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A business application automates a collection of business processes. A business process describes how a set of logically related tasks are executed, ordered and managed by following business rules to achieve business objectives. An “online book purchase” business process contains several tasks such as buying a book, ordering a book, and sending out promotions. In this ever changing business environment, both of business applications and business processes are modified to accommodate changed business requirements and improve the performance of the organization. These continuous modifications introduce problems in the following two aspects:
1) Business process definitions are rarely updated to reflect the current business processes deployed in business applications. 2) Business processes may be cloned (e.g., copied and slightly modified) to handle special circumstances or promotions. Identifying these clones and removing them help improve the efficiency of an organization. However, business processes are defined with textual languages that cannot be automatically understood.
To maintain business process definitions up to date, we present our techniques that automatically recover business processes from UIs of business applications and identify clones in the recovered business processes. We leverage UI design patterns, which present the best practices of UI designs, to capture business processes from UIs. To refine the recovered business processes and mark the functionally equivalent tasks, we use existing code clone detection tools, such as CCFinder and CloneDR, to detect clones in business applications, and lift clones from code level to business process level. The effectiveness of our techniques is demonstrated through a case study on 15 large open source business applications. / Thesis (Master, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2008-10-28 11:06:31.41
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Effektivisering av UI-utveckling i datorspelBankler, Hampus January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents my work at the company Fatshark AB in Stockholm. My supervisor Rikard Blomberg, who works as a chief technology officer at Fatshark and is one of the owners of the company, explained that they had experienced weaknesses in the methodology used when developing heads up displays (HUD) for their games. In the latest production, Lead and Gold, the HUD had been redesigned a number of times, becoming an unnecessarily big expense due to the number of work hours invested. In modern software development, an iterative workflow is commonly encouraged. Despite this fact, the work efficiency could likely be increased by setting up guidelines as a help in the process of developing HUDs and reviewing the solutions. There was also a need for a way to estimate a particular redesign’s impact on the game before the actual implementation had been made, and ways to define the pros and cons of each redesign. My task was to come up with standards for how the different elements in a UI could be structured and reviewed, in order to improve the developing process of the UI and facilitate the communication between employees. These standards were to be designed by a team consisting of Fatshark employees from different work disciplines and myself. / Den här rapporten beskriver mitt exjobb på företaget Fatshark AB i Stockholm. Min handledare Rikard Blomberg, som är chefsprogrammerare och delägare i företaget, förklarade att det fanns brister i deras metodik för utveckling av HUD i deras produktioner. I den senaste titeln, Lead and Gold, hade HUD:en designats om väldigt många gånger, och därför, räknat i arbetstimmar, kostat orimliga summor pengar. Samtidigt som man i modern mjukvaruutveckling ofta främjar en iterativ arbetsmetodik, skulle processen kunna effektiviseras om det sattes upp ramar och planer för hur man ska gå tillväga för att utveckla och mäta kvaliteten på resultatet. Vidare var det önskvärt att i någon utsträckning kunna förutspå vad som kan bli bra innan det läggs in, och att kunna definiera på vilket eller vilka sätt någonting är ”bra”. Mitt uppdrag handlade om att tillsammans med några på företaget ta fram standarder för hur olika delar av spelets HUD (senare omformulerat till att inbegripa UI i allmänhet) ska struktureras och hur man ska kunna använda detta för att effektivisera utvecklingen för att nå snabbare och bättre resultat.
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Hur prototyper kan användas i arbetet med applikationer riktade till ungdomarAbdi, Mohamed, Ali, Mahammed January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Using prototypes when developing IT artifacts is not something new. With the help of prototypes, developers get a chance to show what the IT artifact can look like without investing too much time or money. The end user also gets the chance to see the IT artifact before it has been developed and gets a chance to add or remove features and requirements. This study examines how to use prototypes and how the use of prototypes improves the experience of mobile application interfaces for young people. In the study, young people from a leisure center were interviewed regarding the development of a mobile application. Three different prototypes have been presented and data has been collected on those prototypes to then see how the different prototypes can be used in a development process. After data collection, it turned out that the Lo-fi prototype did not contribute as much as the Hi-fi prototypes, so there is no need to develop Lo-fi prototypes in order to obtain data on user experience.
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SEO for web developers : Understanding, implementing & testingBergström, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this study is to start understanding SEO when you are a web developer to help increase your knowledge to be able to offer more for your costumers. It aims to look at the bigger picture and try to touch a lot of areas within SEO without going in deep into every part. This study has taken help from several blogs and sources about SEO, mainly from the internet, to build a base of knowledge to put in to the implementation. And to test the results several SEO tools have been used, such as Google Analytics, Siteliner and Googles structured data testing. All tools for measuring different parts of SEO. Also a user experience test has been conducted to understand how visitors navigate to find information on the site and what roll content value has in SEO. To understand how to implement SEO in both code and content this study has 2 projects in its aim, one being translating posts and making sure the SEO is up to part for a medical blog and the other developing a website for a drop-in solarium business and implementing SEO into it. This study goes from braking down parts of SEO, explaining them whiteout going too deep, implementing them in both content and code and to finish testing and analyzing it.
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Principles for Designing Accessible Health Applications for Older AdultsGomez Enriquez, Diego 23 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Svensk spel UI - mer science än fiction : En kvalitativ studie om svenska spelutvecklares designprocess kring UIDib, Angelina, Holm, Sandra, Jörgensen, Alva January 2023 (has links)
Svensk spel UI - mer science än fiction är en uppsats skriven av Angelina Dib, Sandra Holm och Alva Jörgensen. Denna undersökning handlar om spelutvecklingen i Sverige, med fokus på UI, det vill säga User Interface. Denna uppsats innehåller 7548 ord. Syftet med undersökningen är att utreda hur olika spelutvecklare tolkar designprocessen bakom UI, hur den skapas, samt hur de tror spelindustrin kommer förändras i framtiden. Undersökningen har använt sig av en kvalitativ metod för att få fram sitt resultat, specifikt kvalitativ intervjumetodik. Urvalet bestod av fem personer som jobbar som spelutvecklare i Sverige från fyra företag, det vill säga Tarsier. A Bit Ago, Atomic Elbow och DICE. Alla intervjuades en och en, med ett undantag, där två intervjuades samtidigt. Resultatet från dessa intervjuer indikerar att processen oftast börjar med många idéer, som sedan bestäms och finslipas. När underlag för spelets utseende och tema har blivit bestämt så kan UI:ns formgivning börja. UI har ofta prioritet att vara lättförstådd för spelarna men ska även kännas som samhörande till spelet vad det gäller UI:ns visuella formgivning. Spel tillhörande samma genre brukar oftast ha liknande UI för att spelarna inte behöver lära sig hur UI:n ska fungera återigen. Sist så tror många av informanterna att framtiden för UI kommer bli lättare, då nya program ständigt utvecklas och äldre program uppdateras för att underlätta skapandet och implementeringen av UI. Informanter ser även en möjlighet för att AI ska kunna integreras med UI i spel för att spelarna exempelvis ska kunna tala med karaktärerna de bemöter.
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Designing for usability and user engagement : Evaluating the combination of competitive, parallel and iterative design process for higher usability and user engagement in a safety-oriented mobile application / Design för användbarhet och användarengagemang : Utvärdering på kombinationen av tävlingsinriktad, parallell och iterativ designprocess för ökad användbarhet och användarengagemang i en säkerhetsinriktad mobilapplikationSundgren, Pontus January 2023 (has links)
Usability plays an important role in user-experience design and when designing for usability it is necessary that a suitable design process is planned and executed. A question designers may have experienced is "what is the best design process for this project?" when in reality, the best design process is a combination of several design processes. This thesis combines competitive, parallel and iterative design processes when designing for usability and user engagement. The three design processes segues into each other as they aid in the process of identifying current problems with the design, find solutions that are both tested and untested, and then iteratively improves these solutions to a point of satisfactory result. The result shows, however, that combining three design processes can be expensive in terms of resources and that instead of having a set number of design processes with then resources divided between the processes, resources should determine the numbers of design processes to combine. / Användbarhet spelar en viktig roll i design av användarupplevelser och vid design för användbarhet är det nödvändigt att en lämplig designprocess planeras och genomförs. En fråga som designers kan ha upplevt är "vilken är den bästa designprocessen för detta projekt?" när i verkligheten är den bästa designprocessen en kombination av flera designprocesser. Denna avhandling kombinerar konkurrens, parallell och iterativ designprocesser vid design för användbarhet och användarengagemang. De tre designprocesserna går in i varandra när de hjälper till att identifiera aktuella problem med designen, hitta lösningar som är både testade och oprövade och sedan iterativt förbättrar dessa lösningar till ett tillfredsställande resultat. Resultatet visar dock att att kombinera tre designprocesser kan vara dyrt resursmässigt och att istället för att ha ett visst antal designprocesser med sedan resurser uppdelade mellan processerna bör resurserna bestämma antalet designprocesser som ska kombineras.
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Using Design Patterns in User Interface DesignChase, Chelsea 08 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Analysverktyg - Ett verktyg för analysering av CSN-komponenterFalk, Viola January 2024 (has links)
This project aims to develop a prototype for an analysis tool intended for an upcoming web application within the Central Study Support Authority (CSN). The focus is on designing a user-friendly and accessible tool to analyze the usage of CSN's component library. Through an iterative process, where user experience is prioritized, methods such as user surveys and wireframe creation have been used to clarify the design and structure. The project follows the "Double Diamond" model with phases including Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. During these phases, interviews have been carried out to understand user needs and requirements, resulting in a prototype in Figma. After creating the prototype, usability tests were performed to evaluate the tool's effectiveness and usability. The results of these tests were used to optimize the prototype and ensure that the final analysis tool best meets the users' needs. / Syftet med detta projekt är att utveckla en prototyp för ett analysverktyg avsett för en kommande webbapplikation inom myndigheten Centrala studiestödsnämnden (CSN). Fokus ligger på att designa ett användarvänligt och tillgängligt verktyg för att analysera användningen av CSN:s komponentbibliotek. Genom en iterativ process, där användarupplevelsen är i centrum, har metoder som användarundersökningar och skapande av wireframes använts för att konkretisera designen och strukturen. Projektet följer Double Diamond-modellen med faser som Upptäcka, Definiera, Utveckla och Leverera. Under dessa faser har intervjuer genomförts för att förstå användarbehov och krav, vilket resulterat i en prototyp i Figma. Efter att prototypen skapats har användbarhetstester genomförts för att utvärdera verktygets effektivitet och användbarhet. Resultaten av testerna har använts för att optimera prototypen och säkerställa att det slutliga analysverktyget bäst möter användarnas behov.
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'ParkinVT', A Concept Mobile Application for Improved Parking at Virginia TechLiang, Jingyi 20 June 2017 (has links)
Parking continually becomes an issue in the modern society. Not only appears in the large cities like New York or Chicago, on-campus parking also a big problem annoys students in lots of universities. With of smartphone development, many mobile applications are designed for solving the parking issues. This final thesis study is a concept multiplatform mobile application called 'ParkinVT', which designs for improved parking in Virginia Tech. This study covers all standard procedures of application design. First, the study of 'ParkinVT' started with the research of the background, equipment, and current parking regulations of Virginia Tech. Second, reviews of two existing parking mobile applications were carried out. Third, based on the materials and knowledge collected in the previous two steps, a working flow chart and wireframe of the UI of 'ParkinVT' were designed. Then, for ensuring the function settings of 'ParkinVT', a usability testing was conducted with the paper-based wireframe work. Three usability test processes in this study were entrance survey, usability testing with video recordings, and evaluation through exit survey. After the usability testing and analysis were finished, the design of 'ParkinVT' reached its final design step, which included logo design, graphic design, and UI design. In terms of the limitations of this study, future directions were also considered at the end of the design of 'ParkinVT'. / Master of Fine Arts / Due to the difficulty of finding a parking space and lack of parking status checking platforms in Virginia Tech, this study aims to design a concept mobile application for solving this issue for the people working or visiting Virginia Tech. This research first introduces the current parking environment in Virginia Tech, the modern technologies that can be used for parking, the design inspirations from existing parking applications, and the target audiences of the parking service of Virginia Tech. Finally, the project presents a mobile application entitled “ParkinVT” based on usability testing and information collected.
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