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The impact of the Unisa HIV/AIDS programme on learners and their community involvementMatoane, Matshepo 31 January 2008 (has links)
In this study the impact of the UNISA HIV/AIDS training programme on participants' learning and involvement in their respective communities was explored. The UNISA HIV/AIDS programme comprises Modules 1, 2 and 3. Module 1 focuses on orientation and background to HIV/AIDS Care and Counselling, Module 2 on HIV/AIDS counselling skills and Module 3 on train the trainer in HIV/AIDS education and counselling. This study focused only on Modules 1 and 2. Kirkpatrick's model of evaluating education and training programmes was used as a framework to evaluate the programme.
Participants for the study consisted of 116 students who attended the UNISA HIV/AIDS Module 2 workshops between December 2005 and December 2006. The study was conducted in two phases, the first phase during the workshops, where participants were asked to indicate both quantitatively and qualitatively how they experienced Module 1 and Module 2 as well as what they learnt in the two modules. The participants' involvement in HIV/AIDS work prior and post Module 2 training as well as the aspects of the programme that are being applied within their work in the community was assessed during the second phase of the study, which took place during 2007.
The results of the study indicate that the programme has successfully equipped participants with the necessary HIV/AIDS information and skills. The programme has further empowered participants to engage in HIV/AIDS education and counselling in their communities. Participants' attitudes towards the disease and towards those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS were challenged, resulting in less stigmatization and discrimination. The programme further challenged participants to start adopting health protective behaviours.
The present study concludes that for HIV/AIDS programmes to be effective, they need to include, amongst other things, a well-researched basic HIV/AIDS factual information section, a component on attitudes and one on skills (particularly linked to behaviour change). These should be presented in an interactive way, engaging the participants in active learning. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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Ensuring the quality of doctoral student support services in open distance learningTsige Gebremeskel Aberra 11 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on student support service quality with particular reference to an Open Distance Learning (ODL) environment. Taking student support services as anchors in mainstreaming ODL, the aims of the study are to develop an instrument that can accurately measure student support service quality in an Ethiopian ODL environment. Simultaneously, it is to investigate an alleged gap between students’ expectations and experiences of service quality in the Ethiopia-UNISA context. In doing so, an attempt is made to determine the students’ level of satisfaction with the student support services provided. The study relies on quantitative methods and a design-based research strategy, which involves iterative and step-by-step processes of investigation. The theoretical framework employed in this study is Gaps Model by Parasuraman, Ziethaml and Berry (1985). Using an instrument of which the possible level of external and internal validity has been ensured, data are collected and quantitatively analysed using a standard Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The data suggest that there are five dimensions that play a cardinal role in the measurement of student support service quality in an ODL context, namely supervision support, infrastructure, administrative support, academic facilitation and corporate image. In the Ethiopian context, there appears to be a discrepancy between students’ expectations and their experiences of the quality of student support services. More than often their expectations exceed their actual experiences of quality service provision. Students’ satisfaction levels are negatively affected by the quality of four of the support services provided by UNISA as measured through expectations and experiences. In contrast, the students’ responses show that they are highly satisfied with the corporate image UNISA holds both in Ethiopia and internationally. From among the five dimensions, however, corporate image and supervision support stand out to be the most important dimensions in contributing to the students’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction, respectively. As a recommendation, this study highlights that these two dimensions must be focal areas by UNISA as more effort must be exerted to build the image of UNISA in Ethiopia and to improve the supervision support provided to students. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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The use of radio frequency identification self-help circulation services for the delivery of user services at the University of South Africa library servicesKeyser, Francois January 2017 (has links)
This study investigated the factors, best practice, advantages and disadvantages that influence the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) self-help circulation services for service delivery by South African academic libraries with specific emphasis on the University of South Africa (Unisa) Library. Unisa Library Services is the only library service in South Africa that has implemented a fully-fledged RFID self-help circulation service. There must therefore be reasons why other libraries in South Africa have not implemented this type of service. Accordingly, a need was identified to investigate the aspects that should be considered before a library decides to implement such a circulation service. There was also a need to identify the factors, best practice, advantages and disadvantages that influence the use of RFID self-help circulation services.
The study gives a brief overview of RFID technology and its use in libraries internationally with specific emphasis on its use for self-help circulation purposes. Through a literature study, certain factors, best practice, advantages and disadvantages that influence the use of RFID self-help circulation services were identified. The identified factors, best practice, advantages and disadvantages were subsequently used to compile questionnaires to obtain information from Unisa library users (students and staff). Only Unisa staff and students who were situated close to Unisa campuses with RFID self-help circulation services were included in the study. During the analysis of the data collected additional factors, best practice, advantages and disadvantages were identified.
Recommendations were compiled regarding the factors, best practice, advantages and disadvantages that influence the use of RFID self-help circulation services. These recommendations are meant as a guide for South African libraries when making decisions on the possible implementation and use of RFID self-help circulation services. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Science)
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Learner support in open and distance learning context : a case study of ABET programmes at the University of South AfricaBaloyi, Gezani Phineas 11 1900 (has links)
The recent global growth and popularity of open and distance learning (ODL) has been attributed to its advantages, such as flexibility for students who wish to study while working. Moreover, ODL is an effective tool in extending participation to students from less privileged social groups who are unreachable due to geographic location or cannot access higher education due to diverse factors, such as financial constraints or domestic arrangements. In the light of this, this study investigated learner support in the Department of Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) at the University of South Africa (Unisa), the largest, dedicated ODL institution in South Africa. A review of literature identified the Community of Inquiry model proposed by Garrison, Anderson and Archer (2001) as useful in this context and I used it as a conceptual framework for the empirical inquiry that I undertook.
A mixed method approach comprising two consecutive phases was employed to investigate the research questions. A self-designed questionnaire was used to gather quantitative data from a random sample of 400 students registered for the ABET Diploma module (Phase One) followed by face to face interviews with selected lecturers and students (Phase Two). The scope of the study was limited to ABET lecturers, ABET diploma students and to selected Unisa learner support systems, such as myUnisa which includes a web-based discussion forum.
The findings of the inquiry were presented and discussed under three main headings: the findings of Phase One, the findings of Phase Two and a summary in which the findings of the two phases were integrated where appropriate. The themes that emerged from the questionnaire and the interviews demonstrate clearly that learner support in the ABET Department is crucial in ensuring learner success. Interlinking themes are as follows: the context of the students, levels of computer literacy, accessibility of Unisa learner support systems, student motivation and time management. Many ABET students live in remote areas of the country and have little or no access to internet facilities. However, the majority of students agreed that they would like to interact more with other students through myUnisa in future. Lecturers and students agreed that myUnisa was a vital tool in teaching the students online; yet both students and lecturers still regarded contact discussion classes as the most important form of learner support. The findings suggested that the distance between the university and the student still has to be reduced more to ensure that student support reaches all students equitably. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Experiences of student peer helpers in an open distance learning institutionMabizela, Sfiso Emmanuel 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The primary aim of this study is to explore and describe experiences of peer helpers at an Open Distance Learning institution since the start of their joining the Unisa Peer Help Volunteer Programme. This study was conducted with the intention of granting the peer helpers an opportunity to reflect on their individual experiences and in so doing in laying the foundation for future studies, intended to steer the Unisa peer help volunteer programme to new frontiers, while simultaneously highlighting the contribution that has been made by the Unisa Peer Help Voluntary Programme. An intrinsic case study design has been utilised in order to gain comprehensive insight into peer helpers’ experiences. A sample of seven peer helpers were interviewed using the semi-structured interview technique. The main findings from this study can be categorised into four distinctive themes namely: (a) the peer helpers’ goals for joining the Unisa Peer Help Volunteer Programme; (b) construction of roles as peer helpers at an open distance learning institution; (c) positive experiences of participating in the Unisa peer help volunteer programme; and (d) the negative experiences of participating in the Unisa Peer Help Volunteer Programme. The findings have painted a positive picture of how the Unisa peer help volunteer programme has contributed in shaping the lives of the peer helpers. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology (Research Consultation))
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Exploring the use of social media tools in the University of South Africa LibraryMolokisi, Sinah 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Zulu and Sotho / Social media have taken a lead in academic libraries; however, there are still questions on how libraries are using social media tools to enhance their service delivery. The aim of this exploratory study was to investigate the use of social media tools by library staff working in the University of South Africa’s (Unisa) main library on the Muckleneuk Campus. Since it was realised that not all staff members use social media tools in the execution of their daily tasks, the first objective was to establish which staff members do use social media tools and for which purpose the tools are being used. A further objective was to learn about the potential advantages of social media tools to improve service delivery. The study also endeavoured to acquire an understanding of the challenges that social media tools present to its users. Based on the literature review, it could be established that libraries, and specifically academic libraries, utilise social media for marketing, dissemination of information, reference services, and communication with users and to answer student queries. The reported findings of this study concur with the findings reported in the literature review. The empirical data, which were collected through a qualitative survey questionnaire and interviews with library staff who use social media tools, revealed that only staff who communicate with library patrons, namely information processors and marketing staff, use social media tools. The findings also showed that the Unisa Library has specific guidelines and policies that guide the use of social media tools to interact with users, market the library and communicate events and service delivery changes. / Izinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi sezihamba phambili emitapweni yolwazi yasemanyuvesi, kodwa kusanemibuzo eminingi maqondana nokuthi imitapo yolwazi iwasebenzisa kanjani amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi ukuthuthukisa ukuhlinzekwa kwezidingo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo oluhlola kabanzi kwakungukubheka ukuthi abasebenzi basemtapweni wolwazi omkhulu waseNyuvesi YaseNingizimu Afrika (i-Unisa) ekamu laseMuckleneuk bawasebenzisa kanjani amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi. Njengoba sekwabonakala ukuthi akuwona wonke amalungu angabasebenzi asebenzisa amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi ekuqhutshweni kwemisebenzi yawo yansuku zonke, injongo yokuqala kwakungukubheka ukuthi yimaphi amalungu omphakathi asebenzisa amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi futhi awasebenzisela ukwenzani. Enye injongo kwakungukufunda mayelana nokuhle okungadalwa ngamathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi ukuthuthukisa ukuhlinzekwa kwezidingo. Lolu cwaningo lwaluqonde nokuqonda izingqinamba abantu abasebenzisa amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi ababhekana nazo. Kuncike ekuhlaziyweni kwemibhalo ekhona, kwatholakala ukuthi imitapo yolwazi, ikakhulukazi leyo yasemanyuvesi, isebenzisa izinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi ukukhangisa, ukusabalalisa imininingwane, ukubheka imithombo, ukuxhumana nabayisebenzisayo kanye nokuphendula imibuzo yezitshudeni. Okwatholakela okubikiwe mayelana nalolu cwaningo kuyahambisana nokubikiwe okwatholakala ngokuhlaziya imibhalo. Imininingwane eyatholakala ngokubheka okwenzekayo, eyaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa iphephamibuzo lenhlolovo eqoqa imininingwane yamaqiniso kanye nezingxoxo ezabanjwa nabasebenzi bomtapo wolwazi abasebenzisa amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi yaveza ukuthi abasebenzi abaxhumana nabasebenzisi bomtapo wolwazi, abaziwa ngokuthi ngama-information processors kanye nabasebenzi abakhangisayo yibona kuphela abasebenzisa amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi. Okutholakele kuphinde kwaveza ukuthi uMtapo Wolwazi Wase-Unisa unemihlahlandlela kanye nezinqubomgomo okulandelwayo ukuze kusetshenziswe kahle amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi, ukuxhumana nabasebenzisi bawo, ukukhangisa ngomtapo wolwazi nokwazisa ngemicimbi ekhona kanye noshintsho ekuhlinzekweni kwezidingo. / Marangrang a leago a thomile go šomišwa kudu ka makgobapukung a thuto, efela go sa na le dipotšišo ka ga ka fao makgobapuku a šomišago dithulusi tša marangrang a leago go kaonafatša kabo ya ona ya ditirelo. Maikemišetšo a nyakišišo ye ya phetleko e be e le go nyakišiša tšhomišo ya dithulusi tša marangrang a leago ka bašomi ba go šoma ka bokgobapukung bjo bogolo bja Yunibesithi ya Afrika Borwa (Unisa), Khamphaseng ya Muckleneuk. Ka ge go lemogilwe gore ga se bašomi ka moka ba go šomiša dithulusi tša marangrang a leago tirong ya mešongwana ya bona ya letšatši le letšatši, nepo ya mathomo e be e le go hwetša gore ke bašomi bafe bao ba šomišago dithulusi tša marangrang a leago le gore dithulusi di šomišetšwa morero ofe. Nepo ye nngwe e be e le go ithuta ka ga mehola ye dithulusi tša marangrang a leago di kago kgona go ba nayo go kaonafatša kabo ya ditirelo. Nyakišišo gape e lekile go hwetša kwešišo ya ditlhohlo tše dithulusi tša marangrang a leago di di bakelago bašomiši ba tšona. Go ya ka tshekatsheko ya dingwalo, go lemogilwe gore makgobapuku, kudu makgobapuku a thuto, a šomiša marangrang a leago go bapatša, go phatlalatša tshedimošo, go fa ditirelo tša referentshe, go kgokagana le bathekgi le go araba dipotšišo tša baithuti. Dikutullo tše di begilwego tša nyakišišo ye di dumelelana le dikutullo tša tshekatsheko ya dingwalo tše di hweditšwego. Datha ya go lemogwa (emperikale) yeo e kgobokeditšwego ka lenaneopotšišo la nyakišišo ya khwalithethifi le dipoledišano tša bašomi ba bokgobapuku bao ba šomišago dithulusi tša marangrang a leago, di utulotše gore ke fela bašomi bao ba boledišanago le bathekgi ba bokgobapuku, e lego basepetši ba tshedimošo le bašomi ba go bapatša bao ba šomišago dithulusi tša marangrang a leago. Dikutullo gape di laeditše gore bokgobapuku bja Unisa bo na le dipholisi le melawana ye itšeng ya go hlahla tšhomišo ya dithulusi tša mekgwa ya leago go kgokagana le bašomiši, go bapatša bokgobapuku le go tsebiša ditiragalo le diphetogo tša kabo ya ditirelo. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Science)
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On-line learning among Health Studies’ students at an open distance learning institution: prospects and challenges for interactivityMaboe, Kefiloe Adolphina 08 September 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to explore students’ on-line interactivity in an Open Distance Learning institution with other students, educators, study materials and Unisa as the sampled prototypical research subject. A mixed-method of research encompassing both explorative and descriptive aspects was used. Data was collected through myUnisa discussion forum, focus group interviews and an on-line questionnaire from second and third year Health Services Management students at the University of South Africa (Unisa).
Although the findings indicated that 84.9% of students owned computers, and 100% owned cellular phones, only 3.8% participated in the discussion forum. On-line discussion forum are critical in Open Distance Learning (ODL) because it allows people who cannot physically attend the educational institution to interact with each other. Almost 40% of these sampled students agreed that the discussion forum allowed them to study with their peers. However, only 53 of the 1,379 students registered for both second and third year studies during the first semester participated in the discussion forum. This indicates that very few students benefit from on-line interaction.
Most of the students who are enrolled in Health Services Management course are from 21 to above 50 years of age. This age factor can have an impact on computer literacy. Some of them indicated that they struggled with the utilisation of technology. The majority of these students do not utilise the prescribed on-line interactive tools effectively. Students’ need support cognitively, academically, administratively, institutionally and affectively. The findings suggest that although students are aware of the benefits of using online technologies, they do not have the support from the institution to enable them to better their skills in using these technologies. The other
challenge that they have raised is that educators also interact minimally on-line. Therefore, they do not receive the necessary feedback they require. The university systems are sometimes offline, which becomes worse during registration and submission of assignments.
The recommendations emanating from the study warrants various interventions of multiple stakeholders to resolve the students’ challenges. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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The personal contexts of undergraduate students in social work at UNISALintvelt, Rulene Annemie 11 1900 (has links)
The Department of Social Work at UNISA places the emphasis on developmental social work and trains students according to the Person Centred Approach which emphasises the uniqueness of each client. The question thus arises if this Department is indeed working with their students in a person-centred way, and if students think the Department lives out a person-centred philosophy. Exploring the personal contexts of students would give the Department of Social Work the oppor-tunity to try and find a fit between the personal contexts of students and the national requirements of training.
From a population of 114 fourth level students in Social Work at UNISA, a self-selected sample of 79% emerged. Focus is placed on the students' perceptions of following five areas: (1) the self, (2) family life and family of origin, (3) living and study conditions, (4) UNISA and social work training, (5) social work as future career. / Social Work / M.A. Social Science (Mental Health)
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Discourses of multicultural teams : implications for policy practice in open and distance learningNyoni, Jabulani 12 December 2012 (has links)
Although a number of researchers have attempted to identify measures to account for the core elements of effective intercultural/multicultural teams of community of practice (CoP) in open and distance learning (ODL) formal institutions, there is no consensus on those measures. Previous studies also suggest important differences in teamwork across cultures but they do not adequately address the complexity of issues affecting culturally diverse teams and do not identify the specific factors that contribute to these differences (Earley & Gibson 2002). The purpose of the study was to collect views and experiences of multicultural lecturers from the six Unisa colleges and the Directorate for Curriculum and Learning Development (DCLD) personnel on the operationalization of Unisa Framework for the implementation of a team approach to curriculum and learning development. Soon after South Africa’s independence in 1994, Unisa had to respond to a new paradigm shift by re-aligning their curricula to meet the new national and global economic demands and social justice. The process relates to major revisions of programmes and modules, as well as new programmes and modules.
The study adopts a qualitative research approach and uses Van Dijk (2009) critical discourse analysis (CDA) as a methodology and data analysis strategy. Sociocognitive Approach (SCA) theory as espoused by Van Dijk (2009) is underpinned by a narrative research design. A purposive sampling method was employed to collect data and critically analysed views and experiences of interracial/multicultural academic lecturers, a Director and DCLD education consultants engaged in collective partnerships in the craft of ODL curriculum and learning development at Unisa in South Africa. I used the Unisa Framework for a team approach to curriculum and learning development at Unisa as a model. Previous discourse studies in this area suggest that differences in communication practices may be attributed to power differentials or language competence. In particular it surfaces key tensions within subject expertise autonomy, such as those between commitments to reform and efficiency that may have a significant impact on the outcomes of subsequent policy compliance. In my analysis of the research participants’ discourses, it emerged that a culture of dichotomy; “us and them” inhibits the operationalization of the Unisa Framework for the implementation of team approach to curriculum and learning development which may be attributed to the failure to manage multicultural identity issues. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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A life coaching programme for the support of social work students within an open and distance learning contextBotha, Petro 01 1900 (has links)
Compared to other South African universities, the Department of Social Work at the UNISA has the highest intake of social work students but also the lowest throughput. Through post-graduate research, the Department of Social Work became aware of the often impeding influence of the personal, social and learning contexts of social work students on their performance, and identified a need for social work-specific student support. The following central research question was formulated: What would a life coaching programme to support social work students within an ODL context comprise of?
To explore and describe the specific support needs of social work students, the qualitative research approach was used and data was gathered from focus groups of social work students and individual interviews with recently graduated and employed social workers who studied at UNISA. Tesch’s steps (in Creswell, 2009:186) were used to analyse the data systematically and data was verified by integrating Guba’s model (in Krefting, 1991:214-222) with Yin’s (2011:19-20) three objectives for building trustworthiness and credibility.
The Intervention Design and Development (IDD) model of Rothman and Thomas (1994) was adapted and selectively employed, concentrating on Phase 1, 2, 3 (only Step 2) and Phase 4 in order to develop a support programme for this specific context. The goals of the support programme were to enhance student success and throughput, facilitate the personal, academic and professional development of students and to empower students to take ownership of their learning process.
An online self-coaching support programme was developed and structured around seven actions towards growth, namely, clarifying my strengths, connecting to my context, clarifying my vision, completing my plan, committing to action and growth, confirming my direction and celebrating completion. The programme is divided into eight coaching conversations, two per level, contains many activities, stories and references to resources. It is designed to be compulsory and integrated into the practical work modules. Although activities are to be completed independently by students, support will be provided by e-tutors, workshop facilitators and supervisors. A programme coordinator will be available online as an e-coach to provide ongoing support to social work students. / Social Work / D. Phil. (Social Work)
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