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Aspekte zur Entwicklung von industriellen Augmented Reality LösungenBaron, Lukas, Freund, M., Martin, Christopher, Braune, Annerose 20 February 2019 (has links)
Anwendungen unter Einsatz von Augmented Reality (AR)-Technologien gewinnen zuneh-mend an Relevanz in diversen industriellen Anwendungen, zum Beispiel für Produktpräsenta-tionen, Ausbildung und Lehre, Engineering, etc. Bei der Entwicklung solcher Anwendungen – im Speziellen von Bedien- und Beobachtungslösungen – müssen verschiedene Normen und Richtlinien beachtet werden, um zu gewährleisten, dass Anforderungen an die Betriebssi-cherheit in der jeweiligen Anlage eingehalten werden. In diesem Beitrag sollen einige Aspekte bezüglich der Anwendbarkeit solcher Richtlinien auf AR Anwendungen untersucht werden. Darüber hinaus werden weitere Aspekte betrachtet, die bei der Einführung von AR Anwen-dungen im großen Maßstab relevant sind, wie etwa die durchgängige Nutzbarkeit von CAD-Anlagenmodellen zur automatischen Erzeugung von AR-Lösungen. Schließlich stellen wir eine Fallstudie einer AR-Anwendung für eine prozesstechnische Kleinversuchsanlage vor.:1. Einleitung
2. Entwicklungsphasen von AR-Anwendungen
3. Betrachtung der UI-Gestaltungsrichtlinien
4. Fallstudie
4.1. Implementierung
4.2. Ergebnisse
5. Evaluation eines durchgängigen Entwurfsprozesses
6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
7. Danksagung / Augmented Reality (AR) applications gain more and more relevance in various industrial ap-plications lately, e. g. for product presentations, education, engineering, etc. In the industrial domain, especially in process supervision applications, a number of standards and guidelines have been established to ensure that the design of user interfaces meets the safety require-ments of plants or factories. Hence, we seek an evaluation if these guidelines can be applied to AR applications. Moreover, there are other aspects to consider in case AR solutions shall be applied on a larger scale in industrial applications. Thus, it is being discussed whether CAD plant models can be used to generate AR applications automatically. Finally, in this contribu-tion, we present the first preliminary results of a case study on the application of those stand-ards to a visual AR application for in-field inspection and servicing scenarios.:1. Einleitung
2. Entwicklungsphasen von AR-Anwendungen
3. Betrachtung der UI-Gestaltungsrichtlinien
4. Fallstudie
4.1. Implementierung
4.2. Ergebnisse
5. Evaluation eines durchgängigen Entwurfsprozesses
6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
7. Danksagung
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Enhancing Brand Experience Through UI Elements Aligned With Brand Values : An Investigation of the Interconnected Fields of User Experience and Brand Experience Within the Context of IKEA’s E-commerce WebsiteBalogh, Ráhel Anna, Kézy, Máté January 2023 (has links)
In today’s competitive landscape, shaping positive digital experiences with the brand is crucial for the company’s market success. The study aimed to investigate the interconnected relationship between User Experience (UX) and Brand Experience (BX) by exploring the potential for enhancing BX through the implementation of User Interface (UI) elements aligned with brand values within an e-commerce website. In this study, a two-phase quantitative experiment was employed, and four high-fidelity e-commerce web page prototypes were developed based on the Swedish multinational furniture retailer IKEA’s e-commerce website. In conclusion, this study establishes that the implementation of UI elements in line with brand values has the potential to enhance BX within the context of an e-commerce website. Through one of the prototypes, all dimensions of BX could be positively influenced. By emphasizing the interconnectedness between UX and BX, these findings contribute to our understanding of the critical role of UX design in shaping positive brand experiences online.
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What do ADHDers Need? : Working Towards Establishing Guidelines and More Ethical Methods for Designing for and with the NeurodivergentTurner, James January 2023 (has links)
In this paper, I begin the first steps towards developing more ethical methods for designing for users with ADHD by investigating what needs stakeholders have when interacting with technology. Current interaction design projects concerned with ADHD are largely focused on children—ignoring adults with ADHD. Their aims and methods are problematic, potentially harmful, and erase experiences of those with ADHD by excluding them from the design process. These projects treat the ADHD community as a list of symptoms to be fixed by training behaviors—a practice that has been demonstrated to cause harm. Influenced by the Crip Technoscience, Neurodiversity, and Self-Advocacy movements and utilizing participatory/co-design methods I investigate the needs of users with ADHD by engaging with them throughout the process, ultimately leading to the development of preliminary guidelines for designing for ADHD accessibility which are presented in this paper alongside design examples and discussion of possible future work.
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Human Systems Integration of an Extravehicular Activity Space Suit Augmented Reality Display SystemMitra, Paromita 10 August 2018 (has links)
During an extravehicular activity (EVA), the role of an astronaut involves a multitude of complex tasks. Whether that task is a science experiment aboard the International Space Station, or traversing extraterrestrial terrain – attention, communication, and instruction are essential. As an aid, augmented reality (AR) can portray suit informatics and procedures within line-of-sight while minimizing attentional loss. Currently, there exists little research highlighting the human systems considerations to qualify AR systems for space suit applications. This study quantifies user interface (UI) and human performance measures for an AR prototype on the Mark III space suit. For user testing, 21 military pilots and personnel (11 men, 10 women) evaluated UI search tasks and completed a series of AR-instructed EVA dexterity tasks in an elevated luminosity, background clutter, and workload scenario. UI results suggest correlations for readability and usability; whereas, human performance results provide situational awareness, workload, and task performance data.
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Lokala plattformar i en global värld : En kvalitativ studie om upplevd trovärdighet på delningsplattformar / Local platforms in a global world : A qualitative study on perceived trust towards sharing platformsÅrebrand Lindkvist, Leo, Miiro, Gabriel January 2023 (has links)
Through digital sharing platforms users can rent, exchange, rideshare and sell items without having to go to a physical marketplace. Although these sharing platforms have global reach, they don’t provide services in smaller cities, towns, and villages. Umigo is a project that seeks to promote local sharing economies through a digital platform builder and host, making digital sharing platforms more available. Using the website individuals can sell, rent, share and buy items and services. Dela Höga Kusten is a platform on Umigo which hosts multiple companies operating in the local region. Through Dela Höga Kusten individuals can contact and rent services and goods from local companies using a digital interface. The user experience (UX) of a digital sharing platform plays an important role in shaping the users’ perceived usability of the service. This study aims to explore the relationship between UX and perceived trust on local sharing platforms. Utilizing think aloud tests and interviews with five participants who interacted with the platform Dela Höga Kusten, a qualitative research approach was adopted. The findings were analyzed and compared with previous research and literature within the field of UX. The results support previous research, showing that visual design plays an important role in enhancing the user experience and building user trust towards a service. The research highlights the importance of integrating UX design principles to cultivate a pleasant user experience and foster trust. Prioritizing the user experience can help build user trust and loyalty, making local sharing economies more accessible through digital sharing platforms.
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From gamer boy to gym boy : A design study on gamificationEstgren, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
A study investigating how gamification features can be designed within a gym application, how they affect the user’s situated motivation and user engagement, and how these features could increase user loyalty to the product.
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A Cloud Computing-based Dashboard for the Visualization of Motivational Interviewing MetricsHeng, E Jinq January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Förenklad eller begränsad? : En studie om hur Spotifys billäge påverkar användarupplevelsen för bilförare / Simplified or limited? : A study on how Spotify's car mode affects the user experience for car driversEskilsson, Linda, Hagsér, Emely, Rödsta, Joakim January 2023 (has links)
Nowadays, smartphones are considered an essential part of our everyday lives. However, as the use of them increases so does their presence in vehicle environments. Prior studies have found that interacting with mobile devices while driving can cause cognitive, manual, and visual distractions. These distractions have a significant effect on driving performance and can result in serious accidents. As a solution to this, some applications, such as Spotify, has taken a different approach by developing a simplified version of their graphica linterface that is specifically designed for driving.The aim of this study is to examine what impacts simplified graphical interfaces has on the user experience for car drivers, focusing on Spotify and their car mode. In order to examine this, an online survey and a feature analysis was conducted. The result of this study shows that Spotify's car mode is missing a lot of features that are important to the users, causing them not to use it. These results highlight the challenge of providing all features that are expected by the users while creating a simpler interface.
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Designing and Prototyping a Mobile Application for Flatbed Applicators / Skapande av Design och Prototyp av en Mobilapplikation för PlanapplikatorbordFredriksson, Johan, Kirkerud, Mattias January 2022 (has links)
Context: Flatbed applicators are machines made for laminating, primarily signs on an industrial level. These applicators are controlled manually, which exhibits potential for digitalization in order to enhance the user experience. Problem: The first challenge is to develop a user interface for a mobile app, created to provide an easy path for communication to customers, with user-friendliness as the focal point. The second challenge is being able to communicate with a flatbed applicator, through the aforementioned app. Method: This project started out with pre-studies about the required topics. The system prototype was then designed and implemented with a focus on adequate UI design guidelines for the mobile app and a suitable protocol to enable communication between the app and the applicator. Results: The app prototype was developed through the usage of J.J. Garrett’s model along with Material Design guidelines, in order to establish a customer-centric user interface. Communicating between the mobile app and a PLC using TwinCAT, MQTT and React Native appears to be a feasible solution.
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Zeals - Predicting and Designing for anticipation and recollectionGavie, Dan, Gran, Anders January 2007 (has links)
Zeals är en mobil applikation där användaren tillåts att kollaborativt uppleva förväntan och erinran inför och efter en händelse. Genom att användaren bidrar med media som hon själv definerat som relevant för händelsen kan mobiltelefonen fungera som ett medium där kopplingar och relevans är upp till användaren. Parallellt har ett designverktyg för användarjämförelser tagits fram - Persona Activity Framework. PAF syftar till att genom ett scenario visa skillnader och likheter mellan tilltänkta användare. / This master thesis in interaction design deals with two major scopes. First, it will describe how a design concept regarding events is initiated. Second, and parallel, a practical tool for user representations will be formed and used to illustrate a foundation for design. By providing examples of projects related to how anticipation and recollection can be experienced we highlight our work area. In addition to this, we present tools that we consider beneficial regarding user insights. Out of these two fields we describe a process where a mobile phone application is created situated within industrial borders. The result of this process consequently consist of two parts each depending on the other. The application, Zeals, demonstrates both how anticipation and recollection can be experienced. The second part of the end result, PAF, demonstrates how we have represented users and concludes that it can be used in other projects as well. Hence, our final result needs to be interpreted depending on design approach and it’s nature.
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