Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ultrasonic sensor"" "subject:"vltrasonic sensor""
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Evaluation of an active acoustic waveguide sensor for embedded structural monitoringAtkinson, David January 2000 (has links)
This Thesis describes research aimed towards the realisation of an embedded ultrasonic monitoring system for operation in a smart structure environment. Alien fibres embedded within carbon fibre reinforced composite plates could be utilised to guide ultrasound to strategic release points for the interrogation of the test sample, with minimal structural degradation. In particular, an array of fibre waveguides could be utilised to deliver periodic stresses to a plate-type structure to excite Lamb wave propagation. With such a system several problems need to be addressed. Firstly, identification of an appropriate mode of propagation to transport the acoustic energy along the waveguide and meet the requirements of the system is required. Theoretical analysis of elastic wave propagation in cylinders is provided to establish the characteristics of the various supported modes. Subsequently, the longitudinal (axisymmetric) modes are highlighted as being the most appropriate for the proposed system. Ideally, such a mode should be singly generated to provide increased control on the coupling of ultrasound from the waveguide to the desired Lamb wave mode. Therefore, the transducer-fibre interface utilised for efficient single mode generation in the fibre waveguides is essential. This Thesis investigates a novel, cheap, simple, and robust coupling strategy, which employs a conical polymer bond to behave as a mechanical transformer efficiently coupling the lateral displacements of a piezoceramic transducer into longitudinal displacements in the waveguide. Theoretical and experimental analysis of this technique are described and design guidelines detailed. The Thesis then goes on to provide experimental and theoretical evidence of the fibre waveguide's ability to transport acoustic energy to and from plate-type structures for subsequent Lamb wave generation and detection. Initially, a surface mount strategy is adopted, whereby the ends of several thin cylindrical waveguides are bonded to the surface of aluminium plates to behave as a line array. Generation and detection of the fundamental symmetric (So) and asymmetric (A0) Lamb wave modes is demonstrated. Following this, the Thesis details considerations concerning the realisation of an embedded fibre waveguide monitoring system. Here, the choice of waveguide material and geometry is crucial to ensure the guided ultrasound does not leak into the structure at undesirable locations and that the structural integrity of the test sample is maintainable. Consequently, various waveguide configurations are investigated to establish an arrangement capable of meeting the system requirements. An embedded fibre waveguide Lamb wave system is then presented in a hard-setting polymer plate confirming the basic design methodology. Finally, So Lamb wave generation and detection in a carbon fibre reinforced composite plate is demonstrated utilising embedded acoustic waveguides sensors.
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Embedded System Design of a Real-time Parking Guidance SystemDokur, Omkar 29 October 2015 (has links)
The primary objective of this work is to design a parking guidance system to reliably detect entering/exiting vehicles to a parking garage in a cost-efficient manner. Existing solutions (inductive loops, RFID based systems, and video image processors) at shopping malls, universities, airports etc., are expensive due to high installation and maintenance costs. There is a need for a parking guidance system that is reliable, accurate, and cost-effective. The proposed parking guidance system is designed to optimize the use of parking spaces and to reduce wait times. Based on a literature review we identify that the ultrasonic sensor is suitable to detect an entering/exiting vehicle. Initial experiments were performed to test the sensor using an Arduino based embedded system. Detection logic was then developed to identify a car after analyzing the initial test results. This logic was extended to trigger a camera to take an image of the vehicle for validation purposes. This system consists of Arduino, ultrasonic sensor, and a temperature sensor. It was installed and tested in Richard Beard Garage at the University of South Florida for five days. The test results of each trial are provided and average error for all the trials is calculated. The error cases occur due to golf carts, straddling cars on both entry/exit lanes, and people walking under the sensor. The average error of the system is 5.36% over five days (120 hrs). The estimated cost for one detector per lane is approximately $30.
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Development and design of a prototype for monitoring the water level in water wells using LoRaWANDalkic, Yurdaer, Alshekhly, Zoubida January 2018 (has links)
En översvämning kan inträffa när som helst och var som helst i världen. En översvämning börjar när vattennivån ökar, särskilt i dagvattenbrunnar i stadsområden. Genom att utnyttja de olika moderna teknologier som Internet of Things (IoT), förluster som orsakas av en översvämning kan minskas. Därför behövs en IoT-lösning för att övervaka vattennivån i brunnarna.Syftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka hur man konstruerar och implementerar ett IoT-baserat system som övervakar vattennivån för att bygga en prototyp med LoRaWAN teknologi. Konstruktionen av prototypen utförs genom att följa stegen i en iterativ systemutvecklingsmetod. Prototypen använder ett offentligt Lora-nätverk, särskilt The Things Network (TTN). Prototypens funktioner är att mäta vattennivån med en ultraljudssensor, sända mätdata via LoRa till TTN och visualisera data på en visualiserings plattform "Cayenne" i realtid. Systemet är testad i en laboratoriemiljö. Resultaten av den konstruerade prototypen visar att den mäter vattennivån och skickar mätdata när vattennivåns tillstånd ändras. Dessutom visualiseras datan på visualiserings plattformen Cayenne. / A flood may occur anytime and anywhere in the world. A flood starts when the water level increases, especially, in the wells in the urban areas. By taking advantage of the modern technology, such as Internet of Things (IoT), the losses caused by the flood can be reduced. Therefore, an IoT-solution is needed for monitoring the water level in the wells.The aim of this thesis is to investigate how to design and implement an IoT-based system that monitors the water level to build a prototype using LoRaWAN technology. Building the prototype is done by following the steps of an iterative system development method. The prototype uses a Lora public network, specifically The Things Network (TTN). The functions of the prototype are measuring the water level by an ultrasound sensor, sending the measurement data through LoRa to TTN, and visualizing the data on the "Cayenne" dashboard in real-time. The system is tested in a lab environment. The results of the constructed prototype show that the prototype measures the water level and sends the measurement data whenever the state of the water level is changed. Additionally, the data is visualized on the Cayenne dashboard.
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aMAZEing robot : A method for automatic maze solving / aMAZEing robot : En metod för automatiserad labyrintlösningOttosson, Joachim, Renström, Niklas January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this report was to examine a method for automatic maze solving by developing a robot that can find a specific target within a maze. On this basis, a Arduino based robot was constructed. The steering mechanism was constructed in a way that supports differential steering which enables zero radius turns which is preferred in narrow spaces. The intersection detection as well as the method for defining which type of intersection occurring was based on three distance sensor mounted in front and on the left and right side of the robot. The target detection was based on a IR sensor. A feedback controller was applied on the left Ultrasonic sensor enabling the robot to keep a reference distance to the wall. The feedback system also enabled the robot to straighten up when taking to big or small turns. The robot was able to both detect and define what kind of intersection occurring as well as detect the specific target. The execution of the correct operation by detected intersection was calculated to 80% - 100% and the target was found 100% out of the test made. The definition of ”correct operation” in this report was when the robot detected a intersection, and executed the operation that was in accordance with the implemented algorithm. The rotational error, that is the quantity of degrees from the desired turn angle, occurring when the robot executed different operations was calculated to 3.5◦ - 9.5◦ . The robot started to oscillate due to angles grater than 19.5◦ when the left distance sensor was facing the wall which made the robot less able to follow a path and straighten up. / Syftet med denna rapport var att undersöka en metod för automatiserad labyrintlösning genom att utveckla en robot som kan finna ett specifikt mål i en labyrint. På dessa grunder konstruerades en arduinobaserad robot. Styrmekanismen konstruerades på sådant sätt att differentialstyrning var möjlig vilket tillät svängar utan svängradie, vilket är att föredra vid trånga utrymmen. Vägkorsningsdetekteringen samt metoden för att bestämma vilken typ av vägkorsning som förekommer baserades på tre distansmätare. Dessa var monterade på robotens front samt på höger och vänster sida. Måldetekteringen var baserad på en IR sensor. Ett system medåterkoppling implementerades på den vänstra distansmätaren för att få roboten att hålla ett referensavstånd till väggen. Detta möjliggjorde även så att vägen kunde följas på ett optimalt sätt samt att roboten kunde rätas upp vid för stora eller för små tagna svängar. Roboten lyckades både detektera samt definiera vilken typ av vägkorsning som uppstod likväl som att detektera det specifika målet. Andelen utförda korrekta operationer vid detekterande av vägkorsning beräknades till 80% - 100% av fallen och målet detekterades 100% av gångerna vid det gjorda testerna. Definitionen av ”korrekt operaton ”i denna rapport var då roboten upptäckte en vägkorsning och utförde den operation som var i enlighet med den implementerade algoritmen. Rotationsfelet, det vill säga antalet grader från den önskade svängvinkeln, som uppstod vid de olika operationerna beräknades till 3.5◦ - 9.5◦ . Roboten började att oscillera vid vinklar större än 19.5◦ då den vänstra distansmätaren var vänd mot väggen vilket gjorde roboten mindre duglig att följa väggen samt att rätas upp.
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HAMMS : Managing a mix of human driven and autonomous vehicles in four-way intersections / HAMMS : Korsningshantering förblandningen av mänskligt och autonomtframförda fordonLjungberg, Sebastian, Schalling, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to improve the flow of trafficin intersections through the use of a dynamic algorithm.People spend on average more than six weeks commuting towork in Stockholm every year. A large part of the time thatis spent in traffic is due to the time delay in intersections.In this report, sensors that measure speed and distanceto the vehicle are used instead of detectors that only knowif a car is there or not. There are existing solutions that canoptimise the flow for autonomous cars but since the trafficmay consist of a mix of autonomous and human drivenvehicles during the upcoming 40 years those solutions arenot usable for some time.In this work, a system that can handle both autonomousand human driven vehicles is created. The limitation of thesystem is that it can only receive two cars coming from differentdirections simultaneously. The system does not workfor car queues. The system measures the speed of- and thedistance to the vehicles continuously.According to the simulations that were made the algorithmthat has been designed through this project is moretime efficient than the system that is in place today, assumingthat the assumptions that were made for the currentsystem are correct.The conclusion in this report is that it is possible tomake a system that is more time efficient than the one thatis in use today. / Syftet med den här rapporten är att förbättra flödet ikorsningar genom en dynamisk algoritm. Människor sitterdrygt 6 veckor i bilköer varje år. En stor del av av denspenderande tiden i traffiken är på grund av att fordonbehöver stanna i korsningar.I den här rapporten har sensorer som mäter hastighetoch distans använts istället för dagens detektorer som endastkänner av om ett fordon kör över detektorn eller inte.Det finns andra rapporter med lösningar för att öka flödeti korsningar för självkörande bilar men om man kollar pådet kommande 40 åren kommer det troligtsvis att vara enblandning av självkörande och mänskligt körda bilar.I det här arbetet skapas ett system som kan interageramed både mänskligt körda och autonoma bilar. Begränsningarnai det här systemet är att systemet endast kan taemot två bilar som kommer från olika ingångar i korsningensamtidigt. Systemet fungerar inte för bilköer. Systemet mäterden nuvarande hastigheten och distansen på fordonen.Systemet fungerar för alla olika kombinationer av mänskligtoch självkörande bilar.Resultatet av den här rapporten är att en algoritm harutvecklats och är mer tidseffektivt än systemet som användsi Sverige idag, med våra antaganden om systemet som harutveklats i den här rapporten och systemet som användsidag. Resultatet är baserat på korsningar där bara två bilarmöts utan köer.Slutsatsen av den här rapporten är att det är möjligtatt göra ett system som är mer tidseffektivt än systemetvi använder oss av idag, men vi kan inte säkertsätlla attsystemet i den här rapporten är mer robus och driftsäkertän det som används i Sverige idag.
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Styrsystem i miniatyr för undervattenrengöringsrobot / Control System in Miniature for Underwater Cleaning RobotEriksson, Albin January 2022 (has links)
Wedas rengöringsrobot W2000 för bassänger har i nuläget ett styrsystem där roboten inte vet vart den är i bassängen. På grund av detta kan den inte känna av om den hamnar ur kurs, eller om den fastnat. Syftet med detta projekt är att i miniatyr skapa ett alternativt styrsystem som använder sig av en ultraljudssensor. För att göra detta skapades en miniatyr i LEGO Mindstorms som sedan testades i en miniatyr inhängnad som symboliserar en bassäng. Roboten skall med ultraljudssensorn kunna följa och hålla en viss distans till väggarna och därav inte hamna ur kurs, samtidigt känner datorn av hur långt den kör och kan vid fel känna av och larma. Resultaten var lyckade och påvisar ett fungerande styrsystem i miniatyr som utan hjälp kör i ett mönster som täcker hela bassängytan. Programmet som tagits fram bör med vissa ändringar i koden kunna implementeras för att styra en fullskalig rengöringsrobot. / Weda’s Cleaning robot W2000, meant for underwater use, currently has a control system that does not know its own position in the pool. Due to this it cannot know if it deviates of the planned course, or if it gets stuck. The purpose of this project is to, in miniature, create an alternative control system that uses an ultrasonic sensor. For this to be achieved, a miniature was created using LEGO Mindstorms that could be tested in a miniature enclosure acting as a pool. The robot should, using the ultrasonic sensor, follow along the wall keeping a set distance, and thereby stay on course. It should also estimate the driven distance to be able to sense and signal when something is wrong. The results of this project were successful as it shows a working control system in miniature that can drive in a way that covers the pool bottom surface efficiently. The program should, with some changes, be able to control a full-size cleaning robot.
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Rotary parking system / Roterande parkeringssystemAlnakar, Rayan, Catovic, Danilo January 2021 (has links)
Automatic parking systems are intended to save a lot ofspace and create a more favourable parking experience. In this thesis the main goal was to create a functional and user-friendly rotary parking system. The system consistsof a framework, DC-motor, driveline, ultrasonic distance sensor and platforms. Most of the construction consists of plastic, the remaining parts are made of metal. The system was evaluated using two experiments, one that measured the speed of the system and the other one measuring the level of accuracy. After the first experiment, it was concluded that the system works well for the corresponding speed. The second experiment showed that improvements of the accuracy can be made. / Automatiska parkeringssystem är avsedda att spara utrymme och skapa en bättre parkeringsupplevelse. I denna avhandling var huvudmålet att skapa ett funktionellt och användarvänligt roterande parkeringssystem. Systemet består av ett ramverk, likströmsmotor, drivlina, ultraljudssensor och plattformar. Majoriteten av konstruktionen består av plast, de återstående delarna är gjorda av metall. Systemet utvärderades med hjälp av två experiment, ett som mätte systemets hastighet och ett annat som mätte noggrannheten. Efter det första experimentet drogs slutsatsen att systemet fungerar bra för motsvarande hastighet. Det andra experimentet visade att förbättringar av noggrannheten kan göras.
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Realistic Modelling of Ultrasound Sensing for Autonomous VehiclesNi, Houbo January 2019 (has links)
Ultrasonic sensors are popular in parking functions in automotive. They are used to measure distances between a car and obstacles near the car. Car companies need to prove that sensors are reliable before using them on vehicles since these sensors are safety-critical. Therefore, it has great practical value to research on the measurement and verification of ultrasonic sensors. The purpose of this thesis work is to analyse analog parts of some ultrasonic sensors. Measurement methods and three experimental setups are designed to get analog data. Ice, soil, stones or some other things on the road might cover the sensor, which limits the movement of horn and causes measurement errors. Sensor impedance is measured to check the possibility of blockage situation detection in a simulation of a real environment. The work also includes analysing the ultrasonic sensor beam pattern, the sound reflection from the environment, noise reduction, the relationship between the signal voltage amplitude and different positions of sensors, influences on different input signal lengths, and bandwidth investigation of the ultrasonic sensor. MATLAB compares measurement results with theory or simulation, All methods and setups are validated by getting measurement results successfully and correctly. Sensor blockage situation is recognized clearly by different impedance magnitudes. Sensors types under study are different from sensors installed on cars. However, other ultrasonic sensor measurements can utilize the same measurement methods and experimental setups. This thesis has been performed in collaboration with the company Volvo Car Corporation active safety department.
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Posouzení časových změn přesnosti vykazovaného průtoku a proteklého objemu u měřicích systémů využívajících vzdouvací objekty / Assessment of time variations in the accuracy of reported discharge and passed volume in measuring systems using flumeŠamánek, Radek January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with monitoring of metrological characteristics of ultrasonic sensors located at the FAST and in-situ and the evaluation of the time development in the values of the discharge and the outflow volumes reported by the ultrasonic sensors.
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Estimation of Altitude : using ultrasoinc and pressure sensorsVeedhi, Carisma Catherin, Yeedi, Vasantha Sai Darahas January 2020 (has links)
This paper deals with the estimation of altitude of the drone for which the sensors like ultrasonic, barometric pressure sensors and their characteristics plays a major role. To estimate the altitude of the drone, we used the matlab software with Simulink. apart from the software and hardware description, we discuss several issues regarding the equipment,abilities and performance of the drone.
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