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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploiting BioPortal as Background Knowledge in Ontology Alignment

Chen, Xi 11 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

SimPad - a drawing-based modeling tablet web application to support science education

Olsson, Axel January 2013 (has links)
With the increase of use with tablet computers comes new ways of interaction butalso new possibilities for learning. This creates a challenge for designers to create aviable interaction design. In this research, a set of interaction design guidelines andinteraction qualities are identi ed. Speci cally when designing natural user interfacesfor drawing-based modeling on tablet devices to support learning. The existingtablet computer manufacturer design guidelines are reviewed. Additionally, a webbasedtablet prototype designed and developed using an iterative design approachconsisting of design and creation coupled with design-based research and interactiondesign. The prototype is evaluated with eight representative end-users at a middleschoolin southern Sweden using a usability evaluation that is recorded with videoand analyzed through a signi cant event analysis. The results show that users enjoyworking with the prototype and they think that it can help them in their learning.The results also shows guidelines and a ordances for interaction design of interfacesfor drawing-based modeling tablet applications. The reasoning behind identifyingguidelines and a ordances is to provide researchers, designers, and others with themeans to minimize problems that may arise in the design of their own drawing-basedmodeling tools for education.

AGORAS: Augmented Generation of Reactive Ambients on Surfaces. Towards educational places for action, discussion and reflection to support creative learning on interactive surfaces

Catalá Bolós, Alejandro 19 July 2012 (has links)
La creatividad es una habilidad de especial interés para el desarrollo humano dado que es una de las dimensiones que permite al individuo y en última instancia a la sociedad enfrentarse a nuevos problemas y retos de forma satisfactoria. Además de entender la creatividad como una serie de factores relativos al individuo creativo, debe tenerse en cuenta que el grado de motivación intrínseca, el entorno y otros factores sociales pueden tener un efecto relevante sobre el desarrollo de esta importante habilidad, por lo que resulta de interés explorarla en el contexto de utilización de tecnologías de la información. En particular, dado que los procesos comunicativos, el intercambio de ideas y la interacción colaborativa entre individuos son un pilar fundamental en los procesos creativos, y también que en gran medida todas ellas son características mayormente facilitadas por las mesas interactivas, una de las principales contribuciones de esta tesis consiste precisamente en la exploración de la idoneidad de las superficies interactivas en tareas creativas colaborativas de construcción en estudiantes adolescentes. Partiendo del estudio realizado, que aporta evidencia empírica acerca de la adecuación de las superficies interactivas como tecnología de potencial para el fomento de la creatividad, esta tesis presenta AGORAS: un middleware para la construcción de ecosistemas de juegos 2D para mesas interactivas, y cuya idea final es entender actividades de aprendizaje más enriquecedoras como aquellas que permiten la propia creación de juegos y su posterior consumo. En el contexto de esta tesis también se ha desarrollado un toolkit básico para construcción de interfaces de usuario para superficies interactivas, se ha desarrollado un modelo de ecosistema basado en entidades que son simulables de acuerdo a leyes físicas; y se ha dotado al modelo de aproximación basada en reglas de comportamiento enriquecidas con expresiones dataflows y de su correspondiente editor para superficies. / Catalá Bolós, A. (2012). AGORAS: Augmented Generation of Reactive Ambients on Surfaces. Towards educational places for action, discussion and reflection to support creative learning on interactive surfaces [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16695

Leyline : a provenance-based desktop search system using graphical sketchpad user interface

Ghorashi, Seyed Soroush 07 December 2011 (has links)
While there are powerful keyword search systems that index all kinds of resources including emails and web pages, people have trouble recalling semantic facts such as the name, location, edit dates and keywords that uniquely identifies resources in their personal repositories. Reusing information exasperates this problem. A rarely used approach is to leverage episodic memory of file provenance. Provenance is traditionally defined as "the history of ownership of a valued object". In terms of documents, we consider not only the ownership, but also the operations performed on the document, especially those that related it to other people, events, or resources. This thesis investigates the potential advantages of using provenance data in desktop search, and consists of two manuscripts. First, a numerical analysis using field data from a longitudinal study shows that provenance information can effectively be used to identify files and resources in realistic repositories. We introduce the Leyline, the first provenance-based search system that supports dynamic relations between files and resources such as copy/paste, save as, file rename. The Leyline allows users to search by drawing search queries as graphs in a sketchpad. The Leyline overlays provenance information that may help users identify targets or explore information flow. A limited controlled experiment showed that this approach is feasible in terms of time and effort. Second, we explore the design of the Leyline, compare it to previous provenance-based desktop search systems, including their underlying assumptions and focus, search coverage and flexibility, and features and limitations. / Graduation date: 2012

"Interação profissional de saúde e usuário hipertenso: contribuição para a não-adesão ao regime terapêutico" / Health professional and hypertensive health service user interaction: contribution to the non-adherence to the therapeutic regime.

Reiners, Annelita Almeida Oliveira 17 January 2005 (has links)
Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: compreender a perspectiva do profissional de saúde e do usuário hipertenso sobre a interação que ocorre entre eles no contexto da atenção em unidades públicas de saúde e analisar de que forma essa interação contribui para a não-adesão ao regime terapêutico. A metodologia aplicada para o desenvolvimento do estudo foi a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados e o referencial teórico utilizado para a análise dos dados e interpretação dos resultados foi o Interacionismo Simbólico, além da literatura existente sobre o assunto. Ao todo, quinze profissionais de saúde e dez usuários fizeram parte da pesquisa. Ao final, foram encontradas seis categorias (duas delas, centrais) e outras subcategorias as quais, depois de um processo elaborado de comparações, relações e integração compuseram a proposição teórica que a autora fez sobre a interação entre o usuário e o profissional de saúde e da qual extraiu elementos para analisar a contribuição que essa interação tem para a não-adesão ao regime terapêutico. A autora concluiu que a interação, por ser pautada no modelo biomédico, centralizada no profissional de saúde, desigual, assimétrica e distanciada, tem elementos que podem estar contribuindo para a não- adesão do usuário ao regime terapêutico. Concluiu também que a principal ação que o profissional de saúde utiliza para promover a adesão do usuário ao regime terapêutico – a conscientização – tem sido ineficaz uma vez que se baseia no modelo tradicional de educação em saúde e no qual o usuário não é considerado como sujeito. Outra conclusão é a de que o usuário, por estar administrando o regime terapêutico à sua maneira, tem feito indicações ao profissional de saúde sobre sua forma de ver, entender e conviver com a hipertensão arterial e o regime terapêutico que nem sempre é congruente com o que o profissional de saúde quer e espera dele. Esta pesquisa aponta para a necessidade do profissional de saúde e outras instâncias políticas de decisão repensarem a interação profissional / usuário nos moldes que tem acontecido atualmente e para a necessidade de mudanças no modo de pensar e agir em relação ao usuário e com ele. / The aims of this research were to understand the perspective of the health professional and the hypertensive user about the interaction that occurs between them in the context of the service in health units and to analyze how this interaction contributes to the non-adherence to the therapeutic regime. The methodology applied for the development of the study was the Grounded Theory and the theoretical reference used for the analysis of the data and interpretation of the results was the Symbolic Interacionism, as well as existing literature on the subject. In all, fifteen health professionals and ten users were involved in the research. At the end, six categories were found (two of which were central) and other subcategories which, after an elaborated process of comparisons, relations and integration composed the theoretical proposal that the author made about the interaction between the user and the health professional and from which some elements were extracted in order to analyze the contribution that this interaction makes to the nonadherence to the therapeutic regime. The author concluded that the interaction, being based in the biomedical model, was centered in the health professional, was unequal, asymmetric and distant, and has elements that could be contributing to the user non-adherence to the therapeutic regime. It was also concluded that the main action that the health professional uses to make the user adhere to thetherapeutic regime – making the user aware of it – has been ineffective because it is based on the traditional model of health education in which the user is not considered individually. Another conclusion is that the user since he is managing the therapeutic regime in his own way has made indications to the health professional of his way of seeing, understanding and dealing with the arterial hypertension and the therapeutic regime that is not always congruent with what the health professional wants and expects of him. This research points to the necessity of the health professional and other policy-making forums to rethink the health professional/user interaction in the molds that have happened currently, and for the necessity of change in the way of thinking and of acting in relation to and with the user.

Design d'expériences transmédia pour l'engagement en formation (DEEXTEF) / Design of transmedia experiences for training engagement

Mbambe Bebey, Danielle 19 December 2018 (has links)
Nous décrivons le phénomène d’engagement à travers des expériences transmédia coconstruites avec les bénéficiaires dans le contexte de la formation pour adultes. Nous abordons ce terrain en faisant l’hypothèse qu’un transmédia à valeur expérientielle permet d’accroitre la participation des sujets pour consolider l’engagement en formation. Cette hypothèse ouvre la perspective d’une médiation de type transmédia capable, d’intégrer des objectifs d’exploitation scientifique de l’engagement et de valorisation de la participation et de l’attention qui pourraient être intéressants pour d’autres corpus.À partir d’un cadre d’analyse centré sur les bénéficiaires des transactions, notre enquête met en exergue différentes formes d’engagement suivant des transmédia hybrides aux caractéristiques spécifiques. La complémentarité de ces transmédia a favorisé divers régimes d’engagement observés de façon ponctuelle, pour un engagement sur la durée. / We describe the phenomenon of engagement through co-constructed transmedia experiences with the beneficiaries in the context of adult education. We approach this ground on the assumption that a transmedia with experiential value makes it possible to increase the participation of subjects to consolidate the commitment in training. This hypothesis opens up the prospect of a transmedia type of mediation capable of integrating the objectives of scientific exploitation for the commitment and enhancement of participation and the attention that could be interesting for other corpuses. Based on an analysis framework focused on the beneficiaries of transactions, our survey highlighted different forms of hybrid transmedia engagement with specific characteristics. The complementarity of these transmedia has favoured various commitment regimes observed on an ad hoc basis for a long-term commitment.

Room layout estimation on mobile devices / Création de plans d’intérieur avec une tablette

Angladon, Vincent 27 April 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse CIFRE est d’étudier et de tirer parti des derniers appareils mobiles du marché pour générer des 3D des pièces observées. De nous jours, ces appareils intègrent un grand nombre de capteurs, tel que des capteurs inertiels, des cameras RGB, et depuis peu, des capteurs de profondeur. Sans compter la présence de l’écran tactile qui offre une interface pour interagir avec l’utilisateur. Un cas d’usage typique de ces modèles 3D est la génération de plans d’intérieur, ou de fichiers CAO 3D (conception assistée par ordinateur) appliques a l’industrie du bâtiment. Le modèle permet d’esquisser les travaux de rénovation d’un appartement, ou d’évaluer la fidélité d’un chantier en cours avec le modèle initial. Pour le secteur de l’immobilier, la génération automatique de plans et modèles 3D peut faciliter le calcul de la surface habitable et permet de proposer des visites virtuelles a d’éventuels acquéreurs. Concernant le grand public, ces modèles 3D peuvent être intégrés a des jeux en réalité mixte afin d’offrir une expérience encore plus immersive, ou pour des applications de réalité augmentée, telles que la décoration d’intérieur. La thèse a trois contributions principales. Nous commençons par montrer comment le problème classique de détection des points de fuite dans une image, peut être revisite pour tirer parti de l’utilisation de données inertielles. Nous proposons un algorithme simple et efficace de détection de points de fuite reposant sur l’utilisation du vecteur gravite obtenu via ces données. Un nouveau jeu de données contenant des photos avec des données inertielles est présenté pour l’évaluation d’algorithmes d’estimation de points de fuite et encourager les travaux ultérieurs dans cette direction. Dans une deuxième contribution, nous explorons les approches d’odométrie visuelle de l’état de l’art qui exploitent des capteurs de profondeur. Localiser l’appareil mobile en temps réel est fondamental pour envisager des applications reposant sur la réalité augmentée. Nous proposons une comparaison d’algorithmes existants développés en grande partie pour ordinateur de bureau, afin d’étudier si leur utilisation sur un appareil mobile est envisageable. Pour chaque approche considérée, nous évaluons la précision de la localisation et les performances en temps de calcul sur mobile. Enfin, nous présentons une preuve de concept d’application permettant de générer le plan d’une pièce, en utilisant une tablette du projet Tango, équipée d’un capteur RGB-D. Notre algorithme effectue un traitement incrémental des données 3D acquises au cours de l’observation de la pièce considérée. Nous montrons comment notre approche utilise les indications de l’utilisateur pour corriger pendant la capture le modèle de la pièce. / Room layout generation is the problem of generating a drawing or a digital model of an existing room from a set of measurements such as laser data or images. The generation of floor plans can find application in the building industry to assess the quality and the correctness of an ongoing construction w.r.t. the initial model, or to quickly sketch the renovation of an apartment. Real estate industry can rely on automatic generation of floor plans to ease the process of checking the livable surface and to propose virtual visits to prospective customers. As for the general public, the room layout can be integrated into mixed reality games to provide a better immersiveness experience, or used in other related augmented reality applications such room redecoration. The goal of this industrial thesis (CIFRE) is to investigate and take advantage of the state-of-the art mobile devices in order to automate the process of generating room layouts. Nowadays, modern mobile devices usually come a wide range of sensors, such as inertial motion unit (IMU), RGB cameras and, more recently, depth cameras. Moreover, tactile touchscreens offer a natural and simple way to interact with the user, thus favoring the development of interactive applications, in which the user can be part of the processing loop. This work aims at exploiting the richness of such devices to address the room layout generation problem. The thesis has three major contributions. We first show how the classic problem of detecting vanishing points in an image can benefit from an a-priori given by the IMU sensor. We propose a simple and effective algorithm for detecting vanishing points relying on the gravity vector estimated by the IMU. A new public dataset containing images and the relevant IMU data is introduced to help assessing vanishing point algorithms and foster further studies in the field. As a second contribution, we explored the state of-the-art of real-time localization and map optimization algorithms for RGB-D sensors. Real-time localization is a fundamental task to enable augmented reality applications, and thus it is a critical component when designing interactive applications. We propose an evaluation of existing algorithms for the common desktop set-up in order to be employed on a mobile device. For each considered method, we assess the accuracy of the localization as well as the computational performances when ported on a mobile device. Finally, we present a proof of concept of application able to generate the room layout relying on a Project Tango tablet equipped with an RGB-D sensor. In particular, we propose an algorithm that incrementally processes and fuses the 3D data provided by the sensor in order to obtain the layout of the room. We show how our algorithm can rely on the user interactions in order to correct the generated 3D model during the acquisition process.

Aten??o ao usu?rio em um centro de refer?ncia HIV/Aids: perspectiva de profissionais e usu?rios

Carvalho, Ana L?cia de Souza 30 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:19:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaLS.pdf: 754560 bytes, checksum: 4352ce162cb36ae915a586c0706ec693 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-30 / We study the health care focused on care in an intercessor and dialogical relationship with the User, which involves the construction of therapeutic projects essential to the quality of the treatment of the user in health services, and it is necessary individual and collective actions. It is intended to acknowledge and analyze the perception of social subjects, users and professionals on the treatment given to a user of a Specialized Outpatient Service (Servi?o Ambulatorial Especializado SAE) in STD/HIV/AIDS state reference in Natal, RN. The study is structured in a transdisciplinary vision of science and knowledge, theoretical and methodological principles that give meaning to the expression of the institutional features of care and health care reconnecting them to the social context. As a research strategy we seek the expressions of 56 subjects of social research, which agreed to participate in the sample, from a symbolic map of the attention, coupled with the techniques of observation and semi-structured interview. For the analysis of the results, five categories of analysis were established: the meaning of the service, care perception, process of communication and interaction, treatment perception and organization and evaluation of the service. It is argued that the attention and care are developed in a technical health care assistance to the disease, focusing on attention based on treatment, on diagnostic and drug therapy of antiretroviral drugs, reflecting the traditional biomedical paradigm of attention to the disease. This is also the mode of organization of practical actions in daily SAE: the therapy proves to be fragmented in several specialties, vertical and feeds the same model, generating tension and overload for professionals; showing impersonal care focused on structured and informative technology, unrelated to an interactive dialogic. From the speech of the subjects, the SAE is understood as the place of confrontation with the disease, but also enables greater elaboration of the illness by meeting their peers. Living with HIV and AIDS is living with concern, apprehension and fear, but mainly with the stigma, prejudice and exclusion, which require that the disease is kept in secret. There is a movement of forces and power, expressed in the knowledge-power of those who dominate the technical and administrative capabilities, devices that concentrate the maintenance of the medicalization of care, rapid consultations and with little attention, making it difficult to interact with and listen to, combined with structural failures, organizational and inadequate management of the service. We conclude that there are dimensions that are not considered in the internal dynamics of the care service multiple forms, characterized by care conflicting models, marked by individual interventions related to the disease. The subject is not considered together with his speech as technical discourse is imposed and care production based on material technology is observed / Estuda-se a aten??o ? sa?de centrada no cuidar, em uma rela??o intercessora e dial?gica com o usu?rio, que envolve a constru??o de projetos terap?uticos essenciais para a qualidade do tratamento do usu?rio nos servi?os de sa?de, sendo fundamentais a??es individuais e coletivas. Tem-se como objetivo conhecer e analisar a percep??o dos sujeitos sociais, usu?rios e profissionais, sobre o tratamento dispensado ao usu?rio de um Servi?o Ambulatorial Especializado em DST/HIV/Aids, refer?ncia estadual em Natal, RN. Articulam-se, em uma vis?o transdisciplinar da ci?ncia e do conhecimento, referenciais te?rico-metodol?gicos que possam dar sentido ? express?o das caracter?sticas institucionais da aten??o e do cuidado em sa?de, religando-as ao contexto social. Como estrat?gia de pesquisa, buscam-se as express?es dos 56 sujeitos sociais da investiga??o, que aceitaram participar da amostra, a partir de uma cartografia simb?lica da aten??o, associada a t?cnicas de observa??o e entrevista semi-estruturada. Para an?lise dos resultados, estabeleceram-se cinco categorias de an?lise: significado do servi?o, percep??o do atendimento; processo de comunica??o e intera??o; percep??o do tratamento e organiza??o e avalia??o do servi?o. Discute-se que a aten??o e o cuidado desenvolvem-se em uma assist?ncia tecno-assistencial ? doen?a, centrados em uma aten??o focada no tratamento, na solicita??o de exames e na terap?utica medicamentosa dos anti-retrovirais, reflexo do paradigma tradicional biom?dico de aten??o ? doen?a. Este tamb?m ? o modo de organiza??o das a??es pr?ticas no cotidiano do SAE: a conduta terap?utica mostra-se fragmentada nas diversas especialidades, verticalizada e retro-alimentada no mesmo modelo, gerando tens?o e sobrecarga aos profissionais; evidenciam-se atendimentos impessoais focados em tecnologias estruturadas e informativas, desvinculadas da dial?gica interativa. A partir dos discursos dos sujeitos, o SAE ? interpretado como o lugar do confronto com a doen?a, mas tamb?m possibilita maiores elabora??es do adoecer pelo encontro com os iguais. Conviver com o HIV e Aids ? conviver com receios, apreens?o e medo, mas principalmente com o estigma, o preconceito e a exclus?o, o que requer o sigilo da doen?a. H? circula??o de for?as e de poder, expressos no saber-poder t?cnico-profissional e administrativo, dispositivos que concentram a manuten??o da medicaliza??o do atendimento, consultas r?pidas e com pouca aten??o, o que dificulta a intera??o e a escuta, aliados a falhas estruturais, organizacionais e a um gerenciamento inadequado do servi?o. Conclui-se que h? dimens?es n?o consideradas na din?mica interna das m?ltiplas formas do cuidar, caracterizado pelo modelo conflitante da aten??o, marcado por interven??es individuais relacionadas ? doen?a. Desconsidera-se o sujeito de seu discurso, imputando-lhe discursos tecnicistas, e observa-se a produ??o do cuidado baseada na tecnologia material

"Interação profissional de saúde e usuário hipertenso: contribuição para a não-adesão ao regime terapêutico" / Health professional and hypertensive health service user interaction: contribution to the non-adherence to the therapeutic regime.

Annelita Almeida Oliveira Reiners 17 January 2005 (has links)
Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: compreender a perspectiva do profissional de saúde e do usuário hipertenso sobre a interação que ocorre entre eles no contexto da atenção em unidades públicas de saúde e analisar de que forma essa interação contribui para a não-adesão ao regime terapêutico. A metodologia aplicada para o desenvolvimento do estudo foi a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados e o referencial teórico utilizado para a análise dos dados e interpretação dos resultados foi o Interacionismo Simbólico, além da literatura existente sobre o assunto. Ao todo, quinze profissionais de saúde e dez usuários fizeram parte da pesquisa. Ao final, foram encontradas seis categorias (duas delas, centrais) e outras subcategorias as quais, depois de um processo elaborado de comparações, relações e integração compuseram a proposição teórica que a autora fez sobre a interação entre o usuário e o profissional de saúde e da qual extraiu elementos para analisar a contribuição que essa interação tem para a não-adesão ao regime terapêutico. A autora concluiu que a interação, por ser pautada no modelo biomédico, centralizada no profissional de saúde, desigual, assimétrica e distanciada, tem elementos que podem estar contribuindo para a não- adesão do usuário ao regime terapêutico. Concluiu também que a principal ação que o profissional de saúde utiliza para promover a adesão do usuário ao regime terapêutico – a conscientização – tem sido ineficaz uma vez que se baseia no modelo tradicional de educação em saúde e no qual o usuário não é considerado como sujeito. Outra conclusão é a de que o usuário, por estar administrando o regime terapêutico à sua maneira, tem feito indicações ao profissional de saúde sobre sua forma de ver, entender e conviver com a hipertensão arterial e o regime terapêutico que nem sempre é congruente com o que o profissional de saúde quer e espera dele. Esta pesquisa aponta para a necessidade do profissional de saúde e outras instâncias políticas de decisão repensarem a interação profissional / usuário nos moldes que tem acontecido atualmente e para a necessidade de mudanças no modo de pensar e agir em relação ao usuário e com ele. / The aims of this research were to understand the perspective of the health professional and the hypertensive user about the interaction that occurs between them in the context of the service in health units and to analyze how this interaction contributes to the non-adherence to the therapeutic regime. The methodology applied for the development of the study was the Grounded Theory and the theoretical reference used for the analysis of the data and interpretation of the results was the Symbolic Interacionism, as well as existing literature on the subject. In all, fifteen health professionals and ten users were involved in the research. At the end, six categories were found (two of which were central) and other subcategories which, after an elaborated process of comparisons, relations and integration composed the theoretical proposal that the author made about the interaction between the user and the health professional and from which some elements were extracted in order to analyze the contribution that this interaction makes to the nonadherence to the therapeutic regime. The author concluded that the interaction, being based in the biomedical model, was centered in the health professional, was unequal, asymmetric and distant, and has elements that could be contributing to the user non-adherence to the therapeutic regime. It was also concluded that the main action that the health professional uses to make the user adhere to thetherapeutic regime – making the user aware of it – has been ineffective because it is based on the traditional model of health education in which the user is not considered individually. Another conclusion is that the user since he is managing the therapeutic regime in his own way has made indications to the health professional of his way of seeing, understanding and dealing with the arterial hypertension and the therapeutic regime that is not always congruent with what the health professional wants and expects of him. This research points to the necessity of the health professional and other policy-making forums to rethink the health professional/user interaction in the molds that have happened currently, and for the necessity of change in the way of thinking and of acting in relation to and with the user.

Entwicklung eines mehrbenutzerfähigen projektionsbasierten VR-Systems und Untersuchung ausgewählter Aspekte der Nutzerinteraktion

Küszter, Vincent 05 January 2016 (has links)
Virtuelle Realität (VR) wird seit Jahrzehnten in Industrie und Forschung sowie im Unterhaltungssektor genutzt. Dabei sind die verwendeten VR-Systeme meist nur auf einen Nutzer ausgelegt, wodurch es für andere Betrachter zu perspektivischen Verzerrungen kommt. Um mehreren Personen ein visuell gleichberechtigtes Nutzen des VR-Systems zu ermöglichen, muss jedem Nutzer eine individuelle Perspektive vermittelt werden. Es wird ein Klassifikationsschema vorgestellt, anhand dessen für verschiedene Interaktionsszenarien Anforderungen für eine derartige Hardwareumsetzung ableitbar sind. Um ausgewählte Aspekte der Mehrbenutzerinteraktionen zu untersuchen, wurde eine Prototypenplattform erstellt, mit der eine vielfältige Palette von Interaktionsszenarien für zwei Nutzer umgesetzt werden kann. Eine parallel zu dieser Arbeit entstandene mehrbenutzerfähige Powerwall und eine Erweiterung dieser zu einer L-Bench wurden genutzt, um mit zwei Studien ausgewählte Aspekte der Interaktion mehrerer Benutzer in VR empirisch zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden zwei Anwendungen kreiert: ein Puzzlespiel, welches eine Informationsasymmetrie zwischen den Nutzern simuliert, sowie ein Objekteinpassungsspiel, welches die Interaktion um eine körperliche Komponente erweitert. Mit diesen wurde untersucht, welche Sichtwechselmetapher zur Auflösung der Asymmetrie am besten geeignet ist.

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