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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dispositivos planares integrados utilizando m?todo din?mico com metamateriais e PBG

Fran?a, Roberto Ranniere Cavalcante de 18 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RobertoRCF_TESE.pdf: 987513 bytes, checksum: 957f5ea8a43b953deeae4b60b26191b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-18 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work presents a theoretical, numerical and computation analysis of parameters of a rectangular microstrip antenna with metamaterial substrate, fin line as a coupler and also integrated devices like integrated filter antenna. It is applied theory to full-wave of Transverse Transmission Line - TTL method, to characterize the magnitude of the substrate and obtain the general equations of the electromagnetic fields. About the metamaterial, they are characterized by permittivity and permeability tensor, reaching to the general equations for the electromagnetic fields of the antenna. It is presented a study about main representation of PBG(Photonic Band Gap) material and its applied for a specific configuration. A few parameters are simulated some structures in order to reduce the physical dimensions and increase the bandwidth. The results are presented through graphs. The theoretical and computational analysis of this work have shown accurate and relatively concise. Conclusions are drawn and suggestions for future work / Este trabalho apresenta a an?lise te?rica, num?rica e computacional dos par?metros de uma antena de microfita do tipo retangular sobre substrato metamaterial, linha de laminas na forma de acoplador e tamb?m de estruturas integrada como a antena filtro integrada. ? aplicada a teoria de onda completa do m?todo da Linha de Transmiss?o Transversa - LTT, para a caracteriza??o das grandezas do substrato e obten??o das equa??es gerais dos campos eletromagn?ticos. Sobre o metamaterial, os mesmos s?o caracterizados atrav?s de tensores permissividade e permeabilidade, chegando-se ?s equa??es gerais para os campos eletromagn?ticos da antena. ? apresentado um estudo das principais representa??es do material PBG (Photonic Band Gap) e suas aplica??es para determinadas configura??es. S?o simulados v?rios par?metros de algumas estruturas com o intuito de diminuir as dimens?es f?sicas e aumentar a largura de banda das mesmas. Os resultados s?o apresentados atrav?s de gr?ficos. A an?lise te?rico-computacional desse trabalho se mostra precisa e relativamente concisa. S?o apresentadas as conclus?es e sugest?es para trabalhos futuros

Desenvolvimento de um ressoador retangular de fenda com m?ltiplas camadas de substrato e com utiliza??o de material PBG para sistema de comunica??o sem fio

Andrade, Humberto Dion?sio de 02 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HumbertoDA_TESE.pdf: 4762435 bytes, checksum: 20aae983d6895db90a85b0e2b107200f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-02 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / In the globalized world modern telecommunications have assumed key role within the company, causing a large increase in demand for the wireless technology of communication, which has been happening in recent years have greatly increased the number of applications using this technology. Due to this demand, new materials are developed to enable new control mechanisms and propagation of electromagnetic waves. The research to develop new technologies for wireless communication presents a multidisciplinary study that covers from the new geometries for passive antennas, active up to the development of materials for devices that improve the performance at the frequency range of operation. Recently, planar antennas have attracted interest due to their characteristics and advantages when compared with other types of antennas. In the area of mobile communications the need for antennas of this type has become increasingly used, due to intensive development, which needs to operate in multifrequency antennas and broadband. The microstrip antennas have narrow bandwidth due to the dielectric losses generated by irradiation. Another limitation is the degradation of the radiation pattern due to the generation of surface waves in the substrate. Some techniques have been developed to minimize this limitation of bandwidth, such as the study of type materials PBG - Photonic Band Gap, to form the dielectric material. This work has as main objective the development project of a slot resonator with multiple layers and use the type PBG substrate, which carried out the optimization from the numerical analysis and then designed the device initially proposed for the band electromagnetic spectrum between 3-9 GHz, which basically includes the band S to X. Was used as the dielectric material RT/Duroid 5870 and RT/Duroid 6010.LM where both are laminated ceramic-filled PTFE dielectric constants 2.33 and 10.2, respectively. Through an experimental investigation was conducted an analysis of the simulated versus measured by observing the behavior of the radiation characteristics from the height variation of the dielectric multilayer substrates. We also used the LTT method resonators structures rectangular slot with multiple layers of material photonic PBG in order to obtain the resonance frequency and the entire theory involving the electromagnetic parameters of the structure under consideration. xviii The analysis developed in this work was performed using the method LTT - Transverse Transmission Line, in the field of Fourier transform that uses a component propagating in the y direction (transverse to the real direction of propagation z), thus treating the general equations of the fields electric and magnetic and function. The PBG theory is applied to obtain the relative permittivity of the polarizations for the sep photonic composite substrates material. The results are obtained with the commercial software Ansoft HFSS, used for accurate analysis of the electromagnetic behavior of the planar device under study through the Finite Element Method (FEM). Numerical computational results are presented in graphical form in two and three dimensions, playing in the parameters of return loss, frequency of radiation and radiation diagram, radiation efficiency and surface current for the device under study, and have as substrates, photonic materials and had been simulated in an appropriate computational tool. With respect to the planar device design study are presented in the simulated and measured results that show good agreement with measurements made. These results are mainly in the identification of resonance modes and determining the characteristics of the designed device, such as resonant frequency, return loss and radiation pattern / No mundo globalizado moderno, as telecomunica??es assumiram um papel fundamental dentro das sociedades, provocando um grande aumento da demanda por tecnologia de comunica??o sem fio, isto vem acontecendo nos ?ltimos anos e tem aumentado bastante o n?mero de aplica??es que utilizam esta tecnologia. Em decorr?ncia dessa demanda, novos materiais s?o desenvolvidos no sentido de possibilitar novos mecanismos de controle e propaga??o de ondas eletromagn?ticas. A pesquisa para o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para comunica??o sem fios apresenta um car?ter multidisciplinar que abrange desde o estudo de novas geometrias para antenas passivas e ativas at? o de desenvolvimento de materiais para dispositivos que melhorem o desempenho naquela faixa de frequ?ncia de opera??o. Recentemente as antenas planares tem despertado interesses devido as suas caracter?sticas e vantagens que oferecem quando comparadas com os demais tipos de antenas. Na ?rea de comunica??es m?veis a necessidade de antenas desse tipo tem se tornado cada vez maior, devido ao seu intenso desenvolvimento, que necessita de antenas que operem em multifrequ?ncia e em banda larga. As antenas de microfita apresentam largura de banda estreita devido ?s perdas no diel?trico geradas pela irradia??o. Outra limita??o ? a degrada??o do diagrama de irradia??o devido ? gera??o de ondas de superf?cie no substrato. Algumas t?cnicas est?o sendo desenvolvidas para minimizar esta limita??o de banda, como ? o caso do estudo de materiais do tipo PBG Photonic Band Gap, para compor o material diel?trico. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento do projeto de um ressoador de fenda com m?ltiplas camadas e com a utiliza??o de substrato do tipo PBG, onde foi realizada a otimiza??o a partir da analise num?rica e em seguida, projetado o dispositivo proposto inicialmente para a faixa do espectro eletromagn?tico compreendida entre 3-9 GHz, que inclui basicamente a banda S at? X. Foi utilizado como material diel?trico o RT/Duroid 5870 e RT/Duroid 6010.2LM onde ambos s?o laminados cer?micos PTFE com constantes diel?tricas de 2.33 e 10.2, respectivamente. Atrav?s de uma investiga??o experimental foi realizada uma an?lise dos resultados simulados versus medidos observando o comportamento das xvi caracter?sticas de radia??o a partir da varia??o da altura das multicamadas de subtrato diel?trico. Foi utilizado tamb?m o m?todo LTT ?s estruturas ressoadoras retangulares de fenda com m?ltiplas camadas, para a obten??o da freq??ncia de resson?ncia bem como toda a teoria que envolva os par?metros eletromagn?ticos da estrutura em estudo. As an?lises desenvolvidas neste trabalho foram realizadas com utiliza??o do m?todo LTT Linha de Transmiss?o Transversa, no dom?nio da Transformada de Fourier que utiliza uma componente de propaga??o na dire??o y (transversa ? dire??o real de propaga??o z), tratando assim as equa??es gerais dos campos el?tricos e magn?ticos em fun??o de yE e yH . A teoria PBG ser? aplicada para a obten??o da permissividade relativa para as polariza??es s e p dos substratos compostos de material fot?nico. Os resultados s?o obtidos com o software comercial Ansoft HFSS, usado para a an?lise precisa do comportamento eletromagn?tico do dispositivo planar em estudo, por meio do M?todo dos Elementos Finitos (FEM). Resultados num?rico-computacionais s?o apresentados em forma de gr?fico em duas e tr?s dimens?es, para aos par?metros de perda de retorno, frequ?ncia de radia??o, e diagrama de radia??o, efici?ncia de radia??o e densidade superficial de corrente para o dispositivo em estudo, e que tem como substratos, materiais fot?nicos e que fora simulado em uma ferramenta computacional apropriada. . No que diz respeito ao projeto do dispositivo planar em estudo s?o apresentados os resultados medidos e os simulados que apresentam boa concord?ncia com as medi??es efetuadas. Estes resultados consistem principalmente na identifica??o dos modos de resson?ncia e na determina??o das caracter?sticas do dispositivo projetado, como freq??ncia de resson?ncia, perda de retorno e diagrama de radia??o

Análise estrutural de torres de transmissão de energia submetidas aos efeitos dinâmicos induzidos pelo vento / Structural Analysis of Transmission Line Steel Towers Subjected to Wind Induced Dynamic Effects

Marcel Isandro Ribeiro de Oliveira 13 March 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Na prática corrente do projeto de torres de aço treliçadas utilizadas para suportar linhas de transmissão de energia elétrica, a avaliação do comportamento dinâmico das estruturas, de maneira geral, não é considerada. Contudo, o principal carregamento a ser considerado na análise estrutural das torres de transmissão de energia elétrica é produzido pelo vento, que atua de forma dinâmica sobre o sistema estrutural formado pelos cabos e pelas torres. Além disso, muitas estruturas desse tipo apresentam características dinâmicas desfavoráveis, o que as tornam mais vulneráveis a ação do vento.Tendo em vista que muitos acidentes envolvendo torres desse tipo ocorrem ainda que a velocidade de vento utilizada no projeto não tenha sido atingida, é possível que em muitos casos o colapso tenha sido governado pelas ações dinâmicas. Assim sendo, esse estudo tem por objetivo a utilização de uma metodologia de analise estrutural que possibilite uma avaliação mais completa acerca do comportamento das torres de transmissão de energia, considerando, obviamente, as características dinâmicas do sistema. Este trabalho de pesquisa utiliza um modelo de elementos finitos capaz de reproduzir com fidelidade o comportamento acoplado entre os cabos da linha de transmissão e estrutura quando submetidos aos carregamentos dinâmicos e não determinísticos produzidos pelo vento. O modelo tridimensional estudado é constituído por elementos finitos de pórtico e treliça espacial e considera o efeito de não-linearidade geométrica decorrente, principalmente, dos grandes deslocamentos sofridos pelos cabos e isoladores. O carregamento do vento é modelado como um processo aleatório a partir das suas propriedades estatísticas. Os resultados obtidos ao longo desse estudo mostram que a parcela dinâmica da resposta das estruturas pode ser determinante no seu comportamento. Nesse caso, a utilização de uma análise estrutural estática pode resultar no mau dimensionamento das torres e, conseqüentemente, em possíveis acidentes. / In the current design process of steel latticed towers used to support electrical transmission lines, the structures dynamic behaviour is not considered. However, the main loading to be taken into account in the electrical transmission line towers structural analysis is produced by the wind, which acts dynamically over the structural system composed by towers and cables. In addition, its not uncommon for slender towers to present disadvantageous dynamic properties, making them vulnerable to the wind action. Considering that many accidents associated to this kind of structure occur even for wind velocities below that specified in the design process, its possible that most of these accidents have been produced by dynamic actions. Therefore, this study aims to develop a structural analysis method that allows for a more accurate evaluation of the electrical transmission towers behaviour, considering its intrinsic dynamic effects. This study proposed the use of a finite element model that can accurately simulate the coupled behaviour between the transmission line cables and the suspension structures when subjected to the dynamic random loading produced by the wind. The proposed three-dimensional model is composed by beam and truss spatial finite elements and accounts for the geometric non-linearity effects produced by the large displacements associated to the line cables and insulators. The wind loading is modelled as a random process based on its statistical properties. Results obtained throughout this study have indicated that the dynamic response can be very meaningful for the system structural behaviour. In this case, the use of a static structural analysis can lead to a non-trustable design of the towers and, consequently, to potential structural failures.

Algoritmo de alto desempenho para proteção numérica de linhas de transmissão imune a oscilações de potência / High-performance algorithm for numerical protection of transmission lines immune to power swings

Morais, Adriano Peres de 04 May 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This Doctoral Thesis proposes a new methodology for transmission line protection tolerant to power swings. The algorithm developed has the ability to detect, classify and locate all fault types with and without power swings, including those that produce high values of fault resistance. In a first step, it is proposed a fault distance estimator based on the leastsquare curve fitting. The fault locator, for protection proposes, was modeled by a series R-L circuit and differential equations. In a second step, the main causes and consequences of power swings in transmission lines distance relays are introduced. Also in this context, techniques to minimize these effects are presented. Besides, computer simulations of power swings, with different fault scenarios, were carried out to realize comparative analyses between the methods. The results show that none of the methods is efficient in all scenarios. Hence, there is still some concern about the performance of the protection methods against power swings. In a third step, it was developed an algorithm for numerical protection in transmission lines immune to power swings. The detection and classification steps are based on Mathematical Morphology. In order to obtain a safer operation of the relay, especially in the boundaries of threshold set, a counting strategy was developed. The main innovation of the work is based on difference of behavior of the exponentially decaying component (dc component) during a fault and during a power swing. The dc component, obtained by means of morphological filter, is used as a tripping criterion. Finally, in order to evaluate the algorithm performance, tests with different fault and power swings scenarios were performed. The results show that the technique has the speed and safety required even during power swings due to the simplicity of the algorithm used in mathematical operations. / Neste trabalho propõe-se uma nova metodologia de proteção de linhas de transmissão, tolerante as oscilações de potência. O algoritmo desenvolvido tem a capacidade de detectar, classificar e localizar todos os tipos de faltas, com e sem a presença de oscilações de potência, inclusive aquelas que produzem altos valores de resistência de falta. Em uma primeira etapa com o emprego do método de ajuste de curvas por mínimos quadrados desenvolve-se um estimador para localizar a posição das faltas. Para fins de proteção, este é modelado por meio de um circuito R-L série representado por suas equações diferenciais. Em uma segunda etapa são apresentadas as principais causas das oscilações de potência, bem como suas consequências para os relés de distância de linhas de transmissão. Ainda neste contexto, são apresentadas, analisadas e comparadas algumas técnicas destinadas a minimizar estes efeitos. Essas técnicas foram testadas por meio de simulações computacionais, sob condições de oscilação de potência com e sem a presença de curtos-circuitos, considerando-se diversos valores de carregamento e frequências de oscilação. Os resultados mostraram que nenhum método é totalmente eficiente para todos os cenários. Desse modo, ainda há algumas incertezas sobre o desempenho das técnicas de proteção contra as oscilações de potência existentes. Em uma terceira etapa, foi desenvolvido um algoritmo para proteção numérica de linhas de transmissão imune as oscilações de potência. A metodologia faz uso da Morfologia Matemática nas etapas de detecção e classificação das faltas. De modo a se obter uma maior segurança na operação do relé, especialmente na região próxima ao limiar de operação, incorporou-se uma estratégia de contagem diferente das tradicionais. A principal contribuição do trabalho relaciona-se com a análise da diferença comportamental da componente exponencial decrescente (componente dc) para uma situação de falta e de oscilação de potência. Ou seja, a componente dc, obtida por meio de um filtro morfológico, é utilizada como critério de disparo do relé de distância. Para avaliar o desempenho do algoritmo desenvolvido, uma série de testes com diferentes cenários de faltas com e sem a presença de oscilações de potência foram realizadas. Devido à simplicidade das operações matemáticas utilizadas no algoritmo, a técnica apresenta segurança e velocidade na sua operação, mesmo durante oscilações de potência.

Modélisation Multi-échelles : de l'Electromagnétisme à la Grille / Multi-scale Modeling : from Electromagnetism to Grid

Khalil, Fadi 14 December 2009 (has links)
Les performances des outils numériques de simulation électromagnétique de structures complexes, i.e., échelles multiples, sont souvent limitées par les ressources informatiques disponibles. De nombreux méso-centres, fermes et grilles de calcul, se créent actuellement sur les campus universitaires. Utilisant ces ressources informatiques mutualisées, ce travail de thèse s'attache à évaluer les potentialités du concept de grille de calcul (Grid Computing) pour la simulation électromagnétique de structures multi-échelles. Les outils numériques de simulation électromagnétique n'étant pas conçus pour être utilisés dans un environnement distribué, la première étape consistait donc à les modifier afin de les déployer sur une grille de calcul. Une analyse approfondie a ensuite été menée pour évaluer les performances des outils de simulation ainsi déployés sur l'infrastructure informatique. Des nouvelles approches pour le calcul électromagnétique distribué avec ces outils sont présentées et validées. En particulier, ces approches permettent la réalisation de simulation électromagnétique de structures à échelles multiples en un temps record et avec une souplesse d'utilisation. / The numerical electromagnetic tools for complex structures simulation, i.e. multi-scale, are often limited by available computation resources. Nowadays, Grid computing has emerged as an important new field, based on shared distributed computing resources of Universities and laboratories. Using these shared resources, this study is focusing on grid computing potential for electromagnetic simulation of multi-scale structure. Since the numerical simulations tools codes are not initially written for distributed environment, the first step consists to adapt and deploy them in Grid computing environment. A performance study is then realized in order to evaluate the efficiency of execution on the test-bed infrastructure. New approaches for distributing the electromagnetic computations on the grid are presented and validated. These approaches allow a very remarkable simulation time reduction for multi-scale structures and friendly-user interfaces

New quasi-TEM waveguides using artificial surfaces and their application to antennas and circuits

Alfonso Alós, Esperanza 24 June 2011 (has links)
Research interest: In recent years we have seen the emergence of commercial applications at high frequencies, such as the top part of the microwave band and the millimeter and sub-millimeter bands, and it is expected a big increase in the coming years. This growing demand requires a rapid development of low-cost technology with good performance at these frequencies, where common technologies, such as microstrip and standard waveguides, have some shortcomings. In particular, existing solutions for high-gain planar scanning antennas at these frequencies su er from the disadvantages of these technologies giving rise to high-cost products not suitable for high volume production. Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to study the feasibility of a new proposal to improve existing solutions to date for low-cost high-gain planar scanning antennas at high frequencies. This overall objective has resulted in another central objective of this thesis, which is the research of new quasi-TEM waveguides that are more appropriate than current technologies for the realization of circuits and components at these frequency bands. These guided solutions make use of periodic or arti cial surfaces in order to con- ne and channel the elds within these waveguides. Methodology: The work follows a logical sequence of speci c tasks aimed at achieving the main objective of this thesis. Chapter 2 presents the proposed guiding solution and shows its performance numerical and experimentally. The optimized design of high-gain antennas based on waveguide slot arrays requires the development of e cient ad-hoc codes. The implementation and validation of this code is presented in Chapter 3, where a new method for the analysis of corrugated surfaces is proposed, and in Chapter 4, which extends this code to the analysis of waveguide slot arrays. The process design and optimization of a two-dimensional array is described in Chapter 5, where a preliminary experimental validation is also described. Moreover, the proposed guiding solution has inspired the development of a new guiding technology of wider bandwidth and more versatile for the realization of circuits and components at high frequencies. Chapter 6 presents the contributions to the study of this technology and its application to the design of circuits. / Alfonso Alós, E. (2011). New quasi-TEM waveguides using artificial surfaces and their application to antennas and circuits [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/11073 / Palancia

Zum elektrischen Kontakt- und Langzeitverhalten von Pressverbindungen mit konventionellen und Hochtemperatur-Leiterseilen mit geringem Durchhang

Hildmann, Christian 09 December 2016 (has links)
In Deutschland und Europa ist im Zuge der Energiewende erforderlich, mehr Elektroenergie mit bestehenden Freileitungen zu transportieren. Eine technische Lösung, mit der dieses Ziel erreicht werden kann, ist das Umbeseilen der Freileitung mit Hochtemperatur-Leiterseilen mit geringem Durchhang (High Temperature Low Sag – HTLS conductors). Diese Leiterseile haben gegenüber konventionellen Leiterseilen (z. B. Aluminium/Stahl-Leiterseilen) höhere Bemessungsströme und temperaturen. Die stromführenden Verbindungen mit HTLS-Leiterseilen werden damit ebenfalls höher thermisch belastet. Diese sind für den zuverlässigen und sicheren Betrieb der Freileitung sehr wichtige Betriebsmittel. Neben anderen Verbindungstechnologien hat sich bei den stromführenden Verbindungen mit konventionellen Leiterseilen das Sechskantpressen seit Jahrzehnten bewährt. Aus der Literatur sind fast ausschließlich empirische Untersuchungen mit dieser Verbindungstechnologie bekannt. Das elektrische Kontaktverhalten von Pressverbindungen wurde bisher nur unzureichend untersucht. In dieser Arbeit wird dazu ein elektrisches Modell vorgestellt und weiterentwickelt, mit dem das elektrische Kontaktverhalten von Pressverbindungen genauer beschrieben werden kann. Weiterhin werden prinzipielle Zusammenhänge zwischen der Stromverteilung in den Kontaktpartnern und deren Einfluss auf den Verbindungswiderstand dargestellt. Als Ergebnis von theoretischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen konnten allgemeine Empfehlungen für das Dimensionieren von Pressverbindungen mit konventionellen und HTLS-Leiterseilen erarbeitet werden. Aus der prinzipiellen Funktionsweise einer Pressverbindung ist bekannt, dass der Form-, der Kraft- und der Stoffschluss in der Verbindung das elektrische Kontaktverhalten beeinflussen. Insbesondere der Kraftschluss wurde in der Literatur bislang nur näherungsweise berechnet. In den bekannten analytischen Modellen werden die Geometrie der Kontaktpartner sowie das Werkstoffverhalten vereinfacht und die mechanischen Belastungen beim Fügen der Verbindung nicht genau genug berücksichtigt. Aus den genannten Gründen wurde das Fügen von Pressverbindungen mit mehrdrähtigen Leiterseilen mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) berechnet. Die Press- und Kontaktkräfte konnten damit für alle Kontaktflächen in einer Verbindung ermittelt werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass insbesondere hohe Press- und Kontaktkräfte die Ursache für ein gutes elektrisches Kontaktverhalten einer Pressverbindung sind. Die physikalischen Ursachen dieses Zusammenhangs werden diskutiert. Das Langzeitverhalten von Pressverbindungen mit Verbund-Leiterseilen wurde experimentell untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Langzeitversuche zeigen den Einfluss der Kontaktkraft im elektrischen Langzeitverhalten qualitativ auf. Bei den Pressverbindungen, für die nur sehr geringe Kontaktkräfte berechnet wurden, war das elektrische Langzeitverhalten weniger stabil. / In Germany and in Europe it is due to the “Energiewende” necessary to transmit more electrical ener-gy with existing overhead transmission lines. One possible technical solution to reach this aim is the use of high temperature low sag conductors (HTLS-conductors). Compared to the common Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR), HTLS-conductors have higher rated currents and rated tempera-tures. Thus the electrical connections for HTLS-conductors are stressed to higher temperatures too. These components are most important for the safe and reliable operation of an overhead transmission line. Besides other connection technologies, hexagonal compression connections with ordinary transmis-sion line conductors have proven themselves since decades. From the literature, mostly empirical stud-ies with electrical tests for compression connections are known. The electrical contact behaviour, i.e. the quality of the electrical contact after assembly, of these connections has been investigated insuffi-ciently. This work presents and enhances an electrical model of compression connections, so that the electrical contact behaviour can be determined more accurate. Based on this, principal considerations on the current distribution in the compression connection and its influence on the connection re-sistance are presented. As a result from the theoretical and the experimental work, recommendations for the design of hexagonal compression connections for transmission line conductors were devel-oped. Furthermore it is known from the functional principle of compression type connections, that the elec-trical contact behaviour can be influenced from their form fit, force fit and cold welding. In particular the forces in compression connections have been calculated up to now by approximation. The known ana-lytical calculations simplify the geometry and material behaviour and do not consider the correct me-chanical load during assembly. For these reasons the joining process of hexagonal compression con-nections with stranded overhead transmission line conductors was calculated with the finite element method. The compression forces and the residual contact forces were determined for all contacts be-tween barrel and conductor as well as between the wires of the conductor. It was shown, that high compression and residual contact forces are the main cause of good electrical contact behaviour. The physical relations are discussed. The electrical long-term behaviour was furthermore investigated in experiments. The results confirm the influence of the residual contact force on the long-term behaviour qualitatively. Those compression connections, which had only small residual contact forces, were less stable in the long-term tests.

Jämförande analys av åtgärder vid kapacitetsbrist i kraftledningar / Comparative analysis of measures in the event of capacity shortages in transmission lines

Dahlstrand, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
Marknadsanalyser gjorda av Svenska kraftnät visar att elenergianvändningen i Sverige kommer att öka. Denna utveckling drivs på av bland annat omställningen till elektriska transporter och kan potentiellt leda till kapacitetsbrist i ledningar inom transmissions- och regionnät, framför allt i storstadsområden. För att kunna reducera kapacitetsbrist i en ledning finns det ett antal åtgärder, men hur dessa står sig mot varandra i ett tekniskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv är inte fastställt. Det är där denna rapport tar vid. Bland annat studeras Dynamic line rating (DLR) som en åtgärd för att reducera kapacitetsbristen i den studerade ledningen. DLR är en teknik som används för att justera den maximalt tillåtna överföringskapaciteten i en ledning baserat på ett antal parametrar. Beräkningarna för att bestämma maximalt tillåtna överföringskapaciteten i ledningen gjordes på två olika sätt detta för att undersöka om de var likvärdiga. Det visade sig att de stämde relativt bra överens, dock med en offset. Den potentiella överlasten skulle inträffa under 3379 timmar under ett år, men enbart om en specifik transformator gick sönder. Medeltiden till felet visade sig vara 173 år utan att några åtgärder applicerades. För att nå upp till 100 % tillgänglighet på ledningen, utan åtgärder, skulle det behöva köpas flexibilitetstjänster motsvarande 82150 MWh (Megawattimmar) under det studerade året.  Även den ekonomiska kostnaden för att köpa upp- eller nedreglerande tjänster studerades. Rapporten visar att det för den studerade ledningen var till fördel att investera i DLR vid ett flexibilitetsbehov på 1,2 GWh/år. Från resultatet utformades ett förslag på lämplig ordning för att nyttja de olika åtgärdena samt förslag på vidareutveckling av arbetet. Slutsatsen är att åtgärderna har sina för- och nackdelar, men att det inte går att säga att någon åtgärd är bättre än någon annan. Detta gäller inom samtliga områden som studerades. / Market analyzes made by Svenska kraftnät show that electricity use in Sweden will increase. This development is driven by, among other things, the transition to electric transport and can potentially lead to a lack of capacity in lines within backbone and regional networks, especially in metropolitan areas. In order to be able to reduce capacity shortages in a transmission line, there are a number of measures, but how these stand against each other in a technical and economic perspective has not been determined. That's what this report tries to answer.  Among other things, Dynamic line rating (DLR) is studied as a measure to reduce the capacity shortage in the studied transmission line. DLR is a technology used to adjust the maximum allowable transmission capacity in a line based on a number of parameters. The calculations to determine the maximum allowable transmission capacity in the transmission line were made in two different ways to examine whether they were equivalent. It turned out that they matched relatively well, though with an offset. The potential overload would occur during 3379 hours in a year, but only if a specific transformer broke down. The mean time to failure turned out to be 173 years without any measures being applied. In order to achieve up to 100 % availability on the line, without measures, it would be necessary to purchase flexibility services corresponding to 82150 MWh (Megawatt hours) during the year studied. The financial cost of buying up or down regulation services was also studied. The report shows that it was advantageous for the studied transmission line to invest in DLR at a flexibility requirement of 1.2 GWh / year. From the results, a proposal was made for an appropriate arrangement for using the various measures as well as proposals for further development of the work. The conclusion is that the measures have their advantages and disadvantages, but it is not possible to say that one measure is better than another. This applies to all areas studied.

Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloy 2024-T3 by Al-Rich Primer

Wang, Xi 17 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.


CARLOS PHELIPE ROZA ANDRADE 26 April 2022 (has links)
[pt] O planejamento da expansão da transmissão tem por objetivo identificar o conjunto de novas linhas de transmissão que serão instaladas na rede elétrica, a fim de garantir a segurança e a qualidade do sistema, atendendo ao crescimento da demanda. No Brasil, o primeiro estágio do planejamento consiste em definir e avaliar o corredor para locação das linhas candidatas. Nesta etapa são definidas informações como cabo escolhido, preços médios, tempo de comissionamento, impactos socioambientais e informações sobre a região. No estágio seguinte ocorre o leilão de transmissão em que vários investidores competem pelos lotes de transmissão. No último estágio, o ganhador do leilão é o responsável pela instalação e comissionamento da linha de transmissão. Apesar do levantamento feito no estágio inicial, os projetos de linha de transmissão podem sofrer atrasos e aumentos no custo final, principalmente, por questões de licenciamentos ambientais, desvios do traçado devido a travessias e interferências com áreas protegidas. A presente dissertação propõe metodologia para dimensionamento e precificação da linha de transmissão, ambos de acordo com os critérios e banco de dados da ANEEL, de forma a acelerar e facilitar o processo de planejamento. Com o intuito de evitar atrasos e prever interferências socioambientais, a segunda parte do trabalho apresenta uma metodologia que consiste em localizar e identificar cruzamentos e interferências com áreas protegidas de caráter ambiental e/ou infraestrutural no território brasileiro, a partir das coordenadas do traçado da linha de transmissão em análise. A terceira parte do trabalho verifica, a partir dos resultados anteriores, o impacto no planejamento da expansão da transmissão através de um modelo de programação linear inteira mista considerando fluxo de potência CC, despacho econômico e critério N-1. / [en] The transmission expansion planning aims at identifying a set of new power lines to be installed on the grid, in order to guarantee the reliability and quality of the system, meeting the demand growth. In Brazil, the first stage of planning consists of defining e survey the corridor for the transmission line siting. At this stage it is defined data such as conductor chosen, average prices, commissioning time, socioenvironmental impacts and information about the region. In the following stage, occurs the auction which several investors compete for the transmission lots. In the last stage, the winner of the auction becomes responsible for the installation and commissioning. Despite the survey of the initial stage, the transmission lines undergo delays and additional costs, mainly, due to environmental licensing, changes of the defined route due to crossing and interferences with protected areas. The present dissertation proposes a methodology to design and price the transmission line, both accordingly to the ANEEL database and criteria, in order to accelerate and facilitate the planning process. Aiming to avoid delays and foreseeing socioenvironmental impacts, the second part of the dissertation presents a methodology that consists of locating and identifying crossings and interferences with protected areas of environmental and/or infrastructural aspect on the Brazilian territory, from the coordinates of the transmission line route in analysis. The third part verifies, from the previous results, the impact on the transmission expansion planning through a model based on a mixed-integer linear programming, considering a DC power flow, unit commitment and N-1 criteria

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