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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lichens of the Wasatch Mountains in central Utah

Nielsen, Harry Stewart, Jr. 01 August 1960 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to conduct an intensive investigation of the lichen flora of the Wasatch Mountains in central Utah. The approach followed is that of compiling into one account keys, descriptions, illustrations and ecological notes of lichens that are found in this region of the state.

Eutrophication of small lakes

Kenison, Lynn T. 01 May 1971 (has links)
An estimate was made to determine the amount of nitrate and phosphate entering Utah Lake in 1968. To make this estimate, the flow data for 1968 and the nitrate and phosphate concentrations for 1970 were used. This was done because of the lack of information. The results show that the total nitrate added to Utah Lake in 1968 was 7,638,000 pounds. The total phosphate added was 1,740,200 pounds. Of this amount, 12,4 per cent of the nitrate and 18.0 per cent of the phosphate was released from the lake through the Jordan River. The rest remained in the lake to be recycled. Of the total nitrate and phosphate dumped into the lake, the municipal and industrial waste treatment plants contributed 28.7 per cent of the nitrate and 47.1 per cent of the phosphate. Groundwater contributed 15.4 per cent of the nitrate and 19.2 per cent of the phosphate. The tributaries contributed 55.8 per cent of the nitrate and 33.7 per cent of the phosphate. It is evident that the nutrient level of the lake is increasing rapidly from year to year, because more nutrients are going into the lake than are released through the Jordan River.

Nature and origin of the Moenkopi-Shinarump hiatus in Monument Valley, Arizona and Utah

Gray, Irving Bernard, 1921- January 1961 (has links)
No description available.

Structural and economic geology of the Beaver Lake Mountains, Beaver County, Utah

Livingston, Donald Everett, Livingston, Donald Everett January 1961 (has links)
No description available.

An Examination of the Mormon Settlement of Syracuse, Utah

Tucker, J. Kent 01 January 1987 (has links)
The history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly referred to as the "Mormon" church, has been well researched, yet little has been written about individual community histories. This work centers on the small Mormon community of Syracuse, Utah, located about twenty-five miles north of Salt Lake City on the eastern shore of the Great Salt Lake. From its inception in 1877 through 1987, the community of Syracuse continues to be dominated by the Latter-day Saint (Mormon) influence. This thesis examines the development of this LDS Church settlement, giving emphasis to the early history of the area, prominent families and their roles in business, civic, and church matters, economic advancements in the area and their effects upon the community, the ecclesiastical leaders' direction within the community, and finally population expansions which have taken place in Syracuse.

From Cadillac to Chevy: Environmental Concern, Compromise and the Central Utah Project Completion Act

Eastman, Adam R. 12 July 2006 (has links)
For the past century the federal government has been an active partner with state and local agencies to develop water supplies in the arid West. The last of the large-scale federal reclamation projects to be completed is the Central Utah Project or CUP. The CUP has generated considerable controversy throughout its history. The projects opponents have criticized its expense in terms of both dollars and environmental damage while others have worried about its impact on their water rights. Because of its cost and complexity, planning and construction have spanned decades. This has allowed individuals, organizations, and government agencies opportunity to attempt to influence the plans for the project to address their concerns. During six different periods—the initial congressional debate, project planning, the drafting of environmental impact statement in response to the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act, a lawsuit challenging that document, President Jimmy Carter's reevaluation of the project as a part of the so called "hit list," local reauthorization of the projects repayment contract—these groups worked to alter the Bureau's plans to reduce the environmental, social, and fiscal impacts of the project. Despite multiple attempts, they failed to significantly alter the Bureau's, increase environmental mitigation, or decrease environmental impacts. However, the project's opponents had been given a seventh opportunity. In the late 1980s, after a half century of planning and more than 20 years of construction—the Bureau knew that it could not finish the project without increasing the congressionally authorized spending limits. At a time of waning federal support for such projects, the Democratic leaders of both the House and Senate committees controlling Bureau projects, Senator Bill Bradley (D-NJ) and Congressman George Miller (D-CA), blocked the bill until the Utah delegation addressed the environmental concerns and objections of the project's critics. Determined to keep the project alive, Utah's sole Democrat in Congress, Wayne Owens, acted as a mediator and began to negotiate a compromise. A determined five year effort resulted in a seventy-five page compromise bill that allowed the project to move forward while addressing the major concerns of the project's opponents. Congress passed the Central Utah Project Completion Act in October 1992. The Completion Act cut some of the projects irrigation features, increased the amount of local cost share, shifted planning and oversight for the remaining features from the Bureau to the local water District, and mandated increased environmental mitigation overseen by a new independent federal agency. This thesis identifies the primary concerns of the CUP's critics and traces their attempts to alter the Bureau's plans to address these concerns. Further, it provides a more detailed account of the arduous, but ultimately successful attempt to alter the project during the Congressional debates that created and authorized the Central Utah Project Completion Act. Finally, it assesses the success of the legislation to meet it stated goals during the first decade of implementation.

A General Study of Closed Circuit Television Utilization in Selected Courses at Utah State University

Christensen, Ted J. 01 May 1970 (has links)
This thesis presents an evaluation of instructional television as used in four courses at Utah State University. The study is divided into four parts: first, student attitudes and reactions; second, faculty attitudes and reactions; third, the costs involved for the individual faculty members concerned, the academic department, the Radio-Television department, and the University as a whole; and fourth, recommendations concerning the future use of instructional television at Utah State University. The four courses involved in this study were basic introductory courses in Political Science, English, Sociology, and Music. The investigator found that student attitudes and reactions varied with each course. The students in Political Science and English were generally uncertain in their attitude toward the use of television, with approximately equal numbers for and against. The students in Sociology and Music were very much in favor of the use of television. The attitudes of the faculty members associated with this project ranged from very negative to very positive. The study indicated that those instructors who were highly motivated and enthusiastic before actually becoming involved with instructional television tended to remain so throughout. Those instructors who were skeptical and hesitant beforehand also retained their attitudes. The third part of this study dealing with costs was divided into six areas for the Political Science and English courses: production costs, recording costs, instructional costs, utilization costs, cost for additional use, and cost per student credit unit for one academic year. In the cases of Sociology and Music only the production, recording and instructional costs were computed. As a result of this study, this researcher recommends the delegation of more authority to the television personnel in order that they may have a voice in the utilization process of the television courses produced. A second recommendation is that of initiating a two-phase in-service training program to assist the classroom teacher in adjusting to his new role, and to train the television teacher in methods of using instructional television. Finally, the need to have available adequate facilities for the utilization processes has become apparent during the course of this study. Television cannot prove to be a satisfactory medium of instruction if it must be satisfied with poor lighting conditions, excessive noise levels, and an undesirable choice of hours during which to offer classes.

Seasonal, Diurnal and Species Variation in Forage Moisture Content in Relation to Site on Mountain Summer Range of Northern Utah

Sharif, Chaudhry Mohammad 01 May 1967 (has links)
Practical assessments of range production and utilization are based on forage weight estimates. In preparing these estimates moisture content in green vegetation offers some problems. The moisture component is not likely to be constant for a given species. Diurnal, seasonal and site variability have been well illustrated for agronomic and tree species (Salisbury, 1848; Jenkins, 1879; Miller, 1917; Pearson, 1924; Watkins, 1940; Parker, 1951; Ackley, 1954; Werner, 1954; Zohary and Orshan, 1956; Slatyer, 1959; Kozlowaki, 1965 and Jame son, 1966). Since variability is also likely for range plants, computations made on green weights are apt to be fallacious. It is a common practice, therefore, to express production on "water free" or "dry weight" basis. But the estimates of dry weight are made difficult by variations in herbage moisture. A variety of factors, relevant both to the vegetation and the site it occupies, would seem to account for variable moisture content. The prevalent methods for estimating moisture, however, seem to be more of a legacy from the past than an appreciation of ecological influences. Earlier investigators of pastures and fodder crops were largely agronomists interested in comparing yields. They were concerned primarily with irrigated crops where soil moisture is not a limiting factor and the ecological influences, such as humidity, rain, cloudy weather, dew, shade, exposure etc. are far from dominant (Atwater, 1869; Collier, 1881; Richardson , 1884; Ladd, 1888; Richardson, 1889; Morse, 1891 and Widstoe, 1897). The variations in water content and other components were accordingly related to stage of growth. Taking a cue from these studies agencies such as the United States Forest Service and Soil Conservation Service came to use certain reducing factors to convert green weight of range forage into dry weight. In developing these factors the type of vegetation and growth phases have been considered but ecological features and context have been neglected. The methodology adopted from pasture conditions became the accepted basis for making range management decisions (Range Memo, SCS-8, Soil Conservation Service, 1963; Range Analysis, Region IV, Forest Service, 1964). The influence of features of environment, particularly aspect, on growth differential, has long been recognized by foresters (Schlich, 1905; Champion, 1928 and Tourney, 1928). Plant physiologists have been aware of the significance of time-of-day on plant water for some time (Shreve, 1914; Miller, 1917). It is very probable that these influences express themselves in moisture content of herbage also. The investigations reported herein were conducted to define and assess the scope and intensity of some of these ecological features in modification of the moisture component of herbage. The objective is to determine whether differences in ecological context influence range herbage moisture to a sufficient extent to warrant consideration in developing conversion factors for deriving dry weights from green weights of vegetation samples. The appraisal should reaffirm present assumptions applied or yield more accurate adjustments for estimating forage production. In either circumstance the results should enhance the scientific basis of range management decisions.

Environmental Analysis of the Upper Cambrian Nounan Formation, Bear River Range and Wellsville Mountain, North-Central Utah

Gardiner, Larry L. 01 May 1974 (has links)
The Nounan Formation in north-central Utah thickens northward from 696 feet near Causey Dam to 1147 feet at High Creek in the Bear River Range, and northwestward to 1149 feet at Dry Canyon in Wellsville Mountain. The basal contact of the Nounan Formation is sharp, but dolomite extends irregularly downward into limestones of the Bloomington Formation as much as 6 feet. The Nounan Formation is divided into three members based on lithologic characters: (1) a lower member composed of dark, medium-crystalline dolomite; (2) a middle member composed of white, coarse-crystalline dolomite with tongues of dark dolomite; and (3) an upper member of interbedded light and dark dolomites and limestones with local arenites and sandy carbonates. The lower member was deposited in a high-energy, shallow-marine subtidal to intertidal environment. Evidence includes sets of low-angle cross stratification (dunes), oncolites, oolites, and rip-up clasts. The middle member forms distinctive ledges and cliffs. The presence of thinly laminated algal stromatolites and relict structures seen also in the lower member indicate a subtidal to intertidal environment similar to that inferred for the lower member. The white color and coarse crystallinity may have resulted from recrystallization of the dark, finer grained dolomite that comprises the lower member. The upper member is characterized by lithologic variability. Thicknesses of limestone are greatest in the north, and decrease to only a few feet in the south. Quartz and other terrigenous minerals are scattered at intervals throughout the upper member, with a marker of sandy (arenaceous) dolomites at the base and near the middle and an increase of sand near the top also. The upper contact, with quartz-rich arenites (subarkosic quartzites) of the Worm Creek Member of tho St. Charles Formation, is gradational overall, but is sharp and planar in each section and readily located. In the upper member, algal mats trapped a varying but overall increasing influx of quartz and feldspar, probably in shallow subtidal environments, and vertically stacked hemispheroids suggest that depositional conditions may have included intertidal. Virtually all of the dolomite in the Nounan Formation must have formed by replacement of lime sediments by downward-moving high-magnesium brines. It is that these brines originated in restricted, shallow, subtidal evaporating basins, such as the Great Bahama Banks today, and associated supratidal flats. Lateral changes from limestone to dolomite overall and also in individual beds of the upper member indicate that the brines travelled laterally as well as vertically, and dolomitization may have been limited as much by prior diagenetic alteration and cementation as by the volume, concentration, and proximity of the brine itself.

A History of the Men's Physical Education Program at Utah State Agricultural College

Tidwell, Frank R. 01 May 1955 (has links)
This study will present a historical review of the men's physical education program at Utah State Agricultural College from 1888 through 1954. Specifically, it will give special attention to: (1) philosophy, (2) organization and administration, (3) leadership, (4) equipment and facilities, and (5) program.

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