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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On Reducing the Trusted Computing Base in Binary Verification

An, Xiaoxin 15 June 2022 (has links)
The translation of binary code to higher-level models has wide applications, including decompilation, binary analysis, and binary rewriting. This calls for high reliability of the underlying trusted computing base (TCB) of the translation methodology. A key challenge is to reduce the TCB by validating its soundness. Both the definition of soundness and the validation method heavily depend on the context: what is in the TCB and how to prove it. This dissertation presents three research contributions. The first two contributions include reducing the TCB in binary verification, and the last contribution includes a binary verification process that leverages a reduced TCB. The first contribution targets the validation of OCaml-to-PVS translation -- commonly used to translate instruction-set-architecture (ISA) specifications to PVS -- where the destination language is non-executable. We present a methodology called OPEV to validate the translation between OCaml and PVS, supporting non-executable semantics. The validation includes generating large-scale tests for OCaml implementations, generating test lemmas for PVS, and generating proofs that automatically discharge these lemmas. OPEV incorporates an intermediate type system that captures a large subset of OCaml types, employing a variety of rules to generate test cases for each type. To prove the PVS lemmas, we develop automatic proof strategies and discharge the test lemmas using PVS Proof-Lite, a powerful proof scripting utility of the PVS verification system. We demonstrate our approach in two case studies that include 259 functions selected from the Sail and Lem libraries. For each function, we generate thousands of test lemmas, all of which are automatically discharged. The dissertation's second contribution targets the soundness validation of a disassembly process where the source language does not have well-defined semantics. Disassembly is a crucial step in binary security, reverse engineering, and binary verification. Various studies in these fields use disassembly tools and hypothesize that the reconstructed disassembly is correct. However, disassembly is an undecidable problem. State-of-the-art disassemblers suffer from issues ranging from incorrectly recovered instructions to incorrectly assessing which addresses belong to instructions and which to data. We present DSV, a systematic and automated approach to validate whether the output of a disassembler is sound with respect to the input binary. No source code, debugging information, or annotations are required. DSV defines soundness using a transition relation defined over concrete machine states: a binary is sound if, for all addresses in the binary that can be reached from the binary's entry point, the bytes of the (disassembled) instruction located at an address are the same as the actual bytes read from the binary. Since computing this transition relation is undecidable, DSV uses over-approximation by preventing false positives (i.e., the existence of an incorrectly disassembled reachable instruction but deemed unreachable) and allowing, but minimizing, false negatives. We apply DSV to 102 binaries of GNU Coreutils with eight different state-of-the-art disassemblers from academia and industry. DSV is able to find soundness issues in the output of all disassemblers. The dissertation's third contribution is WinCheck: a concolic model checker that detects memory-related properties of closed-source binaries. Bugs related to memory accesses are still a major issue for security vulnerabilities. Even a single buffer overflow or use-after-free in a large program may be the cause of a software crash, a data leak, or a hijacking of the control flow. Typical static formal verification tools aim to detect these issues at the source code level. WinCheck is a model-checker that is directly applicable to closed-source and stripped Windows executables. A key characteristic of WinCheck is that it performs its execution as symbolically as possible while leaving any information related to pointers concrete. This produces a model checker tailored to pointer-related properties, such as buffer overflows, use-after-free, null-pointer dereferences, and reading from uninitialized memory. The technique thus provides a novel trade-off between ease of use, accuracy, applicability, and scalability. We apply WinCheck to ten closed-source binaries available in a Windows 10 distribution, as well as the Windows version of the entire Coreutils library. We conclude that the approach taken is precise -- provides only a few false negatives -- but may not explore the entire state space due to unresolved indirect jumps. / Doctor of Philosophy / Binary verification is a process that verifies a class of properties, usually security-related properties, on binary files, and does not need access to source code. Since a binary file is composed of byte sequences and is not human-readable, in the binary verification process, a number of assumptions are usually made. The assumptions often involve the error-free nature of a set of subsystems used in the verification process and constitute the verification process's trusted computing base (or TCB). The reliability of the verification process therefore depends on how reliable the TCB is. The dissertation presents three research contributions in this regard. The first two contributions include reducing the TCB in binary verification, and the last contribution includes a binary verification process that leverages a reduced TCB. The dissertation's first contribution presents a validation on OCaml-to-PVS translations -- commonly used to translate a computer architecture's instruction specifications to PVS, a language that allows mathematical specifications. To build up a reliable semantical model of assembly instructions, which is assumed to be in the TCB, it is necessary to validate the translation. The dissertation's second contribution validates the soundness of the disassembly process, which translates a binary file to corresponding assembly instructions. Since the disassembly process is generally assumed to be trustworthy in many binary verification works, the TCB of binary verification could be reduced by validating the soundness of the disassembly process. With the reduced TCB, the dissertation introduces WinCheck, the dissertation's third and final contribution: a concolic model checker that validates pointer-related properties of closed-source Windows binaries. The pointer-related properties include absence of buffer overflow, absence of use-after-free, and absence of null-pointer dereference.

Compilation certifiée de SCADE/LUSTRE / Certified compilation of SCADE/LUSTRE

Auger, Cédric 07 February 2013 (has links)
Les langages synchrones sont apparus autour des années quatre-vingt, en réponse à un besoin d’avoir un modèle mathématique simple pour implémenter des systèmes temps réel critiques. Dans ce modèle, le temps est découpé en instants discrets durant lesquels tous les composants du système reçoivent et produisent une donnée. Cette modélisation permet des raisonnements beaucoup plus simples en évitant de devoir prendre en compte le temps de calcul de chaque opération. Dans le monde du logiciel critique, la fiabilité du matériel et de son fonctionnement sont primordiaux, et on accepte d’être plus lent si on devient plus sûr. Afin d’augmenter cette fiabilité, plutôt que de concevoir manuellement tout le système, on utilise des machines qui synthétisent automatiquement le système souhaité à partir d’une description la plus concise possible. Dans le cas du logiciel, ce mécanisme s’appelle la compilation, et évite des erreurs introduites par l’homme par inadvertance. Elle ne garantit cependant pas la bonne correspondance entre le système produit et la description donnée. Des travaux récents menés par une équipe INRIA dirigée par Xavier Leroy ont abouti en 2008 au compilateur CompCert d’un sous-ensemble large de C vers l’assembleur PowerPC pour lequel il a été prouvé dans l’assistant de preuve Coq que le code assembleur produit correspond bien à la description en C du programme source. Un tel compilateur offre des garanties fortes de bonne correspondance entre le système synthétisé et la description donnée. De plus, avec les compilateurs utilisés pour le temps réel critique, la plupart des optimisations sont désactivées afin d’éviter les erreurs qui y sont liées. Dans CompCert, des optimisations elles aussi prouvées sont proposées, ce qui pourrait permettre ces passes dans la production de systèmes temps réel critiques sans en compromettre la fiabilité. Le but de cette thèse est d’avoir une approche similaire mais spécifique à un langage synchrone, donc plus approprié à la description de systèmes temps réel critiques que ne l’est le C. Un langage synchrone flots de données semblable à Lustre, nommé Ls, et un langage impératif semblable au langage C, nommé Obc y sont proposés ainsi que leur sémantique formelle et une chaîne de compilation avec des preuves de préservation de sémantique le long de cette chaîne. / Synchronous languages first appeared during the 80’s, in order to provide a mathematical model for safety-critical systems. In this model, time is discrete. At each instant, all components of the system simultaneously receive and produce some data. This model allows simpler reasonning on the behaviour of the system, as it does not involve the time required for each of the operations for every component. In safety-critical systems, safety is the rule, so a poor performance behaviour can be allowed if it improves safety. In order to improve safety, rather than conceiving directly the system, machines are used to automatically design the system from a given concise description. In the case of software, this machine is called a compiler, and avoids issues due to some human inadvertence. But it does not ensure that the produced system and the description specification really show the same behaviour. Some recent work from an INRIA team lead by Xavier Leroy achieved in 2008 the realisation of the CompCert compiler from a large subset of C to PowerPC assembly, for which it was proven inside of the Coq proof assistant that the produced system fits its source description. Such a compiler offers strong guarantees that the produced system and its given description by the programmer really fit. Furthermore, most current compiler’s optimizations are disabled when dealing with safety-critical systems in order to avoid tedious compilation errors that optimizations may introduce. Proofs for optimizations may allow their use in this domain without affecting the faith we could place in the compiler. The aim of this thesis is to follow a similar path, but this one on a language which would be more suited for safety-critical systems than the C programming language. Some dataflow synchronous programming language very similar to Lustre, called Ls is described with its formal semantics, as well as an imperative programming language similar to a subset of C called Obc. Furthermore some compilation process is described as well as some proofs that the semantics is preserved during the compilation process.

Évaluation systématique des effets de la tDCS sur le DLPFC et applications en technologies de l'information

Dumont, Laurence 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Formal verification of a synchronous data-flow compiler : from Signal to C

Ngô, Van Chan 01 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Synchronous languages such as Signal, Lustre and Esterel are dedicated to designing safety-critical systems. Their compilers are large and complicated programs that may be incorrect in some contexts, which might produce silently bad compiled code when compiling source programs. The bad compiled code can invalidate the safety properties that are guaranteed on the source programs by applying formal methods. Adopting the translation validation approach, this thesis aims at formally proving the correctness of the highly optimizing and industrial Signal compiler. The correctness proof represents both source program and compiled code in a common semantic framework, then formalizes a relation between the source program and its compiled code to express that the semantics of the source program are preserved in the compiled code.

Formal verification of a synchronous data-flow compiler : from Signal to C / Vérification formelle d’un compilateur synchrone : de Signal vers C

Ngô, Van Chan 01 July 2014 (has links)
Les langages synchrones tels que Signal, Lustre et Esterel sont dédiés à la conception de systèmes critiques. Leurs compilateurs, qui sont de très gros programmes complexes, peuvent a priori se révéler incorrects dans certains situations, ce qui donnerait lieu alors à des résultats de compilation erronés non détectés. Ces codes fautifs peuvent invalider des propriétés de sûreté qui ont été prouvées en appliquant des méthodes formelles sur les programmes sources. En adoptant une approche de validation de la traduction, cette thèse vise à prouver formellement la correction d'un compilateur optimisé et industriel de Signal. La preuve de correction représente dans un cadre sémantique commun le programme source et le code compilé, et formalise une relation entre eux pour exprimer la préservation des sémantiques du programme source dans le code compilé. / Synchronous languages such as Signal, Lustre and Esterel are dedicated to designing safety-critical systems. Their compilers are large and complicated programs that may be incorrect in some contexts, which might produce silently bad compiled code when compiling source programs. The bad compiled code can invalidate the safety properties that are guaranteed on the source programs by applying formal methods. Adopting the translation validation approach, this thesis aims at formally proving the correctness of the highly optimizing and industrial Signal compiler. The correctness proof represents both source program and compiled code in a common semantic framework, then formalizes a relation between the source program and its compiled code to express that the semantics of the source program are preserved in the compiled code.

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