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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As áreas tropicais úmidas e as febres hemorrágicas virais: uma abordagem geográfica na área ambiental e na de saúde / The humid tropical areas and the infectious hemorrhagic diseases: a geographical approach of the Earth environmental and the humans\' health

Paulo Roberto Moraes 17 August 2007 (has links)
Os ambientes terrestres têm sido gradativamente alterados pelo ser humano, mas a partir da Revolução Industrial, o homem começou a atuar de maneira mais intensa sobre o meio, fazendo com que as modificações ambientais tomassem proporções alarmantes, tanto em velocidade quanto em dimensão. As mudanças, como as climáticas, hídricas e biológicas, entre outras, ocorridas durante o século XX foram as maiores já registradas. As alterações ambientais associadas ao quadro demográfico do mundo contemporâneo, às condições socioeconômicas e à revolução técnico-científico-informacional que interligou o mundo, acabaram resultando em um cenário nunca vivenciado pela humanidade e ao mesmo tempo preocupante, tanto para saúde ambiental da Terra como para a humana. Se por um lado essa situação, baseada principalmente no avanço tecnológico, resultou numa verdadeira revolução nas taxas de mortalidade e na esperança de vida, por outro lado criou um ambiente que vem facilitando a emergência e reemergência de doenças, que pode comprometer o próprio futuro. Esse estudo tem por objetivo principal dar subsídios para o acesso a um conhecimento integrado, em escala global, tanto das alterações ambientais das áreas tropicais úmidas e do quadro socioeconômico dos países localizados nessa faixa tropical, quanto do surgimento e/ou expansão de quatro doenças infecciosas de caráter hemorrágico - dengue hemorrágica, febre amarela, marburg e ebola - no período de 1981 a 2005. No campo teórico-metodológico, a Geografia, mediante as suas características científicas de transitar pelos campos das ciências naturais e humanas, devido ao seu objeto de estudo, ofereceu a sustentação científica necessária para a realização, enquanto o avanço tecnológico das comunicações e da informática, associado ao processo de globalização pelo qual o mundo passa, proporcionou uma realidade de trabalho totalmente nova, permitindo a execução operacional do estudo. Foram realizados levantamentos bibliográficos e estudos sobre aquecimento global, mundo tropical, devastação das florestas tropicais úmidas, condições socioeconômicas dos países localizados nesta porção do globo e expansão das doenças citadas nos últimos 25 anos. O conjunto dos dados foi transformado em uma tabela síntese e em material cartográfico que retrata a situação atual desses países, destacando o nível das condições sócio ambientais e o risco saúde em que se encontram. / The terrestrial environments have been gradually altered by human being but from the Industrial Revolution on, this process has been even more intensive, resulting in environmental modifications of fast, huge and alarming proportions. The changes, such as the climatic, hydric and biological ones, among others, that took place in the 20th century, were the largest registered. The environmental alterations, associated to the current demographic panorama, to the socioeconomic conditions and to the technical-scientific-informational revolution - that have linked the whole world - resulted in a scenario never before experienced by humanity and, at the same time, very preoccupying for the Earth environmental health as well as for the humans. If on one hand that situation, based mainly on the technological progress, has resulted in lower mortality rates and higher life expectancy at birth, on the other hand it has also created an environment that made the emergence and re-emergence of diseases much easier to occur, so that future may be at risk. This study intend to bring up subsidies that allow for access to global integrated knowledge, not only about the environmental changes in the countries located in humid tropical areas and their socioeconomic conditions, but also about the influence of these alterations on the appearance and/or expansion of four infectious hemorrhagic diseases - hemorrhagic dengue, yellow fever, marburg and ebola - in the period from 1981 to 2005. In the theoreticalmethodological field, Geography - in face of its scientific characteristics of acting on the fields of both natural and human sciences, due to its object of studying - offered the necessary scientific support for the study accomplishment, while the technological progress in Communications and Computer Sciences, associated to the current world process of globalization, provided a new view of working, which allowed the operational execution of this study. The study was also based on bibliographical researches in world warming, tropical world, deforestation of tropical rain forests, socioeconomic conditions of the countries where the forests are placed and in the expansion of the mentioned diseases over the past 25 years. The set of data were synthesized in a table and in cartographic material that show the socio environmental conditions and the health risk of these countries.

Företag i perifera regioner : fallstudier av företagartradition, företagsmiljö och företags framväxt i Norrbottens inland / Industries in peripheral regions : case studies of industrial tradition, industrial environment and growing firms in the interior of Norrbotten

Sundin, Elisabeth January 1980 (has links)
This is a study of how industries develop in regions that are industrially weak, exemplified by Norrbotten, the northernmost province of Sweden. Developing industries are represented by three companies manufacturing prefabricated wooden houses, situated in the municipalities Övertorneå, Kalix (Morjärv) and Älvsbyn in the interior of Norrbotten.For the period ending in 1918, the economy of Norrbotten is analysed in terms of staple theory. Thereafter, an analysis in dependency theoretic terms is judged to be more relevant. The communities in which the house factories are located are described similarly.Övertorneåand Mor j ärv are in the periphery of a peripheral region. There has never been any locally generated economic life of any importance. The house factory in the community first mentioned was established there in 1970 by AMS (The Swedish Labour Market Board). The other one was started by a local entrepreneur in the 1930's. It has changed hands several times, being incorporated into ever larger conglomerates. The third company studied was started by a local carpenter who still controls it. The factory is located in Älvsbyn, near Piteå, which has to be considered the center of the periphery.The integration of these three companies with other local firms, and their economic importance was studied in terms of their buying behavior. The method of investigation was a study of the internal records of the firms.All three of the companies showed that a decrease in the local and regional shares of their total purchases took place between the sample years studied. A comparison of the companies showed the Älvsby factory, the one locally initiated and controlled, to have by far more solid local and regional foundations than the other two. This could partly be explained by firm-related theories but the most important factor seemed to be the industrial tradition in the communities. Industrial tradition is a factor mostly determined by the position of a community in a dependency hierarchy, in part however, it is controllable by local decision-makers and individual entrepreneurs.Even for the company with the best local foundations, there was a drop in local and regional shares of purchases. The reason for this is the size of the company in relation to other local industries. The company has reached the limits of the capacity of the local community to support it. Such limits exist everywhere but their exact level depends on the status of the community and region they are in, the line of industry, the nature of ownership, etc.A series of implications for regional politics can be derived from the present study. Economic measures designed to improve weak industrial areas should be undertaken with utmost care in order not to damage existing local economy. Much greater efforts should be made to study the conditions of existing economic life and its potential for change, i.e. to study the historical development. / digitalisering@umu

Etické aspekty mezinárodní rozvojové a humanitární pomoci / The Ethical Aspects of International Development Assistance and Humanitarian Aid

MILNAŘÍKOVÁ, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the ethical aspects of the development assistance and the humanitarian aid. The provision of international assistance has brought lots of successes, however, it also faces a numer of failures and it is associated with many errors and prejudices. This thesis deals with the concrete ethical principles of the internetional aid such as humanity, solidarity, subsidiarity, justice or responsibility and their limits, as well as some of dilemmas of helping workers.

Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomen elinkeinojen kehittäminen suomalaisen yhteiskunnan murroksessa:suurimpien puolueiden elinkeinopolitiikka 1951–1970

Leiviskä, J. (Janne) 19 October 2011 (has links)
Abstract I analysed Finnish parties’ policies for developing sources of livelihood in Northern and Eastern Finland in 1951–1970. I used the minutes of the main organs of four parties – the Agrarian League/Centre Party, the Coalition Party, SKDL and SDP – as source material. Parliamentary documents were another important source. After World War II, Finnish society had to adapt to peacetime demands. To quickly provide productive work for people and to achieve self-sufficiency in food production as soon as possible, industrial policy embraced expansion of agriculture. As the 1950s arrived it was noticed that the new small farms were unable to support the growing rural population. Thus, an attempt was made to diversify rural sources of livelihood. At the same time, the parties competed earnestly for rural votes, turning this into a very political question. With the exception of the Agrarian League, the parties put forth new programmes in preparing for the 1958 election, which formed a turning point. After the election, a coalition cabinet – Fagerholm’s Cabinet III – was formed; it then had to resign due to foreign political pressure. After the so-called yöpakkaset crisis, the most important criterion of cabinet eligibility in Finnish government politics was that the party had to have the approval of the Soviet Union. Thereafter the parties were no longer able to cooperate in developing rural areas. The parties were in agreement that rural sources of livelihood had to be developed in order to employ Finland’s growing population. They were unable to agree on how this should happen in practice. The Agrarian League sought to develop rural areas through agriculture, small industry and the wood processing industry. SDP raised industrialisation as the main employment alternative. Un-fortunately, because of questions concerning persons, the party split into two competing camps. SKDL supported increasing state-run industry and foreign trade with the Soviet Union. The Coalition Party was for entrepreneurship and trade connections with the West. Regional development policy measures started up in the 1960s were already long overdue. Despite various regional policy measures, Finland was not able to employ the rural population, and Finns moved to Sweden to find work. This can be considered an indication that the implemented policy was not successful. / Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa käsittelen suomalaisten puolueiden Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomen elinkeinojen kehittämispolitiikkaa vuosina 1951–1970. Lähteinä ovat olleet neljän suurimman puolueen eli Maalaisliitto-Keskustapuolueen, Kansallisen Kokoomuksen, Suomen Kansan Demokraattisen Liiton (SKDL) ja Suomen Sosialidemokraattisen Puolueen (SDP) keskeisten toimielinten pöytäkirjat. Toisena keskeisenä lähdeaineistona ovat olleet valtiopäiväasiakirjat. Suomalainen yhteiskunta oli toisen maailmansodan jälkeen sopeutettava rauhanajan vaatimuksiin. Elinkeinopolitiikassa valittiin ratkaisuksi maatalouden laajentaminen, jotta kansa saataisiin nopeasti tuottavaan työhön ja saavutettaisiin elintarvikeomavaraisuus mahdollisimman nopeasti. 1950-luvulle tultaessa huomattiin, etteivät uudet pienviljelmät pystyneet elättämään maaseudun kasvavaa väestöä. Näin ollen maaseudun elinkeinojen kehittämistarve oli mitä ilmeisin Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomessa. Samalla puolueet kävivät kovaa kilpailua maaseudun äänestäjistä, joten kysymys politisoitui voimakkaasti. Käännekohdaksi muodostuivat vuoden 1958 vaalit, joihin puolueet valmistautuivat, maalaisliittoa lukuun ottamatta, uusilla ohjelmilla. Vaalien jälkeen muodostettiin laajapohjainen Fagerholmin III hallitus, joka joutui eroamaan ulko-poliittisen painostuksen jälkeen. Niin sanotun yöpakkaskriisin jälkeen suomalaisessa hallituspolitiikassa tärkeimmäksi hallituskelpoisuuden kriteeriksi muodostui se, että puolueella täytyi olla Neuvostoliiton hyväksyntä. Tämän jälkeen puolueet eivät enää pystyneet yhteistyöhön maaseudun kehittämistyössä. Puolueiden välillä vallitsi yksimielisyys siitä, että maaseudun elinkeinoja oli kehitettävä, jotta Suomen kasvava väestö saataisiin työllistettyä. Siitä ei päästy yksimielisyyteen, miten työllistäminen käytännössä tapahtuisi. Maalaisliitto pyrki maaseudun kehittämiseen maatalouden, pienteollisuuden ja puunjalostusteollisuuden avulla. SDP nosti teollistamispolitiikan keskeiseksi työllistämisvaihtoehdoksi. Valitettavasti puolue hajosi henkilökysymysten takia kahteen kilpailevaan leiriin. SKDL kannatti valtiojohtoisen teollisuuden lisäämistä ja ulkomaankauppaa Neuvostoliiton kanssa. Kokoomus oli yksityisyrittäjyyden ja läntisten kauppayhteyksien kannalla. 1960-luvulla aloitetut kehitysaluepoliittiset toimet olivat jo pahasti myöhässä. Erilaisista aluepoliittisista toimista huolimatta maaseudun väestöä ei pystytty työllistämään Suomessa, vaan suomalaiset muuttivat töiden perässä Ruotsiin. Tätä voidaan pitää osoituksena harjoitetun politiikan epäonnistumisesta.

Využití zážitkové pedagogiky a dramatické výchovy ve výuce zeměpisu na střední škole / Use of Experience Pedagogy and Theatrical Education in Geography Teaching

Barešová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of the thesies is to compare a frontal teaching method and teaching by simulation. Two comparable groups of students were taught the same topic by the two methods. The topic was focused on an uneven world development. Following assumptions were set. Simulation is a more attractive teaching form, therefore it can help to raise the motivation of students. Frontal method is capable of transmitting more information. Simulation, however, can have bigger impact on students' values. The impact of simulation has a long-term impact in comparison to frontal teaching. These assumptions were confirmed by qualitative and quantitative methods.

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