing open innovation is a challenge for all organizations today but as a consequence of the defense industry’s high secrecy, open innovation becomes even more challenging. On one hand, they need to share internal knowledge to practice open innovation but on the other hand, sharing too much can endanger its country’s national security. The tension emerging from the need to open up an organization to practice open innovation while simultaneously maintaining secrecy results in an emergence of paradoxical tension. The literature has highlighted this tension as the paradox of openness. Purpose Research the paradox of openness within the defense industry. Methodology: An abductively qualitative single case study at the Swedish defense company Saab AB. The empirical data were collected from13 semi-structured and unstructured interviews. Findings: Selective revealing, a strong relationship and trust, internal rules and processes, and the understanding of customer capabilities are ways defense organizations can use to manage the paradox of openness in offset agreements. Keywords: Open innovation, The paradox of openness, Differentiation and integration approach, Defense industry, Saab AB, Offset, Transfer of Technology, Brazil.

Dresdner Transferbrief

23 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Thema der Ausgabe 2(2015): Medizin und Technik Implantate und Organe aus dem 3D-Drucker? S.12 Protonentherapie in Dresden macht Hoffnung S. 16/17 Medizin und Technik Zelltransplantation – Lichtblick für Patienten S.21

Dresdner Transferbrief

08 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Thema der Ausgabe 1(2016): Werkstoffe der Zukunft Materialkompetenz und Spitzenforschung S. 4 Neu: Carbonbeton für den Leichtbau S. 14 Intelligente Produkte durch smart materials S. 24

Dresdner Transferbrief

31 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Thema der Ausgabe 2(2016): Leuchtturm Biotechnologie Organische Sensoren für die Diagnostik S. 5 Hefezellen – maßgeschneidert S. 6 HyPep für neue Lebensmittel S. 17

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