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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teaching software testing in a modern development environment / Lära ut mjukvarutestning i en modern utvecklingsmiljö

Gawell, Anders, Kallin, Anton January 2019 (has links)
All developers understand the benefits of testing their code to ensure its functionality. Today’s market is moving further towards design principles where testing is a central or driving force during development. This puts a certain pressure on academia to supply these skills to their students.Recently the course II1302 Projects and project methods at the Royal Institute of Technology in Kista made a concerted effort to introduce the students of the course to these modern concepts. This thesis investigates how areas of testing can effectively be introduced to the students in the course, utilizing a tailored example that takes the area of testing into particular consideration and how to automate it via DevOps-tools provided by a cloud-based service. Further, it also makes an attempt to provide additional material to be used for teaching testing in conjunction with the example provided.The case study covers the development of an example application, meant to mirror a typical student project. It also covers how this was used for teaching the students about the testing areas considered. The covered testing areas include unit testing, integration testing and UI testing. With these given testing areas, the application and an associated learning module was developed for each area in question. Relevant standards, strategies and approaches was also identified for each of these areas.The thesis also presents important properties to take into consideration when developing similar examples in the future, based on the experiences obtained during the study. These include needs such as understandable by inexperienced students, applicability outside the course, adherence to established standards, tools that are simple to use and an architectural structure that allows for testing.Some improvements are also recommended: the students would benefit from learning software testing from an early stage of their studies. The content of the learning modules should also be brought to the students earlier in the course, so it can be applied in their projects at an early stage as well.Further research is also recommended to evaluate the suitability of using other cloud-based environments instead, and to evaluate the applicability of the learning modules for students of varying disabilities. / Alla utvecklare förstår fördelarna med att testa kod för att garantera dess funktionalitet. Dagens industri går i en riktning där testning spelar en central del av design under utveckling av mjukvara. Denna tendens lägger en viss press på högskolan att lära ut dessa erfarenheter till dess studenter.På senare tid har kursen II1302 Projekt och projektmetoder på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Kista tagit en stor ansats för att introducera sina studenter inför dessa moderna koncept. Denna uppsats undersöker hur testningsområdet effektivt kan introduceras till studenterna inom denna kurs, genom att utnyttja ett egengjort exempel som har området i fokus, samt att automatisera detta via DevOps-verktyg tillhandahållna av molnbaserade tjänster. Dessutom görs även en ansats för att tilldela ytterligare material som kan användas för att lära ut testning av mjukvara i samband med det givna exemplet.Fallstudien omfattar utvecklingen av en exempelapplikation, som var avsedd att likna ett typiskt studentprojekt. Den täcker även hur denna användes för att lära ut de betraktade testningsområdena till studenterna. De täckta områdena av testning inkluderar enhetstestning, integrationstestning och testning av användargränssnitt. Med dessa givna testningsområden utvecklades både applikationen och dess associerade lärmoduler för vardera testningområde i fråga. Relevanta standarder, strategier och metoder var också identifierade för vardera av dessa områden.Denna uppsats presenterar även ett antal viktiga egenskaper att hålla i åtanke vid utveckling av liknande exempel i framtiden, baserat på erfarenheterna från studien. Detta inkluderar behov som tillgänglighet för mindre erfarna studenter, applicerbarhet utanför själva kursen, tillämpning av etablerade standarder, utnyttjande av lättanvända verktyg och en arkitektur som tillåter testning.Några förbättringar föreslås även: studenterna skulle gynnas av att lära sig om mjukvarutestning i ett tidigt skede av sina studier. Innehållet i lärmodulerna bör även presenteras för studenterna tidigare i kursen för att kunna appliceras i deras projekt.Ytterligare forskning rekommenderas även för att utvärdera andra lämpliga molnbaserade miljöer, samt för att utvärdera tillämpbarheten av lärmodulerna hos studenter med inlärningssvårigheter.

Hur mörkt är ett mörkt mönster?

Johansson, Tommy, Öberg, Karin January 2023 (has links)
Dark Patterns är designmönster som används av företag i syfte att manipulera användare till att fatta beslut som de möjligtvis inte hade gjort annars och som inte gynnar deras egna intressen. Den här studien undersöker användarens upplevelse och perspektiv på dark patterns på en onlineresebyrås hemsida där dark patterns används flitigt. Dark patterns använder sig ofta av kognitiva biaser som utnyttjas hos användaren för att styra användaren till att fatta beslut som användaren inte hade avsikt att fatta, och som till följd kan påverka individens välfärd negativt. Dessa designmönster blir allt mer förekommande inom e-handeln, vilket väcker frågan hur etiskt användningen av dark patterns är. I dagsläget finns inga regelverk i Sverige som specifikt gäller användningen av dark patterns, däremot finns det regelverk som berör dark patterns, exempelvis de riktlinjer som den Europeiska dataskyddsstyrelsen har tagit fram gällande användandet av deceptive patterns samt Europaparlamentets direktiv om otillbörliga affärsmetoder. Forskningsfrågorna som ligger till grund för denna studie är: “Hur upplever internetanvändare dark patterns på onlineresebyråers hemsidor?” och “Hur påverkas användarens attityd gentemot onlineresebyråer som applicerar dark patterns?”. För att försöka svara på frågeställningarna har en kvalitativ kartläggning genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien undersöker hur fyra internetanvändare med stor resvana upplever dark patterns på en onlineresebyrås hemsida med hjälp av simulerade bokningsprocesser i form av förinspelade videor. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att deltagarna hade en förståelse att man som användare bör vara försiktig vid bokning av resor för att inte bli lurad. Denna urvalsgrupp betonar att de har vant sig vid ett flertal dark patterns och inte längre reagerar på dem. Däremot upplevdes dark patterns som både något som förhindrar en smidig bokning och som störande moment under bokningen. Studien tyder på att när deltagarna är medvetna om dark patterns upplever de dem också som störande och även oetiska. En överdriven användning av dark patterns verkar även skapa en negativ uppfattning om företag som använder dem. Studien visar även att ett överanvändande av dark patterns kan ha motsatt effekt på vad företagen som implementerar dem hoppas på; att användare snarare upplever negativa känslor som påverkar deras köpbenägenhet negativt. / Dark Patterns are design patterns used by companies to trick users to make decisions that they might otherwise not have done and may not be in the user’s best interest. This study investigates users' experience and perspective on dark patterns on an online travel agency’s website that frequently uses dark patterns. Dark patterns often exploit cognitive biases in the user to steer the user to make decisions that the user might not have intended to make, which could have a negative effect on the user’s welfare. These types of design patterns are becoming more and more common within e-commerce which has sparked the question of ethicality in the use of dark patterns. There are currently no regulations in Sweden that specifically cover dark patterns, but there are regulations that affect dark patterns, such as the guidelines The European Data Protection Board have established on the use of deceptive patterns as well as the European Parliament’s “Unfair Commercial Practices Directive”. The underlying research questions for this study are: “How do internet users experience dark patterns on online travel agencies’ websites?” and “How is the users’ attitude towards online travel agencies that apply dark patterns affected?”. In an effort to answer the research questions a qualitative survey has been done with the help of semi-structured interviews. This study investigates how four internet users perceive dark patterns on an online travel agency’s website with the help of simulated booking processes through pre-recorded videos. The interviews were then transcribed and analyzed through thematic analysis. The results show that the participants had an understanding of the need to be cautious during online travel booking to avoid being tricked or scammed. This selection group emphasizes that they’ve become used to a number of dark patterns and no longer react to them. Dark patterns that hinders a smooth booking are however seen as disruptive elements. This study indicates that the users perceive dark patterns as disruptive and unethical when they’re aware of the dark patterns being used. Excessive use of dark patterns also seems to create a negative perception on the company that uses them. This study also shows that an excessive use of dark patterns could have the opposite effect than desired by the company that implements them; that the user is inflicted by negative feelings that affect the users propensity to purchase negatively.

Från skroll till klick: Nycklarna till effektiva Instagram-annonser för unga vuxna med tekniskt intresse / From scroll to click: The keys to effective Instagram ads for young adults with a tech interest

Flodin Jakobsson, Sarah, Lindblom, Clara January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker effekten av designelement samt strategier och dess påverkan av klickfrekvensen (CTR) på Instagram bland unga vuxna med ett intresse för teknik. Genom att använda både kvantitativa enkäter och kvalitativa fokusgrupper, baserade på tidigare forskning och teori inom digital marknadsföring, klickfrekvens, personanpassning, designelement samt strategier, syftar studien till att identifiera vilka designelement och strategier som kan öka användarens engagemang och därmed klickfrekvensen. Resultaten från studien bekräftar att annonser som är noggrant anpassade med fokus på visuella och interaktiva element som färgsättning, layout, text och dynamiskt innehåll, i betydande grad förbättrar användarinteraktionen. Även om studien bekräftar att välutformade, personanpassade annonser är kritiska för framgångsrik digital marknadsföring riktad mot unga vuxna med tekniskt intresse, lyfter den även fram hur avgörande noggrann analys av användardata och beteendemönster är för att optimera annonsernas effektivitet. Slutsatsen drar att personanpassade och visuellt tilltalande Instagram-annonser spelar en avgörande roll i att locka och engagera denna målgrupp trots deras begränsning. / This study looks at how elements of design and strategies affect the click-through rate (CTR) on Instagram for young adults interested in technology. Using both quantitative surveys and qualitative focus groups, based on previous research in digital marketing, click-through rates, personalization, strategies and design elements, the aim is to find out which strategies and design elements increase user engagement and click-through rates. The results show that ads tailored with visual and interactive features like color schemes, layout, text, and dynamic content greatly improve user interaction. The study confirms that well-designed, personalized ads are essential for effective digital marketing targeted at young adults with a tech interest. It also emphasizes the importance of analyzing user data and behavior patterns to make ads more effective. The conclusion is that personalized and visually appealing Instagram ads are key to attracting and engaging this audience, despite some limitations.

Geração automática e assistida de interfaces de usuário / Automatic and aided generation of user interfaces

Mrack, Marcelo January 2009 (has links)
A geração automatizada de Interfaces de Usuário (IU) é objeto de estudo há muitos anos. Desde a década de 80, dezenas de projetos foram desenvolvidos e várias soluções apresentadas ao mercado. Entretanto, mesmo com os avanços obtidos neste cenário, inúmeras dificuldades ainda continuam presentes no dia-a-dia dos desenvolvedores de sistemas. A necessidade de processos, sintaxes e linguagens proprietárias associado ao elevado esforço de configuração e à baixa reutilização de tecnologias são os principais problemas nessa área. Objetivando sanar essas dificuldades, este trabalho propõe uma solução diferenciada para o problema, a qual reutiliza e integra-se à maioria das tecnologias comumente presentes nos ambientes de desenvolvimento e que conta com um exclusivo sistema de configuração, capaz de minimizar o trabalho de geração das IU. Sendo um típico gerador baseado em modelos, o software proposto é chamado MERLIN, e objetiva automatizar completamente a geracão de interfaces CRUD, as quais estão presentes em até 30% dos sistemas que operam sobre banco de dados. Para alcançar este objetivo, o software aposta no uso intensivo de heurísticas e na formação de uma estrutura auto-contida e realimentada de configurações, a qual reside unicamente nas classes compiladas da aplicação. Completando a sua arquitetura, um processo de geração em tempo de execução inibe a produção de qualquer linha de código-fonte, o que evita a necessidade de refatoração ao longo da evolução dos sistemas. Com esses elementos em evidência e focando inicialmente a plataforma Java, sinaliza-se uma solução diferenciada, apta para ser utilizada em ambientes profissionais de desenvolvimento. / The automated generation of User Interfaces (UI) has been the object of study for many years. Since the 1980s, dozens of projects have been developed and various solutions presented to the market. However, even with the advances obtained under this scenario, innumerable difficulties still continue to present themselves in the daily routine of system developers. The demands of proprietary methodologies, syntaxes and languages, the high level of effort needed for configuration and low reuse of technologies are the main problems in the area. With the object of rectifying these difficulties, this work proposes a solution specific to the problem, which reuses and combines the majority of the technologies already existing in development environments and relies on an exclusive configuration system, capable to minimize the work of generating the UI. Being a typical model based generator, the software under consideration is called MERLIN, and has as its objective to completely automate the generation of CRUD interfaces, which are present in up to 30% of the systems that interact with data bases. To achieve this objective, the software relies on the intensive use of heuristics and the creation of a self contained configuration feedback structure, which exists solely in the compiled classes of the application. Completing this architecture, a process of execution time generation eliminates the need for any source code, which significantly reduces the costs of refactoring the code throughout the evolution of the systems. With these elements in evidence and focusing initially on the Java platform, indicates that this distinguished solution is ready for use in professional development environments.

Geração automática e assistida de interfaces de usuário / Automatic and aided generation of user interfaces

Mrack, Marcelo January 2009 (has links)
A geração automatizada de Interfaces de Usuário (IU) é objeto de estudo há muitos anos. Desde a década de 80, dezenas de projetos foram desenvolvidos e várias soluções apresentadas ao mercado. Entretanto, mesmo com os avanços obtidos neste cenário, inúmeras dificuldades ainda continuam presentes no dia-a-dia dos desenvolvedores de sistemas. A necessidade de processos, sintaxes e linguagens proprietárias associado ao elevado esforço de configuração e à baixa reutilização de tecnologias são os principais problemas nessa área. Objetivando sanar essas dificuldades, este trabalho propõe uma solução diferenciada para o problema, a qual reutiliza e integra-se à maioria das tecnologias comumente presentes nos ambientes de desenvolvimento e que conta com um exclusivo sistema de configuração, capaz de minimizar o trabalho de geração das IU. Sendo um típico gerador baseado em modelos, o software proposto é chamado MERLIN, e objetiva automatizar completamente a geracão de interfaces CRUD, as quais estão presentes em até 30% dos sistemas que operam sobre banco de dados. Para alcançar este objetivo, o software aposta no uso intensivo de heurísticas e na formação de uma estrutura auto-contida e realimentada de configurações, a qual reside unicamente nas classes compiladas da aplicação. Completando a sua arquitetura, um processo de geração em tempo de execução inibe a produção de qualquer linha de código-fonte, o que evita a necessidade de refatoração ao longo da evolução dos sistemas. Com esses elementos em evidência e focando inicialmente a plataforma Java, sinaliza-se uma solução diferenciada, apta para ser utilizada em ambientes profissionais de desenvolvimento. / The automated generation of User Interfaces (UI) has been the object of study for many years. Since the 1980s, dozens of projects have been developed and various solutions presented to the market. However, even with the advances obtained under this scenario, innumerable difficulties still continue to present themselves in the daily routine of system developers. The demands of proprietary methodologies, syntaxes and languages, the high level of effort needed for configuration and low reuse of technologies are the main problems in the area. With the object of rectifying these difficulties, this work proposes a solution specific to the problem, which reuses and combines the majority of the technologies already existing in development environments and relies on an exclusive configuration system, capable to minimize the work of generating the UI. Being a typical model based generator, the software under consideration is called MERLIN, and has as its objective to completely automate the generation of CRUD interfaces, which are present in up to 30% of the systems that interact with data bases. To achieve this objective, the software relies on the intensive use of heuristics and the creation of a self contained configuration feedback structure, which exists solely in the compiled classes of the application. Completing this architecture, a process of execution time generation eliminates the need for any source code, which significantly reduces the costs of refactoring the code throughout the evolution of the systems. With these elements in evidence and focusing initially on the Java platform, indicates that this distinguished solution is ready for use in professional development environments.

Geração automática e assistida de interfaces de usuário / Automatic and aided generation of user interfaces

Mrack, Marcelo January 2009 (has links)
A geração automatizada de Interfaces de Usuário (IU) é objeto de estudo há muitos anos. Desde a década de 80, dezenas de projetos foram desenvolvidos e várias soluções apresentadas ao mercado. Entretanto, mesmo com os avanços obtidos neste cenário, inúmeras dificuldades ainda continuam presentes no dia-a-dia dos desenvolvedores de sistemas. A necessidade de processos, sintaxes e linguagens proprietárias associado ao elevado esforço de configuração e à baixa reutilização de tecnologias são os principais problemas nessa área. Objetivando sanar essas dificuldades, este trabalho propõe uma solução diferenciada para o problema, a qual reutiliza e integra-se à maioria das tecnologias comumente presentes nos ambientes de desenvolvimento e que conta com um exclusivo sistema de configuração, capaz de minimizar o trabalho de geração das IU. Sendo um típico gerador baseado em modelos, o software proposto é chamado MERLIN, e objetiva automatizar completamente a geracão de interfaces CRUD, as quais estão presentes em até 30% dos sistemas que operam sobre banco de dados. Para alcançar este objetivo, o software aposta no uso intensivo de heurísticas e na formação de uma estrutura auto-contida e realimentada de configurações, a qual reside unicamente nas classes compiladas da aplicação. Completando a sua arquitetura, um processo de geração em tempo de execução inibe a produção de qualquer linha de código-fonte, o que evita a necessidade de refatoração ao longo da evolução dos sistemas. Com esses elementos em evidência e focando inicialmente a plataforma Java, sinaliza-se uma solução diferenciada, apta para ser utilizada em ambientes profissionais de desenvolvimento. / The automated generation of User Interfaces (UI) has been the object of study for many years. Since the 1980s, dozens of projects have been developed and various solutions presented to the market. However, even with the advances obtained under this scenario, innumerable difficulties still continue to present themselves in the daily routine of system developers. The demands of proprietary methodologies, syntaxes and languages, the high level of effort needed for configuration and low reuse of technologies are the main problems in the area. With the object of rectifying these difficulties, this work proposes a solution specific to the problem, which reuses and combines the majority of the technologies already existing in development environments and relies on an exclusive configuration system, capable to minimize the work of generating the UI. Being a typical model based generator, the software under consideration is called MERLIN, and has as its objective to completely automate the generation of CRUD interfaces, which are present in up to 30% of the systems that interact with data bases. To achieve this objective, the software relies on the intensive use of heuristics and the creation of a self contained configuration feedback structure, which exists solely in the compiled classes of the application. Completing this architecture, a process of execution time generation eliminates the need for any source code, which significantly reduces the costs of refactoring the code throughout the evolution of the systems. With these elements in evidence and focusing initially on the Java platform, indicates that this distinguished solution is ready for use in professional development environments.

Presenting information through a dashboard for Smart Video evaluations : The process of developing a design for a marketing dashboard

Katarina, Hägglund January 2018 (has links)
Using the internet for watching videos or online shopping keeps growing, along with video advertisement to increase online sales. To know if the video actually increases the online sales, the owner of a video ad wants to do follow ups on how the video is doing, and get statistics. A different solution from the original video ads is Smart Video. It is an interactive video player with a clickable slideshow of products. This video can get even more types of statistics than a normal video, and today that statistic is not accessible for the Smart Video clients, without the help of someone from the Smart Video team that can create a report for them. The purpose of this thesis was to relieve the workload of the Smart Video team and to create a dashboard that shows all information that the clients find relevant about their videos. This paper is about the process of developing a design for a marketing dashboard, that follows the guidelines of information dashboard design by Stephen Few. The process included interviews, multiple designs, prototypes, and evaluations, before ending up with a prototype of a desktop solution that follows the aesthetics of Smart Video and can be realizable with the current technology.

An Adaptable Usability Checklist for MOOCs : A usability evaluation instrument for Massive Open Online Courses

Johansson, Sara, Frolov, Inka January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a list of usability guidelines, i.e. a usability checklist, which can assist in evaluating the usability of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) user interfaces. Interviews were conducted to help understand their context of use and to find design focus points for the evaluation of MOOCs interface. These design focus points were then inspected for usability issues with Jakob Nielsen’s usability inspection method - heuristic evaluation - using author’s own set of 10 usability heuristics. The study reveals two main findings. Firstly, the context of use of MOOCs differs from a regular university course in the manner of how users perceive and approach them. And secondly, the usability checklist has to be adaptable and up-to-date in order to support the constant change of context of use of MOOCs. The combination of both findings is what makes this study not just another checklist, but a valid contribution to the understanding of MOOCs and the research field in HCI.

Company Intranet

Afram, Abboud, Sarab Fard Sabet, Danial January 2021 (has links)
Many companies use intranets where only authorized personnel can share, create, and access news, events, and knowledge in a company. An intranet is a web application with dynamic content. It consists of various functions and features that facilitate the information management and knowledge flow within the company. The main goal of this project is to create and design an intranet demo that is adaptable and extendable by companies and organizations. The intranet contains various primary functions that users can interact with. The designed intranet is based on the EPiServer Content Management System framework and is programmed in back-end and front-end with the Visual Studio IDE tool. The back- end part is mainly programmed in C# language to create functions and logic such as the intranet structure and then linked to the front-end part where the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript library React is used to encode the front-end and get a user interface. The finalized intranet contains various primary functions where authorized employees have individual profiles with their status and contact information. Users can share corporate events and access corporate news. / Många företag använder intranät där endast auktoriserad personal har tillgång till att dela, skapa och komma åt nyheter, händelser och kunskap inom företaget. Intranät är en webbapplikation med dynamiskt innehåll. Den består av olika funktioner som underlättar informationshantering och kunskapsflöde inom företaget. Målet med detta projekt är att skapa och designa en intranätdemo som är anpassningsbar och extensibel för företag och organisationer. Intranätet innehåller olika primära funktioner som användarna kan interagera med. Intranätet är baserat på EPiServer Content Management System ramverket och är programmerat i back-end och front-end med Visual Studio IDE-verktyget. Back-end delen kommer huvudsakligen att programmeras i C# språk för att skapa funktioner och logik som strukturen av en färdig designat intranät. Sedan länkas färdig programmerade back-end delen till front- end delen där HTML, CSS och JavaScript-biblioteket React används för att koda front-end för att få ett användargränssnitt. Den utvecklade och slutförda intranätet innehåller olika primära funktioner där auktoriserade anställda har enskilda profiler med sin anställnings status och kontaktinformation. Användare kan dela företagsevenemang och få tillgång till företagsnyheter.

Nativní aplikace pro mobilní zařízení / Native Application for Mobile Devices

Beníčková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the universal mobile client-server application of Android and iOS devices solved in the native environment of the given operating systems. The work explores approaches to solving the problem in both environments. The application solution will display, store and process a variety of data sent to the server in a unified form as well as customize the look given the conditions addressed conditions and equipment. The aim of the thesis is to show and compare the native potential of the mobile device as well as to design a unified application of frequently asked issues - to view and access a large amount of stored data to the user.

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