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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Varför kröker sig horisonten? En studie i användbarhet relaterat till biblioteksapplikationen Horizon / Stretching the horizon : Studying usability within the context of the library application Horizon

Wahl, Heidi January 2002 (has links)
<p>Användbarhet är en term som används för att bedöma kvaliteten hos ett gränssnitt. God användbarhet är viktig då den ger en ökad produktivitet och andra affärsfördelar i form av färre misstag och bättre kvalitet på slutprodukten. Användbarhet är en viktig designprincip men är en svår egenskap att uppfylla hos applikationer. </p><p>Studien behandlar användbarhet ur olika perspektiv, dels det teoretiska genom litteraturgenomgång, dels det praktiska genom intervjuer och observationer. Syftet var att förklara vad användbarhet är, hur det bedöms och vad man kan göra för att bygga in egenskapen i applikationer man utvecklar. För att exemplifiera och finna verklig förankring har jag valt att observera hur användare interagerar med ett existerande gränssnitt för bibliotek, Horizon. </p><p>Slutsatser kring studien är att Horizon inte används till allt den var tänkt att användas till, vilket i princip är ett dåligt betyg för en applikation. Samtidigt är detta inget större problem då den negativa verkan på verksamheten kan i det här fallet vara en definitionsfråga: är studenternas produktivitet när det gäller att söka och beställa litteratur kritisk? </p><p>När det gäller användbarhet i utvecklingsskedet kan man konstatera att även om intentionerna varit goda så har användbarhetsarbetet kring Horizon inte infriat förväntningarna. Vad som gått fel är varken sensationellt eller ovanligt; det har handlat om avsaknaden av slutanvändarens perspektiv, organisatoriska problem och möjligen också bristande kunskap om användbarhet i en eller annan form. En betydelsefull insikt som inte nämns i litteraturen men som togs upp är att beakta leverantörens marknadsställning när man ska köpa ett system. Trots bristerna, som ofta relaterar till brott mot designkonventioner, upplevs Horizon som ett bra och ändamålsenligt verktyg av sina användare. </p> / <p>Usability denotes the quality of a user interface. Even though usability is an important design principle, efforts to incorporate this quality in applications often fail. In this paper I study usability from a theoretical and a practical perspective. The goal is to explain usability and how to incorporate usability in applications. In order to exemplify, I study usability within the context of the library application Horizon. </p><p>This study shows that Horizon is only partially utilized by its users which in principle is a bad grade for an application. Partial use is however in this case, not a serious problem since the negative effects partial use imply could very well be a matter of definition: is the productivity of students, when it comes to searching and ordering library material, critical for the organization? </p><p>When it comes to usability in the development phases of a project, once again one can conclude that good intentions exist but efforts fail all the same and Horizon is no exception. This time we can attribute failure to the lack of the end users’ perspective, organizational problems and perhaps also unsufficient knowledge of usability in one form or another. An important conclusion, which has not been mentioned in the literature, is the importance of considering the market position of a presumptive vendor when buying a generic system. Despite the flaws (often related to violations of well established design principles) presented in this paper, Horizon is considered a good, effective and efficient application by its users.</p>

Hitler comedy / Hitlerhoff

Doig, Thomas James January 2009 (has links)
The critical component of this thesis, “Hitler Comedy”, is a dissertation on the intersection between comedy theory in general, and the specific practice of Hitler comedy. Focusing on Bertolt Brecht’s play The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui (1941; directed by Heiner Müller in 1995), and Dani Levy’s film Mein Führer: the Truly Truest Truth About Adolf Hitler (2007), my argument critiques existing “instrumentalist” theories of comedy as didactic and morally reductive. Moving beyond prevailing conceptualisations of comedy as corrective and/or forgiving, my dissertation emphasises the centrality of pleasure, displeasure and disruption for audience members in the process of their experiencing Hitler comedies. / The creative component of this thesis is a script and a DVD recording of Hitlerhoff, a theatre and multimedia work that combines the characters of Adolf Hitler and David Hasselhoff into a single hybrid figure. Hitlerhoff is a spectacular black comedy that uses comedy to entertain and unsettle, and to disrupt audience members’ expectations. Hitlerhoff is a practical demonstration of the ability of “irresponsible” comedy to act as a potent catalyst for “responsible”, ethically engaged discussions.

Skolådeproblemet: Att designa en app för att underlätta ett företags kvittohantering / The shoe box issue: Designing an application to solve a company’s receipt conundrum

Hampusson, Kerstin, Ljungberg, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie har utgått från ett specifikt fall som slutligen resulterat i en prototyp av en app som löser det så kallade skolådeproblemet. Skolådeproblemet definieras som den flaskhals som uppstår när en redovisningsbyrås kunder sparar sina kvitton på ett ostrukturerat sätt och sedan överlämnar dessa klumpvis till redovisningsbyrån. Ofta saknas tillhörande information vilket resulterar i en hanteringsprocess som kan vara tidskrävande och kostsam för både redovisningsbyrån och deras kunder. I appen kan användaren istället fota sitt kvitto, välja kvittotyp och slutligen skicka iväg kvittot direkt till sin redovisningsbyrås bokföringsprogram. På så sätt undviks flaskhalsen och processen blir smidigare för samtliga parter.

Undersökning av hur en Head-Up Display kan förbättra spelupplevelsen för ett fantasyspel inom MOBA-genren / Examining how a Head-Up Display could improve the gameplay experience for a fantasy game within the MOBA-genre

Kämpe, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats syftade till att undersöka hur en Head-Up Display kan utformas för att förbättra spelupplevelsen för ett fantasyspel inom MOBA-genren.

Visualisering av ägande i startupföretag

Ghrabeti, Dana January 2018 (has links)
Capitalization table (cap table) is a public ledger that tracks the equity ownership of a company’s shareholders. For start-up and non-public companies this information is usually stored in a spreadsheet but even after just a couple of investment rounds the cap table can become highly complex. A factor that further increases the complexity is the need for entrepreneurs and investors to use the data for analysis and calculations for future decision making. The purpose of the thesis has been to create a design hypotheses of a usable graphical user interface that allows shareholders to more clearly understand the ownership situation of the company and future scenario. To answer the research question a user-centered design approach along with a case study was applied. The case study was chosen and performed on a start-up that already offers a web service for better management of corporation documents so that real users could be part of the design process and so that their needs could be analysed. After three iterations, an end result (implemented in AngularJS and TypeScript) was obtained, which can be split into two equal parts. Firstly, a view containing a timeline of the company and its current ownership. The view can also be used to get a snapshot of the company’s ownership in a specific point in time and to simulate how future investment rounds could dilute the current shareholder’s ownership. Secondly, a view where users can simulate future exit scenarios and how much each shareholder will earn in an exit.

Determining UI design principles for Google Glass and other over-eye interactive device applications

Dima, Elijs January 2013 (has links)
Google Glass is a new personal computing device that employs an over-eyetransparent display together with voice-control in order to offer audiovisual informationto the device's users. Glass is also a new mediated-reality platform,fundamentally different from common computers and smartphones, and theavailable Glass application (Glassware) design guides do not fully cover human-computer interaction issues that are imposed by Glass' characteristics – issuessuch as optimum information density, use of colourization and positioningto separate information, optimum amount of discrete entities on display, and theuse of iconography. By combining existing guidelines for Glassware UI designwith past research on human-computer interaction and psychology, those issuescan be addressed and can lead to additional design principles. To evaluate theefficacy of such combinations within the technical and design limitations imposedby Google Glass, a set of UI mock-ups for fictional Glassware is createdand used in multiple surveys to acquire data on human response to those combinedfactors. During the study, it was determined that factors including colourization,element positioning and use of icons have a definite effect on user perceptionand preferences, whilst factors related to information density andamount of discrete entities on screen are less relevant. Additionally, supportingevidence was found in relation to the assumption that utility is more importantthan functionless aesthetics. As a result, a UI design guideline set was formulatedthat can be used to supplement existing UI design guidelines for GoogleGlass and similar over-eye transparent-screen devices.

Interface Design for Driver Operated Control Systems

Azamfirei, Victor, Preciado Navarro, Luis Donaldo January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Designing a Shared Listening Experience for an Audiobook Streaming Service : A UX and UI Project

Eriksson, Mikaela, Reponen, Vilma January 2021 (has links)
This study, done in collaboration with Storytel, aimed to investigate whether a shared audiobook live listening experience would add value to users of the Storytel app and how such a feature could be designed in terms of User Experience and User Interface. The purpose was to determine the minimal viable product (MVP) and if live listening with others is interesting in itself or else, what is the most basic interaction type required in connection to the listening. The aim was also to design the optimal solution, beyond technical, time and/or prioritization constraints. The method used was a combination of the IDEO design process with three phases (Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation), and Holtzblatt and Beyer’s (2016) five steps of Contextual Design (Gathering User Data, Compiling User Data, Ideation with User Data, Defining the Product and Making it Real). To investigate user opinions and requirements, surveys were sent out to Storytel users and authors on the four markets Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and India, resulting in a total of 448 responses. Based on this data, an extensive design work in three phases was carried out to achieve the result of a final design prototype of a live listening feature inside the Storytel app. In order to validate the design choices continuously in each phase, 15 user tests were achieved, whereof 4 initial tests, 10 interactive user tests and 1 focus group interview. The results show that there is certainly an interest for such a feature among some users, and the interest is bigger if an author participates. In general, users on the Indian market are more interested in the feature than users on the European markets. Authors are more interested than the average user in live listening and interacting with its listeners. An important finding was that the feature must include an element of interaction to make it relevant and interesting to users, which is why a prototype including emoji reactions was proposed as an MVP. In this version, the possibility to discuss is linked to an outsourced forum such as Google Meet. For the optimal design, a chat was included inside the application as this was concluded highly desired by users.

The Design Of A Check In Application For User Safety : Development of a user centered application, adapted to a wide user group with the purpose of specific location human activity forecasting / Design av en inchecknings applikation för användarsäkerhet : Utvecklingen av en användar centrerad applikation, anpassad för en bred användar grupp med ett syfte i att tillföra framtidsprognos av människoaktivitet

Jusufovic, Dennis, Bardan, Aly January 2021 (has links)
The covid-19 pandemic initiated this master thesis project. The pandemic has spread globally causing a lot of fear and uncertainty. We noticed the big shift in people’s daily routines, with the current state being that many individuals are stuck at home, scared to go outside, scared to meet with family members that are within the risk group. The future is very uncertain, people not knowing when society will return to normal. To provide people with a sense of safety, a tool for an easier daily routine, the feeling of more control in their daily lives, an opportunity to help others. These are all purposes that embody the reason for this master thesis.The goal of this master thesis project is to develop a digital prototype of an application concept. The application’s purpose is to provide users with insight of high activity areas of people in their vicinity or specific locations, to hopefully result in the user feeling more in control and hence more safe. The workflow used in this project is based on design thinking, using experience gained from the industrial design engineering program combined with research on the topic of user interfaces to develop and test the concept. The focus of the research in this thesis is placed heavily on usability and graphic design.The process was divided into phases following the process of design thinking, with potential users included in every phase. From interviews, questionnaires and personas during the first phase of context immersion to workshops during the second phase, ideation, to finally usability testing during the third phase, implementation. To ensure that the needs of the user were always focused on throughout the entirety of this master thesis we included potential users in each phase of the project. During the different phases, Tensaii AB provided guidance on decisions made by us, as well as provided feedback on specific methods and results presented during the weekly meetings.The result of this master thesis is an application prototype, the design based on all the data gained from participants and collected literature. A design that, through a high level of usability, enables a wider group of users to easily use it. The concept was named Milocus, translated from Latin to ”my place”. An application that through a check in function can collect data about activity in different areas. The application clearly shows the activity to the user through three categories, calm, busy and very busy. The color choices and design of the application were made using the online tool Material Design.

Návrh mobilního robotu s uživatelským rozhraním využívajícím rozšířenou realitu / Design of a mobile robot with an augmented reality user interface

Adámek, Roman January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and construction of a four-wheeled mobile robot designed for an interactive exhibit and educational purposes. This robot is capable of wireless image transmission and manipulation with objects. In addition, this thesis deals with the construction of a charging station and user interface for controlling the robot which contains elements of augmented reality and minigames.

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