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A Generalized Three-Phase Coupling Method For Distributed Simulation Of Power SystemsWu, Jian 05 August 2006 (has links)
Simulation of power system behavior is a highly useful tool for planning, analysis of stability, and operator training. Traditionally, small power system studies are dominated by the time taken to solve the machine dynamics equations, while larger studies are dominated by the time taken to solve the network equations. With the trend towards more sophisticated and realistic modeling, the size and complexity of simulations of a power system grow tremendously. The ever-increasing need for computational power can be satisfied by the application of distributed simulation. Also power systems are distributed in nature. The terrestrial power systems are divided into groups and controlled by different Regional Transmission Organization (RTO). Each RTO owns the detailed parameter for the area under control, but only limited data and boundary measurement of the external network. Thus, performing power system analysis in such case is a challenge. Also, simulating a large-scale power system with detailed modeling of the components causes a heavy computational burden. One possible way of relieving this problem is to decouple the network into subsystems and solve the subsystem respectively, and then combine the results of the subsystems to get the solution. The way to decouple a network and represent the missing part will affect the result greatly. Also, due to information distribution in the dispatch centers, a problem of doing power system analysis with limited data available arises. The equivalents for other networks need to be constructed to analyze power system. In this research work, a distributed simulation algorithm is proposed to handle the issues above. A history of distributed simulation is briefly introduced. A generalized coupling method dealing with natural coupling is proposed. Distributed simulation models are developed and demonstrated in Virtual Test Bed (VTB). The models are tested with different network configurations. The test results are presented and analyzed. The performance of the distributed simulation is compared with the steady state result and time domain simulation result. Satisfactory results are achieved.
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Modeling And Testing Of An Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay Using Vtb And Vtb-RtPatel, Daxa 05 August 2006 (has links)
This thesis explores the application of the Virtual Test Bed (VTB) and its real-time extension, VTB-RT, for protective relay modeling, simulation, and testing. An instantaneous overcurrent relay model was developed in VTB for a transmission line protection. The same relay model was built in Matlab/Simulink for validation purposes. Both models were tested for various fault conditions on a radial power system and results were compared. Moreover, a low cost real-time Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulation platform was implemented for relay model testing using VTB-RT and public domain software packages such as Real-Time Application Interface (RTAI), Comedi, and Comedilib, and notebook computer hardware. The applicability of VTB-RT was verified through an open-loop simulation and a HIL simulation of a simple dynamic system using dSPACE as the control hardware and NI DAQCard-6062E as the input/output interface. Simulation results are presented showing the effectiveness of the VTB-RT platform for model testing.
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Hybrid Electric Vehicle Modeling in Generic Modeling EnvironmentMusunuri, Shravana Kumar 09 December 2006 (has links)
The Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is a complex electromechanical system with complex interactions among various components. Due to the large number of design variables involved, the design flexibility in the HEV makes performance studies difficult. As the system complexity and sophistication increases, it becomes much more difficult to predict these interactions and design the system accordingly. Also, different variations in the design and manufacture of various components and systems involve a large amount of work and cost to keep updated of all these variations. While the above issues ask for a flexible design environment suitable for vehicle design, most of the existing powertrain design tools are based on experiential models, such as look-up tables, which use idealized assumptions and limited experimental data. The accuracy of the results produced by these tools is not good enough for designing these new generation vehicles. Also, sometimes the designs may lead to components or systems beyond physical limitations. To make the powertrain design more efficient, the models developed must be closely related to the underlying physics of the components. Only such physics-based models can facilitate high fidelity simulations for dynamics at different time scales. This results in the quest for a design tool that manages the vehicle?s development process while maintaining tight integration between the software and physical artifacts. The thesis addresses the above issues and focuses on the modeling of HEV using model integrated computing and employing physics-based resistive companion form modeling method. For this purpose, Generic Modeling Environment (GME), software developed by Institute of Software and Integrated Systems (ISIS), Vanderbilt University is used as the platform for developing the models. A modeling environment for hybrid vehicle design is prepared and a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) is developed as an application of the developed environment. Resistive companion form models of various BEV components are prepared and a model interpreter is prepared for integrating the developed component models and simulating the design.
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Современное состояние ипотечного жилищного кредитования в РФ, проблемы и перспективы развития : магистерская диссертация / The current state of housing mortgage lending in the Russian Federation, problems and development prospectsСтуков, М. Д., Stukov, M. D. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена выявлению проблем развития ИЖК в РФ и рассмотрению возможных путей их решения на примере ПАО «Банк ВТБ». Предметом исследования являются экономические отношения в области ипотечного жилищного кредитования в кредитных организациях РФ и применение международного опыта. Основной целью магистерской диссертации является изучение теоретических аспектов ипотечного жилищного кредитования, анализ рынка ипотечного жилищного кредитования Российской Федерации, выявление его основных проблем и предложение возможных путей их решения. В заключении подводятся итоги проведенного исследования, делаются основные выводы и обобщаются перспективы развития ПАО «Банк ВТБ» в области ИЖК в РФ. / The master's thesis is devoted to identifying the problems of the development of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation and considering possible ways to solve them using the example of VTB Bank PJSC. The subject of the study is economic relations in the field of mortgage housing lending in credit organizations of the Russian Federation and the application of international experience. The main goal of the master's thesis is to study the theoretical aspects of mortgage housing lending, analyze the mortgage housing lending market of the Russian Federation, identify its main problems and propose possible ways to solve them. In conclusion, the results of the study are summed up, the main conclusions are made and the prospects for the development of VTB Bank PJSC in the field of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation are summarized.
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Ипотечное кредитование физических лиц в современных экономических условиях : магистерская диссертация / Mortgage lending to individuals in modern economic conditionsАпоян, Л. М., Apoyan, L. M. January 2020 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена исследованию ипотечного кредитования физических лиц. Предметом исследования выступают экономические отношения, возникающие в процессе ипотечного кредитования физических лиц. Основной целью магистерской диссертации является анализ механизма ипотечного кредитования физических лиц в современных экономических условиях, а также анализ оценки качества ипотечного кредитования физических лиц в РФ и в банке ПАО ВТБ, включающий разработку предложений по их совершенствованию. В заключении обозначены рекомендации по совершенствованию ипотечного кредитования физических лиц в РФ и в банке ПАО ВТБ для объекта исследования. / The final qualification work (master's thesis) is devoted to the study of mortgage lending to individuals. The subject of the study is the economic relations that arise in the process of mortgage lending to individuals. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to analyze the mechanism of mortgage lending to individuals in modern economic conditions, as well as to analyze the assessment of the quality of mortgage lending to individuals in the Russian Federation and in VTB Bank, including the development of proposals for their improvement. In conclusion, recommendations for improving mortgage lending to individuals in the Russian Federation and in the bank of PJSC VTB for the object of research are outlined.
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Cross-section measurement of single-top t-channel production at ATLASHerrberg-Schubert, Ruth Hedwig Margarete 02 June 2014 (has links)
Diese Studie stellt die Messung des Wirkungsquerschnitts der elektroschwachen Einzel-Top-Quark-Produktion im t-Kanal vor, bei der das Top-Quark semileptonisch zerfällt. Die Studie basiert auf 4.7 fb^{-1} an Daten aus Proton-Proton-Kollisionen, die vom ATLAS-Detektor am Large Hadron Collider im Jahr 2011 aufgezeichnet wurden. Die ausgewählten Ereignisse beinhalten zwei hochenergetische Jets, von denen einer als von einem b-Quark stammend identifiziert wurde, sowie ein hochenergetisches Elektron oder Myon und fehlende Transversalenergie. Der Fall von drei und vier Jets wird ebenfalls betrachtet, aber schließlich verworfen, da ihre Miteinbeziehung die Präzision des Ergebnisses herabsetzt. Die Ereignisrekonstruktion erfolgt durch einen Chi-Quadrat-basierten kinematischen Fit mit W-Boson- und Top-Quark-Massenzwangsbedingungen. Der Wert des Chi-Quadrat in jedem Ereignis dient dazu, das Ereignis als signal- oder untergrundähnlich zu klassifizieren. Der Wirkungsquerschnitt wird mittels eines template-basierten Maximum-Likelihood-Fits an die Verteilung, die die beste Trennschärfe besitzt, extrahiert: Die Verteilung is derart gewählt, dass die Formunterschiede zwischen Signal und Untergrund bezüglich der Kinematik des typischen leichten Vorwärtsjets des t-Kanals ausgenutzt werden. Eine Beobachtung des Single-Top-t-Kanal-Prozesses mit einer Signifikanz von 5.7 Sigma wird erreicht, und der Wirkungsquerschnitt wird zu 111^{+29}_{-28} pb gemessen. Unter der Annahme |Vtb|^{2} >> |Vtd|^{2} + |Vts|^{2} sowie einer (V-A)-, CP-erhaltenden Wechselwirkung, und unter Berücksichtigung von möglichen anomalen Kopplungen am W-t-b-Vertex, wird der Wert des entsprechenden CKM-Matrixelements mal einem anomalen Formfaktor zu |Vtb*f^{L}_{1}| = 1.30^{+0.13}_{-0.16} bestimmt. Dies führt zu einer unteren Grenze im Standardmodell-Szenario 0 / This study presents the cross-section measurement of electroweak single-top quark production in the t-channel with a semi-leptonically decaying top quark. The study is based on 4.7 fb^{-1} of proton-proton collision data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in the year 2011. Selected events contain two highly energetic jets, one of which is identified as originating from a beauty quark, as well as a highly energetic electron or muon and transverse missing energy. The case of three and four jets is also considered but eventually discarded since their inclusion degrades the precision of the result. The event reconstruction is done with a chi-square-based kinematic fit using W boson and top quark mass constraints. The chi-square value in each event serves to classify the event as a signal-like or background-like process. The cross-section is extracted by performing a template-based maximum likelihood fit to the distribution that displays the best discriminatory power: This distribution is chosen such that the shape differences between signal and background with respect to the typical forward light jet kinematics of the t-channel are exploited. An observation of the single-top t-channel process with a significance of 5.7 Sigma is obtained, and the cross-section is measured to be 111^{+29}_{-28} pb. Assuming |Vtb|^{2} >> |Vtd|^{2} + |Vts|^{2} as well as a (V-A), CP-conserving interaction, and allowing for the presence of anomalous couplings at the W-t-b vertex, the associated value of the CKM matrix element times an anomalous form factor is determined as |Vtb*f^{L}_{1}| = 1.30^{+0.13}_{-0.16}. The corresponding lower limit in the standard model scenario 0
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