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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Svik inte flyktingarna" : En analys av svensk nyhetsrapportering om flyktingströmmarna under Bosnienkriget år 1995 / Do not betray the refugees : An analysis of swedish news reporting on refugee flows during the Bosnian war in 1995

Varenhed, Filip January 2022 (has links)
This survey, Do not betray the refugees, has its aim and purpose to analyze how four of Sweden's biggest tabloids during the time, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Arbetet Nyheterna, reported about the refugee flows during the war in Bosnia in 1995. To carry out the study, the work analyzed both leaders and ordinary articles from 1995-01-01 to 1995-12-31. The study found that news coverage during the year was massive,especially in the middle of the year when conquest of various cities was taking place, at the same time thousands of refugees were forced to flee their hometowns which had a major impact on refugee flows to other parts of Europe. The study also found that the majority of the articles gave a description of how the people on the run lived and who was behind the mass refugees from different cities in the divided Bosnia.

Resisting division along ethnic lines: a case study of two communities who challenged discourses of war during the Yugoslav conflict 1991-1995

Otmacic, Valentina January 2017 (has links)
There is a generalized perception on the 1991-1995 war in the former Yugoslavia as an ethnic conflict caused by longstanding antagonisms among homogenous ethnic groups inhabiting its territory. In such a worldview, which became part of the dominant discourse, inter-ethnic violence in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina was inevitable and the division of the population along ethnic lines was needed to stop the violence. In this thesis I problematize the dominant discourse on the ethnic nature and inevitability of violence, as well as on the ethnic fracturing as a solution, by exposing the experiences of two largest communities that remained ethnically mixed and preserved communal peace throughout wartime – the community of the region of Gorski kotar in Croatia and the community of the city of Tuzla in Bosnia-Herzegovina. By documenting and analysing their discourses and practices, and by contrasting them with the dominant discourses of war in these two countries, I provide evidence that these two communities were oases of peace which developed a counter-discourse and resisted violence by preserving their multi-ethnic character, promoting multiple identities, cherishing inter-ethnic cooperation and ensuring equality and good governance for all their citizens. Their narratives challenge the well-established «truths» about the war in the former Yugoslavia and add to the complexity of collective memories of its peoples.

There is a new sheriff in town and he is Swedish : En kvalitativ studie om de svenska utlandsmissionerna i Bosnienkonflikten och hur händelserna rapporterades till det civila Sverige. / There is a new sheriff in town and he is Swedish : A qualitative study of the Swedish foreign missions

Svensson, Arvid January 2015 (has links)
In this paper, a discussion and analysis on the Swedish participation  in the UN-mission in the Balkan conflict versus the reporting from the Swedish news press Dagens Nyheter (DN) of the same action is held. From a ground in survey questions to Swedish soldiers that took part in the conflict ,what they thought of the conflict and what got reported back to the Swedish civilians via the press and their differences is later held. A question in the survey also treats what the soldiers think got changed in the Swedish Armed Forces due to their actions in the conflict and what the soldiers thought of the view in the 1990s, national and international, on the Swedish Armed Forces. This survey and the articles  from DN that is analyzed is the ground in this papers issues, discussion and results. The paper overall and later the analysis is based on a theory in Oral history taken of Malin Thor's previous researches in the field and also strengthened with other researchers in the same field of studies.   The title to this paper is from the English press reporting about the Swedes taking charge of the UNPROFOR-mission in the Balkan conflict and is about the Colonel Ulf Henricsson, commander of the UN Nordic battalion (NordBat2) in central Bosnia and his firm hand and authority against the local warlords. Later the title went famous international and a lot of different newspapers used it as a headline when reporting about the Swedish soldiers acting aggressively and firmly towards the war-criminals when protecting civilians and their properties in Bosnia.

Тузлански кантон - модел трансформације индустријске у туристичку регију / Tuzlanski kanton - model transformacije industrijske u turističku regiju / Tuzla Canton - A Model of Transformation of an Industrial Region into the Tourist One

Jahić Edin 16 June 2014 (has links)
<p>У времену до 1992. године економску слику Тузланског&nbsp;кантона су доминатно формирали капацитети индустрије,&nbsp;енергетике и рударства. Неповољно економско-финансијско стање, последице девастирања у рату и&nbsp;застарелости технологије, недостатак капитала, ниско&nbsp;коришћење капацитета и знатан губитак тржишта за&nbsp;индустрију, учиниле су базно-сировинску производњу&nbsp;Тузланског кантона &bdquo;индустријама у заласку&ldquo; и економске&nbsp;трендове усмерили у другим правцима. Тузлански кантон у&nbsp;последњих петнаест година постепено се трансформише од&nbsp;индустријске регије,&nbsp; у којој је преовладавала индустрија,&nbsp; у&nbsp;туристичку регију, која &nbsp;нуди различите облике туризма.&nbsp;Када се изврши квалитетна анализа тренутног стања, али и&nbsp;реалних потребних инвестиција долазимо до закључка да&nbsp;Тузлански кантон има&nbsp; изузетно добру основу, али и добре&nbsp;компаративне предности за развој туризма. Тузлански&nbsp;кантон има одличан потенцијал за развој туризма,&nbsp;привредне гране која може снажно допринети развоју&nbsp;свеукупног економског напретка. На простору Тузланског&nbsp;кантона налази&nbsp; се велики број природних и културно-историјских знаменитости које представљају добру основу&nbsp;и велики потенцијал за развој туристичке привреде, а&nbsp;преко ње и укупног привредног развоја читавог кантона. Због тога се&nbsp; интензивно ради на ревитализацији, валоризацији, заштити, чувању и презентацији културног и природног наслеђа у циљу промоције и развоја туризма.</p> / <p>U vremenu do 1992. godine ekonomsku sliku Tuzlanskog&nbsp;kantona su dominatno formirali kapaciteti industrije,&nbsp;energetike i rudarstva. Nepovoljno ekonomsko-finansijsko stanje, posledice devastiranja u ratu i&nbsp;zastarelosti tehnologije, nedostatak kapitala, nisko&nbsp;korišćenje kapaciteta i znatan gubitak tržišta za&nbsp;industriju, učinile su bazno-sirovinsku proizvodnju&nbsp;Tuzlanskog kantona &bdquo;industrijama u zalasku&ldquo; i ekonomske&nbsp;trendove usmerili u drugim pravcima. Tuzlanski kanton u&nbsp;poslednjih petnaest godina postepeno se transformiše od&nbsp;industrijske regije,&nbsp; u kojoj je preovladavala industrija,&nbsp; u&nbsp;turističku regiju, koja &nbsp;nudi različite oblike turizma.&nbsp;Kada se izvrši kvalitetna analiza trenutnog stanja, ali i&nbsp;realnih potrebnih investicija dolazimo do zaključka da&nbsp;Tuzlanski kanton ima&nbsp; izuzetno dobru osnovu, ali i dobre&nbsp;komparativne prednosti za razvoj turizma. Tuzlanski&nbsp;kanton ima odličan potencijal za razvoj turizma,&nbsp;privredne grane koja može snažno doprineti razvoju&nbsp;sveukupnog ekonomskog napretka. Na prostoru Tuzlanskog&nbsp;kantona nalazi&nbsp; se veliki broj prirodnih i kulturno-istorijskih znamenitosti koje predstavljaju dobru osnovu&nbsp;i veliki potencijal za razvoj turističke privrede, a&nbsp;preko nje i ukupnog privrednog razvoja čitavog kantona. Zbog toga se&nbsp; intenzivno radi na revitalizaciji, valorizaciji, zaštiti, čuvanju i prezentaciji kulturnog i prirodnog nasleđa u cilju promocije i razvoja turizma.</p> / <p>At the time until 1992., the economic picture of Tuzla&nbsp;canton was predominantly formed by capacities of industry,&nbsp;energy and mining. Adverse economic and financial situation,&nbsp;consequences of devastation of the war and obsolete&nbsp;technology, lack of capital,&nbsp; low capacity utilization and a&nbsp;significant loss of market for the industry, have made the base-feedstock production in Tuzla canton into &quot;sunset industries&quot;&nbsp;and economic trends focused in other directions. In the last&nbsp;fifteen years, Tuzla canton gradually&nbsp; transformed from an&nbsp;industrial region in which industry dominated, to tourist region&nbsp;that offers different types of tourism. After the quality analysis&nbsp;of current situation, but also real-needed investments, we come&nbsp;to the conclusion that Tuzla canton has&nbsp; a very good basis, but&nbsp;also good comparative advantages to develop tourism. Tuzla&nbsp;canton has great potential for development of tourism,&nbsp;economic branch that can greatly contribute to the overall&nbsp;economic growth. In the area of Tuzla canton there are many&nbsp;natural and cultural-historical sights that are a good basis for the development of tourism economy, and through it the overall economic development of the entire canton. Тherefore, there is an intensive work on the revitalization, valorization, protection, preservation and presentation of cultural and natural heritage in order to promote and develop tourism.</p>

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