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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Jonėnienė, Lina 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo metu nustatyta, jog Panevėžio rajono vandenviečių tiekiamas vanduo dažniausiai neatitinka bendrosios geležies, mangano nustatytų ribinių verčių. Vandens kokybė pagal analizuojamas vertes yra geresnė stambiose vandenvietėse (Ramygala, Naujamiestis). Ištirtų šulinių vanduo daugiausiai neatitinka nustatytų mikrobiologinių, toksinių rodiklių ir didžiausia vandens tarša išsiskyrė Smilgių, Paįstrio seniūnijų šulinių vanduo. Vyresnio amžiaus gyventojai, turintys žemesnį išsilavinimą, gaunantys mažesnes pajamas yra mažiau patenkinti vartojamo vandens kokybe. Kuo aukštesnės respondentų pajamos, tuo daugiau besinaudojančių centralizuotai tiekiamu vandeniu, žinančių, kad už geriamojo vandens kokybę atsakingi tiek vandens tiekėjai, tiek vartotojai, kad esant netenkinamai vandens kokybei reikia kreiptis į VMVT. Dauguma Panevėžio rajono gyventojų nepakanka informacijos apie šulinių geriamojo vandens priežiūrą, gerinimo galimybes, žinių, kas gali bloginti šulinio vandens kokybę, apie sanitarinių apsaugos zonų svarbą. Kuo aukštesnis respondentų išsilavinimas, mėnesinės pajamos, jaunesnis amžius, tuo didesnis skaičius žmonių turi vietinę kanalizaciją, nuotekas šalina centralizuotai, dažniau prižiūri šulinius, tiria juose esantį vandenį. Specialistai dirbantys Panevėžio rajono šulinių geriamojo vandens kokybės klausimais pagrindines prastos šulinių vandens kokybės priežastis nurodė netinkamą jų priežiūrą, neteisingai parinktą eksploatavimo vietą, sanitarines apsaugos zonas. Pagrindinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During the study it has been established that the water supplied from the Panevėžys Region water stations does not meet the threshold values for general iron and manganese. As far as the parameters taken into consideration the water quality supplied from larger water works (Ramygala, Naujamiestis) proved to be higher. The water from the wells tested in most cases does not meet the prescribed microbiological and toxical limits. The water from wells in Smilgiai, Paįstrys elderates proved to be the most polluted. Senior people with lower educational background and lower income are less satisfied with the drinking water quality. The higher the income of the respondents the more of them are using drinking water supplied from the centralized systems and they know that both the suppliers and users of water are responsible for its quality, and that in case of unsatisfactory quality they have to apply to the State Veterinary and Food Service. Most of the residents of the Panevėžys Region lack information about the water wells maintenance, methods of their improvement, factors that might worsen water quality, and about importance of sanitary zones. The higher is educational background level, monthly income, and younger age of the people the bigger is the number of them running local waste water treatment systems or disposing effluent water through centralized sewer, maintaining water wells, ordering analysis of water in them. The specialists working in the Panevėžys Region on wells... [to full text]

VA-system i omvandlingsområden - vad kostar de?

Näslund, Olov January 2016 (has links)
När fler människor flyttar ut till sina fritidshus och bor där hela året om bildas så kallade omvandlingsområden där användningen av vatten och avlopp förändras. Detta leder ofta till högre vattenanvändning och kraven på avloppssystemen ökar därmed. Det finns tre huvudtyper av lösningar som vanligtvis används för att möta kravet på bättre avloppssystem i omvandlingsområden: enskilda lösningar på varje fastighet, en samfälld lösning eller en lösning i kommunal regi. Syftet med studien var att utvärdera kostnader för VA-system i omvandlingsområden i Sverige. Fem olika områden studerades med avseende på beräknade kostnader jämfört med det verkliga utfallet. Beräkningar gjordes på totala investeringskostnader, kostnad per fastighet såväl som kapitalkostnad och drift- och underhållskostnad. Jämförelser gjordes också med andra lösningar som var aktuella innan området byggde ut den valda VA-lösningen. Arbetet berörde även metodiken för hur kommuner väljer VA-system i omvandlingsområden. Det var billigare för en samfällighetsförening, 1 000 kr/m, att gräva ledningar än för en kommun, 4 400 - 5 900 kr/m. Grundare ledningsgravar var en av orsakerna till detta. En annan slutsats var att befintlig infrastruktur från tidigare VA-system kan göra samma typ av VA-system billigare om delar av det befintliga fortfarande är i gott skick. Driftkostnaden för enskilda system beror mycket på hur många personer som nyttjar systemet och under hur stor del av året. Vid samtal med kommuner framkom det att valet av VA-system i omvandlingsområden i regel inte föregås av en jämförelse mellan olika VA-system. Istället är det oftast en överföringsledning till ett befintligt kommunalt nät som väljs. / More and more people choose to live permanently in houses built as vacation houses, thereby creating transition areas. The increased occupancy in the houses tends to lead to larger water usage and often demands improved wastewater systems. There are three main ways in which this demand usually is met: each property builds an on-site system, the properties jointly build a facility through a community association, or the properties connect to the municipality’s network. The aim was to evaluate the costs of water and wastewater systems in transition areas in Sweden. This was done by studying five different improved transition areas and comparing the estimated costs with the actual cost of the systems. Both total investment costs and cost per property were calculated, as well as capital costs, and operation and maintenance costs. How the municipalities choose the sanitation system to be implemented was also a part of the study.  It was much more expensive for the municipality to build pipes than for a community association. One reason for this was shallower pipe placement. Another conclusion was that if part of a sanitation system already exists and is in good shape, this will lead to lower investment costs for a new system using that part. The operation costs for on-site systems on each property will be much higher for a family living there permanently, compared to that of a family living there only part time. Municipalities in Sweden generally do not compare different types of systems before deciding on an improved water and sanitation system in a transition area. Instead they almost always build a transmission line for water and wastewater to connect the area to an already existing centralized system.

Klasická versus inteligentní elektroinstalace / Classical versus intelligent electrical installation

Haluza, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
This work topic is development and history of intelligent wiring systems in Czech Republic as well as abroad. The firs paragraphs describe following: intelligent wiring systems, the differences between classic and intelligent wiring systems and consequently is described the intelligent wiring system itself (types, principles, advantages, disadvantages etc.). Detailed description of system Inels follows in the next chapters. This system is supposed to be the fundamental matter of this work and is used in consequent suggestions for intelligent wiring system that is defined at the end of the theoretical part of this work. At the conclusion the economic evaluation of various wiring options and assessment by the multicriteria analysis (MCA) will be provided.

Využití znalostních systémů a bází pro výběr a hodnocení domovních elektroinstalací / Utilization of Knowledge Systems and Bases for Selection and Evaluation of Domestic Electrical Installations.

Haluza, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
My doctoral thesis deals with use of the sophisticated methods for the selection of technical and economic solution of electrical wiring. This solution is based not only on a price but also on many other criteria such as a comfort, service, durability etc. The focus of the work is a treatise on wiring systems from a global perspective, where it is impossible to use a conventional approach for objective evaluation and selection of the appropriate electrical wiring system (because of the complexity of such systems and their interdependencies). In the four chapter are given information of an energy consumption (the total consumption and household consumption). In this chapter is given also a consumption prediction – especially for households. Following is an overview of possible measures for reducing electricity consumption in households. In the next part of this thesis are solved the knowledge, respectively expert systems for use in an electrical engineering – especially for a suitable tool for the selection and evaluation of households wiring electrical system. The result of this work provides a possible solution for a selection of wiring electrical system for households (focusing on the intelligent wiring) – from a technical and economic point of view and with using an innovative approach. The main contribution of this work is a proposal of the main part of the knowledge base. This base could be as a basis for knowledge, respectively for an evaluating technical and economical solution of an electrical wiring system – the expert system includes also a feedback function of an effectiveness solution, use value, price etc., which would also serve as a knowledge base.

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