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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Asynchronous Meta-Data Driven Web UI for Pricing of Structured Products

Lindström, Anders January 2015 (has links)
In the process of building maintainable and customizable software used and displayed in different mediums, a user interface (UI) that is auto-generated from meta-data can be built. That way minimal effort can be made when customizing the software. This thesis took place at the financial software company SunGard. Traders have requested a web based solution to one of SunGard's financial softwares, and will be used for managing structured products. The solution had to work with some already defined web and server components that SunGard is using. The web tool used for making a prototype and evaluating the suitability was AngularJS. As a result it was found that it was possible to create a meta-data driven UI. Some programmatic design issues when generating the UI are discussed.

Benefits of continuous delivery for Sigma IT Consulting

Sigfast, Martin, Olsson, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Manual deploys and testing of code can be both time-consuming and error-prone. Many repetitive manual steps can lead to critical tests or necessary configuration being forgotten or being skipped due time-constraints resulting in software that doesn’t work as intended when deployed to production. The purpose of this report is to examine whether continuous delivery(CD) could lead to any positive effects and if there are any obstacles for CD in an Episerver project at Sigma ITC. The study was done by implementing a CD pipeline for a project similar to a real project at Sigma then letting the developers work with it and interviewing them about their current workflow, their attitude towards the different steps involved and if they saw any problems with CD for their project. Even if the developers, in general, where positive to CD they had some reservations about it in their current projects. The main obstacle the developers saw where the time/cost which would affect the customer and also some uncertainty around the complexity in testing Episerver. The results show that there could be positive effects of CD even if the project type is not optimal for reaping all the CD benefits, it all depends on people involved seeing a value in testing and the questions around testing in Episerver are straightened out.

Digitalt projektledningsverktyg baserat på principer inom gamification : Med syftet att öka motivationen och engagemanget i användandet

Forslund, Max, Ek, Johannes January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie har ett konstruktionsarbete utförts där ett projektledningsverktyg tagits fram. Projektledningsverktyget ämnar till att öka de värdeskapande processer som sker i användandet av verktyget. Syftet med studien är därmed att undersöka hur motivationen och engagemanget i användandet kan höjas genom att implementera gamification-principer i verktygets gränssnitt och funktionalitet. Studien bygger på en förstudie från tidigare forskning inom projektledning och planering samt tjänsteinnovation som blir den bakomliggande strukturen i studien. Detta kombineras med teorier och principer inom interaktionsdesign, UX/UI-design och gamification, vilket själva konstruktionsarbetet grundar sig på. Under arbetet med studien har Action Design Research tillämpats som övergripande forskningsmetod men har även kombinerats med Arvolas designprocess för att ge ytterligare stöd till konstruktionsarbetet av verktyget. Genom denna process har arbetet utförts i ett nära samarbete med digitalbyrån Samuraj, där idén om ett nytt projektledningsverktyg vuxit fram. Företaget har även varit ett stort stöd genom processen där flera möten och dialoger har ägt rum för att samla in värdefull information och utvärdera koncept kring projektledningsverktyget. Studien ämnar därmed till att presentera ett designförslag som genomgått flera iterationer vilket i sin tur resulterat i en interaktivprototyp.

Advancing Models of Privacy Decision Making : Exploring the What & How of Privacy Behaviours

Kitkowska, Agnieszka January 2018 (has links)
People's decisions do not happen in a vacuum; there are multiple factors that may affect them. There are external determinants, such as cost/benefit calculation of decision outcomes. There are also internal factors, such as attitudes, personality, emotions, age, and nationality. Frequently, the latter have a final say on the decision at hand, and similar determinants are triggered during the digital interaction when people make decisions about their privacy. The current digital privacy landscape is filled with recurring security breaches and leaks of personal information collected by online service providers. Growing dependency on Internet-connected devices and increasing privacy risks prompted policy makers to protect individuals' right to privacy. In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation requires companies to provide adequate information about their data collection and processing practices to users, to increase privacy awareness and enable better decision making. Regardless, currently there is no sufficient, usable technology, which could help people make improved privacy decisions, decreasing over-disclosure and oversharing. Hence, multidisciplinary researchers aim at developing new privacy-enhancing solutions. To define such solutions and successfully convey data provision and processing practices, potential risks, or harms resulting from information disclosure, it is crucial to understand cognitive processes underpinning privacy decisions. In this thesis, we examine privacy decisions and define factors that influence them. We investigate the attitude-behaviour relationship and identify privacy concerns affecting perceptions of privacy. Additionally, we examine factors influencing information sharing, such as emotional arousal and personality traits. Our results demonstrate that there is a relationship between privacy concerns and behaviours, and that simplified models of behaviour are insufficient to predict privacy decisions. Our findings show that internal factors, such as nationality and culture, emotional arousal, and individual characteristics, affect privacy decisions. Based on our findings, we conclude that future models of privacy should incorporate such determinants. Further, we postulate that privacy user interfaces must become more flexible and personalised than the current solutions. / Growing dependency on Internet-connected devices and increasing privacy risks prompted policymakers to protect individuals’ right to privacy. In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation requires companies to provide users with adequate information about data collection and processing practices to increase privacy awareness and enable better decisions. Hence, multidisciplinary researchers aim at developing new privacy-enhancing solutions. However, to develop such solutions it is crucial to understand cognitive processes underpinning privacy decisions. This thesis objective is to investigate privacy behaviours. We identify privacy concerns affecting perceptions of privacy and examine factors influencing information sharing. We show that simplified models of behaviour are insufficient predictors of privacy decisions, and that demographic characteristic, emotion and personality affect privacy attitudes and behaviours. Based on our findings we conclude that future models of privacy and designs of privacy user interfaces must incorporate such behavioural determinants.

OnBoard : Applikation för personalhantering

Wigström, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Detta projekt har, för företaget Gisys räkning, gått ut på att från grunden skapa en applikation som förenklar processen när en nyanställning sker i företaget. Med detta menas ett gränssnitt där man kan lägga upp nya personer, utskick av formulär där den kommande medarbetaren får fylla i uppgifter och önskemål, utskick av övriga mail och checklistor där ansvarig på Gisys kan bocka av vad som är gjort och inte. Resultatet av denna applikation ses nu som en start på något större, efter många avstämningsmöten har kallar vi nu detta ett mindre intranät där nyanställningsprocessen snarare är en modul utav den större applikationen. Efter ett lyckat arbete och god respons från Gisys så finns planer alltså på att vidareutveckla applikationen med fler moduler.

Designing and Implementing a Mobile Web-based Math Game with Good and Stable Performance

Nilsson, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Designing games, especially for mobile devices, requires that developers think through their design of content, both logically and visually. The user interaction tools differs a lot between desktop and mobiles, and does often need to be considered during the development. When the game is also meant to be played through a web browser in some way, advantages and limitations by having that layer, should be taken into account as well, as it restricts access to file system, but at same time provides its own storage functionality. As game development in general is rather complex, this thesis focus is to give an example of a mobile web game, which could be extended and adjusted regarding some specific topics. It also shows that game development frameworks like Phaser, are very useful. The game is developed in Javascript, with the aforementioned Phaser framework. Some results found, shows that Canvas is still superior to WebGL for mobile devices. Atlases do help even for smaller amount of images, although not by very much, and that choosing an appropriate game level generation algorithm as well as its implementation can greatly affect performance, but that there might be trade-off between speed and functionality.

Sätt fler användare i centrum med åldersresponsiv design / Put more users in center with age responsive design

Hjelm, Wilhelm, Grändevall, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
Under 2017 spås det att de första åldersresponsiva webbplatserna kommer publiceras. En webbplats som inte bara anpassar sig efter vilken enhet besökaren kommer från, utan även användarens ålder. I denna studie finner vi vilka problem som kan knytas till just användarens ålder.

Creating User Interfaces Using Web-based Technologies to Support Rapid Prototyping in a Desktop Astrovisualization Software

Eskilson, Klas January 2017 (has links)
In this report, the development and implementation of a desktop user interface framework is presented. It is built using web technologies and the Javascript framework React together with a web socket server to render the graphical user interface in an OpenGL environment. This is done by using the open-source framework Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF). The resulting framework and implementation has proven successful, with promising results both from a performance perspective and from a development rapidness perspective.

Interaktionsdesign och UX under utvecklingen av ett pressinfosystem

Zaar, Oskar January 2015 (has links)
Jag har arbetat med framtagningen av ett nytt pressinfosystem till SVT. Framförallt har jag undersökt hur man kan gå till väga när man arbetar arbetarcentrerat med interaktionsdesign. Processen har gått igenom flera steg, från att identifiera användargrupper och följa deras väg över webbplatsen till att identifiera nyckelfunktioner och kritiska sidor. Därefter har en design för sidan tagits fram, testats och delvis implementerats. Processen har gjort att jag har fått en tydligare bild av några best practices och testmetoder samt en fördjupad förståelse för hur arbetet med att ta fram interaktiva produkter kan se ut.

Jämförelse av JavaScript-ramverk för stora dynamiska webbapplikationer / Comparison of JavaScript frameworks for large dynamic web applications

Lundgren, Victor January 2012 (has links)
På marknaden finns ett flertal JavaScript-ramverk, exempelvis: YUI, The Dojo Toolkit, Kendo UI och. Ext JS. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka av dessa JavaScript-ramverk som är lämpliga att använda vid utveckling av stora dynamiska webbapplikationer. Sedermera skall studien leda till ett förslag på JavaScript-ramverk för ändamålet. Ramverken har analyserats och jämförts med avseende på följande aspekter och kriterier: skalbarhet, prestanda, AJAX, RPC-hantering, licensering, webbläsarkompatibilitet, gränssnittskomponenter, anrop mellan domäner, DOM-hantering och användarvänlighet. För att jämföra och analysera ramverken har en testapplikation utvecklats med varje JavaScript-ramverk. Testapplikationen förses med information från en serverapplikation som utvecklats med PHP, där en SQLite-databas används som informationskälla. Förfarandet innebär att serverapplikationen inte används för att generera användargränssnittet, vilket därmed övergår till att vara JavaScript-ramverkets primära uppgift. Resultatet uppvisar att JavaScript-ramverket The Dojo Toolkit är karakteristiskt det mest lämpliga ramverket att använda i samband med utveckling av stora dynamiska webbapplikationer. Ramverket tillfredsställer samtliga kriterier och aspekter på ett eminent sätt. Sedermera föreslås Ext JS som det sekundära valet av JavaScript-ramverk för ändamålet. / On today’s market there are many attractive JavaScript-frameworks such as YUI, Dojo Toolkit, Kendo UI and Ext JS. The purpose with this study is to find JavaScript frameworks that are suitable in situation when developing large dynamic web applications. The study shall result in a proposal of one or more JavaScript frameworks to use in the situation previously described. The frameworks have been analyzed and compared with respect to the following aspects and criteria: scalability, AJAX, RPC-handling, cross-browser compatibility, GUI-components, cross-domain calls, DOM-handling, user-friendliness, performance, and licensing. To conduct this study a test application has been developed, that are developed with each framework. This application is feed with information from a database on a web server with PHP as the scripting environment. The application server’s primary objective is to provide information to the test application and not to generate the user interface. The result of this study indicates that Dojo Toolkit meets all requirements and has performed well overall. This framework satisfies the stated criteria and the specified aspects in an eminent way. It’s therefore proposed to be used as the main framework when developing large dynamic web applications. Ext JS is proposed as the secondary suggestion for the same purpose previously described.

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