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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Märkbara renar : En digitaliserad och effektiv renmärkning

Eliasson, Lisa, Silawiang, Hatharat January 2021 (has links)
Idag utförs renmärkningen för att hålla koll på vilka renar som hör till vilken renägare. För att identifiera och särskilja renarna, räknas dem manuellt, alltså genom att personer går in i inhägnaden och prickar av renarna i en bok. Processen för att märka kalvarna kan ta upp mot två dagar beroende på om alla renarna har kommit in i inhägnaden, processen blir då lång och utdragen. Detta kommer vara utgångspunkterna i projektet, att identifiera renarna på ett mer effektivt och hållbart sätt. Detta är ett examensarbete för Högskoleingenjör Teknisk design vid Luleå tekniska universitet, som ska utveckla ett hållbart koncept genom att underlätta för renskötarna och effektivisera identifiering och dokumentering av renar. Genom att förena traditionell renmärkning med modern teknik tas ett hållbart koncept fram, som även minskar påfrestningen på renarna. Att kunna koppla ihop rätt kalv med rätt vaja och samla informationen på ett gemensamt ställe som är enkelt att hantera är ett krav på lösningen. Arbetet har följt IDEO:s trefasprocess för användarcentrerad design. Under faserna inspiration, ideation och implementation har olika metoder använts för att nå slutresultatet. Dessa metoder är exempelvis semistrukturerad intervju, benchmark, persona, workshops, Wireframes och simulering. Dessa metoder utgör en bra grund till arbetet och slutresultatet. Genom att ha återkommande kontakt med användaren har projektet genererat en lösning som är baserad på användarens behov. Resultatet blev en ny digitaliserad arbetsprocess innehållande RFID-chip som möjliggör automatisk hopparning och digital dokumentering. Denna arbetsprocess förenar den traditionella renmärkningen men effektiviserar de aktiviteter som idag tröttar ut renskötarna och renarna. Genom att ha bättre koll på renarna och deras avelsträd, gör att rätt ren i slutändan blir slaktad. Alltså renarna som är äldst eller har sämst förutsättningar. Det kan också bidra till att ekonomin blir stabilare då samma mängder renar slaktas varje år. Ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv gynnar detta ekonomisk hållbarhet. Social hållbarhet gynnas genom att skapa transparens inom samebyn och möjliggör att fler kan vara delaktiga under processen. Genom att hopparningen sker automatisk behöver inte renen stressas upp av människor som går omkring i hagen. Eftersom renens välbefinnande är en del i naturens ekologi bidrar det till ekologisk hållbarhet. / Today, reindeer marking is performed to keep track of which reindeer belong to which reindeer owner. To identify and distinguish the reindeer, they are counted manually, i.e., by people entering the enclosure and dotting the reindeer in a book. The process for marking the calves can take up to two days depending on whether all the reindeer have entered the enclosure, the process then becomes long and drawn out. This will be the starting points in the project, to identify the reindeer in a more efficient and sustainable way.  This work is for a bachelor’s thesis in industrial design engineering at Luleå University of Technology, which will develop a sustainable concept by making it easier for reindeer herders and make the identification and documentation of reindeer more effective. By combining traditional reindeer marking with modern technology, a sustainable solution is developed that also reduces the strain on the reindeer. Being able to connect the right calf with the right sway and gather the information in a common place that is easy to handle is a requirement for the solution.  The work has been followed by IDEO's three-phase process for user-centered design. During the phases inspiration, ideation and implementation, different methods have been used to achieve the end result. These methods are, for example, semi-structured interview, benchmark, persona, workshops, Wireframes and simulation. These methods form a good basis for the work and the end result. By having regular contact with the user, the project has generated a solution that is based on the user's needs.  The result was a new digitized work process containing RFID chips that enables automatic pairing and digital documentation. This work process unites the traditional reindeer marking but make the activities that today tire out the reindeer herders and reindeer more effective. By having a better look at the reindeer and their breeding trees, the right reindeer will eventually be slaughtered. That is, the reindeer that are the oldest or have the worst conditions. It can also contribute to a more stable economy as the same quantities of reindeer are slaughtered every year. From a sustainability perspective, this benefits economic sustainability. Social sustainability is benefited by creating transparency within the Sami village and enabling more people to be involved during the process. Because the connection takes place automatically, the reindeer do not have to be stressed by people walking around in the enclosure. Since the reindeer's well-being is part of nature's ecology, it contributes to ecological sustainability.

Improving post-productionfeedback process

Abduljalel, Viyan January 2020 (has links)
The process of producing entertaining video and films is complicated and time consuming. One of the complicated parts of post-production of entertaining content is getting feedback and reviewing the draft edit. After the filming process of a series or a film completed, the editors start working on the cut materials. This is a stage in the process where the editor will get their cut reviewed and receive feedback from different teams on the rough-cut or editor cuts. Today the review and the feedback between the editor and reviewer is done online directly through email.

Webdesign stavební společnosti / Web design of a construction company

Ličman, Jan January 2022 (has links)
This diploma Thesis deals with problematics of web design in civil engineering. Specifically, it focuses on the web design of a projective construction office. The basic concepts relevant to the problematics are defined in the theoretical part of this Thesis. The practical part begins with initial analysis which consists of an opening workshop with a client, a survey and competition research. Based on the analysis findings, target group and project direction are set. Following these steps, the web design is created. It consists of several parts – generation of ideas and possible solutions, information architecture, sketching, prototyping, prototype testing and graphic design itselfs, which is output of this diploma Thesis.

Do Widget Libraries Need Mutable Data?

Arumugasamy, Akshay Kumar 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines trends in the academic and professional literature around immutable data and its relationship with declarative User Interfaces (UIs). Immutable data types are preferred by academic authors due to their increased safety, and commercial languages are increasing their support for them over time. More recently, declarative UIs are an exploding topic in industry, and these are related, although not as closely as one would expect. Declarative programming tries to focus on highlevel requirements, not low-level details. It is easier to do this if functions have no side effects, and immutable data is a guaranteed way of achieving this. To highlight this property, the declarative UI framework Flutter advertises “stateless widgets”, but their existence puts in highlights the lack of this property in most widgets. Consequently, we ask whether it is feasible to build a Graphical User Interface (GUI) toolkit using purely immutable data structures. To accomplish this objective, a purely immutable GUI toolkit is sketched and partially developed using Elm, a purely functional language in which all data structures are immutable. To understand the requirements of a GUI toolkit, we categorize and put in historical context, different design paradigms for UIs and relate them to core software-design principles. Leading toolkits allow developers to visualize and manage multiple views of their interfaces, including the view hierarchy, layout, interface to business logic, and focus management. By creating a concrete example, the research aims to provide insight into the limitations of utilizing purely immutable data within a GUI framework and suggests future work to mitigate these. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Low-impact user interfaces: How can we create a climate-smart approach toward front-end mobile application design? : Evaluation and proposed improvement of existing guidelines – Focused on Online Food Delivery sector.

Sundqvist, Isabella, Zurawska, Kinga Joanna January 2023 (has links)
The use of the Internet and digital services has increased significantly during recent years, and as Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field keeps on expanding, it is influencing aspects of our daily lives, though not always for the better. Researchers and practitioners, including a small number of designers, are addressing the growing concerns about the Internet’s environmental impact, such as electronic waste, increased energy use, resource depletion, and carbon footprint, which have emerged in recent years, and are calling for a more environment-friendly approach to web and app design. However, it is still a relatively new area of concern. This study evaluates existing guidelines for designing low-impact user interfaces in the mobile food delivery sector. First, the study investigates users’ food delivery habits and their impressions of low-impact interfaces. The findings from this section are then used to design a low-impact food delivery application (FDA) prototype and are tested with users to see how to make low-impact interfaces attractive for a possible change in user behaviors. This thesis builds on previous research about sustainable web design, but the focus area of this study is to investigate whether applied guidelines and low-impact design features are desired by users on mobile screens as well. The research reveals that low-impact features are indeed useful on smaller screens as well and users are generally open-minded and acceptive of front-end changes that have a more positive impact on the environment. However, it is crucial to communicate clearly about any low-impact modifications made to an application, due to the current low level of user awareness and knowledge in this field.

Pelvic Floor Muscle Training in Management of Postpartum Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions: A Literature Review

Tanner, Rebecca S 01 January 2016 (has links)
Women can face a wide range of pelvic floor dysfunctions following pregnancy, ranging from urinary incontinence to pelvic pain. Unfortunately, these problems are not routinely checked for in postpartum check-ups and women do not always bring it to the physician’s attention. Strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles may be able to help women prevent these disorders and improve these women’s lifestyles. The purpose of this thesis was to review and analyze different trials to determine if different pelvic floor dysfunctions (urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, and pelvic girdle pain) can be treated using pelvic floor muscle training in the postpartum. After reviewing the literature, it was determined that Pelvic floor muscle training may be effective in treating Urinary incontinence, but there is a lack of research to state that it helps treat sexual dysfunction and pelvic pain. Pelvic floor muscle training is a conservative non-invasive treatment and very simple for women to do on their own, therefore more research should be performed to see if this can be a simple fix to a plethora of problems women face in the postpartum.

Visualizations for simulation-based training : Enhancing the evaluation of missile launch events during after-action reviews of air combat simulation / Visualiseringar för simulatorbaserad utbildning : Förbättring av utvärderingen av robotskott under after-action reviews för luftstridssimulering

ter Vehn, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
This thesis work has been part of an effort to improve the after-action reviews of the air combat simulator training sessions conducted at the Swedish Air Force Combat Simulation Centre (FLSC). Initial studies identified three main needs regarding the evaluation of air-to-air missile shots during beyond-visual-range combat simulation. These needs included an improved detection of where and when in the simulation playback a missile shot took place, a collected view of flight parameters to prevent confusion and cross-referencing between the various displays, as well as the ability to review an aircraft’s flight parameters over time in order to discuss alternative shooting opportunities or maneuvering patterns. To fulfill these three needs, design studies were performed iteratively in collaboration with staff at the FLSC. This work has resulted in a design proposal with a prototype based on the design guidelines and recommendations of the study's participants. The purpose of the visualization is to provide support for instructors and promote the individual learning of pilots. Hopefully, this can ultimately help in answering the question regarding why a missile missed its target. For instructors and air units such aids could mean that operating errors can be more easily identified and also form a basis for discussion during the assessment briefings. / Detta examensarbete har haft som syfte att förbättra utvärderingen av luftstridssimuleringar som bedrivs vid det svenska flygvapnets luftstridssimuleringscentrum, FLSC. Inledande studier identifierade tre huvudsakliga behov för utvärderingen av flygplansburna robotskott avfyrade mot luftmål utom synhåll, på långa avstånd. Dessa behov inkluderar en förbättring när det gäller att upptäcka var och när i en simuleringsuppspelning som ett robotskott har skett, en samlad vy över flygparametrar för att förhindra förvirring och korsreferering mellan olika skärmar, samt möjligheten att utvärdera ett flygplans flygparametrar över tid för att kunna diskutera alternativa avfyrningsmöjligheter eller manövreringsmönster. För att fylla dessa tre behov har iterativa designstudier utförts i samarbete med personalen på FLSC. Detta har resulterat i ett designförslag med en prototyp baserad på de designriktlinjer och -rekommendationer som studiens deltagare delgett. Syftet med visualiseringen är att ge stöd till instruktörer och främja piloters individuella inlärning. Förhoppningsvis kan detta i slutändan bidra till att svara på frågan om varför en robot missade sitt mål. För instruktörer och flygförband kan ett sådant hjälpmedel underlätta identifiering av felmanövreringar och även ligga till grund för värdefulla diskussioner under analysen av genomförda luftsstridsimuleringar.

User Experience Design for Children : Developing and Testing a UX Framework / Användarupplevelsedesign för Barn : Utveckling och Testning av UX Ramverk

Bräne, Arvid January 2016 (has links)
Designing good digital experiences for children can be difficult; designers have to consider children's cognitive and motor skill limitations, understand their target audience, create something entertaining and educational, comply with national and international jurisdiction, and at the same time appeal to parents. We set out to create a general framework which designers and developers can use as a foundation and testing ground for their digital products in the field of user experience. The methods used during the thesis include interviews, literature studies, user testing, case studies, personas, prototyping, and more. The results created are primarily user experience guidelines packaged in a Theoretical Framework, user testing conclusions, along with suggestions on improving the current Lego Star Wars: Force Builders application, a few in the form of prototypes.


ALISON ROCHA DE FARIAS 21 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] Estudos recentes estimam que a elegibilidade ao programa de seguro desemprego aumenta a probabilidade de demissão em 12 por cento no Brasil. Esse artigo desenvolve um modelo de equilíbrio parcial onde trabalhadores buscam por emprego e podem se demitir para coletar benefícios do seguro desemprego. Calibramo-lo usando dados do Brasil e o utilizamos para medir as consequências desse comportamento sobre o acúmulo de capital humano específico à firma e sobre a produtividade do trabalho na economia. Por meio de exercícios contrafactuais, descobrimos que tornar a elegibilidade ao seguro desemprego mais estrita aumentaria o salário médio, a estabilidade no emprego, mas também a taxa de rotatividade. Discutimos esse último resultado e concluímos que isso depende de como a política modifica a fração de trabalhadores empregados que voluntariamente se separam de seus empregos. Em outro exercício, encontramos uma relação negativa entre a mudança na taxa de reposição do programa de seguro desemprego e a duração média do emprego. / [en] Recent studies estimate that eligibility for unemployment insurance program raises layoff probability by 12 per cent in Brazil. This paper develops a partial equilibrium model where workers search for jobs and might quit them in order to collect UI benefits. We calibrate it using data from Brazil and use it to assess the consequences of this behavior on firmspecific human capital accumulation and labor productivity in the economy. Through counterfactual exercises, we find that a stricter job tenure eligibility threshold would raise the average wage, the job tenure, but also the turnover rate. We discuss this last result and conclude that it depends on how the policy modifies the fraction of employed workers who voluntarily separate from their jobs. In another exercise, we find a negative relationship between the change in the UI replacement rate and the average employment duration.

A comparison of the effects of mobile device display size and orientation, and text segmentation on learning, cognitive load, and user perception in a higher education chemistry course

Karam, Angela Marie 27 August 2015 (has links)
This study aimed to understand the relationship between mobile device screen display size (laptops and smartphones) and text segmentation (continuous text, medium text segments, and small text segments) on learning outcomes, cognitive load, and user perception. This quantitative study occurred during the spring semester of 2015. Seven hundred and seventy-one chemistry students from a higher education university completed one of nine treatments in this 3x3 research design. Data collection took place over four class periods. The study revealed that learning outcomes were not affected by the mobile screen display size or orientation, nor was working memory. However, user perception was affected by the screen display size of the device, and results indicated that participants in the sample felt laptop screens were more acceptable for accessing the digital chemistry text than smartphone screens by a small margin. The study also found that neither learning outcomes, nor working memory was affected by the text segmentation viewed. Though user perception was generally not affected by text segmentation, the study found that for perceived ease of use, participants felt medium text segments were easier to learn from than either continuous or small test segments by a small margin. No interaction affects were found between mobile devices and text segmentation. These findings challenge the findings of some earlier studies that laptops may be better for learning than smartphones because of screen size, landscape orientation is better for learning than portrait orientation in small screen mobile devices, and meaningful text segments may be better for learning than non-meaningful, non-segmented, or overly segmented text. The results of this study suggest that customizing the design to the smartphone screen (as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach) improves learning from smartphones, making them equal to learning from laptops in terms of learning outcomes and cognitive load, and in some cases, user perspective. / text

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