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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Novel Fire and Herbivory Regime Impacts on Forest Regeneration and Plant Community Assembly

Tanner, Devri A. 06 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Human activities are increasing the occurrence of megafires that have the potential to alter the ecology of forest ecosystems. The objective of this study was to understand the impact of a 610 km2 megafire on patterns of forest regeneration and herbivory of three forest types (aspen/fir, oak/maple, and pinyon/juniper) within the burn scar. Sapling density, meristem removal, and height were measured across a transect network spanning the area of the burn scar over three years from 2019-2021. The network consisted of 17 burned/unburned transect pairs in adjacent burned/unburned forest stands (6 aspen/fir, 5 oak/maple, and 6 pinyon/juniper). Species that regenerated through sprouting generally responded positively to fire while regeneration from seed showed very little post-fire response. Browse pressure was concentrated on deciduous tree species and tended to be greater in burned areas but the effect diminished over time. Meristem removal of sprouting species was below the critical threshold resulting in positive vertical growth across years. Our results indicate that forest regeneration within the megafire scar was generally positive and experienced sustainable levels of ungulate browsing that are likely to result in forest recruitment success. Novel fire regimes are becoming increasingly common and megafires have burned across ecotonal boundaries across multiple forest types. Plant community structure and composition may be critically affected by changing fire regimes. Our objective was to investigate how a megafire that burned across multiple forest types impacted understory plant community assembly and biodiversity. Paired vegetation transects were installed in burned and unburned areas across aspen/fir, oak/maple, and pinyon/juniper forests within the 2018 Pole Creek Megafire burn scar. Percent cover of understory plants was measured in the summer of 2022 and plants were identified to the species level. Richness and diversity indices were then calculated and analyzed using mixed effects models. Fire decreased species richness of the aspen/fir forest understory and increased plant cover in pinyon/juniper forests, while not significantly impacting oak/maple understories. The significant effects of fire were largely driven by changes in forb species. Fire decreased the richness of native plants in aspen/fir forests but increased the richness of non-native plants in oak/maple and pinyon/juniper forests. Non-native plant abundance also increased in post-fire pinyon/juniper forests. Our results suggest that forest understory communities show variable responses to megafires that burn across multiple forest types with important implications for post-fire plant community structure, diversity, and invasibility. Large mammal herbivores (ungulates) are increasing in number and spreading into novel habitats throughout the world. Their impact on forest understory plant communities is strong and varies by herbivore, plant growth form, and season. The objective of this study was to determine the individual and collective herbivory impacts of native versus domestic ungulates on the understory plant community composition of post-fire aspen forests. Four-way fencing treatments were installed in 2012 to separate ungulate species, and Daubenmire frames were used to collect percent cover estimates for each understory plant species. Vegetation data were later used to calculate richness and diversity indices. Total understory plant cover, richness, and diversity were not significantly impacted by the herbivory fencing treatment. However, woody plant species' percent cover was 90% greater in full ungulate exclusion plots than in the fenceless controls. Herbivores likely targeted woody plant species due to their high nutrient levels that last longer into the winter than those of forb or graminoid species. Herbivory treatment did not affect non-native species. Our results indicate that herbivore fencing can protect forest understory plant communities, particularly the woody species. Successful regeneration of woody species can benefit the diversity of the entire understory plant community and preserve forest structure.

Modification of the structure of wild boar populations by hunting and influence on reproductive processes / Modification de la structure des populations de sangliers par la chasse et influence sur les processus de reproduction

Gayet, Thibault 13 July 2018 (has links)
Le sanglier (Sus scrofa scrofa) est une espèce à part entière. C'est une espèce de gibier particulièrement appréciée des chasseurs, un cauchemar pour les agriculteurs et un sujet de débat pour la société en général. La multiplication par dix des populations au cours des dernières décennies en France et dans toute l'Europe, malgré une pression de chasse accrue, a engendré de nombreux conflits entre les humains et la faune sauvage. Le sanglier est responsable de grandes pertes économiques dues aux collisions avec les véhicules, à la transmission de maladies et de dommages aux cultures et écosystèmes. L'amélioration des stratégies de gestion devient un intérêt majeur pour éviter, ou contrôler, de tels conflits. La récolte d'informations sur l'espèce problématique est un premier pas vers de bonnes stratégies de gestion. L'objectif de mon travail est, dans un premier temps, de caractériser le système d’appariement du sanglier et d'identifier certains paramètres influençant les processus de reproduction, notamment la chasse. Dans un deuxième temps, mon travail se concentre sur l'étude de l'influence du système d’appariement sur les traits d'histoire de vie du sanglier. Mes recherches sont basées sur l'étude de plusieurs populations contrastées dans leurs pratiques de chasse et sur des données longitudinales d'une population intensivement suivie. L'étude est basée sur des données recueillies sur des sangliers tués à la chasse. Les génotypes ont été obtenus pour les femelles gestantes et leur portée et des analyses de paternité ont été réalisées pour mesurer le nombre de pères dans une portée et estimer les taux de paternité multiples (proportion de portées engendrées par plus d'un père). J'ai été en mesure de montrer que le système d’appariement est principalement de promiscuite (plusieurs mâles s'accouplent avec plusieurs femelles) contrastant avec la polygynie (un mâle dominant monopolisant un groupe de femelles) habituellement décrite chez cette espèce. De plus, les processus de reproduction, estimés par le nombre de partenaires d'une femelle et les taux de paternité multiples, sont influencés par les variations de chasse dans une population. J'ai aussi montré que le nombre de pères avait un effet positif sur la fécondité des femelles. Des taux élevés de paternité multiple et une grande diversité génétique ont été constatés ensemble dans une population fortement chassée, ce qui suggère que la paternité multiple peut tamponner les goulots d'étranglement annuels. Cependant, l'augmentation du nombre de père n'est pas associée à une augmentation de la variation intraportée / The wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) is a peculiar species. It is an appreciated game species for hunters, a nightmare for farmers and a subject of debate for the society in general. The tenfold increase of the population over the last decades in France and all over Europe, despite increased hunting pressure, generated great human-wildlife conflict. The wild boar is responsible for great economic losses due to vehicle collision, diseases transmission and damaged crops and ecosystems. Improving management strategies becomes a prime interest to avoid such conflicts, or at least keep them under control. Obtaining information on the species is a first step toward good management strategies. The objective of my work is, in a first part, to characterize the mating system of the wild boar and to identify some parameters, especially hunting, influencing the reproductive processes. The second part focus on the investigation of the influence of the mating system on wild boar life history traits. My researches are based on the study of several populations contrasting in their hunting practices and on longitudinal data of a highly monitored population. The study is based on data collected on wild boars killed by hunting. Genotypes were obtained for pregnant females and their litter and paternity analyses were realized to measure the number of fathers in a litter and estimate multiple paternity rates (proportion of litter sired by more than one father). I was able to show that the mating system is mainly promiscuous (several males mate with several females) contrasting with the polygyny (a dominant male monopolizing a group of females) usually described in this species. Moreover, reproductive processes, estimated by the number of mates of a female and the multiple paternity rates, are influenced by hunting variations in a population. I also showed that number of fathers has positive effect on female fecundity. High rates of multiple paternity together with high genetic diversity were found in a heavily hunted population, suggesting multiple paternity may buffer yearly bottlenecks. However, the increase of number of fathers is not associated with increase of within-litter variation

Seasonal and Diurnal Patterns of Spatial Spread, Grouping Dynamics and Influence of Resources on a Free-Ranging Cattle Herd in a Semi-Arid Rangeland in South Texas, USA

Cheleuitte-Nieves, Christopher 2011 August 1900 (has links)
Knowledge of scale-dependent factors that affect the distribution of ungulate herds, such as cattle, is essential for the development of more accurate predictive models of animal movement and the management of sustainable agriculture. Our objectives were to evaluate the seasonal and diurnal patterns of herd spread, explore grouping dynamics, and the influence of dominance ranks, seasonal changes in forage biomass, use of shade, water and supplemental feed areas on cattle distribution. Positional and activity information of eleven free-ranging Bonsmara, Bos taurus, cows were obtained at five minute intervals using Global Positioning System collars. We conducted a total of 12 trials each of three weeks from August 2007 to August 2009 in a 457ha shrub-dominated savanna in South Texas. Spread was obtained by calculating the average Euclidean distance of individuals to the center of the herd. The association software package, ASSOC1, was used to analyze spatio-temporal interactions. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, an indicator of available forage biomass, was calculated using satellite imagery. Number of GPS fixes was used as an indicator of animal use of shade patches and water and supplemental feeding areas. In this semi-arid environment, herd spread was greatest and subgroup division occurred during summer when forage biomass was high. Herd spread was the least and shade patches were used more during winter when forage biomass was low. Throughout the year spread was smallest and use of shade patches highest during the midday period compared to other periods of the day. Location of individuals in the center of the herd was not associated with their dominance ranking. There was no significant overall pattern of seasonal changes in cattle use of water and supplemental feeding areas. Seasonal forage availability and shade patches seem to have a greater influence on herd dispersion patterns and grouping dynamics than any effect of social dominance. Herd distribution is likely related to changes in forage biomass and temperature fluctuations which drive compensatory night-time feeding and thermoregulatory actions. Accurate ethological studies of herds depend on our ability to understand herd dynamics at multiple scales that affect and are relevant to animal's response to the landscape.

Dynamiques spatio-temporelles des ressources alimentaires et des activités humaines : impacts sur la sélection d'habitat d'un grand herbivore de montagne / Spatio-temporal dynamics of food resources and human activities : impacts on habitat selection in a large mountain herbivore

Duparc, Antoine 05 December 2016 (has links)
Ces dernières décennies, l'augmentation conjointe des populations de grands herbivores et des activités humaines de nature a donné lieu à de nouveaux enjeux de gestion du territoire conciliant objectifs de conservation et développement touristique. Afin de faire face à ce défi, les gestionnaires ont besoin de mieux comprendre les choix comportementaux qui sont à l’origine de la répartition spatiale des animaux et l’impact des activités humaines sur ces comportements. En prenant l'exemple du chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra), l'objectif de cette thèse est de répondre à ce besoin de connaissances sur le comportement spatial des grands herbivores, en prenant en compte d'une part la sélection des ressources alimentaires en fonction de l'hétérogénéité spatiale et de la dynamique de leur environnement, et d'autre part la réponse comportementale à l'influence de différents types d'activités récréatives de plein air. Nous avons tout d’abord modélisé le paysage alimentaire du chamois et ses variations saisonnières en combinant des données sur la végétation et sur le régime alimentaire à des données de télédétection. Puis à partir de 10 années de suivi de près de 100 animaux par collier GPS dans la Réserve de Chasse et de Faune Sauvage du massif des Bauges, nous avons démontré que les chamois ajustent leurs critères de sélection spatiale au cours du temps en fonction de l’évolution temporelle des caractéristiques de leur fourrage (qualité et quantité), notamment en fonction de leur variabilité ou caractère limitant. Ceci nous a amené à réévaluer le cadre d’application de deux hypothèses classiques en écologie spatiale des herbivores, l’hypothèse de la maturation du fourrage (Forage Maturation Hypothesis) et l’existence d’une réponse fonctionnelle dans la sélection d’habitat. Une des originalités de cette thèse est d’avoir pris en compte le caractère grégaire de cette espèce et de montrer comment la structure socio-spatiale de la population entraîne des variations locales du processus de sélection d’habitat, avec des implications démographiques fortes pour les individus. Nos résultats remettent en cause l’idée que les animaux se redistribuent au sein des populations en fonction des ressources disponibles, ce qui découle probablement de l’importance des relations sociales et du cout et des risques associés à la dispersion. Dans un second temps, nous avons abordé la thématique du dérangement du chamois face à trois activités humaines saisonnières, dont l’étude de la distribution dans notre site d’étude, à l’aide de GPS distribués aux pratiquants, a permis d’établir le paysage du dérangement pour les animaux. Le ski de randonnée et la marche à pied impactent clairement les déplacements des animaux, induisant une dépense énergétique supplémentaire. En revanche pour la chasse, la complexité de la réponse des chamois ne permet pas à l'heure actuelle de différentier l’impact des chasseurs de simples randonneurs, qui sont également présent sur le site en période de chasse. Ce travail se conclut par des propositions de gestion durable des populations sauvages compatibles avec la pratique des activités de loisirs de plein air. / These last decades, large herbivores population and outdoor human activities increased tremendously leading to the emergence of new challenges for the management of wild species and recreational activities, which need to reconcile conservation goals and tourist development. In order to face these challenges, wildlife managers need to better understand behavioral choice of animal that lead to their spatial distribution and how these behaviors are influenced by human activities. Based on chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) as a study case, the aim of this PhD is to enhance our knowledge of spatial behavioral of large herbivores, on one hand by understanding individual selection for food resources according to resource spatial heterogeneity and their temporal dynamics, and on the other hand, by assessing the impact of human outdoor recreational activities on spatial behavior. We first modeled the foodscape of chamois and its seasonal variation by combining field data on vegetation and animal diet with remote sensing data. Then, based on a 10 years dataset of monitoring of >100 animals marked with GPS collars in the Game and Wildlife Reserve of the “massif des Bauges”, we demonstrated chamois adjusted their criteria for spatial selection through time according to the temporal evolution of their forage traits (quality and quantity), accounting notably whether these traits were variable or limiting. This led us to reevaluate the framework of two classical hypotheses in studies of herbivore spatial ecology, the “Forage Maturation Hypothesis” and the emergence of a functional response in habitat selection. One newness in our work is to have accounted for the gregariousness of this species, which allowed us to unveil that socio-spatial structure of the population induced local variation in the habitat selection process, with marked consequences on individual demographic performances. This challenges the idea that individuals should redistribute in space within a population according to available resources, probably because of the importance of social relationships and costs and risks associated with dispersal. Second, we investigated the response of chamois to disturbances resulting from 3 outdoor activities. We assessed the spatial use of recreationists by ditributing GPS-tracker from which we defined landscape of disturbance to animal. Ski touring and hiking both impacted animal movements, resulting in supplementary energetic expenditures. On the other hand, hunting induced complex spatial responses in chamois that need further investigation, as the response to hunters could not be differentiated from responses to hikers who continue to be on site even during the hunting period. We conclude this work with proposals for a better long-term management of wildlife compatible with the practice of outdoor recreational activities.

Evaluation of the Efficacy of Wildlife Warning Reflectors to Mitigate Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions on Roads

Benten, Anke 07 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Evolutionary demography of exploited populations : the case of the wild boar Sus scrofa / Démographie évolutive dans les populations exploitées : le cas du sanglier Sus scrofa

Gamelon, Marlène 13 December 2013 (has links)
Le sanglier (Sus scrofa) est une espèce chassée emblématique en Europe. Comme la plupart des ongulés de zones tempérés, l'espèce sanglier s'est étendue en Europe au cours des dernières décennies. Le nombre de sangliers tués chaque année en France est passé de 36429 en 1973 à 526709 en 2011. Cette situation unique du sanglier parmi les ongulés est pourtant très commune en Europe, et a conduit à une augmentation du montant des indemnisations des dégâts occasionnés par le sanglier. Les indemnisations sont alors passées de 2 à 18 millions d'euros entre 1973 et 2001. Contrôler les populations de sangliers est donc devenu un objectif majeur pour les gestionnaires. Évaluer les paramètres démographiques qui pilotent les dynamiques de populations est nécessaire afin d'améliorer notre connaissance du sanglier. Mais s'intéresser à l'évolution des traits d'histoire de vie du sanglier est également indispensable pour mieux comprendre cette espèce. Par conséquent, contrôler les populations de sangliers en intégrant des considérations évolutives est essentiel pour permettre une gestion durable de cette espèce. Le temps est donc venu de mieux comprendre cette espèce dans un contexte de démographie évolutive, grâce à un suivi à long-terme unique d'une population de sangliers fortement chassée dans la forêt de Châteauvillain-Arc-en-barrois, France. Tout d'abord, d'un point de vue démographique, nous proposons un outil de gestion afin de contrôler le taux de croissance des populations de sangliers. Ensuite, nous replaçons le sanglier au sein des mammifères en nous intéressant plus particulièrement à des comparaisons inter spécifiques de tactiques d'histoire de vie, grâce à de récents développements méthodologiques en dynamique de population. Nous trouvons alors que le sanglier présente une stratégie d'histoire de vie plus proche de celle de petits mammifères (comme l'écureuil) que de celle d'un ongulé de taille similaire. Puis, nous trouvons que, en réponse aux variations de disponibilité alimentaire, les femelles sangliers présentent différentes stratégies de reproduction afin de maximiser le nombre de petits viables / Wild boar (Sus scrofa) is an emblematic game species in Europe. As most ungulate populations in temperate areas, wild boar abundance and distribution has increased in most European countries over the last decades. The number of wild boar shot annually in France has increased from 36,429 in 1973 to 526,709 in 2011. This unique situation is common throughout Europe and has led to higher costs to agriculture because of damage to crops. Compensation for damage caused by wild boar in France rose from 2 to 18 million Euros between 1973 and 2001, a nearly tenfold increase. Controlling wild boar populations has thus become an important target for managers. Evaluating the vital rates that drive the population dynamics is necessary to improve our understanding of wild boar. But investigating the evolution of life history traits in wild boar is also required to improve our understanding of this species. As a consequence, controlling wild boar populations incorporating evolutionary considerations is essential to allow a sustainable management of this species. The time has thus come to better understand this species is an evolutionary demography context, taking advantage of a unique long-term monitoring of a heavily hunted wild boar population located in the Châteauvillain-Arc-en-barrois forest, France. First, from a demographic viewpoint, we provide a management tool to control population growth rate of wild boar population. Second, we put back the wild boar among mammals by focusing on inter-specific comparisons of life history tactics among mammals using recent developments in population dynamics. We found that wild boar exhibits a life history strategy close to small mammals such as squirrel rather than the life history strategy observed in similar-sized ungulates. Then, we found that, in response to changes in food availability, wild boar females are able to display different reproductive tactics to maximize the number of recruits at a given breeding event

Interclonal Variation of Primary and Secondary Chemistry in Western Quaking Aspen and its Influence on Ungulate Selection

Winter, Damon A. 01 December 2010 (has links)
Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) clones within close proximity to one another can exhibit drastically different levels of browsing by ungulates. The objectives of this study were to (1) determine interclonal differences in plant chemistry between adjacent clones exhibiting different degrees of herbivory which may influence the browsing behavior and patterns of ungulates, and (2) determine if correlation exists in the levels of salicortin and tremulacin between current year's suckers and current year's growth on older trees. This second objective was meant to indicate a protocol for land managers for identifying clones meriting increased protection from herbivory after treatment and wildfire. In July of 2005, 6 pairs of clones were identified on the Dixie National Forest, Utah, and on Cedar Mountain, east of Cedar City, Utah. Pairs consisted of 2 clones within the same pasture and/or grazing allotment and within a minimal distance from one another; one clone displaying moderate to high levels of ungulate utilization of aspen suckers, and one exhibiting minimal to no ungulate utilization of aspen suckers. Soil samples were taken at each clone and leaf tissues were sampled to determine genet. Aspen suckers were sampled for nutrient content, combined phenolic glycoside concentration (salicortin and tremulacin), condensed tannins, and the presence of extra floral nectaries (EFNs), at intervals throughout the growing season (August 3-6, August 31-September 2, and October 12-14). Current year's growth from representative mature trees was sampled for phenolic glycoside concentration at these times as well. All tests demonstrated high levels of insignificance for both leaves and stems.Sucker nitrogen values may have been elevated during portions of the sampling year in clones displaying moderate to high levels of ungulate utilization, possibility indicating an ungulate preference for nitrogen, but due to missing values, this is far from conclusive. P-values for forest floor factors were also highly non-significant with the exception of forest floor C (0.04) in the regenerating clones. Two post-project hypotheses are postulated in an attempt to explain the differences of forest floor carbon in terms of factors that may be influencing ungulate herbivory.

How Hunters’ Harvest Rate Varies in Response to Population Densities of Fallow Deer (Dama dama), Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus), and Wild Boar (Sus scrofa)

Skorsdal, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
For many species, population size data is difficult to obtain or even unavailable. Therefore, estimations or indirect abundance measures of populations are crucial for ungulate management. Hunting has an important role in wildlife management, and is a partnership between state, landowners, and hunting communities. In ungulate management harvest statistics, as well as ungulate-vehicle collisions (UVCs) and observations, are often used as proxies for population densities and provide detailed information on a spatial and temporal scale. A Bayesian approach was used to model hunters’ response to population densities of fallow deer (Dama dama), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), and wild boar (Sus scrofa). The results indicate that the variability in number of individuals observed and the non-linearity of both hunters’ harvest and UVCs response varies between roe deer, fallow deer, and wild boar. Both hunters’ harvest and UVC display a sub-linear response to population densities to all three species. Additionally, roe deer show a low variability in the number of individuals observed compared to the other two species. Predictions of population densities by using proxies like harvest statistics and UVC statistics need to be species-specific to be reliable, and by considering a potential sub-linearity and temporal trends for the species of interest more confident and realistic estimates can be developed.

Direct and indirect effects of white-tailed deer (<i>Odocoileus virginianus</i>) herbivory on beetle and spider assemblages in Northern Wisconsin

Sancomb, Elizabeth J. 26 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Prey preferences of the Persian leopard and trophic competition with human hunters in Iran

Ghoddousi, Arash 24 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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