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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theoretical study of atomic processes and dynamics in ultracold plasmas

Balaraman, Gouthaman S. 17 November 2008 (has links)
In the last decade, ultracold plasmas have been created in the laboratory by photo-ionizing laser-cooled atoms. To understand the overall dynamics of ultracold plasmas, one needs to understand Rydberg collisional processes at ultracold temperatures. The two kinds of problems addressed in this thesis are: study of Rydberg atomic processes at ultracold temperatures, and a study of the overall dynamics of the ultracold plasmas. Theoretical methods based on quantal-classical correspondence is used to understand Rydberg atomic processes such as radiative cascade, and radiative recombination. A simulation method suitable for ultracold collisions is developed and tested. This method is then applied to study collisional-Stark mixing in Rydberg atoms. To study the dynamics of the ultracold plasmas, a King model for the electrons in plasmas is proposed. The King model is a stationary, finite sized electron distribution for the electrons in a cloud of fixed ions with a Gaussian distribution. A Monte-Carlo method is developed to simulate the overall dynamics of the King distribution.

Ultracold atoms in dressed potentials

Harte, Tiffany January 2017 (has links)
Time-varying fields are widely used to extend the accessible range of trapping potentials for ultracold atoms. This work explores two very different examples of such fields, in the radiofrequency and optical regimes, whose interactions with trapped atoms can both be described in terms of the dressed atom picture. Forming the basis of this work are radiofrequency dressed adiabatic potentials based on macroscopic trapping coils. Atoms are confined at the south pole of the resultant oblate spheroidal trapping surfaces. This work describes the extension of these potentials by two different methods: the application of multiple dressing radiofrequencies, and addition of a rapidly-scanned optical dipole trap. This is the first experimental demonstration of a multiple-radiofrequency dressed adiabatic potential, explored using ultracold <sup>87</sup>Rb atoms confined in a highly configurable double well. Due to the independent generation of each constituent dressing frequency, the depth of each trapping well and the height of the barrier are easily manipulated, enabling precise and reliable transfer of atoms between the available trapping geometries. Experimental work includes an exploration of the potential-shaping capabilities of the three-radiofrequency system, and characterisation of the potential landscape using radiofrequency spectroscopy with good agreement to the eigenvalues numerically calculated using Floquet theory. This initial exploration of multiple-radiofrequency techniques lays the groundwork for applications in studying double well physics in a two-dimensional system, and independent state or species selective manipulation of trapped atoms. The potential shaping capabilities of this method can also be extended by applying additional trapping frequencies. In a supplementary line of experimental work, an optical dipole trapping system has been constructed, and the trapping beam aligned to the lower surface of the radiofrequency dressed trapping shell in order to sculpt the radial confinement. Beam shaping is achieved using an acousto-optic deflector, which can be used to produce either a composite array of static deflected beams, a rapidly-scanned painted potential, or some combination of the two approaches. The development and extension of the experimental apparatus required to implement these enhanced dressed state potentials is explored, and the challenges of their experimental implementation considered.

Interacting Fermi gases

Whitehead, Thomas Michael January 2018 (has links)
Interacting Fermi gases are one of the chief paradigms of condensed matter physics. They have been studied since the beginning of the development of quantum mechanics, but continue to produce surprises today. Recent experimental developments in the field of ultracold atomic gases, as well as conventional solid state materials, have produced new and exotic forms of Fermi gases, the theoretical understanding of which is still in its infancy. This Thesis aims to provide updated tools and additional insights into some of these systems, through the application of both numerical and analytical techniques. The first Part of this Thesis is concerned with the development of improved numerical tools for the study of interacting Fermi gases. These tools take the form of accurate model potentials for the dipolar and contact interactions, as found in various ultracold atomic gas experiments, and a new form of Jastrow correlation factor that interpolates between the radial symmetry of the inter-electron Coulomb potential at short inter-particle distances, and the symmetry of the numerical simulation cell at large separation. These methods are designed primarily for use in quantum Monte Carlo numerical calculations, and provide high accuracy along with considerable acceleration of simulations. The second Part shifts focus to an analytical analysis of spin-imbalanced Fermi gases with an attractive contact interaction. The spin-imbalanced Fermi gas is shown to be unstable to the formation of multi-particle instabilities, generalisations of a Cooper pair containing more than two fermions, and then a theory of superconductivity is built from these instabilities. This multi-particle superconductivity is shown to be energetically favourable over conventional superconducting phases in spin-imbalanced Fermi gases, and its unusual experimental consequences are discussed.

Estudo de colisões entre átomos de Rydberg ultrafrios em amostras atômicas aprisionadas numa armadilha óptica de dipolo / Study of collisions between ultracold Rydberg atoms in atomic samples trapped in an optical dipole trap

Jorge Douglas Massayuki Kondo 18 December 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos colisões entre átomos de Rydberg ultrafrios em uma amostra atômica de alta densidade aprisionada em uma armadilha óptica de dipolo (AOD) tipo QUEST (Quasi Electrostatic Trap). Nossos objetivos incluíam testar a manifestação de fenômenos de muitos corpos bem como estudar efeitos de anisotropia nos processos colisionais envolvendo dois corpos. Para isso, escolhemos o processo colisional descrito por 5/2+5/2(+2)3/2+(2)7/2 no intervalo de 37 &le; &le;47. O processo foi estudado na ausência e presença de campo elétrico estático, originando as ressonâncias Förster. Os resultados mostram que mesmo em alta densidade atômica o processo de dois corpos domina a interação, apesar da clara manifestação do bloqueio dipolar. Após modificações na montagem experimental, estudamos um dos picos da ressonância Förster 375/2+375/2393/2+357/2 em função da direção e amplitude em relação ao eixo longitudinal da AOD. Discutimos os resultados e os desafios futuros do experimento. / In this paper, we study collisions between ultracold Rydberg atoms in a high density atomic sample trapped in an optical dipole trap (ODT), type QUEST (Quasi Electrostatic Trap). Our goals included testing the manifestation of many-body phenomena and to study anisotropy effects in collisional processes involving two Rydberg atoms. In order to do this, we have chosen the collision process described by 5/2+5/2(+2)3/2+(2)7/2 in the range of 37 &le; &le;47. The process was studied in the presence and absence of a dc static electric field, also known as Förster resonances. The results show that even at high atomic density, two-body interaction dominates de process, despite the clear manifestation of Rydberg blockade. After several improvements in our experimental setup, we have studied also a Förster resonance peak 375/2+375/2393/2+357/2 as a function of the magnitude of the dc static electric field as well as the angle between this field and the longitudinal axis of the ODT. We discuss the results and future challenges of the experiment.

Estudo de colisões atômicas ultrafrias: mecanismos de perda e espectroscopia de fotoassociação. / Investigation of ultracold atomic collisions: trap loss mechanisms and photoassociation spectroscopy.

Gustavo Deczka Telles 18 December 2002 (has links)
Neste trabalho, abordamos dois assuntos independentes e interessantes que permeiam o cotidiano dos pesquisadores da área de resfriamento e confinamento de átomos neutros. O primeiro está relacionado aos processos de perda de átomos ocorrendo em armadilhas magneto-ópticas, a partir das quais o fenômeno é observado. Mostramos que a conjunção de dois modelos tradicionais da literatura é capaz de gerar um modelo semiclássico e semi-analítico básico e robusto, capaz de reproduzir as características fundamentais dos resultados experimentais já obtidos, incluindo os mais recentes. Isto demonstra que os aspectos essenciais dos mecanismos de perda em armadilhas são, agora, bem compreendidos. O segundo assunto abordado aqui está relacionado à observação de moléculas diatômicas formadas em armadilhas magneto-ópticas. Nesse sentido, uma série de experimentos básicos foi realizada, gerando resultados e discussões que constituem uma rica fonte de informação inspirando a continuação e conclusão do trabalho iniciado aqui, cujo objetivo final é a caracterização precisa e o desenvolvimento técnicas de resfriamento e aprisionamento de moléculas diatômicas heteronucleares. / We report the results concerning to two main subjects of laser cooling and trapping community. We begin by presenting the results of modeling two-body trap loss rates as a function of the trap laser intensity. We show that one can merge two simple theories to obtain a semiclassical and semi-analytical model which is able to provide the fundamental properties observed in the experimental results found in the literature. Hence, we concluded that the essential features of the two-body trap loss rates taking place in MOTs are now well understood. On the other hand, we run a set of experiments trying to produce and detect heteronuclear diatomic ultracold molecules. Although this has not been accomplished yet, we have acquired a wide and rich amount of data that will certainly be very helpful for continuing and concluding the work here started. In the near future the photoassociation spectroscopy of ultracold heteronuclear diatomic molecules will provide valuable information to help in its manipulation.

Estudo de Blindagem Óptica em Colisões Frias / Studies on Optical Shielding of Cold Collisions

Sérgio Ricardo Muniz 05 March 1998 (has links)
Neste trabalho, mostramos que é possível suprimir a maioria dos processos inelásticos que podem causar perdas de átomos em armadilhas magneto-ópticas. Nossos resultados revelam que o processo de blindagem óptica (demonstrado pelo nosso grupo, pela primeira vez para o processo de ionização fotoassociativa – Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 1911 (1994)) é bem mais geral do que se supunha. Permitindo, inclusive, a supressão de colisões entre átomos no estado fundamental. E provavelmente qualquer outro processo inelástico que ocorra a curtas distâncias internucleares. Para se chegar a esses resultados, foi necessário desenvolver uma nova técnica de aprisionamento, que permite o estudo de colisões frias, mesmo em armadilhas cujo potencial de confinamento é pequeno. Graças a essa técnica foi possível, pela primeira vez, observar perdas causadas por mudança de estrutura hiperfina, numa armadilha de átomos de sódio operando na linha D1 (carregada a partir de uma célula de vapor). Essa técnica ainda nos permitiu medir a taxa de colisões frias (&#61538;) no trap da linha D1, um dado que até então não existia na literatura. Para verificar a confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos por essa técnica, realizamos também medidas de &#61538; na linha D2 e comparamos esses resultados com outros existentes na literatura (obtidos por uma técnica diferente). A boa concordância entre esses resultados nos deixa confiantes em dizer que essa técnica, além de ser muito interessante, no estudo de armadilhas rasas (seja isso devido à intensidade dos lasers de aprisionamento, seja devido a natureza própria da armadilha), é também bastante confiável / In this work, we showed that is possible to suppress most of the inelastic processes that may cause losses of atoms in a magneto-optical trap. Our results reveal that the process of optical shielding (demonstrated by our group, for the first time to photoassociative ionization - Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 1911 (1994)) is much more general than it was supposed. Even allowing the suppression of ground state collisions and probably any other inelastic process that happens at short internuclear distances. To achieve those results, it was necessary to develop a new trapping technique, which allows the study of cold collisions, even in traps whose confinement potential is small. Thanks to that technique it was possible, for the first time, to observe losses caused by hyperfine changing collisions, in a trap of sodium atoms operating in the D1 line (loaded from a vapor cell). That technique has still allowed us to measure the rate of cold collisions (&#61538;) for the D1 line trap, a result which, until now, did not exist in the literature. To verify the reliability of the results obtained by that technique, we also accomplished measures of &#61538; in the D2 line and compared those results with other existent ones in the literature (obtained by a different technique). The good agreement among those results, made us confident in saying that this technique, besides being very interesting in the study of shallow traps (due to the intensity of the trapping lasers, or due to the own nature of the trap), it is also quite reliable.

Colisões Inelásticas Frias em Amostras Heteronucleares obtidas em Armadilhas Magneto-Ópticas. / Cold inelastic collisions in two species magneto optical traps.

Gustavo Deczka Telles 30 September 1998 (has links)
Um estudo das taxas de perda de átomos ocorrendo numa armadilha magneto-óptica mista foi realizado aqui. Observamos experimentalmente, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de processos colisionais inelásticos envolvendo duas espécies atômicas distintas. Identificamos o escape radiativo como o processo dominante nas taxas de perda de átomos da armadilha de sódio, devidas às colisões desses com os átomos de rubídio aprisionados, para as dadas condições experimentais. Realizamos estudos semelhantes com uma mistura K-Rb, onde as taxas de perda de átomos da armadilha de potássio foram observadas. Procurou-se interpretar os resultados através um modelo semiclássico que teve de ser modificado por nós. Esses estudos foram importantes porque revelaram a grande influência do processo de escape radiativo nas taxas de perda. Também verificou-se que outros canais podem manifestar a sua influência e suspeitamos que isso se deva às diferenças estruturais das \"quasimoléculas\" formadas na colisão. A compreensão de processos colisionais em armadilhas magneto-ópticas mistas é importante para a obtenção e estudo de amostras distintas de condensados bosônicos coexistindo numa mesma região. / We report the results of the trap-Ioss collisional rates observed in a mixed species magneto-optical trapo These are the first systematic studies about the collisionalloss channels due to heteronuclear interactions between two cold atomic sampIes in aMOr. We have used two different combinations: Na-Rb and K -Rb. lt was observed that the rates are strongly affected by the radiative escape Ioss channel, especially in the Na-Rb system. We also observed that some other Ioss channels may ruIe the rates behavior depending on the combination or the experimento To understand the results a semiclassical approach was used: the Gallagher-Prichard theory. We beIieve that these studies will soon be helpful to control the interatomic collisional rates for the achievement of heteronuclear sampIes of Bose-Einstein condensates.

Design and Study of Microwave Potentials for Interferometry with Thermal Atoms On a Chip / Conception et étude des potentiels micro-ondes pour l'interférométrie avec des atomes thermiques sur puce

Ammar, Mahdi 17 June 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons l'étude théorique d'un interféromètre atomique utilisant des atomes thermiques (i.e. non condensés) piégés sur une puce, avec des effets de champ moyen réduits. Afin de maintenir un niveau adéquat de cohérence, un haut degré de symétrie entre les deux bras d'un tel interféromètre est nécessaire. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous décrivons un protocole expérimental basé sur l'utilisation des micro-ondes en champ proche générés par deux guides d'ondes coplanaires transportant des courants oscillants à des fréquences différentes. Nous étudions principalement deux configurations symétriques pour réaliser une séparatrice atomique, soit le long de l'axe longitudinal soit le long de l'axe transversal du piège magnétique statique.Dans le cas d'une séparation transversale des atomes, nous discutons la nécessité d'utiliser un micro-piège sur-mesure qui possède une structure de champ similaire à celle d'un Ioffe Prichard macroscopique et nous proposons une conception concrète d'un tel micro-piège. Dans le cas d'une séparation axiale des atomes, nous étudions certains facteurs physiques qui limitent les performances ultimes de cet interféromètre tels que : la dissymétrie des potentiels, l'effet des fluctuations des champs statiques et micro-ondes, et la stabilité du signal gravitationnel de l'interféromètre. Nous utilisons un modèle harmonique unidimensionnel simplifié pour décrire la chute du contraste de l'interféromètre. Enfin, nous envisageons la possibilité d'une séparation et d'une recombinaison atomique non-adiabatique sans chauffage vibrationnel en concevant des trajectoires appropriées des potentiels de piégeages. / In this thesis, we report the theoretical study of an atom interferometer using thermal (i.e. non condensed) atoms trapped on a chip, with reduced mean-field effects. To keep an adequate level of coherence, a high level of symmetry between the arms of such an interferometer is required. To achieve this goal, we describe an experimental protocol based on microwave near-fields created by two coplanar waveguides carrying currents oscillating at different frequencies. This method enables the creation of two symmetrical microwave potentials that depend on the atomic internal state, and allows a state-selective symmetrical splitting of the atoms. We mainly consider two symmetrical configurations to separate the atoms either along the longitudinal axis or along the transverse axis of the static magnetic trap. In the case of a transverse splitting of the atoms, we discuss the advantages of using a custom microtrap that has the same field structure as a standard macroscopic Ioffe Pritchard trap, and we propose a practical design for such a microtrap. In the case of an axial splitting of the atoms, we study some physical factors limiting the ultimate performances of this interferometer such as: the dissymmetry of the microwave potentials, the effect of the fluctuations of static and microwave fields and the stability of the interferometer gravitational signal. We derive a simplified one-dimensional harmonic model to describe the interferometer contrast decay. Finally, we consider the possibility of non-adiabatic atomic splitting and recombination without vibrational heating by designing appropriate trajectories of the trapping-potentials based on the theory of dynamical invariants.

Structure et dynamique des ions moléculaires froids : processus de formation et de destruction / Structure and dynamics of cold molecular ions : formation and destruction processes

Silva Jr., Humberto da 10 July 2017 (has links)
Ce travail concerne les mécanismes de formation, de destruction et de relaxation interne des ions moléculaires formes au cours de collisions inélastiques ultra-froides. Ces collisions sont étudiées expérimentalement dans des pièges hybrides mêlant un piège d'atomes ultra-froids et un piège d’ions refroidis par laser. Nous avons effectué une analyse théorique systématique des collisions binaires, assistées par la lumière, impliquant plusieurs sortes de paires atome/ion. Leur interaction mutuelle est décrite par des calculs de chimie quantique basés sur l'utilisation de potentiels de cœur effectifs très précis. La formation d’ions moléculaires par 'association radiative est prédite efficace pour tous les systèmes étudiés, avec une section efficace deux à dix fois plus grande que le processus concurrent, le transfert de charge radiatif. Les constantes de vitesse partielles et totales sont aussi calculées et comparées aux valeurs expérimentales disponibles. Des résonances de forme sont attendues avec une largeur très faible, et pourraient être observées avec la meilleure résolution expérimentale atteinte aujourd'hui. Les distributions vibrationnelles ont aussi été calculées. Elles montrent que les ions moléculaires formés ne sont pas créés dans leur état vibrationnel fondamental. Nous avons ensuite montré que ces ions moléculaires pouvaient être photodissociés par les lasers utilisés dans l’expérience pour le refroidissement et le piégeage. Par ailleurs nous avons étudié la relaxation vibrationnelle des ions formés. Dans les échelles de temps des différentes expériences, nous avons montré que celle-ci ne résulte pas d'une relaxation radiative associée au moment dipolaire permanent de l'ion, mais plutôt à des collisions avec les atomes ultra-froids environnants. Nous avons ainsi étudié cette relaxation interne pour les ions H₂⁺ (resp. Rb₂⁺) lors d'une collision avec des atomes ultra-froids de He (resp. Rb). Ces deux cas sont importants pour des expériences en cours. Nous avons décrit le calcul du potentiel d'interaction nécessaire pour l'obtention de la matrice de couplage qui intervient dans la résolution deséquations couplées multi-voies. En particulier il a été montré, dans le cas He-H₂⁺, que les interactions spin-rotation, du fait de la structure doublet de l'ion, n'ont qu'une faible influence sur la somme des sections efficaces d'état à état (avec ou sans effet vibrationnel). Ces calculs peuvent être donc simplifiés en traitant l'ion à un électron actif comme étant dans un état de spin nul. Dans le cas Rb-Rb₂⁺, l'étude de la relaxation vibrationnelle de l'ion Rb₂⁺ suite à des collisions froides avec des atomes de Rb se heurte à des difficultés supplémentaires: (i) l'échange des atomes identiques conduisant à des collisions réactives qui induisent des pertes dans le piège. (ii) la forte densité d'états internes due à la lourde masse du système. (iii) les interactions inter-voies encore présentes à très longues distances du fait cette forte densité. Néanmoins, nos calculs montrent que la forte anisotropie observée dans les surfaces d'énergie potentielle conduit à la relaxation efficace de l'ion Rb₂⁺ par collision avec des atomes de Rb. Cette tendance pourrait être très générale pour les ions moléculaires triatomiques présentant une forte anisotropie à courte distances et qui sont couramment utilisés dans les pièges hybrides. / The work sheds light on the mechanisms, and their efficiency, for (i) formation, (ii) destruction and (iii) internal cooling of cold molecular ions by inelastic ultracold collisions, such as those studied in hybrid setups merging an ultracold atom trap and a laser-cooled ion trap. We have carried out a systematic and consistent analysis of light assisted binary collisions of many relevant atom/ion pairs using accurate effective core potential based quantum chemistry calculations. Radiative association is predicted to occur for all systems with a cross section two to ten times larger than the competitive channel of radiative charge transfer. Partial and total rate constants are also calculated and compared to available experiments. Narrow shape resonances are expected, which could be detectable at low temperature with an experimental resolution at the limit of the present standards. Vibrational distributions are also calculated, showing that the final molecular ions are not created in their internal ground state level. Once light-assisted formation of molecular ions is probed, we have checked their effective radiative lifetime due to the presence of several lasers in the experiments, which turns out to efficiently photodissociate the created ions. Moreover, besides an extremely slow internal relaxation due to the presence of a permanent electric dipole moment, at reasonably time scales, we have found evidences for the population of molecular levels being strongly influenced by collisions with surrounding ultracold atoms. We have further investigated the internal cooling of both H₂⁺ and Rb₂⁺ (with the respective isotopologues) in collisions with ultracold He and Rb atoms, respectively, due to their relevance for experimental implementations. We have described the calculation of the interaction potentials needed to obtain the coupling potential matrix elements used in a multichannel close coupling formalism. In particular, it is shown that the sum of the He-H₂⁺ state-to-state cross sections (with and without vibrational effects) accounting for the coupling between electronic spin and molecular rotation is dynamically equivalent to directly treating the collision problem of a molecular ion as a structureless spherical rotor interacting with the He atom. The additional difficulties of a close-coupling treatment for an effective internal cooling of sympathetically cold Rb₂⁺ ions in collisions with Rb atoms are discussed along the following lines: (i) the homonuclear nature of the problem, inducing trap losses from reactive collisions; (ii) the higher density of internal states due to the heaviness of the system; and, (iii) its long-range neutral-charged interaction. Nevertheless, strong evidence of an efficient internal cooling by inelastic collisions with Rb atoms is found, and may indicate a general trend for all similar heavy species currently found in hybrid trap experiments.

Désordre et interactions dans les gaz quantiques bosoniques / Disorder and interaction in bosonic quantum gases

Berthet, Guillaume 28 August 2019 (has links)
Les gaz d'atomes ultra-froids sont des systèmes à N-corps quantiques extrêmement propres et versatiles qui permettent de revisiter dans un environnement contrôlé des concepts fondamentaux souvent issus de la matière condensée. Dans notre système expérimental, nous travaillons avec des gaz d'atomes de potassium 39, qui sont des bosons et qui offrent la possibilité de modifier à loisir les interactions inter-atomiques grâce à des résonances magnétiques de diffusion, ou résonances de Feshbach. Notre équipe s'intéresse particulièrement à la physique des gaz quantiques en basses dimensions et en présence de désordre. Dans un premier temps, nous présentons l’observation et l’étude de la propagation d'un soliton brillant, une onde de matière 1D en interaction attractive, à travers un potentiel désordonné créé à partir d’une figure de speckle optique. Ce travail constitue la première mise en évidence d’effets non-linéaires sur la propagation d’atomes dans un milieu désordonné. Les limites de l’expérience, notamment en terme d’imagerie et de contrôle des champs magnétiques, ont motivé le design et la construction d’une nouvelle enceinte à vide. La suite du manuscrit est dédiée à la description et la caractérisation du nouveau dispositif expérimental, de sa construction à son utilisation pour la production de condensats de Bose-Einstein. La dernière partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude de la localisation d’Anderson d’atomes-froids en présence d’une force constante. La localisation d’Anderson est caractérisée par une suppression de la conductivité sous l’effet du désordre. Dans le cadre des atomes-froids, elle s’explique par la prise en compte de la nature ondulatoire des atomes pendant les processus de diffusion dans le milieu désordonné. Bien qu’à 1D la localisation soit toujours présente, des études théoriques prédisent qu’une force constante appliquée au système modifie de manière drastique les signatures de la localisation (décroissance algébrique de la fonction d’onde) et peut conduire à une délocalisation complète du système. L’étude expérimentale que nous avons menée confirme les prédictions théoriques. / Ultracold atoms gases are quantum many-body systems very clean and versatile which allow to study basic concepts of condensed matter in controlled media. In our experimental system, we work with 39 potassium atoms which are bosons and allow us to modify the interactions between atoms using magnetic resonances of diffusion also called Feshbach resonances. Our team is particulary interested in the physics of quantum gases in low dimension in the presence of disorder. First, we present the observation and study of the propagation of bright solitons, which are 1D matter wave with attractive interactions, through a disordered potentiel made from a speckle pattern of light. This study led to the first observation of nonlinear effects over the propagation of cold atoms in disorder. The limits of the experiment, especially in terms of imaging and magnetic field control, motivated the design and construction of a new vacuum chamber. The next part of the manuscript is dedicated to the description and characterization of the new experimental device, from its construction to its use for the production of Bose-Einstein condensates. The last part of this thesis is devoted to the study of Anderson localization of cold atoms in the presence of a constant bias force. Anderson localization is characterized by a suppression of conductivity under the effect of disorder. In the context of the cold atoms, it is explained by taking into account the wave nature of the atoms during the diffusion processes in the disordered medium. Even if localization is always present in 1D systems, theoretical studies predict that a constant force applied to the system drastically modifies the signatures of the localization (algebraic decay of the wave function) and can lead to a complete delocalization of the system. Our experimental study confirms the theoretical predictions.

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