Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urban dnd egional bplanning"" "subject:"urban dnd egional deplanning""
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La prise en compte de la décroissance démographique dans la planification territoriale : le cas de Saint John, Nouveau-BrunswickBenoit, Stéphanie 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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As dimensões econômicas e morfológicas da organização espacial da atividade industrial na RMPA : interfaces com o planejamento urbano e regionalAltafini, Diego January 2018 (has links)
A dissertação aborda as dimensões econômica e morfológica da organização espacial da atividade industrial na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre - RMPA, propondo interfaces entre a Ciência Econômica e o Planejamento Urbano e Regional. O objetivo da pesquisa consiste em identificar se e como as propriedades morfológicas das redes de circulação urbana e rodoviária são capazes de informar tendências em processos de organização espacial da atividade industrial em ambientes urbanos. Neste sentido, foi realizado um estudo de caso multidimensional e multiescalar a partir de cinco recortes espaciais de cinco municípios da RMPA – Alvorada, Cachoeirinha, Gravataí, Porto Alegre e Viamão – e seus complexos industriais, áreas contínuas de zoneamento funcional destinados à indústria. A hipótese é de que os potenciais de movimento e as probabilidades de fluxo, depreendidas por medidas de centralidade morfológicas e espaciais captam padrões locacionais e de organização espacial das atividades industriais. Isto é verificado a partir da correlação geoestatística entre análises configuracionais da rede de circulação urbana, apoiadas nas concepções teórico-metodológicas da sintaxe espacial, e as análises econômico-locacionais, da localização das estruturas industriais, fundamentadas nas teorias econômicas. Os resultados dispostos permitiram concluir que existem correlações estatísticas significativas entre a lógica de organização espacial da indústria em áreas urbanas e as propriedades morfológicas multiescalares da configuração espacial da rede de circulação urbana, indicando que hierarquias de centralidade morfológica, informando potenciais de movimento e probabilidades de fluxo na rede urbana de circulação, captam tendências do processo de organização produtiva. / Dissertation addresses the economical and morphological dimensions of industrial activities spatial organization in the Porto Alegre’s Metropolitan Region – PAMR, proposing interfaces between Economic Science and Urban and Regional Planning. The research objective is to describe and analyse if and how the morphological properties of road and circulation urban networks are able to inform trends about the industrial activities spatial organization processes in urban areas. The empirical study multidimensional and multiscalar analyses encompasses PMAR’s five municipalities – Alvorada, Cachoeirinha, Gravataí, Porto Alegre and Viamão and their industrial complexes, continuous industrial-dedicated functional zones. The hypothesis is that movement potentials and flow probabilities informed by centralities´ hierarchies correlate to industry locational patterns and spatial organization. This is verified applying geostatistical correlations between road circulation networks spatial configuration measures, based on space syntax methodology; and locational analyses of industrial structures placement, based on economic theories. Results makes it possible to conclude that there are significant statistical correlations between industrial spatial organization logics in urban areas and multiscalar centrality measures for road circulation networks, indicating that the urban centralities hierarchies – and the network morphological properties – capture trends about this process.
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O planejamento para o desenvolvimento local em cidades \"glocais\" brasileiras: em direção ao novo modus operandi de gestão e produção da cidade / The planning for local development in cities \"glocais\" Brazil: toward the new modus operandi of production and management of the cityJosé Carlos Faim Bezzon 13 October 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda como temática a produção da cidade contemporânea, vista a partir das novas ações de planejamento e gestão para o desenvolvimento urbano, no cenário econômico de produção globalizada e informatizada. O recorte histórico é o período pós-constituinte de 1988, marco da mudança do regime político do Brasil contemporâneo, momento de abertura política do país e de intensas transformações frente à revolução digital que o mundo vem incorporando. O planejamento como instrumento para pensar o município visando seu desenvolvimento sócio-econômico é retomado como ferramenta de ação para a construção de futuro associado a novas formas de administração pública, mais transparentes e participativas utilizando de meios e recursos que ampliem em consonância com a legislação federal o acesso de vários setores da sociedade civil às decisões de governo. Neste sentido iniciamos a abordagem a partir da institucionalização do planejamento na década de 1970 com a criação dos órgãos públicos competentes, visando incorporar os procedimentos de planejamento para os municípios e regiões na tentativa de ordenamento espacial, e de reverter o processo desenfreado de urbanização no país. Processo agravado com a crise econômica da década de 1980 e o conseqüente e necessário afastamento do Estado em função da reestruturação econômica mundial. Culminando assim na década de 1990 com a reforma administrativa do Estado brasileiro, e a adoção pelos governos municipais de estratégias de ação e mecanismos empresariais, conformando um novo modus operandi que resulta num novo modelo de planejamento contemporâneo. Este modelo é verificado nas cidades de Ribeirão Preto, Uberlândia e Londrina, três exemplos de cidades pólos regionais de desenvolvimento, aqui reconhecidas como cidades de inserção econômica nas escalas local e global. / This research addresses issues such as the production of the contemporary city, seen from the actions of new management and planning for urban development in the economic scenario of global production and computerized. The cut is the historic post-constituent 1988, March of the change of political regime in contemporary Brazil, timing of opening the country\'s political and intense transformations front of the digital revolution that the world has been incorporating. The planning as a tool for thinking the council seeking its socio-economic development is taken as a tool of action for the construction of future associated with new forms of public administration more transparent and participatory using the means and resources to expand in line with federal law the access of various sectors of civil society to the decisions of government. In this sense the approach started from the institutionalization of planning in the 1970 with the creation of the public authorities, seeking to incorporate the procedures of planning for municipalities and regions in an attempt to spatial planning, and reverse the process of unbridled urbanization in the country. Case exacerbated by the economic crisis of the 1980 and the consequent removal of the State and necessary in light of global economic restructuring. Culminating well in the 1990\'s with the administrative reform of the Brazilian state, municipal governments and the adoption of strategies and mechanisms of action business, conforming a new modus operandi which results in a new \"model\" of contemporary planning. This model is found in the cities of Ribeirao Preto, Uberlândia and Londrina, three examples of cities regional centers of development, here recognized as cities of economic integration in the local and global scales.
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Contradições do Planejamento Territorial do Turismo no Brasil: o Distrito de São Franscisco Xavier, São José dos Campos (SP) / Contradictions of territory planning of tourism in Brazil: the district of São Francisco Xavier, São José dos Campos (SP)Renato Suano Pacheco de Araujo 03 December 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma contribuição ao estudo do planejamento territorial do turismo no Brasil, analisando suas contradições, que podem ser observadas entre o que está escrito nos planos e o que é realizado na prática. As contradições aparecem na medida em que há uma falta de consciência planejadora no país. Sabendo que o planejamento do turismo é inseparável do planejamento urbano e regional, faz-se necessário uma releitura dos tipos de planejamento no país, refletindo sobre as principais propostas e realizações desta atividade, especialmente no período atual: o neoliberalismo. A partir de então, uma análise criticados dos documentos acerca do planejamento do turismo, pensando sua metodologia e a forma como ele está inserido no planejamento do país atualmente. Toma-se como objeto de estudo, com o objetivo de comprovar a falta de consciência planejadora, o Distrito de São Francisco Xavier, localizado no município de São José dos Campos, no estado de São Paulo. O Distrito passa por uma transformação importante: de região essencialmente rural para, nos últimos doze anos, uma crescente utilização do seu território para o turismo. O turismo nascente em São Francisco Xavier, baseado em segunda residência, pode, se não planejado de forma integral, ou seja, na totalidade, colocar em risco a própria alma do lugar. / The presented work is a contribution to the Brazi l ian territory tourism planning by analyzing the contradictions seen between what is written and what is really done. These contradictions are unfolded inasmuch as lack of consciousness is found. As i t is known, tourism planning is tied to urban and regional planning, it is necessary a thorough analysis of the planning types in the country - thinking over the main proposals and accomplished projects in this field, especial ly in nowadays era (the neo-liberalism). From this point, a critical analysis of the documents related to tourism planning, analyzing its methodology and how i t has been inserted on the country planning nowadays. The neighborhood of São Francisco Xavier, located in the city of São José dos Campos, state of São Paulo, Brazil, becomes the object of this study, with the objective of proving the lack of planning consciousness. The mentioned neighborhood is going through important changes: in the past twelve years, its essential ly rural landscape is facing a growing use of its territory for tourism. The recent tourism in São Francisco Xavier, based in second residence, can risk this place\'s own \"soul\", if not fully planned.
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The Tea Party movement’s effect on local and regional planning in Virginia has received little study. This work identifies how conservative political activism has impacted planning in the Commonwealth and how planners have responded. The study relies on a qualitative approach involving 22 semi-structured interviews with activists, planners, and citizens, as well as textual analyses of planning documents, local and regional news reports, and Tea Party social media. The resultant findings show that Tea Party activism is rooted in deep seated ideals about private property rights and individualism. It also reveals that planning processes that increased the amount of public input had the effect of mitigating the impact of activism. The study concludes by suggesting that strategies based in the communicative style of planning offer an effective way to overcome such opposition while enhancing the many benefits of having significant citizen input in the planning process.
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Les enjeux de la marche en banlieue dans un contexte de vieillissement : proposition d’une stratégie pour rendre des environnements de faible densité plus favorables à la marche pour les personnes âgéesCarbonneau Loiselle, Mathilde 04 1900 (has links)
La banlieue présente plusieurs défis pour la marche en raison notamment de la ségrégation des fonctions qui la caractérise et de la distance qui les sépare. L’échelle y est pensée pour la voiture. On constate pourtant que plusieurs aînés vivant dans les banlieues marchent, ils le font toutefois surtout pour des motifs différents, dont les loisirs. Devant l’importance de la marche chez les personnes âgées pour des raisons de santé et d’inclusion, mais aussi devant les limites rencontrées par les municipalités de banlieue souhaitant améliorer la qualité de leurs environnements de marche, notre étude s’est intéressée au développement d’une stratégie d’intervention qui soit accessible pour les administrations municipales en matière de faisabilité, et permettant une amélioration réelle, rapide et évolutive des environnements de marche pour les personnes âgées. La recherche poursuit deux objectifs complémentaires. Un premier consiste à élaborer une stratégie d’intervention visant à améliorer la qualité des environnements de marche des banlieues pour les personnes âgées. Un second consiste à tester cette stratégie dans le cadre d’une étude de cas portant sur le secteur Pont-Viau-Laval-des-Rapides à Laval en banlieue de Montréal. Sur le plan méthodologique, le mémoire se décline en deux parties. Une première partie déductive propose, sur la base de la documentation scientifique récente, une approche d’intervention qui se veut adaptée à la banlieue. Une seconde partie, plus exploratoire, combine entrevues semi-dirigées, parcours commentés et groupes de discussion pour tester et apporter les modifications nécessaires à la stratégie développée en première partie. Dans une perspective d’intervention sur la banlieue les résultats suggèrent d’éliminer prioritairement les obstacles à la marche à l’échelle du quartier que représentent par exemple certains viaducs ou la faible qualité des infrastructures piétonnes de plusieurs intersections des artères commerciales suburbaines. La recherche permet de conclure de l’importance des critères associés au plaisir de marcher et à l’ambiance de marche dans l’appréciation des environnements de marche par les personnes âgées. On observe également la pertinence d’impliquer les personnes âgées en amont du processus d’intervention. / Enhancing walkability of public space for the elderly living in suburban areas often means intervening in environments that are of low density, where functions are highly segregated and where walking infrastructures are lacking in quality or simply don’t exist. While many studies have done the demonstration that high density, mix land use, and walking facilities tend to support the decision to walk among all ages, how can suburban public administrations plan fruitful interventions to support walking among the elderly? Based on available documentation, this study identifies the most relevant criteria to locate and shape interventions meant to enhance walkability of public spaces for the elderly living in existing suburbs. Based on these criteria, the study then proposes interventions for the specific suburban neighborhood of Cartier in Laval, Quebec, Canada.
This second phase of the study involves mixed methods with semi-directed interviews, walking interviews and participatory workshops to validate and bring precision to the process and criteria identified in the previous stage of study. To enhance the walkability of public space for elderly living in suburban areas, the results of this study suggest that urban intervention should at first focus on removing obstacles to walking. They also suggest that accessibility to leisure destinations as well as attractiveness of the path are part of the most relevant criteria to consider. According to those findings, interventions planned to enhance walkability of suburbs towards the elderly should take into primary account preferences related to leisure and path attractiveness. In line with the results of several recent studies on the subject, the study also concludes to the importance of involving older people in intervention processes to increase the walkability of the suburbs.
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Quel est l’apport d’un observatoire photographique pour la protection et la mise en valeur des paysages : le cas des lanières agricoles de la MRC de MemphrémagogGauthier, Karl 03 1900 (has links)
En 1986, la MRC de Memphrémagog avait mandaté la firme SOTAR pour procéder à une première
caractérisation des paysages d’intérêt (SOTAR, 1986) soit, au sens de la Loi sur l’aménagement et
l’urbanisme, les territoires d’intérêt patrimonial, esthétique et culturel. Le mandat avait entre autres
conduit à une documentation photographique de ces paysages. Ainsi, quelque 600 diapositives révélant
les éléments constitutifs des paysages qui participaient à son caractère distinctif sont issues de cette
Informée de l’existence de ce fonds, la MRC, en partenariat avec l’Université de Montréal, s’est dite
intéressée à mettre en place un observatoire photographique des paysages afin de définir l’apport de cet
outil pour comprendre et de documenter l’évolution de ses paysages d’intérêt. Suivant la méthode
générale des observatoires photographiques des paysages (Guittet, 2016), un retour sur près de 60 sites
a été effectué et près de 48 rencontres ont été menées auprès d’acteurs du territoire en ayant pour
objectif de comprendre les dynamiques sous-jacentes aux transformations observées. Le présent mémoire
s’arrime à cette initiative en s’intéressant aux sites contenus à l’intérieur des lanières agricoles identifiées
par l’étude de la SOTAR en 1986.
À travers l’analyse de 16 sites et la rencontre de 20 participants, l’étude témoigne de l’effacement
progressif des paysages des lanières. Le retrait de l’agriculture sur certaines portions du territoire aura
contribué à la disparition de granges, à la fermeture de champs visuels et à l’arrivée d’une nouvelle
population constituée de non-agriculteurs. Cette étude aura également permis de mieux définir
l’importance de la compréhension du contexte social dans la transformation des paysages. / In 1986, Memphrémagog Regional County Municipality (MRCM) mandated SOTAR, an urban planning firm,
to characterize landscapes of special interests (SOTAR, 1986) as defined in Quebec Act respecting land use
planning and development. An extensive photographic library was collected during the 1986 mandate. This
exceptional database of 600 slides allows a description of the landscape elements contributing to the
distinctive character of the MRCM.
Informed about the potential benefits of the photographic database, MRCM instituted, in partnership with
the University of Montreal, a landscape photographic observatory to define how the observatory can be
use to understand and document the evolution of landscapes of interest.
The present master’s thesis analyses the evolution of the sites contained in the agricultural strips identified
in the 1986 SOTAR study. The analysis was conducted using the general method for photographic
observatories (Guittet 2016). Data for the analysis was obtained from 16 sites and interviews with 20 rural
The analysis documents the progressive disappearance of agricultural strips. The decrease in farming
activities in portions of the territory led to the disappearance of barns, a restriction in visual perspective
and the arrival of non-farming population. The study highlights the importance of understanding the social
context in the transformation of rural landscapes.
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The Slow Violence of Business As Usual Planning: Racial Injustice in Public Health CrisesSharma, Monika 02 April 2021 (has links)
This thesis is a critical analysis of the normative planning practice in relation to the aspirational principles of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) (especially Section A, Part 1: Overall Responsibility to the Public). By exploring several dimensions of typical, or Business As Usual, planning practices in a local planning department in Springfield, Massachusetts and contextualized within larger planning concerns in the United States, I illustrate that socio-spatial, racialized oppression is deeply embedded in these common practices. Through a multimethod approach that includes historical survey, archival research, interviews, and direct observation, I argue that most professional planning operates from within antiquated frameworks that prioritize professionalism and expertise over genuine community engagement, relationality, and collective agency. This structure contributes to weakened trust in government and inequitable allocation of attention and resources, thereby reproducing inequity, particularly in disaster contexts. While these are my findings from site-specific research, I contend that such outcomes are evident in planning departments more generally. Thus, I conclude that the exacerbation of inequity during crises is not isolated, but instead a result of deeply embedded neoliberal planning practices. Specifically, I identify key barriers to equitable planning as 1) absence of care, 2) over-reliance on economic development, 3) disconnects between research and implementation, 4) degraded linking social capital and top-down public participation, and 5) illusions of objectivity in planning. These patterns contribute to what I, following Rob Nixon (2011), call slow violence against vulnerable populations through professional silence about and complicity in violent structures. Associating these trends with the violence of COVID-19 and racism, I find that planning may be participating in structural slow violence against communities of color, especially in Legacy Cities such as Springfield, Massachusetts. Finally, I call for a shift in planning practice, wherein we acknowledge and take responsibility for the unavoidable political role of the planner. I propose five steps to redirect our practices: 1) acknowledge our past, 2) reject illusions of objectivity, 3) identify injustices and define resilience collectively, 4) center care frameworks, and 5) invest in the implementation of research findings
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La prise en compte de la nordicité dans le design urbain des nouveaux aménagements dans la région métropolitaine de MontréalGuay-Marleau, Xavier 11 1900 (has links)
Considérant les hivers québécois de plus en plus changeants et imprévisibles, les nouvelles réalités hivernales telles la pluie, la glace et la névasse (gadoue ou sloche) en plus des conditions que l’on considère plus normales doivent être prises en compte dans les politiques et les aménagements urbains. Différents éléments climatiques peuvent influencer les choix et les patrons de déplacements ainsi que les activités extérieures. Les conditions climatiques hivernales que l’on connaît au Québec ont invariablement cet effet sur la manière d’aborder notre relation avec l’extérieur durant cette saison. De plus, dans une ère de changements climatiques où le développement durable est mis de l’avant et où l’on tente de reconnecter avec les identités locales pour créer un sens du lieu, il est intéressant de déterminer à quel niveau les spécificités de la saison hivernale québécoise sont prises en compte dans l’élaboration et la conception des aménagements urbains. L’objectif de cette recherche est donc de déterminer comment la nordicité se manifeste dans les politiques urbanistiques, le design urbain et en aménagement au Québec. Premièrement, la définition du concept de nordicité et les principes liés au design urbain adapté au climat (Climat sensitive urban design) ont permis de déterminer la façon dont les éléments liés à l’urbanisation et les éléments composant les phénomènes climatologiques interagissent entre eux pour créer des microclimats. Ceci a permis par la suite de déterminer les implications au Québec et d’explorer l’héritage québécois en matière d’adaptation au climat. Ensuite, l’analyse de trois nouveaux projets de développement urbain dans la région métropolitaine de Montréal soit le campus MIL et ses abords, le Square Candiac et le quartier Urbanova a permis d’observer la quasi-absence de prise en compte de la nordicité et des conditions hivernales dans la conception du design urbain et dans l’élaboration d’aménagements urbains de ces projets. Hormis la ville de Fermont qui est un exemple d’adaptation au climat, au Québec, les efforts qui sont mis pour faire accepter et apprécier l’hiver semblent demeurer dans la sphère de l’événementiel (festivals, activités sporadiques et éphémères hivernales) sans pour autant s’être rendu à percoler jusqu’à la conception de nos espaces urbains. Il y a toutefois une prise de conscience qui s’opère et les avantages d’avoir des environnements urbains adaptés au climat local et des formes urbaines qui permettent de créer des microclimats pour rendre des espaces plus invitants sont des solutions qui s’arriment avec les impératifs environnementaux qui prennent de plus en plus de place dans le débat public. / Considering that Quebec winters are more and more changeable and unpredictable, new winter realities such as rain, ice and slush, in addition to the conditions that are considered more normal, must be taken into account in urban policies and urban planning. Different climatic elements can influence the choices and patterns of travel as well as outdoor activities. The winter weather conditions we experience in Quebec invariably have this effect on how we relate with the outdoors during this season. Furthermore, in an era of climate change where sustainable development is put forward and where we try to reconnect with local identities to create a sense of place, it is interesting to determine at what level the specificities of Quebec winter season are taken into account in the design of urban development. The goal of this research is therefore to determine how nordicity manifests itself in urban design, urban planning and urban planning policies in Quebec. First, the definition of the concept of nordicity and the principles related to climate-sensitive urban design made it possible to determine how the elements related to urbanization and the elements making up climatological phenomena interact to create microclimates. This subsequently made it possible to determine the implications here in Quebec and to explore Quebec heritage in terms of climate adaptation. Then the analysis of three new urban development projects in the metropolitan region of Montreal, namely the MIL campus and its surroundings, the Square Candiac and the Urbanova District made it possible to observe the virtual absence of consideration for nordicity and winter conditions in the conception of the urban design for these projects. In Quebec, apart from the town of Fermont, which is an example of adaptation to the climate, the efforts made to make winter accepted and appreciated seem to remain in the sphere of events and has not yet succeeded in influencing the design of our urban spaces. However, there is a rise in awareness and the advantages of having urban environments adapted to the local climate and urban forms that allow the creation of microclimates to make spaces more inviting are solutions that align with the environmental issues that are taking more and more room in the public debate.
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Densification & affordability : comparative real estate projects across MontrealHo, Enoch Tim 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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