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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment for learning : an approach towards enhancing quality in mathematics teaching and learning in grade 6 / Assessering vir leer : 'n benadering om die kwaliteit van wiskundeonderrig en -leer in graad 6 te verbeter / Ukuhlolwa kohlelo lokufunda : indlela eqonde ukuqinisa izinga lokufundisa nokufunda imethamethiksi kwibanga lesi-6

Mahlambi, Sizwe Blessing 05 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Assessment is considered as integral to the teaching and learning process of Mathematics where various types of assessment are used to develop feedback for several purposes. Research has highlighted the challenge of the dominance of summative assessment in classroom assessment practices. In recent years, world countries have been acknowledging the use of assessment for learning (AfL) to enhance the learning process and thus improve learner performance. This research explored how Mathematics teachers applied AfL in their classrooms. A theoretical framework to support AfL was presented through an overview of constructivism theory, social justice theory, connectivism theory, TPACK theory and Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. A qualitative approach and a case study design were applied involving nine Mathematics teachers from nine primary schools. Data, collected through semi-structured interviews, non-participant observation and document analysis, were thematically analysed. The findings show a positive understanding of what AfL is and its importance to the teaching and learning of Mathematics. However, the application of AfL was found to be inconsistent with its purpose of creating an environment conducive to develop feedback that supports the learning process. Challenges that inhibit its application were found to outweigh successes experienced by teachers. Lack of theoretical understanding of the use of AfL, overcrowding, the language of learning and teaching and lack of resources emerged as some of the major challenges. Teachers pleaded for more in-service training opportunities to assist them with managing assessment for learning practices in Mathematics. / Assessering is onlosmaaklik met die onderrig en leer van wiskunde verbind. Wiskunde word op verskeie maniere geassesseer sodat terugvoering om allerlei redes verkry word. Volgens navorsing oorheers summatiewe assessering in klaskamers. In die laaste jare word assessering vir leer (AvL) wêreldwyd aangewend om die leerproses en leerders se prestasie te verbeter. In hierdie studie is nagevors hoe wiskundeonderwysers AvL in die klaskamer toepas. ʼn Teoretiese raamwerk vir AvL is opgestel uit ʼn oorsig van die konstruktivistiese teorie, die sosialegeregtigheidsteorie, die konnektivismeteorie en die TPACK-teorie en Bloom se Hersiene Taksonomie. ʼn Kwalitatiewe benadering en ʼn gevallestudie-ontwerp is gevolg in die verkenning van nege wiskundeonderwysers by nege primêre skole se assessering. Data is deur halfgestruktureerde onderhoude, waarneming sonder deelname en dokumentontledings versamel en tematies geanaliseer. Daar is bevind dat die onderwysers geweet het wat AvL is en die belang daarvan in die onderrig en leer van wiskunde besef het. Die toepassing het egter nie met die oogmerk van AvL gestrook nie. Die oogmerk is om ʼn omgewing tot stand te bring wat assessering bevorder om leer te ondersteun. Die toepassingsprobleme van AvL oorskadu die welslae wat daarmee behaal word. ʼn Gebrekkige teoretiese begrip van hoe AvL gebruik word, oorvol klaskamers, die taal van onderrig en leer, en ʼn gebrek aan hulpbronne is van die grootste uitdagings. Onderwysers bepleit indiensopleiding sodat hulle die assessering van leerpraktyke in wiskunde beter kan bestuur. / Ukuhlola kuthathwa njengento esemqoka ohlelweni lokufundisa nokufunda imethamethiksi lapho izinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zokuhlola zisetshenziswa ukwakha umbiko wakamuva ngesizathu sezinhloso ezimbalwa. Ucwaningo selukhombise inselelo yokuhamba phambili kwenhlobo yokuhlola i-summative assessment lapho kuqhutshwa umsebenzi wokuhlola emagunjini okufunda. Eminyakeni esandakwedlula, amazwe omhlaba kade amukela ukusetshenziswa kohlelo lokuhlola ukufunda (AFL) ukuqinisa uhlelo lokufunda kanti lokhu kuthuthukisa izinga lokufunda lomfundi. Lolu cwaningo beluhlola indlela uthisha wesifundo semethamethiksi ebesebenzisa uhlelo lwe-AFL emagunjini abo okufundisa. Isakhiwo sethiyori esiqonde ukuxhasa uhlelo lwe-AFL lwethuliwe ngamafuphi ngomqondo phecelezi we- -constructivism theory, social justice theory, connectivism theory, TPACK theory kanye ne-Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. Indlela yocwaningo eyencike kwingxoxo (qualitative approach) kanye nedizayini yocwaningo lotho (case study design) zisetshenziswe kuxutshwa phakathi othisha bemethamethiksi abayisishiyagalolunye abavela ezikoleni zamabanga aphansi. Idatha iqoqwe ngokwenza inhlolovo eyakhiwe kancane, kanti kuye kwabhekisiswa imibono yalabo abangadlalindima kanye nokuhlaziywa kombhalo kuye kwahlaziywa ngokuthi kubhekwe indikimba. . Ulwazi olutholwe wucwaningo lukhombisa ukuthi uhlelo lwe-AFL kanye nokubaluleka kwalo kuzwisiseka kahle kakhulu ohlelweni lokufundisa nokufundwa kwemethamethiksi. . Yize kunjalo, ukusetshenziswa kohlelo lwe-AFL kuye kwatholakala ukuthi akuhambisani nenhloso yalo yokwakha isizinda esifanele sokwakha umbiko wakamuva oxhasa uhlelo lokufunda. Izinselelo eziqukethe ukusetshenziswa kwalo lolu hlelo ziye zatholakala ukuthi zedlula impumelelo eyenziwe ngothisha. Ukwentuleka kokuzwisisa umqondo wokusetshenziswa kohlelo lwe-AFL, inani eliphuphumayo labantwana, ulimi lokufunda nokufundisa kanye nokwentuleka kwemithombo yokufunda kuye kwavela njengezinye izinselelo. Othisha baye bacela ukunikezwa amathuba okuqeqeshwa basebenza ukuze lawo makhono abancede ukuqhuba izinhlelo zokuhlola imisebenzi yokufunda imethamethiksi. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Education (Curriculum Studies))

The role of management in the in-service training of adult learners in agricultural institutions

Sepheka, Amony Amanda 01 1900 (has links)
Agriculture is one of the most important economic activities, with significant contribution to food security, job creation and gross domestic product (GDP) in many countries. Due to the historical inequalities in the distribution of farming land, agriculture in South Africa has been divided into commercial agriculture and subsistence agriculture. The end result are inequalities in the distribution of land, skills and wealth, with the majority of South Africans living in poverty, being illiterate and with no skills. The newly elected democratic Government has since 1994 attempted to address these inequalities. Among the programmes introduced to skill farmers was the launch of the Agricultural Education and Training (AET) Strategy. The aim of AET was to improve Agricultural production through quality agricultural education and training, and thereby addressing the needs of the country’s economy. Adult in-service training was introduced at agricultural institutions. It is now mandatory for the management of agricultural institutions providing in-service training to skill their workers. Yet there is still no clear understanding of how the farmers, managers and supervisors benefit or do not benefit from their employees’ in-service training. This lack of information has been of concern to the farm managers, training providers, sponsors and other stakeholders. Apart from frequent discussions, little has so far been written on the subject. In particular, there is little known about the role of management of the adult in-service training at the agricultural institutions. The aim of this research was to explore the role of the management of in-service training of adult learners at an agricultural institution with the objective of providing the needed information. The qualitative research approach, using grounded theory, was employed because of its suitability to the study. Information was collected from the participants using both in-depth open-ended questions and focus groups interviews. The data analysis was achieved by using the ATLAS ti. The aim was to provide an in-depth understanding of people’s experiences in the agricultural industry, especially at the two sampled agricultural institutions, both situated in Gauteng. vi The lack of evaluation of the Adult in-service training project was found to be the main reason why there is still no clear understanding of how the farmers, managers and supervisors benefit or do not benefit from their employees’ in-service training. The problem of lack of evaluation was related to the level of literacy of the adult in-service learners, who preferred practical training to theoretical training. At the same time, the farm managers, training providers, sponsors and other stakeholders are anxious to know the training progress results. The knowledge of training progress is also needed for the implementation of improvements or financial sponsorship. This research therefore recommends, among others, that evaluations be carried out among the adult in-service learners in such a manner that both the adult learners and the other stakeholders are satisfied. It is, therefore, essential that the role of management of the Adult in-service training agricultural institutions be well defined, so as to fulfil the purpose of these in-service institutions of skilling the trainees to be productive agricultural farmers for the benefit of agricultural production in South Africa. / Temothuo ke nngwe ya ditirwana tsa botlhokwa tota tsa ikonomi, tse di nang le seabe se segolo mo netefatsong ya lotseno lwa dijo, go tlhola ditiro mmogo le go Palogotlhe ya Dikumo tsa Naga (GDP), mo dinageng di le dintsi. Ka ntlha ya hisitori ya go sa lekalekane mo kabong ya lefatshe la temo, temothuo mono Aforikaborwa e ne ya aroganngwa ka mapahata a le mabedi, e bong temothuo e e totileng kgwebo le e e totileng go iphedisa fela. Kwa bofelong re feleditse ka go sa lekalekaneng ga kabo ya lefatshe, bokgoni le khumo, fao bontsi jwa Maaforikaborwa ba tshelelang mo khumanegong, ba sa rutega e bile ba se na bokgoni. Puso ya demokerasi e e tlhophilweng sešwa, e sa le e leka go mekamekana le go sa lekalekaneng go, go simolola ka 1994. Gareng ga mananeo a a itsisitsweng go neela balemi bokgoni, ke kgakolo ya Leano la Thuto le Thupelelo malebana le Temothuo (AET). Maikaelelo ka AET e ne e le go tokafatsa kumo ya Temothuo ka mosele wa thuto le thupelelo ya boleng, ka jalo go mekamekanwe le ditlhokwa tsa ikonomi ya naga. Go itsisitswe thupelelotirong ya bagolo kwa ditheong tsa temothuo. Gajaana, bolaodi jwa ditheo tsa temothuo bo gapelediwa go neela thupelelotirong gore badiri ba ditheo tse, ba nne le bokgoni. Le gale, ga go ise go tlhaloganyege sentle gore balemerui, balaodi le batlhokomedi ba ungwa go le kae, kgotsa ga ba ungwe jang, malebana le thupelelotirong ya bathapiwa ba bona. Tlhokego e ya tshedimosetso, e tshwentse balaodi ba dipolase, bakatisi, baetleetsi mmogo le banaleseabe. Ga go a kwala go le gontsi malebana le setlhogo se, go fitlha gajaana. Go feta fa, ga go itsiwe seabe sa bolaodi malebana le thupelelotirong ya bagolo mo ditheong tsa temothuo. Maikaelelo a tlhotlhomisi e e ne e le go leba seabe sa bolaodi mo thupelelotirong ya baithuti ba bagolo kwa ditheong tsa temothuo, ka maikaelelo a go neela thsedimosetso e e tlhokegang. Molebo wa patlisiso wa diteng o dirisitswe ka ntlha ya bomaleba jwa ona mo tlhotlhomising e. Go kokoantswe tshedimosetso go tswa go batsaakarolo, go dirisiwa dipotso tse di tseneletseng mmogo le tse di sa tsenelelang jalo, le dipotsolotso tsa ditlhopha tse di totilweng. Kanaanelo ya datha e fitlheletswe ka go dirisa ATLAS ti. viii Maikaelelo e ne e le go neela tlhaloganyo e e tseneletseng ya maitemogelo a batho mo industering ya temothuo, bogolosegolo ditheo tse di supilweng tsa temothuo, bobedi jwa tsona bo le mo Gauteng. Lebakalegolo la gore go bo go se na tlhaloganyo e e edileng ya gore balemerui, balaodi le batlhokomedi ba ungwa jang kgotsa ga ba ungwe jang malebana le thupelelotirong ya badiredi, ga le ise le tlhake. Matsapa a go tlhoka tekanyetso a tsalana le maemo a borutegi a baithuti ba bagolo ba thupelelotirong, ba ba neng ba eletsa thupelelotirong ya tiragatso e seng ya tiro. Ka nako yona e balaodi ba dipolasa, batlamedi ba thupelelo, baetleetsi mmogo le banaleseabe, ba fela pelo go itse dipholo tsa thupelelo. Kitso ya tsamao ya thupelelo e bile e tlhokega malebana le tiragatso ya tlhabololo mmogo le ketletso ya tsa matlhole. Tlhotlhomisi e, ka jalo, gareng gat se dingwe e tshikhinya gore, gareng gat se dingwe, tlhotlhwafatso e dirwe mo baithuting ba bagolo ba thupelelotirong ka tsela e e tlaa kgotsofatsang baithuti ba bagolo mmogo le ba na le seabe. Ka jalo go botlhokwa gore seabe sa ditheo tsa bolaodi jwa katiso ya bodiredi jwa temothuo jwa Bagolo, se lebiwe sentle, gore se kgotsofatse maikaelelo a ditheo tse tsa katisotirong ya ditheo tse, e maikaelelo a yona e leng go nonotsha bakatisiwa go nna balemirui ba ba tlhololo go ungwa temothuo mo Aforikaborwa. / Ezolimo zingomunye wemisebenzi yezomnotho ebaluleke kakhulu, kanti zibambe iqhaza elisemqoka ekutholakaleni kokudla, ukudala amathuba omsebenzi nakusambamkiqizo wezwe (GDP) emazweni amaningi. Ngenxa yomlando wokungalingani ekwabeni umhlaba wezolimo, ezolimo lezi eNingizimu Afrika sezehlukaniswe zaba ngezolimo zokuhwebelana, nezolimo zokungadliwa ekhaya. Umphumela walokhu kube ukungalingani ekwabiweni komhlaba, amakhono, nomnotho, nokuba iningi lezakhamizi zaseNingozimu Afrika liphile ngobumpofu, ukungakwazi ukufunda nokubhala nokungabi namakhono. Uhulumeni omusha wentando yeningi, kusukela ku-1994 ubuzama ukubhekana nalokhu kungalingani. Kwezinye zezinhlelo ezisunguliwe ukuhlomisa abalimi ngamakhono kube ukwethula iNdlela Yokufundisa Nokuqeqesha kwezolimo (Agricultural Education and Training [AET] Strategy). Injongo ye-AET ukwenza ngcono imikhiqizo yeZolimo ngokufundisa nokuqeqesha kwezolimo okusezingeni eliphakeme, ngalokho kubhekanwe nezidingo zezomnotho ezweni. Kwaqalwa ukuba kube nokuqeqeshwa kwabadala okwenzelwa ezikhungweni zezolimo. Sebephoqelekile manje abaphathi bezikhungo zezolimo eziqeqeshela emsebenzini ukuba bahlomise abasebenzi babo ngamakhono adingekayo. Noma kunjalo akukho ukuqonda kahle ukuthi abalimi, izimenenja nababhekile bazuza noma abazuzi kanjani ngokuqeqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabasebenzi babo. Ukungatholakali kolwazi lwalokhu kuyazikhathaza izimenenja zamapulazi, abaqeqeshi, abaxhasi nabanye ababambe iqhaza. Ngaphandle kwezingxoxo ezihlale ziba khona, kuze kube manje kuncane osekubhaliwe ngalesi sihloko. Ikakhulu kuncane okwaziwayo ngeqhaza labaphathi (izimenenja) bokuqeqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabafundi abadala ezikhungweni zezolimo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo-ke bekungucubungula ngeqhaza labaphathi bezikhungo zokuqeqeshela abafundi abadala emsebenzini ezikhungweni zezolimo, inhloso kungukuba kuhlinzekwe ngolwazi oludingekayo. Lapha bekusetshenziswa indlela yocwaningo egxile emsocweni (qualitative) kusetshenziswa ithiyori ezinzile (grounded) ngoba lokhu kuyezwana nalolu cwaningo. Ulwazi oludingekayo beluqoqwa kwababambe iqhaza kusetshenziswa imibuzo ejulayo x kodwa evulekile, nokuba kubuzanwe namaqembu ebekugxilwe kuwo. Imininingwane etholakele ibihlaziywa ngokusebenzisa i-ATLADS TI. Injongo bekungukuba kutholakale ukuqonda okujulile ngalokho abedlula kukho abantu embonini yezolimo, ikakhulu ezikhungweni zezolimo ezimbili eziqokiwe, zombili eziseGauteng. Ukungenzeki kokuba kuhlolwe izinga lephrojekthi yokuqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabadala kwatholakala kuyikhona okuyisizathu esiphambili sokuba kuze kube manje kungacacile ukuqonda ukuthi ngabe abalimi nezimenenja bayazuza yini noma abazuzi lutho ngalokhu kuqeqeshelwa emsebenzi kwabasebenzi. Inkinga yokungabi bikho kwalokhu kuhlolwa kwezinga kuhambisana nezinga lokwazi ukufunda okubhaliwe nokubhala kwabafundi abadala abaqeqeshelwa emsebenzini, ababethanda kakhulu ukuqeqeshwa kokwenziwayo kunalokho okuyithiyori. Kanti ngaso leso sikhathi izimenenja zepulazi, abaqeqeshi, abaxhasi nabanye ababambe iqhaza kulo msebenzi banexhala ngokwazi imiphumela yokuqhubekela phambili kwalokhu kuqeqesha. Ukwazi ngokuqhubeka kokuqeqesha kuyadingeka futhi ukuze zenziwe ngcono ezinye izinto, noma kuhleleke nokutholakala kwabaxhasa ngezimali. Ngakho-ke lolu cwaningo, ngaphezu kwezinye izincomo, luncoma ukuthi kuhlolwe izinga kubafundi abadala abaqeqeshwayo ngendlela yokuba bagculiseke abafundi abadala nabanye ababambe iqhaza kule phrojekthi. Kubalulekile-ke ukuba uchazwe kucace kahle umsebenzi wabaphathi bezikhungo zezolimo zokuqeqeshela abadala emsebenzini, ukuze kufezeke izinhloso zalezi zikhungo zokuqeqeshela emsebenzini mayelana nokuhlomisa abaqeqeshwayo ngamakhono ukuze bagcine sebengabalimi abakhiqiza okomkhakha wezolimo okuzosiza iNingizimu Afrika yonkana. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Education)

Developing a measure of coping in high stress security occupations: a stress management model approach / Ontwikkeling van 'n maatstaf vir streshantering in stresvolle sekuriteitsberoepe: 'n stresbestuursmodel benadering / Ukwenza isu lokubhekana nesimo sengcindezi ephezulu kwimisebenzi yezokuphepha: indlela yemodeli yokubhekana nokuphatha ingcindezi

Schoeman, Petrus Gerhardus 03 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Orientation: Security personnel work in a high risk and consequently high stress environment. This may negatively affect their wellbeing. Owing to the high crime rate in South Africa, one of the continuous stressors security personnel experience might be fearing for their lives. If security personnel fail to use effective coping strategies they will remain stressed, and this may have a negative impact on them, and their organisation or community. Challenges such as work stress in the South African security industry have not been comprehensively researched or documented (Sibanyoni, 2014). Consequently, no South African questionnaire measuring coping with stress or a stress management model for dealing with stress in a security environment, could be found. Research purpose: The general aim of the research was to develop a valid and reliable coping questionnaire and stress management model for high stress security occupations. Research methodology: A questionnaire development process, as suggested by scientific literature, was followed. The process entailed (1) determining coping strategies by means of a literature review, (2) developing the coping questionnaire, (3) administering the questionnaire to the target population, and (4) statistical analysis. The stress management model was developed by combining the results of the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). The development of the questionnaire was based on a sample of 381 active duty security personnel working in a high stress security environment in South Africa. Main findings: The study resulted in the development of a psychometrically sound 39-item questionnaire. The following 12 empirically validated healthy and unhealthy coping strategies were identified: (1) social support, (2) group cohesion, (3) physical exercise, (4) relaxation, (5) social media addiction, (6) healthy sleeping habits, (7) healthy diet, (8) training, (9) humour, (10) religion, (11) avoidance, and (12) denial. CFA confirmed both the construct and content validity, and composite reliability. The questionnaire was found to be invariant, and could thus be applied to different groups in high stress security occupations. A stress management model indicating the interrelationship between personality and coping was also developed. Contribution/value-add: The main contribution of this study was the development of a valid coping questionnaire and stress management model. By identifying the specific coping strategies, targeted stress management interventions could be developed. This could contribute to the overall wellness of security personnel working in high stress occupations, resulting in a healthy organisation and sound relationships with the community. Security organisations could also use the model during assessments to identify candidates with personality traits that would lead to healthier coping strategies, thereby selecting personnel that could better adapt to a security environment. / Oriëntasie: Sekuriteitspersoneel werk in ’n hoë risiko en gevolglik ’n stresvolle omgewing. Dit kan hulle welstand negatief beïnvloed. As gevolg van die hoë misdaadsyfer in Suid-Afrika kan een van die deurlopende stressors wat sekuriteitspersoneel ervaar ’n vrees vir hulle lewens wees. Indien sekuriteitspersoneel nie effektiewe streshantering strategieë gebruik nie, kan hulle voortdurend stres ervaar en dit kan ’n negatiewe impak op hulleself, hulle organisasie of gemeenskap hê. Uitdagings soos beroepstres in die Suid-Afrikaanse sekuriteitsindustrie is nog nie deeglik nagevors of gedokumenteer nie (Sibanyoni, 2014). Gevolglik kon daar vir die sekuriteitsomgewing geen Suid-Afrikaanse vraelys wat streshantering meet of ’n stresbestuursmodel gevind word nie. Doel van die navorsing: Die algemene doel van die navorsing was om vir stresvolle sekuriteitsberoepe ’n geldige en betroubare streshanteringsvraelys en stresbestuursmodel te ontwikkel. Navorsingsmetodologie: ’n Vraelys ontwikkelingsproses, soos deur wetenskaplike literatuur voorgestel, is gevolg. Die proses het die volgende behels: (1) die vasstel van die streshantering strategieë deur middel van ’n literatuuroorsig, (2) die ontwikkeling van die streshanteringsvraelys, (3) administrasie van die vraelys aan die teiken populasie en (4) statistiese analise. Die stresbestuursmodel is ontwikkel deur die resultate van die bevestigende faktoranalise (BFA) en die kanoniese korrelasie analise te kombineer. Die ontwikkeling van die vraelys is gebaseer op ’n steekproef van 381 aktiewe diens sekuriteitspersoneel wat in Suid-Afrika in ’n stresvolle sekuriteitsomgewing werk. Hoofbevindinge: Die studie het tot ’n psigometries betroubare 39-item vraelys gelei. Twaalf empiries gestaafde gesonde en ongesonde streshantering strategieë is geïdentifiseer naamlik: (1) sosiale ondersteuning, (2) groep kohesie, (3) fisiese oefening, (4) ontspanning, (5) sosiale media verslawing, (6) gesonde slaapgewoontes, (7) gesonde dieet, (8) opleiding, (9) humor, (10) godsdiens, (11) vermyding en (12) ontkenning. BFA het die konstruk- en inhoudsgeldigheid so wel as die saamgestelde betroubaarheid bevestig. Die vraelys is invariant en kan dus op verskillende groepe in hoë stres sekuriteitsberoepe toegepas word. ’n Stresbestuursmodel wat die verwantskap tussen persoonlikheid en streshantering aandui is ook ontwikkel. Bydrae/waardetoevoeging: Die belangrikste bydrae van hierdie studie was die ontwikkeling van ’n geldige streshanteringsvraelys en stresbestuursmodel. Deur die spesifieke streshantering strategieë te identifiseer kan gefokusde streshantering intervensies ontwikkel word. Dit kan tot die algehele welstand van sekuriteitspersoneel wat in stresvolle beroepe werk bydra en derhalwe ’n gesonde organisasie en goeie verhoudings met die gemeenskap. Sekuriteitsorganisasies kan ook tydens keurings die model gebruik om kandidate met persoonlikheidstrekke, wat tot gesonder streshantering strategieë sal lei, te identifiseer en dus personeel kies wat beter by ’n sekuriteitsomgewing sal aanpas. / Isimo somqondo: Abasebenzi bezokuphepha basebenza ezindaweni ezinobungozi obuphakeme nengcindezi ephakeme. Lokhu kungaba nomthelela omubi esimeni sabo sempilo. Ngenxa yezinga lobugebengu eliphezulu eNingizimu Afrika, okukodwa okudala ingcindezi ngokuqhubekayo kubasebenzi bezokuphepha ukwesabela izimpilo zabo. Uma abasebenzi bezokuphepha bengasebenzisi amasu aphumelelayo okubhekana nalezi zimo, bazohlala benengcindezi futhi lokhu kungaba nomphumela omubi kubona, enhlanganweni yabo noma emphakathini wabo. Ucwaningo ngezinselelo ezinjengokucindezeleka emsebenzini ezimbonini zokuphepha lapha eNingizimu Afrika alwenziwanga futhi akubhaliwe kabanzi ngakho (Sibanyoni, 2014). Kanjalo, alutholakalanga uhlu lwemibuzo lwaseNingizimu Afrika olungalinganisa ukuthi abasebenzi bezokuphepha babhekana kanjani nengcindezi kanye nomlinganiso olawula ingcindezi ukubhekana nengcindezi ezindaweni zezokuphepha. Inhloso yocwaningo: Inhloso enkulu yocwaningo kwakuwukuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo oluqinisekile noluthembekile ukubhekana nengcindezi nomlinganiso wokulawula ingcindezi emisebenzini yezokuphepha enengcindezi ephakeme. Indlela yokwenza ucwaningo: Isenzo sokuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo njengoba kuhlongozwa yimibhalo yezesayensi silandelwe kulolu cwaningo. Lesi senzo sibe (1) nokuthola amasu okubhekana nengcindezi ngokubhekisa emibhalweni ehloliwe, (2) nokuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo ephathelene nokubhekana nengcindezi, (3) nokunikeza uhlu lwemibuzo kubantu abathintekayo, kanye (4) nokwenza uhlaziyo lwezibalo. Umlinganiso wokulawula ingcindezi wenziwe ngokuhlanganisa imiphumela yeConfirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) neyeCanonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). Ukuqanjwa kohlu lwemibuzo kweyeme esampuleni labasebenzi bezokuphepha abangama-381 abamatasa emsebenzini abasebenza ezindaweni ezinengcindezi ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika. Okukhulu okutholakele ocwaningweni: Ucwaningo lube nomphumela ekuqanjweni kohlu lwemibuzo oluqinisekile ngokwesayikhomethri olunemibuzo angama-39. Kukhonjwe amasu okubhekana nengcindezi ayishumi nambili aqinisekiswe ngokubukisiswa asesimeni esiphilile nesingaphilile sempilo, okubalwa kuwo, (1) uxhaso lomphakathi, (2) ukuba ndawonye kweqembu, (3) ukuzivocavoca umzimba, (4) ukuziphumuza, (5) ukuba yisigqili semithombo yomphakathi, (6) imikhuba emihle yokulala, (7) uqeqesho, (8) amahlaya, (10) inkolo, (11) ukuxwaya, kanye (12) nokwala. ICFA iqinisekise ukuba neqiniso kombono nokuqukethwe, kanye nokwethembeka okuxubile. Kutholakele ukuthi uhlu lwemibuzo aluguquki futhi lungasetshenziswa emaqenjini ehlukene emisebenzini yezokuphepha anengcindezi ephakeme. Kuthuthukiswe nomlinganiso olawula ingcindezi okhombisa ubudlelwano phakathi komuntu isibili nokubhekana nengcindezi. Umnikelo: Umnikelo omkhulu walolu cwaningo kube ukuqamba uhlu lwemibuzo oluqinisekile ukubhekana nengcindezi kanye nomlinganiso wokulawula ingcindezi. Ngokukhomba amasu aqondene nokubhekana nengcindezi, kungathuthukiswa izindlela ezihlosiwe zokulawula ingcindezi. Lokhu kunganikela esimeni esihle sempilo yabasebenzi bezokuphepha abasebenza imisebenzi enengcindezi ephakeme, okuzoholela enhlanganweni esesimeni esihle nasebudlelwaneni obuhle nomphakathi. Izinhlangano zezokuphepha nazo zingawusebenzisa lomlinganiso ngesikhathi sokuhlola ukubona abafundi abanezici ezinomthelela omuhle, kumasu abhekana nengcindezi asesimeni esihle, ezizobenza bakhethe abasebenzi abazongena kahle ezindaweni zokuphepha. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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