Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ser study"" "subject:"user study""
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Usable Security and Privacy for Secure Messaging ApplicationsVaziripour, Elham 01 December 2018 (has links)
The threat of government and corporate surveillance around the world, as well as the publicity surrounding major cybersecurity attacks, have increased interest in secure and private end-to-end communications. In response to this demand, numerous secure messaging applications have been developed in recent years. These applications have been welcomed and publically used not just by political activists and journalists but by everyday users as well. Most of these popular secure messaging applications are usable because they hide many of the details of how encryption is provided. The strength of the security properties of these applications relies on the authentication ceremony, wherein users validate the keys being used for encryption that is exchanged through the service providers. The validation process typically involves verifying the fingerprints of encryption keys to protect the communication from being intercepted.In this dissertation, we explore how to help users enhance the privacy of their communica- tions, with a particular focus on secure messaging applications. First, we explore whether secure messaging applications are meeting the security and privacy needs of their users, especially in countries that practice censorship and restrict civil liberties, including blocking access to social media and communication applications. Second, we studied existing popular secure messaging applications to explore how users interact with these applications and how well they are using the authentication ceremony during lab studies. Third, we applied design principles to improve the interfaces for the authentication ceremony, and also to help users find and perform the authentication ceremony faster. Forth, we applied the lessons from our interviews with participants in our user studies to help users comprehend the importance of authentication. As part of the effort, we developed an authentication ceremony using social media accounts to map key fingerprints to social features, pushing the ceremony to a more natural domain for users. We modified the Signal secure messaging application to include this social authentication ceremony and used a user study to compare this method to other common methods. We found that social authentication has some promising features, but that social media companies are too distrusted by users. Based on our results, we make several recommendations to improve the use of security and privacy features in secure messaging applications and outline areas for future work.
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Animations Effect on Reading Comprehension in Web-based User Interfaces / Animationers Påverkan på Användares Läsförståelse i Webbaserade GränssnittNordahl, Sanna January 2016 (has links)
When it comes to web-based user interfaces and web design, one of today’s trends is to use informative and storytelling animations. They can be used as tools for communication, simplifying the interaction, or guiding the user’s attention. However, those animations used in a web- based user interface can slow down the interaction and the user flow and become a distraction for the user. Three popular informative and storytelling animations that are used in web design are: background video, animated slideshows, and parallax scrolling. In order to understand what effect these informative animations have on the users’ reading comprehension on websites — four prototypes were created in Adobe Muse. A user study in form of an A/ B testing followed by a questionnaire were conducted, showing that the three different animations affected the reading comprehension negative. While they at the same time also brought an entertaining feeling to the user experience (UX).
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Beyond algorithms: A user-centered evaluation of a feature recommender system in requirements engineeringLasisi, Oluwatobi 12 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Several studies have applied recommender technologies to support requirements engineering activities. As in other application areas of recommender systems (RS), many studies have focused on the algorithms’ prediction accuracy, while there have been limited discussions around users’ interactions with the systems. Since recommender systems are designed to aid users in information retrieval, they should be assessed not just as recommendation algorithms but also from the users’ perspective. In contrast to accuracy measures, user-related issues can only be effectively investigated via empirical studies involving real users. Furthermore, researchers are becoming increasingly aware that the effectiveness of the systems goes beyond recommendation accuracy, as many factors can be relevant to their adoption besides accuracy. To better understand recommender systems in RE, it has become necessary to explore them from users’ perspectives. Consequently, this research evaluates a feature recommender system from users’ perspectives adopting the “Recommender systems’ Quality of user experience” (ResQue) model - a user-centered evaluation model from the RS field. This was done by designing a content-based feature recommender system and then assessing it from the users’ view point. A between-subjects user study was conducted involving two groups of participants, an experimental and a control group. The experimental group interacted with the feature recommender system while developing a list of software requirements for a software product (an antivirus software). In contrast, the control group performed the same task without receiving support from the recommender. After completing the task, both groups completed a post-task evaluation questionnaire, including questions about their experiences and opinions about the task they completed. In addition, participants in the experimental group rated their perceptions of various aspects of the recommender; question items were adapted from the ResQue questionnaire. Users’ subjective evaluation of the recommender was investigated using the ResQue constructs - perceived system qualities, user beliefs, user attitudes, and behavioral intentions. Additionally, the impact of recommendations on the requirements elicitation process was assessed in terms of the process and outcome level measures. Possible qualitative differences were also examined. Users' preferences were identified, and possible HCI issues requiring attention in recommender systems used in RE are discussed.
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Mapping detected periodic dance movements to control tempo in the music playback of Electronic Dance Music / Kartläggande av analyserade periodiska dansrörelser för att kontrollera tempo av elektronisk dansmusikJap, Lilian January 2019 (has links)
Engaging in the music set of one’s favorite artist or DJ is oftentimes leading to the result of a powerful and euphoric felt experience, a sensation partly also induced from dancing in beat to the music. In an attempt to simulate a similar dance experience, a user-study was designed in order to investigate when a user is let to dance in rhythm to a music playback and in addition, in control of a music playback tempo through the induced dance movements. A proof-of-concept prototype was built and tested in an initial study, followed by a main study where the prototype had been modified and 12 participants participated. A questionnaire was given containing various question statements to be rated through a Likert-scale regarding their subjective experience. Open-ended questions were also included to collect their own opinions. From the results, an enhanced engagement and enjoyment of the music could be identified when being able to manipulate the tempo. / Att engagera sig i ett musikset av ens favoritartist eller DJ leder ofta till resultatet av en kraftfull och euforisk känsloupplevelse, en känsla delvis framkallat av att man dansar i takt med musiken. I ett försök att simulera en liknande dansupplevelse undersöker denna användarstudie när en användare dansar i rytm till musik och dessutom är i kontroll av tempot genom de skapade dansrörelserna. En proof-of-concept prototyp konstruerades och testades i en första studie, följt av en huvudstudie där prototypen hade modifierats och 12 deltagare deltog. Ett frågeformulär gavs med olika frågor som skulle bedömas via en Likert-skala, med avseende på deras subjektiva erfarenhet. Öppna frågor ingick också för att samla deras egna åsikter. Från resultaten kunde ett ökat engagemang och en förhöjd njutning av musiken identifieras när man kunde manipulera tempot.
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Product development of an ergonomic and sustainable iron designed for its context : Advanced Development SDA at Electrolux / Produktutveckling av ett ergonomisk och hållbart strykjärn designat för sin omgivning : Primärutveckling på ElectroluxFredriksson, Kristin, Österlind, Emilia January 2018 (has links)
This report presents the process of a product development of an iron with technicallyimproved functions, an ergonomic evaluation with suggestion of improvement and a designprocess of an iron designed for the context it will be used in. The master thesis was written bytwo master students from Industrial Engineering and Management department of The RoyalInstitute of Technology at the Advanced Development department at Electrolux.A literature study was performed using KTH search tool Primo for articles of scientific heightalong with a state of the art and market analysis and a patent search. After the literature studythe process moved over to an investigation or different ironing methods inspired by thestandard IEC 60311. The result was used in combination with literature study to developtechnical prototypes which concluded in one final product.A user study was completed with a survey, observation and deeper interviews to understandusers’ needs which resulted in insights, personas and customer journeys. The user studyfindings were thereafter analysed and categorised into a list of opportunity of improvements,function analysis and list of requirements. These were used as tools when continuing withidea generation and prototype development. The prototypes resulted in a technical solutionand an ergonomic study focusing on the angle of the handle. User tests were completed withinboth areas which resulted in recommendations and suggestions based on user needs.A design concept was developed alongside the prototyping process. This process consisted ofsketches, models and a final design based on three mood boards describing Electrolux, thecontext the iron is used and design guidelines for the new iron.The final product resulted in an ergonomic and sustainable iron with a design which blendswith the interior of a home. The handle was suggested to be 30o in relation to the soleplate toenable a relaxing posture for the wrist and body. / Denna rapport presenterar en produktutvecklingsprocess av ett strykjärn med teknisktförbättrade funktioner, en ergonomisk utvärdering med förslag på förbättring och endesignprocess av ett strykjärn designat för det sammanhang det används i. Examensarbetetslutfördes av två master studenter från Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, KTH, förPrimärutvecklingsavdelningen på Electrolux.En litteraturstudie utfördes med hjälp av KTHs sökverktyg Primo för artiklar av vetenskaplighöjd tillsammans med en State of the Art, marknadsanalys och en patentsökning. Efterlitteraturstudien fortsatte processen med en undersökning av olika strykningsmetoder medhjälp av standarden IEC 60311. Resultatet användes i kombination med litteraturstudien vidutveckling av tekniska prototyper.En användarstudie genomfördes inkluderande en enkätundersökning, observation ochdjupare intervjuer för att förstå användarnas behov. Detta resulterade i flera insikter, personasoch kundresor. Resultatet av användarstudierna analyserades därefter och sammanfattadestill en lista med möjligheter till förbättringar, en funktionsanalys och kravspecifikation. Dessaanvändes som verktyg i det fortsatta arbetet med idégenerering och prototyputveckling.Prototyperna resulterade i en teknisk lösning och en ergonomisk studie med fokus påhandtagets vinkel. Användartester utfördes för båda prototypområdena, vilket resulterade irekommendationer och förslag baserat på användarnas behov.Ett designkoncept utvecklades parallellt med de två prototypprocesserna. Denna processbestod av skisser, modeller och en slutlig design baserad på tre MoodBoards, en som beskriverElectrolux, en för omgivningen som strykjärnet används och en med design riktlinjer för detnya strykjärnet.Slutprodukten resulterade i ett ergonomiskt och hållbart strykjärn med en design som passarin i ett hem. Handtaget föreslås vara 30o mot stryksulan för att möjliggöra en meravslappnande hållning för handleden och kroppen.
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Pen-based Methods For Recognition and Animation of Handwritten Physics SolutionsCheema, Salman 01 January 2014 (has links)
There has been considerable interest in constructing pen-based intelligent tutoring systems due to the natural interaction metaphor and low cognitive load afforded by pen-based interaction. We believe that pen-based intelligent tutoring systems can be further enhanced by integrating animation techniques. In this work, we explore methods for recognizing and animating sketched physics diagrams. Our methodologies enable an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) to understand the scenario and requirements posed by a given problem statement and to couple this knowledge with a computational model of the student's handwritten solution. These pieces of information are used to construct meaningful animations and feedback mechanisms that can highlight errors in student solutions. We have constructed a prototype ITS that can recognize mathematics and diagrams in a handwritten solution and infer implicit relationships among diagram elements, mathematics and annotations such as arrows and dotted lines. We use natural language processing to identify the domain of a given problem, and use this information to select one or more of four domain-specific physics simulators to animate the user's sketched diagram. We enable students to use their answers to guide animation behavior and also describe a novel algorithm for checking recognized student solutions. We provide examples of scenarios that can be modeled using our prototype system and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of our current prototype. Additionally, we present the findings of a user study that aimed to identify animation requirements for physics tutoring systems. We describe a taxonomy for categorizing different types of animations for physics problems and highlight how the taxonomy can be used to define requirements for 50 physics problems chosen from a university textbook. We also present a discussion of 56 handwritten solutions acquired from physics students and describe how suitable animations could be constructed for each of them.
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Deepfake detection by humans : Face swap versus lip sync / Människors förmåga att upptäcka deepfakes : Face swap mot lipsyncSundström, Isak January 2023 (has links)
The term “deepfakes” refers to media content that has been manipulated using deep learning. This thesis project seeks to answer the question of how well humans are able to detect deepfakes. In particular, the project compares people’s ability to detect deepfakes between two different deepfake categories; face swap and lip sync. In order to achieve this, a perceptual user test was performed, in which 30 participants were given a number of lip sync, face swap and unaltered videos and were asked to classify which of them were unaltered and which of them were manipulated using deepfake technology. These results serve to fill in the gap in knowledge regarding perceptual user tests on deepfakes, for which only a small amount of research has been made. The results also serve to shed light on which types of deepfakes pose the biggest threat regarding the problem of malicious impersonation. The main conclusion from this study was that lip sync is likely harder for humans to detect than face swap. The percentage of correct classifications of lip sync videos was 52.7%, and the percentage of correct classifications of face swap videos was 91.3%. / Deepfakes är videor som har blivit manipulerade med hjälp av deep learning. Detta examensarbete utforskar huvudsakligen två olika kategorier av deepfakes, dessa två är: face swap och lip sync. Syftet med projektet är att svara på frågan: Hur bra är människor på att se om en video innehåller deepfakes eller inte? Dessutom ställs frågan: Vilken typ av deepfake mellan face swap och lip sync är svårare för människor att märka av? För att svara på dessa frågor genomfördes en användarsudie där 30 deltagare fick titta på ett antal lip sync, face swap och icke-manipulerade videor, och fick sedan försöka avgöra vilka av dom som var manipulerade och vilka som inte var manipulerade. Resultaten från den här studien hjälper till att fylla kunskapsklyftan som finns angående människors förmåga att upptäcka deepfakes, där bara en väldigt begränsad mängd studier finns. Resulaten kan också användas för att peka ut på vilka typer av deepfakes som utgör större hot angående lurendrejeri. Slutsatsen från studien var att lip sync är troligtvis svårare för människor att märka av än face swap, eller åtminstone för datasetet FakeAVCeleb. Andelen korrekta gissningar för lip sync videorna i studien var 52.7%, medan andelen korrekta gissningar för face swap var 91.3%.
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Accessibility in Social Media : Facebook and the Older AdultJeansson Hall, Angie, Al-Hadeethi, Arshed, Gustafsson, Jenny January 2024 (has links)
In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in the percentage of seniors using social media, yet few studies have been conducted to understand the challenges underlying social network utilisation by seniors. By understanding what motivates seniors to use social media, the difficulties they encounter while using them and what would be an inclusive social media from their perspective is paramount for designing inclusive user interfaces that suit this growing population. This study explores the accessibility challenges faced by older adults, specifically those aged over sixty, when using social media platforms by focussing on Facebook as a case study. Through a heuristic evaluation and a user study this research assesses Facebook’s compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and specific usability issues faced by people over sixty. The focus is on understanding the barriers that hinder effective engagement of older adults on social media platforms. Our findings highlight significant areas where Facebook fails to meet accessibility standards, potentially leading to digital exclusion of the elderly. The study also discusses the broader implications of these findings, emphasising the need for more inclusive design practices in social media platforms to accommodate the diverse needs of older adults. This research seeks to contribute to the field of inclusive design and accessibility by providing insights into how social media platforms can become more accommodating and accessible to older users.
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Human-Drone Interaction Failures / Misslyckanden inom människo-drönarinteraktionerRahimzadagan, Noah January 2023 (has links)
Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become increasingly important in recent years. They are essential in many areas, such as crop monitoring and delivering critical medicine to hard-to-reach areas. This thesis delves into the often-overlooked aspect of failures within the multidisciplinary Human Drone Interactions (HDI) field. Specifically, it examines how these failures correlate with two dependent variables: trust and risk-taking. Despite the importance of understanding failures in HDI for its wider acceptance and integration, there is an evident gap in research on this topic, highlighting the importance of this work. Previous studies indicate that trust in emerging technologies is pivotal in their adoption. To investigate the correlations in question, a user study was conducted in which participants operated a drone within a confined space, navigating an obstacle course for a monetary reward. The experiment was divided into two trial blocks. Specific failures were simulated during one of the trial blocks, the failure trial block. The nonfailure trial block included no simulated failures. Participants were subject to both trial blocks in randomized orders. Subsequently, participants were surveyed on trust and risk aversion. Our findings revealed a statistically significant correlation between HDI failures and diminished trust. However, no discernible connection between HDI failures and risk-taking was observed. The results are interesting as they suggest that failures could cause lower trust in drones. / Drönare har blivit allt mer framträdande under de senaste åren. De är väsentliga inom flertalet områden, bland annat inom övervakning av jordbruksfält och medicinleveranser till svåråtkomliga platser. Detta examensarbete behandlar ämnet misslyckanden inom det tvärvetenskapliga området människodrönarinteraktioner. I detta examensarbete undersöks om misslyckanden inom människodrönarinteraktioner korrelerar med tillit och risktagande. Tidigare studier indikerar att tillit för nya tekniker kan vara avgörande för deras acceptans. För att undersöka misslyckanden inom människodrönarinteraktioner genomfördes en användarstudie där deltagarna manövrerade en drönare inom ett avgränsat utrymme, och navigerade genom en hinderbana där deltagarna kunde vinna en monetär belöning. Experimentet delades in i två provblock. Specifika misslyckanden simulerades under ett av provblocken, som var felprovblocket. Icke-felprovblocket innehöll inga simulerade fel. Deltagarna utsattes för båda provblocken i slumpmässig ordning. Därefter tillfrågades deltagarna om tillit och riskaversion i enkäter. Våra resultat visade en statistisk signifikans på korrelation mellan misslyckanden och minskat förtroende. Det observerades ingen korrelation mellan misslyckanden och risktagande. Resultaten är intressanta eftersom de antyder att misslyckanden kan orsaka lägre förtroende för drönare.
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Explainable AI for supporting operators in manufacturing machines maintenance : Evaluating different techniques of explainable AI for a machine learning model that can be used in a manufacturing environment / Förklarlig AI för att stödja operatörer inom tillverkning underhåll av maskiner : Utvärdera olika tekniker för förklarabar AI för en maskininlärningsmodell som kan användas i en tillverkningsmiljöDi Flumeri, Francesco January 2022 (has links)
Monitoring and predicting machine breakdowns are of vital importance in the manufacturing industry. Machine Learning models could be used to improve these breakdown predictions. However, the operators responsible for the machines need to trust and understand the predictions in order to base their decisions on the information. For this reason, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, XAIs, was introduced. It is defined as the set of Artificial Intelligence systems that can provide predictions in an intelligible and trustful form. Hence, the purpose of this research is to study different techniques of Explainable Artificial Intelligence XAIs in order to discover the most suitable methodology for allowing people without a machine learning background, employed in a manufacturing environment, to understand and trust predictions. Four XAI interfaces have been tested: three integrated XAI techniques were identified through a literature review, and one was presenting an experimental XAIs facility based on a machine learning model for outliers identification. In order to predict future machines’ states, classifiers based on Random Forest were built, while for identifying anomalies a model based on Isolation Forest was built. In addition, a user study was carried out in order to discern end-users perspectives about the four XAI interfaces. Final results showed that the XAI interface based on anomalous production values gained high approval among users with no or basic machine learning knowledge. / Övervakning och förutsägelse av maskinhaverier är av avgörande betydelse inom tillverkningsindustrin. Machine Learning-modeller kan användas för att förbättra dessa förutsägelser om sammanbrott. De operatörer som ansvarar för maskinerna måste dock lita på och förstå förutsägelserna för att kunna basera sina beslut på informationen. Av denna anledning introducerades Explainable Artificial Intelligence, XAIs. Det definieras som en uppsättning artificiell intelligenssystem som kan ge förutsägelser i en begriplig och pålitlig form. Därför är syftet med denna forskning att studera olika tekniker för Explainable Artificiell Intelligens XAIs för att upptäcka den mest lämpliga metoden för att låta människor utan maskininlärningsbakgrund, anställda i en tillverkningsmiljö, förstå och lita på förutsägelser. Fyra XAIgränssnitt har testats: tre integrerade XAI-tekniker identifierade genom en litteraturgenomgång, och en presenterade en experimentell XAI-anläggning baserad på en maskininlärningsmodell för identifiering av extremvärden. För att förutsäga framtida maskiners tillstånd byggdes klassificerare baserade på Random Forest, medan för att identifiera anomalier byggdes en modell baserad på Isolation Forest. Dessutom genomfördes en användarstudie för att urskilja slutanvändarnas perspektiv på de fyra XAI-gränssnitten. Slutresultaten visade att XAI-gränssnittet baserat på onormala produktionsvärden fick högt godkännande bland användare utan någon eller grundläggande kunskap om maskininlärning.
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