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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zpoplatnění vodní dopravní infrastruktury v EU / Charging of inland waterways in the European Union

Horynová, Dana January 2017 (has links)
Continuous growth in transport performance leads to deterioration of the transport infrastructure and there is also a need for states to raise funds to cover the costs of repairs, maintenance and modernization of this infrastructure. One option is to charge users of such infrastructure. In the Czech Republic there is a system of charges only for the use of road and rail transport routes. There is no charging of waterways in the Czech Republic, but it exists in some european countries. This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the charging of waterways in the European Union and thus points out the existence of an alternative possibility of financing expenditures for repairs, maintenance or modernization of the transport infrastructure serving the Czech water transport. The first three chapters contain the theoretical background, focusing in particular on the importance of freight water transport and European policy. The other chapters include an analysis of the established charging system for waterways in Germany. Subsequently, the total revenue from the charging of users of waterways for freight transport is calculated. From this analysis, the thesis is also based on the creation of a model for charging the Elbe waterway in the Czech Republic. After creating the preconditions for charging the Elbe waterway, the potential revenue obtained by this charging was also calculated and compared with the average annual cost of repairs and maintenance of watercourses in the Czech Republic.

Estación Intermodal Atocongo / Atocongo Intermodal Station

Alvarez Andrade, Jesus Alonso 12 March 2021 (has links)
El proyecto nace de la problemática del transporte público y la falta de integración en los sistemas de transporte además, la implementación de la nueva era de trenes masivos en la ciudad. Los nuevos trazos en la malla urbana de la ciudad permitirán el desarrollo de zonas que, hasta el momento, estuvieron aisladas por la falta de planificación urbana, lo que supondrá un nuevo proceso socio-económico. El trabajo de investigación se enfoca en el planteamiento de la Estación Intermodal Atocongo, ubicada en San Juan de Miraflores con el énfasis de hito urbano. Este lugar presenta una importancia en el ámbito territorial de la ciudad en donde se estará emplazando la línea 3 del Metro de Lima, Tren de Cercanías, Corredor Complementario y el Metropolitano constituyendo la nueva centralidad del sur. La estación se integrara al sistema de movilidad propuesto en los últimos planes urbanos para Lima Metropolitana. Se propone una edificación multifuncional donde no solo se plantea la función del transporte también usos complementarios de reunión, entretenimiento, sociales con el fin de contribuir con su óptimo diseño. / The project arises from the problems of public transport and the lack of integration in transport systems, in addition to the implementation of the new era of mass trains in the city. The new lines in the urban mesh of the city will allow the development of areas that, until now, were isolated due to the lack of urban planning, which will mean a new socio-economic process. The research work focuses on the approach of the Atocongo Intermodal Station, located in San Juan de Miraflores with the emphasis of urban landmark. This place is important in the territorial scope of the city where line 3 of the Lima Metro, Cercanias Train, Complementary Corridor and the Metropolitan will be located, constituting the new centrality of the south. The station will be integrated into the mobility system proposed in the latest urban plans for Metropolitan Lima. A multifunctional building is proposed where not only the function of transport is considered, but also complementary uses of meeting, entertainment, social in order to contribute to its optimal design. / Trabajo de investigación

Městský inženýr a jeho role ve stavební praxi / The urban engineer and his role in construction practice

Tlamková, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis in its introductory descriptive part defines all the theoretical foundations and contexts associated with the concepts of urban engineering and urban engineer. The theoretical information is followed by the analytical part of the work, which contains interviews with real authorized urban engineers. With the help of the respondents' professional experience, the real role of the urban engineer in construction practice and the activities he should perform in such a role is subsequently formed. In the end, the obtained information is transformed into a practical example, which demonstrates the illustrative implementation of the knowledge of an urban engineer within the real functioning of the practice.

Hydrogen Pipeline Infrastructure Design for Germany in 2045

von Mikulicz-Radecki, Flora Marianne January 2023 (has links)
Germany’s commitment to carbon neutrality by 2045 underscores the need for climate action, with hydrogen’s multiple uses in industry, transport, and energy offering a viable solution. Efficient retrofitting of the extensive natural gas pipeline network can enable hydrogen to be transported from supply to demand centers. The aim of this study is to develop a hydrogen pipeline network strategy for Germany in 2045 that is consistent with carbon neutrality goals while minimizing associated costs. Using a single-period deterministic Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) approach, the focus is on estimating peak-hour transport demand derived from the spatial distribution of demand and supply. This estimation is based on openly available data from the Germany Energy Agency (dena) pilot study on carbon neutrality. The methodology aims to allocate hydrogen energy flows along existing pipelines through a retrofitting approach. The base scenario is derived from the projected hydrogen demand and supply for a carbon-neutral Germany in 2045, as estimated in the dena pilot study. To explore different possibilities, a sensitivity analysis compares five different demand scenarios. Each scenario examines different hard-to-abate subsectors that have limited options for decarbonization. Evaluating the routes and utilization rates across the pipeline network provides insights into the feasibility, with certain routes, particularly those originating in the north, emerging as key. The majority of pipelines in the network have low utilization rates below 25% in peak hours, which may indicate economic infeasibility or the need for alternative transport strategies. In addition, a cost of avoided emissions analysis weighs scenario-specific emission reductions against network costs. Of particular note is the network connecting CHP plants and energy-intensive industries, which appears to strike an optimal balance in terms of costs of avoided emissions and utilization rate in peak hours. Nevertheless, the study does not consider physical flow calculations, so further validation is required in this respect. The potential of the methodology, however, liesin its ability to quickly assess different scenarios and provide valuable insights into economic, environmental, and social impacts. / Tysklands åtagande om koldioxidneutralitet senast 2045 understryker behovet av klimatåtgärder, och vätgasens många användningsområden inom industri, transport och energi erbjuder en hållbar lösning. Effektiv eftermontering av det omfattande naturgasledningsnätet kan göra det möjligt att transportera vätgas från utbuds- till efterfrågecentra. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla en strategi för vätgasnätet i Tyskland 2045 som är förenlig med målen för koldioxidneutralitet och samtidigt minimerar de tillhörande kostnaderna. Med hjälp av en deterministisk MILP-metod (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) för en enda period ligger fokus på att uppskatta efterfrågan på transporter under maxtimmar utifrån den rumsliga fördelningen av efterfrågan och utbud. Denna uppskattning baseras på öppet tillgängliga data från denas pilotstudie om koldioxidneutralitet. Metoden syftar till att fördela vätgasenergiflöden längs befintliga rörledningar genom en eftermonteringsstrategi. Det grundläggande scenariot härleds från den beräknade efterfrågan och tillgången på vätgas för ett koldioxidneutralt Tyskland 2045, enligt uppskattningar i dena-pilotstudien. För att utforska olika möjligheter jämförs fem olika efterfrågescenarier i en känslighetsanalys. Varje scenario undersöker olika delsektorer som är svåra att minska och som har begränsade alternativ för utfasning av fossila bränslen. Utvärderingen av sträckningarna och utnyttjandegraden i rörledningsnätet ger insikter om genomförbarheten, där vissa sträckningar, särskilt de med ursprung i norr, framstår som viktiga. Majoriteten av rörledningarna i nätverkethar låga nyttjandegrader under 25% under rusningstid, vilket kan indikera ekonomisk ogenomförbarhet eller behovet av alternativa transportstrategier. Dessutom väger en kostnads-/nyttoanalys av utsläpp scenariospecifika utsläppsminskningar mot nätverkskostnader. Särskilt värt att notera är det nätverk som förbinder kraftvärmeverk och energiintensiva industrier, vilket verkar ge en optimal balans när det gäller kostnader för utsläpp och nyttjandegrad. Studien tar dock inte hänsyn till fysiska flödesberäkningar, så ytterligare validering krävs i detta avseende. Metodens potential ligger dock i dess förmåga att snabbt bedöma olika scenarier och ge värdefulla insikter om ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala effekter.

Plošné zavedení silniční daně / Nation-wide deployment of motor vehicle tax

Čejková, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
State budget as one of the most important budgets helps to fund public goods and services in the Czech Republic. The important revenue of the state budget is from taxes. This thesis focuses on one specific kind of taxes system of motor vehicle tax. Since motor vehicle tax contributes to funding of roads and motorways maintenance and development of roads, this thesis presents theoretical estimation of potential income from the motor vehicle tax. The estimated income is related to the potential application of motor vehicle tax on all personal vehicles in the Czech Republic. This thesis contains not only a theoretical research of tax system but also a practical computation of motor vehicle tax based on statistical data from Ministry of transport. There is a survey targeted to taxation of all motor vehicles. Evaluation of the survey answers shows public opinion of asked sample of people. The survey results as well as research of existing taxation approaches in other countries was used to create a new system of motor vehicle tax that is presented in this thesis.

Management stavebních investic regionů / Management of construction investments in the regions

Vaňková, Lucie Unknown Date (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with the management of regions construction investments. The aim of the doctoral thesis is to monitor the efficiency of the regions of the Czech Republic, which is pursue by gross domestic product indicator and investment activities that are held in the regions. Investment activity is observed in detailed breakdowns on the projects of civil engineering and transport infrastructure. Very important source of construction activity in recent years have become the European funds. Therefore the thesis observe the dependence of the projects on EU financial support. The main outcome of this doctoral thesis is to identify a possible link between the performance of individual regions of the Czech Republic and investment activities occurring here.

Návrh udržitelné městské struktury - na bázi středověkého města - pro 21.století. / Design of a sustainable urban structure - based on a medieval city - for the 21st century.

Bušinová, Eva January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of a sustainable urban structure, based on a medieval city, in the 21st century. The main idea of the proposal is the creation of a new part of the town Náměšť nad Oslavou with the aim of connecting it with the existing urban structure and at the same time extending it to the missing elements of the developing city. The newly built area is designed with an emphasis on the construction of new residential housing with civil facilities services, while designing and creating public spaces and private parts of courtyards and villas. The aim of the thesis was to design a growing territory so that it adapts to the needs of today's society and at the same time became part of the existing city. From an urban point of view, based on the theme of the thesis, the aim is to combine elements of a medieval city with elements of a city built in the 21st century. The concept is based on a planned network of streets with multifunctional buildings designed for trade and production in the ground floor and housing on other floors, which originated in the medieval city. The emblem of the medieval city was the emotional perception of the connection of strict lines and strange shapes into one whole, and therefore buildings were designed in a new part of the city for living with almost clean geometric lines, while the objects of civil facilities are organic shapes.

Инвестиционная привлекательность крупномасштабного спортивного мероприятия для муниципалитета на примере Чемпионата мира по футболу-2018 в городе Екатеринбурге : магистерская диссертация / Investment appeal of large-scale sporting event for municipality on the example World Cup -2018 of the soccer in Yekaterinburg

Парыгин, А. В., Parygin, A. V. January 2016 (has links)
В 2018 году пройдет Чемпионат мира по футболу в России. Несомненно, организация такого мероприятия сопровождается не только большим уровнем затрат, но и возможностью привлечения инвестиций в города, принимающие матчи Чемпионата Мира. Задачей администрации города и правительства области становится создание условий для эффективного использования наследия Чемпионата мира. Оценкой эффективности данного наследия может стать инвестиционная привлекательность города после проведения Чемпионата мира. Попытке определить инвестиционную привлекательность спортивного мегасобытия и посвящена данная работа. / In 2018 will be the World Cup in Russia. Undoubtedly, the organization of this event is accompanied by not only a high level of cost, but also by ability to attract investment in the host cities of the World Cup matches. Creation of conditions for effective use of heritage of the World Cup becomes a problem of a city administration and the government of the region. Investment appeal of the city after holding the World Cup can become an efficiency evaluation of this heritage. This work is also devoted to attempt to determine investment appeal of a sports Mega-event.

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