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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití a obnova průmyslových objektů u Baťova kanálu / Design and operation of the coworking space

Koňariková, Lenka January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis solves the new utilization and renovation of an industrial building near the Baťa canal in the village of Huštěnovice which was used as former pumping station for agricultural purposes. The aim was to find such uses that will support the development of the adjacent area and at the same time will also refer to the original usage of the building. New community centre „PŘÍLIV“ with aquaponics connects both of them and what is more, it offers modern connection of people with nature. The construction plan is solved as a complex project form architectural study, through the project for the building permit to the design of the aquaponics technology itself. Project of the community centre and aquaponics is designed as off-grid building with minimal environmental impact.

Chirální analýza syntetických vonných látek ve vodním ekosystému / Chiral analysis of musk compounds in water ecosystem

Švarcová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis summarizes available information about chiral analysis of synthetic musk compounds in the aquatic environment. In the theoretical part of the thesis chirality and importance of chiral analysis by means of examples of different environmental pollutants is documented. Further consideration is aimed on musk compounds, their classification, characteristics and their fate in the environment, especially in the aquatic environment. After that methods for chiral analysis of synthetic musk compounds are reviewed. The aim of the experimental part of this diploma thesis was to carry out the determination of thirteen representatives of musk compounds (2-cyclohexylethanol, allylcyklohexylpropionate, Arocet, Aroflorone, Citronellol, Fresco Menthe, Galaxolide, hexyl cinnamic aldehyde, HSA, isoamylsalicylate, isobornylacetate, Lilial and Linalool), out of which some compounds are chiral and some are achiral. For the analysis samples of wastewater from the wastewater treatment plant Brno - Modřice were taken. Target compounds were isolated by solid phase microextraction (SPME) and were subsequently analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization and mass spectrometric detection. On the basis of data evaluation the removal efficiency forgiven musk compounds in the wastewater treatment plant was assessed.

Technicko-ekonomické posouzení projektů čistíren odpadních vod a jejich dopadu na životní prostředí / Technical and economic assessment of projects of wastewater treatment plants and their impact on the environment

Turková, Jiřina Unknown Date (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with the issue of evaluating of technical-economic efficiency of wastewater treatment plant projects. Same as most public benefit projects, the main reason for implementation is the societal benefit of the company, not the impact on the investor. The literature review provides an overview of the most commonly used methods of environmental impact assessment, which differ in both the difficulty of processing and in the structure of input and output information. In accordance with the European legislation, the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) is applied to a selected sample of waste water treatment plants, in its economic part, the standardly assessed societal impacts are extended by other possible benefits associated with the implementation of the project implementation. The main output of the thesis is the quantification of the increment to the societal benefit of the project, which is set to the difference between the economic net present value of the investment and the standard and individually designed socio-economic impacts. As an alternative to the traditional approach, the thesis also simulates the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), method is based on multi-criteria evaluation shows the technical efficiency of the sewage treatment plant sample and thus serves as a very effective tool in managerial decision-making.

Der Einfluss von hormonell wirksamen Umweltchemikalien auf die Populationsökologie von Gammarus fossarum

Ladewig, Vanessa 14 July 2004 (has links)
Bei zwei Fließgewässern (Lockwitzbach und Körsch) wurde ein Expositions- und Effektmonitoring an Probenahmestellen jeweils ober- und unterhalb des Einleiters eines kommunalen Klärwerks über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren durchgeführt. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit waren dabei die Untersuchungen zur Populationsstruktur und -dynamik von Gammarus fossarum (Amphipoda, Crustacea). Folgende Populationsvariablen wurden erfasst: Abundanz, Geschlechterverhältnis, Anteil von Juvenilen, Anteil brütender Weibchen, Fekundität, Körperlängen und Infektion mit Acanthocephalen. Erstmalig wurde Intersexualität bei G. fossarum festgestellt. Im Lockwitzbach war der Anteil an Intersexen bei den adulten Gammariden mit etwa 5 - 15 % höher als in der Körsch mit < 1 %. Intersexualität wurde nicht durch die Einleiter induziert. Bei den Intersexen handelt es sich um funktionelle Weibchen. Wodurch dieses Phänomen ausgelöst wird und welche Bedeutung es für die Population hat, ist unbekannt. In den Freilanduntersuchungen wurden im Projekt Xehogamm (Umweltbundesamt Berlin, FKZ 299 65 221/05), in dessen Rahmen diese Dissertation entstand, verschiedene Umweltchemikalien im Bachwasser analysiert. Bei Vertebraten ist eine östrogene Wirksamkeit dieser Substanzen bekannt oder wird vermutet. In den Gammaridenpopulationen unterhalb der Klärwerkseinleiter waren wichtige populationsrelevante Variablen im Vergleich zu oberhalb verändert. An der unteren Probenahmestelle bei der Körsch war der Anteil der Juvenilen mit der kleinsten Körperlänge sowie der Anteil brütender Weibchen erniedrigt. Tendenziell traf dies auch für die untere Probenahmestelle beim Lockwitzbach zu. Bei der Körsch ist außerdem der frühere Beginn der herbstlichen Reproduktionspause und die geringere Körperlänge adulter Gammariden möglicherweise auf endokrine Umweltchemikalien im Wasser des Einleiters zurückzuführen. Von den nachgewiesenen Substanzen wurde eine Einzelsubstanz, Bisphenol A, für ein Fließrinnenexperiment ausgewählt. In künstlichen Fließrinnen im Gewächshaus wurde G. fossarum paarweise, in Gruppen sowie als größenstrukturierte Population in der Fließrinne selbst über 103 Tage exponiert, und verschiedene Populationsvariablen wurden erfasst. Die Nominalkonzentrationen von Bisphenol A in drei Fließrinnen betrugen 5, 50 und 500 µg/L. In den ersten drei aufeinanderfolgenden Bruten zeigte sich in der höchsten Bisphenol A-Konzentration die größte Brutgröße. Im weiteren Verlauf des Experiments übte Bisphenol A einen hemmenden Einfluss auf die Reproduktion der Gammariden aus. Basierend auf den Nominalkonzentrationen wurden folgende EC10-Werte berechnet: Anteil reproduzierender Weibchen für die 4. Brut (bei Gammaridenpaaren): 22 µg/L, Brutgröße der 4. Brut (bei Gammaridenpaaren): 11 µg/L, Anteil brütender Weibchen (Population): 212 µg/L und Anteil Juveniler (Population): 153 µg/L Bisphenol A. Die EC10-Werte basierend auf Effektivkonzentrationen für dieselben Endpunkte betragen: bei den Paaren 1,1 µg/L (reproduzierende Weibchen) und 0,5 µg/L (Brutgröße), in der Population 10 µg/L (Anteil brütender Weibchen und Anteil Juveniler). Im Fließrinnenexperiment wurde Bisphenol A zwar in höheren Konzentrationen als im Freiland vorhanden eingesetzt, die beobachteten Effekte weisen jedoch in dieselbe Richtung wie die Effekte im Freiland. Daher kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass auch die Effekte im Freiland auf einer endokrinen Wirkung von Umweltchemikalien beruhen könnten. Zusätzlich wurde der Einfluss von Bisphenol A auf die Osmoregulation bei G. lacustris untersucht, wobei unterschiedliche Effekte auf die Natrium- und Calciumkonzentration, nicht jedoch auf die Osmolalität, in der Hämolymphe nachgewiesen wurden. Anlage: Rohdaten (3,87 MB)- Nutzung: Referat Informationsvermittlung der SLUB

Utvärdering av driftdata i fullskala för minimering av lustgasutsläpp på Henriksdals Reningsverk / Evaluation of full-scale operating data for minimizing nitrous oxide emissions at Henriksdal WWTP

Forsén, Erika January 2023 (has links)
Lustgas är en växthusgas, ca 300 gånger mer potent än koldioxid och som har potential att bryta ned ozonlagret med sin livslängd på 120 år i atmosfären. Lustgasutsläppen beräknas ha ökat med mellan 20–30% sedan förindustriell tid vilket tros bero på en ökad användning av konstgödsel i jordbrukssektorn men en del av all lustgas som bildas kommer från avloppsreningsverk vilka står för ca 1,6% av lustgasavgången till atmosfären där Henriksdals reningsverk bidrar med lustgasproduktion. Under 2021 beräknade man en lustgasavgång från Henriksdals reningsverk på ca 37 ton, vilket kan jämföras med klimatavtrycket på 10 000 nyregistrerade bilar vid körningar på ca 1500 mil/år. Syftet med rapporten var att undersöka om det gick att beräkna mängden kväve i avgående lustgas och jämföra det med hur mycket av den beräknade lustgasen som avgår till luft av andelen renat ammonium, samt att undersöka olika strategier för minimering av lustgasproduktion. Det finns flera vägar till lustgasbildning i de biologiska reningsprocesserna i verket. Tre huvudspår finns dock till lustgasbildning varav autotrof nitrifikation var aktuell för detta examensarbete. Flera driftsstrategier finns att tillgå för att undersöka hur lustgasproduktion påverkas av olika faktorer. Under detta examensarbete undersöktes en av dessa, syrebörvärden, där ett fast syrevärde i den luftade bassängen antingen skulle minska eller öka lustgasproduktionen beroende på luftningsintensitet och ammoniumkoncentration i vattnet. Lustgasavgången beräknades bestå till 0,19% av kväve renat från ammoniumbelastningen. Resultatet visade att vid låga syrehalter i vattnet fanns en lägre andel lustgasbildning jämfört med högre luftningsintensitet. Nackdelen blev dock att andelen renad ammonium sjönk i blocket. Vid högre luftningsintensitet var lustgasavgången högre i ett av huvudscenariona. I det andra scenariot med hög luftning var andelen renat ammonium lägre än i första scenariot, men med låga lustgashalter. Slutsatsen blev att lustgas kan bildas under olika förutsättningar men att under just den här studien var lustgasproduktionen som högst när nitrifikationen var som mest effektiv. / Nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas, almost 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide, and which has the potential to deplete the ozone layer with its lifetime of 120 years in the atmosphere. Nitrous oxide emissions are estimated to have increased between 20–30% since pre-industrial times, which is believed to be due to increased use of artificial fertilizers in the agricultural sector, but part of all nitrous oxide that is formed comes from wastewater treatment plants, which account for approx. 1.6% of nitrous oxide emissions to the atmosphere where Henriksdals treatment plants contribute to nitrous oxide production. In 2021, nitrous oxide emissions from Henriksdal's treatment plant were calculated to be approximately 37 tons, which can be compared to the climate footprint of 10,000 newly registered cars driven approximately 15 000 km per year. The aim of the report was to investigate whether it was possible to calculate the amount of nitrogen in outgoing nitrous oxide to compare it with how much of the calculated nitrous oxide is emitted to air from the proportion of purified ammonium, as well as to investigate different strategies for minimizing nitrous oxide production. There are several routes to the formation of nitrous oxide in the biological purification process in the plant. There are, however, three main tracks for nitrous oxide formation, of which autotrophic nitrification was relevant for this degree project. Several operational strategies are available to investigate how nitrous oxide production is affected by various factors. During this thesis, one of these, oxygen set-point, was investigated, where a fixed oxygen value in the aerated basin would either decrease or increase nitrous oxide production depending on aeration intensity and ammonium concentration in the water. The nitrous oxide discharge was calculated to consist of 0.19% nitrogen purified from the ammonium load. The result showed, that at low oxygen levels in the water, there was a lower proportion of nitrous oxide formation compared to higher aeration intensity. The disadvantage, however, was that the proportion of purified ammonium decreased in the block. At higher aeration intensity, nitrous oxide emissions were higher in one of the main scenarios. In the second scenario with high aeration, the proportion of purified ammonium was lower than in the first scenario, but with low levels of nitrous oxide. The conclusion was that nitrous oxide can be formed under different conditions, but during this study, nitrous oxide production was highest when nitrification was most efficient.

Aportación a la implantación del análisis de riesgo en los sistemas de distribución del agua: caso del Cryptosporidium para distintos niveles de desarrollo tecnológico en la potabilizadora

Kombo Mpindou, Gilver Odilon Mendel 12 May 2023 (has links)
[ES] La Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible establece una serie de retos ambiciosos para la comunidad mundial denominados Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Entre ellos se encuentran retos específicos como el acceso al agua potable y al saneamiento y una mejor planificación de los recursos hídricos, además de objetivos dirigidos con el fin de combatir las desigualdades y la discriminación, entre los cuales se incluyen los siguientes objetivos generales "no dejar a nadie atrás" y "llegar primero a los más rezagados". Hasta la fecha, se ha demostrado que estos retos son difíciles de cumplir, en parte porque son complejos, pero también debido a la inercia política. Por otra parte, las potabilizadoras son capaces de suministrar agua segura para el consumo humano, sin embargo, es posible que su calidad se vea deteriorada a lo largo de su recorrido por el sistema de distribución antes su llegada al consumidor; si el abastecimiento de agua se ve restringido, las posibilidades de degradación de la calidad física, química y, sobre todo, microbiológica a nivel doméstico se incrementan, por ese motivo, para garantizar la calidad del agua se debe asegurar la integridad física, química y cualitativa del agua. Al aplicar los métodos de análisis de riesgos a los sistemas de agua potable para el consumo humano, se está desarrollando como una importante técnica de gestión preventiva, que ya está ofreciendo resultados muy significativos a la hora de anticiparse a eventuales situaciones de peligro, lo que permite intervenir con rapidez y evitar el impacto de los eventos de origen natural contra las infraestructuras y el agua para el consumo humano. En esta tesis se aborda la problemática de la seguridad del agua destinada al consumidor, identificando los fundamentos de la buena gobernanza y proponiendo un nuevo enfoque para llevar a cabo un análisis del riesgo a lo largo de la cadena del agua, integrando la modelización predictiva y las técnicas de árbol de eventos y de fallos. El estudio ha demostrado la gran capacidad del nuevo enfoque para reproducir escenarios reales y evaluar los niveles de ooquistes después del tratamiento, teniendo en cuenta la heterogeneidad de los aportes resultantes de diferentes niveles de ooquistes contenidos en las aguas superficiales, la eficiencia del tratamiento, los controles del proceso y los aportes de agua. El nuevo planteamiento también puede utilizarse para la evaluación de la exposición de otros agentes patógenos en el agua, y en todas las etapas de la cadena del agua, con el fin de evaluar el impacto real de las desviaciones o los fallos en las condiciones del proceso y los controles de seguridad sobre el riesgo para los consumidores provocado por los agentes patógenos. / [CA] L'Agenda 2030 per al desenvolupament Sostenible estableix una sèrie de reptes ambiciosos per a la comunitat mundial denominat Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS). Aquests inclouen reptes com l'accés a l'aigua, el sanejament segur i una millor gestió de l'aigua, igual que objectius per a afrontar la desigualtat i la discriminació incloent propòsits generals per a "no deixar a ningú arrere" i "arribar primer als més ressagats". Fins hui, s'ha demostrat que aquests reptes són difícils de complir, en part perquè són complexos però també a causa de la inèrcia política. D'altra banda, les plantes de tractament d'aigua potable poden proveir aigua segura per al consum humà, però la seua qualitat es pot alternar durant el pas pel Sistema de Distribució d'Aigua abans d'arribar al consumidor; si el proveïment d'aigua és restringit, la possibilitat de deterioració de la qualitat física, química i principalment microbiològica a nivell intradomiciliària s'incrementa havent-se de protegir la integritat física, hidràulica i de qualitat de l'aigua per a garantir l'assegurament del subministrament de l'aigua potable. L'aplicació dels mètodes d'anàlisi de risc aplicats als serveis d'aigua i sanejament s'està convertint en una estratègia imprescindible en la gestió preventiva, que comença a mostrar resultats importants en l'anticipació oportuna de desastres potencials, facilitant les accions anticipades per a enfrontar les amenaces previsibles per a mitigar els impactes dels esdeveniments naturals en la infraestructura d'aigua i sanejament. En aquesta tesi s'aborda la problemàtica de la seguretat de l'aigua destinada al consumidor, identificant els fonaments de la bona governança i proposant un nou enfocament per a dur a terme una anàlisi de risc al llarg de la cadena de l'aigua, integrant la modelització predictiva i les tècniques d'arbre d'esdeveniments i de fallades. L'estudi ha demostrat la gran capacitat del nou enfocament per a reproduir escenaris reals i avaluar els nivells d'ooquistes després del tractament, tenint en compte l'heterogeneïtat de les aportacions resultants de diferents nivells d'ooquistes continguts en les aigües superficials, l'eficiència del tractament, els controls del procés. L'eficiència de la planta, l'eficiència del tractament, els controls del procés i les aportacions d'aigua. El nou plantejament també pot utilitzar-se per a l'avaluació de l'exposició d'altres agents patògens en l'aigua i en totes les etapes de la cadena de l'aigua, amb la finalitat d'avaluar l'impacte real de les desviacions o les fallades en les condicions del procés i els controls de seguretat sobre el risc per als consumidors provocat per agents patògens. / [EN] The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets out a series of ambitious challenges for the global community. These Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include targets for access to safe water and sanitation and improved water management, as well as goals to tackle inequality and discrimination, including overarching proposals to "leave no one behind" and "reach the most disadvantaged first". To date, these are challenges that have proved difficult to meet, partly because they are complex, but also because of political inertia. On the other hand, drinking water treatment plants can provide safe water for human consumption, but its quality can be altered during its passage through the water distribution system before it reaches the consumer; if the water sup-ply is restricted, the possibility of physical, chemical and mainly microbiological quality detection at the household level increases, and the physical, hydraulic and quality integrity of the water must be protected to ensure the safety of the drinking water supply. The application of risk analysis methods applied to water and sanitation ser-vices is becoming an important preventive management strategy, which is be-ginning to show significant results in the timely anticipation of potential disas-ters, facilitating anticipatory actions to address foreseeable hazards and to mit-igate the impacts of natural events on water and sanitation infrastructure. This thesis addresses the issue of consumer water safety by identifying the fundamentals of good governance and proposing a new approach for conduct-ing risk analysis along the water chain, integrating predictive modelling and event and fault tree techniques. The study has demonstrated the high capacity of the new approach to reproduce real scenarios and to evaluate the levels of oocysts after treatment, taking into account the heterogeneity of the inputs resulting from different levels of oocysts contained in the surface water, the efficiency of the treatment, the process controls and the water in-puts. The new approach can also be used for exposure assessment of other pathogens in water, and at all stages of the water chain, to assess the real im-pact of deviations or failures in process conditions and safety controls on the risk to consumers from pathogens. / Kombo Mpindou, GOM. (2023). Aportación a la implantación del análisis de riesgo en los sistemas de distribución del agua: caso del Cryptosporidium para distintos niveles de desarrollo tecnológico en la potabilizadora [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193340

Undersökning av klagomål på Norrvattens nät / Analysis of complaints on Norrvatten's network

Ekenberg, Agnes, Jakobsson, William January 2020 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats i miljöteknik består av en fältundersökning från Norrvatten, ett kommunalförbund ägt av 14 olika kommuner i norra Stockholms län. Uppsatsen innehåller en undersökning av möjliga relationer mellan olika klagomål på dricksvattnet från Görvälnverket, som lagrar och behandlar råvaran för framställning dricksvatten från Mälaren. De uppmätta parametrarna var definierade från litteratur inom ämnet. Indata består av det totala antalet inkomna klagomål, med ett särskilt fokus på dem med en eller flera överskridna parametrar. Vi analyserar kvantitén av klagomål per kommun, per capita och fördelningen av klagomål för olika kategorier och relevanta parametrar såväl som relationen till befolkningstätheten i regionen. Vi hittade att det är signifikanta kopplingar mellan vissa kategorier av klagomål, och framförallt att järn är den vanligaste parametern häri. Vi hittade också att klagomål per capita kan indikera ett samband med befolkningstätheten. Ytterligare ett konstaterande är att spolning är effektivt som åtgärd mot mikrobiologiska problem, medan det för vissa kemiska parametrar förvärrade situationen. / This bachelor thesis in environmental engineering consists of a case study from Norrvatten, a municipal federation owned by 14 different urban municipalities in the northern part of the Stockholm region. The essay contains an investigation of possible relations between the various complaints on the drinking water from Görvälnverket, which is storing and treating the source material for tap water production from Mälaren. The measured parameters were defined from literature in the field. The data sets consisted in the total quantity of the complaints, with a particular focus on the ones where one or several parameters were exceeded. We analyse the quantity of complaints per municipality, per capita and the distribution of complaints for various categories and relevant parameters as well as the relation to the population densities in the region. We found that there are significant connections between some classes of complaints, and in particular that iron is the most common parameter herein. We also found that complaints per capita may indicate a correlation with the population density. A further finding is that flushing is more efficient as a measure against microbiological issues, while it for some chemical parameters rather worsened the situations.

Novostavba vinařského domu / Wine making house

Kouřilová, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this master thesis is a design of wine house which comes together with restaurant and accommodation in Strazovice near Kyjov. It includes design study and all the detailed drawings of the building. The building is designed with three services - winery, restaurant and accommodation. Winery is divided into separate rooms for wine processing, finishing and wine aging, also storage, distribution and sale of wine. Canteen service includes kitchen with accessories, restaurant with dining, separated lounge, vaulted cellar and room for degustation. Lounge, cellar and degustation room is primary determined for different corporate events, conferences, weddings, family events and others. For building were chosen descending lands at the edge of Strazovice.. The main reason for this decision is the view that this place provides because of its higher position. Also this village is a part of region, for which wine production is typical. The shape of the object is rectangular and consists of three floors. Two upper floors are receding with comparison to the first floor. This formed a part of terrace which is connected with the oval part on pillars. Basement is situated completely below ground, only the south side is partly uncovered. Construction is made of reinforced concrete. Ground floors are with ventilated frontage. Frontage of the first floor is covered with wooden cladding, and frontage of the second floor is covered with plaster. Vertical constructions are made of lime-sand blocks and horizontal constructions are reinforced concrete. The roof is built of wooden trusses with arched upper part. On the roof there are installed photovoltaic panels for electricity which is used in the building. Rainwater is held in tank, servers as a water supply for the building. Wastewater is depurated in small sewage plant which is further conducted into the building. Other wastewater is captured in the sump. Projection of the winery emphasis, inter alia, on static and

Temporalité des transferts de nutriments dans les bassins versants à algues vertes / Temporality of nutrient transfers in coastal watersheds subjected to green tides

Causse, Jean 30 June 2015 (has links)
En Bretagne, les « marées vertes » sont récurrentes depuis le début des années 70 et occupent une place importante dans le débat public en terme sanitaire, politique et économique. Lors de cette thèse, une large revue bibliographique a été réalisée sur l’export d’azote et une méthodologie innovante a été mise en place afin d’étudier la variabilité spatio-temporelle de l’export de nutriments dans 2 bassins versants à algues vertes à une échelle intra-annuelle et pendant des évènements extrêmes (évènements pluvieux, période touristique de basses eaux,…). Les bassins versants sélectionnés pour les expérimentations de terrain sont l’Ic et le Frémur (Côtes d’Armor). 3 types d’expérimentations ont été réalisées sur ces bassins versants : 1) Des campagnes de prélèvements ponctuels par temps sec et par temps de pluie (32 stations, 27 campagnes) ; 2) des prélèvements automatiques en crue (3 stations, 8 crues) ; et 3) la mesure haute fréquence (2 stations, en continu). Les paramètres hydrologiques et physico-chimiques classiques, les matières en suspension, les spectres UV et toutes les formes de macronutriments (carbone, azote, phosphore) ont été analysés lors de ces expérimentations. Les résultats obtenus confirment pour une part un certain nombre de résultats de la littérature. D’autre part, il met en lumière la relation carbone/nitrates, jusqu’à présent peu étudiée à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles et pendant des évènements pluvieux, qui semble pourtant primordiale dans la compréhension des phénomènes d’export de nitrates à l’échelle de l’année. Enfin, l’analyse de toutes les formes de nutriments révèle l’importance des formes particulaires issues de l’érosion des sols. Ces résultats soulèvent de nombreuses questions de recherche qui mériteraient un approfondissement afin d’améliorer la connaissance des transferts de nutriments dans les bassins versants et prioriser les actions de remédiations. Les perspectives de ce travail sont à la fois scientifiques et pratiques. Au niveau scientifique, les efforts de recherche sur la relation carbone/nitrate et l’identification de la fraction de carbone organique assimilable par les organismes dénitrifiants doivent être poursuivis. De même, l’amélioration des connaissances sur l’export de nutriments en crue passe par l’identification précise des sources de nutriments particulaires pendant les crues printanières. Au niveau pratique, il doit contribuer à l’amélioration des pratiques agricoles, à la reconnaissance de l’intérêt des zones humides naturelles et à l’amélioration des types de traitement utilisés par les stations d’épuration. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude devraient notamment être mis en relation avec la dynamique des nutriments observée dans l’estran pendant la période de développement des algues vertes. Enfin, un effort d’amélioration de l’accès à certains type de données sur les bassins versants est nécessaire afin d’améliorer la compréhension des transferts de nutriments. / In Brittany (Western France), "green tides" are recurrent since the early 70s and have an important place in public debate in health, political and economic terms. In this thesis, a wide bibliographic review was performed on the export of nitrogen, and an innovative methodology has been set up to study the spatial and temporal variability of nutrient export in two coastal watersheds on an intra-annual basis and during extreme events (rainfall events, tourist periods of low water, ...). Watersheds selected for the field experiments are Ic and Frémur (Côtes d'Armor). 3 types of experiments were performed on these watersheds: 1) Campaigns of grab samples by dry and wet weather (32 stations, 27 campaigns); 2) automatic sampling during floods (3 stations, 8 floods); and 3) high frequency measurement (2 stations, continuous). Conventional hydrological and physicochemical parameters, suspended solids, UV spectra and all forms of macronutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) were analyzed during these experiments. The results confirm in part a number of results of the literature. Furthermore, it highlights the relationship carbon / nitrates far little studied at different spatial and temporal scales and during rainfall events, which however seems to be crucial in understanding of nitrate export. Finally, the analysis of all forms of nutrients reveals the importance of particulate forms from soil erosion. These results raise many research questions that merit further development in order to improve knowledge on nutrient transfers in watersheds and prioritize remediation actions. The prospects of this work are both scientific and practical. At the scientific level, research efforts on the relationship carbon / nitrate and identification of the assimilable fraction of organic carbon by denitrifying organisms must be continued. Similarly, the knowledge on nutrient export must be improved through the precise identification of particulate nutrient sources during the spring floods. On a practical level, it should contribute to the improvement of agricultural practices, the recognition of the interest of natural wetlands and improvement of the types of treatment used by treatment plants. The results obtained in this study should in particular be linked to the dynamics of nutrients in the foreshore observed during the development of green algae. Finally, an effort to improve access to certain types of data on watersheds is needed to improve understanding of nutrient transfers.

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