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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wearables im industriellen Einsatz

Ziegler, Jens 18 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die industrielle Instandhaltung ist ein erheblicher Kostenfaktor während der Betriebsphase einer verfahrenstechnischen Produktionsanlage. Insbesondere der Mangel an technischen Möglichkeiten zum Informationsaustausch des Instandhaltungspersonals mit der digitalen Anlage während der Arbeiten im Feld erzeugt hohe Kosten. Durch die entstehenden Medienbrüche sinkt die Qualität der Informationen in der Digitalen Anlage erheblich. Mobile Informationssysteme können diese Medienbrüche beseitigen und die Informationsqualität in der Digitalen Anlage entscheidend verbessern. Das Konzept der Distributed Wearable User Interfaces (DWUI) stellt einen integrierten Ansatz zur flexiblen Zusammenstellung gebrauchstauglicher Benutzungsschnittstellen für komplexe Arbeitsabläufe in widrigen Arbeitssituationen bereit. Diese setzen sich aus Interaktionsgeräten zusammen, die in einem kabellosen körpernahen Funknetzwerk miteinander verbunden sind und in ihrer Kombination die Benutzungsschnittstelle zu einem mobilen System bilden. Die Geräte sind ergonomisch und funktional optimal am Körper des Nutzers verteilt, wobei jedes Gerät eigenständig nutzbar und für eine bestimmte Aufgabe oder einen bestimmten Nutzungskontext optimiert ist. Die Ein- und Ausgaberäume der Geräte werden in einem integrierten Interaktionsraum harmonisiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird zunächst der Nutzungskontext der mobilen IT-gestützten Instandhaltung verfahrenstechnischer Produktionsanlagen im Hinblick auf Nutzungsszenarien und Anwendungsfälle für mobile Informationssysteme festgelegt. Darauf aufbauend werden Anforderungen an derartige Systeme spezifiziert und Gestaltungsgrundlagen und Empfehlungen speziell für DWUI-basierte mobile Informationssysteme erarbeitet. Anschließend wird eine Reihe spezieller Interaktionsgeräte vorgestellt, die verschiedene Interaktionsprinzipien, Techniken und Modalitäten umsetzen. Um diese Geräte in einem kollaborativen DWUI organisieren zu können, wird ein spezielles Kommunikationsprotokoll entworfen und prototypisch umgesetzt. Eine mobile Anwendung zur Instandhaltungsunterstützung wird vorgestellt, welche das DWUI-Kommunikationsprotokoll unterstützt und mit verschiedenen DWUI-Konfigurationen vollständig bedienbar ist. Diese Anwendung wird integriert in ein komplexes Unternehmensnetzwerk, über das sie Zugriff auf industrietypische computergestützte Planungswerkzeuge erhält. Anhand des resultierenden Gesamtsystems werden die prinzipielle Tauglichkeit und die Vorteile des DWUI-Konzepts demonstriert.

應用脈絡分析於銀髮族數位影像之使用者研究 / Applying Contextual Design in Personal Digital Photograph User Research

麥圃鳴, Mai, Pu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以銀髮族為主要的研究對象,採用脈絡分析法了解銀髮族於日常生活中的影像使用行為,經由在受訪者住所進行的深度訪談與行為觀察,探究數位影像與銀髮族的關連,日常生活的影像使用行為,與數位影像工具對銀髮族使用數位影像的影響。根據對銀髮族的影像使用行為與影像工具和情境故事的彙整,本研究歸納出三種銀髮族影像使用行為的核心價值,分別為分享、典藏和記錄。   此外研究中對使用影像行為的過程與不同使用工具的詮釋,也說明了不同影像工具因功能條件限制,為高齡使用者帶來的使用障礙與排斥使用的現象。根據本研究對銀髮族使用影像行為的活動脈絡,與針對情境故事進行的脈絡分析,所提出相關影像活動使用工具的設計建議與銀髮族影像服務未來的發展方向,將使未來的數位影像相關產品服務,更貼近年長使用者的生活需求。 / Through the contextual inquiries, understanding about the present usage and motivation of older people toward digital photography in their ordinary life are revealed. According to these scenarios from deep interviews and field observation, three different core values of photo usage behaviors to older people are identified, including sharing, archiving and recording.   Besides, the differences between photo usage behaviors and tools in these uses help us explain the obstacle of photo usage and the difficulties for adopting photography of mobile device by older people. Based on the knowledge above, proposing concrete directions of developing the applications of future digital photo technologies that actually fit in with older user’s needs are pointed out.

A produção do usuário e seu uso sumário: discursos da clientela de um NAPS / The user’s production and its concise application: discourses from a NAPS clientele

Machado, Sergio Bacchi 11 August 2006 (has links)
Partindo de uma abordagem da figura polêmica da loucura como domínio estratégico de inúmeras relações de poder que não majoritariamente orientadas por princípios restritivos, esta dissertação enfoca a produção do sujeito “usuário" em um NAPS (Núcleo de Atenção Psicossocial) – instituição pública de saúde mental vinculada ao movimento da Luta Antimanicomial. Para tanto, transcrições de entrevistas com os usuários foram analisadas segundo o método de análise institucional de discurso. Visou-se, com isso, ao estudo da constituição do sujeito no discurso – o que implica tanto o seu vínculo com a instituição quanto a interlocução que se configura com o entrevistador no ato mesmo da entrevista. Empreendendo uma analítica do discurso do usuário – em detrimento de classificações psiquiátricas ou psicopatológicas impostas aos sujeitos –, realizou-se o delineamento de singularidades por meio da positivação desses discursos. Por fim, confrontando as análises das entrevistas, buscou-se mapear as regularidades discursivas e as diversas correlações de força. Temas como violência, médicos, sexualidade, medicamentos e cotidiano institucional são abordados nesta pesquisa, sempre tendo por base o discurso dos usuários. / Starting with an approach of the controversial image of insanity as a controlling strategy of various power relationships, which are not mostly guided by restrictive principles, this dissertation focuses on the subject’s production, a user in a NAPS (Social and Psychological Attention Centre) – public institution of mental care, which is linked to the “Anti-Mental Hospital" fight. Therefore, transcriptions of users’ interviews were analyzed according to the institutional discourse analysis method. For the objective of studying the subject’s constitution in the discourse – which implies its relation to the institution and the conversation configured with the interviewer during the interview. Applying the user’s discourse analysis – in disregard of psychiatric or psychopathological categories imposed on the subjects – was made the outline of singularities through the assertiveness of those discourses. At last, comparing the interviews’ analyses, we intended to map discourse regularities and various power correlations. Topics like violence, medicals, sexuality, medicine and institutional daily life are always approached in this research, keeping the users’ discourse as support.

Assessment of spectrum-based fault localization for practical use / Avaliação de localização de defeitos baseada em espectro para uso prático

Souza, Higor Amario de 17 April 2018 (has links)
Debugging is one of the most time-consuming activities in software development. Several fault localization techniques have been proposed in the last years, aiming to reduce development costs. A promising approach, called Spectrum-based Fault localization (SFL), consists of techniques that provide a list of suspicious program elements (e.g., statements, basic blocks, methods) more likely to be faulty. Developers should inspect a suspiciousness list to search for faults. However, these fault localization techniques are not yet used in practice. These techniques are based on assumptions about the developer\'s behavior when inspecting such lists that may not hold in practice. A developer is supposed to inspect an SFL list from the most to the least suspicious program elements (e.g., statements) until reaching the faulty one. This assumption leads to some implications: the techniques are assessed only by the position of a bug in a list; a bug is deemed as found when the faulty element is reached. SFL techniques should pinpoint the faulty program elements among the first picks to be useful in practice. Most techniques use ranking metrics to assign suspiciousness values to program elements executed by the tests. These ranking metrics have presented similar modest results, which indicates the need for different strategies to improve the effectiveness of SFL. Moreover, most techniques use only control-flow spectra due to the high execution costs associated with other spectra, such as data-flow. Also, little research has investigated the use of SFL techniques by practitioners. Understanding how developers use SFL may help to clarify the theoretical assumptions about their behavior, which in turn can collaborate with the proposal of techniques more feasible for practical use. Therefore, user studies are a valuable tool for the development of the area. The goal of this thesis research was to propose strategies to improve spectrum-based fault localization, focusing on its practical use. This thesis presents the following contributions. First, we investigate strategies to provide contextual information for SFL. These strategies helped to reduce the amount of code to be inspected until reaching the faults. Second, we carried out a user study to understand how developers use SFL in practice. The results show that developers can benefit from SFL to locate bugs. Third, we explore the use of data-flow spectrum for SFL. Data-flow spectrum singles out faults significantly better than control-flow spectrum, improving the fault localization effectiveness. / Depuração é uma das atividades mais custosas durante o desenvolvimento de programas. Diversas técnicas de localização de defeitos têm sido propostas nos últimos anos com o objetivo de reduzir custos de desenvolvimento. Uma abordagem promissora, chamada Localização de Defeitos baseada em Espectro (LDE), é formada por técnicas que fornecem listas contendo elementos de código (comandos, blocos básicos, métodos) mais suspeitos de conter defeitos. Desenvolvedores deveriam inspecionar uma lista de suspeição para procurar por defeitos. No entanto, essas técnicas de localização de defeitos ainda não são usadas na prática. Essas técnicas baseiam-se em suposições sobre o comportamento de desenvolvedores durante a inspeção de tais listas que podem não ocorrer na prática. Um desenvolvedor supostamente inspeciona uma lista de LDE a partir do elemento mais suspeito para o menos suspeito até atingir o elemento defeituoso. Essa suposição leva a algumas implicações: as técnicas são avaliadas somente pela posição dos defeitos nas listas; um defeito é considerado como encontrado quando o elemento defeituoso é atingido. Técnicas de LDE deveriam posicionar os elementos de código defeituosos entre as primeiras posições para serem úteis na prática. A maioria das técnicas usa métricas de ranqueamento para atribuir valores de suspeição aos elementos executados pelos testes. Essas métricas de ranqueamento têm apresentado resultados semelhantes, o que indica a necessidade de estratégias diferentes para melhorar a eficácia de LDE. Além disso, a maioria das técnicas usa somente espectros de fluxo de controle devido ao alto custo de execução associado a outros espectros, tais como fluxo de dados. Também, poucas pesquisas têm investigado o uso de técnicas de LDE por programadores. Entender como desenvolvedores usam LDE pode ajudar a esclarecer as suposições teóricas sobre seu comportamento, o que por sua vez pode para colaborar para a proposição de técnicas mais viáveis para uso prático. Portanto, estudos com usuários são importantes para o desenvolvimento da área. O objetivo desta pesquisa de doutorado foi propor estratégias para melhorar a localização de defeitos baseada em espectro focando em seu uso prático. Esta tese apresenta as seguintes contribuições originais. Primeiro, nós investigamos estratégias para fornecer informação de contexto para LDE. Essas estratégias ajudaram a reduzir quantidade de código a ser inspecionado até atingir os defeitos. Segundo, nós realizamos um estudo com usuários para entender como desenvolvedores usam LDE na prática. Os resultados mostram que desenvolvedores podem beneficiar-se de LDE para localizar defeitos. Terceiro, nós exploramos o uso de espectros de fluxo de dados para LDE. Mostramos que o espectro de fluxo de dados seleciona defeitos significamente melhor que espectro de fluxo de controle, aumentando a eficácia de localização de defeitos.

Mapping detected periodic dance movements to control tempo in the music playback of Electronic Dance Music / Kartläggande av analyserade periodiska dansrörelser för att kontrollera tempo av elektronisk dansmusik

Jap, Lilian January 2019 (has links)
Engaging in the music set of one’s favorite artist or DJ is oftentimes leading to the result of a powerful and euphoric felt experience, a sensation partly also induced from dancing in beat to the music. In an attempt to simulate a similar dance experience, this user-study examines when a user is let to dance in rhythm to a music playback and in addition, in control of a music playback tempo through the generated dance movements. A proof-of-concept prototype was built and tested in an initial study, followed by a main study where the prototype had been modified and 12 participants participated. A questionnaire was given containing various question statements to be rated through a Likert-scale regarding their subjective experience. Open-ended questions were also included to collect their own opinions. From the results, an enhanced engagement and enjoyment of the music could be identified when being able to manipulate the tempo. / Att engagera sig i ett musik-set av ens favoritartist eller DJ leder ofta till resultatet av en kraftfull och euforisk känsloupplevelse, en känsla delvis framkallat av att man dansar i takt med musiken. I ett försök att simulera en liknande dansupplevelse undersöker denna användarstudie när en användare dansar i rytm till musik och dessutom är i kontroll av tempot genom de skapade dansrörelserna. En proof-of-concept prototyp konstruerades och testades i en första studie, följt av en huvudstudie där prototypen hade modifierats och 12 deltagare deltog. Ett frågeformulär gavs med olika frågor som skulle bedömas via en Likert-skala, med avseende på deras subjektiva erfarenhet. Öppna frågor ingick också för att samla deras egna åsikter. Från resultaten kunde ett ökat engagemang och en förhöjd njutning av musiken identifieras när man kunde manipulera tempot.

VAST: A Human-Centered, Domain-Independent Video Analysis Support Tool

Nordt, Marlo Faye 2008 December 1900 (has links)
Providing computer-aided support for human analysis of videos has been a battle of extremes. Powerful solutions exist, but they tend to be domain-specific and complex. The user-friendly, simple systems provide little analysis support beyond basic media player functionality. We propose a human-centered, domain-independent solution between these two points. Our proposed model and system, VAST, is based on our experience in two diverse video analysis domains: science and athletics. Multiple-perspective location metadata is used to group related video clips together. Users interact with these clip groups through a novel interaction paradigm ? views. Each view provides a different context by which users can judge and evaluate the events that are captured by the video. Easy conversion between views allows the user to quickly switch between contexts. The model is designed to support a variety of user goals and expertise with minimal producer overhead. To evaluate our model, we developed a system prototype and conducted several rounds of user testing requiring the analysis of volleyball practice videos. The user tasks included: foreground analysis, ambiguous identification, background analysis, and planning. Both domain novices and experts participated in the study. User feedback, participant performance, and system logs were used to evaluate the system. VAST successfully supported a variety of problem solving strategies employed by participants during the course of the study. Participants had no difficulty handling multiple views (and resulting multiple video clips) simultaneously opened in the workspace. The capability to view multiple related clips at one time was highly regarded. In all tasks, except the open-ended portion of the background analysis, participants performed well. However, performance was not significantly influenced by domain expertise. Participants had a favorable opinion of the system?s intuitiveness, ease of use, enjoyability, and aesthetics. The majority of participants stated a desire to use VAST outside of the study, given the opportunity.

Online Music Knowledge: The Case of the Non-musician

Lam, Margaret 12 December 2011 (has links)
Five cases of ‘non-musicians’ learning how to make music were used to explore the information practice of users in the domain of music to support the design of music information systems and platforms. In all five cases, the use of online music knowledge was situated within a larger process of self-directed learning, as well as the larger socio-musical world of the non-musicians. Effective access to and use of available resources is paradoxically predicated on a non-musician’s ability to articulate their information needs using terms with which they are not yet familiar. The findings articulate the information practice of non-musicians as being characterized by the emergent nature of their information needs and the exploratory nature of their information practice. In particular, the user’s socio-musical world, learning or knowledge trajectories, as well as their modes of learning offer an innovative approach to understanding and anticipating music information needs.

Online Music Knowledge: The Case of the Non-musician

Lam, Margaret 12 December 2011 (has links)
Five cases of ‘non-musicians’ learning how to make music were used to explore the information practice of users in the domain of music to support the design of music information systems and platforms. In all five cases, the use of online music knowledge was situated within a larger process of self-directed learning, as well as the larger socio-musical world of the non-musicians. Effective access to and use of available resources is paradoxically predicated on a non-musician’s ability to articulate their information needs using terms with which they are not yet familiar. The findings articulate the information practice of non-musicians as being characterized by the emergent nature of their information needs and the exploratory nature of their information practice. In particular, the user’s socio-musical world, learning or knowledge trajectories, as well as their modes of learning offer an innovative approach to understanding and anticipating music information needs.

Near touch interactions: understanding grab and release actions.

Balali Moghaddam, Aras 17 August 2012 (has links)
In this work, I present empirically validated techniques to realize gesture and touch interaction using a novel near touch tracking system. This study focuses on identifying the intended center of action for grab and release gestures close to an interactive surface. Results of this experiment inform a linear model that can approximate the intended location of grab and release actions with an accuracy of R^2 = 0.95 for horizontal position and R^2 = 0.84 for vertical position. I also present an approach for distinguishing which hand was used to perform the interaction. These empirical model data and near touch tracking system contributions provide new opportunities for natural and intuitive hand interactions with computing surfaces. / Graduate

Um olhar para a educação de usuários do Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Santiago, Sandra Maria Neri 14 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-16T15:23:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1208181 bytes, checksum: cb7ab2952188965a56dbb1c29a210aad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / User education is a segment of real value, in view of that, users acquire new behaviors in using the library and establish interaction with the information system. This research aims to examine the existing user education practices in the Libraries that comprise the SIB/UFPE. This is a case study, with an exploratory and descriptive character. The methodology adopted covers a desk research, a bibliographical research and a field research, the latter being composed of two steps. The universe is composed of 12 librarians with a direction and coordination position in the Libraries of SIB/UFPE and 42 students from the 7th semester of Librarianship. The random sample is directed only to the students category, which represents 95% of the universe. We used as instruments of data collection the questionnaires, programs and reports relating to the user education activities developed by the libraries. To analyze the data, we used a qualitative and quantitative approach, prioritizing some elements of content analysis. In the first step of the research we identified that the SIB/UFPE is composed of 12 University Libraries: 11 located in academic centers, and one without link with any center. The libraries were created in different years, 1830, 1968, 1974, 1976, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1997, 1994 and 2006. The numbers of registered users are respectively from the Libraries: CAV with a total of 1,084, CCJ 1,707, CTG 2,963, Reitor Ednaldo Bastos Library 4,446, and the Yves Marie Gilles de Maupeou Library 2,499, totaling 12,699 users. The staff is composed of a number of 257, being 72 librarians, 80 administrative assistants, 105 fellows and 10 other professionals. The Libraries of SIB/UFPE conduct user education activities of both formal and informal type. For the evaluation of the activities carried out, the instrument used is the questionnaire. The main difficulty found for holding the activities was the institutional barrier. The possibilities of accomplishment were understood from the perspective that the respondents are aware of the importance of seeking improvements in the quality and effectiveness of the activities undertaken on behalf of its users. In the second step of the research, the results show that most of the users are female, aged 21 to 24 years, student as occupation, family income between 1 and 3 minimum wages, considered actual users of the libraries. The users do not have difficulties regarding the use of the informational products and services offered by the libraries, but it is necessary to consider the answers to other questions where the interpersonal barrier was revealed. The study reveals that the user education practices in the Libraries of SIB/UFPE are geared to informality, requiring adjustments to achieve the informational desires of its users; ratifies the need to implement a user education policy, to guide the service; and presents some guidelines for establishing such policy. We conclude therefore that the findings of this research corroborate the literature of the area, because the education of users within the University Libraries is considered essential, necessary and of great relevance. / A educação de usuários é um segmento de real valor, tendo em vista que, os usuários adquirem novos comportamentos frente ao uso da biblioteca e estabelecem interação com o sistema de informação. Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar as práticas de educação de usuários existentes nas Bibliotecas que compõem o SIB/UFPE. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, de cunho exploratório e descritivo. A metodologia adotada abrange uma pesquisa documental, bibliográfica e de campo, sendo esta última composta de duas etapas. O universo é composto por 12 bibliotecários com cargo de direção e coordenação nas Bibliotecas do SIB/UFPE e 42 alunos do 7º período do curso de Biblioteconomia. A amostra, aleatória, é direcionada apenas para a categoria de alunos, que representa 95% deste universo. Utilizamos como instrumento de coleta de dados o questionário, os programas e os relatórios referentes às atividades de educação de usuários desenvolvidas pelas bibliotecas. Para analisar os dados, utilizamos uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, priorizando alguns elementos da análise do conteúdo. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa, identificamos que o SIB/UFPE é composto por 12 bibliotecas universitárias: 11 localizadas em centros acadêmicos, e uma sem vínculo com centro algum. As bibliotecas foram criadas em diferentes anos, 1830, 1968, 1974, 1976, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1997, 1994 e 2006. Os números de usuários cadastrados são respectivamente das Bibliotecas: do CAV com um total de 1.084, do CCJ 1.707, do CTG 2.963, da Biblioteca Reitor Ednaldo Bastos 4.446, e da Biblioteca Yves Marie Gilles de Maupeou 2.499, totalizando 12.699 usuários. O quadro de funcionários é composto por um número de 257, sendo 72 bibliotecários, 80 assistentes administrativos, 105 bolsistas e 10 outros profissionais. As Bibliotecas do SIB/UFPE realizam atividades de educação de usuários tanto do tipo formal como informal. Para a avaliação das atividades desenvolvidas, o instrumento utilizado é o questionário. A principal dificuldade encontrada para a realização das atividades foi a barreira institucional. As possibilidades de realização foram entendidas sob a perspectiva de que os pesquisados têm consciência da importância de buscar melhorias na qualidade e efetividade das atividades desenvolvidas em prol de seus usuários. Na segunda etapa da pesquisa, os resultados demonstram que a maioria dos usuários é do sexo feminino, faixa etária entre 21 a 24 anos, ocupação de estudante, renda familiar entre 1 a 3 salários mínimos, considerados usuários reais das bibliotecas. Os usuários não possuem dificuldades quanto ao uso dos serviços e produtos informacionais oferecidos pelas bibliotecas, porém é necessário levar em consideração respostas a outras questões onde foi revelada a barreira interpessoal. O estudo revela que as práticas de educação de usuários nas Bibliotecas do SIB/UFPE estão voltadas para a informalidade, carecendo de ajustes para alcançar os desejos informacionais dos seus usuários; ratifica a necessidade de implantar uma política de educação de usuários, para nortear o serviço e apresenta algumas diretrizes para o estabelecimento dessa política. Concluímos, então, que os achados da pesquisa corroboram a literatura da área, pois a educação de usuários no âmbito das bibliotecas universitárias é considerada imprescindível, necessária e de grande relevância.

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