Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tribometer"" "subject:"tribometers""
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Impact of Frame Stiffness on Tribological Behaviour of Sliding Interfaces / Inverkan av ramstyvhet på tribologiskt beteende hos glidgränssnittSingh, Nisha January 2023 (has links)
Friction and wear have been concerns to industrialists, scientists and environmentalist for several decades. Many robust models have been developed to address friction and wear and their dependency on various parameters. Numerous experiments have been conducted in the past to model friction and wear. In order to get the experimental results as close as to the real world, the construction of the scientific instrument has to be precise as well. There are several factors that influence the experimental results such as setup of the experiment, dynamics of the instruments etc. These need to be analysed, characterised and suppressed their influence on the experiments. The dynamics of the tribometer when two surfaces are in sliding contact consist of friction induced vibrations and vibrations that influence friction. It is highly complex to device a model which defines interplay of friction and vibrations together. To understand the effect of dynamics of tribometer on sliding contact, vibrations signals were examined. The data was collected by mounting vibrations sensors on the tribometer and the stiffness of the tribometer was modified by changing the spring fixed in the tribometer. The vibrations signals and coefficient of friction data were analysed. The result showed that changing the stiffness of the tribometer did not influence vibrations and coefficient of friction to observable extent, in fact, the vibrations signals were the interaction between the sliding surfaces. The coefficients of friction and vibrations signals for several experiments were similar. The interplay between the vibrations and friction was observed and the vibrations were more like induced vibrations rather than vibrations in the tribometer affecting the sliding contact. The results of experiments comply with by the previously established theories. As the sliding speed decreases, vibrations also decrease and coefficient of friction increases because of increment in the area of contact. This also shows that as vibrations reduces, coefficient of friction increases. The roughness of the pins after the experiments with 40 N/mm spring constant were higher than the ones with 20 N/mm and 120 N/mm, even though the experiment with 20 N/mm were run for a fewer hour. The roughness of the disc for experiment with 120 N/mm were higher than that of the 40 N/mm and 20 N/mm. The experiment with 20 N/mm is higher than 40 N/mm because experiment ran for fewer number of hours than 40 N/mm and 120 N/mm. The roughness results did not have observable patterns and therefore it was concluded that changing one of the components of the tribometer do not influence the experiment at microscale. / Friktion och slitage har varit bekymmer för industrimän, vetenskapsmän och miljöpartister i flera decennier. Många robusta modeller har utvecklats för att hantera friktion och slitage och deras beroende av olika parametrar. Många experiment har utförts tidigare för att modellera friktion och slitage. För att få de experimentiella resultaten så nära den verkliga världen, måste konstruktionen av det vetenskapliga instrumentet också vara exakt. Det finns flera faktorer som påverkar de experimentella resultaten såsom experimentets uppställning, instrumentens dynamik etc. Dessa behöver analyseras, karaktäriseras och undertrycka deras inverkan på experimenten. Tribometerns dynamik när två ytor är i glidkontakt består av friktionsinducerade vibrationer och vibrationer som påverkar friktionen. Det är mycket komplucerat att skapa en modell som definierar samspelet mellan friktion och vibrationer. För att förstå effekten av tribometerns dynamik på glidkontakten undersöktes vibrationssignaler. Data samlades in genom att montera vibrationssensorer på tribometern och tribometerns styvhet modifierades genom att byta fjäder som var fixerad i tribometern. Vibrationssignalerna och friktionskoefficientdata analyserades. Resultatet visade att ändring av tribometerns styvhet inte påverkade vibrationer och friktionskoefficient i en observerbar utsträckning, i själva verket var vibrationssignalerna interaktionen mellan glidytorna. Friktionskoefficienterna och vibrationssignalerna för flera experiment var likartade. Samspelet mellan vibrationerna och friktionen observerades och vibrationerna var mer som inducerade vibrationer snarare än vibrationer i tribometern som påverkade glidkontakten. Resultaten av experiment överensstämmer med de tidigare etablerade teorierna. När glidhastigheten minskar minskar också vibrationerna och friktionskoefficienten ökar på grund av ökningen i kontaktområdet. Detta visar också att när vibrationerna minskar så ökar friktionskoefficienten. Stiftarnas grovhet efter försöken med 40 N/mm fjäderkonstant var högre än de med 20 N/mm 120 N/mm, även om försöket med 20 N/mm kördes i färre timmar. Råheten hos skivan för experiment med 120 N/mm var högre än den flr 40 N/mm och 20 N/mm. Experimentet med 20 N/mm är högre än 40 N/mm eftersom experimentet pågick under färre antal timmar än 40 N/mm och 120 N/mm. Ojämnhetsresultate§n hade inga observerbara mönster och därför drogs slutsatsen att förändring av en av komponenterna i tribometern inte påverkar experimentet i mikroskala.
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Design of a Tribometer to Study Friction inThreaded Fastener Interfaces / Konstruktion av en tribometer för att studera friktion i skruvförbandLin, Zhan-Jun January 2020 (has links)
Bolts and nuts are one of most common joining methods since they are simple and low-cost to connect parts. Appropriate clamp force from bolted joint remains resultant joints secured, but higher/lower preload on bolted joint increases risk of the failure of mechanism. Therefore, achieving accurate clamp force in bolted joint is always the aim of tightening process. Torque control tightening tool are the most common tightening tool present in the market. The clamp force obtained from torque control tightening is highly dependent upon friction. Only small part of applied torque is transferred into the effective torque that turns in to clamp forces because most of applied torque is consumed by friction forces under bolt /nut head and in a thread interface. However, friction coefficient does not remain constant during tightening process and it relates to many factors such as tightening speed, speed profile, tightening time, joint’s material, etc. Hence, it changes the distribution ratio and leads to an error in estimation of clamp force between the components. This project aims to develop a tribometer which is capable of operating in different speeds and load conditions corresponding to different tightening process. A new concept of pin-on-disc tribometer is proposed and the speed and load profile are achieved by using closed loop control in the linear actuator and the motor. The test rig was built up and the several validation tests were done. / Skruv och mutter tillhör bland de vanligaste medlen att binda ihop två ytor med varandra då det är ett billigt och enkelt sätt att uppnå det önskade resultatet. Det är viktigt att rätt klämkraft uppnås i skruvförbandet, vid för låg/hög klämkraft är risken för haveri i konstruktionen stor. Därför är att uppnå korrekt klämkraft i ett skruvförband alltid målet i en åtdragningsprocess. Skruvdragare som drar åt med ett förinställt moment (torque control) är för tillfället det vanligaste verktyget på marknaden för att uppnå rätt klämkraft. Klämkraften som uppstår vid åtdragning av ett skruvförband med ett sådant verktyg är i största del beroende på friktionskraften i skruvförbandet för korrekt moment. Endast en liten del av momentet som påverkar skruven övergår till effektivt fasthållande moment i skruvförbandet, det mesta momentet går åt för att övervinna friktionen mellan skruv och mutter. Friktionskoefficitenten håller sig inte konstant vid ett åtdragande moment utan beror på flera faktorer såsom åtdragningshastighet, profilhastighet, åtdragningstid och vilket material skruvförbandet är gjort av bland annat. Eftersom friktionskoeffiecienten ständigt ändrar sig leder detta till ett fel då man ska uppskatta klämkraften mellan två ytor. Detta examensarbete ämnar till att bygga en tribometer som är kapabel till att fungera vid olika hastigheter och kraftförhållanden som korresponderar till olika åtdragningsprocesser. Ett koncept på en ny pin-on-disc tribometer föreslås och hastighets samt kraftprofiler skapas genom ett closed-loop reglertekniksystem i ett linjärt ställdon och motorn. Testriggen konstruerades och flertalet utvärderingstester utfördes.
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Modeling of a ball contact with a coated plateSaeedi, Mohammadreza January 2023 (has links)
During tightening of a screw, the variation in friction will affect the force acting on the joint, especially when tightening using torque as a control parameter. So, it is crucial to have a proper understanding of the contact mechanism and friction in the screw head to joint and thread interfaces. This will make it possible to develop tightening strategies that compensate for the friction variation to assure a better quality of the joint. This understating could be achieved through conducting experiments using a pin on disc tribometer. In the present study, the frictional behavior of three different coatings has been investigated using a tribometer. The study comprises both the experimental and numerical procedures. Experimental tests have been conducted to find the required material inputs for numerical modeling, and also, to log the results required for validation of the simulation results. The Central Composite Design (CCD) method has been employed for the design of experiments where the normal pressure and sliding velocity have been selected as the test parameters (design factors). For the numerical part of the study, the localized finite element model of the contact region of the pin and coated disc has been made in ANSYS. The model represents a portion of the test specimen used in the tribometer so that a high level of refinement could be applied. Two different approaches have been implemented in ANSYS to model the friction coefficient as a function of normal pressure and sliding velocity. The both approaches are based on a mathematical model for friction coefficient which has nine constants that could be determined using the experimental tests’ results. Also, a correction scheme for the contact stiffness has been implemented so that the mesh dependency of the model could be reduced significantly. Finally, the results of the numerical modeling have been compared with those obtained from experiments for friction force. The comparison shows a good agreement between them, proving the accuracy of the utilized numerical model and the correction scheme employed. / Vid åtdragning av en skruv kommer variationen i friktion att påverka kraften som verkar på fogen, speciellt vid åtdragning med vridmoment som styrparameter. Så det är avgörande att ha en ordentlig underskattning av kontaktmekanismen och friktionen i skruvhuvudet till skarvar och gänggränssnitt. Detta kommer att göra det möjligt att utveckla åtdragningsstrategier som kompenserar för friktionsvariationen för att säkerställa en bättre kvalitet på fogen. Denna underskattning kan uppnås genom att utföra experiment med en stift på skivtribometer. I föreliggande studie har friktionsbeteendet hos tre olika beläggningar undersökts med hjälp av en tribometer. Studien omfattar både de experimentella och numeriska procedurerna. Experimentella tester har genomförts för att hitta nödvändiga materialingångar för numerisk modellering, och även för att logga de resultat som krävs för validering av simuleringsresultaten. Central Composite Design (CCD) metod har använts för design av experiment där det normala trycket och glidhastigheten har valts som testparametrar (designfaktorer). För den numeriska delen av studien har den lokaliserade finita elementmodellen av kontaktområdet för stiftet och den belagda skivan gjorts i ANSYS. Modellen representerar en del av testexemplaret som används i tribometern så att en hög nivå av förfining kunde tillämpas. Två olika tillvägagångssätt har implementerats i ANSYS för att modellera friktionskoefficienten som en funktion av normalt tryck och glidhastighet. Båda tillvägagångssätten är baserade på en matematisk modell för friktionskoefficient som har nio konstanter som kan bestämmas med hjälp av de experimentella testernas resultat. Dessutom har ett korrigeringsschema för kontaktstyvheten implementerats så att modellens meshberoende kan reduceras avsevärt. Slutligen har resultaten av den numeriska modelleringen jämförts med de som erhållits från experiment för friktionskraft. Jämförelsen visar en god överensstämmelse mellan dem, vilket bevisar noggrannheten hos den använda numeriska modellen och det använda korrigeringsschemat.
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Evaluation of MPC and PI control on a Tribometer : Design and comparison of control methods for a Pin-on-Disc Tribometer / Utvärdering av MPC och PI kontroll på en TribometerZiad Raheem, Ehab, Malmström, Tore January 2023 (has links)
This thesis compares Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Proportional-Integral (PI) control in a pin-on-disc tribometer. The tribometer consists of a geared Direct Current (DC) motor driving a flywheel and a voice coil actuating a pin onto the surface of the flywheel. The contact surface of both pin and disc can be replaced with the desired material. The system is first modeled, and both conntrollers are derived from the models and Matlab and Simulink. A PI-cascade controller is used for the disc while a single PI controller is used for the pin. The PI controller is derived using the pole placement, the MPC is derived using the Simulink MPC-designer. The control methods are evaluated using the Root Mean Sqaure Error (RMSE), percentage overshoot and rise time of step responses from two cases: The ideal case and the operational case. The ideal case contians minimal disturbance as only one actuator is operating at a time. The operational case intends to depict the future use case of the test rig where both actuators are operating simultaneously. Statistical analysis is conducted as a three was Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) between controller (MPC/PI), case (ideal/operational) and actuator level (40/80 N or 100/200 rpm). In conclusion the MPC has a faster rise time but a higher RMSE than the PI controller in both the ideal and operational case when controlling the disc application of a tribometer. No significant difference in overshoot is established in the disc application of the tribometer. Considering the pin system of the tribometer, no conclusion can be drawn. The main factor being the large impact of the noise at the sampling frequency. This causes failure of the controllers in the operational case. / Denna avhandling jämför Model Predictive Control (MPC) och Propertionell-Integral (PI) kontroll i en stift-på-skiva tribometer. Tribometern består av en likströmsmotor med en växellåda som driver ett svänghjul, och en talspole som är kopplat till ett stift som i sin tur applicerar kraft på svänghjulets yta. Kontaktytan för både stift och skiva kan ersättas med önskat material. Systemet modelleras först, och de båda reglersystemen härleds från modellerna i Matlab och Simulink. En PI-kaskad kontroller används för skivan medan en enkel PI-kontroller används för stiftet. PI-kontrollern härleds med hjälp av polplacering MPC-kontrollern härleds med hjälp av MPC-designern i Simulink. Reglermetoderna utvärderas med hjälp av kvadratroten ur medelkvadratavvikelsen (RMSE), procentuell översläng och stigtid för stegsvar från två fall: Det ideala fallet och de operativa fallet. Det ideala fallet innehåller minimala störningar eftersom endast ett ställdon åt gången är i drift. Det operativa fallet är avsett att representera det framtida användningsområdet för testriggen där båda ställdonen är i drift samtidigt. Den statistiska analysen utförs som en trevägs Anlysis of Variance (ANOVA) mellan kontroll (MPC/PI), fall (idealt/operativt) och nivå (40/80 N eller 100/200 rpm). Slutsatsen är att MPC-kontrollern har en snabbare stigtid med en högre RMSE än PI-kontrollern i både idealfallet och driftfallet vid styrning av skivan i en tribometer. Ingen signifikant skillnad i översläng konstaterades i skivan. Ingen slutsats kan dras när det gäller drivning av tribometerns stift. Den huvudsakliga faktorn är den stora mängden störningar vid samplingsfrekvensen. Detta leder till att kontrollerna misslyckas in det operativa fallet.
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Procedimento para ensaio de materiais de atrito utilizando um tribômetroBalotin, Jean Greselle January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho mostra o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de ensaio para materiais de fricção a ser aplicado em um tribômetro, tendo como característica principal frenagem com velocidade constante e elevadas temperaturas envolvidas. Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia simples, com etapas e parâmetros definidos a partir das características principais do tribômetro utilizado e da temperatura limite desejada no final de cada frenagem. Ao todo, três etapas distintas formam a estrutura básica do procedimento de ensaio: assentamento, caracterização e etapas com altas temperaturas. Para determinação dos parâmetros preliminares de cada uma das etapas envolvidas, utilizou-se amostras de formulação semelhantes a pastilhas de freio de veículos e também amostras com número reduzido de componentes. Para provar a eficácia do método proposto, foram utilizados três materiais com formulações distintas, sendo dois com uma variedade maior de componentes e um notadamente mais simples. Na etapa de assentamento, observou-se a estabilização do coeficiente de atrito das amostras enquanto que nas etapas de caracterização, observou-se a recuperação do coeficiente de atrito entre as etapas de temperatura. Para os estágios de temperatura elevada realizados, foi possível verificar a diferença de comportamento dos materiais utilizados, sendo o coeficiente de atrito menor na primeira etapa de temperatura que na segunda. Entretanto, os resultados também indicaram que alguns dos parâmetros preliminares escolhidos para as etapas de assentamento e temperatura não se mostraram satisfatórios, implicando em mudanças para a versão final da metodologia de ensaio apresentada. / This work presents the development of a testing procedure to evaluate the fiction and wear of friction materials to be applied in a tribometer, with main characteristic braking with constant speed and high temperatures. It was developed a simple methodology, with steps and parameters defined from the main characteristics of the used tribometer and the final limit temperature desired at the end of each braking. Totally, three different stages form the basic structure of the testing procedure: bedding-in, characterization and stages with high temperature. To determinate de primary parameters of each stage, it was used samples with similar formulation as vehicles friction pads and also samples with reduced number of components. To prove the efficiency of the proposed methodology, were used three different friction materials, being two with a large variability of components and a simple one. The bedding-in and the characterization stages showed the stabilization and the recuperation of the friction coefficient of the samples, respectively. After each high temperature stages, it was possible to verify the difference of the used materials, being the friction coefficient lower in the first temperature stage than the second one. However, these results also showed that some chosen primary parameters for the bedding-in and high temperature stages were not satisfactory, implicating in changes to the final procedure version.
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The Feasibility study of using Palm oil as the lubricant of Automative Enginetzeng, jason 19 August 2001 (has links)
In general,the lubricants were composed by basestock and additive,and the basestock is usual use mineral oil. This paper examines the viscosity,viscosity index and antiwear properties of palm oil blended lubricants. To study the feasibility of using palm oil as the lubricant of automative engine .
The V.I. of commercial sae 30 engine oil will increase from 101 to 147 via the blend of palm oil and SAE 30.The anti-wear charactisteristics
test in a four-ball tribometer.Under conditions of 40kg,1200rpm,and a test duration of one hour at 120 ¢J. The test oil
appear markedly superior to the reference SAE 30 engine oil .The palm oil blended lubricant showed is reduced to 10% scar than
reference oil .
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Influence du couplage frottement-oxydation sur l’usure d’un acier à outil de travail à chaud : développement d’un tribomètre spécifique au cyclage de matriçage / Influence of friction-oxidation coupling on wear of a hot-working tool steel : development of a tribometer dedicated to hot-forging cyclingKchaou, Mohamed 17 December 2010 (has links)
L’amélioration de la durée de vie des outillages de mise en forme à chaud constitue un enjeu industriel important et encore mal maitrisé. En effet, les sollicitations induites lors de la mise en forme mettent en jeu des couplages impliquant des phénomènes thermiques, mécaniques, tribologiques et physicochimiques. Les modes de dégradation engendrés sont multiples, principalement par déformation plastique, par fatigue thermomécanique, par frottement et par oxydation. Les dégradations par frottement demeurent parmi les plus pénalisantes et les plus difficiles à appréhender et à maîtriser compte tenu de la complexité des couplages mis en jeu.Cette thèse aborde l’usure de l’acier à outil X40CrMoV5-1 dans le cas du matriçage à chaud du laiton. Les mécanismes d’endommagement et d’usure ont été analysés par le biais d’une expertise de matrices usées en production. Elle révèle différents types de dégradations, activés selon la localisation et l’exposition des surfaces aux sollicitations cycliques de matriçage. Elle a permis d’établir un scénario d’usure par abrasion à trois corps entretenu par le cyclage et dans lequel les oxydes du laiton et de l’acier à outil sont déterminants.L’oxydation de l’acier à outil et son comportement tribologique dans un état pré-oxydé ont été étudiés. Un essai original est proposé pour étudier l’influence du cyclage de matriçage sur le couplage frottement oxydation et ses conséquences sur l’usure. Un tribomètre spécifique a été développé et mis au point. Les essais de frottement reposent sur une analogie avec le cycle de matriçage, sans reproduire la mise en forme, et un contact conforme favorable à la formation et au piégeage des oxydes / Life time improvement of hot working tools becomes one of the major industrial issue unsufficiently mastered. Indeed, loadings induced by hot forming involve coupling between thermal, mechanical, tribological and physicochemical phenomena. They lead to multiple degradation modes (mainly by plastic deformation, thermo-mechanical fatigue, friction and oxidation). Friction induces one of the most detrimental damage, which is difficult to apprehend and to control allowing for the complexity of engaged couplings.This thesis deals with wear of tool steel X40CrMoV5-1 in the case of hot forging of brass. Damage and wear mechanisms were analyzed through an expertise of matrices after used in production. It reveals different types of damage, activated thanks to location and exposure of the matrix surface to cyclic loadings induced during forging. A scenario of a three-body abrasion is proposed maintained by working cycles and wherein brass and toll steel oxides are crucial.Oxidation and pre-oxidized tribological behavior of tool steel were investigated. An original test is proposed to study the influence of hot working cycling on friction-oxidation coupling and its effects on the wear of tool steel. A specific tribometer has been developed. The friction tests are defined by analogy with the hot-working cycle, without reproducing the forming process, favoring formation and trapping of oxides inside the contact
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Procedimento para ensaio de materiais de atrito utilizando um tribômetroBalotin, Jean Greselle January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho mostra o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de ensaio para materiais de fricção a ser aplicado em um tribômetro, tendo como característica principal frenagem com velocidade constante e elevadas temperaturas envolvidas. Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia simples, com etapas e parâmetros definidos a partir das características principais do tribômetro utilizado e da temperatura limite desejada no final de cada frenagem. Ao todo, três etapas distintas formam a estrutura básica do procedimento de ensaio: assentamento, caracterização e etapas com altas temperaturas. Para determinação dos parâmetros preliminares de cada uma das etapas envolvidas, utilizou-se amostras de formulação semelhantes a pastilhas de freio de veículos e também amostras com número reduzido de componentes. Para provar a eficácia do método proposto, foram utilizados três materiais com formulações distintas, sendo dois com uma variedade maior de componentes e um notadamente mais simples. Na etapa de assentamento, observou-se a estabilização do coeficiente de atrito das amostras enquanto que nas etapas de caracterização, observou-se a recuperação do coeficiente de atrito entre as etapas de temperatura. Para os estágios de temperatura elevada realizados, foi possível verificar a diferença de comportamento dos materiais utilizados, sendo o coeficiente de atrito menor na primeira etapa de temperatura que na segunda. Entretanto, os resultados também indicaram que alguns dos parâmetros preliminares escolhidos para as etapas de assentamento e temperatura não se mostraram satisfatórios, implicando em mudanças para a versão final da metodologia de ensaio apresentada. / This work presents the development of a testing procedure to evaluate the fiction and wear of friction materials to be applied in a tribometer, with main characteristic braking with constant speed and high temperatures. It was developed a simple methodology, with steps and parameters defined from the main characteristics of the used tribometer and the final limit temperature desired at the end of each braking. Totally, three different stages form the basic structure of the testing procedure: bedding-in, characterization and stages with high temperature. To determinate de primary parameters of each stage, it was used samples with similar formulation as vehicles friction pads and also samples with reduced number of components. To prove the efficiency of the proposed methodology, were used three different friction materials, being two with a large variability of components and a simple one. The bedding-in and the characterization stages showed the stabilization and the recuperation of the friction coefficient of the samples, respectively. After each high temperature stages, it was possible to verify the difference of the used materials, being the friction coefficient lower in the first temperature stage than the second one. However, these results also showed that some chosen primary parameters for the bedding-in and high temperature stages were not satisfactory, implicating in changes to the final procedure version.
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Procedimento para ensaio de materiais de atrito utilizando um tribômetroBalotin, Jean Greselle January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho mostra o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de ensaio para materiais de fricção a ser aplicado em um tribômetro, tendo como característica principal frenagem com velocidade constante e elevadas temperaturas envolvidas. Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia simples, com etapas e parâmetros definidos a partir das características principais do tribômetro utilizado e da temperatura limite desejada no final de cada frenagem. Ao todo, três etapas distintas formam a estrutura básica do procedimento de ensaio: assentamento, caracterização e etapas com altas temperaturas. Para determinação dos parâmetros preliminares de cada uma das etapas envolvidas, utilizou-se amostras de formulação semelhantes a pastilhas de freio de veículos e também amostras com número reduzido de componentes. Para provar a eficácia do método proposto, foram utilizados três materiais com formulações distintas, sendo dois com uma variedade maior de componentes e um notadamente mais simples. Na etapa de assentamento, observou-se a estabilização do coeficiente de atrito das amostras enquanto que nas etapas de caracterização, observou-se a recuperação do coeficiente de atrito entre as etapas de temperatura. Para os estágios de temperatura elevada realizados, foi possível verificar a diferença de comportamento dos materiais utilizados, sendo o coeficiente de atrito menor na primeira etapa de temperatura que na segunda. Entretanto, os resultados também indicaram que alguns dos parâmetros preliminares escolhidos para as etapas de assentamento e temperatura não se mostraram satisfatórios, implicando em mudanças para a versão final da metodologia de ensaio apresentada. / This work presents the development of a testing procedure to evaluate the fiction and wear of friction materials to be applied in a tribometer, with main characteristic braking with constant speed and high temperatures. It was developed a simple methodology, with steps and parameters defined from the main characteristics of the used tribometer and the final limit temperature desired at the end of each braking. Totally, three different stages form the basic structure of the testing procedure: bedding-in, characterization and stages with high temperature. To determinate de primary parameters of each stage, it was used samples with similar formulation as vehicles friction pads and also samples with reduced number of components. To prove the efficiency of the proposed methodology, were used three different friction materials, being two with a large variability of components and a simple one. The bedding-in and the characterization stages showed the stabilization and the recuperation of the friction coefficient of the samples, respectively. After each high temperature stages, it was possible to verify the difference of the used materials, being the friction coefficient lower in the first temperature stage than the second one. However, these results also showed that some chosen primary parameters for the bedding-in and high temperature stages were not satisfactory, implicating in changes to the final procedure version.
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Avaliação do fenômeno de Stick-Slip em materiais de fricção com utilização de um tribômetroFranceschini, Joel January 2014 (has links)
Nos sistemas de freio automotivo, o principal componente que determina seu desempenho é o material de fricção, pois um bom material de fricção deve garantir estabilidade no atrito em diferentes condições de uso, além de possuir resistência à corrosão, longa vida útil, baixa taxa de desgaste, boa relação custo versus desempenho e baixo ruído. Desde que o conforto dos veículos tornou-se um fator importante para indicar sua qualidade, eliminar ou reduzir os ruídos e vibrações de seus componentes passou a ser uma vantagem competitiva no mercado automotivo, e, o problema de ruído nos sistemas de freios vem sendo um dos maiores causadores de reclamações de clientes nos últimos anos. O ruído de freio é na maioria das vezes o resultado de uma vibração auto excitada induzida pela fricção ou uma instabilidade dinâmica do sistema de freio. O processo de stick-slip é um típico exemplo de oscilação induzida por atrito, observada em baixas velocidades de deslizamento e geralmente resulta em vibrações, que geram ruídos graves e rangidos. Com o objetivo de verificar a viabilidade da utilização das medições de vibração durante a ocorrência do fenômeno do stick-slip para a caracterização de materiais de fricção utilizando um tribômetro, foram preparados seis materiais de fricção produzidos pela empresa Fras-le, fabricante de materiais de fricção para freios automotivos. Os ensaios foram realizados no Laboratório de Tribologia (Latrib) da Escola de Engenharia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). No tribômetro utilizado nos ensaios foi instalado um acelerômetro sobre o suporte onde é fixada a pastilha do material de fricção a ser ensaiado. Vários ensaios foram realizados, cada um sob ação de força normal e velocidade de giro do disco constantes. Os resultados dos ensaios demonstraram que o tribômetro apresenta excelente desempenho para caracterização de materiais de fricção, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de novos materiais a partir de ensaios realizados neste equipamento. A avaliação da resposta da aceleração da vibração obtida nos ensaios demonstrou que a resposta da vibração é dependente dos diversos parâmetros medidos, como deslocamento, velocidade e variação de torque, e para melhor prever a propensão de um determinado material em apresentar vibração de stick-slip deve-se levar em consideração, além da variação de torque, o torque máximo de cada ciclo de stick-slip. Além disso, o uso do acelerômetro para avaliação de ensaios de stick-slip mostrou-se viável e seu uso deve ser estimulado em trabalhos futuros. / In automotive brake systems, the main component that determines their performance is the friction material, because good friction material must ensure stability in friction under different conditions of use, as well as corrosion resistance, long life, low wear rate, good relation between cost and performance, and low noise. Since the comfort of vehicles has become important factor to indicate its quality, eliminate or reduce the noise and vibration of its components has become a competitive advantage in the automotive market, and the problem of noise in brake systems has been a cause of customer complaints in recent years. The brake noise is most often the result of a self-excited vibration induced friction or dynamic instability of the brake system. The stick-slip phenomenon is a typical example of oscillation induced by friction observed at low sliding speeds and generally results in vibrations which generate noise. In order to check the feasibility of using vibration measurements during the occurrence of the stick-slip phenomenon in the characterization of friction materials using a tribometer, were prepared six friction materials produced by the company Fras-le, manufacturer of friction materials for automotive brake. The tests were performed in the Laboratory of Tribology (Latrib) of the School of Engineering at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). In tribometer used for testing an accelerometer was installed on the support of the pad of friction material to be tested. Several tests were conducted, each under constant normal force and speed of rotation of the disk. The test results showed that the tribometer shows excellent performance for characterization of friction materials, enabling the development of new materials from tests performed on this equipment. The evaluation of the response of vibration acceleration obtained in the tests demonstrated that the response of vibration is dependent on various measured parameters, such as displacement, velocity and torque variation, and to better predict the propensity of a material to present vibration stickslip must take into account both the variation of torque and the maximum torque of each cycle of stick-slip. Furthermore, the use of accelerometer for assessing stick-slip tests was viable and its use should be encouraged in future work.
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