Spelling suggestions: "subject:"usury."" "subject:"toury.""
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Assessing financing models to the goals of sustainable consumptionAboobaker, Yusuf 07 April 2010 (has links)
The interpretive, exploratory research reached conclusions from historical secondary data regarding financing models, namely interest-based and non-interest-based methods of financing with respect to the concept of sustainable consumption. The purpose of the research was to demonstrate that the way we manage our finances has an effect on the concept of sustainable consumption and its goals. The outcome of the research showed us that there is a definite linkage between the variables, especially in light of general systems theory, and concludes that the interest-based financing model is negatively aligned to the goal of sustainable consumption. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / Unrestricted
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Prohibitions against loans at interest : a pentateuchal problemDavidson, Corinne January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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Determinants of yield spreads on corporate bonds /Kharabe, Prakash Shamrao January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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OperaÃÃes de crÃdito: um estudo de caso sobre financiamentos para os setores rural, comercial e industrial / Operations of credit: a study of case on financings for the sectors agricultural, commercial and industrialFrancisco Tavares de Miranda Filho 25 March 2008 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este trabalho trata de um estudo de caso que tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos da usura e do anatocismo no processo de endividamento bancÃrio em uma amostra de 60
operaÃÃes de crÃdito. Todas as observaÃÃes sÃo devedores inadimplentes e aguardando decisÃo judicial pertinentes à comarca de ParnaÃba, norte do estado do PiauÃ, tendo operaÃÃes contratadas no perÃodo de 1994 a 2003. Foi feita uma breve anÃlise dos aspectos histÃricos, jurÃdicos e econÃmicos da polÃtica de crÃdito no Brasil envolvendo os setores rural, comercial e industrial, declinando sobre os aspectos legais da cobranÃa bancÃria ante a conjuntura econÃmica. Como metodologia, utilizou-se uma pesquisa de campo, realizada com os 60 mutuÃrios quando do ajuizamento das operaÃÃes para auxiliar na avaliaÃÃo dos efeitos da usura e do anatocismo quanto à evoluÃÃo das dÃvidas. A conclusÃo a que se chegou à que a usura e o anatocismo foram fatores que contribuÃram para que tais operaÃÃes chegassem à situaÃÃo de inadimplÃncia. Ressalte-se, porÃm, que o poder de generalizar tais resultados à limitado, dada a falta de informaÃÃo do efeito da usura e do anatocismo sobre os
tomadores adimplentes. / This case study aims to investigate the effects of usury and compound interest in the process of acquiring bank debt. The sample was made up of sixty (60) credit
transactions, initiated from 1994-2003, all of which are in default and awaiting judicial rulings in the district court of ParnaÃba. A brief analysis of the historical, judicial and politico-economical aspects of credit in Brazil relating to the rural, commercial and industrial sectors is included with emphasis given to the legal aspects of debt collection and economic status. As methodology, a field study was undertaken, achieved with the sixty (60) borrowers during their judgment in order to assist the evaluation of the effects of usury and compound interest in the evolution of the debts. The conclusion reached is that usury and compound interest application were factors that contributed to the debt arriving at the point of default. It should be emphasized, however, that the power of said
result does not extend to any and all type of credit transaction.
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Usury as a Human Problem in Shakespeare's Merchant of VenicePetherbridge, Steven January 2017 (has links)
Shakespeare’s Shylock from the Merchant of Venice is a complex character who not only defies simple definition but also takes over a play in which he is not the titular character. How Shakespeare arrived at Shylock in the absence of a Jewish presence in early modern England, as well as what caused the playwright to humanize his villain when other playwrights had not is the subject of much debate. This thesis shows Shakespeare’s humanizing of Shylock as a blurring of the lines between Jews and Christians, and as such, a shift of usury from a uniquely Jewish problem to a human problem. This shift is then explicated in terms of a changing England in a time where economic necessity challenged religious authority and creating compassion for a Jew on the stage created compassion symbolically for Christian usurers as well.
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Generative metaphor: filiation and the disembodied father in Shakespeare and JonsonPenuel, Suzanne Marie 06 August 2010 (has links)
This project shows how Jonson and Shakespeare represent dissatisfactions with filiation and paternity as discontents with other early modern discourses of cultural reproduction, and vice versa. Chapters on six plays analyze the father-child tie as it articulates sensitivities and hopes in remote arenas, from usury law to mourning rites, humanism to Judaism, witchcraft to visions of heaven. In every play, the father is disembodied. He is dead, invisible, physically separated from his child, or represented in consistently incorporeal terms. In its very formlessness, the vision of paternity as abstraction is what makes it such a flexible metaphor for Renaissance attitudes to so many different forms of cultural cohesion and replication. The Shakespeare plays treat the somatic gulf with ambivalence. For Shakespeare, who ultimately rejects a world beyond the impermanent material one, incorporeality is both the father's prestige and his punishment. But for Jonson, the desomatization more often indicates paternal privilege. Jonson wants filiation and fathering to counteract the progression of history, and since time destroys the concrete, abstraction and disembodiment are necessary for the process to work. His plays initially envision a paternally imagined rule of law achieving permanence for those under it. But Volpone undermines Every man in his humour's fantasy of law, and The staple of news dismantles it still more. Ultimately, in Staple's schematically represented father and son, a pair whose reunion allows them a courtroom triumph, Jonson resorts to an abstractly figured paternity itself to justify other abstractions, legal and literary. As with law in Jonson, so for religion and the supernatural in Shakespeare. Shakespeare's body of work eventually renounces the religious faith whose representation it interweaves with portraits of children and fathers. It does so first in Merchant's intimidating Judaism and hypocritical Christianity, then in Twelfth night's more subtly referenced Catholicism, mournful and aestheticized, and finally in The tempest's various abjurations. Monotheism vanishes altogether in the last play, replaced by a dead witch and multiple spirits and deities who do the bidding of a conjuror who plans to give them up. Both playwrights ultimately reduce their investment in other forms of cultural transmission in favor of more intimate parent-child structures, embodied or not. / text
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Juros e usura no direito brasileiro: uma reflexão sob a perspectiva Tomista / Interest and usury in Brazilian law: a reflexion under the thomistic perspectivePinheiro, Ivan Nogueira 15 May 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo propõe uma análise sobre o tema da usura no pensamento de São Tomás de Aquino de forma a determinar sua aplicabilidade à questão dos juros remuneratórios tal qual se apresenta hodiernamente no Direito Brasileiro. Inicialmente a concepção de Aquino é avaliada à luz da tríplice base que a compõe: a Lei Natural, segundo a qual se considera a esterilidade do dinheiro e a justiça natural; a Lei Humana, tida aqui como o Direito Romano, do qual se absorve a noção de fungibilidade do dinheiro e a conceituação dos contratos de mútuo; e a Lei Divina, tomada por São Tomás de forma a corroborar aquilo que se depreende das demais leis. Na sequencia, a problemática dos juros e da sua extrapolação usurária é avaliada no âmbito do ordenamento jurídico pátrio, tanto sob o prisma de sua evolução histórica quanto das discussões que envolvem a matéria em nossos dias. Finalmente, partindo de uma conceituação de juros e usura compatível com o pensamento do Doutor Angélico, avaliaremos o que viria a determinar o preço justo nos contratos de mútuo financeiro com vistas a estabelecer parâmetros indicativos para a limitação das taxas de juros no Direito Brasileiro, tanto nas operações praticadas no âmbito civil quanto naquelas contratadas junto ao Sistema Financeiro Nacional / This study proposes an analysis of the theme of usury in the thinking of St. Thomas Aquinas to determine its applicability to the question of compensatory interest as it is now understood under Brazilian Law. Initially Aquinass concept is evaluated in the light of its triple base: Natural Law, which considers the sterility ofmoney and natural justice; Human Law, seen here as Roman Law, from which the notion offungibility of money and the conceptualization of mutuum agreements are derived; and Divine Law, taken by St. Thomas as a means of corroborating what is deduced from the other laws.Next, the critical issues involving interest and their usurious extrapolation are evaluated in the sphere of our national legal system, from both the perspectives of its historical evolution and of the discussions that involve the subject today. And finally, beginning with an appraisal of interest and usury compatible with the thinking of the Angelic Doctor, we will evaluate what woulddetermine the just price in mutuum contracts,seeking to establish parameters for an eventual limitation ofinterest rates in Brazilian Law, both in transactions involving non-banking entities and in those contracted within the National Financial System.
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Ocker : en studie om gällande rättHaagen, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Ocker är ingen ny företeelse, då det finns uttryck för ocker i Bibeln. Definitionen för ocker har ändrats genom åren. Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa ocker och jämföra med 36 § avtalslagen Uppsatsen använder traditionell juridisk metod. Traditionell juridisk metod innebär att man använder olika rättskällor som lagstiftning, förarbeten, praxis och doktrin. Kriterier för ocker är trångmål, oförstånd, lättsinne och beroendeställning. Det ska också ha förekommit ett uppenbart missförhållande. Trångmål är situationer, där ockraren vet att den svagare parten är i stort behov av att låna pengar, för att köpa något och banken har sagt nej till lån. Oförstånd är en situation, där den ena parten inte är allmänt mer eller mindre intelligent, men kan inte förstå hela omfattningen av sitt handlande. Lättsinne innebär att personen handlar med ockraren utan att se vilka konsekvenser handlandet kan få. Beroendeställning är att ena parten är starkare än den andra och drar nytta av den svagare partens brist på egen insats eller medverkan. Ett uppenbart missförhållande innebär att avgöra de olika prestationernas värde, mellan det krävda värdet. / Usury is not a new commonplace, although there are expressions for usury in the Bible. The definition for usury has changed through the years. The purpose of this essay is to elucidate the usury prerequisite in the contract law and compare with the 36 § in the contract law. The essay uses a traditional jurisprudential research method. The traditional jurisprudential method means that you use different kind of accounting practise such as legislation, legislative history of an enactment, codes of practise and doctrines. The criteria for usury are distress, want of judgement, license and dependent attitude. There must also have been a clear case of abuse. Distress situations are those where there the usurer knows that the victim is in need of money, to buy something and the bank had said no to raise a loan. Want of judgement is a situation where one part is not less intelligent but cannot understand the full extent of the action. License means that a person deals with the usurer without realising the consequences of the action. Dependent attitude means that one part is stronger than the other part and takes advantage of the weaker part’s incapability to think or act by himself or herself. A clear case of abuse is to conclude the value of different performances, between the demanded values.
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Some conventions of Elizabethan dramaOutram, A. E. January 1939 (has links)
No description available.
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John of Freiburg and the Usury Prohibition in the Late Middle Ages: A Study in the Popularization of Medieval Canon LawLorenc, John 08 August 2013 (has links)
In this dissertation I provide an edition of the treatise on usury (De usuris, bk. 2, tit. 7) contained in the Dominican friar John of Freiburg’s (d. 1314) Summa confessorum (ca. 1298) – a comprehensive encyclopedia of pastoral care that John wrote for the benefit of his fellow friar preachers and all others charged with the cure of souls. The edition is prefaced by a detailed biography of John of Freiburg, an account of the genesis of the Summa confessorum that places the work in the context of John’s other literary productions, a commentary on the contents of the treatise on usury, and a study of the influence of John’s treatise on subsequent confessors’ manuals up to the end of the fourteenth century with a special concentration on the history of the Summa confessorum on usury in England. Based on an analysis of the social function of confessors’ manuals and the reception history of John’s treatise on usury, I contend that the Summa confessorum offers us a window into what many medieval men and women of all social classes in widespread areas of Europe might have known about the medieval Church’s prohibition of taking interest in a loan. As a prominent vehicle for the popularization of medieval canon law, then, the Summa confessorum occupies a significant place in the intellectual and social history of the Late Middle Ages. Finally, I argue that John’s choices in crafting his treatise on usury were ultimately influenced to a significant extent by the clash of economic interests between the old landed aristocracy and the rising burgher class in Freiburg, where John wrote the Summa confessorum and served as lector of the Dominican convent for over thirty years.
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