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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparative life cycles assessment on a drinking water treatment plant / Jämförande livscykelanalys av ett reningsverk för dricksvatten

Simsek, Muhammed-Enes January 2024 (has links)
Climate change and increasing population demands expansion of infrastructures in urban areas. Drinking water treatment plants are part of the critical infrastructure and must upgrade in the future. However, expansions and technological advancements often come with impacts on the environment. Therefore, this thesis compares two drinking water treatment technologies regarding its environmental impacts through a life cycle assessment. In specific, the thesis elaborates the impacts of membrane precipitation and conventional precipitation in the suspended solids removal stage at a treatment plant in Piteå, Sweden. The research addresses the environmental challenges posed by traditional and modern water treatment methods, providing insights and knowledge to more sustainable water practices. The research involves an attributional, comparative life cycle assessment. The findings from this thesis intend to guide decision-making for future drinking water treatment plant designs.  The research was conducted through an attributional and comparative LCA using SimaPro software based on ISO 14040-series standards. This approach allowed for a detailed analysis of both the operational and construction phases of the treatment technologies, considering various environmental impact categories.  The results indicate that membrane system presents for most impact categories, a lower  environmental impact in the combined configuration scenario. The combined configuration scenario includes for the membrane system calcium carbonate, aluminium sulfate and 95% reduced hypochlorite consumption. The conventional system considers in the combined configuration scenario aluminum sulfate and calcium carbonate This is primarily due to its efficiency in reducing chemical usage such as coagulants. However, if both systems use the same chemical composition (same coagulant, pH-controlling chemicals as in the base scenario), the conventional system becomes more environmentally friendly than the membrane system in most impact categories. This is mainly due to the additional CEB chemical consumption of the membrane system, which nullifies the advantage of lower consumed coagulants. Compared to the operational phase in both systems, the construction phase is insignificant over the lifetime of the treatment plants. The major hotspots are identified as operational chemicals and chemical enhanced backwash chemicals, which are used for the membrane system only. Scenario analysis shows that chlorine/aluminum-based chemicals such as polyaluminum chloride and hypochlorite have a high environmental impact and with reducing or even changing these chemicals major improvements can be achieved. Especially changing aluminum-based chemicals to iron-based chemicals show a significant decrease of impacts in all categories. Further, the scenario analysis shows that by changing lime to calcium carbonate, the environmental impacts can be reduced significantly. Therefore, the future focus should rely on reducing and changing chemicals, especially switching aluminum/chlorine based to iron-based chemicals. / Klimatförändringarna och den ökande befolkningen kräver utbyggnad av infrastrukturen i stadsområden. Reningsverk för dricksvatten är en del av den kritiska infrastrukturen och måste uppgraderas i framtiden. Expansioner och tekniska framsteg medför dock ofta påverkan på miljön. Detta examensarbete jämförs därför två tekniker för dricksvattenberedning med avseende på miljöpåverkan genom en grundlig livscykelanalys. Mer specifikt behandlar avhandlingen effekterna av membranfiltrering och konventionell fällning i steget för avlägsnande av suspenderade ämnen vid ett reningsverk i Piteå, Sverige. Forskningen tar upp de miljömässiga utmaningar som traditionella och moderna vattenbehandlingsmetoder innebär och ger insikter och kunskap om mer hållbara vattenmetoder. Resultaten från denna avhandling är avsedda att vägleda beslutsfattandet för framtida utformningar av dricksvattenreningsverk och erbjuder ett första verktyg för mer hållbara vattenbehandlingsmetoder.  Forskningen genomfördes genom en bokförande och jämförande LCA med hjälp av programvaran SimaPro baserat på ISO 14040-seriens standarder. Detta tillvägagångssätt möjliggjorde en detaljerad analys av både drifts- och konstruktionsfaserna för behandlingsteknikerna, med beaktande av olika miljöpåverkanskategorier.  Resultaten tydar på att membranfiltrering ger en lägre total miljöpåverkan vid vanliga förhållanden. Detta beror främst på dess effektivitet när det gäller att minska kemikalieanvändningen, t.ex. koaguleringsmedel. Men om båda systemen använder samma kemiska sammansättning (samma koaguleringsmedel) är det konventionella systemet mer miljövänligt än det konventionella systemet. Detta beror främst på den extra kemikalieförbrukningen för CEB i membransystemet, vilket upphäver fördelen med lägre förbrukning av koaguleringsmedel. Jämfört med driftsfasen i båda systemen är byggfasen obetydlig under reningsverkens livstid. De viktigaste aspekterna identifieras som driftskemikalier och kemikalier för kemiskt förstärkt backspolning, som endast används för membransystemet. Scenarioanalysen visar att klor-/aluminiumbaserade kemikalier som polyaluminiumklorid och hypoklorit har en hög miljöpåverkan och att stora förbättringar kan uppnås genom att minska eller till och med byta ut dessa kemikalier. Särskilt om aluminiumbaserade kemikalier byts ut mot järnbaserade kemikalier minskar påverkan betydligt i alla kategorier. Vidare visar scenarioanalysen att miljöpåverkan kan minskas betydligt genom att byta ut kalk mot kalciumkarbonat. Därför bör fokus i framtiden ligga på att minska och byta ut kemikalier, särskilt att byta ut aluminium/klorbaserade kemikalier mot järnbaserade kemikalier.

The Effect of Selected Coagulants on Chloride-to-Sulfate Mass Ratio for Lead Control and on Organics Removal in Two Source Waters

El Henawy, Walid January 2009 (has links)
Lead is a known toxin, with the ability to accumulate in the human body from as early as fetal development. Lead exposure is known to cause a myriad of health effects which are more prominent among children. Health effects upon exposure can range from renal and heart disease or potentially cancer in adults to neurotoxicity in children. The continued presence of old lead service lines and plumbing in distribution systems as well as lead-containing solders and brass fixtures in homes may contribute lead to drinking water. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of a predictor known as the chloride-to-sulfate mass ratio (CSMR) in controlling lead release. A ratio above 0.5 – 0.6 theoretically increases the aggressiveness of lead leaching in galvanic settings, while a lower ratio controls lead corrosion. A switch in coagulant type could significantly alter the ratio. However, a coagulant switch could also trigger changes in finished water turbidity and organics, including disinfection by-product (DBP) precursors, as well as impact sludge production. Anecdotal evidence from an Ontario water treatment utility suggested the potential applicability of a newly formulated polymer, cationic activated silica (CAS), in improving DBP precursor removal when used in concurrence with a primary coagulant. No previous scientific research had been dedicated to testing of the polymer. The present research had three primary objectives: The first was to investigate the effect of conventional coagulation with six different coagulants on the chloride-to-sulfate mass ratio as it pertains to lead corrosion in two Ontario source waters of differing quality. Additionally, the effect of coagulant choice on pH, turbidity, and organics removal was investigated. The second objective was aimed at testing potential reductions in CSMR and organics that could be brought about by the use of two polymers, cationic and anionic activated silica (CAS and AAS, respectively), as flocculant aids. Finally, the performance of a high-rate sand-ballasted clarification process was simulated at bench-scale to gauge its performance in comparison with conventional coagulation simulation techniques. The first series of jar-tests investigated the effectiveness of CAS as a primary coagulant on Lake Ontario water. In comparison with the conventional coagulants aluminum sulfate and polyaluminum chloride, CAS did not offer any apparent advantage with respect to turbidity and organics removal. Testing of CAS and AAS as flocculant aids was also conducted. Results from a full factorial experiment focused on CAS testing on Lake Ontario water showed that coagulant dose is the most significant contributor to CSMR, turbidity, DOC removal, and THM control. Generally, improvements resulting from CAS addition were of small magnitude (<15%). Reductions in CSMR were attributed to the presence of the sulfate-containing chemicals alum and sulfuric acid in the CAS formulation. Testing of sulfuric acid-activated AAS on Grand River water showed that pairing of AAS with polyaluminum chloride provides better results than with alum with respect to DOC removal (39% and 27% respectively at 60 mg/L coagulant dose). Highest turbidity removals (>90%) with both coagulants were achieved at the tested coagulant and AAS doses of 10 mg/L and 4 mg/L respectively. CSMR reductions in the presence of AAS were also attributable to sulfate contribution from sulfuric acid. Bench-scale simulation of a high-rate sand-ballasted clarification process on Grand River water showed comparable removal efficiencies for turbidity (80 – 90% at 10 mg/L), and DOC (30 – 40% at 50 mg/L). Finally, six different coagulants were tested on the two source waters for potential applicability in CSMR adjustment in the context of lead corrosion. The two chloride-containing coagulants polyaluminum chloride and aluminum chlorohydrate increased CSMR in proportion to the coagulant dose added, as would be expected. Average chloride contribution per 10 mg/L coagulant dose was 2.7 mg/L and 2.0 mg/L for polyaluminum chloride and aluminum chlorohydrate, respectively. Sulfate-contributing coagulants aluminum sulfate, ferric sulfate, pre-hydroxylated aluminum sulfate, and polyaluminum silicate sulfate reduced CSMR as coagulant dose increased, also as would be expected. The highest sulfate contributors per 10 mg/L dose were pre-hydroxylated aluminum sulfate (6.2 mg/L) and ferric sulfate (6.0 mg/L). The lowest CSMR achieved was 0.6 in Lake Ontario water at a 30 mg/L dose and 0.8 in Grand River water at a 60 mg/L dose. Highest DOC removals were achieved with the chloride-containing coagulants in both waters (35 – 50%) with aluminum chlorohydrate showing superiority in that respect. DOC removals with sulfate-containing coagulants were less, generally in the range of 22 – 41%. Specificity of critical CSMR values to source water needs to be investigated. Additionally, long term effects of sustained high or low CSMR values in distribution systems need to be further looked into. Finally, the effect of interventions to alter CSMR on other water quality parameters influencing lead corrosion such as pH and alkalinity still represent a research deficit.

The Effect of Selected Coagulants on Chloride-to-Sulfate Mass Ratio for Lead Control and on Organics Removal in Two Source Waters

El Henawy, Walid January 2009 (has links)
Lead is a known toxin, with the ability to accumulate in the human body from as early as fetal development. Lead exposure is known to cause a myriad of health effects which are more prominent among children. Health effects upon exposure can range from renal and heart disease or potentially cancer in adults to neurotoxicity in children. The continued presence of old lead service lines and plumbing in distribution systems as well as lead-containing solders and brass fixtures in homes may contribute lead to drinking water. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of a predictor known as the chloride-to-sulfate mass ratio (CSMR) in controlling lead release. A ratio above 0.5 – 0.6 theoretically increases the aggressiveness of lead leaching in galvanic settings, while a lower ratio controls lead corrosion. A switch in coagulant type could significantly alter the ratio. However, a coagulant switch could also trigger changes in finished water turbidity and organics, including disinfection by-product (DBP) precursors, as well as impact sludge production. Anecdotal evidence from an Ontario water treatment utility suggested the potential applicability of a newly formulated polymer, cationic activated silica (CAS), in improving DBP precursor removal when used in concurrence with a primary coagulant. No previous scientific research had been dedicated to testing of the polymer. The present research had three primary objectives: The first was to investigate the effect of conventional coagulation with six different coagulants on the chloride-to-sulfate mass ratio as it pertains to lead corrosion in two Ontario source waters of differing quality. Additionally, the effect of coagulant choice on pH, turbidity, and organics removal was investigated. The second objective was aimed at testing potential reductions in CSMR and organics that could be brought about by the use of two polymers, cationic and anionic activated silica (CAS and AAS, respectively), as flocculant aids. Finally, the performance of a high-rate sand-ballasted clarification process was simulated at bench-scale to gauge its performance in comparison with conventional coagulation simulation techniques. The first series of jar-tests investigated the effectiveness of CAS as a primary coagulant on Lake Ontario water. In comparison with the conventional coagulants aluminum sulfate and polyaluminum chloride, CAS did not offer any apparent advantage with respect to turbidity and organics removal. Testing of CAS and AAS as flocculant aids was also conducted. Results from a full factorial experiment focused on CAS testing on Lake Ontario water showed that coagulant dose is the most significant contributor to CSMR, turbidity, DOC removal, and THM control. Generally, improvements resulting from CAS addition were of small magnitude (<15%). Reductions in CSMR were attributed to the presence of the sulfate-containing chemicals alum and sulfuric acid in the CAS formulation. Testing of sulfuric acid-activated AAS on Grand River water showed that pairing of AAS with polyaluminum chloride provides better results than with alum with respect to DOC removal (39% and 27% respectively at 60 mg/L coagulant dose). Highest turbidity removals (>90%) with both coagulants were achieved at the tested coagulant and AAS doses of 10 mg/L and 4 mg/L respectively. CSMR reductions in the presence of AAS were also attributable to sulfate contribution from sulfuric acid. Bench-scale simulation of a high-rate sand-ballasted clarification process on Grand River water showed comparable removal efficiencies for turbidity (80 – 90% at 10 mg/L), and DOC (30 – 40% at 50 mg/L). Finally, six different coagulants were tested on the two source waters for potential applicability in CSMR adjustment in the context of lead corrosion. The two chloride-containing coagulants polyaluminum chloride and aluminum chlorohydrate increased CSMR in proportion to the coagulant dose added, as would be expected. Average chloride contribution per 10 mg/L coagulant dose was 2.7 mg/L and 2.0 mg/L for polyaluminum chloride and aluminum chlorohydrate, respectively. Sulfate-contributing coagulants aluminum sulfate, ferric sulfate, pre-hydroxylated aluminum sulfate, and polyaluminum silicate sulfate reduced CSMR as coagulant dose increased, also as would be expected. The highest sulfate contributors per 10 mg/L dose were pre-hydroxylated aluminum sulfate (6.2 mg/L) and ferric sulfate (6.0 mg/L). The lowest CSMR achieved was 0.6 in Lake Ontario water at a 30 mg/L dose and 0.8 in Grand River water at a 60 mg/L dose. Highest DOC removals were achieved with the chloride-containing coagulants in both waters (35 – 50%) with aluminum chlorohydrate showing superiority in that respect. DOC removals with sulfate-containing coagulants were less, generally in the range of 22 – 41%. Specificity of critical CSMR values to source water needs to be investigated. Additionally, long term effects of sustained high or low CSMR values in distribution systems need to be further looked into. Finally, the effect of interventions to alter CSMR on other water quality parameters influencing lead corrosion such as pH and alkalinity still represent a research deficit.

Der Einfluss von hormonell wirksamen Umweltchemikalien auf die Populationsökologie von Gammarus fossarum / The influence of endocrine disruptive environmental chemicals on the population ecology of Gammarus fossarum

Ladewig, Vanessa 03 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Bei zwei Fließgewässern (Lockwitzbach und Körsch) wurde ein Expositions- und Effektmonitoring an Probenahmestellen jeweils ober- und unterhalb des Einleiters eines kommunalen Klärwerks über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren durchgeführt. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit waren dabei die Untersuchungen zur Populationsstruktur und -dynamik von Gammarus fossarum (Amphipoda, Crustacea). Folgende Populationsvariablen wurden erfasst: Abundanz, Geschlechterverhältnis, Anteil von Juvenilen, Anteil brütender Weibchen, Fekundität, Körperlängen und Infektion mit Acanthocephalen. Erstmalig wurde Intersexualität bei G. fossarum festgestellt. Im Lockwitzbach war der Anteil an Intersexen bei den adulten Gammariden mit etwa 5 - 15 % höher als in der Körsch mit &amp;lt; 1 %. Intersexualität wurde nicht durch die Einleiter induziert. Bei den Intersexen handelt es sich um funktionelle Weibchen. Wodurch dieses Phänomen ausgelöst wird und welche Bedeutung es für die Population hat, ist unbekannt. In den Freilanduntersuchungen wurden im Projekt Xehogamm (Umweltbundesamt Berlin, FKZ 299 65 221/05), in dessen Rahmen diese Dissertation entstand, verschiedene Umweltchemikalien im Bachwasser analysiert. Bei Vertebraten ist eine östrogene Wirksamkeit dieser Substanzen bekannt oder wird vermutet. In den Gammaridenpopulationen unterhalb der Klärwerkseinleiter waren wichtige populationsrelevante Variablen im Vergleich zu oberhalb verändert. An der unteren Probenahmestelle bei der Körsch war der Anteil der Juvenilen mit der kleinsten Körperlänge sowie der Anteil brütender Weibchen erniedrigt. Tendenziell traf dies auch für die untere Probenahmestelle beim Lockwitzbach zu. Bei der Körsch ist außerdem der frühere Beginn der herbstlichen Reproduktionspause und die geringere Körperlänge adulter Gammariden möglicherweise auf endokrine Umweltchemikalien im Wasser des Einleiters zurückzuführen. Von den nachgewiesenen Substanzen wurde eine Einzelsubstanz, Bisphenol A, für ein Fließrinnenexperiment ausgewählt. In künstlichen Fließrinnen im Gewächshaus wurde G. fossarum paarweise, in Gruppen sowie als größenstrukturierte Population in der Fließrinne selbst über 103 Tage exponiert, und verschiedene Populationsvariablen wurden erfasst. Die Nominalkonzentrationen von Bisphenol A in drei Fließrinnen betrugen 5, 50 und 500 µg/L. In den ersten drei aufeinanderfolgenden Bruten zeigte sich in der höchsten Bisphenol A-Konzentration die größte Brutgröße. Im weiteren Verlauf des Experiments übte Bisphenol A einen hemmenden Einfluss auf die Reproduktion der Gammariden aus. Basierend auf den Nominalkonzentrationen wurden folgende EC10-Werte berechnet: Anteil reproduzierender Weibchen für die 4. Brut (bei Gammaridenpaaren): 22 µg/L, Brutgröße der 4. Brut (bei Gammaridenpaaren): 11 µg/L, Anteil brütender Weibchen (Population): 212 µg/L und Anteil Juveniler (Population): 153 µg/L Bisphenol A. Die EC10-Werte basierend auf Effektivkonzentrationen für dieselben Endpunkte betragen: bei den Paaren 1,1 µg/L (reproduzierende Weibchen) und 0,5 µg/L (Brutgröße), in der Population 10 µg/L (Anteil brütender Weibchen und Anteil Juveniler). Im Fließrinnenexperiment wurde Bisphenol A zwar in höheren Konzentrationen als im Freiland vorhanden eingesetzt, die beobachteten Effekte weisen jedoch in dieselbe Richtung wie die Effekte im Freiland. Daher kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass auch die Effekte im Freiland auf einer endokrinen Wirkung von Umweltchemikalien beruhen könnten. Zusätzlich wurde der Einfluss von Bisphenol A auf die Osmoregulation bei G. lacustris untersucht, wobei unterschiedliche Effekte auf die Natrium- und Calciumkonzentration, nicht jedoch auf die Osmolalität, in der Hämolymphe nachgewiesen wurden. Anlage: Rohdaten (3,87 MB)- Nutzung: Referat Informationsvermittlung der SLUB

Nerealizovaná Praha. Historický vývoj neuskutečněné regulace a urbanizace Prahy a souvisejících stavebních projektů v 1.pol. 20.století / Unrealized Prague. Historical development of unrealised regulation and urbanizaion of Prague and related projects in the 1st half of 20th century

Drnek, Kryštof January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is an overview of the historical development and work carried out on the never realized regulation and the construction of the city of Prague. This development is described thematically on the basis of the different areas of the proposed regulatory plan. At the same time, several long-term construction projects are selected, in which the process of designing the project, its assessment and subsequent implementation into the regulatory plan is shown in detail in the form of a historical probe. The work is planted between the two world wars, ie. between 1919 and 1939, with a thematic overlap over both set dates. Keywords: Regulation, Urbanisation, Prague, State commission for regulation of Prague and suburbs, New Town, Main railway station, Masaryk Railway station, Nusle bridge, Petřín communication, Letná plains, Invalidovna, Water treatment plant, Water plant for undrinkable water.

Technicko-technologický audit úpravny vody / Technical and technological audit of the water treatment plant

Jedličková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the submitted diploma thesis is the implementation and evaluation of the technical and technological audit of water management systems of water treatment plants – concretely Plzeň Water Treatment Plants. Part of its audit is a description of potable water production, including the evaluation of the TEA Water treatment plant, evaluation of quality assurance of raw and produced drinking water, analysis of costs and pricing costing, personnel evaluation, care of the plant and draft measures for better working of the whole system. The work also focuses on the characteristics, history and the past reconstruction and more detailed description of the individual cleaning stages of the selected water treatment plant in Pilsen. The audit itself was preceded by the study of current legislation, namely the Law No. 274/2001 Coll. and Decree No. 428/2001 Coll. The diploma thesis also describes performing laboratory analyzes in an accredited laboratory of Plzeň Water Treatment Plants.

Podnikatelský záměr založení penzionu / Business project for establishment of the pension

Prokopová, Jana January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this Master´s Thesis is creating Business project for establishement mountain pension, which will be providing quality accomodation services together with environmental approach. This approach will be provided by using renewable resources energy.

Kanalizace a ČOV Křelov,Břuchotín-stavebně technologický projekt / Sewerage and WWTP Křelov, Břuchotín-building technology project

Novák, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The subject of my work is to lower construction site waste water treatment plant Křelov - Břuchotín. In more detail, I focused mainly on the implementation of the circular tanks sewage treatment plant. These tanks prescription processing technology formwork and concreting circular tanks. It also contains a technical report, technical report building equipment, a study of the main technological stages of the building, site, design of mechanical assembly, inspection and test plan solved the technological regulation and scheduling.

Ceny stavebních objektů uplatňovaných v projektech krajinného inženýrství / Prices of constructions applied in landscape engineering projects

Kašová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Thesis theme is Prices buildings in the landscape engineering projects. The work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part explains the concepts that appear in the practical part. In the second part is illustrated in the example shown computation overhead, comparing several types of prices that were created using a decoupling of the program, and create cards budgetary indicators for the catalog cost indicators of common facilities landscaping.

Zajištění náhradního způsobu odvodů odpadu obklíčené nemovité věci v cizím areálu / Provision of alternative refuse collection for a real estate surrounded by foreign property

Kvapil, Radek January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with possible ways of drainage and wastewater disposal. The issue of wastewater discharge to the environment has been closely monitored in recent years, and there is an apparent effort to improve the current situation.The dissertation discusses and compares three selected options – access to improved sanitation, building reservoirs and domestic wastewater treatment plant.The final section is dedicated to a comparison of acquisition and operating costs over time and to subsequent evaluation of the most suitable option. For the sake of clarity and assessment of potential solutions, the locality in the administrative area Vysoké Mýto - Domoradice has been selected as a model. The local authorities have been designing a public storm sewer, and given that it is surrounded by land, this issue will need to be addressed.

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