Spelling suggestions: "subject:"trpv4"" "subject:"arpv4""
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Stimulation des neurones sensoriels par un faisceau Laser infra rouge : identification et étude des canaux ioniques thermosensibles TRPV4 impliqués dans la réponse induite / Mid infrared laser evoked responses in sensory neurons is mediated by thermosensitive TRPV4 channelsAlbert, Emmanuelle Sandrine 11 July 2011 (has links)
Ce travail se situe dans le cadre d'un projet pluridisciplinaire, visant à utiliser un nouveau mode de stimulation des neurones sensoriels par l'infrarouge (IR) à 1875 nm. Actuellement les prothèses cochléaires et visuelles utilisent la stimulation électrique qui permet certes de visualiser des objets et de suivre une conversation mais avec une résolution qui pourrait certainement être améliorée par un autre mode de stimulation, notamment l'infrarouge. Nous avons d'abord démontré qu'une telle technique était possible dans les cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine ainsi que celles du ganglion de Scarpa (vestibule). Les réponses biologiques obtenues sous forme de variations transitoires de calcium intracellulaire et de potentiel d'action, (enregistrées par les techniques d'imagerie calcique et de patch-clamp) nous ont permis d'approfondir cette étude. En effet, de précédents travaux ont montré la faisabilité de la stimulation optique par IR des nerfs périphériques. Mais le mécanisme à l‟origine de la réponse évoquée par IR dans le tissu biologique n'a jamais été décrit jusqu'ici. Nous décrivons pour la première fois le mécanisme moléculaire qui conduit à la genèse de VVEL (variation de potentiel de membrane évoquée par laser IR). L'élément déclencheur de ce mécanisme au niveau membranaire a été révélé à l'aide d'une approche pharmacologique. Le blocage des canaux-récepteurs thermosensibles de la famille de 'Transient Receptor Potential' (Vanilloides) par le rouge de ruthénium et le RN1734, inhibe les VVELs. Nous démontrons que le mécanisme fait intervenir des canaux sodiques et calciques dépendants du voltage, dont l'activation lors d'une stimulation par l'IR est dépendante de l'ouverture des canaux thermosensibles TRPV4. / Infrared (IR) laser irradiation has been established as an appropriate stimulus for primary sensory neurons under conditions where sensory receptor cells are impaired or lost. Yet, development of clinical applications has been impeded by lack of information about the molecular mechanisms underlying the laser induced neural response. Here, we first demonstrate that retinal and vestibular ganglion cells generate biological responses evoked by mid laser irradiation. Then, we directly address this question through pharmacological characterization of the biological response evoked by mid infrared irradiation of isolated retinal and vestibular ganglion cells from rodents. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings reveal that both voltage-gated calcium and sodium channels contribute to the laser evoked neuronal voltage variations (LEVV). In addition, selective blockade of the LEVV by micromolar concentrations of ruthenium red and RN1734 identifies thermo-sensitive TRPV4 channels as the primary effectors of the chain reaction triggered by mid infrared laser irradiation.
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Caracterização dos efeitos do GSK1016790A e do 4PDD em artérias isoladas / Characterization of the effects of GSK1016790A and 4PDD in isolated arteries.Silva, Jânyerson Dannys Pereira da 26 June 2012 (has links)
A produção e liberação de substâncias vasodilatadoras pelas células endoteliais requer uma elevação sustentada na concentração intracelular de cálcio; essa elevação é consequente a um influxo de cálcio. Porém, a identidade do (s) canal (is) envolvido (s) nesse influxo ainda não foi (ram) determinada (s) conclusivamente. Existem evidências de que o gene TRPV4 (que codifica uma proteína permeável a cátions, inclusive ao cálcio) é expresso em células endoteliais. Porém, a falta de agentes que modulem especificamente a função dessa proteína não permitiu que o papel do TRPV4 no controle da função endotelial pudesse ser elucidado. Recentemente foram descritos dois novos compostos, o GSK1016790A (GSK) e o HC-067047 (HC), com ação ativadora e bloqueadora seletiva desse canal, respectivamente. Consequentemente, nesta dissertação descrevemos e interpretamos os resultados obtidos em experimentos concebidos para caracterizar o efeito do GSK1016790A (e com fins comparativos o efeito do 4PDD) em artérias isoladas de várias espécies. Para isso, empregamos anéis de artérias suspensos em cubas para órgão isolado para registro da tensão desenvolvida por esses anéis durante a contração isométrica provocada pela adição de fenilefrina; todos os experimentos foram realizados com solução de Krebs contendo diclofenaco (10 M). Inicialmente verificamos mediante imunohistoquímica a presença de imunorreatividade para o TRPV4 no endotélio da aorta torácica de rato. A adição de concentrações isoladas ou cumulativas de GSK produziu relaxamentos dependentes da concentração na aorta torácica de rato (CE50=0,5 nM; IC95%=0,35-0,72 nM; n=7); o 4PDD (1-10 µM), em concentrações isoladas, também produziu relaxamentos na aorta torácica de rato. Resultados semelhantes foram observados para o GSK na aorta torácica de coelho (CE50= 4,3 nM; IC95%=3,58-5,14 nM; n=5), de camundongo (CE50=1,4 nM; IC95%=0,85-2,24 nM; n=3) e de cobaia (CE50=0,2 nM; IC95%=0,12-0,22 nM; n=4). GSK relaxou também a aorta abdominal (CE50=6,5 nM; IC95%=3,71-11,3 nM; n=3) e a artéria femoral de coelho (CE50=17 nM; IC95%=16,8-18,7 nM; n=4); Os relaxamentos produzidos por ambas as drogas apareceram 1-2 min após a adição e atingiram o máximo em 5-8 min, foram reversíveis e não apresentaram taquifilaxia. Em todas as artérias os relaxamentos foram estritamente dependentes de endotélio e da presença de cálcio no meio extracelular. Na aorta torácica de rato, a pré-incubação com HC (5 minutos) aboliu o efeito do GSK sem afetar os relaxamentos produzidos pela acetilcolina. Em todas as artérias testadas os efeitos do GSK e do 4PDD foram revertidos completamente pelo HC (1-3 µM) ou pelo vermelho de rutênio (aorta torácica de rato e artérias de coelho, 1µM, VR). Esses resultados demonstram que os canais TRPV4 estão presentes na célula endotelial e que a sua ativação leva à produção de fatores relaxantes. Como corolário, esses resultados constituem indícios de que os canais TRPV4 podem participar da regulação da função das células endoteliais em situações fisiológicas e/ ou fisiopatológicas. / Production and release of vasodilator substances by endothelial cells require a sustained elevation of intracellular calcium which depends on calcium influx. The identity of the channels involved in this influx remains to be established. There is evidence that the TRPV4 gene (which encodes for a cation permeable channel including calcium) is expressed in endothelial cells; the lack of pharmacologic agents that selectively modulate the activity of TRPV4 channels has hindered the elucidation of its function in endothelial cells. Recently two new compounds, GSK1016790A (GSK) and HC-067047 (HC), which selectively activate or block TRPV4 channels, respectively, were described. This dissertation consists in the description and interpretation of results from experiments conceived to characterize the effect of GSK (and of 4PDD for comparison) in isolated arterial rings from several animal species. To this aim we used arterial rings mounted in isolated organ chambers; we recorded continuously the tension developed by them during isometric contractions elicited by phenylephrine (Phe); all the experiments were conducted using Krebs solution containing diclofenac (10 µM). Initially, we confirmed by immunohistochemistry the presence of anti-TRPV4 immunoreactivity in the endothelium of rat thoracic aorta. In rat thoracic aortic rings pre-constricted with Phe (0.1 µM) the addition of different concentrations of GSK (either single or cumulative concentrations) caused concentration-dependent relaxations (EC50=0.5 nM, 95%CI=0.35-0.72 nM, n=7); 4PDD (in single concentrations) also caused relaxations of rat thoracic aortic rings. Similar results were observed for GSK in thoracic aortic rings from rabbit (EC50=4.3 nM, 95%CI=3.58-5.14 nM, n=5), mouse (EC50=1.4 nM, 95%CI=0.85-2.24 nM, n=3) and guinea-pig (EC50=0.2 nM, 95%CI=0.12-0.22 nM, n=4). GSK also produced relaxations of rings from rabbit abdominal aorta (EC50=6.5 nM, 95%CI=3.71-11.3 nM, n=3) and femoral artery (EC50=17 nM, 95%CI=16.8-18.7 nM, n=4). Relaxations caused by both GSK and 4PDD started 1-2 min after their addition and reached a steady-state in 5-8min; they were reversible after washing-out and did not exhibit tachyphylaxis. In all the studied arteries GSK or 4PDD induced- relaxations were strictly endothelium- and extracellular calcium- dependent. Pre-incubation of rat thoracic aortic rings with HC (1 µM for 5min) abolished the effect of GSK but did not affect relaxations elicited by Ach (1 µM). In all the arterial rings HC (1-3 µM) also completely reverted the relaxations caused by GSK or 4PDD; in rabbit and rat thoracic aortic rings ruthenium red (1 µM) also completely reverted the relaxations caused by GSK or 4PDD. The present findings showing that TRPV4 channels are present in endothelial cells and that their activation results in the production and release of relaxing factors constitute an indication that TRPV4 channels could be involved in the regulation of endothelial cell functions under physiological or patho-physiological conditions.
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Caracterização dos efeitos do GSK1016790A e do 4PDD em artérias isoladas / Characterization of the effects of GSK1016790A and 4PDD in isolated arteries.Jânyerson Dannys Pereira da Silva 26 June 2012 (has links)
A produção e liberação de substâncias vasodilatadoras pelas células endoteliais requer uma elevação sustentada na concentração intracelular de cálcio; essa elevação é consequente a um influxo de cálcio. Porém, a identidade do (s) canal (is) envolvido (s) nesse influxo ainda não foi (ram) determinada (s) conclusivamente. Existem evidências de que o gene TRPV4 (que codifica uma proteína permeável a cátions, inclusive ao cálcio) é expresso em células endoteliais. Porém, a falta de agentes que modulem especificamente a função dessa proteína não permitiu que o papel do TRPV4 no controle da função endotelial pudesse ser elucidado. Recentemente foram descritos dois novos compostos, o GSK1016790A (GSK) e o HC-067047 (HC), com ação ativadora e bloqueadora seletiva desse canal, respectivamente. Consequentemente, nesta dissertação descrevemos e interpretamos os resultados obtidos em experimentos concebidos para caracterizar o efeito do GSK1016790A (e com fins comparativos o efeito do 4PDD) em artérias isoladas de várias espécies. Para isso, empregamos anéis de artérias suspensos em cubas para órgão isolado para registro da tensão desenvolvida por esses anéis durante a contração isométrica provocada pela adição de fenilefrina; todos os experimentos foram realizados com solução de Krebs contendo diclofenaco (10 M). Inicialmente verificamos mediante imunohistoquímica a presença de imunorreatividade para o TRPV4 no endotélio da aorta torácica de rato. A adição de concentrações isoladas ou cumulativas de GSK produziu relaxamentos dependentes da concentração na aorta torácica de rato (CE50=0,5 nM; IC95%=0,35-0,72 nM; n=7); o 4PDD (1-10 µM), em concentrações isoladas, também produziu relaxamentos na aorta torácica de rato. Resultados semelhantes foram observados para o GSK na aorta torácica de coelho (CE50= 4,3 nM; IC95%=3,58-5,14 nM; n=5), de camundongo (CE50=1,4 nM; IC95%=0,85-2,24 nM; n=3) e de cobaia (CE50=0,2 nM; IC95%=0,12-0,22 nM; n=4). GSK relaxou também a aorta abdominal (CE50=6,5 nM; IC95%=3,71-11,3 nM; n=3) e a artéria femoral de coelho (CE50=17 nM; IC95%=16,8-18,7 nM; n=4); Os relaxamentos produzidos por ambas as drogas apareceram 1-2 min após a adição e atingiram o máximo em 5-8 min, foram reversíveis e não apresentaram taquifilaxia. Em todas as artérias os relaxamentos foram estritamente dependentes de endotélio e da presença de cálcio no meio extracelular. Na aorta torácica de rato, a pré-incubação com HC (5 minutos) aboliu o efeito do GSK sem afetar os relaxamentos produzidos pela acetilcolina. Em todas as artérias testadas os efeitos do GSK e do 4PDD foram revertidos completamente pelo HC (1-3 µM) ou pelo vermelho de rutênio (aorta torácica de rato e artérias de coelho, 1µM, VR). Esses resultados demonstram que os canais TRPV4 estão presentes na célula endotelial e que a sua ativação leva à produção de fatores relaxantes. Como corolário, esses resultados constituem indícios de que os canais TRPV4 podem participar da regulação da função das células endoteliais em situações fisiológicas e/ ou fisiopatológicas. / Production and release of vasodilator substances by endothelial cells require a sustained elevation of intracellular calcium which depends on calcium influx. The identity of the channels involved in this influx remains to be established. There is evidence that the TRPV4 gene (which encodes for a cation permeable channel including calcium) is expressed in endothelial cells; the lack of pharmacologic agents that selectively modulate the activity of TRPV4 channels has hindered the elucidation of its function in endothelial cells. Recently two new compounds, GSK1016790A (GSK) and HC-067047 (HC), which selectively activate or block TRPV4 channels, respectively, were described. This dissertation consists in the description and interpretation of results from experiments conceived to characterize the effect of GSK (and of 4PDD for comparison) in isolated arterial rings from several animal species. To this aim we used arterial rings mounted in isolated organ chambers; we recorded continuously the tension developed by them during isometric contractions elicited by phenylephrine (Phe); all the experiments were conducted using Krebs solution containing diclofenac (10 µM). Initially, we confirmed by immunohistochemistry the presence of anti-TRPV4 immunoreactivity in the endothelium of rat thoracic aorta. In rat thoracic aortic rings pre-constricted with Phe (0.1 µM) the addition of different concentrations of GSK (either single or cumulative concentrations) caused concentration-dependent relaxations (EC50=0.5 nM, 95%CI=0.35-0.72 nM, n=7); 4PDD (in single concentrations) also caused relaxations of rat thoracic aortic rings. Similar results were observed for GSK in thoracic aortic rings from rabbit (EC50=4.3 nM, 95%CI=3.58-5.14 nM, n=5), mouse (EC50=1.4 nM, 95%CI=0.85-2.24 nM, n=3) and guinea-pig (EC50=0.2 nM, 95%CI=0.12-0.22 nM, n=4). GSK also produced relaxations of rings from rabbit abdominal aorta (EC50=6.5 nM, 95%CI=3.71-11.3 nM, n=3) and femoral artery (EC50=17 nM, 95%CI=16.8-18.7 nM, n=4). Relaxations caused by both GSK and 4PDD started 1-2 min after their addition and reached a steady-state in 5-8min; they were reversible after washing-out and did not exhibit tachyphylaxis. In all the studied arteries GSK or 4PDD induced- relaxations were strictly endothelium- and extracellular calcium- dependent. Pre-incubation of rat thoracic aortic rings with HC (1 µM for 5min) abolished the effect of GSK but did not affect relaxations elicited by Ach (1 µM). In all the arterial rings HC (1-3 µM) also completely reverted the relaxations caused by GSK or 4PDD; in rabbit and rat thoracic aortic rings ruthenium red (1 µM) also completely reverted the relaxations caused by GSK or 4PDD. The present findings showing that TRPV4 channels are present in endothelial cells and that their activation results in the production and release of relaxing factors constitute an indication that TRPV4 channels could be involved in the regulation of endothelial cell functions under physiological or patho-physiological conditions.
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Regulação da temperatura corporal : sensores e efetores térmicosScarpellini, Carolina da Silveira 12 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Livia Mello (liviacmello@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-13T20:02:43Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-12 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / In this study, we aimed at investigating the involvement of the warmth-sensitive channel – TRPV4 (in vitro sensitive to temperatures in the range of approx. 24–34°C) – on the thermoregulatory mechanisms in rats. We treated rats with a chemical selective antagonist (HC-067047) of the TRPV4 channel and measured core body temperature, metabolism, heat loss index and preferred ambient temperature. The behavioral mechanism was also assessed after treatment with topical agonist (RN-1747). Our data revealed that intravenous blockade of this channel with HC-067047 caused an increase in core body temperature at ambient temperature of 26 and 30°C, but not at 22 and 32°C. At 26°C, HC-067047-induced hyperthermia was accompanied by increase in oxygen consumption (an index of thermogenesis). Furthermore, rats chemically stimulated with TRPV4 agonist choose colder ambient temperatures and the cold-seeking behaviour after thermal stimulation (28–31°C) was inhibited by TRPV4 antagonist. Our results suggest, for the first time, that TRPV4 channel is involved in the recruitment of behavioural and autonomic warmth-defence responses to regulate core body temperature. / Neste estudo, foi investigado o envolvimento dos canais sensíveis ao calor – TRPV4 (in vitro, sensíveis a uma faixa de temperatura aproximadamente entre 24 e 34°C) – nos mecanismos termorreguladores de ratos. Para tal, os animais foram tratados com antagonista químico seletivo (HC-067047) do canal TRPV4 e a temperatura corporal, o metabolismo, o índice de perda de calor e a temperatura ambiente de preferência foram medidos. O mecanismo comportamental também foi estudado após a aplicação do agonista tópico RN1747. Nossos dados revelam que o bloqueio intravenoso deste canal com HC-067047 causou um aumento na temperatura corporal nas temperaturas ambientes de 26 e 30°C, mas não a 22 nem a 32°C. A 26°C, a hipertermia induzida pelo tratamento com HC-067047 foi acompanhada por um aumento no consumo de oxigênio (um índice da termogênese). Além disso, ratos quimicamente estimulados com o agonista RN1747 escolheram temperaturas ambientes mais frias e o comportamento de busca pelo frio após estimulação térmica (28-31°C) foi inibido pelo antagonista do canal. Os resultados sugerem, pela primeira vez, que o canal TRPV4 está envolvido no recrutamento de respostas autonômicas e comportamentais de defesa ao calor. / FAPESP: 2011/19131-2
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TRP channels and regulation of blood flow in the brood patch of Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)Silverå Ejenby, Malin January 2010 (has links)
<p>During the breeding season Zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata, females develops a brood patch on the ventral surface which facilitates heat exchange between the incubating bird and the egg. The brood patch has to be sensitive to changes in temperature, so that the eggs can be kept at an optimal temperature for embryo development. If the egg temperature drops it has to be re-warmed. Mild cooling of the brood patch has been shown to cause cold induced vasodilation, but the responsible mechanism for this is not known. In this study we investigated if known thermoreceptors, TRPV3 and TRPV4, could be involved in the alteration of blood flow. To activate TRPV3 and TRPV4 two agonists, carvacrol and 4α-PDD respectively, were applied on the brood patch. Changes in skin temperature and vascularity were then examined. The results obtained did not reveal any changes in the vascularity. Temperature changes in the skin that could be caused by an alteration in blood flow did not significantly change either. Still, a role of these channels in the brood patch cannot be excluded.</p>
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TRP channels and regulation of blood flow in the brood patch of Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)Silverå Ejenby, Malin January 2010 (has links)
During the breeding season Zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata, females develops a brood patch on the ventral surface which facilitates heat exchange between the incubating bird and the egg. The brood patch has to be sensitive to changes in temperature, so that the eggs can be kept at an optimal temperature for embryo development. If the egg temperature drops it has to be re-warmed. Mild cooling of the brood patch has been shown to cause cold induced vasodilation, but the responsible mechanism for this is not known. In this study we investigated if known thermoreceptors, TRPV3 and TRPV4, could be involved in the alteration of blood flow. To activate TRPV3 and TRPV4 two agonists, carvacrol and 4α-PDD respectively, were applied on the brood patch. Changes in skin temperature and vascularity were then examined. The results obtained did not reveal any changes in the vascularity. Temperature changes in the skin that could be caused by an alteration in blood flow did not significantly change either. Still, a role of these channels in the brood patch cannot be excluded.
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Identification of TRPV4 as a Regulator of Adipose Oxidative Metabolism, Inflammation and Energy Homeostasis by a Chemical Biology ApproachYe, Li 26 February 2013 (has links)
\(PGC1\alpha\) is a key transcriptional coregulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, oxidative metabolism and thermogenesis. We developed a quantitative high throughput screen to identify small molecules that can induce \(PGC1\alpha\) expression in adipocytes. Small molecules antagonizing the TRPVs (Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid), a family of ion channels, induced \(PGC1\alpha\) expression in adipocytes. In particular, inhibition of TRPV4 increased expression of \(PGC1\alpha\), UCP1 and cellular respiration; conversely, chemical activation of TRPV4 repressed this pathway. Blocking TRPV4 in cultured adipocytes also reduced the expression of multiple proinflammatory genes that are involved in the development of insulin resistance. These effects of TRPV4 were mediated by the activation of ERK1/2. Finally, mice with a null mutation for TRPV4 showed higher energy expenditure with no change in movement or food intake, and were protected from diet-induced obesity, adipose inflammation and insulin resistance. This study links TRPV4 to robust pathways that offer therapeutic potential in obesity and related metabolic diseases.
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Functional Analysis of Ion Selectivity and Permeation Mechanisms of the C. elegans TRPV Channel OSM-9Lindy, Amanda Sue January 2011 (has links)
<p>For all organisms, the ability to sense and react to noxious environments is fundamental to their survival. For multi-celled organisms this process generally involves a nervous system and an extensive network of signal transduction pathways. TRPV ion channels have been shown to participate in signal transduction in response to noxious stimuli. At the cellular level these channels function in sensing of mechanical, thermal, and osmotic stimuli, and at the organismal level they function in homeostasis and nociception. TRPV ion channels participate in nociceptive signal transduction via cation influx, but exactly how these channels function at a mechanistic level and lead to activation of the cell or induction of a specific behavior is elusive. Previous research has shown that the pore-forming unit of an ion channel is critical for channel regulation, gating, ion selectivity, and ion permeation. Various regulatory domains have been identified to date in the pore-forming unit of TRP channels and a clearer picture of channel gating is beginning to emerge, but less is known about ion permeation. </p><p>To better understand the specific domains that are critical to ion capture, selectivity, and permeation in TRPV channels, we investigated the function of these regions using the <italic>C. elegans</italic> TRPV channel OSM-9 <italic>in vivo</italic>, and the mammalian TRPV channel TRPV4 in heterologous cell culture. OSM-9 is the functional ortholog of mammalian TRPV4 and it is likely that critical domains identified in OSM-9 are functionally conserved in TRPV4 and play a similar role in other TRPV channels. OSM-9 is expressed in the ASH neurons and is responsible for all of the behaviors initiated by that cell. The stereotypical avoidance behavior mediated by ASH, in response to noxious stimuli, serves as a model for nociception in vertebrates. As OSM-9 is necessary for all of these behavioral responses, activation of ASH acts as a read-out for OSM-9 function.</p><p>Through targeted mutagenesis of the OSM-9 loop domains and transgenic expression directed to the ASH head sensory neurons in an <italic>osm-9</italic> null background, we discovered a critical role for the amino acids both N- and C- terminal to the pore helix in osmotic avoidance behavior. We confirmed the existence of a selectivity filter C-terminal to the pore helix and revealed that the turret is critical for channel function, possibly as a component of the inactivation gate.</p><p>We first identified the boundaries of the selectivity filter to be M601-F<super>609</super>. We also determined what properties of those residues were critical to Ca<super>2+</super> and Na<super>+</super> selectivity. <italic>In vivo</italic> Ca<super>2+</super> imaging strongly suggested that residues Y<super>604</super>, D<super>605</super>, and F<super>609</super> are critical for Ca<super>2+</super> entry into the cell. Patch-clamp electrophysiology of a chimeric ion channel consisting largely of rat TRPV4, but encompassing transmembranes 5 through 6 of OSM-9, revealed that OSM-9 conducts both Ca<super>2+</super> and Na<super>+</super>. Mutation Y604G disrupted both Ca<super>2+</super> and Na<super>+</super> conductance, whereas mutations Y604F and Y606A increased or maintained Na+ conductance and severely reduced Ca<super>2+</super> conductance, while maintaining avoidance behavior. Homology modeling of OSM-9, based on an alignment of OSM-9 to Kv1.2, suggests that Y<super>604</super> and F<super>609</super> serve structural roles in maintaining filter constraints. Thus, aromatic and negative residues in the OSM-9 selectivity filter are critical to ion permeation and selectivity. </p><p>Our studies involving the selectivity filter support previous research that the selectivity filter is critical for TRP channel function. We also provide evidence that the selectivity filter is critical for nocifensive animal behavior. Fewer studies, however, have investigated the TM5-pore helix linker, known as the turret. The turret is believed to function in the binding of ligands and toxins in K<super>+</super> channels, and more recently was suggested to be critical for temperature sensing in TRPV1. We investigated the function of the turret residues in several sensory submodalities of the OSM-9 channel and found that all deletions tested result in channel defects, including gain- and loss-of-function phenotypes. Several charge reversal mutations in the OSM-9 turret also resulted in partial defects. The discovery of a gain-of-function mutation indicates that the turret functions in gating. When the turret is mutated in this way, the channel is unable to enter into the inactivated state, allowing continued ion influx after repeated stimulation. The loss-of-function phenotypes indicate that the secondary structure of the turret is critical to the function of the channel, and perhaps gating. These findings, combined with the observed charge-reversal defects, support the conclusion that the turret is necessary for transducing conformational changes in response to stimuli.</p><p>Our <italic>in vivo</italic> findings on the external pore forming structures increase the understanding of ion permeation in TRP channels and clarify mechanisms of activation in nociceptor neurons <italic>in vivo</italic>. Furthermore, these studies enhance our insights into evolution of mammalian nociception in view of the established functional orthology of OSM-9 and TRPV4.</p> / Dissertation
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Comportamento social associado à termorregulação e a participação de canais termo-TRPIshikawa, Débora January 2014 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra.Maria Camila Almeida / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Neurociência e Cognição, 2014. / Diante da influência da temperatura sobre processos fisiológicos, fisiopatológicos e psicológicos (comportamentais), o presente estudo visou estudar como a temperatura ambiente (Ta) influencia o comportamento termorregulatório e social de ratos, bem como estudar o envolvimento dos canais sensíveis ao calor, TRPV3, nestes processos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo testar os efeitos da exposição à diferentes temperaturas ambientes (Tas) na interação social e comportamento termorregulatório (grooming e escolha entre duas Tas) em ratos, bem como a influência dos canais termo-TRP sobre estas respostas. Os animais foram expostos a 18, 22, 26, 29 e 32°C, de Ta e foram observados a interação social e o grooming (utilizada como um índice de comportamento de termorregulação). A 32°C, os animais apresentaram um aumento significativo no tempo gasto em grooming, sem diferença nas interações sociais. O tratamento tópico com cânfora, um agonista TRPV3 (receptor calor), a uma Ta de 26ºC levou a um aumento no tempo gasto em grooming e diminuição do tempo gasto em interação social. Nas Tas mais frias (18 e 22°C), a estimulação química do TRPV3 com cânfora produziu respostas semelhantes ao observado a 26ºC de Ta. O grooming induzido pelo calor e pela cânfora foram bloqueados pelo antagonista não seletivo de canais TRPV, vermelho de rutênio (RR). Para excluir a participação de TRPV4 (outro receptor calor) nestas respostas, os animais foram tratados com antagonista seletivo do TRPV4, RN1734, que por sua vez, não afetou os efeitos do calor no grooming e na interação social. A temperatura corporal (Tc) não foi significativamente alterada pela cânfora, mas os animais apresentaram comportamente termorregulatório de preferência por Tas mais frias após tratamento com cânfora. Não houve diferença significativa na temperatura da pele (Tp) entre os diferentes estímulos térmicos (exposição ao calor) e químico (tratamento com cânfora) indicando que o calor e a cânfora induzem comportamento de grooming termorregulatório e procura por frio independentemente de mudanças de temperatura da pele e Tc, mas possivelmente dependente da percepção do estímulo seja ele térmico (calor) ou químico (cânfora). O canal TRPV3 é o principal candidato envolvido na percepção destes estímulos.
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Pharmakologische Modulation der Ionenkanäle TRPV2, TRPV3 und TRPV4Wagner, Anne Stephanie 13 March 2020 (has links)
Die Ionenkanäle TRPV2, TRPV3 und TRPV4 sind an diversen physiologischen und pathologischen Vorgängen beteiligt, wodurch sie zu einer potentiellen pharmakologischen Zielstruktur werden. Zur Identifikation von Modulatoren mit einer erwünschten Wirkung an diesen Zielstrukturen, hat sich das Screening von Substanzbibliotheken bewährt, sodass auch wir auf diese Methode zurückgriffen. Die Substanzbibliothek Spectrum Collection umfasst neben 800 Naturstoffen und 160 Toxinen auch 1040 zugelassene oder klinisch geprüfte Medikamente, welche den Vorteil bieten, dass bereits Daten zur Pharmakokinetik und -dynamik vorhanden sind.
Für die Untersuchungen entstanden mittels Transfektion murine TRPV2-, TRPV3- und TRPV4-über¬exprimierende humane embryonale Nierenzelllinien (HEK293-Zellen). In die Parentalzelllinie wurden Vektoren eingebracht, welche neben einer für das jeweilige Kanalprotein codierenden Sequenz u.a. auch einen CFP oder YFP Tag aufwiesen. Diese Markierung ermöglichte eine Kontrolle der Expression und der subzellulären Lokalisation.
Das Screening der Spectrum Collection lieferte 61 (TRPV2), 68 (TRPV3) und 28 (TRPV4) Substanzen mit aktivierendem bzw. inhibitorischem Effekt. Im Anschluss an das Primärscreening war die Durchführung eines Sekundärscreenings notwendig. Am Ende dieses Selektionsprozesses standen Alverincitrat, Valdecoxib und Maprotilin. Es folgten weitere Untersuchungen zur Selektivität innerhalb der TRPV-Subfamilie.
Alverincitrat ist ein nichtatropinerges Relaxans der glatten Muskulatur, welches in Großbritannien als Spasmolytikum u.a. zur Behandlung des Reizdarmsyndroms sowie der Dysmenorrhoe zugelassen ist. Alverincitrat zeigte einen blockierenden Effekt auf TRPV2 und TRPV4.
Valdecoxib, welches als COX-2-Hemmer verbreitet als Analgetikum und Antiphlogistikum eingesetzt wird, fiel durch eine Blockierung des TRPV2-vermittelten intrazellulären Calciumionenanstiegs auf. Für Valdecoxib wurde eine halbmaximale inhibitorische Konzentration von 43,5 µM bestimmt.
An TRPV3-Ionenkanälen hingegen zeigte sich eine Potenzierung des aktivatorinduzierten [Ca2+]i -Signals durch Valdecoxib. Aufgrund ihrer strukturellen Ähnlichkeit prüften wir, ob dieser konzentrationsabhängige Effekt auch durch andere COX-2-Hemmer, konkret Deracoxib und Rofecoxib, hervorgerufen werden kann. Für Rofecoxib wurde kein Einfluss auf TRPV3-Ionenkanäle detektiert. Deracoxib führte zu einer im Vergleich zu Valdecoxib sogar noch stärkeren Potenzierung des 2-APB-getriggerten, TRPV3-vermittelten Anstiegs der [Ca2+]i.
Als nichtselektiver Monamin-Wiederaufnahme-Hemmer ist das tetrazyklische Anti-depressivum Maprotilin seit ca. 30 Jahren zur Behandlung depressiver Erkrankungen zugelassen. Wir beobachteten eine Inhibierung der GSK1016790A-induzierten TRPV4-Aktivierung durch Maprotilin.
Die Ionenkanäle TRPV2, TRPV3 und TRPV4 sind von physiologischer bzw. pathophysiologischer Relevanz für den menschlichen Organismus und stellen somit eine geeignete pharmakologische Zielstruktur dar. Es sind zwar einige teils spezifische Aktivatoren und Blocker für TRPV2, TRPV3 und TRPV4 bekannt, diese sind jedoch bisher nicht zugelassen und damit nicht therapeutisch einsetzbar
Neben dem therapeutischen Einsatz könnten die identifizierten Modulatoren auch zum Erstellen von Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen genutzt werden, durch die chemische Substrukturen ermittelt werden, welche für gewünschte sowie unerwünschte Wirkungen essentiell sind.
Des Weiteren ist ein Einsatz der Modulatoren als zellbiologische Werkzeuge denkbar, wodurch neue Erkenntnisse über die physiologische und pathophysiologische Relevanz von TRPV2, TRPV3 und TRPV4 sowohl auf zellulärer als auch auf systemischer Ebene gewonnen werden könnten.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1
Abkürzungsverzeichnis 3
1 Einführung 5
1.1 Die Familie der TRP-Ionenkanäle 5
1.2 Die TRPV-Subfamilie 8
1.3 TRPV2 8
1.4 TRPV3 12
1.5 TRPV4 15
2 Aufgabenstellung 20
3 Material und Methoden 21
2.1 Zellkultur 21
2.2 Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopie 22
2.3 Ca2+ -Assays 22
2.4 Spectrum Collection 26
4 Ergebnisse 28
3.1 Subzelluläre Lokalisation von TRPV2, TRPV3 und TRPV4 28
3.2 Funktionelle Expression 29
3.3 Screening der Spectrum Collection 31
3.4 Alverincitrat 36
3.5 Valdecoxib 39
3.6 Maprotilin 44
5 Diskussion 48
4.1 TRPV4 48
4.2 TRPV2 53
4.3 TRPV3 55
4.4 Ausblick 59
6 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 61
7 Literaturverzeichnis 66
8 Curriculum vitae Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
9 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 79
10 Danksagung 80
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