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Jämförelse av JavaScript-ramverk för stora dynamiska webbapplikationer / Comparison of JavaScript frameworks for large dynamic web applicationsLundgren, Victor January 2012 (has links)
På marknaden finns ett flertal JavaScript-ramverk, exempelvis: YUI, The Dojo Toolkit, Kendo UI och. Ext JS. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka av dessa JavaScript-ramverk som är lämpliga att använda vid utveckling av stora dynamiska webbapplikationer. Sedermera skall studien leda till ett förslag på JavaScript-ramverk för ändamålet. Ramverken har analyserats och jämförts med avseende på följande aspekter och kriterier: skalbarhet, prestanda, AJAX, RPC-hantering, licensering, webbläsarkompatibilitet, gränssnittskomponenter, anrop mellan domäner, DOM-hantering och användarvänlighet. För att jämföra och analysera ramverken har en testapplikation utvecklats med varje JavaScript-ramverk. Testapplikationen förses med information från en serverapplikation som utvecklats med PHP, där en SQLite-databas används som informationskälla. Förfarandet innebär att serverapplikationen inte används för att generera användargränssnittet, vilket därmed övergår till att vara JavaScript-ramverkets primära uppgift. Resultatet uppvisar att JavaScript-ramverket The Dojo Toolkit är karakteristiskt det mest lämpliga ramverket att använda i samband med utveckling av stora dynamiska webbapplikationer. Ramverket tillfredsställer samtliga kriterier och aspekter på ett eminent sätt. Sedermera föreslås Ext JS som det sekundära valet av JavaScript-ramverk för ändamålet. / On today’s market there are many attractive JavaScript-frameworks such as YUI, Dojo Toolkit, Kendo UI and Ext JS. The purpose with this study is to find JavaScript frameworks that are suitable in situation when developing large dynamic web applications. The study shall result in a proposal of one or more JavaScript frameworks to use in the situation previously described. The frameworks have been analyzed and compared with respect to the following aspects and criteria: scalability, AJAX, RPC-handling, cross-browser compatibility, GUI-components, cross-domain calls, DOM-handling, user-friendliness, performance, and licensing. To conduct this study a test application has been developed, that are developed with each framework. This application is feed with information from a database on a web server with PHP as the scripting environment. The application server’s primary objective is to provide information to the test application and not to generate the user interface. The result of this study indicates that Dojo Toolkit meets all requirements and has performed well overall. This framework satisfies the stated criteria and the specified aspects in an eminent way. It’s therefore proposed to be used as the main framework when developing large dynamic web applications. Ext JS is proposed as the secondary suggestion for the same purpose previously described.
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Användargränssnitt för terminologihanteringLinnea, Tyni January 2015 (has links)
This study focuses on creating an instrument for terminologists to use when working with terminology in different fields of work that require structured documentation. When evaluating the prototype of the instrument the test-participants won’t be terminologists. The methods used to create the instrument are sketching and prototyping a wireframe. The evaluation of the prototype is done with ‘think aloud-protocol’ and heuristic evaluation. The results are presented as annotated pictures of the prototype.
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Android GUI Testing : A comparative study of open source Android GUI testing frameworksEsbjörnsson, Linus January 2015 (has links)
Android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems on the market today with a vast majority of the market share when it comes to mobile devices. Graphical user interfaces (GUI) are often seen on the applications on these devices. Testing of these GUIs is important since they often make up for half of the source code of the application, and they are used to interact with the application. Automating these tests is very useful since it saves a lot of time, but can be difficult. The tools that are available for automating the tests are often not suitable for the developers’ needs, because of the lack of functionality. Therefore, the need for a characterization of the frameworks is needed, so that developers more easily can fit a framework for their needs. In this study, four open source frameworks for Android GUI testing have been selected for evaluation: Robotium, Selendroid, UI Automator and Espresso. Criteria used in the evaluation have been identified with the help of a literature analysis.The results show that two of the frameworks, Robotium and Espresso, lack the ability to fully test activities, which is the main component of Android application GUIs. Furthermore, the study resulted in characterizations of the frameworks.
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Improved composability of software components through parallel hardware platforms for in-car multimedia systemsKnirsch, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Recent years have witnessed a significant change to vehicular user interfaces (UI). This is the result of increased functionality, triggered by the continuous proliferation of vehicular software and computer systems. The UI represents the integration point that must fulfil particular requirements for usability despite the increased functionality. A concurrent present trend is the substitution of federated systems with integrated architectures. The steadily rising number of interacting functional components and the increasing integration density implies a growing complexity that has an effect on system development. This evolution raises demands for concepts that aid the composition of such complex and interactive embedded software systems, operated within safety critical environments. This thesis explores the requirements related to composability of software components, based on the example of In-Car Multimedia (ICM). This thesis proposes a novel software architecture that provides an integration path for next-generation ICM. The investigation begins with an examination of characteristics, existing frameworks and applied practice regarding the development and composition of ICM systems. To this end, constructive aspects are identified as potential means for improving composability of independently developed software components that differ in criticality, temporal and computational characteristics. This research examines the feasibility of partitioning software components by exploitation of parallel hardware architectures. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the applicability of encapsulated scheduling domains. These are achieved through the utilisation of multiple technologies that complement each other and provide different levels of containment, while featuring efficient communication to preserve adequate interoperability. In spite of allocating dedicated computational resources to software components, certain resources are still shared and require concurrent access. Particular attention has been paid to management of concurrent access to shared resources to consider the software components' individual criticality and derived priority. A software based resource arbiter is specified and evaluated to improve the system's determinism. Within the context of automotive interactive systems, the UI is of vital importance, as it must conceal inherent complexity to minimise driver distraction. Therefore, the architecture is enhanced with a UI compositing infrastructure to facilitate implementation of a homogenous and comprehensive look and feel despite the segregation of functionality. The core elements of the novel architecture are validated both individually and in combination through a proof-of-concept prototype. The proposed integral architecture supports the development and in particular the integration of mixed-critical and interactive systems.
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Designing a crossover user experience between telephony and webLinnea, Dahl January 2020 (has links)
The present work was performed at Aurora Innovation. Its purpose was to develop a proof-of-concept of an application where you could book an appointment and add personal information. This application is meant to be used by people of different ages, technology skills and preferences. User centered design was used during the development of the proof-of-concept, primarily the user centered design methods existing in contextual design. This project reflects on the value of these methods, and what the consequences could be if a product is developed from a single point of view. It was found that even for a relatively small project the user centered design proved valuable for collecting data, which then was used to improve the final proof-of-concept. Furthermore the results show how not having a varied test group can negatively affect your final product.
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SleevecoreWara, William January 2020 (has links)
The motivation for this work has been to develop a web platform for a game concept where the underlying code acts to enable users to customize their game markers and place orders for them. This report deals with the creation of this website that in itself is not a webstore in classical terms but rather offers a process of it’s own for users to pick the looks of a product, place it in a cart and pay for it. The website communicates with an external payment processor that has been implemented. The process also includes prepatory work and the handeling of graphics and both client and server-side coding. The report covers the programming of the website and speculates in its application of usability standards from evaluating of user tests. / Motivationen för detta arbete har varit att ta fram en webbplattform för ett spelkoncept där kodningen ligger till grund för användare att personanpassa sina spelmarkörer och beställa dem. Denna rapport avhandlar skapandet av denna webbsida som i sig skiljer sig från en webbutik i klassisk bemärkelse och istället erbjuder en egen process för att välja utseende på varor, placera dem i en kundkorg och betala för dem. Webbsidan kommunicerar med en extern betalningslösning som är implementerad på sidan. I arbetet ingår förutom förarbete även hanterandet av bildmaterial och både klient- och serverbaserad kodning. Rapporten täcker framtagandet av tekniken för webbsidan och spekulerar i dess anpassning till användarriktlinjer och olika användartyper efter utvärderingar baserade på genomförda tester.
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Assessing User Expectations of Undo in a Multi-User CAD EnvironmentNuss, Jeffrey Eric 01 April 2016 (has links)
Undo is a command that users rely on in most software applications. Its importance in multi-user CAD is no different. However, due to its unique nature, users may have different expectations regarding how undo should behave. This research seeks to better understand users' expectations regarding undo in multi-user CAD by having users participate in collaborative design exercises and then asking them how they would expect undo to behave. In addition, users participated in a survey in which they watched 8 videos showing users interacting within multi-user CAD and were then asked about how they would want undo to behave. Based on these findings, various recommendations are made for how undo ought to be implemented in multi-user CAD. These include recommendations regarding the user experience/user interface as well as proposing an equation that seeks to quantify whether a user expects to share an undo stack with another user or if they should only be able to undo their own actions.
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Nástroj pro rychlé vyhledávání letových spojení / Tool for Quick Flight SearchMuránsky, Matúš January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design and development of a tool for easy search of flight connections for Pelikantravel.com s.r.o. The aim of this work is to develop a tool that will allow operation in a limited Internet connection and will support user feedback. The first part of the thesis describes the analysis of suitable technologies and platforms for the resulting tool. The practical part deals with the issue of user experience and with the related user interface design. In this section, the basic functionality of the tool is described according to the use case analysis. Furthermore, the work describes in detail the implementation of the whole tool and in the end is devoted to testing the resulting tool.
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Virtuální svět / Virtual WorldHamal, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The content of this thesis is to describe process of developing computer game and presentation of Unity3D game engine. Acquisition of knowledge is used to create simple application for PC. The first chapter of this thesis deals with describing proces sof komputer games developing, Unity3D game egnine and its Integrated Development Enviroment, known as Unity Editor is described in the sekond charter with other programs, uset to creating sample application. Last chapter deals with describing creation of application via using techniques and software, which are described in first two chapters.
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Interaktivní rozhraní pro vzdáleného robota pro Android / Interactive Interface for Robot Remote Control for AndroidRobotka, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The development of autonomous robots has made a significant progress and first personal robots for common use start to appear. To use this robots, we need to develop applications and user interfaces to interact with them. The goal of this project is to make a universal interface for robot remote control. This work focuses on robots based on the ROS platform. This gives the final application a potential of use on other robotic projetcs running on ROS. The designed remote interface accomplishes two main purposes. The first is to show important data in a context of a 3D scene to help user understand the state of the controlled robot. And the second goal is to allow the user execute some basic manipulation with the robot. The final application was successfully adapted and tested on experimental robots Care-O-Bot and Turtlebot.
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