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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La figure de Bertrand Rocaforti : expériences, identités et stratégies d'ascension sociale en Provence au début du XVe siècle / The figure of Bertrand de Rocaforti : experiences, identities and social advancement strategies in Provence in the beginning of the 15th century

Gouffran, Laure-Hélène 05 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue une étude approfondie menée à partir d'un corpus inédit de sources de la pratique, sur la question de l'identité marchande et des formes de la domination sociale à Marseille, entre 1380 et 1430. À travers l'expérience individuelle de deux marchands contemporains et homonymes, les Bertrand Rocaforti, ce travail vise à une meilleure connaissance des élites urbaines dans une ville importante de l'Occident méditerranéen de la fin du Moyen Âge. Le recours à une démarche microhistorique, nous donne l'opportunité de dégager les grandes lignes de la carrière des deux Rocaforti dans un contexte difficile, celui des règnes de Louis II et Louis III d'Anjou, afin de mesurer les composantes de leur domination. Car les Rocaforti font partie, chacun à leur mesure, des élites de leurs communautés et appartiennent à des réseaux nombreux et croisés. Cette étude s'attarde par ailleurs sur l'influence des Franciscains - et notamment de leurs théories économiques dans la construction de l'identité marchande du début du XVe siècle -, en revenant en particulier sur les formes d'actions publiques des élites urbaines réalisées au nom du bien commun. / This thesis is an original corpus, pragmatic source led, indepth study in to the questions of a merchant's identity and forms of social dominance in Marseilles between 1380 and 1430. This work aims to achieve a better understanding of the urban elite within the context of a influential Western Mediterranean city at the end of the Middle Ages, through the experiences of two contemporary and honomous merchants:the Bertrand Rocafortis. A microhistoric approach allows us to shine a light on the careers of the two Rocafortis in a difficult context, that of the reigns of Louis II and Louis III d'Anjou and therefore analyse the different componants of their social dominance. Both Rocafortis belonged to elite urban circles and numerous socio-economic networks. This study will also focus on the influence of the Franciscans and notably their economic theories and how they impacted the construction of a merchant's identity at the beginning of the XVth century, in particular acts of the urban elite that were performed in the interest of the public good.

Malostranský graduál a jeho donátoři: Renesanční iluminovaný rukopis jako nástroj měšťanské reprezentace / Lesser Town gradual and its patrons: Renaissance illuminated manuscript as an instrument of burghers' representation.

DOKTOROVÁ, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the Malostranský gradual (hymnal, collection of religious songs for the laity), a significant Renaissance illuminated manuscript made in the second half of the 16th century for the literary confraternity at the church of St. Nicholas in the Lesser Town of Prague. In the introductory chapters, the author describes the contextual methodological approach through which she interprets the work, continues with the historical context of its creation, and provides an overview of the current research on this subject. In the main part of the thesis, she presents the individual donors, whose names are recorded on the folios of the manuscript. Based on written sources, the author discloses not only their identity, and profession, familial and friendship ties, or their economic background and social standing, but also answers the question, what is the motivation behind their donation, how did they influence the gradual's decoration, and how did they present themself in this artistic medium.

Entre l'Église et la ville : le chapitre et les chanoines à Barcelone au sortir de la guerre civile catalane (1472-1500) / Between the Church and the city : the chapter and the canons in Barcelona after the Catalan civil war (1472-1500)

Conesa Soriano, Julia 23 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur le chapitre cathédral de Barcelone et ses membres à la fin du XVe siècle. L'étude d'un tel établissement permet d'observer un acteur urbain majeur : le haut clergé séculier d’une cité tardo-médiévale. Au-delà de leurs attributions religieuses, évêques et chanoines se révèlent étroitement impliqués dans la destinée de la cité. Leurs fonctions leur octroient des terres, ce qui fait d'eux d'importants seigneurs fonciers dans la ville et ses abords. Le canonicat leur donne accès au « bras ecclésiastique » des institutions politiques de la Couronne d’Aragon telles que la Diputació del General et les Corts. Enfin, leurs origines sociales les insèrent dans les réseaux de relations personnelles qui structurent l'oligarchie urbaine : ils font pleinement partie de l'élite dirigeante barcelonaise tout en y occupant une place bien spécifique, du fait de leur appartenance à l’Église. Cette situation particulière les place à la jonction de réseaux de pouvoir, quelquefois antagonistes et quelquefois alliés : ceux de l’Église, ceux de l’élite politique municipale, ceux des groupes familiaux constituant l’oligarchie. Au sortir de la guerre civile catalane de 1462-1472, Barcelone, principale ville de Catalogne, connaît de profondes transformations socio-politiques, avec la formalisation du patriciat par l’établissement d’une « matricule », l’accès de la noblesse au gouvernement municipal et les opérations de redressement économique de la cité après les difficultés de la guerre. L’étude montre que le chapitre cathédral, pleinement intégré à l’élite dirigeante de la ville, est amené à jouer un rôle réel dans la vie publique de la cité en pleine mutation. / This PhD thesis analyses the cathedral chapter of Barcelona and its members at the end of the 15th century. This institution proves to be a major urban actor. Beyond their religious powers, bishops and canons proved to be closely involved in the history of Barcelona. Their functions grant them lands, which turn them into important landlords in the city and its surroundings. The canonicate gives them access to the "ecclesiastical arm" of the Crown of Aragon’s political institutions such as the Diputació del General de Catalunya and the Corts. Their social origins integrate them into the networks of personal relations that structure the urban oligarchy: they are fully part of the ruling elite of Barcelona and they occupy a very specific place there, because of their belonging to the Church. This situation places them at the junction of power networks, sometimes antagonistic and sometimes allied: those of the Church, those of the municipal political elite, and those of the family groups constituting the oligarchy. At the end of the Catalan Civil War of 1462-1472, Barcelona, main city of Catalonia, undergoes profound socio-political transformations: an official list of the patricians is established, the municipal government opens to the nobility and undertakes several economic recovery measures after the disturbances caused by the war. The study shows that the cathedral chapter, fully integrated with the ruling elite of the city, has to play a real role in the public life of the city during this period.

Élites, pouvoirs et vie municipale à Brest, 1750-1820 / No title

Baron, Bruno 23 June 2012 (has links)
Brest, ville portuaire et arsenal militaire, est une cité où quelques individus mènent de front une carrière publique et privée en s’appuyant parfois sur les circonstances politiques.Sous l’Ancien Régime, négociants et hommes de loi contrôlent la sphère municipale mais sont dominés par les élites sociales (officiers de marine, intendants de marine, noblesse de l’armée de terre) qui constituent l’essence du pouvoir dans la ville.Avec la Révolution, un nouveau personnel politique se met en place, on assiste alors à un renouvellement des élites. La noblesse militaire perd ses positions, les anciens notables se trouvent relégués à un rôle subalterne et une nouvelle génération de notabilités issue des changements révolutionnaires est toujours bien présente quand la monarchie fait son retour en 1815.Le rapprochement des évolutions institutionnelles et des parcours politiques des élites permet de dresser un état précis des structurations politiques et sociales locales au cours de ces soixante-dix ans.Au cours de cette période, les élites municipales brestoises parviennent à s’imposer à leurs concitoyens mais ne réussissent pas à imposer leurs vues quand il s’agit des relations avec les autorités supérieures. Elles sont toujours sous la coupe d’un commandant militaire ou d’un représentant direct de l’État. Le pouvoir municipal subit des changements et connaît des fluctuations importantes dans la réalité de ses pouvoirs et dans sa marge d’autonomie. / Brest, harbour city and military arsenal, was a city where some individuals managed public and private careers at the same time sometimes by relying on political circumstances.Under the Ancien Régime, traders and jurists controlled the municipal sphere but they were dominated by the social elites (naval officers, Navy quartermasters, Army nobility) who constituted the gist of the power in the city.With the Revolution, a new political personnel was set up, we attended to a renewal of the elites. The Army nobility lost its positions, former notables were relegated to a subordinate role and a new generation of notabilities stemming from revolutionary changes was still very present when the monarchy came back in 1815.The link between institutional evolutions and the political careers of elites enables us to draw up a precise state of local political and social structurings that occurred during these seventy years.During this period, Brest’s municipal elites succeeded in imposing upon their fellow countrymen but did not manage to impose their views concerning relations with superior authorities. They were always under a military governor or a direct representative of the state. The municipal power underwent changes and knew important fluctuations in the reality of its powers and in its degree of autonomy.

Italia meridionale longobarda (secoli VIII-IX) : competizione, conflittualità e potere politico

Zornetta, Giulia January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Lombard Southern Italy during the early middle ages and it analyses the history of political and social conflicts between the eighth and ninth century, taking into account the transformation of Lombard political power and social practices in this area. Starting from the eight-century judicial sources, this work explores political and social competition in the Beneventan region by taking into account its geographical position at the center of the Mediterranean see. Southern Italy was considered as a periphery, and sometimes as a frontier, by both the Carolingian and Byzantine empires, and endured almost a century of Muslims' attempts to conquer the peninsula. The first chapter focuses on the ducal period and investigates the formation and consolidation of the duke of Benevento's political authority before 774. During the seventh and eight centuries, the dukes developed a military and political autonomy in Southern Italy. This was due to the geographical position of the Duchy of Benevento in the Lombard Kingdom: it was far from Pavia, the king's capital city, and it was relatively isolated from other Lombard territories. Since a dynasty was established here as early as the seventh century, these dukes developed a strong and precocious political consciousness. As a result, they were particularly concerned with the formal representation of their authority, which is early attested in both coinage and diplomas. In this chapter, the analysis of the eight-century judicial records opens two important perspectives on the duke of Benevento's practices of power. Firstly, judicial assemblies were one of the most important occasions for the duke to demonstrate and exercise his authority in a public context. In contrast to all other Lombard dukes, who rendered judgement together with a group of officers, the duke of Benevento acted alone before the competing parties. By behaving exactly as the Lombard king would in Pavia, the duke was able to utilise the judicial domain as a sort of theatre in which to practice, legitimise and represent his own public authority in front of the local aristocracy. Secondly, the analysis of seven judicial case-studies suggests that the duke was not simply the sole political authority in Benevento but also the leading social agent in the whole Lombard southern Italy. Almost all the disputes transmitted by the twelfth-century cartularies implied a ducal action, donation or decision in the past, which became the main cause for later conflicts between the members of the lay élite and the monastic foundations of the region. Consequently, the analysis of judicial conflicts reveals more about the duke of Benevento's strategies and practices of power than about the lay and ecclesiastical élites' competition for power. Since there are no judicial records between 774 and the last decade of the ninth century, both conflicts and representations of authority in Lombard Southern Italy are analysed through other kinds of sources for this period. Chronicles, hagiographies, diplomas, and material sources are rich in clues about political and social competition in Benevento. By contrast, the late-ninth-century judicial records transmitted by cartularies and archives are quite different from the eighth-century documents: they have a bare and simple structure, which often hides the peculiarities of the single dispute by telling only the essentials of each conflict and a concise final judgement. In contrast to the sources of the ducal period, the ninth- and tenth-century judicial records often convey a flattened image of Lombard society. Their basic structure certainly prevents a focus on the representation of authority and the practices of power in southern Italy. On the contrary, these fields of inquiry are crucial to research both competition within the Beneventan aristocracy during the ninth century, and the relationship between Lombards and Carolingian after 774. After the fall of the Lombard Kingdom in 774, Charlemagne did not complete the military conquest of the Italian peninsula: the Duchy of Benevento was left under the control of Arechis (758-787), who proclaimed himself princeps gentis Langobardorum and continued to rule mostly independently. The confrontation and competition with the Frankish empire are key to understanding both the strengthening of Lombard identity in southern Italy and the formation of a princely political authority. The second account the historiography on the Regnum Italiae, the third section of this chapter focuses precisely on the ambitions of Louis II in Southern Italy and it analyses the implication that the projection of his rulership over this area had in shaping his imperial authority. Despite Louis II's efforts to control the Lombard principalities, his military and political experience soon revealed its limits. After the conquest of Bari in 871, Prince Adelchi imprisoned the emperor in his palace until he obtained a promise: Louis II swore not to return to Benevento anymore. Although the pope soon liberated the emperor from this oath, he never regained a political role in Southern Italy. Nevertheless, his prolonged presence in the region during the ninth century radically changed the political equilibrium of both the Lombard principalities and the Tyrrhenian duchies (i.e. Napoli, Gaeta, Amalfi). The fourth section focuses firstly on the competition between Louis II and Adelchi of Benevento, who obstinately defined his public authority in a direct competition with the Carolingian emperor. At the same time, the competition within the local aristocracy in Benevento radically changed into a small-scale struggle between the members of Adelchi's kingroup, the Radelchids. At the same time, some local officers expanded their power and acted more and more autonomously in their district, such as in Capua. When Louis II left Benevento in 871, both the Tyrrhenian duchies and the Lombard principalities in Southern Italy were profoundly affected by a sudden change in their mutual relations and even in their inner stability. The competition for power and authority in Salerno and Capua-Benevento also changed and two different political systems were gradually established in these principalities. Despite the radical transformation of internal competition and the Byzantine conquest of a large part of Puglia and Basilicata at the end of the ninth century, the Lombard principalities remained independent until the eleventh century, when Southern Italy was finally seized by Norman invaders.

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