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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Unit Cell Approach for Lightweight Structure and Compliant Mechanism

Wang, Hongqing Vincent 28 November 2005 (has links)
Cellular structures are present from the atomic level all the way up to patterns found in human skeleton. They are prevailing structures in the nature and known for their excellent mechanical, thermal, and acoustic properties. Two typical types of cellular structures, lightweight structures and compliant mechanisms, are investigated. Lightweight structures are rigid and designed to reduce weight, while increasing strength and stiffness. Compliant mechanisms are designed to transform motions and forces. Most available artificial lightweight structures are patterns of primitives. However, the performance of lightweight structures can be enhanced by using adaptive cellular structures with conformal strut orientations and sizes, like the trabeculae in femoral bone. Bending, torsion, and nonlinear behaviors of compliant mechanisms have not been sufficiently studied. In order to design adaptive cellular structures, a new unit cell, the unit truss is proposed. The unit truss approach facilitates the design of adaptive cellular structures for enhanced mechanical properties via geometric modeling, finite element analysis, shape optimization, and additive fabrication. Four research questions, which address representation, structural analysis, design synthesis, and manufacturing respectively, are raised and answered. Unit truss enables representation and mechanics analysis for adaptive cellular structures. A synthesis method using engineering optimization algorithms is developed to systematically design adaptive cellular structure. Two examples, graded cellular structure for prosthesis and compliant mechanism for morphing wings, are studied to test the unit truss approach.

Optimum Design Of Steel Structures Via Differential Evolution Algorithm And Application Programming Interface Of Sap2000

Dedekarginoglu, Ozgur 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study is to investigate the use and efficiency of Differential Evolution (DE) method on structural optimization. The solution algorithm developed with DE is computerized into software called SOP2011 using VB.NET. SOP2011 is automated to achieve size optimum design of steel structures consisting of 1-D elements such as trusses and frames subjected to design provisions according to ASD-AISC (2010) and LRFD-AISC (2010). SOP2011 works simultaneously with the structural analysis and design software SAP2000 in order to find the global or near optimum designs for real size truss and frame structures in which the optimization problem is classified as constrained, discrete size optimization. Software interacts with SAP2000 through the Open Application Programming Interface (OAPI), which provides an access to information of SAP2000 inputs and outputs. It is programmed for finding reasonable and optimized results for truss and frame steel structures by choosing appropriate ready sections for structural members considering the minimum weight via DE technique. Based on the comparison of the obtained results with the literature, DE algorithm with penalty function implementation is proved to be an efficient optimization technique amongst several major methods used for discrete constrained size optimization of real size steel structures. Also, it has been shown that by using optimized designs obtained by DE, weight of the structures can be reduced up to 67.9% for steel truss structures and 41.7% for steel frame structures compared to SAP2000 auto design procedure, hence resulting a significant saving of materials, cost, work hours and energy required for the project.

Förstärkta strävor i trätakstolar för ökad tryckkapacitet : En laborativ undersökning / Reinforced compression members in wooden roof trusses : An experimental investigation

Karlsson, Tomas, Fromell, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>I vissa takstolskonstruktioner kan det ibland uppstå stora tryckkrafter i diagonala reglar. I Sverige löser man oftast detta med hjälp av stagning tvärs diagonalen för att hindra utböjning i veka riktningen. Ibland när det är svårt att på plats trä in strävor på grund av utrymmesbrist och dylikt kan man spika eller skruva på en regel för att på så sätt förstärka den diagonala strävan. Detta examensarbete har undersökt två olika förstärkningsalternativ, rektangulärt- och T-tvärsnitt, med hjälp av reglar med dimension 45x95 mm2 vilka skruvas respektive spikas ihop. Detta har gjorts laborativt genom att trycka provkroppar i en provningsram och undersöka hur mycket den axiala kapaciteten ökar med förstärkning. De två olika förstärkningslösningarna bygger på att man på plats kan förstärka strävor med enkla medel.</p><p>Testbitarna har levererats till Växjö universitet och är av oklassat virke. Provbitarnas E-modul har undersökts för att på teoretisk väg undersöka hur stor axialkraftskapacitet den primära strävan har utan förstärkning. Provkroppar tillverkades och konditionerades i klimatrum, med temperaturen 20°C och 65 % RF, i ca tre veckor före provtryckning.</p><p>De laborativa värdena visar att den axiella kapaciteten ökar med 1,9 – 2,7 ggr för de rektangulära tvärsnitten och 2,5 – 4,0 ggr för T-tvärsnitten. Förstärkningsfaktorn är beroende av längd, förstärkningsalternativ och sammanfogning. Förstärkningseffektiviteten är högst för de längre strävorna.</p> / <p>In wooden roof trusses there sometimes may occur buckling in compressed web members. In most cases in Sweden this is solved by bracing between two webs to prevent buckling of the minor axis. Sometimes it is hard to brace between webs because of lack of space. Then it is possible to nail or screw a side member on the compressed web to increase the capacity. This diploma work has examined two different ways of bracing, rectangular cross section and T-bracing, with webs 45x95 mm2. Experimental tests have been made on compression webs and examine the bracing efficiency. It is important that the bracing alternatives are easy to use with simple tools.</p><p>Ungraded lumber were delivered to Växjö University. The Youngs modulus of the test pieces has been examined so the critical buckling load of the main member without bracing could be calculated theoretically. The lumber was conditioned to equilibrium moisture content of approximately 12 percent in a room maintained at 65 percent relative humidity and 20°C in three weeks before testing the critical buckling load.</p><p>The experimental results show that the critical buckling load increases with a factor of 1,9 – 2,7 for the rectangular cross sections and with a factor of 2,5 – 4,0 for the T-bracing. The bracing efficiency is dependent on length, bracing alternative and type of connectors.. The bracing efficiency increases for longer webs.</p>


RENATO BREDER DE CARVALHO 08 March 2018 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho apresenta uma técnica numérica geral para a aproximação da solução do problema de evolução quasi-estático em treliças elasto-plásticas com dano. Uma formulação geral e abstrata é apresentada e uma técnica numérica simples, baseada na técnica de decomposição do operador com um algoritmo sequencial associado, é proposta. Alguns exemplos tratando da análise de falha de treliças metálicas são usados para mostrar a efetividade do método. / [en] This work is corcerned with a general numerical technique for approximating the solution of quase-static evolution problems in damageable elasto-plastic trusses. An abstract and general formulation of the problem is presented and a simple numerical technique based on the operator splitting technique associated with a product formula algorithm is proposed. Some examples concerning the failure analysis of metallic trusses are used to show the effectiveness of the method.


VINICIUS GAMA TAVARES 28 July 2017 (has links)
[pt] Métodos de otimização topológica estrutural visam obter a melhor distribuição de material dentro de um dado domínio, sujeito a carga, condições de contorno e restrições de projeto, de forma a minimizar alguma medida especificada. A otimização topológica estrutural pode ser dividida em dois tipos: contínua e discreta, sendo a forma discreta o foco da pesquisa desta dissertação. O objetivo deste trabalho é a criação de um sistema para realizar todos os passos dessa otimização, visando a resolução de problemas com grandes dimensões. Para realizar esse tipo de otimização, é necessária a criação de uma malha densa de barras, esta definida como conjunto de nós cobrindo todo o domínio, conectados através de barras, além da especificação dos apoios e das forças aplicadas. Este trabalho propõe um novo método para geração da malha densa de barras, utilizando como entrada somente o contorno do domínio que se deseja otimizar, contrapondo com métodos que necessitam de um domínio já discretizado, como uma malha de poliedros. Com a malha gerada, este trabalho implementou a otimização topológica, sendo necessário resolver um problema de programação linear. Toda a parte de otimização foi realizada dentro do framework TopSim, tendo implementado o método dos pontos interiores para a resolução da programação linear. Os resultados apresentados possuem boa qualidade, tanto na geração quanto na otimização, para casos 2D e 3D, tratando casos com mais de 68 milhões de barras. / [en] Structural topology optimization methods are used to find the optimal material distribution within a given domain, subject to loading, boundary conditions and design constraints, in order to minimize some specified measure. Structural topology optimization can be divided into two types: continuum and discrete, with the discrete type being the research focus of this dissertation. The goal of this work is the creation of a system to achieve all the steps of this optimization process, aiming problems with large dimensions. In order to perform the optimization, it is necessary create a ground structure, defined as a set of nodes covering the entire domain, connected by bars, with the supports and the applied loads. This work proposes a new method for the ground structure generation, using as input only the domain boundary, in contrast with methods that require a domain already discretized, such as a polyhedron mesh. With the generated mesh, this work has implemented the topological optimization, needing to solve a linear programming problem. All the optimization part was performed within the TopSim framework, implementing the interior point method for the linear programming resolution. The results presented have good quality, both in generation and optimization, for 2D and 3D cases, considering cases with more than 68 million bars.

Sobre o projeto e a construção de estruturas metálicas espaciais / About the design and construction of metal space structures

João Ricardo Maia de Magalhães 18 September 1996 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda alguns aspectos estruturais e construtivos das estruturas metálicas espaciais. Inicialmente apresentam-se um breve histórico deste sistema estrutural, algumas informações gerais a respeito das classificações das estruturas espaciais, das \'tipologias\' para alguns dos sistemas mais utilizados, assim como exemplos de aplicação destas estruturas. A seguir discutem-se aspectos relativos à análise estrutural, com a apresentação de um breve roteiro de cálculo para uma cobertura em treliça espacial. Finalmente apresentam-se alguns resultados teóricos e experimentais relativos a barras comprimidas de inércia variável ao longo do comprimento. / In this work, some structural and constructional aspects of metal space structures are presented. lnitially, a brief review of this structural system is described together with some general informations about classifications, types and applications of usual systems. In addition, some aspects about structural analysis are discussed, presenting a brief guide for a space truss design. Finally, some theoretical and experimental results are illustrated for a case of axial compression members with variable stiffness.

Sistemas de treliças modulares para pontes de madeira: uma boa alternativa para o Estado do Pará / Modular bridge timber trusses system: a good alternative to the Para State

Bianca Oliveira Fernández 18 May 2010 (has links)
O Estado do Pará tem uma área de 1.253.164,49 \'KM POT.2\', possui uma malha hidrográfica abundante e aproximadamente 19.253,35 km de estradas vicinais, que são cortadas por muitos rios. Neste contexto, a construção de pontes com pequenos e médios vãos é imprescindível para a melhoria do transporte intermunicipal e interestadual. O sistema de treliças modulares para pontes, já estudado no Reino Unido, Brasil e implantado na África, como também na América Central, se adéqua bem ao estado, e é constituído por vigas treliçadas planas, que utilizam peças serradas de madeira com seções transversais comerciais na composição da superestrutura da ponte. Procurando-se implantar o sistema no Pará, esse trabalho tem por objetivo a adequação do projeto de uma ponte treliçada de Eucalipto citriodora em projetos com madeiras tropicais, como Maçaranduba, Jatobá e Ipê. Para esta finalidade o sistema modular treliçado foi estudado por meio de análise numérica e experimental, e avaliado para pontes de até 36 m, com superestrutura formada por vigas treliçadas de madeira com 1 m de altura e ligações parafusadas. Como resultado deste estudo foi elaborada uma tabela contendo o número de vigas treliçadas a serem utilizadas em uma largura de ponte de 3,80 m dependendo do tamanho do vão. O sistema proposto proporciona vantagens como redução de custos e maior rapidez de execução, além de posterior reaproveitamento dos módulos. / The Para state has an area of 1.253.164,49 \'KM POT.2\'; it has an abundant hydrography and nearly 19.253,35 Km of vicinal roads, that are cut by many rivers. In this context, the construction of bridges with small and medium spans is essential to the improvement of intercity and interstate transportation. The system of modular timber truss bridges, was already studied in the United Kingdom, Brazil and used in Africa, as well as in Central America, fits well to the state, and it is composed of beams plane trusses, using sawed pieces of wood with commercial cross sections in the composition of the superstructure of the bridge. With the purpose of installing the system in Para, the aim of this work is the adequacy of the design of a Eucalyptus citriodora\'s truss bridge on projects with tropical woods, as Maçaranduba, Jatoba and Ipe. For this purpose, the modular truss system was studied by numerical and experimental analysis, and evaluated for bridges with spans up to 36 m, with the superstructure using timber trusses beans with 1 m height and bolted connections. As result, was presented a table containing the number of beam trusses to be used in a bridge\'s wide depending on the size of the span. The proposed system provides advantages such as lower costs and faster execution, besides subsequent reuse of modules.

Contribuição ao estudo das estruturas metálicas espaciais / Contribution to the study of space steel structures

Alex Sander Clemente de Souza 29 April 1998 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre as estruturas metálicas espaciais abordando os seguintes aspectos: histórico e desenvolvimento, tipos, vantagens do sistema tridimensional e comportamento estrutural. Atenção especial é dispensada às tipologias de treliças espaciais mais comuns no Brasil, formadas por tubos circulares com variações de inércia nas extremidades. A influência da variação de inércia nas extremidades das barras no comportamento destes elementos isoladamente (resistência à compressão) e comportamento global da estrutura, foi estudada via elementos finitos. Descrevem-se vários sistemas de ligações patenteados utilizados em outros países e os comumente usados no Brasil. Apresentam-se resultados experimentais e teóricos de uma treliça espacial com dimensões em planta de 7,5 x 7,5 m. Na análise teórica foram considerados a variação de inércia nas barras e os efeitos da não linearidade geométrica. Analisou-se também, com as mesmas considerações anteriores, modelos de treliças espaciais de dimensões maiores que o modelo ensaiado. / This work presents a study of space steel structures including the following aspects: history and development, types, advantages of three-dimensional system and structural behaviour. It is given special attention to the most common types of space trusses in Brazil, composed of tubular sections bars with flattened ends. The influence of the variable stiffness on each element\'s behaviour (compressive strength) and on the global structural behaviour has been studied with the use of finite elements. Various patent connection systems used in other countries and those commonly used in Brazil are described. Experimental and theoretical results of a 7,5 m-long by 7,5 m-wide space truss are presented. In the theoretical analysis, variable stiffness and effects of geometrical non-linearity have been considered. Still applying the above considerations, larger space truss models have been also analysed.

Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Design of Skeletal Structures / 強化学習を用いた離散構造物の最適設計

Hayashi, Kazuki 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第23153号 / 工博第4797号 / 新制||工||1750(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 大崎 純, 教授 竹脇 出, 准教授 倉田 真宏 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Zastřešení sportovního stadionu / Roof Structure Sports Stadium

Neničková, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
Aim of the final thesis is to create proposal and static assessment of supporting steel roof structure of sports stadium according to the proposed disposition. Climatic load (snow and wind) is determined for location Kopřivnice. The thesis consists of technical report, static report of main supporting parts and chosen connections, bill of material quantities, technical report with comparison of 2 options solution and drawing documentation. Computational model for evaluation of internal forces is realized in Dlubal RSTAB 8.06 software. Static report is created manually according to valid European standards.

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