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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A General Investigation of Shanghai Sewerage Treatment System

Chang, Jiang January 2011 (has links)
As a modern metropolis, Shanghai has a registered population of 18.8 million in 2011, and the permanent population has been more than 20 million. As a result, Shanghai produces more than 6.3 million cubic meters of sewage per day which is considered as a massive test for Shanghai’s sewerage treatment system. Given the high proportion of time spent on the literature review, this study has investigated how the whole system works in Shanghai. To do this, Shanghai sewerage systems were divided into two parts – the drainage system and the sewage treatment system, and they were introduced respectively following the track of history development process. It was done by combining previously published theses, study reports, governmental documents, overt information by companies and news reports. It showed that, in 2009, Shanghai’s government established a basic formation of six centralized sewage treatment systems in co-existence with 52 sewage treatment plants. In the same year, the sewage treatment rate reached 78.9%, which can be considered a leap compared with the 62.8% figure in 2003. In spite of that, the gap between sewage treatment in Shanghai and that in developed countries still exists. By comparing Shanghai Bai Longgang sewage treatment plant with Halmstad Västra Stranden's waste water treatment plant, it can be concluded that the gap was embodied in differences of inflow condition, relative low discharge standards and poor treatment capability.

Modellering av klimatpåverkan från Enköpings avloppsreningsverk : Processvalets betydelse när utsläppsvillkoren skärps / Modeling of the carbon footprint from Enköping wastewater treatment plant : The significance of the process technique when discharge limits are tightened

Särnefält, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
Trots att avloppsreningsverkens primära syfte är att minska människans påverkan på miljön genom att bland annat reducera halten näringsämnen i vattnet bidrar de samtidigt till den ökande växthuseffekten. FN:s klimatpanel pekar ut avloppsreningsverk som en signifikant källa till direkt emission av lustgas och metan och det sker även indirekta emissioner uppströms och nedströms reningsverket. Samtidigt som diskussionen om klimatpåverkan från avloppsreningsverk växer är många recipienter hårt belastade och nu väntas en skärpning av utsläppsvillkoren för att minska tillförseln av näringsämnen till de naturliga vattensystemen. Studier har visat att skärpta utsläppsvillkor ökar klimatpåverkan från avloppsreningsverk. Två miljöproblem, övergödning och klimatförändringar, står mot varandra och måste värderas för att framtidens avloppsrening ska kunna planeras. Syftet var att undersöka hur klimatpåverkan från avloppsreningsverk påverkas av teknikval och utsläppsvillkor. Simuleringsverktyget BioWin användes för att beräkna koldioxidavtryck från Enköpings framtida avloppsreningsverk. Tre olika processtekniker (aktivslamprocessen, membranbioreaktor och aktivslamprocessen med biologisk fosforreduktion) och sju olika utsläppsvillkor studerades. I beräkningarna togs hänsyn till både direkta och indirekta emissioner genom bland annat lustgasproduktion, kemikalieförbrukning och användning av el. Den konventionella aktivslamprocessen orsakade minst koldioxidavtryck medan avtrycket från den moderna membranbioreaktorn var överlägset störst. En skärpning av utsläppsvillkoren för kväve och fosfor gav en ökning av koldioxidavtrycket med upp till 55 % och det var speciellt kvävekravet som styrde ökningen. Då utsläppsvillkoren skärptes ökade avtrycket mest från membranbioreaktorn vilket indikerar att den ur klimatsynpunkt lämpar sig sämre vid skärpta utsläppsvillkor. Lustgasemission stod för den största delen av koldioxidavtrycket. Lustgasemissionen ökade vid skärpta utsläppsvillkor samt då kvävereningen stördes, exempelvis vid låga vattentemperaturer. Fler komponenter bör tas i åtanke vid utvärdering av miljöpåverkan från ett avloppsreningsverk, exempelvis övergödning. Detta skulle göra det möjligt att bedöma den totala miljövinsten, eller förlusten, med att skärpa villkoren. / Although the primary aim for wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) is to minimize the environmental impact by reducing the content of nutrients in the wastewater, they also contribute to the increasing greenhouse effect. The International Panel on Climate Change refer to WWTP:s as a significant source of direct emission of nitrous oxide and methane and indirect emission also occurs upstream and downstream the WWTP. As the discussion about climate impact from WWTP is growing, many recipients are congested and a tightening of the discharge limits is expected in order to reduce the load of nutrients on the natural water systems. Studies have shown that more stringent discharge limits increases the climate impact from WWTP. Two environmental problems, eutrophication and climate change, are facing each other and they must be valued in order for future WWTP to be planned. The aim was to investigate how the climate impact of wastewater treatment plants is affected by choice of technology and discharge limits. The simulation tool BioWin was used to calculate the carbon footprint (CF) from the future WWTP in the town of Enköping. Three different process technologies (activated sludge process, membrane bioreactor and activated sludge process with biological phosphorus removal) and seven different discharge limits were examined. The calculations took into account both direct and indirect emissions from e.g. production of nitrous oxide and use of electricity. The conventional activated sludge process caused the smallest CF, while the modern membrane bioreactor by far caused the largest CF. Tightening of the discharge limits gave an increase of the CF with up to 55 %, and especially the demands on nitrogen governed the increase. More stringent limits increased the CF from the membrane bioreactor the most, which indicates that from an environmental point of view, this technique is less suitable when limits are tightened. Emission of nitrous oxide accounted for the largest part of the CF and this emission increased as the discharge limits were tightened and when the nitrogen treatment was disturbed by, for instance, low water temperatures. More components should be accounted for when environmental impact from WWTP is investigated, e.g. eutrophication. This would make it possible to assess the overall environmental gain, or loss, from tightening of the discharge limits.

Šilutės rajono nuotekų surinkimo tinklų ir nuotekų valyklų darbo efektyvumo vertinimas / Waste Water Collection Networks and Wastewater Treatment Plant Efficiency Assessment in Šilute Region

Kainovaitis, Martynas 03 June 2009 (has links)
Darbą sudaro 52 puslapiai; panaudota 18 literatūros šaltinių. Darbe yra 41 paveikslai ir 12 lentelių. Baigiamąjį darbą sudaro: Lietuvos ir ES nutekamųjų vandenų tvarkymo politika, Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymų ir reglamentų apžvalga, Europos gyvenviečių nuotekų valymo situacija, nuotekų surinkimo sistemos ir vamzdynų apžvalga ir aplinkos tarša nutekamaisiais vandenimis. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas išanalizuoti Šilutės rajono (Ž.Naumiesčio, Saugų, Juknaičių ir Švėkšnos) miestelių nuotekų valyklų darbo efektyvumą ir lauko nuotakynų būklę. Tyrimų rezultatai: Šilutės raj. nuotekų surenkama 32 % daugiau negu sunaudojam geriamojo vandens, o nuotekų surinkimo sistema naudojasi tik 42 % gyventojų. Per susidėvėjusius vamzdynus į nuotekų valyklas patenka, net iki 7 kartų, daugiau nuotekų nei, jų projektinis pajėgumas. Tyrinėtos nuotekų valyklos Šilutės raj. nuotekas išvalo iki šiuo metu galiojančių normų, o procentinis teršalų sumažinimas siekia net 98,2 %. / The work contains 52 p. of explaining text. There are 12 tables, 41 pictures. 18 sources of literature have being in the work. The work consists of: Lithuania and the EU's wastewater treatment policies, review of the laws and regulations of the Republic of Lithuania, the wastewater treatment situation in the EU, wastewater collection systems and pipelines, and review of environmental pollution with wastewater. The main purpose is to analyse the situation of wastewater treatment plans work efficiency, and the condition of sewege colection pipelines. Research results: In Silute district. wastewater is collected 32% more than the consumption of drinking water and wastewater collection system used by only 42% of the population. Worn over the pipelines to the sewage treatment plant fall, even up to 7 times more wastewater than they can clean. Studied sewage treatment plants in Silute district clean up to current standards, and the percentage of emission reductions is up to 98.2%.

Kauno nuotėkų tinklų panaudojimas elektros energijos gamybai / Use Kaunas Waste Water Network For Electric Power Generation

Papievis, Juozas 03 June 2009 (has links)
Visų hidroelektrinių veikimo principas pagrįstas dviem pagrindiniais parametrais, - slėgio aukščiu ir debitais. Lietuvoje iki 2009 metų buvo pastatyta 82 MHE. Šis etapas jau baigiasi, kadangi potencialių vietų mažajai hidroenergetikai plėtoti Lietuvoje beveik neliko ir buvo paskelbtos upės, kuriose draudžiama statyti užtvankas. Šiame tyrime buvo ieškoma alternatyvaus, netradicinio sprendimo – vandentiekos ir vandenvalos tinklų panaudojimui. Tyrimų tikslas – išnagrinėti Kauno nuotėkų tinklų galimybes elektros energijos gamybai. Buvo apžvelgtos galimybės Pabaltijo šalyse panašaus tipo projektams įgyvendinti. Taip pat buvo apžvelgtos Kauno nuotėkos ir ištirta galimybė panaudoti esamą infrastruktūrą elektros energijos gamybai Kauno nuotėkų pirmose ir antrose valymo grotose. Šiame darbe pateikiama metodika, leidžianti apskaičiuoti projektinius hidrografus programa SMADA kurią naudoja JAV universiteto studentai projektuojantys užtvankas, krantines ir kitką. Vadovaujantis sudarytais hidrografais, pasirenkama turbina ir apskaičiuojamas jos galingumas bei komponavimo tipas programa RETScrean. RETScrean sukurta Kanadoje. Ji skirta įvertinti atnaujinamų energijos technologijų projektus. Skaičiuojant šia programa, buvo pasirinkti vidutinio 50 % tikimybės vandeningumo metai. Žinant tai buvo apskaičiuoti instaliuotas galingumas, metinis išdirbis ir turbinos tipas. Vertinant turbinų komponavimo tipus, buvo atliekama daugiakriterinė analizė programine įranga DAM ir pasirinktas optimaliausias... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The way of working of all hydroelectric power stations is based on two main parameters: the pressure height and the rate. 82 SHP were built in Kaunas till 2009. This period is coming to the end since there are not many places left for the Small Hydropower development in Lithuania. In addition to this, the list of rivers was announced in which it is forbidden to build dams. Therefore, the untraditional way of producing the electric power in the waste water network was explored. The aim of this research is to analyze the possibilities of Kaunas Waste Water Network for the Electric Power Generation. The opportunities to realize similar types of projects in the Baltic States as well as to adapt them to the existing infrastructure in primary and secondary wastewater grating of Kaunas were discussed in this research. Methodology that is presented in this paper enables to calculate hydrographs by the use of SMADA which influences the choice of the turbine and calculations of its power as well as the type of composition by the use of RETScrean. SMADA is widely used by the students of universities in the USA. The program RETScrean, that is used to evaluate the renewed projects of energetic technologies, was created in Canada. The year with the probability 50 % of wateriness was chosen. This information was used to calculate the installed powerfulness, production per year as well as the type of the turbine with a programme RETScrean. Multicriteria analysis was performed by the use of... [to full text]

The characterisation of some South African water treatment residues and glasshouse pot experiments to investigate the potential of two residues for land disposal.

Titshall, Louis William. January 2003 (has links)
Water treatment residues (WTRs) are the by-product from the production of potable water. They consist mainly of the precipitated hydrous oxides of the treatment chemicals, and materials removed from the raw water. This study investigated the range of treatment processes and residues produced in South Africa, and two WTRs were selected for testing on selected soils and mine materials. A questionnaire was developed and sent to water treatment authorities across South Africa. Information on the treatment chemicals, dosages, volumes and current disposal practices, and a sample of WTR from each treatment plant were requested. Eleven, of 21 authorities, returned completed questionnaires, representing 37 water treatment facilities. Organic polymers were the most commonly used treatment chemical, with most plants also using lime. Other less frequently used chemicals and additives were Alz(S04)3.14I-hO, Fe2(S04)3, FeC!), sodium aluminate, activated silica, activated charcoal, CO2 and bentonite. Information given regarding residue thickening and disposal was poor. Samples from Rand Water, Umgeni Water (Midmar), Midvaal Water Company, Amatola Water and Cape Metropolitan Council (Faure) were received or collected. An additional sample from Faure was also received, representing a change in the treatment process. These samples were analysed for a range of chemical and physical characteristics. These analyses showed that the WTRs had the potential to supply some plant nutrients (Ca, Mg, Fe, S) but that metal toxicity may be a problem, in particular Mn in the Faure WTR, and that P adsorption may be severe. The samples selected to test the potential for land disposal were from Rand Water and Faure. A pot experiment tested the growth of Eragrostis tefJ, Cenchrus ciliaris and Digitaria eriantha in mixtures of Rand WTR and material from a coal mine i.e., a sandy soil material, spoil material and coal combustion ash, at rates of 0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 g kg" with a uniform fertiliser treatment applied to all mixtures. The grass was harvested on three occasions and the mean total yield (dry mass) determined, as well as nutrient uptake. The pots were leached after each harvest and the pH and electrical conductivity determined. The soil, spoil and ash were characterised and pH, EC and water retention characteristics of the mixtures determined. Growth of the grasses in the ash treatments was poor and these were terminated. Eragrostis tefJ grown in the soil showed a decrease in mean total yield with increasing WTR application rate, but yield was good up to the 200 g kg" treatment at the first harvest, declining substantially by the second harvest. In general C. ciliaris and D. eriantha grown in the soil showed a decrease in mean total yield for all harvests with increasing WTR application. The yield of E. /ejJ, grown in the spoil, increased up to 100 g kg,l WTR addition, but decreased thereafter. Digitaria eriantha showed a decrease in yield, and C. ciliaris an increase, with increasing WTR application rate , but for all treatments the differences were non-significant. The pH and EC of the leachates generally increased with increasing WTR addition. The concentration of nutrients in the grasses did not indicate any deficiencies or toxicities. As the growth of grass was poor in the ash treatments, another pot experiment was established to test the growth of two creeping grass species grown in the Rand WTR as a cover over the ash material. Cynodon dactylon and Stenotaphrum secundatum were grown in 20, 40 and 60 mm layers of Rand WTR, with and without a fertiliser treatment. Both species performed best in the 60 mm layer with fertiliser, and C. dactylon performed better than S. secundatum. The former species was more tolerant of the high pH, but both have potential as cover vegetation on the ash dumps when these are covered with Rand WTR. A further glasshouse study investigated the effect of Faure WTR mixed with a nutrient poor sandy soil on the nutrient uptake and seed yield of common dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). The WTR was added to the soil at 0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 g kg" each with five levels of fertiliser (0, 25, 50, 100 (recommended optimum) and 150 %). Bean pods were harvested once the plants had senesced. The number of pods and mass and number of seeds per treatment were determined. The seeds were analysed for nutrient uptake. Interveinal chlorosis and necrotic lesions were evident on cotylendonous and new leaves in the WTR treated soils, the severity of the symptoms increasing with increasing rate of WTR. Additional pots were established at the 400 g kg" rate (without fertiliser) and leaf material collected for chemical analysis. This showed that Mn toxicity was the cause, with leaf concentrations about 12 times the recommended 100 mg kg" upper limit. However, mass of bean seed was highest in the 400 g kg" Faure WTR treatment with 150 % fertiliser. Nutrient translocation to the seed seemed to be relatively consistent regardless of treatment, with little accumulation ofMn. The data collected illustrated the range of conditions and types of WTRs produced in South Africa, and that in some instances these residues have favourable characteristics for land application. The use of the Rand WTR showed that it could be applied to the spoil medium at relatively high concentrations without severely negatively impacting on grass growth, but more caution should be used when applying this material to the soil medium. While the grass did not grow in the ash treatments, it would seem that with suitable species the Rand WTR could be beneficially applied to ash material as a cover layer. The use of the Faure WTR on a sandy soil seemed to potentially improve the yield of the indicator crop, but caution should be exercised due to the possibility of Mn toxicity. The use of additional fertiliser would seem to be essential. Further research would require that field scale investigation of both WTRs be conducted, as well as further studies of applicat ion rates and techniques in laboratory and glasshouse investigations. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

The characterisation of some South African water treatment residues and glasshouse pot experiments to investigate the potential of two residues for land disposal.

Titshall, Louis William. January 2003 (has links)
Water treatment residues (WTRs) are the by-product from the production of potable water. They consist mainly of the precipitated hydrous oxides of the treatment chemicals, and materials removed from the raw water. This study investigated the range of treatment processes and residues produced in South Africa, and two WTRs were selected for testing on selected soils and mine materials. A questionnaire was developed and sent to water treatment authorities across South Africa. Information on the treatment chemicals, dosages, volumes and current disposal practices, and a sample of WTR from each treatment plant were requested. Eleven, of 21 authorities, returned completed questionnaires, representing 37 water treatment facilities. Organic polymers were the most commonly used treatment chemical, with most plants also using lime. Other less frequently used chemicals and additives were A12(SO4)3.14H2O, Fe2(SO4)3, FeC1), sodium aluminate, activated silica, activated charcoal, CO2 and bentonite. Information given regarding residue thickening and disposal was poor. Samples from Rand Water, Umgeni Water (Midmar), Midvaal Water Company, Amatola Water and Cape Metropolitan Council (Faure) were received or collected. An additional sample from Faure was also received, representing a change in the treatment process. These samples were analysed for a range of chemical and physical characteristics. These analyses showed that the WTRs had the potential to supply some plant nutrients (Ca, Mg, Fe, S) but that metal toxicity may be a problem, in particular Mn in the Faure WTR, and that P adsorption may be severe. The samples selected to test the potential for land disposal were from Rand Water and Faure. A pot experiment tested the growth of Eragrostis teff, Cenchrus ciliaris and Digitaria eriantha in mixtures of Rand WTR and material from a coal mine i.e., a sandy soil material, spoil material and coal combustion ash, at rates of 0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 g kg-1 with a uniform fertiliser treatment applied to all mixtures. The grass was harvested on three occasions and the mean total yield (dry mass) determined, as well as nutrient uptake. The pots were leached after each harvest and the pH and electrical conductivity determined. The soil, spoil and ash were characterised and pH, EC and water retention characteristics of the mixtures determined. Growth of the grasses in the ash treatments was poor and these were terminated. Eragrostis teff grown in the soil showed a decrease in mean total yield with increasing WTR application rate, but yield was good up to the 200 g kg-1 treatment at the first harvest, declining substantially by the second harvest. In general C. ciliaris and D. eriantha grown in the soil showed a decrease in mean total yield for all harvests with increasing WTR application. The yield of E. teff, grown in the spoil, increased up to 100 g kg-1 WTR addition, but decreased thereafter. Digitaria eriantha showed a decrease in yield, and C.ciliaris an increase, with increasing WTR application rate, but for all treatments the differences were non-significant. The pH and EC of the leachates generally increased with increasing WTR addition. The concentration of nutrients in the grasses did not indicate any deficiencies or toxicities. As the growth of grass was poor in the ash treatments, another pot experiment was established to test the growth of two creeping grass species grown in the Rand WTR as a cover over the ash material. Cynodon dactylon and Stenotaphrum secundatum were grown in 20, 40 and 60 mm layers of Rand WTR, with and without a fertiliser treatment. Both species performed best in the 60 mm layer with fertiliser, and C. dactylon performed better than S. secundatum. The former species was more tolerant of the high pH, but both have potential as cover vegetation on the ash dumps when these are covered with Rand WTR. A further glasshouse study investigated the effect of Faure WTR mixed with a nutrient poor sandy soil on the nutrient uptake and seed yield of common dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). The WTR was added to the soil at 0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 g kg-1 each with five levels of fertiliser (0, 25, 50, 100 (recommended optimum) and 150 %). Bean pods were harvested once the plants had senesced. The number of pods and mass and number of seeds per treatment were determined. The seeds were analysed for nutrient uptake. Interveinal chlorosis and necrotic lesions were evident on cotylendonous and new leaves in the WTR treated soils, the severity of the symptoms increasing with increasing rate of WTR. Additional pots were established at the 400 g kg-1 rate (without fertiliser) and leaf material collected for chemical analysis. This showed that Mn toxicity was the cause, with leaf concentrations about 12 times the recommended 100 mg kg-1 upper limit. However, mass of bean seed was highest in the 400 g kg-1 Faure WTR treatment with 150 % fertiliser. Nutrient translocation to the seed seemed to be relatively consistent regardless of treatment, with little accumulation of Mn. The data collected illustrated the range of conditions and types of WTRs produced in South Africa, and that in some instances these residues have favourable characteristics for land application. The use of the Rand WTR showed that it could be applied to the spoil medium at relatively high concentrations without severely negatively impacting on grass growth, but that more caution should be used when applying this material to the soil medium. While the grass did not grow in the ash treatments, it would seem that with suitable species the Rand WTR could be beneficially applied to ash material as a cover layer. The use of the Faure WTR on a sandy soil seemed to potentially improve the yield of the indicator crop, but caution should be exercised due to the possibility of Mn toxicity. The use of additional fertiliser would seem to be essential. Further research would require that field scale investigation of both WTRs be conducted, as well as further studies of application rates and techniques in laboratory and glasshouse investigations. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

Metal accumulation in gill epithelium and liver tissue in steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reared in reclaimed wastewater /

Kreye, Melissa M. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Humboldt State University, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 50-54). Also available via Humboldt Digital Scholar.

Διερεύνηση της συμπεριφοράς μακροθρεπτικών και βαρέων μετάλλων στο σπανάκι με την επαναχρησιμοποίηση της ιλύος του βιολογικού καθαρισμού Καλαμάτας

Σωτηρόπουλος, Σταύρος 28 February 2013 (has links)
Στην παρούσα μεταπτυχιακή εργασία παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της διερεύνησης της επίδρασης της ιλύος βιολογικού καθαρισμού Καλαμάτας (Β.Κ.Κ.) στην ανάπτυξη του σπανακιού (Spinacia Oleracea) καθώς και στην απαορρόφηση N, P, K, Ca, Mg, ιχοστοιχείων Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, βαρέων μετάλλων Pb, Ni, Cd και Cο από τα διάφορα μέρη του φυτού. Επιπλέον, η εργασία αυτή αποτελεί μια μελέτη της επίδρασης της συγκεκριμένης ιλύος και σε ορισμένους δείκτες ποιότητας των μιγμάτων ιλύος-εδάφους, όπως pH, αλατότητα, οργανική ουσία, ολικό ανθρακικό ασβέστιο, αλλά και σε ποσοτικούς δείκτες όπως η περιεκτικότητα σε ολικό άζωτο (Ν%), διαθέσιμο φωσφόρο (Ρ κατά Olsen), ανταλλάξιμα κατιόντα K, Ca, Mg, και συγκέντρωση ολικών, διαθέσιμων και ανταλλάξιμων ιχνοστοιχείων Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, "βαρέων μετάλλων" Pb, Ni, Cd, Cr, Co. Τα αποτελέσματα προέρχονται μετά από πειραματική μελέτη που έγινε σε φυτά σπανακιού, αναπτυσσόμενα σε υποστρώματα που προέκυψαν από ανάμιξη εδάφους και ιλύος σε διάφορες αναλογίες, σε υπαίθριο προστατευμένο χώρο. Σκοπός της πειραματικής αυτής μελέτης είναι να ελεγχθούν και να αξιολογηθούν οι ιδιότητες που αποκτούν τα υπό εξέταση υποστρώματα από την προσθήκη ιλύος στο έδαφος ταυτόχρονα με την επίδραση στην ανάπτυξη του σπανακιού. Έτσι σε αδρές γραμμές μπορούμε να συμπεράνουμε ότι τα αποτελέσματα και η αξιολόγησή τους κατατείνουν στο ότι η ιλύς της μονάδας βιολογικού καθαρισμού της Καλαμάτας μπορεί να αξιοποιηθεί ως λίπασμα σε μικρές αναλογίες ιλύος/εδάφους και φαίνεται ότι η διάθεσή της στο έδαφος για γεωργικούς σκοπούς αποτελεί μια πολύ καλή μέθοδο διάθεσης, που πρέπει να εξετάζεται κατά προτεραιότητα. Ταυτόχρονα, επιβάλλεται η συνέχιση και επέκταση της σχετικής έρευνας, για αξιοποίηση και οικολογική διαχείριση της εν λόγω ιλύος. / This study investigates the effects of the sewage sludge of Kalamata Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) both in the development of spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and the absorption of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd and Co from various spinach plant parts. Parameters of soil - sludge mixtures are also considered during this study. Especially the effect of sludge on parameters such as pH, salinity, organic matter, total CaCO3, total nitrogen content (N%), available phosphorus, exchangeable K, Ca, Mg, and concentration of total, available and exchangeable Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd, Cr, Co. The experiments where conducted in Messinia and the results showed that sludge improves soil fertility. The application of sludge does not cause environmental problems in small proportions of sludge – soil mixture. In large quantities the addition of sludge is associated with potential toxicities and increased salinity in the soil as well as potential environmental problems from over-concentration of phosphorus but also heavy metals such as Pb, Ni and Cr. Special attention is need for Cd, not because of high concentration, but because of the special mobility it presents. Finally this study confirms the presence of a large number of interactions between nutrients, heavy metals and soil properties in soil and spinach. The evaluation of these interactions are of great importance because they help us to quantify elemental contribution of soil and plants, helps in understanding the problems of nutrition in preventing the occurrence of toxic problems at the expense of consumer health, the environment and ultimately to effective use of sludge. Finally, the sludge of Kalamata WWTP can be used as fertilizer in small proportions of sludge / soil mixtures and it seems that the disposal of sludge in soils for agricultural purposes is a very good method of disposal that must be considered.

Vývoj metody na stanovení steroidních látek ve vodách

PLAČKOVÁ, Lydie January 2016 (has links)
The theoretical part of the Master´s thesis describes steroids, their features, and the methods for their determination in waters. In experimental part three steroid hormones, namely 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione (ADD), 1,4-androstadiene-3-one-17(beta)-ol (boldenone) and 17(beta)-estradiol were selected. The compounds were concentrated from water by LLE and SPE extraction and determined by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Several experiments were conducted to assess the recovery of specific extraction for studied compound.

Análise das condições de desaguamento de lodos de ETEs em BAG´s : O caso da ETE-Limoeiro Presidente Prudente-SP

Boina, Welliton Leandro de Oliveira 21 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:00:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4632.pdf: 8984815 bytes, checksum: 8d68f51689a782923b2bcfbb5000f4a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-21 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Substances in Sewage Sanitary exert deleterious effects on bodies of water; the organic matter which is present may cause a decrease in concentration of dissolved oxygen, killing fish and other aquatic organisms, eutrophication by the presence of nutrients causing an accelerated growth of algae that give odor, taste and biotoxins to the water,darkening and siltation of the watercourse. In this scenario, it is of great importance the need for sewage treatment. However, in the treatment process, occurs the production of sludge rich in organic matter and nutrients, known as sewage sludge. This residue at the end of the treatment process should receive special attention, requiring proper disposal. Moreover, it is found that several sewage treatment projects do not include the final destination of the sludge that is produced, which results in the partial annulment of the benefits of collecting and treating collected wastewater. Therefore, this study presents results of analyzes performed on sludge from sewage treatment contained in BAG's of Geotextile Blanket of ETE-Limoeiro / SABESP, located in the city of Presidente Prudente, SP. The objective of this work was to characterize the physico-chemical and microbiological parameters in accordance with Resolution N° 375/06 of Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente CONAMA, and evaluate the efficiency of dewatering of sludge. Based on this, the analysis of identification and quantification of heavy metals showed values below the maximum allowed concentrations in sludge. Regarding the assessment of macro and micronutrients, analysis showed that the sludge has significant amounts of essential nutrients to the soil and plants and it can be used for this purpose after specific treatment. Regarding the biological tests for quantification of fecal coliforms, the obtained concentrations showed values that were established for the sludge Class B. The sludge was also evaluated for stability using the relation between volatile solids and total solids. This relation presented results for SV/ST below 0.70 which allowed defining the sludge as stable according to Resolution 375/06. However, the evaluation of the water removal process showed commitment of the dewatering efficiency according to the characteristics of the sludge generated in the Sewage Treatment Plant. Geotêxtil da ETE-Limoeiro / SABESP, localizada no Município de Presidente Prudente-SP. O objetivo central desta pesquisa foi à caracterização dos parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos em conformidade com a Resolução Nº 375/06 do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente CONAMA, e a avaliação da eficiência do processo de remoção de água dos lodos. Ante o exposto, as análises para identificação e quantificação de metais pesados apresentaram valores abaixo das concentrações máximas permitidas em lodos. Em relação à avaliação de macro e micronutrientes, as análises demonstraram que o lodo possui quantidades significativas de nutrientes essenciais aos solos e plantas, podendo ser utilizado para esta finalidade após tratamento específico. Referente às análises biológicas para quantificação de coliformes termotolerantes, as concentrações obtidas apresentaram valores estabelecidos para lodos Classe B. Os lodos também foram avaliados quanto à estabilidade através da relação entre sólidos voláteis e sólidos totais. Esta relação apresentou resultados para SV/ST inferiores a 0,70 permitindo definir os lodos como estáveis de acordo com a Resolução 375/06. Entretanto, avaliação do processo de remoção de água, demonstrou comprometimento da eficiência do desaguamento em função das características do lodo gerado na Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos. / As substâncias presentes nos esgotos sanitários exercem ação deletéria nos corpos de água, a matéria orgânica presente pode causar a diminuição da concentração de oxigênio dissolvido provocando a morte de peixes e outros organismos aquáticos, eutrofização pela presença de nutrientes provocando o crescimento acelerado de algas que conferem odor, gosto e biotoxinas á água, escurecimento e assoreamento do curso d água. Diante deste cenário, é de suma importância a necessidade do tratamento dos esgotos. Porem no processo de tratamento ocorre à produção de um lodo rico em matéria orgânica e nutriente, denominado lodo de esgoto. Este resíduo ao final do processo de tratamento deve receber uma atenção especial, necessitando de adequada disposição final. Contudo, constata-se que geralmente vários projetos de tratamento de esgotos não contemplam o destino final do lodo produzido, acarretando assim na anulação parcial dos benefícios da coleta e do tratamento dos efluentes coletados. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa apresenta resultados de análises realizadas em lodos de estação de tratamento de esgoto contidos em BAG´s de Manta Geotêxtil da ETE-Limoeiro / SABESP, localizada no Município de Presidente Prudente-SP. O objetivo central desta pesquisa foi à caracterização dos parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos em conformidade com a Resolução Nº 375/06 do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente CONAMA, e a avaliação da eficiência do processo de remoção de água dos lodos. Ante o exposto, as análises para identificação e quantificação de metais pesados apresentaram valores abaixo das concentrações máximas permitidas em lodos. Em relação à avaliação de macro e micronutrientes, as análises demonstraram que o lodo possui quantidades significativas de nutrientes essenciais aos solos e plantas, podendo ser utilizado para esta finalidade após tratamento específico. Referente às análises biológicas para quantificação de coliformes termotolerantes, as concentrações obtidas apresentaram valores estabelecidos para lodos Classe B. Os lodos também foram avaliados quanto à estabilidade através da relação entre sólidos voláteis e sólidos totais. Esta relação apresentou resultados para SV/ST inferiores a 0,70 permitindo definir os lodos como estáveis de acordo com a Resolução 375/06. Entretanto, avaliação do processo de remoção de água, demonstrou comprometimento da eficiência do desaguamento em função das características do lodo gerado na Estação de Tratamento de Esgotos.

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