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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Risco de subscrição frente às regras de solvência do mercado segurador brasileiro / Underwriting risk in face of solvency rules in Brazilian insurance market

Chan, Betty Lilian 10 December 2010 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, o mercado segurador brasileiro tem apresentado forte expansão, a qual foi impulsionada pela estabilização econômica e o conseqüente aumento do consumo. No entanto, mediante um crescimento acelerado dos prêmios, eventuais desvios nas premissas adotadas na precificação podem expor as seguradoras a riscos pouco suportáveis no longo prazo. Este é um dos componentes do risco de subscrição, sendo o objeto do presente estudo. No âmbito regulatório, frente ao aumento das complexidades dos serviços financeiros e aos escândalos envolvendo grandes corporações, fez-se necessário o Novo Acordo da Basiléia, o qual introduziu metodologias de apuração da necessidade mínima de capital mais sensível a risco, beneficiando instituições melhor administradas na medida em que requer menor alocação de capital. Nessa mesma linha, no mercado segurador dos países membros da União Européia, segue o projeto Solvência II. Acompanhando a tendência mundial, no Brasil, foram promulgadas novas regras de solvência para o mercado segurador, sendo estabelecidas, num primeiro momento, regras de alocação de capital para cobertura do risco de subscrição, sendo os demais tipos de risco a serem tratados na seqüência. É importante esclarecer que, diferentemente do setor bancário, no mercado segurador brasileiro não é permitida a utilização do próprio modelo interno ou dos parâmetros deste para determinação do capital mínimo requerido regulatório, mas apenas a aplicação de fatores mais suavizados para tal fim. Assim, como este não observa o risco mensurado internamente, o capital regulatório passa a representar um potencial custo imposto às seguradoras, o qual pode impactar diretamente na rentabilidade das linhas de negócio. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo buscou investigar, sob a ótica e limitação de usuário externo das demonstrações contábeis, a existência de indícios que levam a supor que a nova regulamentação sobre o capital mínimo para cobertura do risco de subscrição penalizou as seguradoras de menor porte, tendo-se em vista o seu valor em risco para o nível de confiança de 99,5%. Para tanto, foi necessário: (a) apurar o capital mínimo regulatório, seja com ou sem modelo interno, (b) estimar o valor em risco de cada seguradora para o nível de confiança de 99,5% e (c) distinguir as seguradoras por porte, o qual foi determinado pela técnica de Análise de Conglomerados. O maior desafio foi determinar, para cada seguradora, o item (b), o qual consistiu na estimação das distribuições marginais das perdas por categoria de negócio e a agregação dessas pela aplicação da teoria de cópulas. Depois, calculou-se a razão entre (i) a somatória do grau de provisionamento com a alocação do capital regulatório (abordagens com e sem modelo interno) e (ii) o valor em risco ao nível de confiança de 99,5%. Em seguida, aplicou-se o teste de Mann-Whitney para comparar médias em função do porte. A partir da análise desenvolvida, observou-se que modelo regulatório se mostrou mais coerente quando aplicado às seguradoras médias e grandes, tendo-se em vista que apresentou menor dispersão no parâmetro calculado, cuja mediana estava em torno de 1. Ou seja, para essas, tal resultado sugere que o grau de provisionamento juntamente com o capital regulatório retrata, aproximadamente, o nível de confiança de 99,5%, em consonância com o Projeto Solvência II. A dispersão para as seguradoras pequenas é bem maior e a mediana está próximo a 1,5, o que indica que a abordagem regulatória requer em torno de 50% a mais de recursos que o nível de confiança de 99,5% exige. Esse resultado indica uma desvantagem competitiva se comparada às seguradoras de médio e grande porte. Portanto, os resultados dos testes sugerem que as novas regras de alocação de capital para o mercado segurador brasileiro penalizou as seguradoras de menor porte, impactando na rentabilidade, na precificação e na competitividade se comparada às médias e grandes, o que, por sua vez, tende a favorecer a concentração do setor. / In recent years, the Brazilian insurance market has shown strong growth, which was driven by economic stabilization and the consequent increase in consumption. However, on an environment accelerated growth of premiums, any deviations in the pricing assumptions may expose insurers to unbearable risks in the long term. This is one of the components of the underwriting risk which is the object of this study. In a regulatory side, increased complexities of the financial services and scandals involving large corporations resulted in the creation of the New Basel Accord, which introduced new methodologies to analyze the minimum capital required, considering the risk based capital approach, benefiting the better managed institutions as they require less capital allocation. In a similar vein, countries of the European Union follow the Solvency II project for their insurance market. Following the global trend, new solvency rules for the insurance market were approved in Brazil, being established in the first instance, rules of capital allocation to cover the underwriting risk. Other risk types will be addressed later by the government. It is important to clarify that, unlike the banking sector, the Brazilian insurance market is not allowed to use its own internal model or the parameters of this model to determine the minimum regulatory capital required, but only the application softened factors for this purpose. Thus, as it does not observe the risk internally measured, the regulatory capital becomes a potential cost imposed on the insurers, which can impact directly the profitability of the business lines. Therefore, from the point of view and limitation of external user of financial statements, the present study investigated the existence of signs that could lead to suppose that the new regulations on minimum capital to cover the underwriting risk have penalized the smaller insurance companies, when keeping in view their value at risk for the confidence level of 99,5%. To this end, it was necessary: (a) to determine the minimum regulatory capital, either approaches with or without internal model; (b) to estimate the value at risk of each insurer for the confidence level of 99,5%; and (c) to distinguish insurers by size, according to the cluster analysis technique. The biggest challenge was to determine, for each insurer, the item (b), which consisted in the estimation of marginal distributions of losses and aggregation of these by applying the theory of copulas. Then we calculated the ratio of (i) the sum of the degree of provisioning with the allocation of regulatory capital (approaches with and without internal model) and (ii) the value at risk at the level of confidence 99,5%. Next, we applied the Mann-Whitney Test to compare means of the insurers by size. From the developed analysis, it was observed that the regulatory model was more consistent on medium and large insures as they have shown a lower dispersion in the parameter of interest, presenting a median around 1. That is, for them, the result suggests that the level of provisioning along with the regulatory capital has approximately reflected the confidence level of 99,5%, which is in line with the Solvency II project. Small insurers have shown much higher dispersion and their median is close to 1,5. This indicates that the regulatory approach requires around 50% more resources than the confidence level of 99,5% requires. This represents a disadvantaged competition, if compared with large and medium sized companies. Therefore, the test results suggest that the new rules of capital allocation for the Brazilian insurance market has penalized the smaller insurers, impacting their profitability and competitive pricing when compared with the medium and large ones, which, in turn, tend to favor an industry concentration.

The Application Of VaR In Taiwan Property And Casualty Insurance Industry And Influence Factor Of Underwriting Risk Research

Liu, Cheng-chung 02 July 2008 (has links)
Abstract In these years, Value at Risk (VaR) has been an important tool of risk management in the bank industry. In the past, property and casualty insurance industry does not have many correlation research in this aspect, especially in the key of the underwriting risk application may be collection difficulty in data , the domestic correlation research literature were actually few. In this paper, we use TEJ data bank to study the statistical data which needs for the research , the research sample total has 9 property insurance companies, By using the public information of TEJ data bank, it obtains the yearly and quarterly data, and uses the ¡§Fuzzy Distance Weighting Method¡¨ to change the quarterly data into monthly data , calculates loss ratio of the yearly, quarterly, monthly, then use the idea of VaR to compare the different of loss ratio-at-risk in yearly, quarterly, monthly¡CMoreover this study discusses the underwriting risk influence factor of domestic property and casualty insurance industry .This research discovers that yearly data will underestimate the actual of loss ratio at risk . In addition using regression analysis, the underwriting loss ratio-at- risk is influenced by free cash flow , leverage ratio , and firm size. According to the result of this paper, it could provide the reference rule when property and casualty insurance industry or supervisory authority set up the risk management rule. Keywords: Value at risk, Loss ratio, Loss ratio-at-risk, Underwriting risk

Risco de subscrição frente às regras de solvência do mercado segurador brasileiro / Underwriting risk in face of solvency rules in Brazilian insurance market

Betty Lilian Chan 10 December 2010 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, o mercado segurador brasileiro tem apresentado forte expansão, a qual foi impulsionada pela estabilização econômica e o conseqüente aumento do consumo. No entanto, mediante um crescimento acelerado dos prêmios, eventuais desvios nas premissas adotadas na precificação podem expor as seguradoras a riscos pouco suportáveis no longo prazo. Este é um dos componentes do risco de subscrição, sendo o objeto do presente estudo. No âmbito regulatório, frente ao aumento das complexidades dos serviços financeiros e aos escândalos envolvendo grandes corporações, fez-se necessário o Novo Acordo da Basiléia, o qual introduziu metodologias de apuração da necessidade mínima de capital mais sensível a risco, beneficiando instituições melhor administradas na medida em que requer menor alocação de capital. Nessa mesma linha, no mercado segurador dos países membros da União Européia, segue o projeto Solvência II. Acompanhando a tendência mundial, no Brasil, foram promulgadas novas regras de solvência para o mercado segurador, sendo estabelecidas, num primeiro momento, regras de alocação de capital para cobertura do risco de subscrição, sendo os demais tipos de risco a serem tratados na seqüência. É importante esclarecer que, diferentemente do setor bancário, no mercado segurador brasileiro não é permitida a utilização do próprio modelo interno ou dos parâmetros deste para determinação do capital mínimo requerido regulatório, mas apenas a aplicação de fatores mais suavizados para tal fim. Assim, como este não observa o risco mensurado internamente, o capital regulatório passa a representar um potencial custo imposto às seguradoras, o qual pode impactar diretamente na rentabilidade das linhas de negócio. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo buscou investigar, sob a ótica e limitação de usuário externo das demonstrações contábeis, a existência de indícios que levam a supor que a nova regulamentação sobre o capital mínimo para cobertura do risco de subscrição penalizou as seguradoras de menor porte, tendo-se em vista o seu valor em risco para o nível de confiança de 99,5%. Para tanto, foi necessário: (a) apurar o capital mínimo regulatório, seja com ou sem modelo interno, (b) estimar o valor em risco de cada seguradora para o nível de confiança de 99,5% e (c) distinguir as seguradoras por porte, o qual foi determinado pela técnica de Análise de Conglomerados. O maior desafio foi determinar, para cada seguradora, o item (b), o qual consistiu na estimação das distribuições marginais das perdas por categoria de negócio e a agregação dessas pela aplicação da teoria de cópulas. Depois, calculou-se a razão entre (i) a somatória do grau de provisionamento com a alocação do capital regulatório (abordagens com e sem modelo interno) e (ii) o valor em risco ao nível de confiança de 99,5%. Em seguida, aplicou-se o teste de Mann-Whitney para comparar médias em função do porte. A partir da análise desenvolvida, observou-se que modelo regulatório se mostrou mais coerente quando aplicado às seguradoras médias e grandes, tendo-se em vista que apresentou menor dispersão no parâmetro calculado, cuja mediana estava em torno de 1. Ou seja, para essas, tal resultado sugere que o grau de provisionamento juntamente com o capital regulatório retrata, aproximadamente, o nível de confiança de 99,5%, em consonância com o Projeto Solvência II. A dispersão para as seguradoras pequenas é bem maior e a mediana está próximo a 1,5, o que indica que a abordagem regulatória requer em torno de 50% a mais de recursos que o nível de confiança de 99,5% exige. Esse resultado indica uma desvantagem competitiva se comparada às seguradoras de médio e grande porte. Portanto, os resultados dos testes sugerem que as novas regras de alocação de capital para o mercado segurador brasileiro penalizou as seguradoras de menor porte, impactando na rentabilidade, na precificação e na competitividade se comparada às médias e grandes, o que, por sua vez, tende a favorecer a concentração do setor. / In recent years, the Brazilian insurance market has shown strong growth, which was driven by economic stabilization and the consequent increase in consumption. However, on an environment accelerated growth of premiums, any deviations in the pricing assumptions may expose insurers to unbearable risks in the long term. This is one of the components of the underwriting risk which is the object of this study. In a regulatory side, increased complexities of the financial services and scandals involving large corporations resulted in the creation of the New Basel Accord, which introduced new methodologies to analyze the minimum capital required, considering the risk based capital approach, benefiting the better managed institutions as they require less capital allocation. In a similar vein, countries of the European Union follow the Solvency II project for their insurance market. Following the global trend, new solvency rules for the insurance market were approved in Brazil, being established in the first instance, rules of capital allocation to cover the underwriting risk. Other risk types will be addressed later by the government. It is important to clarify that, unlike the banking sector, the Brazilian insurance market is not allowed to use its own internal model or the parameters of this model to determine the minimum regulatory capital required, but only the application softened factors for this purpose. Thus, as it does not observe the risk internally measured, the regulatory capital becomes a potential cost imposed on the insurers, which can impact directly the profitability of the business lines. Therefore, from the point of view and limitation of external user of financial statements, the present study investigated the existence of signs that could lead to suppose that the new regulations on minimum capital to cover the underwriting risk have penalized the smaller insurance companies, when keeping in view their value at risk for the confidence level of 99,5%. To this end, it was necessary: (a) to determine the minimum regulatory capital, either approaches with or without internal model; (b) to estimate the value at risk of each insurer for the confidence level of 99,5%; and (c) to distinguish insurers by size, according to the cluster analysis technique. The biggest challenge was to determine, for each insurer, the item (b), which consisted in the estimation of marginal distributions of losses and aggregation of these by applying the theory of copulas. Then we calculated the ratio of (i) the sum of the degree of provisioning with the allocation of regulatory capital (approaches with and without internal model) and (ii) the value at risk at the level of confidence 99,5%. Next, we applied the Mann-Whitney Test to compare means of the insurers by size. From the developed analysis, it was observed that the regulatory model was more consistent on medium and large insures as they have shown a lower dispersion in the parameter of interest, presenting a median around 1. That is, for them, the result suggests that the level of provisioning along with the regulatory capital has approximately reflected the confidence level of 99,5%, which is in line with the Solvency II project. Small insurers have shown much higher dispersion and their median is close to 1,5. This indicates that the regulatory approach requires around 50% more resources than the confidence level of 99,5% requires. This represents a disadvantaged competition, if compared with large and medium sized companies. Therefore, the test results suggest that the new rules of capital allocation for the Brazilian insurance market has penalized the smaller insurers, impacting their profitability and competitive pricing when compared with the medium and large ones, which, in turn, tend to favor an industry concentration.


Yang, Shuang January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two topics. Chapter 1 explores the relationship between U.S. Property-Casualty (P/C) insurers’ underwriting risk, investment risk, and leverage risk, using data from 1998 to 2013. I test the trade-off hypothesis using a simultaneous equation model framework with partial adjustment effects. The three equations model intend to examine the interrelations between insurers’ leverage and two measures of firm risks: underwriting risk and investment risk. The empirical evidence, various to different sample periods and model specifications, suggests there is no significant relationship existing between insurers’ underwriting risk and investment risk. But these two types of risks are both significantly and negatively related to the leverage ratio. The overall results imply that insurers tend to tradeoff leverage risk and underwriting risk/investment risk, but it appears that they have not taken an integrated approach between the total level of underwriting risk and investment risk yet. The second part of this dissertation empirically investigates the impact of credit risk on insurers’ reinsurance demand, using data on the U.S. P/C insurance industry from 2000 to 2014. I mainly explore how insurers’ credit rating status and downgrade risk affects their reinsurance demand. Using a two-stage least square (2SLS) regression model, I find that low-rated insurers are associated with a higher utilization of reinsurance. In addition, insurers that are downgraded in the previous year tend to have a higher reinsurance demand than the others. Results also show that downgraded group-affiliated insurers tend to significantly increase their internal reinsurance demand from the group-affiliated members while decreasing the purchase of external reinsurance significantly. In general, I find that insurers’ reinsurance demand is affected by their credit rating and downgrade risk. / Business Administration/Risk Management and Insurance

The impact of solvency assessment and management on the short-term insurance industry in South Africa

Van Huyssteen, Johan 11 1900 (has links)
The financial stability of the insurers is important to fulfil its role as a risk transfer mechanism and to protect the purchasers of their products. The European Union is introducing the Solvency II to modernise the current Solvency I regime and to harmonise the different insurance legislation of the members of the European Union. Solvency II introduces an architecture consisting of three pillars, with Pillar I setting the solvency capital requirements, Pillar II the governance and risk management requirements and Pillar III the reporting requirements. The South African Regulator initiated Solvency Assessment and Management for implementation in 2016 to align the South African prudential regulatory framework to meet the Solvency II requirements for third country equivalence. The problem that this study addressed is the possible effect that the introduction of Solvency Assessment and Management may have on the sustainability of short-term insurers in South Africa. The results of a empirical component of the study indicated that small and medium short-term insurers may be negatively impacted due to the costs incurred to implement and comply with the requirements of the new regulatory framework. The effect on the South African short-term industry can be that cover is concentrated among a few large short-term insurers. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)


EDUARDO HENRIQUE ALTIERI 03 May 2019 (has links)
[pt] Importante questão que se coloca atualmente é a capacidade de medição do volume de capital necessário, às sociedades seguradoras, para fazer frente aos diversos tipos de risco que tais companhias suportam no exercício de suas atividades. Esse volume de capital necessário deve ser tal que permita à companhia suportar variabilidades no negócio. As motivações para o desenvolvimento de modelos matemáticos visando à determinação desta necessidade de capital são tanto a preocupação das próprias companhias com a sua gestão de risco, como também aspectos relacionados ao estabelecimento de requerimentos de capital exigidos pelo regulador de seguro às sociedades seguradoras para fazer frente aos riscos suportados. Entre tais riscos, encontra-se a categoria dos riscos de subscrição, relacionados diretamente à operação central de uma seguradora (design de produto, precificação, processo de aceitação, regulação de sinistros e provisionamento). Esta dissertação apresenta uma proposta de modelo para determinação do volume necessário de capital para fazer frente aos riscos de subscrição, na qual tal categoria de riscos é segregada nos riscos de provisão de sinistros (relativos aos sinistros ocorridos e, assim, relacionados às provisões de sinistros) e nos riscos de emissão/precificação (relativos aos sinistros à ocorrer num horizonte de tempo de 1 ano, considerando novos negócios). Em especial, o modelo proposto utiliza processos de simulação que levam em consideração a estrutura de dependência das variáveis envolvidas e linhas de negócio, fazendo uso do conceito de cópulas condicionais. / [en] Important question that arises today is the ability to measure the amount of capital necessary to insurance companies, to cope with various types of risk that these companies support in performing their activities. This volume of capital required must be such as to enable the company to bear variability in business. The motivations for the development of mathematical models aimed at the determination of those capital needs are both the concern of companies with their own risk management, as well as aspects related to establishing capital requirements required by the insurance regulator to insurance companies to face the risks borne. Among such risks, is the category of underwriting risks, directly related to the core operation of an insurance company (product design, pricing, underwriting process, loss settlement and provisioning). This dissertation proposes a model for determining the appropriate amount of capital to cope with the underwriting risks, where such risk category is segregated in reserving risks (relative to incurred events) and pricing risks (relative to events occurring in the time horizon of 1 year, considering new businesses). In particular, the proposed model uses simulation processes that take into account the dependence structure of the variables involved and lines of business, making use of the concept of conditional copulas.

The impact of solvency assessment and management on the short-term insurance industry in South Africa

Van Huyssteen, Johan 11 1900 (has links)
The financial stability of the insurers is important to fulfil its role as a risk transfer mechanism and to protect the purchasers of their products. The European Union is introducing the Solvency II to modernise the current Solvency I regime and to harmonise the different insurance legislation of the members of the European Union. Solvency II introduces an architecture consisting of three pillars, with Pillar I setting the solvency capital requirements, Pillar II the governance and risk management requirements and Pillar III the reporting requirements. The South African Regulator initiated Solvency Assessment and Management for implementation in 2016 to align the South African prudential regulatory framework to meet the Solvency II requirements for third country equivalence. The problem that this study addressed is the possible effect that the introduction of Solvency Assessment and Management may have on the sustainability of short-term insurers in South Africa. The results of a empirical component of the study indicated that small and medium short-term insurers may be negatively impacted due to the costs incurred to implement and comply with the requirements of the new regulatory framework. The effect on the South African short-term industry can be that cover is concentrated among a few large short-term insurers. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)


MARIANA DA PAIXAO PINTO 09 November 2017 (has links)
[pt] Com as falências ocorridas nas últimas décadas, no setor de seguros, um movimento surgiu para desenvolver modelos matemáticos capazes de ajudar no gerenciamento do risco, os chamados modelos internos. No Brasil, a SUSEP, seguindo a tendência mundial, exigiu que as empresas, interessadas em atuar no país, utilizassem um modelo interno para risco de subscrição. Com isto, obter um modelo interno tornou-se primordial para as empresas seguradoras no país. O modelo proposto neste trabalho ilustrado para seguro de vida para risco de subscrição se baseia em Cadeias de Markov, no Teorema Central do Limite, parte paramétrica, e na Simulação de Monte Carlo, parte não paramétrica. Em sua estrutura foi considerada a dependência entre titular e dependentes. Uma aplicação a dados reais mascarados foi feita para analisar o modelo. O capital mínimo requerido calculado utilizando o método híbrido foi comparado com o valor obtido utilizando somente o método paramétrico. Em seguida foi feita a análise de sensibilidade do modelo. / [en] The bankruptcies occurred in recent decades in the insurance sector, a movement arose to develop mathematical models capable of assisting in the management of risk, called internal models. In Brazil, the SUSEP, following the worldwide trend, demanded that the companies, interested in working in the country, using an internal model for underwriting risk. Because of this, developing an internal model has become vital for insurance companies in the country. The proposed model in this work illustrated to life insurance for the underwriting risk was based on the Markov chains, on the Central Limit Theorem to the parametric method, and Monte Carlo Simulation to the non-parametric method. In its structure, the dependence between the holder and dependents was considered. An application to masked real data was made to analyze the model. The minimum required capital calculated using the hybrid method was compared with the value obtained using only the parametric method. Then the sensitivities of the model were investigated.

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