Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ukusetshenziswa"" "subject:"kusetshenziswa""
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Ucwaningo ngokusetshenziswa kolimi lwesiZulu ngenhloso yokuqhakanjiswa kwala makhono: elokulalela, elokubhala, elokufunda, elokukhuluma kanye nelokwethula lwenziwe ezikoleni ezikhethiwe esifundeni saseKing CetshwayoBengu, Rodney Muzikayise Martin January 2019 (has links)
Lwethulwa ukufeza izidingo zeziqu zobudokotela kwinzululwazi (Doctor of Philosophy) emnyangweni wezilimi zomdabu namasiko enyuvesi yaKwaZulu, 2019 / Iqoqa lalo msebenzi wocwaningo lokusetshenziswa kolimi lwesiZulu ukuze kuqhakanjiswe
amakhono aqukethe ubumtoti, ukuhlwabusa nokuyihlaba esikhonkosini ngolimi lwesiZulu
luhlelwe lwaba izahluko eziyisishiyagalombili.
Isahluko sokuqala isethulo socwaningo esethula ucwaningo ngokupheleleyo. Lapha
kubukwa intshisekelo yocwaningo, izinhloso zocwaningo, amakhono, izindlela zokuqhuba
ucwaningo, umklamo wocwaningo, imibono yongoti, abazohlomula, uhlaka lwezahluko
Isahluko sesibili sethula ikhono lokulalela nokuzwa. Lesi sahluko sethula umehluko
phakathi kokulalela nokulalelisisa ngenhloso yokuzwa uqonde. Sethula izindlela zokulalela,
izindlela zokufundisa ukulalela kanye nenzwa yokulalela.
Isahluko sesithathu sethula injulakuhlaziya ulwazi ngamakhono okusetshenziswa kolimi.
Kulesi sahluko kubhekwe okushiwo ongoti abehlukene behlaziya imiphumela eyehlukene
ngokubuka injula yolwazi nxazonke.
Isahluko sesine sethula izindlela noma amasu okuqhuba ucwaningo. Kula masu
kusetshenziswe uhla-mbuzo isizindalwazi (inthanethi), ukuhanjelwa kwezithangami,
amaphephandaba, ukubuxoxa nezinjulabuchopho nezazi emikhakheni ethile. Kube
sekuvezwa ngokolandela imibono yongoti okuncomekayo ngezindlela ezisetshenziswayo
uma kuqoqwa ulwazi kanye nokufekela kwazo.
Isahluko sesihlanu sethula ukuhlelwa nokwethulwa kolwazi oluqoqiwe. Njengoba ulwazi
luqoqwe ezingxenyeni ezehlukene lube seluhlelwa kanjalo. Kunolwazi oluqoqwe kothisha,
bamabanga aphansi naphezulu, olunye luqoqwe kubafundi nabo ngokwehlukana
kwamazinga. Olunye luqoqwe ezikhulwini zeminyango kaHulumeni emihlanganweni, olunye
beluqoqwa ezingxoxweni nezazi ezehlukene, ulwazi lwamaphephandaba, izincwadi imibhalo
yongoti, ingosi yesizindalwazi (inthanethi) nakumabonisakude imbala.
Isahluko sesithupha sethula ikhono lokubhala, elokufunda nelokuphendula. La makhono
ehlukene kepha asebenza ngokubambisana kanti kuvamile ukuba asebenze ngesikhathi
esisodwa kanyekanye. Lesi sahluko sethule izindlela ezinconywe ongoti zokufundiswa
kwekhono lokufunda, elokubhala nelobuciko bokuphendula imibuzo. Lesi sahluko sibuye
sethula ikhono lokukhuluma nokwethula. Ukwethula nokukhuluma kuzwakala kufana ngoba
ngisho kwethulwa inkulumo kusuke kukhulunywa. Lezi zimo zidinga amanye amakhono
ukuze okukhulunywayo nokwethulwayo kudlule ngobuciko kuya kwabalalele nabethamele.
Ongoti baphawulile ngala makhono beveza umehluko kanye namasu okucija ikhono
lokukhuluma nokwethula. Babuye baphawula ngezimo ezinqinda ukusetshenziswa kwala
makhono ngenzuzo.
Isahluko sesikhombisa sethula ukuhlaziywa kolwazi lwamakhono olimi oluqoqiwe. Ikhono
lokulalela nokuzwa, ikhono lokubhala, elokufunda, elokuphendula imibuzo, elokukhuluma
nokwethula, ukuphumelela kwabafundi, ukuqeqesheka kothisha kanye nokulumbana kolimi
Isahluko sesishiyagalombili sethula ukuhlaziywa kwamakhono, izincomo zocwaningo
ngakho kubalwa ikhono lokulalela, ukufunda nokwazi ukuphendula imibuzo ngokunembayo
nokusetshenziswa kwekhono lokubhala ngokubhala ubhalomagama olwamukelekile kanye
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A framework for determining the adoption of new services in the South African mobile telecommunications marketSmith, Neil Wesley 02 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The aim of this study was to determine the key factors which explain the adoption of mobile data services in South Africa and incorporate them into an explanatory framework that can be used to indicate whether a new mobile data service that is introduced into the South African Mobile Market will be successful. Additionally, it shows that the current usage of mobile data services in South Africa supports the framework.
The research used a design based on a mixed methods methodology. The research was conducted using a literature survey and two research phases. The literature survey was an extensive review of communication technology adoption frameworks and all the possible factors of adoption. This literature survey was also used to develop the discussion document which was used as the guidelines for the Phase 1 interviews. The interviews were with experts in the telecommunications market in South Africa and were used to determine the key drivers of adoption and possible moderating factors of mobile data services. From those interviews a preliminary model was proposed. Phase 2 was a market survey which tested the framework and moderating factors in different metropolitan areas as well as examined the current usage of mobile data services.
The statistical analysis used in determining the framework incorporated Descriptive Statistics, Factor Analysis, using Principal Axis Factoring, and Structural Equation Modelling. The framework, which was based on the Technology Acceptance Model, introduced two new constructs. The first new construct was the Mobile Service Providers Marketing Tactics and the second was Social Pressure and Aspirational Value. The two constructs combined can be used to explain why mobile service providers with low cost strategies are not successful.
Demographic factors such as Age were found to influence the adoption as well as Socio-economic factors such as Income. Personal factors such as Technical Knowledge, Ability and Skills and Attitude towards Technology were also found to influence adoption. Geographical location was found to be the most important moderating factor.
The current mobile data usage supported the framework. The results of data usage highlighted the fact that nearly 50% of the study’s participants spent over 4 hours per day interacting with their mobile devices and that the participants from Gauteng spent more than 2½ times on mobile services than those in the other metropolitan municipalities of Cape Town and eThekwini / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die sleutelfaktore te bepaal wat die aanneming van selfoondatadienste in Suid-Afrika verklaar, en hulle te verenig in ʼn raamwerk waarmee aangetoon kan word of ʼn nuwe selfoondatadiens die Suid-Afrikaanse selfoondatamark suksesvol sal betree. Afgesien hiervan dui hierdie studie aan dat die huidige gebruik van selfoondatadienste in Suid-Afrika die geldigheid van die voorgestelde raamwerk bevestig.
ʼn Mengsel van metodes is in die navorsing toegepas. Die navorsing het uit ʼn literatuuroorsig en twee navorsingsfases bestaan. Die literatuuroorsig het ʼn deurtastende oorsig van die raamwerke vir die aanneming van kommunikasietegnologie en alle moontlike faktore daarvoor behels. Uit die literatuuroorsig is die besprekingsdokument saamgestel wat as riglyn gedien het vir die onderhoude in fase 1 van die navorsing. Onderhoude is met kundiges uit die Suid-Afrikaanse telekommunikasiebedryf gevoer om die belangrikste dryfvere vir aanneming en moontlike remfaktore ten opsigte van selfoondatadienste te bepaal. ʼn Voorlopige model is op grond van die onderhoude aangebied. Fase 2 het ʼn markopname behels waarin die raamwerk en remfaktore in verskeie metropolitaanse gebiede getoets en die huidige gebruik van selfoondatadienste ondersoek is.
Die statistiese analise waarop die raamwerk berus, het bestaan uit beskrywende statistiek, faktorontleding met behulp van hoofasfaktorering, en struktuurvergelykingsmodellering. Twee nuwe konstrukte het uit die raamwerk wat op die tegnologieaanvaardingsmodel gegrond was, gespruit. Die eerste was selfoondiensverskaffers se bemarkingstrategieë en die tweede sosiale druk en aspirerende waarde. Saam verklaar die twee konstrukte waarom selfoondiensverskaffers wat laekostestrategieë volg, misluk.
Daar is bevind dat demografiese faktore soos ouderdom, en sosiaal-ekonomiese faktore soos inkomste, aanneming beïnvloed. Volgens die bevindings word aanneming eweneens bepaal deur persoonlike faktore soos tegniese kennis, vermoë en vaardighede asook houding jeens tegnologie. Daar is bevind dat geografiese ligging die belangrikste remfaktor is.
Die huidige selfoondatagebruik bevestig die geldigheid van die raamwerk. Die uitslag van datagebruik benadruk die feit dat byna 50% van die deelnemers aan die studie langer as vier uur per dag met hulle selfone doenig is, en dat deelnemers in Gauteng twee en half keer meer as deelnemers in die metropolitaanse munisipaliteite van Kaapstad en eThekwini aan selfoondienste bestee. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuthola izinto ezibalulekile ezichaza ukwamukelwa kwezinsiza zamadatha amaselula eNingizimu Afrika nokuzifaka ohlakeni oluchazayo olungasetshenziswa ukukhombisa ukuthi ngabe insiza entsha yedatha ethulwe emakethe yamaselula eNingizimu Afrika izophumelela. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kukhombisa ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwamanje kwezinsiza zedatha yamaselula eNingizimu Afrika kuyalusekela uhlaka.
Ucwaningo lusebenzise umklamu osuselwe ezindleleni zokwenza ezixubile. Ucwaningo lwenziwe kusetshenziswa ucwaningo lwezincwadi kanye nezigaba ezimbili zocwaningo. Ucwaningo lwezincwadi belungukubuyekezwa okubanzi kokwamukela kwenzinhlaka zobuchwepheshe kwezokuxhumana kanye nazo zonke izici ezingenzeka ukuthi zamukelwe. Lolu cwaningo lwezincwadi lusetshenzisiwe futhi ukuthuthukisa umqulu wezingxoxo osetshenziswe njengezinkombandlela zokuxoxisana nabantu besigaba 1. Izingxoxo ebezinazo bezingochwepheshe emakethe yezokuxhumana eNingizimu Afrika futhi zasetshenziselwa ukuthola izidingongqangi zokwamukelwa kanye nezici zokulingisanisa kwezinsiza zamadatha amaselula. Kulezo zingxoxo, kuphakanyiswe isifaniselo sokuqala. Isigaba 2 bekungukucwaningo lwezimakethe oluhlola uhlaka kanye nezici zokulinganisa ezindaweni ezahlukahlukene zedolobha kanye nokuhlola ukusetshenziswa kwamanje kwezinsiza zedatha yamaselula.
Ukuhlaziywa kwezibalo okusetshenzisiwe ekunqumeni uhlaka lufake izibalo ezichazayo, ukuhlaziya izakhi, kusetshenziswa izisekelo eziyinhloko zokuphamba, kanye nesifaniselo sokulinganisa esihlelekile. Uhlaka, olwalususelwa kusifaniselo sokwamukela ubuchwepheshe, lwethule izakhiwo ezimbili ezintsha. Isakhiwo esisha sokuqala kwakungamacebo wokukhangisa wabahlinzeki bezinsiza zamaselula futhi owesibili kwakuyingcindezi yomphakathi nenani lesifiso. Lezi zakhiwo zombili ezihlanganisiwe zingasetshenziswa ukuchaza ukuthi kungani abahlinzeki bezinsizakalo zamaselula abanamasu ezindleko eziphansi bengaphumeleli. Izici ezithinta abantu ezinjengobudala zitholakele ukuthonya ukwamukelwa kanye nezici zezomnotho nezenhlalo ezifana nomholo. Izici ezithinta umuntu ngqo ezifana nolwazi lwezobuchwepheshe, ukwazi ukwenza kanye namakhono, nesimo sengqondo maqondana nezobuchwepheshe zatholakala zithonya ukwamukelwa. Indawo yendawo yatholakala njengesici sokulinganisa esibaluleke kakhulu.
Ukusetshenziswa kwedatha yeselula yamanje kusekele uhlaka. Imiphumela yokusetshenziswa kwedatha igcizelele iqiniso lokuthi bacishe babe ngama-50% ababambe iqhaza kulolu cwaningo bachithe isikhathi esingaphezu kwamahora amane ngosuku bexhumana nemishini yabo yamaselula nokuthi ababambiqhaza abavela eGauteng bachithe izikhathi ezingaphezu kwezingu-2½ kuzinsiza zamaselula kunalabo bakwamanye amadolobha amakhulu aseKapa naseThekwini. / Business Management / D.B.L.
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Assessment for learning : an approach towards enhancing quality in mathematics teaching and learning in grade 6 / Assessering vir leer : 'n benadering om die kwaliteit van wiskundeonderrig en -leer in graad 6 te verbeter / Ukuhlolwa kohlelo lokufunda : indlela eqonde ukuqinisa izinga lokufundisa nokufunda imethamethiksi kwibanga lesi-6Mahlambi, Sizwe Blessing 05 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Assessment is considered as integral to the teaching and learning process of Mathematics where various types of assessment are used to develop feedback for several purposes. Research has highlighted the challenge of the dominance of summative assessment in classroom assessment practices. In recent years, world countries have been acknowledging the use of assessment for learning (AfL) to enhance the learning process and thus improve learner performance. This research explored how Mathematics teachers applied AfL in their classrooms. A theoretical framework to support AfL was presented through an overview of constructivism theory, social justice theory, connectivism theory, TPACK theory and Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. A qualitative approach and a case study design were applied involving nine Mathematics teachers from nine primary schools. Data, collected through semi-structured interviews, non-participant observation and document analysis, were thematically analysed. The findings show a positive understanding of what AfL is and its importance to the teaching and learning of Mathematics. However, the application of AfL was found to be inconsistent with its purpose of creating an environment conducive to develop feedback that supports the learning process. Challenges that inhibit its application were found to outweigh successes experienced by teachers. Lack of theoretical understanding of the use of AfL, overcrowding, the language of learning and teaching and lack of resources emerged as some of the major challenges. Teachers pleaded for more in-service training opportunities to assist them with managing assessment for learning practices in Mathematics. / Assessering is onlosmaaklik met die onderrig en leer van wiskunde verbind. Wiskunde word op verskeie maniere geassesseer sodat terugvoering om allerlei redes verkry word. Volgens navorsing oorheers summatiewe assessering in klaskamers. In die laaste jare word assessering vir leer (AvL) wêreldwyd aangewend om die leerproses en leerders se prestasie te verbeter. In hierdie studie is nagevors hoe wiskundeonderwysers AvL in die klaskamer toepas. ʼn Teoretiese raamwerk vir AvL is opgestel uit ʼn oorsig van die konstruktivistiese teorie, die sosialegeregtigheidsteorie, die konnektivismeteorie en die TPACK-teorie en Bloom se Hersiene Taksonomie. ʼn Kwalitatiewe benadering en ʼn gevallestudie-ontwerp is gevolg in die verkenning van nege wiskundeonderwysers by nege primêre skole se assessering. Data is deur halfgestruktureerde onderhoude, waarneming sonder deelname en dokumentontledings versamel en tematies geanaliseer. Daar is bevind dat die onderwysers geweet het wat AvL is en die belang daarvan in die onderrig en leer van wiskunde besef het. Die toepassing het egter nie met die oogmerk van AvL gestrook nie. Die oogmerk is om ʼn omgewing tot stand te bring wat assessering bevorder om leer te ondersteun. Die toepassingsprobleme van AvL oorskadu die welslae wat daarmee behaal word. ʼn Gebrekkige teoretiese begrip van hoe AvL gebruik word, oorvol klaskamers, die taal van onderrig en leer, en ʼn gebrek aan hulpbronne is van die grootste uitdagings. Onderwysers bepleit indiensopleiding sodat hulle die assessering van leerpraktyke in wiskunde beter kan bestuur. / Ukuhlola kuthathwa njengento esemqoka ohlelweni lokufundisa nokufunda imethamethiksi lapho izinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zokuhlola zisetshenziswa ukwakha umbiko wakamuva ngesizathu sezinhloso ezimbalwa. Ucwaningo selukhombise inselelo yokuhamba phambili kwenhlobo yokuhlola i-summative assessment lapho kuqhutshwa umsebenzi wokuhlola emagunjini okufunda. Eminyakeni esandakwedlula, amazwe omhlaba kade amukela ukusetshenziswa kohlelo lokuhlola ukufunda (AFL) ukuqinisa uhlelo lokufunda kanti lokhu kuthuthukisa izinga lokufunda lomfundi. Lolu cwaningo beluhlola indlela uthisha wesifundo semethamethiksi ebesebenzisa uhlelo lwe-AFL emagunjini abo okufundisa. Isakhiwo sethiyori esiqonde ukuxhasa uhlelo lwe-AFL lwethuliwe ngamafuphi ngomqondo phecelezi we- -constructivism theory, social justice theory, connectivism theory, TPACK theory kanye ne-Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. Indlela yocwaningo eyencike kwingxoxo (qualitative approach) kanye nedizayini yocwaningo lotho (case study design) zisetshenziswe kuxutshwa phakathi othisha bemethamethiksi abayisishiyagalolunye abavela ezikoleni zamabanga aphansi. Idatha iqoqwe ngokwenza inhlolovo eyakhiwe kancane, kanti kuye kwabhekisiswa imibono yalabo abangadlalindima kanye nokuhlaziywa kombhalo kuye kwahlaziywa ngokuthi kubhekwe indikimba. . Ulwazi olutholwe wucwaningo lukhombisa ukuthi uhlelo lwe-AFL kanye nokubaluleka kwalo kuzwisiseka kahle kakhulu ohlelweni lokufundisa nokufundwa kwemethamethiksi. . Yize kunjalo, ukusetshenziswa kohlelo lwe-AFL kuye kwatholakala ukuthi akuhambisani nenhloso yalo yokwakha isizinda esifanele sokwakha umbiko wakamuva oxhasa uhlelo lokufunda. Izinselelo eziqukethe ukusetshenziswa kwalo lolu hlelo ziye zatholakala ukuthi zedlula impumelelo eyenziwe ngothisha. Ukwentuleka kokuzwisisa umqondo wokusetshenziswa kohlelo lwe-AFL, inani eliphuphumayo labantwana, ulimi lokufunda nokufundisa kanye nokwentuleka kwemithombo yokufunda kuye kwavela njengezinye izinselelo. Othisha baye bacela ukunikezwa amathuba okuqeqeshwa basebenza ukuze lawo makhono abancede ukuqhuba izinhlelo zokuhlola imisebenzi yokufunda imethamethiksi. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Education (Curriculum Studies))
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Select psychosocial risk factors contributing to domestic violence against women in Tshwane, South AfricaDreyer, Cherie 11 1900 (has links)
South Africa has among the highest rates of physical and sexual violence against women in the world. Research indicates that understanding the causality of domestic violence is very complex and the measurement of risk factors are deemed challenging. Yet, it is important to understand and identify the risk factors associated with domestic violence to effectively prevent it. This phenomenological research study aimed to investigate the lived experiences of female domestic violence victims and sought to identify risk factors (e.g. alcohol and drug abuse, violence in the family of origin, personality factors, cultural differences, socio-economic factors, and the impact of pregnancy) that may have contributed to the occurrence of domestic violence in their intimate relationships .The participants were selected based on purposive and convenience sampling and also their willingness to participate. The sample consisted of six participants between the ages of 18 – 45 years old, residing in Tshwane, South Africa. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews. A qualitative methodological design was used to collect and explore information about the participants’ personal experiences with domestic violence. Hycner’s explicitation process was employed to identify the four main themes, namely the participants’ experience of domestic violence; socio economic factors; cultural differences, and domestic violence during pregnancy. Each main theme was comprised of sub-themes.
The findings of this study differed slightly in comparison with the existing body of literature that highlight substance abuse as one of the highest risk factors for the occurrence of domestic violence in intimate relationships. In this study, other risk factors such as pregnancy and socio-economic factors played a much bigger role than substance abuse as the key risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of domestic violence. / INingizimu Afrika ingenye yamazwe omhlaba anamazinga aphezulu odlame nokuhlukunyezwa kwabesimame ngokocansi. Ucwaningo lubonisa ukuthi ukuqondisisa izimbangela zodlame lwasekhaya yinto eyisixakaxaka ukuyiqondisisa kanti futhi kuyinselele ukukala izinto ezinobungozi kwabesimame. Kodwa ngisho noma kunjalo, kubalulekile ukuqondisisa kanye nokwazi izinto ezinobungozi ezihambisana nodlame lwasekhaya ukuze lukwazi ukuvinjelwa. Lolu cwaningo oluhlaziya ngaphandle kokuthatha uhlangothi, lunenhloso yokuphenyisisa indlela abantu besimame abangamaxhoba odlame abalubona nolubaphatha ngayo udlame lwasekhaya kanye nokubheka izinto ezinobungozi (ezifana nokusetshenziswa kabi kotshwala nezidakamizwa, udlame emakhaya okuqala abahlukumezi, izinto eziqondene nomuntu siqu, umehluko kwezamasiko, eziphathelene nomnotho nabantu kanye nomphumela ekukhulelweni), okungaba yizinto ezinomthelela kudlame lwasekhaya ebudlelwananeni basekhaya. Abantu ababambe iqhaza kucwaningo bakhethwe ngokulandela isampuli enenhloso yokukhetha abathile abazohlangabezana nenhloso yocwaningo kanye nokuzimisela kwabo ukubamba iqhaza kucwaningo. Isampuli ibinababambi-qhaza abayisithupha abaphakathi kweminyaka engu 18 ukuya kwengu 45 ubudala, okwamanje abahlala eTshwane. I-data itholakala ngokwenza ama-interview ahlelekile kodwa angenamkhawulo kakhulu. Kusetshenziswe idizayini yocwaningo esebenzisa i-qualitative method ukuqoqa nokuthola ulwazi maqondana nezipiliyino zababambi-qhaza kudlame lwasekhaya. Kusetshenziswe inqubo ye-Hycner's explicitation ukuphawula izihloko ezine ezinkulu, ukuyizipiliyoni zababambi-qhaza kudlame lwasekhaya, izinto eziphathelene nabantu nomnotho, umehluko kwezamasiko, udlame lwasekhaya ngesikhathi sokukhulelwa. Isihloko nesihloko esikhulu, besihlukaniswe ngezihlokwana ezincane. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo yehlukile kancane uma kuqhathaniswa neminye imibhalo ekhona egqamisa ukusetshenziswa kabi kwezidakamizwa njengenye yezinto ezinkulu eziyingozi nembangela yodlame lwasekhaya kanye nakubudlelwane babantu abasondelene kakhulu. Kulolu cwaningo, ezinye izinto eziyizingozi ezifana nokuhlukunyezwa ngesikhathi sokukhulelwa kanye nokuphathelene nabantu nomnotho kunendima enkulu kunokusetshenziswa kabi kwezidakamizwa notshwala njengezinto eziphezulu kakhulu ezinomthelela kudlame lwasekhaya. / Afrika Tshipembe ḽi vhukati ha phimo ya nṱhesa ya khakhathi dza zwa vhudzekani na dza u huvhadza vhafumakadzi kha ḽifhasi. Ṱhoḓisiso i sumbedza uri u pfesesa vhakwameaho nga khakhathi dza mitani zwi a konḓa nga maanḓa na u elwa ha zwiitisi zwa khombo zwi vhonala zwi khaedu vhukuma. Fhedziha, ndi zwa ndeme u pfesesa na u wana zwiitisi zwa khombo zwine zwa tshimbilelana na khakhathi dza miṱani u itela uri dzi kone u thivhelwa. Iyi ndi ngudo ya ṱhoḓisiso nga tshenzhemo yo livhiswaho kha u ṱhoḓisisa tshenzhemo ye vhafumakadzi vho ṱanganaho na khakhathi dza mitani vha tshenzhema na u ṱoda u wanulusa zwithu zwi vhangaho khombo iyi. (zwine zwa nga vha tshumiso ya zwikambi na zwidzidzivhadzi, khakhathi dza murahu muṱani, vhuvha ha muthu, zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano, phambano ya mvelele, u ḓihwala) zwine zwa nga vha zwo livhisa kha u bvelela ha khakhathi dza miṱani kha vhafunani. Vhadzheneli vho tiwa zwo ḓitika nga ndivho nauri vha tsinisa na lutamo lwa u dzhenelela lwa avho vhathu. Sambula yo vhumbwa nga zwipiḓa zwa rathi zwa vhadzheneli vha miṅwaha ya vhukati ha 18 – 45, vhane zwa zwino vha dzula kha ḽa Tshwane. Data yo kuvhanganywa nga kha mbudziso dzi sa langiho kufhindulele. Nḓila ya u tandula ‘qualitative’ yo shumiswa u kuvhanganya na u ṱhaṱhuvha zwidodombedzwa nga ha tshenzhemo dza vhadzheneli nga ha khakhathi dza miṱani. Kuitele kwa Hycner a songo ḓoweleaho kwo shumiswa u wana ṱhoho dza ndeme nṋa; dzine dza vha tshenzhemo ya vhadzheneli nga ha khakhathi dza miṱani, zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano; phambano ya mvelele, na dzikhakhathi dza miṱani nga tshifhinga vho ḓihwala. Ṱhoho khulwane yo vhumbwa nga ṱhoho ṱhukhu.
Mawanwa a ngudo iyi a fhambana nyana na mbambedzo na tshivhumbeo tsha maṅwalo ane a vha hone ane a ombedzela tshumiso ya zwidzidzivhadzi sa tshiṅwe tsha tshivhangi tshihulwane tsha khakhathi dza miṱani kha vhushaka ha vhafunani. Kha ngudo iyi, dziṅwe khombo dzi fananho na u ḓihwala na zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano zwi vha zwivhangi zwihulwane u fhira tshumiso ya zwidzidzivhadzi na zwiitisi zwa khombo zwa ndeme zwine zwa vhanga khakhathi dza miṱani. / Psychology / M.A.(Psychology)
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A phenomenological study of an emerging financial value ecosystem: based on distributed ledger technology and novel peer to eer game structure / Ucwaningo olugxile ezigamekweni okuhlangatshezwane nazo maqondana neekhosistimu efufusayo yobunani-mali: olusekelwe phezu kwe-distributed ledger technology Kanye ne-novel peer-to-peer game structureCrafford, Francois 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Xhosa / The central research issue in this study is the third morphing of economies due to the externally available intelligent building blocks of technology. More specifically, it is anticipated that the widespread use of distributed ledger technology will transform the workings of organisations to such a degree that they will cease to exist in their current form. Hence, the use of distributed ledger technology is not merely a tame management problem; it poses a wicked strategic problem.
Furthermore, natural explanations add to the confusion in relation to what managers should do with distributed ledger technology. A transcendental phenomenological attitude is required to transcend the multitude of natural explanations. Phenomenology is both the philosophy and method employed in this study, which questions what human engagement in the world is about. More specifically in this study engagement with distributed ledger technology. This study closes this gap in knowledge by giving an accurate description of the essence of the distributed value ecosystem phenomenon.
The study makes a contribution to more coherent and fundamental understanding the essences of the distributed value ecosystem phenomenon is the nature of the relationship patterns that participants hold to distributed ledger technology.
The central factual finding is the nature and pattern of these relationships is transactional and circular.
The pattern preferred by most organisations is the bounded binary transactional pattern. Organisations seek primarily to have power over the socially complex aspects in transacting. However, the bounded binary transactional pattern may become an unbalanced and unfair value-subtract relationship over time. The response to unbalanced binary bounded value relationships is the unbounded transactional pattern, which gives participants greater autonomy and privacy pseudonymity, but not the transparency that is essential to transact seamlessly.
The third value relationship pattern and novel idea presented is the folded value relationship pattern in which participants balance conflicts over socially complex aspects in relation to self and others by meeting narrow micro-level near interaction conditions. This is a more folded, novel strategic game that participants can pick. The key implication for society and organisations is that it presents an alternative approach to dealing with conflict in socially complex value relationships. In essence, with the folded transactional pattern, participants seek to trade up value relationships in relation to self and with others, as opposed to making value relationship trade-offs or sacrifices that lead to either compromises in relation to self or dominance over others. However, the practical managerial implication is truly folded value relationship pattern is not easy to create and is rare. / Umbandela ophambili wophando kwesi sifundo kukuzotywa ngokutsha kwesithathu kwezoqoqosho
ngenxa yobukho bezakhi zobuchwepheshe ezinobukrelekrele. Eyona nto ingundoqo yeyokuba
kucingelwa ukuba ukusetyenziswa kakhulu kobuchwepheshe bokubhala iingxelo mali buya
kuyiguqula indlela asebenza ngayo amaqumrhu, ade ayeke ukusebenza ngale ndlela enza ngayo
ngoku. Ukusetyenziswa kobuchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali (ngesiNgesi
kusetyenziswa isishunqulelo esithi DLT) akuyongxakana nje yolawulo; kuyingxaki enkulu
Ngaphaya koko, iinkcazelo ezikhoyo zongeza ukubhideka malunga neyona nto emele ukwenziwa
ngabaphathi ngobu buchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali. Into efunekayo kukusebenzisa
indlela yophando ngokuphicotha amava nokufuna ukuqonda indlela acinga ngayo umntu, ngakumbi
kumba omalunga nobuchwepheshe bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali. Esi sifundo sivala isikhewu
solwazi esikhoyo ngokunika inkcazelo echanekileyo ngalo mbandela wokusasazwa kokuxabiseka
kwentsebenziswano yendalo nomntu.
Esi sifundo sinceda ekuqondeni iziseko zombandela wokusasazwa kokuxabiseka kwentsebenziswano
yendalo nomntu neepatheni zolwalamano lwabathathi nxaxheba kwicandelo lobuchwepheshe
bokusasaza iingxelo zogcino mali.
Eyona nto ingundoqo efumanisekayo kukuba ubume nepatheni yolu lwalamano iquka
intsebenziswano yorhwebo kwaye ifana nomjikelo.
Ipatheni ekhethwa ngamaqumrhu amaninzi yileyo yentsebenziswano ephakathi kwesibini.
Amaqumrhu afuna tanci ukuba nolawulo kwimiba enzima yezentlalo xa erhwebelana. Noxa kunjalo,
ipatheni yokurhwebelana ngezibini isenokudala ukungalingani nokuqhathana ngokuhamba
kwexesha. Usabelo kulwalamano lwezibini olungenalingano yiphatheni yorhwebelwano
olungabekelwanga mida, apho abathathi nxaxheba bekwazi ukuzithathela izigqibo ekhusini
bengazichazi ukuba bangoobani, nto leyo inqanda ukusebenza ekuhleni nokufunekayo
ekusebenzisaneni ngaphandle kwamagingxigingxi.
Ipatheni yesithathu kwixabiso lolwalamano kulapho ulwalamano lusongiwe, apho abathathi
nxaxheba belungelelanisa iingxabano ezingemiba yezentlalo enzima ngokufezekisa iimeko ezilula
nezincinane. Oku kufana nomdlalo osongeneyo nolicebo lobulumko onokukhethwa ngabathathi
nxaxheba. Okubalulekileyo kukuba le yindlela eyenye enokukhawulelana neengxwabangxwaba
eluntwini nakumaqumrhu. Eneneni, kwipatheni yentsebenziswano esongeneyo, abathathi nxaxheba
bazama ukutshintsha ulwalamano oluphakathi komntu nabanye, endaweni yokuncama izinto ezithile
ezinokukhokelela kwilahleko okanye ekonganyelweni ngabanye. Noxa kunjalo, ipatheni
yolwalamano olusongeneyo kulwalamano lwabalawuli ayinto ilula kwaye inqabile. / Udaba olungumgogodla walolu cwaningo wukuguquka kwesithathu kweminotho ngenxa yamandla
namakhono obuchwepheshe besimanjemane atholakala ngaphandle kwenhlangano.
Ngokuqondileyo, kubhekeke ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kakhulu kwe-distributed ledger technology
kusiguqule kakhulu isimo-sakhiwo sezinhlangano kanye nendlela ezisebenza ngayo, kangangukuthi
zigcine sezingabonakali neze ukuthi zike zaba kulesi simo-sakhiwo ezikusona njengamanje. Ngakhoke
ukusetshenziswa kwe-distributed ledger technology akuyona neze inkinga elula futhi
abangayixazulula kalula abaphathi; kepha kuyinkinga eyinkimbinkimbi futhi eyimpicabadala
okungelula nakancane ukuyixazulula.
Ngaphezu kwalokho, izincazelo zemvelo ziyengeza phezu kokudideka okuphathelene nalokho
okumele kwenziwe ngabaphathi maqondana ne-distributed ledger technology. Ukuze kudlulelwe
ngale kwenqwabanqwaba yezincazelo zemvelo ezikhona kudingeka indlela-kucabanga nendlelakubuka
evulekile yokuqonda ulwazi oluphathelene nezimo kanye nezigameko okuhlangatshezwane
nazo noma okudlulwe kuzona. Ifenomeloji iyikho kokubili ifilosofi kanye nendlela-kusebenza
esetshenzisiwe kulolu cwaningo, okuphonsa umbuzo mayelana nokuthi kuphathelene nani
ukuxhumana kanye nokubandakanywa kwabantu emhlabeni, ikakhulukazi maqondana
nokubandakanywa okuphathelene ne-distributed ledger technology. Lolu cwaningo luvala igebe
lokungabi khona kolwazi ngokuthi lunikeze incazelo enembayo yomongo we-distributed value
Ucwaningo luyalekelela futhi lufake isandla ekutholakaleni kokuqonda okuhle nokuhleleke kahle
futhi okuyisisekelo komongo we-distributed value ecosystem okungukuthi lokhu kuwuhlobo
lwamaphethini obudlelwano obuboniswa ngababambiqhaza maqondana ne-distributed ledger
Umphumela osemqoka kakhulu futhi oyiqiniso otholakale ocwaningweni wukuthi ubunjalo kanye
nephethini yalobu budlelwano ibandakanya izinhloso zokuzizuzela okuthile futhi okungubudlelwano
Iphethini encanyelwa yiningi lezinhlangano yi-bounded binary transactional pattern. Izinhlangano
zihlose ikakhulukazi ukuba namandla phezu kwezinto ezithile ezinobunkimbinkimbi emphakathini
lapho zenza umsebenzi wazo. Kodwa-ke ngokuhamba kwesikhathi i-bounded binary transactional
pattern kungenzeka ibonise ubudlelwano obungenakho ukulingana futhi obuchemile
obungenabugugu. Impendulo yokubhekana nobudlelwano obungama-unbalanced binary bounded
value relationships yi-unbounded transactional pattern, enikeza ababambiqhaza ukukhululeka
nokuzimela okukhudlwana kanye nobumfihlo bokuthi bangazidaluli noma baziveze ukuthi
bangobani, kodwa-ke lokhu akubanikezi ukusebenza ngendlela esobala okuyinto edingekayo
ekusebenzeni ngaphandle kwezihibe.
I-third value relationship pattern kanye nomqondo ophusile owethulwayo yi-folded value
relationship pattern lapho ababambiqhaza beqinisekisa ukuthi kunokulingana phakathi
kokungqubuzana noma udweshu oluphathelene nezinto eziyinkimbinkimbi emphakathini
maqondana nabo uqobo kanye nabanye abantu, ngokuthi bahlangabezane nama-narrow micro-level near-interaction conditions. Lokhu kuwumdladlwana ofongqekile wesimanjemanje futhi okhethekile nosemqoka ongasetshenziswa ngababambiqhaza. Umthelela osemqoka walokhu emphakathini nasezinhlanganweni wukuthi lokhu kuhlinzeka ngendlela ehlukile yokubhekana nokungqubuzana nodweshu kubudlelwano obuyinkimbinkimbi emphakathini. Empeleni, ku-folded transactional pattern, ababambiqhaza bahlose ukuthola okungcono kubudlelwano phakathi kwabo bona uqobo lwabo kanye nabanye abantu esikhundleni sokwakha ubudlelwano lapho izinhlangothi zonke zithola ukushintshisana okulinganayo noma ukuzidela okuthile maqondana nobudlelwano, okuyinto eholela ekutheni kube nokuvumelana phakathi kwezinhlangothi okuhambisana nokuzidela komuntu uqobo lwakhe noma-ke ukukhonya phezu kwabanye. Kodwa-ke umthelela walokho oqondene nabaphathi wukuthi akulula neze ukwakha i-folded value relationship pattern yoqobo futhi lokhu kuyivela kancane. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)
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Assessing the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scaleBotha, Jo-Anne 02 1900 (has links)
This research project examined the psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). The study assessed the construct validity and reliability of the scale as a measure of adult learner self-directedness for diverse groups of adult learners in the South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE) context. The study also assessed whether the factorial structure of the ALSDS was equivalent for adult learners across gender, race and age groups. Furthermore, the study assessed whether the various socio-demographic groups differed significantly on the sub-scale dimensions of the ALSDS; and explored whether a range of socio-biographical factors predicted adult learner self-directedness.
This doctoral study has extended the student’s initial exploratory master’s study on the development and factorial structure of the ALSDS that involved a stratified random sample (N = 1 102) of ODeLHE adult learners. The secondary data set involved a random subsample of n = 747 of the original master’s sample data set. Exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM), exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) revealed a three-factor solution for the ALSDS, with 15 items loading onto the three factors. The results provided evidence of the construct (convergent and discriminant) validity and internal consistency reliability of the three-factor ALSDS, including the construct equivalence of the scale’s factorial structure across the gender, race and age groups. Significant differences between age, race and gender groups were observed regarding the scale sub-dimensions. The study advances theory on adult learner self-directedness in ODeLHE contexts and contributed evidence of the validity and reliability of a shortened version of the ALSDS as a useful measure of adult learner self-directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also directedness. Psychometric shortcomings to be addressed in future research were also highlighted. Practically, the study highlighted assessing adult learners’ success orientation in ODeLHE, active academic activity and strategic utilisation of resources as aspects of enhancing their self-directedness. Support practices should be considered for especially females, black Africans and younger learner cohorts. ODeLHE practices should also consider learners’ mark for English, gender, access to library, number of modules and who students support financially as factors influencing learners’ level of self-directedness. / Abstract/summary in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / Die navorsingsprojek het die psigometriese eienskappe van die selfgerigtheidskaal vir die volwasse leerder (ALSDS) ondersoek. Die studie het die konstruk-geldigheid en -betroubaarheid van die skaal geassesseer as 'n maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders vir diverse groepe van volwasse leerders in die Suid-Afrikaanse ope, afstands- en e-leer-hoëronderwyskonteks (ODeLHE). Die studie het ook geassesseer of die fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS gelykstaande was vir volwasse leerders oor geslags-, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Verder het die studie geassesseer of die verskeie sosiodemografiese groepe beduidend verskil het op die subskaal-dimensies van die ALSDS en ondersoek of 'n reeks sosiobiografiese faktore selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders voorspel het.
Hierdie doktorale studie het uitgebrei op die student se aanvanklike verkennende meesterstudie oor die ontwikkeling en fakulteitstruktuur van die ALSDS wat 'n gestratifiseerde ewekansige steekproef van ODeLHE-volwasse leerders behels het (N = 1 102). Die sekondêre datastel het 'n ewekansige substeekproef behels van n = 747 van die oorspronklike meestersteekproef-datastel. Verkennende strukturele vergelykingsmodellering, verkennende faktorontleding en bekragtigende faktorontleding het 'n driefaktor-oplossing vir die ALSDS onthul, met 15 items wat op die drie faktore gelaai is. Die resultate verskaf bewyse van die konstruk (konvergerende en diskriminerende) geldigheid en interne konsekwentheid en betroubaarheid van die driefaktor-ALSDS, insluitende die konstruk-ekwivalensie van die skaal se fakulteitstruktuur oor die geslags, rasse- en ouderdomsgroepe heen. Beduidende verskille tussen ouderdoms-, rasse- en geslagsgroepe is waargeneem rakende die skaalsubdimensies. Die studie bevorder teorie oor selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders in
ODeLHE-kontekste en dra bewyse van die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van 'n verkorte weergawe van die ALSDS as 'n nuttige maatstaf van selfgerigtheid by volwasse leerders. Psigometriese tekortkomings wat in toekomstige navorsing hanteer kan word, is ook beklemtoon. Prakties gesproke beklemtoon die studie die assessering van volwasse leerders se sukses-oriëntering in ODeLHE, aktiewe akademiese aktiwiteit en strategiese gebruik van hulpbronne as aspekte om hul selfgerigtheid te bevorder. Ondersteuningspraktyke moet oorweeg word vir veral vroue, swart Afrikaners en jonger leerderkohorte. ODeLHE-praktyke moet ook leerders se punt vir Engels, geslag, toegang tot 'n biblioteek, aantal modules en wie studente finansieel ondersteun, oorweeg as faktore wat leerders se vlak van selfgerigtheid beïnvloed. / Le projekthi yocwaningo, ihlola ama-psychometric properties of the adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS). Ucwaningo luhlola i-construct validity nokuthembeka kwe-scale njengendlela yokukala i-adult self-directedness kumaqembu ehlukene abafundi abadala kwisimo semfundo evulekile lapho abantu abafunda bekude esibizwa nge-South African open, distance and e-learning higher education (ODeLHE). Ucwaningo lubuye lwahlola nokuthi ngabe isimo ngamaqiniso e-ALSDS siyalingana yini kubafundi abadala kumaqembu obubili, bezinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye nabantu beminyaka ehlukene. Kanti futhi okunye, ucwaningo, luhlola ukuthi ngabe amaqembu emikhakha ehlukene ngokwe-sociodemographic ehlukene kakhulu maqondana nama-dimention e-ALSDS acutshungulwayo ukuthi ngabe ama-range emibandela yama-sociodemographic abonelela noma aqagela inqubo ye-adult leaner self-directedness.
Lolu cwaningo lweziqu ze-doctoral study lubheke nocwaningo lokuqala lwabafundi be-masters ngentuthuko yesakhiwo se-factoral structure ye-ALSDS ebandakanye amasampuli akhethwe nje ngaphandle kokukhetha noma ukubeka imibandela ethize, okwaziwa nge-stratified random sample ye (N = 1 102) yabafundi abadala be-ODeLHE. Isethi ye-data yesekondari yona ibandakanya i-random subsample of n = 747 yesethi ye-data yabafundi bokuqala be-masters. I-Exploratory structural equation modelling, i-exploratory factor analysis kanye ne-confirmatory factor analysis eziveze izixazululo ezintathu ngama-ALSDS kuma-ayithemu angu 15 afakelwe kuma-factor amathathu. Imiphumela iveza ubufakazi be-construct (i-convergent and discriminant) validity kanye ne-internal consistency reliability yama-factor amathathu e-ALSDS abandakanya i-
construct equivalence ye-scale's factorial structure, ukunqamuleza kumaqembu ngobulili, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye neminyaka yobudala ehlukene. Umehluko osemqoka phakathi kweminyaka yobudala, izinhlanga ezehlukene ngokwebala kanye namaqembu eminyaka ehlukene uye wabonakaka maqondana ne-scale sub-dimensions. Ucwaningo luqhubela phambili ithiyori kwizimo zabafundi zokuziqhuba ngokufunda ezibizwa i-adult learner self-directedness kwi-ODeLHE, kanti futhi ithela esivivaneni kwi-reliability ye-version efinyeziwe ye-ALSDS njengesikali esiwusizo kwi-adult learner self-directedness. Okuyizihibe nge-psychometric okufanele kubhekwane nakho ngocwaningo lwangekusasa, kuye kwavezwa kwagqanyiswa. Ngokubonakala ngendlela ebambekayo, ucwaningo lugqamise ukuhlolwa kwempumelelo yabafundi abadala kwi-ODeLHE, umsebenzi omatasatasa we-akhademiki kanye nokusetshenziswa ngendlela yamasu abambekayo kwemithombo njengengxenye yokuthuthukisa i-self-directedness. Izinkambiso zokusekela kumele zibonelelwe, ikakhulukazi kwabesimame, abamnyama bama-Afrika kanye nabafundi abasebasha. Izinkambiso ze-ODeLHE kumele zibonelele namamaki abafundi olimi lwesiNgisi (i-English), ubulili, ukufinyelela emalayibhrari, inani lama-module kanye nokuthi ngabe abafundi bondla obani ngokwezimali njengemibandela enomthelela kwinqubo yokuthi abafundi bakwazi ukuziqhubela phambili ngokwenqubo ye-self-directedness. / Business Management / D.Com. (Business Management)
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Factors influencing ICT implementation in inclusive primary schools in Manzini region, Eswatini / Timbangela letinemtselela ekufezekiseni kusetjentiswa kwelwatiso nekuchumana ngetebuchwepheshe etikolweni temabanga laphansi letifundza wonkhe wonkhe letisesigodzini sakaManzini, Eswatini / Dintlha tse di susumetsang tsenyotirisong ya ict kwa dikolong tsa poraemari tse di akaretsang kwa kgaolong ya Manzini, Eswatini / Izimbangela ezinomthelela ekwethulweni kwezobuchwepheshe okubandakanya izikole zamabanga aphansi kusifunda saseManzini, EswatiniSimelane, Thembekile Innocentia 15 December 2020 (has links)
As rapid technological development constantly drives and reshapes the economy, it is vital for
learners and teachers to be highly proficient in the use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT). The data collected revealed that the barriers to ICT integration can be
viewed as deprivation to both teachers and learners, especially those with diverse disabilities
and learning difficulties. ICT implementation is therefore more than just change driven by
technology. It is an opportunity to assist everyone, including people from all income groups,
policy-makers and leaders to support converging technologies to create a more inclusive and
humane future.
The research was designed as a case study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted, lesson
observations were undertaken and qualitative questionnaires were administered as methods of
data collection. The research population included principals and ICT teachers in the Manzini
Region. The sample was made up of two principals and 13 teachers. The data was transcribed
and presented as raw data and thereafter analysed thematically. The data collected was analysed
The findings of the study were that the factors influencing ICT implementation in inclusive
primary schools in Eswatini included a lack of skills and knowledge from teachers; the lack of
teaching and learning time allocated to ICT; insufficient teaching and learning materials; a lack
of motivation and an insufficient number of teachers. Other factors included the lack of support
and collaboration from principals and the Government of Eswatini.
In view of the above factors, some recommendations were made, namely, that the Ministry of
Education should reintroduce ICT in all inclusive primary schools. The schools that offer ICT
should consider increasing the time allocated for ICT and enhance Continuous Professional
Development (CPD) for ICT teachers. They should also provide for learners with diverse
disabilities and learning difficulties a variety of teaching materials such as assistive devices to
enhance teaching and learning. / Njengaloku kutfutfuka ngekushesha kwetebuchwephesHe kuchubeka kucondzisa futsi
kwakhA kabusha nemnotfo, kumcoka kutsi bothishela nebafundzi babe nelikhono
leliphakeme lekusebentisa Lwatiso neKuchumana ngeTebuchwepheshe (i-ICT).
Ledatha legcogciwe ivete kutsi tihibe tekuhlanganisa i-ICT tingabukwa njengekuncisha
bothishela nebafundzi, ikakhulu kubafundzi labaphila nekukhubateka
lokwehlukahlukene kanye nebulukhuni ekufundzeni. Kufezekiswa kwekusetjentiswa
kwe-ICT ngako-ke kungetulu kwekutsi nje kuchutjwa ingucuko yetebuchwepheshe,
kodvwa kulitfuba lekusita wonkhe umuntfu, lokufaka ekhatsi bantfu lababuya kuwo
onkhe emacembu etemnotfo, labo lababhala tinchubomgmo nebaholi, kutsi basekele
kuhlanganiswa kwetebuchwepheshe kute kudaleke likusasa lelifaka lonkhe luntfu.
Lolucwaningo luhlelwe njengesifundvolucwaningo lwesehlakalo. Kubanjwe emainthaviyu
buso nebuso, kwentiwa sifundvo sekucaphela kanye nemaphephambuto
elizingasimo njengetindlela tekugcogca idatha. Linanibantfu lalolucwaningo lifaka
ekhatsi bothishelanhloko kanye nabothishela labafundzisa i-ICT eSigodzini sakaManzini
Eswatini. Lesamphuli yakhiwa bothishelanhloko lababili kanye nabothishela laba-13.
Ledatha yabhalwa yetfulwa njengaloko injalo ingakahlutwa kwase kutsi-ke emva
kwaloko yahlatiywa ngekwengcikitsi. Ledatha leyagcogcwa yahlatiywa
Lokutfolwe ngulesifundvolucwaningo kutsi timbangela letinemtselela ekufezekiseni
kusetjentiswa kwe-ICT etikolweni temabanga laphansi letifaka wonkhe wonkhe
Eswayini, kufaka ekhatsi kuswelakala kwemakhono nelwati kubothishela; sikhatsi
sekufundzisa nekufundza lesinganeli lesiphakelwa kufundziswa kwe-ICT; ticukatsilwati
tekufundzisa nekufundza letingakaneli; kubete umdlandla kanye nelinani lelingakaneli
labothishela. Lenye imbangela kungabikhona kwekusekelwa nekuhlanganyela lokuvela
kubothishelanhloko nakuhulumende weleSwatini.
Ngekubuka letimbangela letingenhla, kwentiwe-ke letincomo letilandzelako: Litiko
Letemfundvo kufanele kutsi liphindze letfule i-ICT kuto tonkhe tikolo temabanga
laphansi letifundzisa wonkhe wonkhe, tikolo letifundzisa i-ICT kufanele kutsi tikubheke
kwengetwa kwesikhatsi sekufundzisa i-ICT kanye nekwenta ncono Kutfutfukiswa Ngalokuchubekako Kwebungcweti (i-CPD) kubothishela labafundzisa i-ICT, kantsi futsi
letikolo kufanele tinake nebafundzi labaphila nekukhubateka lokwahlukahlukene
nebulukhuni bekufundza ngekutsi banikwe ticukatsilwati tekufundzisa letahlukahlukene
njengetisetjentiswa tekusita kute kwentiwe ncono kufundzisa nekufundza. / Jaaka lebelo la tlhabololo ya thekenoloji le tswelela go tsamaisa le go bopa ikonomi sešwa, go botlhokwa gore barutwana le barutabana ba nne le bokgoni jo bo kwa godimo mo tirisong ya Thekenoloji ya Tshedimosetso le Tlhaeletsano (ICT). Data e e kokoantsweng e senotse gore dikgoreletsi tsa kgokaganyo ya ICT di ka bonwa e le tlhaelo mo barutabaneng le barutwaneng, bogolo segolo barutwana ba ba nang le bogole jo bo farologaneng le mathata a go ithuta. Ka jalo, tsenyotirisong ya ICT ga se fela diphetogo tse di tsamaisiwang ke thekenolooji; ke tšhono ya go thusa mongwe le mongwe, go akarediwa batho go tswa ka ditlhopheng tsotlhe tsa lotseno, badiradipholisi le baeteledipele, go tshegetsa dithekenoloji tse di kopanang go tlhama isago e e akaretsang e bile e le molemo.
Patlisiso e rulagantswe jaaka thutopatlisiso e e lebelelang kgetsi. Go dirilwe dipotsolotso tsa namana, go nnile le kelotlhoko ya dithuto mme go dirisitswe dipampiripotsoloto tse di lebelelang mabaka jaaka mekgwa ya go kokoanya data. Setlhophasegolo sa patlisiso se akareditse bagokgo le barutabana ba ICT kwa Kgaolong ya Manzini kwa Eswatini. Sampole e ne e dirwa ke bagokgo ba le babedi le barutabana ba le 13. Data e ne ya gatisiwa mme ya tlhagisiwa e le data e e sa fetolwang mme morago ya lokololwa go ya ka meono. Data e e kokoantsweng e lokolotswe go ya ka mabaka.
Diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso e nnile gore dintlha tse di tlhotlheletsang tsenyotirisong
ya ICT mo dikolong tsa poraemari tse di akaretsang kwa Eswatini di akaretsa tlhaelo ya
bokgoni le kitso mo ntlheng ya barutabana; nako e e sa lekanang ya go ruta le go ithuta
e e rebolelwang ICT; dimatheriale tse di sa lekanang tsa go ruta le go ithuta; tlhaelo ya
thotloetso le palo e e sa lekanang ya barutabana. Ntlha e nngwe e nnile tlhaelo ya
tshegetso le tirisanommogo go tswa mo bagokgong le puso ya Eswatini.
Ka ntlha ya dintlha tse di fa godimo, go dirilwe dikatlenegiso tse di latelang: Lefapha la
Thuto le tshwanetse go itsese sešwa ICT mo dikolong tsotlhe tsa poraemari tse di
akaretsang, dikolo tse di tlamelang ka ICT di tshwanetse go akanya ka go oketsa nako
e e rebolelwang ICT le go tokafatsa Tlhabololo e e Tswelelang pele ya Seporofešenale
(CPD) ya barutabana ba ICT, mme dikolo tseno di tshwanetse gape go akanyetsa
barutwana ba ba nang le bogole jo bo farologaneng le mathata a go ithuta ka go ba
tlamela ka dimatheriale tse di farologaneng tsa go ithuta di tshwana le didiriswa tse di
thusang go tokafatsa go ruta le go ithuta. / Njengoba intuthuko yezobuchwepheshe esheshayo iqhubeka nokugqugquzela
nokwakha kabusha umnotho, kubalulekile ukuthi abafundi nothisha babe nekhono
eliphezulu ekusebenziseni Ulwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana.
Imininingwane eqoqiwe iveze ukuthi izithiyo ekuhlanganisweni zoLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana zingabhekwa njengokuncishwa amathiba
kothisha nabafundi, ikakhulukazi abafundi abanokukhubazeka okuhlukahlukene
nobunzima bokufunda. Ukuqaliswa koLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana
kungaphezu nje koshintsho oluqhutshwa ezobuchwepheshe; kuyithuba lokusiza wonke
umuntu, kufaka phakathi abantu abavela kuyo yonke imikhakha yabaholayo, abenza
izinqubomgomo kanye nabaholi, ukusekela ubuchwepheshe obuhlanganayo ukudala
ikusasa eliyinhlanganisela futhi elinobuntu.
Ucwaningo lwakhiwe njengesifundo esiwucwaningo lwesigameko. Kwenziwa
inhlolokhono noma zingxoxo ubuso nobuso, kwenziwa ukubhekwa kwezifundo futhi
kwenziwa nemibuzo esezingeni elifanele njengezindlela zokuqoqa imininingwane.
Abantu abafakwe ocwaningweni babandakanya othishanhloko kanye nothisha boLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana esifundeni saseManzini eSwatini. Isampula
yayenziwe kothishanhloko ababili nothisha abayi-13. Idatha yabhalwa futhi yethulwa njengedatha engahlungiwe futhi ngemuva kwalokho yahlaziywa ngokulandelana.
Imininingwane eqoqiwe yahlaziywa ngokufanele.
Okutholakele kulolu cwaningo ngukuthi izinto ezinomthelela ekusebenzeni koLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana ezikoleni zamabanga aphansi ezibandakanya
bonke abantu eSwatini zibandakanya ukuntuleka kwamakhono nolwazi kothisha;
isikhathi esinganele sokufundisa nokufunda esabelwe uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe
Kwezokuxhumana izinto zokufundisa nokufunda ezinganele; ukungabi nogqozi kanye
nenani elinganele lothisha. Enye yezimbangela ukungabikho kokwesekwa
nokusebenzisana kothishanhloko nohulumeni wase-Eswatini.
Ngenxa yalezi zinto ezingenhla, kwenziwa izincomo ezilandelayo: uMnyango
Wezemfundo kufanele uphinde ufake uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana
kuzo zonke izikole zamabanga aphansi ezibandakanyekayo, izikole ezifundisa uLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana kufanele zicabangele ukukhulisa isikhathi
sokufundisa esabelwe uLwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana futhi
zithuthukise Ukuthuthukiswa Okuqhubekayo Kwezobuchwepheshe kothisha boLwazi
Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana, futhi lezi zikole kufanele futhi zihlinzeke
izitshudeni ezinokukhubazeka okuhlukahlukene nobunzima bokufunda ngendlela
yezinhlobonhlobo zezinto zokufundisa ezinjengamathuluzi okusiza ukuthuthukisa
ukufundisa nokufunda. / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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