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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelatge multimodal de transicions en entorn microstrip

Pajares Vega, Francisco Javier 27 November 2007 (has links)
Avui dia cada vegada s'ha de tenir més en compte com es realitza el traçat de pistes en les plaques de circuit imprès (PCB). Això és degut a que cada vegada més hi viatgen senyals amb components freqüencials més elevades. Per tant, paràmetres com la desadaptació per impedància característica, acoblaments, ressonàncies i comportaments complexes de les transicions que es troben els senyals en la seva propagació per les pistes, han de ser considerats per evitar problemes d'integritat del senyal i garantir la compatibilitat electromagnètica (EMC) amb el seu entorn. El present treball de tesi s'ha centrat en l'estudi del comportament d'una situació particular, però molt habitual, de pistes: dues pistes sobre un pla de massa, formant el que es coneix com una línia de transmissió microstrip acoblada. Els senyals que viatgen a través d'una línia microstrip acoblada es poden descompondre en dos modes bàsics de propagació: mode comú (on la tensió està definida entre el pla de massa i cada pista) i el mode diferencial (on la tensió està definida entre les pistes). Aquesta descomposició és molt habitual en el món de la compatibilitat electromagnètica ja que les tècniques de filtratge de les interferències varien depenent si aquestes viatgen en mode comú o en mode diferencial. El treball desenvolupat s'ha focalitzat en l'estudi, des d'aquest punt de vista multimodal (que té en compte simultàniament tant el mode comú com el diferencial), de les diferents transicions que es pot trobar el senyal en la seva propagació degut al traçat de pistes. Com a resultat d'aquest estudi s'han obtingut uns models circuitals que permeten l'anàlisi i simulació dels diferents modes que intervenen i que han estat validats de forma experimental. Aquest fet ha permès l'ús d'aquests models en l'anàlisi de problemes d'integritat del senyal que són comuns en el entorn de la compatibilitat electromagnètica (EMC). Els resultats obtinguts han estat presentats en congressos nacionals i internacionals. / Hoy en día cada vez se debe tener más en cuenta como se realiza el trazado de pistas en las placas de circuito impreso (PCB). Esto es así debido a que cada vez más viajan por ellas señales con componentes frecuenciales más elevadas. Por lo tanto, parámetros como la desadaptación por impedancia característica, acoplamientos, resonancias y comportamientos complejos de las transiciones que se encuentran las señales mientras se propagan por las pistas, deben ser tenidos en consideración para evitar problemas de integridad de la señal y garantizar la compatibilidad electromagnética (EMC) con su entorno. En el presente trabajo de tesis se ha centrado en el estudio del comportamiento de una situación particular, pero habitual, de pistas: dos pistas sobre un plano de masa, formando lo que se conoce como línea de transmisión microstrip acoplada. Las señales que viajan a través de una línea microstrip acoplada se pueden descomponer en dos modos básicos de propagación: modo común (donde la tensión está definida entre el plano de masa y cada pista) y modo diferencial (donde la tensión está definida entre pistas). Esta descomposición es muy habitual en el mundo de la compatibilidad electromagnética ya que las técnicas de filtrado de las interferencias varían dependiendo si estas viajan en modo común o en modo diferencial. El trabajo desarrollado se ha focalizado en el estudio, desde este punto de vista multimodal (que tiene en cuenta simultáneamente tanto el modo común como el diferencial), de las diferentes transiciones que puede encontrarse la señal durante su propagación debido al trazado de pistas. Como resultado se han obtenido unos modelos circuitales que permiten el análisis y simulación de los diferentes modos que intervienen y que han sido validados de forma experimental. Este hecho ha permitido el uso de dichos modelos en el análisis de problemas de integridad de la señal que son comunes en el entorno de la compatibilidad electromagnética (EMC). Los resultados obtenidos han sido mostrados en congresos nacionales e internacionales. / Nowadays, the placement of the strips in a printed circuit board (PCB) has to be performed with increasing care, because of the rise of the spectral content of the signals propagating through the strips. Due to this fact, mismatches of the characteristic impedances, crosstalks, resonances and complex behavior of the transitions that the signals may encounter in their propagation have to be considered in order to avoid signal integrity problems and to guarantee the electromagnetic compatibility with their environment. This work is focused on the study of the behavior of a particular, but also a very common way of routing strips: two close strips above a ground plane, forming a extit{coupled microstrip transmission line}. The signals present at this transmission line can be decomposed into two basic signals known as common mode (where its voltage is defined between the ground plane and each strip) and differential mode (where its voltage is defined between the two strips). This decomposition is often found in electromagnetic compatibility because the different techniques of filtering interferences depend on their main mode of propagation. The study carried out in this thesis is focused on the analysis from a multimodal point of view of different transitions that signals encounter during their propagation in a coupled microstrip transmission line. As a result of this analysis, a number of circuit models for different transitions have been obtained and experimentally validated. These models have been used to successfully study signal integrity problems found in EMC and they have been presented in national and international symposiums.

Uma proposta de representação de sistemas de aterramento diretamente no domínio do tempo / A proposal of representation of grounding systems directly in the time domain

Seixas, Claudiner Mendes de [UNESP] 25 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by CLAUDINER MENDES DE SEIXAS null (claudiner2010@gmail.com) on 2017-10-21T02:06:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Claudiner_seixas_ac_dr_ilha.pdf: 3441885 bytes, checksum: 9e1f3e2ff82a0a8220457c535d4cea55 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-10-26T14:27:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 seixas_cm_dr_ilha.pdf: 3441885 bytes, checksum: 9e1f3e2ff82a0a8220457c535d4cea55 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-26T14:27:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 seixas_cm_dr_ilha.pdf: 3441885 bytes, checksum: 9e1f3e2ff82a0a8220457c535d4cea55 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-25 / Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de representação de sistemas de aterramento elétrico diretamente no domínio do tempo, tendo como vantagem os benefícios da modelagem realizada no domínio da frequência, com os resultados fornecidos diretamente no domínio do tempo, sem passar por transformadas inversas (Laplace ou Fourier). Os modelos no domínio do tempo são facilmente inseridos nos softwares convencionais de análise transitória, onde as tensões e correntes são melhor compreendidas. A maior contribuição deste trabalho está no desenvolvimento de uma técnica capaz de representar o aterramento com elementos discretos e positivos de circuitos (resistores-R, capacitores-C e indutores-L). Assim, o circuito equivalente representativo do aterramento será sempre um circuito possível de ser implementado fisicamente. Nesta proposta o aterramento é inicialmente modelado no domínio da frequência, sua impedância harmônica é obtida e representada por meio de elementos discretos de circuitos (RLC) associados em série e/ou paralelo. Aterramentos constituídos por um eletrodo horizontal ou uma haste vertical foram representados por meio de aproximação usando o método dos mínimos quadrados (vector fitting), que permite obter a função racional equivalente à admitância do aterramento, a partir da qual são extraídos os ramos de circuitos e consequentemente o circuito equivalente. Apesar de ser possível representar uma infinidade de aterramentos, dependendo do comprimento e diâmetro do eletrodo/haste combinado com determinadas resistividade e permissividade elétricas do solo, esse método pode não garantir que todos os elementos RLC sejam positivos. Por isso foi desenvolvido uma nova técnica e testada em aplicações com configurações de aterramento mais complexas (malhas). Essa técnica fornece resultados precisos e garante que todos os elementos RLC serão positivos. Sua validação foi realizada comparando os resultados propostos com os resultados obtidos pelo modelo de linha de transmissão (no caso de eletrodo/haste) e pelo modelo eletromagnético híbrido HEM (no caso das malhas). Essa técnica permite o uso de qualquer modelo capaz de fornecer a impedância harmônica, podendo ser aplicada a configurações genéricas de aterramento, o que a torna muito versátil e atrativa. / This work presents a proposal to represent of electrical grounding systems directly in time domain, taking into account the benefits in frequency domain modelling, without employing inverse Laplace or Fourier transforms. The time domain models are easily inserted in conventional electromagnetic transient software, where voltages and currents are better understood. The main contribution of this work is the development of a technique that can represent grounding by discrete and positive circuits elements (R-resistors, C-capacitors and L-inductors). The representation of the grounding is an electric circuit, possible to be implemented physically. Grounding systems is initially modelled in the frequency domain, where its harmonic impedance is obtained and then represented by elements of circuit (RLC) made in series and/or parallel association. Grounding systems constituted by a horizontal electrode or a vertical rod were represented by means of an approximation using the method of the least squares (vector fitting). It reproduces the rational function equivalent to the admittance of the grounding, which branches of circuits are extracted, forming an equivalent circuit. Although it is possible to represent an infinity of groundings, depending on the length and diameter of the electrode / rod combined with certain electrical resistivity and permittivity of the soil, this technique may not guarantee that all RLC elements are positive. However, a new technique was developed and tested in more complex grounding systems (grids). This technique provides accurate results and ensures that all RLC elements will be positive. Its validation was performed comparing the proposed results with the results obtained by the TLM (Transmission Line Model) employed for the horizontal electrodes and vertical rods and by the HEM (Hybrid Electromagnetic Model) employed for grounding grids. This technique allows the use of any model capable of providing harmonic impedance, and can be applied to generic ground configurations, making it very attractive to electromagnetics transient analyses.

Antenas planares multicamadas com materiais supercondutores e fot?nico para comunica??es m?veis

Alves, George Dennes Fernandes 04 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GeorgeDFA_Capa_ate_pag15.pdf: 8968407 bytes, checksum: 05f7b40d8df8312cf173aaad3ec43f83 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-04 / Recently, planar antennas have been studied due to their characteristics as well as the advantages that they offers when compared with another types of antennas. In the mobile communications area, the need for this kind of antennas have became each time bigger due to the intense increase of the mobile communications this sector. That needs of antennas which operate in multifrequency and wide bandwidth. The microstrip antennas presents narrow bandwidth due the loss in the dielectric generated by radiation. Another limitation is the radiation pattern degradation due the generation of surface waves in the substrate. In this work some used techniques to minimize the disadvantages (previously mentioned) of the use of microstrip antennas are presented, those are: substrates with PBG material - Photonic Bandgap, multilayer antennas and with stacked patches. The developed analysis in this work used the TTL - Transverse Transmission Line method in the domain of Fourier transform, that uses a component of propagation in the y direction (transverse to the direction real of propagation z), treating the general equations of electric and magnetic field as functions of Ey and Hy. One of the advantages of this method is the simplification of the field equations. therefore the amount of equations lesser must the fields in directions x and z be in function of components Ey and Hy. It will be presented an brief study of the main theories that explain the superconductivity phenomenon. The BCS theory. London Equations and Two Fluids model will be the theories that will give support the application of the superconductors in the microfita antennas. The inclusion of the superconductor patch is made using the resistive complex contour condition. This work has as objective the application of the TTL method to microstrip structures with single and multilayers of rectangular patches, to obtaining the resonance frequency and radiation pattern of each structure / Recentemente as antenas planares t?m despertado interesses devido ?s suas caracter?sticas, assim como pelas vantagens que oferecem quando comparadas com os demais tipos de antenas. Na ?rea de comunica??es m?veis a necessidade de antenas desse tipo tem-se tornado cada vez maior devido ao intenso crescimento desse setor, necessitando de antenas que operem em multifreq??ncia e em banda larga. As antenas de microfita apresentam largura de banda estreita devido ?s perdas no diel?trico geradas pela irradia??o. Outra limita??o ? a degrada??o do diagrama de irradia??o devido ? gera??o de ondas de superf?cie no substrato. Neste trabalho s?o apresentadas algumas t?cnicas usadas para tentar minimizar as desvantagens (citadas acima) do uso de antenas de microfita, sendo elas: substratos com material PBG - Photonic Bandgap, antenas em multicamadas e a utiliza??o de patches fabricados de materiais supercondutores. As an?lises desenvolvidas neste trabalho foram realizadas com a utiliza??o do m?todo LTT - Linha de Transmiss?o Transversa no dom?nio da transformada de Fourier, que utiliza uma componente de propaga??o na dire??o y (transversa ? dire??o real de propaga??o z), tratando assim as equa??es gerais dos campos el?tricos e magn?ticos em fun??es de Ey e Hy. Uma das vantagens desse m?todo ? a simplifica??o das equa??es de campo, pois a quantidade de equa??es ? menor devido os campos nas dire??es x e z ficarem em fun??o das componentes Ey e Hy. Ser? apresentado um breve estudo das principais teorias que explicam o fen?meno da supercondutividade. As teorias BCS, Equa??es de London e modelo dos Dois Fluidos ser?o as teorias que dar?o suporte a aplica??o dos supercondutores nas antenas microfita. A inclus?o do patch supercondutor ? feita utilizando-se a condi??o de contorno complexa resistiva. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a aplica??o do m?todo LTT ?s estruturas de microfita

Acoustic noise emitted from overhead line conductors

Li, Qi January 2013 (has links)
The developments of new types of conductors and increase of voltage level have driven the need to carry out research on evaluating overhead line acoustic noise. The surface potential gradient of a conductor is a critical design parameter for planning overhead lines, as it determines the level of corona loss (CL), radio interference (RI), and audible noise (AN). The majority of existing models for surface gradient calculation are based on analytical methods which restrict their application in simulating complex surface geometries. This thesis proposes a novel method which utilizes both analytical and numerical procedures to predict the surface gradient. Stranding shape, proximity of tower, protrusions and bundle arrangements are considered within this model. One of UK National Grid's transmission line configurations has been selected as an example to compare the results for different methods. The different stranding shapes are a key variable in determining dry surface fields. The dynamic behaviour of water droplets subject to AC electric fields is investigated by experiment and finite element modelling. The motion of a water droplet is considered on the surface of a metallic sphere. To understand the consequences of vibration, the FEA model is introduced to study the dynamics of a single droplet in terms of phase shift between vibration and exciting voltage. Moreover, the evolution of electric field within the whole cycle of vibration is investigated. The profile of the electric field and the characteristics of mechanical vibration are evaluated. Surprisingly the phase shift between these characteristics results in the maximum field occurring when the droplet is in a flattened profile rather than when it is ‘pointed’.Research work on audible noise emitted from overhead line conductors is reviewed, and a unique experimental set up employing a semi-anechoic chamber and corona cage is described. Acoustically, this facility isolates undesirable background noise and provides a free-field test space inside the anechoic chamber. Electrically, the corona cage simulates a 3 m section of 400 kV overhead line conductors by achieving the equivalent surface gradient. UV imaging, acoustic measurements and a partial discharge detection system are employed as instrumentation. The acoustic and electrical performance is demonstrated through a series of experiments. Results are discussed, and the mechanisms for acoustic noise are considered. A strategy for evaluating the noise emission level for overhead line conductors is developed. Comments are made on predicting acoustic noise from overhead lines. The technical achievements of this thesis are summarized in three aspects. First of all, an FEA model is developed to calculate the surface electric field for overhead line conductors and this has been demonstrated as an efficient tool for power utilities in computing surface electric field especially for dry condition. The second achievement is the droplet vibration study which describes the droplets' behaviour under rain conditions, such as the phase shift between the voltage and the vibration magnitude, the ejection phenomena and the electric field enhancement due to the shape change of droplets. The third contribution is the development of a standardized procedure in assessing noise emission level and the characteristics of noise emissions for various types of existing conductors in National Grid.

Vícevodičový model komunikace po venkovním elektrickém vedení / Multi-Conductor Model of Communication over Outdoor Power Lines

Franek, Lešek January 2017 (has links)
PLC - power line communication is not new. It has been known for many years. But It never be used in massive scale. There were only sporadic applications, for example ripple control system HDO used in the Czechoslovakia. PLC currently experiencing a renaissance thanks to the advent of Smart Grid. PLC offering relatively low bit rates and relatively unreliable transmission, but these disadvantages compensates very low costs to build a communication infrastructure and it offers specific functionalities for Smart Grid. The question is whether the declared parameters will be met in the real world. This thesis tries to find an answer.

Modélisation haute fréquence des effets électromagnétiques induits dans les câblages aéronautiques / Numerical modeling of electromagnetic field effects on aircraft wire harnesses

Chafik, Aymene 20 September 2019 (has links)
La modélisation numérique des réseaux de câbles est devenue une étape indispensable dans la phase de conception d’un projet afin de prédire les disfonctionnements dans les moyens de transport issus de l’augmentation des couplages électromagnétiques. La majorité des modèles repose sur des méthodes analytiques, qui sont certes rapides en comparaison avec les méthodes numériques 3D, mais en contrepartie sont limitées aux basses fréquences et aux géométries uniformes. De plus, des hypothèses concernant les conditions aux limites des conducteurs, comme les plans de masse infinis, sont souvent appliqués dans le but d’obtenir des formules analytiques simples C’est dans ce contexte, que nous avons envisagé l’amélioration de ces modèles en réduisant ces simplifications et ces hypothèses imposées au départ. A cet égard, nous avons développé dans un premier temps un modèle de ligne de transmission filaire qui consiste à prendre en compte les pertes par rayonnement en haute fréquence, la longueur finie et la géométrie non uniforme. Lors de cette étude, nous avons utilisé la théorie des lignes et deux méthodes numériques en l’occurrence les méthodes PEEC et TLST. Nous avons démontré pour le cas des risers que les coefficients de la méthode PEEC peuvent être obtenus analytiquement. Concernant notre deuxième axe de recherche, on s’est intéressé à la modélisation des conduits métalliques notamment les plans de masse finis et les goulottes. Ces derniers ont été modélisés avec un ensemble de câbles. Une étude expérimentale a été menée sur les effets induits par la goulotte sur la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques. Finalement, les résultats de nos modèles ont été validés expérimentalement avec des mesures. Une attention particulière a été portée sur l’effet des extrémités des lignes de transmission. / Considering the increasing awareness of the EM coupling issues inside aircraft and automotive engines, numerical modeling of cable harness networks is currently one of the most important steps in the design process of an engineering project. Most of the relevant softwares that deals with the cable topology simulation relies on the well-known analytical models such as the multiconductor transmission line theory. These techniques are better than the fullwave ones regarding the time calculation and the memory requirement. However, they are available only in the low frequency range because of the assumptions taken into account such as the uniform geometry and the infinite length of the wires. To overcome these restrictions and improve the existing solutions, we come up with a new high frequency model which is based on the transmission line theory and two numerical methods: PEEC and TLST. To keep the analytical approach of our model, we managed to get the analytical expressions of the PEEC’s partial elements. In this thesis, we were also interested by the cable raceways and cable trays. First of all, we developed a raceway model based on transmission line wires. Comparing our results with the FDTD ones, we noticed some differences especially in the high frequency range when the wire ends with the risers. Through an experimental study, we explained the behavior and the impact of these cables trays on the EM wave propagation. Finally, the results of our models have been validated with the measurements. Thanks to these experiments, we highlighted the fact that the termination of a wire has an important impact on the wave propagation.

A SiGe BiCMOS LNA for mm-wave applications

Janse van Rensburg, Christo 01 February 2012 (has links)
A 5 GHz continuous unlicensed bandwidth is available at millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies around 60 GHz and offers the prospect for multi gigabit wireless applications. The inherent atmospheric attenuation at 60 GHz due to oxygen absorption makes the frequency range ideal for short distance communication networks. For these mm-wave wireless networks, the low noise amplifier (LNA) is a critical subsystem determining the receiver performance i.e., the noise figure (NF) and receiver sensitivity. It however proves challenging to realise high performance mm-wave LNAs in a silicon (Si) complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The mm-wave passive devices, specifically on-chip inductors, experience high propagation loss due to the conductivity of the Si substrate at mm-wave frequencies, degrading the performance of the LNA and subsequently the performance of the receiver architecture. The research is aimed at realising a high performance mm-wave LNA in a Si BiCMOS technology. The focal points are firstly, the fundamental understanding of the various forms of losses passive inductors experience and the techniques to address these issues, and secondly, whether the performance of mm-wave passive inductors can be improved by means of geometry optimising. An associated hypothesis is formulated, where the research outcome results in a preferred passive inductor and formulates an optimised passive inductor for mm-wave applications. The performance of the mm-wave inductor is evaluated using the quality factor (Q-factor) as a figure of merit. An increased inductor Q-factor translates to improved LNA input and output matching performance and contributes to the lowering of the LNA NF. The passive inductors are designed and simulated in a 2.5D electromagnetic (EM) simulator. The electrical characteristics of the passive structures are exported to a SPICE netlist which is included in a circuit simulator to evaluate and investigate the LNA performance. Two LNAs are designed and prototyped using the 13μ-m SiGe BiCMOS process from IBM as part of the experimental process to validate the hypothesis. One LNA implements the preferred inductor structures as a benchmark, while the second LNA, identical to the first, replaces one inductor with the optimised inductor. Experimental verification allows complete characterization of the passive inductors and the performance of the LNAs to prove the hypothesis. According to the author's knowledge, the slow-wave coplanar waveguide (S-CPW) achieves a higher Q-factor than microstrip and coplanar waveguide (CPW) transmission lines at mm-wave frequencies implemented for the 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology node. In literature, specific S-CPW transmission line geometry parameters have previously been investigated, but this work optimises the signal-to-ground spacing of the S-CPW transmission lines without changing the characteristic impedance of the lines. Optimising the S-CPW transmission line for 60 GHz increases the Q-factor from 38 to 50 in simulation, a 32 % improvement, and from 8 to 10 in measurements. Furthermore, replacing only one inductor in the output matching network of the LNA with the higher Q-factor inductor, improves the input and output matching performance of the LNA, resulting in a 5 dB input and output reflection coefficient improvement. Although a 5 dB improvement in matching performance is obtained, the resultant noise and gain performance show no significant improvement. The single stage LNAs achieve a simulated gain and NF of 13 dB and 5.3 dB respectively, and dissipate 6 mW from the 1.5 V supply. The LNA focused to attain high gain and a low NF, trading off linearity and as a result obtained poor 1 dB compression of -21.7 dBm. The LNA results are not state of the art but are comparable to SiGe BiCMOS LNAs presented in literature, achieving similar gain, NF and power dissipation figures. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

Voltage Transients in the Field Winding of Salient Pole Wound Synchronous Machines : Implications from fast switching power electronics

Felicetti, Roberto January 2021 (has links)
Wound Field Synchronous Generators provide more than 95% of the electricity need worldwide. Their primacy in electricity production is due to ease of voltage regulation, performed by simply adjusting the direct current intensity in their rotor winding. Nevertheless, the rapid progress of power electronics devices enables new possibilities for alternating current add-ins in a more than a century long DC dominated technology. Damping the rotor oscillations with less energy loss than before, reducing the wear of the bearings by actively compensating for the mechanic unbalance of the rotating parts, speeding up the generator with no need for additional means, these are just few of the new applications which imply partial or total alternated current supplying of the rotor winding. This thesis explores what happens in a winding traditionally designed for the direct current supply when an alternated current is injected into it by an inverter. The research focuses on wound field salient pole synchronous machines and investigates the changes in the field winding parameters under AC conditions. Particular attention is dedicated to the potentially harmful voltage surges and voltage gradients triggered by voltage-edges with large slew rate. For this study a wide frequency band simplified electromagnetic model of the field winding has been carried out, experimentally determined and validated. Within the specific application of the fast field current control, the research provides some references for the design of the rotor magnetic circuit and of the field winding. Finally the coordination between the power electronics and the field winding properties is addressed, when the current control is done by means of a long cable or busbars, in order to prevent or reduce the ringing.

Justerbar modell av transmissionsledning för elkraftsöverföring / An adjustable model of a transmission line for power transmission

Gatu, Andreas, Svensson, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts på uppdrag av Terco. Tercos PST 2220Transmission Line and Distribution Module fungerar som en fysisk modellav ett verkligt transmissions- eller distributionsnät där fem olika typer av nätmed avseende på längd, spänningsnivå och skenbar effekt är möjliga. Idagfinns ett behov av en modell där användaren kan ställa in dessa parametrarså att modellen mer precist kan spegla vilka egenskaper det specifika nätethar. Här undersöks hur längden och dess inverkan på en ledning kan varierasi en modell.En presentation av hur transmissions- och distributionsnät fungerar ochbeskrivs teoretiskt lägger grunden till den modell och de två approximationersom kan beskriva ett helt näts egenskaper.Då R, L och C komponenterna behöver kunna varieras för att fysisktkunna realisera denna teoretiska modell undersöks vilka metoder som dettakan genomföras på. För detta undersöks två tillvägagångssätt, kaskadkopp-lad pi-modell och variabel aktiv-passiv reaktans.Flera aspekter som utrymme, kostnad och variabilitet gör att varia-bel aktiv-passiv reaktans är att föredra. Dess funktion som en varierbarspänningskälla, uppbyggd av switchar styrda med reglerteknik och puls-breddsmodulering gör att komponenterna R, L och C och dess egenskaperoch inverkan på en transmissionslinje kan åstadkommas. Resultatet är attde nödvändiga R,L,C komponenterna går att variera i storlek för att kunnaingå i en varierbar transmissionsledningsmodell.Resultatet och målen säkerställs med simuleringar där variabel aktiv-passiv reaktans visas kunna vidareutvecklas och praktiskt testas för att mo-dellera transmissions- och distributionsnät med olika längd. Nyckelord. Variabilitet, Inverterare, Impedans, DC-AC, Pulsbreddsmodu-lering, Övertoner, Transmissionsledning, Spänningsfall, Reaktiv effekt. / This diploma work has been carried out on behalf of Terco. TercosPST 2220 Transmission Line and Distribution Module works as a physicalmodel of a real transmission and distribution grid where five different typesof networks based on length, voltage and apparent effect are available. Thereis today a need of a model where the user self can adjust these parameters sothat the model more precisely can reflect the characteristics that the specificgrid has. Here it’s investigated how the length and its impact on a line canbe varied in a model.A presentation of how the transmission and distribution grid works andare described theoretically provides the basics for the different models thatcan describe a whole network and its properties.Since the R, L and C components needs to be able to be varied to be ableto physically realize this theoretical model, the different methods that thiscan be realized through are investigated. Two approaches are investigated,the cascaded pi-model and variable active-passive reactance (VAPAR).A number of aspects like space, cost and variability makes the variableactive-passive reactance the most suited solution. Its function as a variablevoltage source, made out of an four switches, operated with control techno-logy and pulse width modulation, makes it possible to imitate R, L and Csproperties and effect on a transmission line. The result is that the necessaryR,L,C components are made adjustable in order to be incorporated in aadjustable transmission lin model.The result and the goal are verified with simulations where variableactive-passive reactance is proved able for further development and practicaltests to model transmission and distribution lines with different length. Keywords. Variability, Inverter, Impedance, DC-AC, Pulse width modula-tion, Harmonics, H-bridge, Transmission line, Voltage drop, Reactive effect.

Studie över klimatförändringars påverkan på dynamisk ledningskapacitet / Study of the impact of climate change on dynamic line rating

Hahne, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
The thesis aims to examine the impact of climate change on line rating and to investigate the possibility of a potential increase of capacity of an overhead line. The line rating of an overhead line determines how much current can be transmitted in the line. The weather parameters which affect the line rating are ambient temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, and wind direction. If the line rating is adapted to weather conditions, it is important to be able to predict how the weather will change in the future. Therefore, the impact of climate change on weather parameters is investigated. The ambient temperature and solar radiation are expected to change between different scenarios. However, it is unclear how wind speed and wind direction will be affected. Climate scenarios are designed that take these findings into account. The results show that wind speed has, by a large margin from other weather parameters, the largest impact on the dynamic line rating. This is followed by the wind's angle of attack to the conductor, ambient temperature, and finally solar radiation. For the designed climate scenarios, the dynamic line rating is almost the same in each case, which means that the calculated change in ambient temperature and solar radiation has no significant effect on the line rating. To further increase the capacity of the overhead line, the line could be upgraded with a conductor with a larger cross-sectional area.

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