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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High frequency model for transient analysis of transformer windings using multiconductor transmission line theory

Fattal, Feras 30 March 2017 (has links)
Transients encountered by transformers in power stations during normal operation can have complex oscillatory overvoltages containing a large spectrum of frequency components. These transients can coincide with the natural frequencies of the transformers windings, leading to voltages that can be greater or more severe than the current factory proof tests. This may lead to insulation breakdown and catastrophic failures. Existing lumped parameter RLCG transformer models have been proven to be less accurate for very fast transient overvoltages (VFTO) with frequencies over 1 MHz. A white box model for transient analysis of transformer windings has been developed using Multiconductor Transmission Line (MTL) Theory. This model enables the simulation of natural frequencies of the transformer windings up to frequencies of several MHz, and can be used to compute voltages between turns by representing each turn as a separate transmission line. Both continuous and interleaved disk windings have been modelled and a comparison and validation of the results is presented. / May 2017

VA-system i omvandlingsområden - vad kostar de?

Näslund, Olov January 2016 (has links)
När fler människor flyttar ut till sina fritidshus och bor där hela året om bildas så kallade omvandlingsområden där användningen av vatten och avlopp förändras. Detta leder ofta till högre vattenanvändning och kraven på avloppssystemen ökar därmed. Det finns tre huvudtyper av lösningar som vanligtvis används för att möta kravet på bättre avloppssystem i omvandlingsområden: enskilda lösningar på varje fastighet, en samfälld lösning eller en lösning i kommunal regi. Syftet med studien var att utvärdera kostnader för VA-system i omvandlingsområden i Sverige. Fem olika områden studerades med avseende på beräknade kostnader jämfört med det verkliga utfallet. Beräkningar gjordes på totala investeringskostnader, kostnad per fastighet såväl som kapitalkostnad och drift- och underhållskostnad. Jämförelser gjordes också med andra lösningar som var aktuella innan området byggde ut den valda VA-lösningen. Arbetet berörde även metodiken för hur kommuner väljer VA-system i omvandlingsområden. Det var billigare för en samfällighetsförening, 1 000 kr/m, att gräva ledningar än för en kommun, 4 400 - 5 900 kr/m. Grundare ledningsgravar var en av orsakerna till detta. En annan slutsats var att befintlig infrastruktur från tidigare VA-system kan göra samma typ av VA-system billigare om delar av det befintliga fortfarande är i gott skick. Driftkostnaden för enskilda system beror mycket på hur många personer som nyttjar systemet och under hur stor del av året. Vid samtal med kommuner framkom det att valet av VA-system i omvandlingsområden i regel inte föregås av en jämförelse mellan olika VA-system. Istället är det oftast en överföringsledning till ett befintligt kommunalt nät som väljs. / More and more people choose to live permanently in houses built as vacation houses, thereby creating transition areas. The increased occupancy in the houses tends to lead to larger water usage and often demands improved wastewater systems. There are three main ways in which this demand usually is met: each property builds an on-site system, the properties jointly build a facility through a community association, or the properties connect to the municipality’s network. The aim was to evaluate the costs of water and wastewater systems in transition areas in Sweden. This was done by studying five different improved transition areas and comparing the estimated costs with the actual cost of the systems. Both total investment costs and cost per property were calculated, as well as capital costs, and operation and maintenance costs. How the municipalities choose the sanitation system to be implemented was also a part of the study.  It was much more expensive for the municipality to build pipes than for a community association. One reason for this was shallower pipe placement. Another conclusion was that if part of a sanitation system already exists and is in good shape, this will lead to lower investment costs for a new system using that part. The operation costs for on-site systems on each property will be much higher for a family living there permanently, compared to that of a family living there only part time. Municipalities in Sweden generally do not compare different types of systems before deciding on an improved water and sanitation system in a transition area. Instead they almost always build a transmission line for water and wastewater to connect the area to an already existing centralized system.

A flexible coil array for high resolution magnetic resonance imaging at 7 Tesla / Réseau flexible d'antennes miniatures pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique haute résolution à 7 Tesla

Kriegl, Roberta 17 December 2014 (has links)
L’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) est un outil d’investigation majeur donnant accès de manière non invasive à des nombreuses informations quantitatives et fonctionnelles. La qualité des images obtenues (rapport-signal-sur-bruit, RSB) est cependant limitée dans certaines applications nécessitant des résolutions spatiales et/ou temporelles poussées. Afin d’améliorer la sensibilité de détection des équipements d’IRM, diverses orientations peuvent être suivies telles qu’augmenter l’intensité du champ magnétique des imageurs, améliorer les performances des systèmes de détection radiofréquence (RF), ou encore développer des séquences d’acquisition et des techniques de reconstruction d’images plus efficaces. La thématique globale dans laquelle s’inscrit cette thèse concerne le développement des systèmes de détection RF à haute sensibilité pour l’IRM à haut champ chez l’homme. En particulier, des antennes auto-résonantes basées sur le principe des lignes de transmission sont utilisées parce qu’elles peuvent être réalisée sur substrat souple. Cette adaptabilité géométrique du résonateur permet d’ajuster précisément sa forme aux spécificités morphologiques de la zone anatomique observée, et ainsi d’augmenter le RSB. La première visée technologique de ce projet concerne le développement, de la conception jusqu’à la mise en œuvre dans un appareil 7 T corps entier, d’un système de détection RF flexible à haute sensibilité, utilisant des antennes miniatures associées en réseau. L’utilisation d’un réseau d’antennes miniatures permet d’obtenir des images sur un champ de vue élargi tout en conservant la haute sensibilité inhérente à chaque antenne miniature. De plus, la technologie de l’imagerie parallèle devient accessible, ce qui permet d’accélérer l’acquisition des images. De surcroît, un nouveau schéma de résonateur de ligne transmission avec un degré de liberté supplémentaire est introduit, ce qui permet de réaliser de grands résonateurs multi-tours pour l’IRM à haut champ. Cette thèse décrit le développement, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation des nouveaux systèmes de détection RF au moyen de simulations analytiques et numériques, et des études expérimentales. / Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), among other imaging techniques, has become a major backbone of modern medical diagnostics. MRI enables the non-invasive combined, identification of anatomical structures, functional and chemical properties, especially in soft tissues. Nonetheless, applications requiring very high spatial and/or temporal resolution are often limited by the available signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in MR experiments. Since first clinical applications, image quality in MRI has been constantly improved by applying one or several of the following strategies: increasing the static magnetic field strength, improvement of the radiofrequency (RF) detection system, development of specialized acquisition sequences and optimization of image reconstruction techniques. This work is concerned with the development of highly sensitive RF detection systems for biomedical ultra-high field MRI. In particular, auto-resonant RF coils based on transmission line technology are investigated. These resonators may be fabricated on flexible substrate which enables form-fitting of the RF detector to the target anatomy, leading to a significant SNR gain. The main objective of this work is the development of a flexible RF coil array for high-resolution MRI on a human whole-body 7 T MR scanner. With coil arrays, the intrinsically high SNR of small surface coils may be exploited for an extended field of view. Further, parallel imaging techniques are accessible with RF array technology, allowing acceleration of the image acquisition. Secondly, in this PhD project a novel design for transmission line resonators is developed, that brings an additional degree of freedom in geometric design and enables the fabrication of large multi-turn resonators for high field MR applications. This thesis describes the development, successful implementation and evaluation of novel, mechanically flexible RF devices by analytical and 3D electromagnetic simulations, in bench measurements and in MRI experiments.

Metodologia para coordenação otimizada entre relés de distância e direcionais de sobrecorrente em sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica / Methodology for optimized coordination of distance and directional overcurrent relays in electrical transmission systems

Moro, Vinícius de Cillo 05 September 2014 (has links)
A proteção de sistemas de energia elétrica possui papel extremamente importante no aspecto de garantir o fornecimento de energia de maneira segura e confiável. Assim, a ação indevida ou a não atuação deste sistema de proteção pode causar danos materiais ou econômicos tanto para as concessionárias quanto para os consumidores de energia elétrica. Dessa forma, o sistema de proteção deve estar bem ajustado para que possa garantir suas funções, sendo sensível, seletivo, confiável e rápido. Para tanto, uma boa coordenação entre os relés de proteção deve ser estabelecida. No caso de um sistema de transmissão, o qual costuma ser um sistema malhado, a proteção é comumente realizada por relés de distância aliados a relés de sobrecorrente com unidade direcional, sendo que estes funcionam como elemento de retaguarda daqueles. O processo de ajuste desses relés é um trabalho muito difícil e demorado, que pode ainda estar sujeito a erros do engenheiro de proteção responsável pelo estudo. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia baseada na otimização por enxame de partículas que obtenha automaticamente os ajustes desses relés de forma a garantir a coordenação e seletividade entre eles, tornando assim o processo de ajuste mais rápido e preciso. Dessa forma, essa metodologia pode constituir uma ferramenta de auxílio muito favorável ao engenheiro de proteção. Além disso, como em todo problema de otimização, a função objetivo e as restrições foram definidas de maneira a retratar o problema de coordenação envolvendo tanto os relés de distância quanto os direcionais de sobrecorrente. A metodologia foi aplicada a dois sistemas, um fictício com 16 relés e um sistema de transmissão real com 44 relés, sendo que em ambos os casos ela apresentou resultados bastante satisfatórios proporcionando ajustes bem coordenados. / Electrical power systems protection has a very important role in the aspect of ensuring energy supply with safety and reliability. Thus, improper action or non-actuation of this protection system can cause materials and/or economics damages to electricity utilities as well as ordinary energy consumers. Therefore the protection system must be well adjusted so it can ensure its functions and thus being sensible, selective, reliable and fast. In order to achieve these characteristics, the protective relays must be well coordinated. In the case of meshed transmission systems, the protection is generally performed by distance relays as primary protection associated with directional overcurrent relays as backup protection. The process of adjusting these relays is very tough, slow and it can even be subject to the protection engineer mistakes. In this context, this work aims to develop a particle swarm optimization based methodology that can automatically obtain these relays adjusts so they can ensure relays coordination and selectivity, and then make this setting process faster and more precise. Thus, this methodology may provide a very favorable tool to aid the protection engineer. Moreover, as in any optimization problem, the objective function and the constraints were defined to represent the coordination problem involving both distance and directional overcurrent relays. The methodology was applied to two systems, a fictitious with 16 relays and a real transmission system with 44 relays, and in both cases it showed satisfactory results providing well-coordinated settings.

Tecnologias para defasadores baseados em MEMS e linhas de transmissão de ondas lentas. / Technologies for phase shifters based on MEMS and slow-wave transmission lines.

Robert Aleksander Gavidia Bovadilla 05 July 2018 (has links)
O desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi motivado pela alta demanda de novas aplicações para o mercado do consumidor que necessitam de sistemas de transmissão e recepção de dados sem fio trabalhando na região de ondas milimétricas (mmW - entre 30 GHz e 300 GHz). Para estes tipos de sistemas, os defasadores são cruciais por definir o custo e o tamanho do dispositivo final. A pesquisa bibliográfica mostra que a melhor opção são os defasadores passivos do tipo linha carregada que utilizam Sistemas Microeletromecânicos (MEMS) como elemento de ajuste para a mudança de fase. Por esse motivo neste trabalho foi feito o estudo de diferentes tecnologias para o desenvolvimento de defasadores baseados em MEMS distribuídos e linhas de transmissão com efeito de ondas lentas de tipo shielded-CoPlanar Stripline (S-CPS) e shielded-Coplanar Waveguide (S-CPW). Foram estudadas três diferentes tecnologias: a tecnologia CMOS; a tecnologia dedicada desenvolvida pelo Laboratoire d\'électronique des technologies de l\'information (CEA-Leti) e a tecnologia in-house desenvolvida no Laboratório de Microeletrônica da Universidade de São Paulo. Utilizando a tecnologia CMOS foram fabricadas linhas de transmissão de tipo S-CPS utilizando a tecnologia de 250 nm da IHP (Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics) e a tecnologia de 0,35 µm da AMS (Austria Micro Systems). A tecnologia de 0,35 µm da AMS foi utilizada também para o desenvolvimento de defasadores de 2-bits e 3-bits baseados em linhas de transmissão de tipo S-CPW. Para estes defasadores foi definido um processo de liberação da camada de blindagem, reprodutível, que permitiu a atuação do dispositivo. Outros defasadores baseados em S-CPW que foram desenvolvidos anteriormente com a tecnologia dedicada CEA-LETI, foram modelados eletrostaticamente utilizando o Comsol MultiPhysics e o Ansys Workbench. Os modelos desenvolvidos permitiram entender o comportamento eletromecânico do defasador e foram utilizados reprojetar o defasador com um desempenho otimizado. Finalmente, visando o desenvolvimento dos dispositivos otimizados utilizando a tecnologia in house com os materiais e métodos disponíveis no Laboratório de Microeletrônica da USP (LME-USP), foram estudadas algumas etapas críticas do processo de fabricação. / The development of this work is motivated by the high demand for new applications for the consumer market that require wireless systems for data transmission and reception working in the millimeter wave region (mmW - between 30 GHz and 300 GHz). For these kinds of systems, the phase shifter are crucial to define the cost and size of the final device. The bibliographical research shows that the best option are the passive load line-type phase shifters using Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) as tuning element. Therefore, in this work, the study of different technologies for the development of phase shifter based on distributed MEMS and slow-wave transmission lines. The two types of transmission lines considered were the shielded-CoPlanar Stripline (S-CPS) and shielded-Coplanar Waveguide line (S-CPW). Three different technologies were studied: CMOS technology; the dedicated technology developed by the Laboratoire d\'électronique des technologies de l\'information (CEA-Leti) and the in-house technology developed at the Microelectronics Laboratory of the University of São Paulo. Using the CMOS technology, S-CPS-type transmission lines were fabricated using IHP\'s 250 nm CMOS technology and AMS\'s 0.35 µm CMOS technology. AMS\'s 0.35 µm technology has also been used for the development of 2-bit and 3-bit phase-shifters based on S-CPW type transmission lines. For these phase shifters, a reproducible shielding layer release process was defined that allowed the device to operate. Also, another phase shifter based in S-CPW-type transmission lines that were previously developed with dedicated CEA-LETI technology was electrostatically modeled using Comsol MultiPhysics and Ansys Workbench. The developed models allowed to understand the electromechanical behavior of the phase shifter and was used for a new design of the phase shifter with an optimized performance. Finally, in order to develop the optimized devices using the in-house technology with the materials and methods available at the USP Microelectronics Laboratory (LME-USP), some critical stages of the fabrication process were studied.


Pimentel, Jacinto Maia 18 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2017-06-01T13:24:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JACINTO MAIA PIMENTEL.pdf: 3146885 bytes, checksum: d73d15b75ba44e1ab5fa45ebd06988f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T13:24:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JACINTO MAIA PIMENTEL.pdf: 3146885 bytes, checksum: d73d15b75ba44e1ab5fa45ebd06988f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-18 / The construction of electricity generation projects are held in places where there are specific conditions for its implementation, and it appears that these are not always close to the consumer markets. The energy needs to be transported to the consumption centers located many kilometers away, and to this end are used to power transmission lines. These developments are characterized by many different situations that impact on their time of completion. In order to pursue project management options so that deadlines are met, this research applies a risk management methodology for projects by means of the quantitative risk assessment. It is addressed to the energy transmission area with a focus on the project deadline. The proposed model adopts the Critical Chain Project Management – CCPM, whereby the appropriate activities duration are those achievable in the shortest time as possible. The use of CCPM calls for the application of buffers along the project schedule to control the uncertainties. The proposed methodology applies the Monte Carlo Simulation – MCS to the schedule, associating the Minimum, Most likely and Maximum times to the activities. The identified risks are related to these activities. The outcome resulting from the proposed methodology is quantitative and provides useful information to containment and contingency actions. / A construção dos empreendimentos de geração de energia elétrica é realizada nos locais onde existem condições específicas para sua implantação, e, nem sempre estes são próximos aos centros consumidores. A energia gerada necessita ser transportada para os centros de consumo localizados a muitos quilômetros de distância, e, para tal são utilizadas as Linhas de Transmissão de Energia. Estes empreendimentos caracterizam-se por encontrar situações diversas e que impactam no seu prazo de conclusão. Com o objetivo de buscar opções de gerenciamento de projetos para que os prazos sejam alcançados, esta pesquisa aplica uma metodologia para gestão dos riscos em projetos, com a aplicação de análise quantitativa dos riscos. Será aplicada na área de transmissão de energia com foco no prazo de conclusão. O modelo proposto utiliza o método do Gerenciamento de Projeto pela Corrente Crítica – CCPM, por meio do qual as durações das atividades consideradas são aquelas exequíveis no menor prazo possível. O uso da CCPM prevê a introdução de buffers no cronograma do projeto para controlar as incertezas. A metodologia proposta aplica ao cronograma a Simulação de Monte Carlo- SMC, associando às suas atividades o prazo Mínimo, Mais Provável e Máximo. Os riscos identificados são associados às atividades. O resultado da aplicação da metodologia proposta é uma análise dos riscos do projeto indicando a probabilidade de consumo dos buffers, as atividades que mais impactam no seu consumo e os riscos associados a estas. O resultado desta análise é quantitativa e gera informações úteis para ações de contenção e contingência.

Development of an Electromagnetic Glottal Waveform Sensor for Applications in High Acoustic Noise Environments

Pelteku, Altin E. 14 January 2004 (has links)
The challenges of measuring speech signals in the presence of a strong background noise cannot be easily addressed with traditional acoustic technology. A recent solution to the problem considers combining acoustic sensor measurements with real-time, non-acoustic detection of an aspect of the speech production process. While significant advancements have been made in that area using low-power radar-based techniques, drawbacks inherent to the operation of such sensors are yet to be surmounted. Therefore, one imperative scientific objective is to devise new, non-invasive non-acoustic sensor topologies that offer improvements regarding sensitivity, robustness, and acoustic bandwidth. This project investigates a novel design that directly senses the glottal flow waveform by measuring variations in the electromagnetic properties of neck tissues during voiced segments of speech. The approach is to explore two distinct sensor configurations, namely the“six-element" and the“parallel-plate" resonator. The research focuses on the modeling aspect of the biological load and the resonator prototypes using multi-transmission line (MTL) and finite element (FE) simulation tools. Finally, bench tests performed with both prototypes on phantom loads as well as human subjects are presented.

Tecnologias para defasadores baseados em MEMS e linhas de transmissão de ondas lentas. / Technologies for phase shifters based on MEMS and slow-wave transmission lines.

Bovadilla, Robert Aleksander Gavidia 05 July 2018 (has links)
O desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi motivado pela alta demanda de novas aplicações para o mercado do consumidor que necessitam de sistemas de transmissão e recepção de dados sem fio trabalhando na região de ondas milimétricas (mmW - entre 30 GHz e 300 GHz). Para estes tipos de sistemas, os defasadores são cruciais por definir o custo e o tamanho do dispositivo final. A pesquisa bibliográfica mostra que a melhor opção são os defasadores passivos do tipo linha carregada que utilizam Sistemas Microeletromecânicos (MEMS) como elemento de ajuste para a mudança de fase. Por esse motivo neste trabalho foi feito o estudo de diferentes tecnologias para o desenvolvimento de defasadores baseados em MEMS distribuídos e linhas de transmissão com efeito de ondas lentas de tipo shielded-CoPlanar Stripline (S-CPS) e shielded-Coplanar Waveguide (S-CPW). Foram estudadas três diferentes tecnologias: a tecnologia CMOS; a tecnologia dedicada desenvolvida pelo Laboratoire d\'électronique des technologies de l\'information (CEA-Leti) e a tecnologia in-house desenvolvida no Laboratório de Microeletrônica da Universidade de São Paulo. Utilizando a tecnologia CMOS foram fabricadas linhas de transmissão de tipo S-CPS utilizando a tecnologia de 250 nm da IHP (Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics) e a tecnologia de 0,35 µm da AMS (Austria Micro Systems). A tecnologia de 0,35 µm da AMS foi utilizada também para o desenvolvimento de defasadores de 2-bits e 3-bits baseados em linhas de transmissão de tipo S-CPW. Para estes defasadores foi definido um processo de liberação da camada de blindagem, reprodutível, que permitiu a atuação do dispositivo. Outros defasadores baseados em S-CPW que foram desenvolvidos anteriormente com a tecnologia dedicada CEA-LETI, foram modelados eletrostaticamente utilizando o Comsol MultiPhysics e o Ansys Workbench. Os modelos desenvolvidos permitiram entender o comportamento eletromecânico do defasador e foram utilizados reprojetar o defasador com um desempenho otimizado. Finalmente, visando o desenvolvimento dos dispositivos otimizados utilizando a tecnologia in house com os materiais e métodos disponíveis no Laboratório de Microeletrônica da USP (LME-USP), foram estudadas algumas etapas críticas do processo de fabricação. / The development of this work is motivated by the high demand for new applications for the consumer market that require wireless systems for data transmission and reception working in the millimeter wave region (mmW - between 30 GHz and 300 GHz). For these kinds of systems, the phase shifter are crucial to define the cost and size of the final device. The bibliographical research shows that the best option are the passive load line-type phase shifters using Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) as tuning element. Therefore, in this work, the study of different technologies for the development of phase shifter based on distributed MEMS and slow-wave transmission lines. The two types of transmission lines considered were the shielded-CoPlanar Stripline (S-CPS) and shielded-Coplanar Waveguide line (S-CPW). Three different technologies were studied: CMOS technology; the dedicated technology developed by the Laboratoire d\'électronique des technologies de l\'information (CEA-Leti) and the in-house technology developed at the Microelectronics Laboratory of the University of São Paulo. Using the CMOS technology, S-CPS-type transmission lines were fabricated using IHP\'s 250 nm CMOS technology and AMS\'s 0.35 µm CMOS technology. AMS\'s 0.35 µm technology has also been used for the development of 2-bit and 3-bit phase-shifters based on S-CPW type transmission lines. For these phase shifters, a reproducible shielding layer release process was defined that allowed the device to operate. Also, another phase shifter based in S-CPW-type transmission lines that were previously developed with dedicated CEA-LETI technology was electrostatically modeled using Comsol MultiPhysics and Ansys Workbench. The developed models allowed to understand the electromechanical behavior of the phase shifter and was used for a new design of the phase shifter with an optimized performance. Finally, in order to develop the optimized devices using the in-house technology with the materials and methods available at the USP Microelectronics Laboratory (LME-USP), some critical stages of the fabrication process were studied.

Stratégies d’hybridation de méthodes de simulation électromagnétique FDTD/MTL : Application à l’étude de grands systèmes complexes / A time domain hybrid FDTD/MTL approach to study electromagnetic effects on interconnected ground installations

Muot, Nathanaël 20 June 2013 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons une stratégie basée sur une approche hybridedans le domaine temporel, couplant une méthode de résolution des équations de Maxwelldans le domaine 3D (FDTD) avec une méthode de résolution des équations de ligne detransmission, afin de pouvoir simuler des problèmes électromagnétiques de grande échelle. Lemémoire donne les éléments d’hybridation pour deux cadres d’utilisation de cette approche :une approche multi-domaine et une approche multi-résolution ou d’échelle.L’approche multi-domaine est une extension de la méthode FDTD 3D à plusieurs sousdomainesreliés par des structures filaires sur lesquelles on résout une équation de lignes detransmission par un formalisme FDTD 1D. La difficulté est d’abord d’avoir une définitionimplicite du champ électromagnétique dans la théorie des lignes de transmission, et d’autrepart de prendre en compte les effets du sol sur les courants induits au niveau des lignes etsur les champs électromagnétiques.L’approche multi-résolution ou d’échelle est conçue pour étendre les capacités de la méthodeFDTD au traitement du routage de câbles complexes ayant une section plus petite quela taille de la cellule. Ce mémoire présente différentes techniques pour évaluer les paramètresde la ligne, basées sur la résolution d’un problème de Laplace 2D, ainsi qu’une méthode decouplage champs/câbles basée sur le courant de mode commun.L’ensemble de ce travail nous a permis de proposer une méthode numérique efficace pourcalculer les effets électromagnétiques induits par une source (type onde plane ou dipolaire)sur des sites de grande dimension, composés de plusieurs bâtiments reliés entre eux par unréseau de câbles. Dans ce cadre une application à la foudre a été réalisée. / In this thesis, we present a strategy based on a hybrid approach in the timedomain, by coupling 3D method (FDTD) with a multi-conductors transmission line (MTL)method, in order to simulate complex large scale electromagnetic problems. This reportgives the theoretical and numerical elements for coupling these approaches for two kindof problems, which are the multi domains approach and the multi scale approach. Themultiple domains approach is an extension of the classical FDTD method taking into accountseveral 3D subdomains, interconnected by a wire network, on which a 1D transmission lineformalism is used. The main issues are, on one hand to have an implicit expression ofthe electromagnetic field in the transmission line approach, and on the other hand to beable to take into account the ground effects on the induced currents, on the transmissionline parameters and on the electromagnetic field. The multi scale approach is developed toextend the capabilities of FDTD to deal with complex cables routing. We assume that thecross section of the cables are smallest than the cell size, and in these problems, the 1Dtransmission line problem is physically included in the 3D global computational domain.The work done in this thesis leaded to a new field to transmission line coupling based onthe common mode current, and an evaluation of the transmission. line parameters basedon a Laplace equation resolution in 2D. In this work, we have elaborated and proposedefficient numerical strategies for the computation of electromagnetic induced effects on largeand complex sites, composed of several interconnected distant buildings. An application tolightning problems have been done.

Análise metodológica para a conversão de linhas de distribuição de 34,5 KV para 69 KV / Methodological analysis to convert distribution lines from 34,5 kV to 69 kV.

Patrick Santos de Oliveira 17 January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho visa apresentar uma análise metodológica para viabilizar a realização da repotenciação, elevando a classe de tensão de linhas de distribuição de 34,5 kV para a classe de subtransmissão de 69 kV. Foi realizado um levantamento de casos de repotenciação de linhas de transmissão, inclusive para a alternativa de elevação da tensão de operação da linha. Foram analisados modelos matemáticos apropriados para a representação da linha frente a transitórios eletromagnéticos como curtos-circuitos e descargas atmosféricas e ainda, um estudo sobre o procedimento a ser realizado dispondo-se de um software baseado na teoria de elementos finitos para a verificação do nível básico de isolamento das estruturas pertencentes à linha. Assim, a linha piloto foi representada no software ATP, utilizando-se a interface ATPDraw, e foi submetida a diversos transitórios eletromagnéticos. A partir dos valores de tensão observados nesses distúrbios, iniciaram-se novas simulações computacionais por meio do software FLUX®, que é baseado na teoria dos elementos finitos, para avaliar o comportamento do campo elétrico nas diferentes estruturas da linha, considerando a cruzeta de madeira e os isoladores cerâmicos. Dessa forma, esse estudo, avalia as simulações computacionais realizadas e aponta quais as estruturas da linha estão aptas a operar na classe de tensão de 69 kV, ou ainda, quais alterações permitirão que estruturas menos seguras possam operar neste novo nível de tensão. Todas as etapas e as conclusões finais sobre o assunto delineado são apresentadas neste documento. / This work presents a methodological analysis to make repowering distribution line possible, raising the voltage level from 34.5 kV to 69 kV (sub transmission level). A literature review of transmission line upgrading was accomplished, including the alternative of raising the line operating voltage. Proper mathematical models were analyzed for the line representation facing electromagnetic transients such as short circuits and lightning. In addition, a software based on finite elements theory for the verification of the basic insulation level of the structures (poles and crossarms) belonging to the line was utilized. Thus, a pilot line was modeled in the ATP software, using the ATPDraw interface, and it was subjected to various electromagnetic transients. From the voltage values observed in these disturbances, new computer simulations were carried out using FLUX®, a finite elements theory based software capable of evaluating the electrical field behavior in different structures of the line, considering wooden crossarms and ceramic insulators. In this context, the present study analyze the computer simulations and points out which line structures are able to operate in the 69 kV voltage level, or even indicates which alterations will enable the less secure structures to operate in this new voltage level. All the stages and final conclusions about the outlined subject are presented in this document.

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