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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposition, validation d’un modèle du seuil d’interface à partir des paramètres de formulation des bétons et calcul de la pression de pompage / Proposal, validation of a model of interface yield stress from the formula parameters of concrete and calculation of pressure pumping

Mai, Chanh-Trung 19 March 2015 (has links)
Forte de nombreux avantages par rapport aux techniques traditionnelles, la technique de pompage est largement utilisée de nos jours dans le domaine du génie civil. Pour utiliser cette technique, le béton doit être considéré comme « pompable ». Les études précédentes ont toutes montré que la pompabilité d’un béton dépend des frottements à l’interface entre le béton et la paroi des tuyauteries (constante visqueuse et seuil d’interface). L’amélioration de la pompabilité (tout en gardant la stabilité, l’homogénéité et les caractéristiques mécaniques d’un béton) permettra de diminuer le temps de mise en œuvre du béton et de faire avancer les travaux sur chantier. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif principal de ce travail est la modélisation du seuil d’interface à partir des paramètres de formulation et le calcul de la pression de pompage des bétons. Pour cela , une base de données expérimentales a été construite pour mettre en évidence l’effet des paramètres de composition des bétons ordinaires et des bétons avec des additions minérales sur les paramètres d’interface, donc sur la pompabilité. Cette base de données a été ensuite utilisée pour proposer et valider un modèle de calcul du seuil d’interface à partir des paramètres de composition et de l’affaissement. La précision de ce modèle est de l’ordre de ± 13%. Enfin, le modèle proposé a été utilisé pour estimer la pression de pompage. La comparaison entre les pressions de pompage estimées et celles mesurées expérimentalement sur site par d’autres chercheurs montre que la méthode proposée prévoit les valeurs de pression avec une précision de l’ordre de ± 15%. Les résultats de ce travail fournissent une base de données scientifique importante pour les utilisateurs de la technique de pompage et mettent en avant le rôle de chaque composant de formulation sur les paramètres d’interface. Ils peuvent également servir pour d’autres travaux de recherches à venir.Mots-clés : pompage de béton, pression de pompage, tribomètre, frottements, constante visqueuse, seuil d’interface, rhéologie, paramètres de composition, modélisation. / With many advantages over traditional techniques, the pumping technique is widely used nowadays in the civil engineering field. To use this technique, the concrete must be considered "pumpable". Previous studies have all shown that the pumpability of concrete depends on the friction at the interface between the concrete and the pipe wall (the viscous constant and the interface yield stress). Improving pumpability (while maintaining stability, homogeneity and mechanical properties of concrete) will reduce the implementation time of concrete and to advance work on site. In this context, the main objective of this work is the modeling of the interface yield stress from the formulation parameters and calculating the concrete pumping pressure. To facilitate the study, an experimental database was built to demonstrate the effect of the composition parameters of ordinary concrete and concrete with mineral additions on the interface parameters, so the pumpability. This database was then used to propose and validate an interface yield stress calculation model based on composition parameters and slump. The precision of this model is of around ± 13%. Ensuite, le modèle proposé a été utilisé pour estimer la pression de pompage. The comparison between the estimated pumping pressures and those measured experimentally on the site by other researchers has shown that the proposed method provides the pressure values with a precision of the order of 15%. The results of this study provide important scientific database for the pumping technology users and highlight the role of each formulation component on the interface parameters. They can also be used for other future research work.Keywords: concrete pumping, pumping pressure, tribometer, friction, viscous constant, interface yield stress, rheology, composition parameters, modeling.

Vývoj metody pro hodnocení režimu mazání ve valivém ložisku / Development of method for lubrication regime evaluation in rolling bearing

Valenta, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to develop measuring methods for evaluation of the lubrication regime in a rolling bearing. The first part of thesis maps several measuring methods according to which the lubrication mode can be evaluated. Based on the assessment of this part, electrical monitoring methods were selected. For application of these methods was constructed testing device with rolling bearing. Specific measuring chains based on selected methods were designed and verified by using initial tests on a ball-on-disk tribometer. According to the results of these initial measurements was selected and applied suitable measuring chain to the selected test device. In the end, there was a successful measuring the lubrication parameter on the rolling bearing. Additionally, other tests dealing with the influence of temperature and type of oil on the measurement itself were performed.

Optimisation of tribology of Alfa Laval separator screw gear systems

Singh, Anurag January 2022 (has links)
Gears are machine elements essential for mechanical transmission. Wear of gear teeth can causechanges in their profile geometry, causing vibration, noise, and subsequent gear failure. In this thesisproject, a twin disc tribometer has been used to mimic the actual Alfa Laval separator screw gearsystems. An investigation of the wear of different material pairs has been done using a twin disctribometer machine. In the twin disc tribometer, the material surface for one disc was bronze and thematerial for the counter disc surface was varied with steel of different types. Each bronze-steel pair wastested against different loading, lubricating and surface roughness conditions. For the wear tests, twodifferent loads, 75 N and 150 N and two different types of lubricants, Polyalphaolefin (PAO) andPolyalkylene Glycol (PAG) were taken. Wear tests were also done with the Applied Nano Surfaces(ANS) triboconditioning (TCG) steel disc samples which are surface treated to obtain a lower surfaceroughness. To obtain the wear volume and wear rate values the disc pairs were further analysed usinglaboratory equipment and computer software such as the digital microscope, optical interferometer andMountainsLab premium 9. Analytical calculations for minimum film thickness and thermally correctedminimum film thickness between the disc surfaces were obtained using the Dowson-Hamrock equationand Gupta formula, respectively. It has been found that the wear on the bronze disc is minimum if thecounter steel discs are Applied Nano Surfaces (ANS) of TCG 1 type followed by counter disc as casehardened steel, all of it at 75 N and with Polyalphaolefin (PAO) lubricant oil.

Simulation de la phase gazeuse des réactions tribochimiques des additifs phosphorés et soufrés

Mambingo Doumbe, Samuel 18 December 2012 (has links)
La maîtrise de l’additivation est l’un des enjeux majeurs de la formulation des lubrifiants, notamment pour l’industrie automobile. La formulation d’une huile est toutefois très complexe en raison du nombre important d’additifs et des nombreuses interactions possibles entre additifs, notamment entre les additifs de surface. Les phosphites organiques et les polysulfures organiques ont déjà montré leur efficacité en tant qu’additifs de surface. Toutefois malgré leur usage répandu dans les formulations des lubrifiants automobiles, peu d’études traitent des interactions pouvant avoir lieu entre ces deux types de composés. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif la compréhension des mécanismes d’interaction (antagonisme/synergie) pouvant exister entre les phosphites organiques et les polysulfures organiques. Pour cela, une approche originale sur la lubrification par la phase gazeuse s’est avérée très pertinente. Le couplage du Tribomètre à Environnement Contrôlé (TEC) avec les systèmes d’analyses de surface XPS/Auger a permis d’analyser les tribofilms générés in situ et d’éviter ainsi toute contamination et/ou oxydation du tribofilm avant analyse. Les molécules choisies sont les additifs de lubrification industriels (polysulfures tertaires) à faibles poids moléculaires ou alors des molécules à faible poids moléculaires ayant les mêmes fonctions chimiques que les additifs usuels : trimethyl phosphite (TMPi), dimethyl phosphite (DMPi). L’étude des réactions des tribochimiques des molécules phosphorés a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle ambivalent du DMPi qui se comporte à la fois comme un phosphite pour former un phosphure de fer et comme un phosphate. Le mécanisme formation du phosphure de fer a peu être étayé par la réalisation de calculs ab initio sur l’adsorption dissociative du TMPi sur une surface de fer. Les TPS étudiés génèrent quant à eux des tribofilms à base disulfure de fer. Les mélanges binaires réalisés en phase gazeuse ont permis de mettre en évidence l’importance des rapports de concentrations des vapeurs introduites et du mode d’introduction des molécules dans le tribomètre. Les résultats obtenus en tribologie en phase gazeuse ont été corroborés par des essais complémentaires en phase liquide. / Mastering the addivation is one of the biggest issues for the lubricants formulation, especially in the automobile industry. However automotive lubricants are very complex systems due to the numerous additives mixed with base oils. Many interactions can occur between additives, especially between surface additives. Organic phosphites and organic polysulphides have already demonstrated their effectiveness as surface additives. However, despite their widespread use in the formulations of automotive lubricants, few studies deal with the interactions taking place between these two types of compounds. The aim of this study is to understand the interactions, antagonistic or synergetic effect between these kinds of additives using Gas Phase Lubrication (GPL) approach. A Environmental Controlled Tribometer (TEC) was used as a tool to simulate the interaction between organophosphate additives and polysulfurous additives. In situ surface analysis was performed in the tribofilm formed during friction using of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy(AES) in order to avoid any oxidation or air contamination. The molecules selected for the study can be same as the additive like the TPS molecules which are widely used as lubricant additives. Howeverto simulate the phosphite chemical function of phosphite additives, we need to select smaller molecule having the same chemical function. These molecules are dimethyl phosphite (DMPi), trimethylphosphate (TMPi) for simulating the phosphite chemical function and organic polysulphides (TPS44and TPS32). The study of the tribochemical reactions of organic phopshites allowed to clearly characterise the ambivalence of DMPi, which can react like a phosphite and induce iron phosphide formation or react like a phosphate. Ab initio numerical simulation on TMPi dissociative adsorption was carried out to identify the reactions pathways leading to iron phosphide formation. The tribochemical reaction of TPS44 on metallic iron surface leads to the formation of iron disulphidebased tribofilm. The binary vapours mixtures studied by GPL allowed to clearly identify the importance of the vapour concentration ratio between phosphite and polysulphide. Liquid phase experiments were also carried out to confirm the trend observed in GPL approach.

Etude théorique et expérimentale de l'usure des outils de découpe : influence sur la qualité des pièces décooupées / Theoretical and experimental study of the wear of blanking tools : influence on the quality of blanked pieces

Makich, Hamid 19 January 2011 (has links)
La qualité des pièces découpées pour les industries électroniques et micromécaniques est appréciée via trois critères principaux : le niveau de bavure, l’aspect du bord découpé et la précision dimensionnelle. Or, l’étude de la qualité des pièces découpées ne peut se faire sans une compréhension de l’usure des poinçons. Ainsi, des méthodes de mesure en continu et in situ de l’usure ont été mises au point et validées, soit l’activation superficielle et la mesure par double réplique. Ainsi, il a été possible de suivre l’influence d’un certain nombre de paramètres du procédé sur l’évolution de l’usure lors du découpage. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis au point une méthode de quantification de la bavure sur la totalité du contour découpé. Il a ainsi été possible d’étudier l’évolution de la bavure au cours de la découpe. L’aspect des bords découpés a été examiné grâce à des relevés topographiques permettant le suivi de son évolution. Ainsi, une corrélation entre la cinétique d’usure des poinçons et l’apparition de la bavure a été établi. De plus, une simulation expérimentale de l’usure des poinçons a été entreprise. Un dispositif expérimental de tribométrie a été conçu et installé sur la ligne de presse, simulant les conditions de frottement d’un poinçon sur une tôle. Il a permis d’évaluer l’abrasivité des tôlesminces vis-à-vis des poinçons. Par ailleurs, une modélisation numérique de l'opération de découpage par éléments finis a été entreprise, permettant d’approcher le profil d’usure d’un poinçon de géométrie cylindrique. Et par conséquent la possibilité de prédire son évolution en fonction du nombre de pièces découpées devient accessible en fonction des paramètres du procédé / The blanked parts quality for electronic and amicromechanical industry is assessed using threemain criterions: the burr amount, the appearance ofthe cut edge and dimensional accuracy. However, thestudy of the quality of the blanked pieces can not bedone without an understanding of the punches wear.Thus, methods for continuous and in-situ wearmeasurements have been developed and validated:Thin Layer Activation and measurement by doublereplica. Thus, it was possible to follow the influenceof process parameters on the wear evolution duringblanking.In addition, we have developed a method forquantifying the burr on the entire blanked contour. Itwas thus possible to study the evolution of the burrduring blanking. The appearance of the cut edges wasexamined by means of topographic survey for monitoringits evolution. Thus, a correlation between the kinetics ofpunches wear and the appearance of the burr has beenestablished. In addition, an experimental simulation ofpunches wear was undertaken. An experimentaltribometry was designed and installed on the press line,simulating the conditions of friction of a punch on onesheet. It evaluated the abrasiveness of thin sheets againstthe punches.Additionally, a numerical modelling of blanking wasundertaken to approach the wear profile of a punch ofcylindrical geometry. And therefore the ability to predictits evolution contingent on the number of blanked pieces becomes available depending on process parameters

A Study of Walkway Safety and Evaluation of Tribological Test Equipment

Baker, Henry Thomas 01 January 2014 (has links)
A walkway tribometer measures the coefficient of friction between flooring material and a test foot. The value of the coefficient of friction is an indicator as to whether the flooring surface is slippery and has a propensity to cause slip and falls. This study determined that one style of tribometer, an XL Tribometer, mimics the heel-to-floor interaction of the human heel strike. High speed video footage revealed that the test foot strikes the surface and rotates so that full engagement occurs before sliding thus mimicking the affect of a human ankle. The test foot accelerates forward as would be expected during a human slip event. The manufacturer’s reported impact speed of 11 in/s, when set to the operating pressure of 25psi, was found to be much lower than measured speeds of three calibrated tribometers. Three XL tribometers were tested and provided a range of impact speeds from 17.4 to 22.7 in/s (n=540) when set to the operating pressure of 25 psi. The pressure setting was found to have a significant effect on the impact speed while the mast angle had an insignificant affect. A review of human walking studies revealed a range of pedestrian heel impact speeds on the order of 19.4 to 45.3 in/s during normal human ambulation activities. These tribometers fell on the low side of this speed range. A sensitivity study showed that the measured value of the coefficient of friction tends to decrease with a higher impact speed. This COF decrease was on the order of 0.02 and below the machine resolution and considered inconsequential within the walkway safety community.

Evaulation of liquid-exfoliatedgraphene as additive in Ag-basedsliding contacts

Juhlin, Stina January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis work is performed at ABB Corporate Research Center inVästerås. The aim of this study is to investigate Ag:graphene composites as slidingelectrical contacts, suitable for use in e.g. tap-changers. Three different graphenematerials, all produced by a low-cost exfoliation process, are evaluated in this study. The results are compred to an ongoing work on Ag:GO (graphene oxide) composites. This material has shown very good tribological properties, however it hasbeen difficult to handle during sintering processing. The goal of this study is to geteven better tribological, electrical and mechanical properties than Ag:GO, and also todevelop a new powder-metallurgical method to produce the Ag:graphene composites.The study also investigates the influence of graphene flake size and concentration aswell as microstructure of the Ag:graphene composites. This report focuses on aninvestigation of the graphene raw material quality from the suppliers, and friction,wear and resistance analysis of the composites. This is done by using Ramanspectroscopy, SEM with EDS, LOM, tribometer tests and resistivity analysis. Raman and SEM analyses show that none of the supplied LEG materials are ofhigh-quality G (single or bilayer), but rather multi-layer graphene or even graphite.Small amounts of graphene added to Ag gave extremly low friction (μ<0.2 vs. pureAg μ~1.3, 5 N load and 5 cm/s speed). The composite manufacturing process hadcritical steps, which have to be optimized, to obtain low values of friction. Severedegassing of the composites was observed for some sampes, but the samples stillmaintained good friction values. SEM and EDS analyses of 2dfab’s wear track show abuild-up thin carbon-containing tribofilm on the Ag surface. Indicating that G ispresent, and works as a lubricant, creating good tribological properties. The resultsfrom this project may for sure be of importance for future ABB products in specificindustrial applications.

Identificação da força de atrito através de análise de sinais não lineares em ensaios tribológicos / Non linear signal analysis applied to friction force identification in tribological tests

Santos, Marcelo Braga dos 11 March 2005 (has links)
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia / When the surfaces of two elastic bodies present relative motions under certain amount of contact pressure the mechanical system can be instable. Experiments conducted on elastic bodies under friction forces shown that the dynamical system is self-excited by the non-linear behavior of frictional forces. The main objectives of this thesis are the study of the pressure and stress fields, due to mechanical contact, and the estimation of friction using the vibrations signals measured on a reciprocating wear testing machine using non-linear signal analysis formulation. The finite element methodology is detailed presented to solve stress fields in contact problems. A two input and one output MISO model is proposed to represent the non-linear system dynamics. The global output is the sum of two outputs produced by one linear path associated in parallel with a non-linear path. This last path has a non-linear model that represents the friction force and another linear transfer function connected in series. Since the linear path is identified by traditional signal analysis, the non-linear function can be evaluated by the global input/output relationships, and can be correlated to wear conditions of the contact surfaces. Validation tests are conducted in a tribological system composed by a sphere in contact with a prismatic body witch has an imposed harmonic motion. The global output force is simultaneously measured by piezoresistive and piezoelectric load cells. The sphere and prismatic body vibrations are measured by accelerometers and by a laser Doppler vibrometer. All signals are digitalized with the same time base and the data is transferred to a microcomputer. The non-linear signal analysis technique uses this data to identify the friction force. The estimated friction force and the stress fields are compared to surfaces of bodies after tribological tests to show the efficiency of proposed methodology. / Quando as superfícies de dois corpos elásticos em contato apresentam movimento relativo, o sistema mecânico pode se tornar instável. Experimentos conduzidos com corpos elásticos em contato mostram que o sistema é um sistema auto excitado devido à característica não linear da força de atrito. Os objetivos principais desta tese são o estudo do campo de pressões e tensões, devido ao contato mecânico, e a estimativa da força de atrito com a analise de sinais não lineares aplicada aos sinais de vibração medidos em um tribômetro do tipo alternativo. O método de elementos finitos é apresentado detalhadamente como algoritmo de solução dos campos de pressões e tensões em corpos submetidos ao contato mecânico. Um modelo de duas entradas e uma saída é utilizado para representar um sistema dinâmico não linear. A saída total é composta da soma da parcela devida ao caminho linear da estrutura e da parcela devida ao caminho não linear. Esta ultima parcela possui um modelo não linear, representando a força de atrito, e outra função linear em série. Desde que a função transferência do caminho linear é identificada a partir da análise de sinais tradicional, a parcela não linear é obtida pelas relações globais entre a entrada e a saída do sistema global, sendo posteriormente correlacionada as condições superficiais das amostras. Os testes de validação são realizados em um tribômetro do tipo alternativo com contra corpo esférico e corpo prismático o qual possui um movimento harmônico imposto. A força de reação da estrutura ao atrito entre os corpos é medida simultaneamente por uma célula de carga piezelétrica e por uma célula de carga piezoresistiva. As velocidades do corpo e do contra corpo são medidos por um acelerômetro e um vibrômetro laser respectivamente. Todos os sinais são digitalizados sobre a mesma base de tempo e transferidos a um micro computador. A força de atrito é estimada através da análise de sinais não linear aplicada aos sinais de vibração medidos. As variações da força de atrito estimada são então comparadas às condições superficiais das amostras mostrando a eficiência da metodologia proposta. / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica

Mazaní plastových ozubených soukolí / Lubrication of plastic gears

Hartl, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with the process of lubrication of gears from a combination of materials that have significantly different material properties. The experimental measurement is performed on a tribometer in simulated gear contact with a ball-disk configuration. The Chromatic Optical Interferometry method is used to measure the formation of a lubricating film in contact. The purpose of this work is to clarify the process of film thickness formation and compare experimental measurements with predictions, which are valid in Soft EHL regime.

Graphene as an aqueous Lubricant / Grafen som ett vattenhaltigt smörjmedel

Katyal, Nishant January 2017 (has links)
The possible use of graphene and its derivatives dissolved in water as a green lubricant is an interesting avenue of research from tribological perspective. In this study, a highly concentrated stock solution of aqueous Graphene employing Polyethylene Glycol(PEG) as surfactant was diluted using proportionate volumes of De-Ionized (D.I.) water to generate target concentrations of Graphene in solution ranging from 15 μg/ml to 350 μg/ml . These samples were then tested for both sliding and rolling contacts. The sliding contact tests included the use of both 4-ball Tribometer test rig and triborheometer. The rolling contact tests were performed on Mini Traction Machine. The tested graphene-PEG-water admixtures held significant friction and wear advantage over D.I. Water and surfactant solutions under the same testing conditions. / Den möjliga användningen av grafen och dess derivat upplöst i vatten som ett grönt smörjmedel är en intressant forskningsaveny ur ett tribologiskt perspektiv. I denna studie späddes en högkoncentrerad grafenlösning med av-joniserat (D.I.) vatten för att alstra mållösningskoncentrationer av greven mellan 15 μg/ml och 350 μg/ml. Den testade grafenlösningen hade polyetylenglykol som ytaktivt ämne Proven testades sedan för både glidande och rullande kontakter. De glidande kontakttesten innefattade användandet av både en 4-kuletribometer och en triborometer. De rullande kontakttesterna utfördes med en Mini-traktionsmaskin. De testade proverna uppvisade signifikanta friktions- och förslitningsfördel jämfört med D.I. vatten och ytaktiva lösningar under samma testförhållanden

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