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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise proteômica do saco vitelino de bovinos / Proteomic analisys of bovine yolk sac

Riveros, Alvaro Carlos Galdos 28 August 2009 (has links)
O saco vitelino desempenha um importante papel no desenvolvimento embrionário de todos os mamíferos. Sua função está sendo estudada, demonstrando ser um dos lugares iniciais da hematopoiese. No período em que a placenta verdadeira ainda não esta formada, durante o desenvolvimento embrionário, o saco vitelino é a principal fonte de nutrição do embrião, constituindo um sitio de transferência e síntese de proteínas. As proteínas são moléculas que governam praticamente todas as funções celulares e são do ponto de vista químico as moléculas biológicas estruturalmente mais complexas. A proteômica é o estudo em grande escala de proteínas de uma amostra biológica complexa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a analise estrutural e bioquímica inicial das proteínas presentes no saco vitelino de embriões bovinos por eletroforese bidimensional 2D-PAGE. A partir dos géis obtidos em 2D-PAGE as amostras de proteínas contidas no saco vitelino de 37 dias de gestação apresentaram cerca de 1230 proteínas, e os géis das amostras de 23 dias de gestação apresentaram cerca de 970 proteínas. O saco vitelino de 23 dias apresentou proteínas essenciais diferencialmente expressas nos estágios de desenvolvimento, como Hemogen, proteína expressa neste estagio, responsável pelo controle da proliferação e diferenciação de células hematopoiéticas; a proteína Glicoproteína-N-acetilgalactosamina 3-beta-galactosiltransferase-1, envolvida nos processos de angiogênese, trombopoiese e no desenvolvimento da homeostase nos rins; a proteína fator de transcrição Corion-especifico (GCMa) fator de transcrição necessário para o desenvolvimento da placenta. Enqueanto que o saco vitelino de 37 dias apresentou proteinas essenciais deste estágio como a apolipoproteína E (APOE) que medeia à ligação, inter-sinalização e catabolismo das partículas de lipoproteína, podendo servir como uma ligação para o receptor de LDL (apo B/E) e para receptores específicos de apo-E dos tecidos hepáticos durante a embriogênese. Estas proteinas serão de vital importância para o desenvolvimento do embrião até a formação da placenta. / The yolk sac plays an important role in embryonic development of all mammals. Its function is being studied, proving to be one of the initials of haematopoiesis. In the period when the placenta is not real yet formed during embryonic development, the yolk sac is the main source of nutrition of the embryo, providing a place for the transfer and synthesis of proteins. Proteins are molecules that govern all cellular functions and are from a chemical structurally the most complex biological molecules. The proteomics is the large-scale study of proteins in a complex biological sample. The aim of this work was make the analisys of present proteins in the yolk sac of bovine embryos by 2D-PAGE two-dimensional electrophoresis. The gels obtained from 2D-PAGE of protein samples contained in the yolk sac of 37 days of pregnancy had about 1230 proteins, and gels of samples from 23 days of pregnancy had about 970 proteins. The yolk sac of 23 days showed essential proteins differentially expressed in stages of development, as Hemogen, protein expressed in stage, responsible for controlling the proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic cells, the protein acetylgalactosamine glycoprotein-N-3-beta-galactosyltransferase-1, involved in the process of angiogenesis, trombopoiese homeostasis and development of the kidney, the protein factor chorion-specific transcription (GCMa) transcription factor necessary for the development of the placenta. The yolk sac of 37 days showed essential proteins differentially expressed in stages of development , as apolipoprotein E (APOE), which mediates the binding, intersignaling and catabolism of lipoprotein particles, and can serve as a link to the receptor to LDL (apo B/E) and specific receptors for apo E in the liver tissue embryogenesisThese proteins are of vital importance to the development of the embryo until the formation of the placenta.

Optimisation de la détection térahertz (THz) par plasmons bidimensionnels (2D) dans des hétérostructures et de la propagation THz dans des guides d’onde planaires / Optimization of THz detection by two dimensional plasmons in heterostructures and THz propagation in planar waveguides

Cao, Lei 01 February 2013 (has links)
Dans la gamme de fréquence térahertz (THz), les sources et les détecteurs couramment utilisés en optique et en électronique présentent une chute de performances. Mon travail de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de la recherche de composants THz peu onéreux, compacts, accordables en fréquence et facile à intégrer. Le premier volet de mon travail de thèse concerne la détection THz et met à profit le couplage entre une onde incidente THz et des plasmons d’un gaz bidimensionnel d’électrons (2DEG) via des réseaux métalliques déposés au-dessus d’hétérostructures. Quatre puits quantiques à base de semi-conducteurs III/V(AlGaN/GaN, AlGaAs/GaAs, InAlN/GaN) et IV/IV (SiGe/Si/SiGe) ont été étudiés. Parmi les hétérostructures envisagées, celles réalisées à partir de matériaux III-N présentent les plus fortes résonances. Des mesures de spectre de transmission ont été effectuées avec un spectromètre à transformée de Fourier (FTIR) à température ambiante et cryogénique. Les modélisations numériques sont en bon accord avec les résultats expérimentaux. Une étude sur l’influence de la distribution homogène ou inhomogène du gaz d’électrons 2D est présentée. Le deuxième volet de la thèse concerne l’optimisation de la transmission THz. Les performances (dipsersions et les pertes) des guides d'onde planaires sont mal connues au THz. Nous avons choisi d’étudier des guides d’onde couramment utilisés en hyperfréquence. Dans un premier temps, la dispersion et les pertes (rayonnement, conduction et diélectrique) de lignes coplanaires (CPW) sur substrat polymère (BCB = benzocyclobutène) et substrat semiconducteur (InP) obtenues grâce à des modélisations numériques (Ansoft HFSS) entre 20 GHz et 1 THz sont présentées. Puis d’autres types de guides ont été envisagés tels que les lignes micro-ruban, à fente et triplaques sur substrat BCB avec HFSS et CST MWS. Leurs performances ont été comparées afin de dégager la structure la plus performante au THz. Des mesures entre 340 et 500 GHz ont pu aussi être réalisées pour les guides CPW. La comparaison avec les données numériques a montré un bon accord. / In the THz frequency gap between electronics and optics, the development of compact, tunable, less costly and room temperature operating sources, detectors, amplifiers and passive devices is growing. Electronic devices based on two dimensional (2D) plasmons in heterostructures open up the possibility of tunable emission and detection of THz radiation. For short distance THz transmission, the increased radiation loss as well as other types of loss (dielectric and ohmic loss) may handicap the applications of conventional planar waveguides well studied in the microwave band. Reevaluation of their propagation properties and comprehension of the physical nature of each kind of loss are necessary.This work is divided into two main sections. The first part deals with the optimization of THz resonant detection by quasi 2D plasmons-polaritons (PP) in the quantum wells (QW) among four heterostructures: III-V (AlGaN/GaN, InAlN/GaN, AlGaAs/GaAs) and IV-IV (SiGe/Si/SiGe). With the aid of metallic grating coupler, both ANSOFT HFSS and an indigenously developed program are used to investigate quantitatively the influences of structural parameters (grating period, metal strip width and thickness of barrier layer) and natural properties of 2D plasmons (electron concentration and mobility) on the PP resonances (frequency and amplitude) up to 5 THz. Transmission spectra of sample AlGaN/GaN have been measured by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) in 0.6-1.8 THz for various metal widths and at different temperatures to compare with the simulated results. At last, two types of modulated 2D electron gas in AlGaAs/GaAs are analyzed. One is the natural electron variation below and between metal fingers due to the difference between the barrier height at the interface metal/semiconductor and Fermi level pinning at the interface air/semiconductor. The other type is the forced modulated 2DEG by biasing voltage on metal fingers. These two parametric studies allow us to analyze and tune the frequency and amplitude of the THz detection. The second part separately studies the dispersions and attenuations of four waveguides (CPW, Microstrip, Stripline and Slotline) with the variation of geometric dimensions and properties of dielectric and metal by ANSOFT HFSS and CST MWS. Their performances are compared until 1 THz based on the same characteristic impedance. The advantages and the limitations of each waveguide are outlined and an optimal THz transmission line is proposed. Furthermore, preliminary measured attenuation of CPW in the frequency range 340-500 GHz are demonstrated and compared with numerical results. The design of transitions for adapting experimental probes by HFSS and the de-embedding method for extracting scattering and attenuation parameters of CPW by ADS are also presented..

Leis de conservação não-locais, anomalias e matrizes-s exatas de modelos bidimensionais / Conservation laws nonlocal, anomalies and exact S-matrices of two-dimensional models

Abdalla, Maria Cristina Batoni 02 October 1981 (has links)
Provamos que o. modelo CPn-1 não permit e formação de par até terceira ordem em teoria de perturbação. A matriz-S dos modelos CPn-1 e Thirring SU(n) foi calculada em perturbação até 2 loops. O cálculo mostra que a matriz-S tem algumas diferenças em relação à esperada. Além disso calculamos a carga não local quantizada do modelo cpn-1 em teoria de perturbação renormalizada 1/n e provamos que ela não é conservada, no entanto quando fermionss são acoplados de uma maneira mínima ou supersimétrica a anomalia se cancela. / We prove that the CPn-1 model does not accomodite pair formation up to third order in perturbation theory. The S-matrix of the Cpn-1 and SU(n) Thirring models was calculated perturbatively up to 2 loops. The calculation shows that the S-matrix has some deviations from the expected exact one. Furthermore, we calculate the quantized nonlocal charge of the CPn-1 model in the framework of renormalized l/n perturbation theory and prove that it is not conserved, nevertheless when fermions are coupled in a minimal or supersymmetric way the anomaly vanishes.

Real-Time Operation of River-Reservoir Systems During Flood Conditions Using Optimization-Simulation Model with One- and Two-Dimensional Modeling

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Flooding is a critical issue around the world, and the absence of comprehension of watershed hydrologic reaction results in lack of lead-time for flood forecasting and expensive harm to property and life. It happens when water flows due to extreme rainfall storm, dam breach or snowmelt exceeds the capacity of river system reservoirs and channels. The objective of this research was to develop a methodology for determining a time series operation for releases through control gates of river-reservoir systems during flooding events in a real-time using one- and/or two-dimensional modeling of flows through river-reservoir systems. The optimization-simulation methodology interfaces several simulation-software coupled together with an optimization model solved by genetic algorithm coded in MATLAB. These software include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-RAS linked the genetic algorithm in MATLAB to come up with an optimization-simulation model for time series gate openings to control downstream elevations. The model involves using the one- and two-dimensional ability in HEC-RAS to perform hydrodynamic routing with high-resolution raster Digital Elevation Models. Also, the model uses both real-time gridded- and gaged-rainfall data in addition to a model for forecasting future rainfall-data. This new model has been developed to manage reservoir release schedules before, during, and after an extraordinary rainfall event that could cause extreme flooding. Further to observe and control downstream water surface elevations to avoid exceedance of threshold of flood levels in target cells in the downstream area of study, and to minimize the damage and direct effects in both the up and downstream. The application of the complete optimization-simulation model was applied to a portion of the Cumberland River System in Nashville, Tennessee for the flooding event of May 2010. The objective of this application is to demonstrate the applicability of the model for minimizing flood damages for an actual flood event in real-time on an actual river basin. The purpose of the application in a real-time framework would be to minimize the flood damages at Nashville, Tennessee by keeping the flood stages under the 100-year flood stage. This application also compared the three unsteady flow simulation scenarios: one-dimensional, two-dimensional and combined one- and two-dimensional unsteady flow. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2019

The modal method : a reference method for modeling of the 2D metal diffraction gratings / La méthode modale : une méthode de référence pour la modélisation de réseaux de diffraction métalliques deux dimensionnel

Gushchin, Ivan 12 July 2011 (has links)
Les éléments de diffraction sont largement utilisés aujourd'hui dans un nombre grandissant d'applications grâce à la progression des technologies de microstructuration dans le sillage de la micro-électronique. Pour un design optimal de ces éléments, des méthodes de modélisation précises sont nécessaires. Plusieurs méthodes ont été développées et sont utilisées avec succès pour des réseaux de diffraction unidimensionnel de différents types. Cependant, les méthodes existantes pour les réseaux deux dimensionnel ne couvrent pas tous types de structures possibles. En particulier, le calcul de l'efficacité de diffraction sur les réseaux métalliques à deux dimensionnel avec parois verticales représente encore une grosse difficulté pour les méthodes existantes. Le présent travail a pour objectif le développement d'une méthode exacte de calcul de l'efficacité de diffraction de tels réseaux qui puisse servir de référence. La méthode modale développée ici - dénommée ,,true-mode" en anglais - exprime le champ électromagnétique sur la base des vrais modes électromagnétiques satisfaisant les conditions limites de la structure 2D à la différence d'une méthode modale où les modes sont ceux d'une structure approchée obtenue, par exemple, par développement de Fourier. L'identification et la représentation de ces vrais modes à deux dimensions restait à faire et ce n'est pas le moindre des résultats du présent travail que d'y avoir conduit. Les expressions pour la construction du champ sont données avec des exemples de résultats concrets. Sont aussi fournies les équations pour le calcul des intégrales de recouvrement et des éléments de la matrice de diffusion / Diffractive elements are widely used in many applications now as the microstructuring technologies are making fast progresses in the wake of microelectronics. For the optimization of these elements accurate modeling methods are needed. There exists well-developed and widely used methods for one-dimensional diffraction gratings of different types. However, the methods available for solving two-dimensional periodic structures do not cover all possible grating types. The development of a method to calculate the diffraction efficiency of two dimensional metallic gratings represents the objective of this work. The one-dimensional true-mode method is based on the representation of the field inside the periodic element as a superposition of particular solutions, each one of them satisfying exactly the boundary conditions. In the developed method for the two-dimensional gratings the representation of the field within the grating in such way is used. In the present work, the existing modal methods for one-dimensional gratings can be used as the basis for the construction of the modal field distribution functions within two-dimensional gratings. The modal function distributions allow to calculate the overlap integrals of the fields outside the grating with those within the structure. The transition matrix coefficients are formed on the basis of these integrals. The final stage is the calculation of the scattering matrix based on two transition matrices. The equations for the field reconstruction are provided and accompanied by examples of results. Further equations used to calculate the overlap integrals and scattering matrix coefficients are provided

High speed comprehensive two-dimenstional gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

Samiveloo, Silverraji, Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
The use of short columns, higher carrier gas velocity and fast temperature programs in Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography coupled to Time-of- Flight Mass Spectrometry (GC x GC/TOFMS) technique is expected to increase the speed of analysis up to several orders of magnitude when compared to conventional gas chromatography (GC) or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). A systematic evaluation of the GC x GC/TOFMS configuration for high-speed applications has received little attention in the literature. The feasibility of High Speed Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (High speed GC x GC/MS) for complex mixtures has been investigated in this thesis. A particular focus was placed on comparing conventional scanning quadrupole mass spectrometry (qMS) with a newly available non-scanning time-of-flight instruments (TOFMS). Experiments were carried out using GC/qMS, GC x GC/qMS, GC/TOFMS and GC x GC/TOFMS both in normal (slow) and fast temperature rates coupled with high frequency modulation in GC x GC. Initially a complex mixture consists of 24 semivolatile compounds was used as the analyte for the above purpose. In the initial experiments parameters like acquisition rate and duty cycle for qMS were determined to evaluate the effectiveness of the instrument for fast analysis. The practical duty cycle value obtained for the qMS was only about 18 % for single ion and one compound at a dwell time of 10 ms in SIM mode. In both high-speed GC/qMS and high-speed GC x GC/qMS techniques only about 40 % of the components in the complex mixture were found to be well separated. The acquisition rate of scanning instruments like qMS is incompatible for fast eluting peaks in high speed GC. TOFMS that has an acquisition rate of several hundred spectra per second offer the potential to define the fast GC peaks accurately. The high quality spectra from TOFMS also enable deconvolution of coeluting peaks in the complex mixtures. The advantage of the automated spectral deconvolution is demonstrated for the identification of the coeluting peaks in the complex mixtures. Coelution of peaks is also observed with highspeed GC/TOFMS technique. The high-speed GC x GC/TOFMS was also tested with two different analyte system ??? A pesticide mixture and platformate (an aromatic mixture) to evaluate the suitability for high-speed analysis of complex mixtures. A poor resolution was observed for the pesticide mixture in the two-dimensional plane and it appeared, as there was nearly no orthogonal separation in the second dimension. The platformate mixture displayed a better two-dimensional separation. Chromatographic peak resolution is not really a primary requirement for locating and identifying the coeluting compounds in high-speed GC x GC/TOFMS technique. However, it was observed that the high-speed GC x GC/TOFMS too faced problem to unscramble the mass spectra of those compounds with similar structure and sharing the same unique masses.

Quantum transport and spin effects in lateral semiconductor nanostructures and graphene

Evaldsson, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This thesis studies electron spin phenomena in lateral semi-conductor quantum dots/anti-dots and electron conductance in graphene nanoribbons by numerical modelling. In paper I we have investigated spin-dependent transport through open quantum dots, i.e., dots strongly coupled to their leads, within the Hubbard model. Results in this model were found consistent with experimental data and suggest that spin-degeneracy is lifted inside the dot – even at zero magnetic field. Similar systems were also studied with electron-electron effects incorporated via Density Functional Theory (DFT) in the Local Spin Density Approximation (LSDA) in paper II and III. In paper II we found a significant spin-polarisation in the dot at low electron densities. As the electron density increases the spin polarisation in the dot gradually diminishes. These findings are consistent with available experimental observations. Notably, the polarisation is qualitatively different from the one found in the Hubbard model. Paper III investigates spin polarisation in a quantum wire with a realistic external potential due to split gates and a random distribution of charged donors. At low electron densities we recover spin polarisation and a metalinsulator transition when electrons are localised to electron lakes due to ragged potential profile from the donors. In paper IV we propose a spin-filter device based on resonant backscattering of edge states against a quantum anti-dot embedded in a quantum wire. A magnetic field is applied and the spin up/spin down states are separated through Zeeman splitting. Their respective resonant states may be tuned so that the device can be used to filter either spin in a controlled way. Paper V analyses the details of low energy electron transport through a magnetic barrier in a quantum wire. At sufficiently large magnetisation of the barrier the conductance is pinched off completely. Furthermore, if the barrier is sharp we find a resonant reflection close to the pinch off point. This feature is due to interference between a propagating edge state and quasibond state inside the magnetic barrier. Paper VI adapts an efficient numerical method for computing the surface Green’s function in photonic crystals to graphene nanoribbons (GNR). The method is used to investigate magnetic barriers in GNR. In contrast to quantum wires, magnetic barriers in GNRs cannot pinch-off the lowest propagating state. The method is further applied to study edge dislocation defects for realistically sized GNRs in paper VII. In this study we conclude that even modest edge dislocations are sufficient to explain both the energy gap in narrow GNRs, and the lack of dependance on the edge structure for electronic properties in the GNRs.

Development and Error Analysis of a Conrad Probe for Measurements of 2D Velocity in a Laminar Boundary Layer

Yuan, Zhou 27 November 2012 (has links)
The present study proposes to use a Conrad probe for transient growth study by measuring the two-dimensional velocity behind an array of roughness elements in the Blasius boundary layer. A look-up table approach is proposed to increase the accuracy of the data reduction process at low velocities, based on the results of the calibration performed in a round jet. A velocity correction method is proposed to minimize the errors due to high velocity shear and wall-proximity in the Blasius boundary layer by comparing Conrad probe results to previous hot-wire data. Measurements of the steamwise velocity perturbation obtained with the Conrad probe agree with previous studies. The measured spanwise perturbation confirms the transport process suggested by simulation. The results show that the perturbation amplitude increases by increasing both the freestream velocity and roughness elements height. However, the mechanism for changing the perturbation amplitude of influence differs for these two parameters.

Development and Error Analysis of a Conrad Probe for Measurements of 2D Velocity in a Laminar Boundary Layer

Yuan, Zhou 27 November 2012 (has links)
The present study proposes to use a Conrad probe for transient growth study by measuring the two-dimensional velocity behind an array of roughness elements in the Blasius boundary layer. A look-up table approach is proposed to increase the accuracy of the data reduction process at low velocities, based on the results of the calibration performed in a round jet. A velocity correction method is proposed to minimize the errors due to high velocity shear and wall-proximity in the Blasius boundary layer by comparing Conrad probe results to previous hot-wire data. Measurements of the steamwise velocity perturbation obtained with the Conrad probe agree with previous studies. The measured spanwise perturbation confirms the transport process suggested by simulation. The results show that the perturbation amplitude increases by increasing both the freestream velocity and roughness elements height. However, the mechanism for changing the perturbation amplitude of influence differs for these two parameters.

Vergleich der Proteinexpression von Primär- und Rezidivglioblastomen mittels zweidimensionaler Gelelektrophorese

Pötzsch, Norma 25 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Das Glioblastoma multiforme gehört zu den ZNS-Tumoren neuroepithelialen Ursprungs. Es zeichnet sich durch ein multiformes Zellbild, einen geringen Differenzierungsgrad und eine schnelle Krankheitsprogression aus. Trotz mikrochirurgischer Entfernung und anschließender Radiochemotherapie entwickeln die Patienten im Durchschnitt nach 7 Monaten einen Rezidivtumor und haben eine mittlere Überlebenszeit von 14,6 Monaten. Die Rezidivneigung stellt somit ein großes Problem in der Behandlung von Glioblastompatienten dar. In früheren Arbeiten konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Rezidivtumore eine andere Zellzusammensetzung und auch ein aggressiveres Wachstumsverhalten als deren Primärformen aufweisen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, zu prüfen ob mittels 2D-Gelelektrophorese und anschließender MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometrie Unterschiede im Proteinexpressionsmuster zwischen Gewebeproben vom Primärtumor eines Glioblastoms WHO Grad IV und dem korrespondierendem Rezidivtumor eines Patienten detektierbar sind. Hierbei wurden 43 Proteine als differentiell exprimiert erkannt, von denen mit Hilfe der MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometrie sechs genauer charakterisiert wurden. Vier der sechs Proteine waren im Rezidivtumor erhöht: EnoylCoA-Hydratase, ATP-Synthase Untereinheit d, Tropomyosin alpha-3-Kette Isoform 2 und Cathepsin D. Die anderen zwei waren im Rezidivtumor niedriger ausgeprägt: Nukleosid-Diphosphatkinase A und L-3-Phosphoserin-Phosphatase. Eine weitere Untersuchung mittels Western-Blot-Analyse bestätigte, dass Cathepsin D (als eines der sechs charakterisierten Proteine) tatsächlich auch in den Rezidivtumoren dreier weiterer Patienten stärker exprimiert war als in den korrespondierenden primären Glioblastomen.

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