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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitalisering av fastigheter : En användaranpassad kontrollpanel för IOT-enheter / Digitization of real estates : A user-friendly control panel for IOT devices

Linner, Hannes January 2020 (has links)
This degree project is a design project that investigates digitization in the real estate industry and examines how far the real estate industry has come regarding the integration of new technology. The study highlights how companies work today and what problems and needs can be facilitated through digitization, more specifically the technology IoT (Internet Of Things). IoT makes it possible to connect different devices and sensors to the Internet in order to read information or control the functionality. The study is based on qualitative interviews which are analyzed through methods within User Experience (UX). The target group for the study is people who work with operation and maintenance of real estates. By creating personas and scenarios for the relevant target group, a greater understanding is created of how they work today along with what problems and needs they experience within their professional roles. Through methods within the User Interface (UI) a prototype is created which illustrates the information that is significant to the target group. The information from the properties is communicated via IoT devices. To enable communication between devices and prototype, the system Yggio is used, an API (Application Programming Interface) which is provided by the company Sensative. The study shows how a user-friendly interface can look, function and facilitate work in the real estate industry.

Förbättringsförslag för digitala lärplattformar i högre utbildning - en kvalitativ studie

Slutbäck, Tim, Nyman, Martin January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie behandlar problemet med ojämn struktur och design hos lärplattformar, brist på struktur kan innebära svårigheter med att hitta information vilket kan ha negativ påverkan på studenters upplevelser. Därför blev forskningsfrågan: hur kan strukturen och designen på lärplattformar förbättras för att öka studenternas studieupplevelse? Syftet med studien är att belysa de problem och frustrationer som kan uppstå när universiteten använder sig av allt fler digitala verktyg samt sammanställa förbättringsförslag för framtida kurshemsidor. Studien är kvalitativ och använder sig av en design-baserad forsknings metodik där två tester utfördes. Det första testet utfördes på en befintlig kurshemsida och det andra testet utfördes på en prototyp. Den nya prototypen skapades för studien med en ökad grad av standardiserad struktur som sedan kom att testas av universitetsstudenter. Prototyputvecklingen var iterativ och för att utvärdera sidan användes användbarhetstester med CTA (Concurrent think aloud) och en uppföljande semistrukturerad intervju. Data samlades in och analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Urvalet bestod av 9 st IT-studenter från Stockholms Universitet med erfarenhet av iLearn och valdes ut med hjälp av ett strategiskt urval. Resultatet visade att studenter upplever att en ökad grad av standardiserad struktur och stilsättning leder till att kurshemsidorna blir enklare att navigera och att det är därför viktigt att ta hänsyn till dessa faktorer vid utvecklingen av nya kurshemsidor. På det första testet uppfattade studenter det som att kurshemsidan har en låg grad av standardisering och att det kan leda till bland annat att man missar viktig information vilket kan vara frustrerande och stressande. Det kom vidare fram att det finns problem när stilsättningen är inkonsekvent eftersom det skadar läsbarheten på sidan. Under det andra testet upplevdes de största problemen såsom ordningsföljden och stilen som lösta. Som resultat av studien upptäcktes ett flertal viktiga faktorer som kan innebära mindre stress och oro för studenter kopplat till kurshemsidans utformning. Av dessa faktorer upplever studenter att ordningsföljden av innehållet var mycket viktig. Innehållet bör ordnas efter 1) grad av generalitet 2) Hur viktig informationen är 3) I kronologisk ordning. Vidare upplever studenterna att stilsättningen även den är viktig. Fokus är där på att stilsättningen är konsekvent, att viktig information sticker ut och att innehållet av en rubrik eller länk har en tydlig beskrivning. En viktig slutsats som kan dras är att hur svårt det är att hitta information har en negativ påverkan på studenters studieupplevelse. Det visades vara viktigt att informationen kategoriseras på ett bra sätt där relaterat innehåll bör vara placerat på samma plats eftersom det annars finns en ökad risk att studenterna missar informationen. I övrigt upplevde studenter att en ny funktion med en samlad inlämningslåda är mycket positiv eftersom det skulle minska risken med att missa inlämningar när de är utspridda på flera sidor. Om utvecklare tar större hänsyn till dessa faktorer kan det leda till en förbättrad studieupplvelse för framtida studenter. / This study deals with the problem of the lack of structure and design of learning platforms. Lack of structure can mean difficulties in finding information which can have a negative impact on students' experiences. Therefore, the research question became: how can the structure and design of learning platforms be improved to increase the students' study experience? The purpose of the study is to shed light on the problems and frustrations that can arise when universities use more and more digital tools and to compile proposals for future course websites. The study is qualitative and uses a design-based research methodology where two tests were performed. The first test was performed on an existing course homepage and the second test was performed on a prototype. The new prototype was created with an increased degree of standardized structure which was then tested by university students. The prototype development was iterative, the prototype was evaluated with usability tests, CTA (Concurrent think aloud) and a follow-up semi-structured interview. Data were collected and analyzed using a thematic analysis. The sample consisted of 9 IT students from Stockholm University with experience of iLearn and were selected using a strategic selection. The results showed that students feel that an increased degree of standardized structure and style leads to course homepages becoming easier to navigate and that it is therefore important to take these factors into account when developing new course homepages. On the first test, students perceived that the course website has a low degree of standardization and that it can lead to, among other things, missing important information, which can be frustrating and stressful. It was further revealed that there are problems when the style setting is inconsistent because it damages the readability of the page. During the second test, the biggest problems such as order and style were perceived as solved. As a result of the study, a number of important factors were discovered that can lead to less stress and anxiety for students linked to the design of the course website. Of these factors, students felt that the order of the content was very important. The content should be arranged by 1) degree of generality 2) How important the information is 3) In chronological order. Furthermore, the students feel that style is also important. The focus is there on the style being consistent, that important information stands out and that the content of a heading or link has a clear description. An important conclusion that can be drawn is that how difficult it is to find information has a negative impact on students' study experience. It was therefore shown to be important that the information is categorized in a good way where related content should be placed in the same place because otherwise there is an increased risk of the students missing the information. Otherwise, students felt that a new feature with a consolidated submission box is very positive as it would reduce the risk of missing submissions when they are spread over several pages. If developers pay more attention to these factors, it can lead to an improved study experience for future students.

Uživatelské rozhraní systému pro práci s HDR obrazem / User Interface for HDR Tone Mapping System

Jedlička, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to improve graphical user interface of Tone Mapping Studio(TMS) program. This program is being developed on the Faculty of Information Technology(FIT), Brno University of Technology (BUT) by doc. Ing. Martin Čadík, PhD. The current program is using framework Qt3 , which is old and not compatible with modern libraries. This program has to be rewritten to support current version Qt5. I will analyze other programs in the area of working with High Dynamic Range (HDR) images and video. Changes for improving the interface will be proposed and UX tests will be done. Second part will consist of comparing plug-ins for converting images to grayscale that already exists in TMS.

Desone : En social medieplattform med fokus på hälsa

Ida, Karinaho January 2023 (has links)
För att lösa FN’s globala mål nummer 3 - god hälsa och välbefinnande - har jag skapat ensocial medie-plattform med fokus på hälsa. Med hjälp av social påverkan och andrametoder för beteendeförändring (kopplat till nudging och gamification) har jag skapat endigital miljö som främjar en hälsosam livsstil.Arbetet påbörjades med en väldigt tydlig idé om vad jag ville göra och ett företagsnamn ochanda som funnits med sedan jag kom på idén för flera år sedan. Med ungefär 2-3 veckorkvar till deadline bytte projektet riktning och namn-bytet från Push till Desone öppnade uppför nya möjligheter. En ny visuell identitet, nya värderingar och nya produkter skapades.Det här projektet samlar många områden jag intresserar mig för och det har varitspännande i allt från analyser till gestaltningsfasen. Efter många veckors hårt slit för att gemin affärsidé liv genom ett tydligt varumärkesbygge tror jag nu ännu mer på mittvarumärke; Desone. I och med det ökade intresset för hälsa och framväxten av mobila applikationer harmarknaden för kost- och träningsapplikationer växt. Tidigare forskning har visat att det finnsstor potential för dessa applikationer att förbättra människors fysiska hälsa, men att deskulle kunna förbättras genom ett användande av teoribaserade metoder kopplade tillbeteendeförändring. Ett sätt att förändra människors beteenden i valsituationer är genomnudging.Digital nudging handlar om att utforma digitala valmiljöer på ett sätt som påverkarmänniskors val på ett förutsägbart sätt utan att förbjuda några alternativ. Detta görs genomUI-design. Nudging fungerar eftersom att människan tenderar att vilja minska på denkognitiva ansträngningen i komplexa valsituationer.Genom en semiotisk analys av sex stycken mobila applikationer gjordes en undersökningmed syftet att ta reda på hur digital nudging i form av UI-design används på kost- ochträningsapplikationer. Resultatet visade att det vanligast förekommande nudgingverktygetvar målsättning som nästan uteslutande visade sig genom en kalori- eller stegräknare i formav en cirkel som fylldes med färg ju närmare användaren kom dagens mål.

An Adaptable Usability Checklist for MOOCs : A usability evaluation instrument for Massive Open Online Courses

Johansson, Sara, Frolov, Inka January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a list of usability guidelines, i.e. a usability checklist, which can assist in evaluating the usability of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) user interfaces. Interviews were conducted to help understand their context of use and to find design focus points for the evaluation of MOOCs interface. These design focus points were then inspected for usability issues with Jakob Nielsen’s usability inspection method - heuristic evaluation - using author’s own set of 10 usability heuristics. The study reveals two main findings. Firstly, the context of use of MOOCs differs from a regular university course in the manner of how users perceive and approach them. And secondly, the usability checklist has to be adaptable and up-to-date in order to support the constant change of context of use of MOOCs. The combination of both findings is what makes this study not just another checklist, but a valid contribution to the understanding of MOOCs and the research field in HCI.

Exploring guidelines for human-centred design in the wake of AI capabilities : A qualitative study

Olivieri, Emily, Isacsson, Loredana January 2020 (has links)
Purpose – Artificial Intelligence has seen important growth in the digital area in recent years. Our aim is to explore possible guidelines that make use of AI advances to design good user experiences for digital products. Method – The proposed methods to gather the necessary qualitative data to support our claim involve open-ended interviews with UX/UI Designers working in the industry, in order to gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts and experiences. In addition, a literature review is conducted to identify the knowledge gap and build the base of our new theory. Findings – Our findings suggest a need to embrace new technological developments in favour of enhancing UX designers’ workflow. Additionally, basic AI and ML knowledge is needed to utilise these capabilities to their full potential. Indeed, a crucial area of impact where AI can augment a designer’s reach is personalization. Together with smart algorithms, designers may target their creations to specific user needs and demands. UX designers even have the opportunity for innovation as mundane tasks are automated by intelligent assistants, which broadens the possibility of acquiring further skills to enhance their work. One result, that is both innovative and unexpected, is the notion that AI and ML can augment a designer’s creativity by taking over mundane tasks, as well as, providing assistance with certain graphics and inputs. Implications – These results indicate that AI and ML may potentially impact the UX industry in a positive manner, as long as designers make use of the technology for the benefit of the user in true human-centred practice. Limitations – Nevertheless, our study presents its own unique limitations due to the scope and time frame of this dissertation, we are bound to the knowledge gathered from a small sample of professionals in Sweden. Presented guidelines are a suggestion based on our research and not a definitive workflow.

Developing an Intuitive Livestreaming Scheduling Experience for Live-streamers

Malmedal, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
Most people are used to recording videos on their mobile phones. However, becoming a streamer is another step further in complexity. This thesis evaluates how a streaming scheduling system can be developed to enhance the usability. It goes from idea to finished system using a design-build-test approach. To accomplish the objective the project uses three phases (research, design-build-test, and final prototype) to investigate how to build a streaming scheduling system for users lacking technical proficiency. A finalized prototype was built in the design-build-test phase, based on findings in the research phase. After the prototype was finalized, it got implemented and tested on Kvix streaming platform. The final hi-fi prototype was tested using an online questionnaire, consisting of a system usability scale and open-ended questions. The final proposed solution had a satisfaction score of 82.81 (grade A) with a probability of 70% on the system usability scale which indicates that it is effective, efficient and satisfactory.

Designing UI for color correction and grading tools for the web-based program Accurate Video

Andersson, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Color correction and grading are processes when fixing colors in recorded footage in Post-Production. The process of the two mentioned is a mix of technical adjustments and creativity. Color correction adjusts the colors between the clips/scenes so they match and look as natural or unique as possible. Grading is about the process of enhancing the look of a footage to achieve a certain style, it is of a more creative nature.Today, color correcting and grading are performed using desktop applications. The process means that recorded material is sent to the colorist from the set where it is received and downloaded to the computer where the work is performed. When the processing is considered complete, it is sent back to the recording team. This could be considered time consuming, and this process could be improved by using Accurate Video which is a web based program. Today, there are no features for color correction and grading in Accurate Video. The aim of this study was to design a User Interface (UI) for color correction and grading tools for Accurate Video application that meet the goals and needs of the people in this field of work, i.e. colorists. Based on literature studies including design guidelines, studies of what existing professional editing programs look like and what Accurate Video looks like, as well as interviews with colorists, a prototype was developed.

Konzeption migrierbarer Benutzungsschnittstellen in der industriellen Automatisierungstechnik

Baron, Lukas, Braune, Annerose 20 February 2019 (has links)
Die zunehmende Gewöhnung von Benutzern an neue Interaktionskonzepte und Endgeräte ermöglicht deren Einführung in industriellen Umgebungen. Daraus folgen Anwendungsszena-rien, in denen es, selbst während der Bearbeitung einer einzelnen Arbeitsaufgabe, zu häufigen Änderungen in der Zusammensetzung der verwendeten Geräte kommt. Dies motiviert die Entwicklung migrierbarer Benutzungsschnittstellen (MUI). In diesem Beitrag stellen wir zu-nächst die anerkannte Theorie der MUIs vor, inklusive verschiedener Klassifikationsmerkma-le und spiegeln diese an den Anforderungen der Automatisierungstechnik. Anhand dessen diskutieren wir anschließend zwei Anwendungsszenarien. Die Analyse verwandter Arbeiten zeigt auf, dass existierende Ansätze nur eingeschränkt in diesen Szenarien eingesetzt werden können. Am Ende stellen wir eine Fallstudie vor, die die Anwendbarkeit von MUIs in industriel-len Prozessvisualisierungen demonstriert.:1. Einleitung 2. Migratorische Benutzungsschnittstellen 2.1 Einführung 2.2 Klassifikationsmerkmale 3. Anforderungen industrieller Visualisierungen an ein migratorisches UI 3.1 Anforderungen an Software und Engineering 3.2 Struktur und Funktionalität 3.3 Diskussion 4. Beispielhafte Anwendungsszenarien 5. Fallstudie 5.1 Existierende Prototypen 5.2 Konzeption einer Migrationslösung 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / Due to familiarization of users with modern interaction concepts and devices, they become interesting for industrial environments as well. These devices enable use cases where users change the set of applied devices, even during handling one single task. This fosters the de-sign of migratory user interfaces (MUI) which can be transferred freely between devices, in order to follow according to a user’s device changes. Hence, in this paper the generally ac-cepted theory, including a set of identified classifiers for MUIs, is being analyzed with respect to the demands of the domain of industrial process visualizations. Moreover, we discuss two use cases. Our review of the related work revealed only a limited applicability in those use cases. In order to demonstrate an MUI’s usefulness in industrial process visualizations, we finally present our own case study.:1. Einleitung 2. Migratorische Benutzungsschnittstellen 2.1 Einführung 2.2 Klassifikationsmerkmale 3. Anforderungen industrieller Visualisierungen an ein migratorisches UI 3.1 Anforderungen an Software und Engineering 3.2 Struktur und Funktionalität 3.3 Diskussion 4. Beispielhafte Anwendungsszenarien 5. Fallstudie 5.1 Existierende Prototypen 5.2 Konzeption einer Migrationslösung 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick

Aspekte zur Entwicklung von industriellen Augmented Reality Lösungen

Baron, Lukas, Freund, M., Martin, Christopher, Braune, Annerose 20 February 2019 (has links)
Anwendungen unter Einsatz von Augmented Reality (AR)-Technologien gewinnen zuneh-mend an Relevanz in diversen industriellen Anwendungen, zum Beispiel für Produktpräsenta-tionen, Ausbildung und Lehre, Engineering, etc. Bei der Entwicklung solcher Anwendungen – im Speziellen von Bedien- und Beobachtungslösungen – müssen verschiedene Normen und Richtlinien beachtet werden, um zu gewährleisten, dass Anforderungen an die Betriebssi-cherheit in der jeweiligen Anlage eingehalten werden. In diesem Beitrag sollen einige Aspekte bezüglich der Anwendbarkeit solcher Richtlinien auf AR Anwendungen untersucht werden. Darüber hinaus werden weitere Aspekte betrachtet, die bei der Einführung von AR Anwen-dungen im großen Maßstab relevant sind, wie etwa die durchgängige Nutzbarkeit von CAD-Anlagenmodellen zur automatischen Erzeugung von AR-Lösungen. Schließlich stellen wir eine Fallstudie einer AR-Anwendung für eine prozesstechnische Kleinversuchsanlage vor.:1. Einleitung 2. Entwicklungsphasen von AR-Anwendungen 3. Betrachtung der UI-Gestaltungsrichtlinien 4. Fallstudie 4.1. Implementierung 4.2. Ergebnisse 5. Evaluation eines durchgängigen Entwurfsprozesses 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 7. Danksagung / Augmented Reality (AR) applications gain more and more relevance in various industrial ap-plications lately, e. g. for product presentations, education, engineering, etc. In the industrial domain, especially in process supervision applications, a number of standards and guidelines have been established to ensure that the design of user interfaces meets the safety require-ments of plants or factories. Hence, we seek an evaluation if these guidelines can be applied to AR applications. Moreover, there are other aspects to consider in case AR solutions shall be applied on a larger scale in industrial applications. Thus, it is being discussed whether CAD plant models can be used to generate AR applications automatically. Finally, in this contribu-tion, we present the first preliminary results of a case study on the application of those stand-ards to a visual AR application for in-field inspection and servicing scenarios.:1. Einleitung 2. Entwicklungsphasen von AR-Anwendungen 3. Betrachtung der UI-Gestaltungsrichtlinien 4. Fallstudie 4.1. Implementierung 4.2. Ergebnisse 5. Evaluation eines durchgängigen Entwurfsprozesses 6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 7. Danksagung

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