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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Standardization in Sustainability Transitions : A Study on Stakeholder Attitudes and Power Relations During the Standardization Process in the Vehicle-to-Grid Ecosystem

Elf, Julia, Svensson, Ludvig January 2019 (has links)
The electrification of the transportation sector plays an important role in the sustainability transition as successful electric vehicle (EV) integration allows for the reduction of CO2 emissions. Moreover, bidirectional capabilities of the EVs (vehicle-to-grid) further facilitate this transition by supporting the electricity grid while lowering the cost of ownership of EVs when revenues from grid-supporting services are split between stakeholders. Due to sustainability challenges facing several domains, fundamental transformation processes are needed to transition away from our current global energy system. However, with the strong inertia of the current system together with the sheer complexity and vexed interests during transitions, neither private markets nor government agencies seem likely to spur this transition on their own. Transitions are thus political processes, in which standards can play an important role since they point to the direction of the transition. This thesis investigates the role of standardization in sustainability transitions. The aim was to improve the understanding of the diverse stakeholder attitudes towards the standardization process of the communication protocol between the vehicle and its charging equipment. While exploring this topic, the thesis further aimed to investigate the power relations that govern the interactions and coordination efforts between the diverse stakeholders involved in the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) standardization processes. To achieve this, a qualitative study was conducted where two transcripts from the California Energy Commission, adding up to a total of 667 pages, were coded in a mixed inductive-deductive manner. In addition, as a complement, 13 expert interviews were conducted. The results showed that power was expressed by actors on (and between) all levels in the system. Mutual dependency was the most frequently expressed power relation among the actors. The mutual dependency was assumed to be widely present due to the interdependent nature between the components in the V2G system. The automotive manufacturers were observed to have a strong position in the vehicle-to-grid ecosystem and it was noted that other actors conformed with their political and/or economic goals. Another finding related to power was the sense of powerlessness and frustration expressed by actors on all levels, likely enabling the status quo to prevail. There was also clear frustration towards policymakers concerning the lack of policy direction and actors expressed the need for market signaling. The policymakers seemed to adhere to both disruptive innovations and the existing regime, causing uncertainty in policy decisions. The empirics also showed that the standardization discussions have little focus on competition between standards at this point of the transition. The debate seemed to rather be shaped by the conflict between advocates and opponents of standardization, where the opponents argued against standardization due to fear of prematurely mandating a single standard. Advocates dominated over opponents at this point of the transition and the communication standard, ISO 15118 seemed to have significant industry support. Automotive manufacturers were found to be the most vocal stakeholder group against standardization. Furthermore, the results highlighted the functions and features of standards commonly mentioned in the V2G standardization discussions, where compatibility, market signaling, and future proof features belonged to the most frequently mentioned. / Elektrifieringen av transportsektorn spelar en central roll för omställningen till ett hållbart energisystem eftersom elbilar bidrar till minskade utsläpp av koldioxid. Bidirektionella laddningsmöjligheter (V2G) kan möjliggöra omställningen ytterligare genom att stötta svaga elnät på lokal nivå samtidigt som funktionen kan minska kostnaderna för att äga en elbil. Fundamentala omställningar krävs för att lösa de hållbarhetsutmaningar som flera industrier står inför men på grund av komplexiteten i dessa system kan varken privat eller offentlig sektor driva denna förändring på egen hand. Omställningsprocessen är en politisk process där standardisering kan spela en viktig roll eftersom de kan indikera vilken riktning omställningen rör sig mot. Den här uppsatsen undersöker därför standardiseringens roll i hållbarhetsomställningar. Syftet var att öka förståelsen av olika aktörers ståndpunkter i standardiseringsprocessen av kommunikationen mellan en elbil och dess laddstation. För att undersöka detta ämne granskades även maktförhållanden som genomsyrar en standardiseringsprocess. Detta gjordes genom kvalitativ kodning av två transkriberade diskussioner om standardisering från California Energy Commission vilka totalt uppgick till 667 sidor. Utöver detta hölls 13 intervjuer som komplement. Resultatet visade att makt utövades av aktörer på samtliga nivåer i systemet. Ett ömsesidigt beroende kunde identifieras mellan aktörerna. Detta antogs vara framträdande på grund av de beroendeförhållanden som uppstår sig då samtliga aktörer krävs för att ett V2G-system ska fungera. Vidare observerades att maktutövande som förstärker och reproducerar existerande strukturer och institutioner uttrycktes av många aktörer i V2G-ekosystemet. En annan observation var att biltillverkare verkar ha en stark position i V2G-ekosystemet och det noterades att andra aktörer anpassade sig efter deras politiska och/eller ekonomiska mål. Ett ytterligare resultat var att det fanns en känsla av maktlöshet och frustration på alla nivåer i systemet vilket bidrog till upplevelsen av status quo. Det fanns en tydlig frustration speciellt mot beslutsfattare vilken grundade sig i bristen på tydliga riktlinjer. Beslutsfattare verkade anpassa sig såväl mot disruptiv innovation som till den existerande regimen vilket orsakade passivitet och osäkerhet vid beslutsfattande. Eftersom ramverket Multi-Level Power-in-Transition som användes för analysen inte tar hänsyn till att beslutsfattare kan svara både mot dominanta och mer radikala makrotrender, modifierades ramverket något innan det appliceras på empirin. Vidare visade analysen att det inte pågår någon konkurrens mellan standarder i denna fas av omställningen, däremot identifierades en konflikt mellan förespråkare och motståndare till standardisering där motståndarna var oroliga över att det var för tidigt att ge mandat åt en enskild standard. Förespråkare dominerade över motståndare i denna fas av omställningen och kommunikationstandarden ISO 15118 verkade ha betydande stöd från industrin. Biltillverkare befanns vara de aktörer som till största grad motsatte sig standardisering. Resultaten gav ytterligare en inblick i de egenskaper hos standarder som vanligtvis nämndes i diskussioner om kommunikationsstandarder. Några av de egenskaper som regelbundet belystes som viktiga var kompatibilitet och att den bör vara framtidssäker. En ytterligare viktig funktion med standardisering ansågs vara att ge tydliga signaler till marknaden.

Design Of A Dynamic, Reconfigurable, Self-Balancing Battery Pack

Neiman, Alexander Hallett 01 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis details the design and testing of a reconfigurable battery array. Reconfigurable battery arrays, specifically for mobile applications, have the potential to reduce or eliminate use of auxiliary charging, balancing, and inverter systems. Design work included a bidirectional solid state switch and a cell-to-cell bidirectional current-limiting power converter. While the overall efficiency, size, and cost of the battery pack was not competitive with existing options, it demonstrated cell-to-cell balancing and native four-level square wave AC inverter output with an array of only two cells. This demonstrates viability of the concept as well as reveals important requirements and safety features for future development of reconfigurable battery arrays.

Elektrická vozidla jako akumulační prvek pro elektrické sítě / Electric vehicles as energy storage element for electrical grid

Novák, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with possibilities of accumulation electric energy with the electric vehicles and their use for electric grid regulation services. In the introduction of this thesis is characterized the current world-wide state of electromobility, including the Czech Republic. Furthermore are summarized main advantages and disadvantages of the expanded involvement of the electric vehicles in the traffic. In the second part if this Master´s thesis the vehicles are divided into three main groups. The third part of the thesis describes the energy storage and generation units used in vehicles. In this part of the script are each of the energy storage parameters compared. The other chapter includes the list of current battery electric vehicles with all their important technical parameters. The fifth chapter summarizes the possibilities of the use of electric vehicles in the Vehicle-to-grid system. This chapter also discusses in detail the ancillary services of the electric grid in the Czech Republic. In the last part of this Master´s thesis there is calculated an economical potential of electric vehicles providing the primary and secondary regulation.

Vehicle-to-Grid in Sweden:Industry Challenges and StrategicOpportunities : A Comprehensive Analysis / Vehicle-to-Grid i Sverige: Industriella Utmaningar och Strategiska Möjligheter

Nyström, Julia, Ramic, Dino January 2024 (has links)
As Sweden ambitiously works toward fulfilling its climate goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2045, the transportation sector emerges as a critical area of focus, given its substantial impact on regional emissions. In achieving these goals, Vehicle to Grid (V2G) stands out as a promising solution for integrating renewable energy sources and balancing the energy ecosystem. The technology is used to not only charge Electric Vehicles (EVs) but also to discharge electricity stored in the battery, presumably during peak demand periods. This thesis aims to explore the integration of V2G within the automotive industry, through a focal lens of the Swedish market and its conditions. The aim is dissected into an investigation and analysis of the acting barriers and drivers of V2G together with an examination of strategic business approaches that automotive manufacturers can employ to facilitate V2G integration and adoption. Through expert interviews and a comprehensive literature review, this study evaluates the current landscape, challenges, and opportunities associated with V2G in the Swedish context, providing insights into practical strategies for automotive manufacturers. The study finds that regulatory uncertainty, economic incentivization, technological and infrastructural readiness, and market dynamics act as significant barriers, while political interest, social consciousness, and legislative action toward sustainability are key drivers. With these barriers and drivers in mind, establishing a clear and secure business landscape for V2G implementation and adoption is outlined as the main aim of a strategic approach. In order to capture the aim of a strategic approach, the thesis proposes actionable strategies for automotive manufacturers to facilitate the integration of V2G, such as stakeholder collaboration, consumer education, and policy advocacy. / Sveriges ambitiösa mål att reducera utsläppet av växthusgaser med 55% till 2030 och att uppnå netto-noll utsläpp till 2045, hänvisar till transportsektorn som ett kritiskt fokusområde givet dess betydande bidrag till regionala utsläpp. I syfte att uppnå dessa mål, står Vehicle to Grid (V2G) som ett lovande alternativ till att integrera förnybara energikällor och balansera energiekosystemet. Tekniken används inte enbart till att ladda elektriska fordon, utan även till att ladda ur energi lagrad i batteriet, förutsättningsvis under perioder då belastningen på elsystemet är hög. Därmed syftar detta arbete till att undersöka integrationen av V2G inom fordonssektorn, genom perspektivet av den svenska marknaden. Arbetets mål är fokuserat på en undersökning av de innefattande barriärerna och drivkrafterna för V2G, tillsammans med en utredning av potentiella strategier för fordonstillverkare för att möjliggöra integration och användande av V2G. Genom att intervjua experter och att genomföra en omfattande litteraturstudie, så utvärderar denna studie det nuvarande landskapet, utmaningar och möjligheter associerade med V2G i en svensk miljö. Detta med syfte att ge insikter i praktiska strategier vilka fordonstillverkare kan tillämpa. Denna studie finner att lagmässig otydlighet, ekonomiska incitament, teknisk och infrastrukturell förberedelse samt marknadsdynamik är dem huvudsakliga barriärerna. Politiskt intresse, social medvetenhet och lagmässigt fokus mot hållbarhet framstår som huvudsakliga drivkrafter. Med barriärena och drivkrafterna i åtanke, är huvudsyftet med en strategi att skapa ett affärslandskap som tydliggör och stöttar integrationen av V2G. Strategins utformning föreslår att samarbete med intressenter, informationsspridning till kunder och förespråkande av stöttande lagmässiga incitament är kritiskt för att V2G ska lyckas.

Véhicules électriques hybrides rechargeables : évaluation des impacts sur le réseau électrique et stratégies optimales de recharge / Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles : assessment of impacts on the electric grid and optimal charging strategies

Türker, Harun 20 December 2012 (has links)
Les engagements étatiques relatifs au secteur du transport promouvoient lapopularisation des véhicules rechargeables conformément aux exigences actuelles qu’ellessoient environnementales, techniques ou encore économiques. Ipso facto, ces travaux dethèse, assimilés à la thématique des Smart Grids, exposent une contribution à une gestionorientée du tryptique réseaux électriques, véhicules rechargeables et secteurs résidentiels.La première étape du travail consiste en l’évaluation des impacts liés à un taux de pénétrationélevé. Les travaux se sont ensuite focalisés sur deux problèmes importants qui sont latenue du plan de tension et le vieillissement accéléré des transformateurs de distributionHTA/BT, plus particulièrement ceux alimentant des secteurs résidentiels. Partant, desstratégies de modulation de la charge des batteries embarquées sont proposées et évaluées.Dans une seconde partie, en se basant sur l’hypothèse de bidirectionnalité énergétique duvéhicule électrique hybride rechargeable (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle - PHEV), estexploré les possibilités d’effacement de pointe et de diminution des puissances souscrites ;conformément au concept Vehicle-to-Home. Les aspects économiques ne sont pas évacués ;à ce titre la minimisation de la facture énergétique d’un logement fait l’objet d’un regardparticulier sous contrainte d’une tarification variable, le V2H servant de levier. Le véhiculebidirectionnel est enfin mis à contribution via une algorithmique adaptée à des fins deréglage du plan de tension et contribue ainsi au concept Vehicle-to-Grid. / The national commitments concerning terrestrial transport are promotingrechargeable vehicles according to actual environmental, technical or economicexigencies. To this end, the contribution of this thesis, related to the Smart Grids, coverssimultaneously the fields of electric utility grids, rechargeable vehicles, and residentialareas. The first step consists in the assessment the impacts caused by a highpenetration level. The research then focuses on two major problems : the voltage plan andthe aging rate of low voltage transformer, particularly those supplying residential areas.Therefore, unidirectional Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) charging strategieshave been proposed and evaluated. In the second part, based on the bidirectional PHEV,the possibility of consumption peak shaving and decrease of subscription contracts bothunder the concept Vehicle-to-Home are explored. The economics aspects are notignored, so a particular attention is paid of energy cost minimization for a housing undervariable pricing of energy constraint. The bidirectional vehicle is finally used in an adaptedalgorithmic for voltage plan control, thus contributing to the concept Vehicle-to-Grid.

Contribution of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) to the energy management of the Electric Vehicles fleet on the distribution network / Contribution du Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) à la gestion énergétique d’un parc de Véhicules Électriques sur le réseau de distribution

Sarabi, Siyamak 29 November 2016 (has links)
L'augmentation des densités de puissance et d'énergie des SSE (système de stockage électrique) des véhicules électriques/véhicules hybrides rechargeable (VEs/VHRs), tout en conservant des coûts raisonnables pour l'utilisateur, et le développement de convertisseurs d'énergie électrique à haute densité de puissance volumique, et de plus en plus performant vont favoriser la production en masse de véhicules électrifiés. Une partie de ces véhicules électriques (VEs/VHRs) nécessitent une connexion au réseau pour la recharge des batteries. L’insertion de ces nouvelles charges dans le réseau présentera alors plusieurs enjeux et impacts significatifs pour les réseaux électriques puisqu’ils doivent répondre localement à des demandes de puissance non négligeables. Ce projet de thèse vise à étudier et réduire les impacts des VEs/VHRs sur les réseaux de distribution grâce à la technologie Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G). Le véhicule électrique alimente le réseau en fonction des besoins du système électrique (modèle bidirectionnel) et lui offre un service de flexibilité. Ces travaux de recherche ont pour but d'approfondir les concepts dans lequel l’alimentation des véhicules électriques (VE) et/ou hybrides de type P-VEH est intégrée à la gestion du réseau de distribution et des « hubs énergétiques » du futur. L’objectif de la thèse est d’abord étudier les service systèmes possible à fournir grâce à V2G, ensuite de concevoir un système de supervision qui assurera une gestion énergétique de ces nouvelles charges en choisissant le mode de recharge et/ou décharge adéquat et en prenant également en considération la demande de consommation locale et la présence de production de type renouvelable (photovoltaïque, éolien) dans le réseau de distribution. Cette supervision se fera dans un premier temps « en hors ligne » et par la suite « en ligne ». On aura recours à l’utilisation de méthodes d’intelligence artificielle comme l’apprentissage automatique (Machine Learning) et la logique floue, la commande prédictive ainsi que des méthodes d’optimisation hybrides (stochastiques et déterministes). / The power and energy density increment of the electrical storage system (ESS) of electric vehicles/Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (EVs/PHEVs), while maintaining reasonable costs for the user, and the development of converters of electrical energy to high power density and more and more powerful, will encourage the mass production of electrified vehicles. Beyond, electric vehicles (EVs/PHEVs) require a connection to the grid for the charging of the batteries. The insertion of these new loads in the grid will then present several issues and significant impacts for electrical networks since they must respond locally to non-negligible power requests. This PhD thesis aims to study and reduce the impacts of the EVs/PHEVs on the distribution grid thanks to the vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology. The electric vehicle supplies the grid depending on the needs of the electrical system (bi-directional model) and offers a flexible service. These works of research have aimed to deepen the concepts in which the supply of electric vehicles (EV) and/or hybrids of type PHEV is integrated with the management of the distribution network and the future "energy hubs". The objective of the thesis is at first to examine the possible ancillary services provided by V2G, then to design a system of supervision which will ensure an energy management of these new loads by choosing the adequate mode of charge/discharge and also taking into consideration the request of local consumption and the presence of renewable production of type photovoltaic and wind in the distribution grid. This supervision will be in a first step "offline" and subsequently "online". The methods which are used in this thesis are as follows; artificial intelligence such as machine learning and fuzzy logic, the predictive control as well as the methods of hybrids optimization (stochastic and deterministic).

Pre-feasibility study of V2G system in the micro-grid of St. Martine Island, Bangladesh.

Chowdhury, Md Abu Raihan January 2020 (has links)
The goal of the study was to evaluate the potential of the V2G system as a solution to peak load leveling and integrating more renewable energy in the microgrid of St. Martine Island. Simulink Simscape software was used to model a microgrid with a V2G system for the small community of the Island. The result of the study shows a V2G system with 100 electric cars could play an important role for peak shaving by supplying up to 0.8 MW of electric power back to the grid during peak hours, where each car contributes 10 kW of electric power. It also demonstrates that the V2G system effectively helps to promote solar power capacity from 1 MW to 2.5 MW, hence increase 23.59% share of solar energy in the total grid energy uses compared with the current microgrid of St. Martine Island. / The electricity that is generated from non-renewable sources causesenvironmental pollution and climate changes. Fossil fuel uses leads to thedepletion of fossil fuel resources as well as global warming. On the other hand, renewable energy sources can be used to produce electricity with very few or no CO2 emissions. So, now governments are focusing on renewable energy production. But solar, wind, and other types of renewable energy sources have intermittency. They are not continuously available due to natural factors that cannot be controlled. So, renewable energy needs to be utilized when it is available, or its intermittency can be overcome by energy storage. All Electric vehicle uses a battery pack of large capacity to power the electric motors. These batteries can be used to store the energy that is generated from renewable sources and use them when needed. Besides, the electric grid must always stay in balance. With the development of variable renewable energy production, the management of this balance has become complex. Vehicle to grid is a technology that enables energy to be pushed back to the grid from the battery of an electric car and helps to manage fluctuations on the electricity grid. It helps to balance the grid by charging the battery when renewableenergy is available and load demand is low, then sending energy back to the grid when load demand is high. However, St. Martine Island is a small Island in Bay of Bengal about 9km south of the mainland of Bangladesh. Nearly 6000 people are living there. Since the island is far away from the mainland, grid connection is almostimpossible in terms of cost and geographic location. St. Martine Island has a very high solar power potential, but very low average wind speed. Currently, the electricity demand is fulfilled by stand-alone diesel generators, PV panels, and wind turbines. The current microgrid gets a high load demand during peak hours which is between 6 pm to 11 pm. During this time grid become fully dependent on diesel generators which leads to fossil fuel uses andenvironmental pollution. Here, the project's key objective is to determine the prospects of V2Gtechnology on St. Martine Island to level the peak load during peak hours, given that St. Martine Island is a low windy island with a high average number of yearly peak sun hours. Another goal is to examine the degree to which the share of solar power can be increased by a V2G system in St. Martine Island. In the project, at first, we have modeled a microgrid using Simulink Simscape software. Simulink Simscape enables modeling of a system by putting direct physical connections between the block diagram. In the microgrid model, there are five main sections, which have been designed by assemblingfundamental components in the schematic. A V2G system has been modeled which consists of 100 electric cars as aprototype. Each car has a battery of 100 kWh capacity. Considering thecondition of St. Martine Island and the objective of the project, we have made some assumptions while modeling the V2G section. The results of the project showed that the V2G system significantly smoothed out the peak load during peak hours. It also demonstrated that charging electric cars during daytime by solar power and sending energy back to the grid during peak hours enables the V2G system to accommodate more renewable solar energy sources in the microgrid of St. Martine Island. Finally, the project evident that the V2G system can be integrated into the microgrid of St. Martine Island to level the peak load and to increase the share of solar energy in the total energy uses of the Island.

Effekttoppsreducering via elbilsbatterier : Dess potential vid vinterförhållanden i Halmstad år 2030 / Power peak reduction via electric car batteries : Its potential during winter conditions in Halmstad year 2030

Holmblad, Oskar, Olsson, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
A transition phase is taking place in Sweden, where the goal is to become a completely climate neutral country by 2045. The transport sector currently accounts for a third of fossil emissions in Sweden, while the transport sector also has the greatest potential to become fossil-free through, forexample, a comprehensive electrification. Bottlenecks in the grid is a challenge that Sweden faces where the existing ability to send powerthrough the country is already highly utilized. Battery storage can partly be the solution to this problem and also support the future needs that a further electrification of the transport sector may cause. Battery storage can, however, be both expensive and require a lot of space. To avoid this, the mobile battery storage that is available in electric cars can be used to convey power to the grid based on need. The technology that performs this bidirectional charging is called V2G (vehicle-to-grid) and has enormous theoretical potential. The number of electric cars in Sweden has increased by 82% duringthe year 2020, which provides good conditions for continuing to investigate the potential for V2G. Previous studies have shown challenges with the technology. The main issues pointed out have been profitability, winter conditions and battery wear, all of which are taken into account in this study. As in all of Sweden, Halmstad needs to plan for its electrification of the transport sector and load consequences on the grid. This study carries out a combined qualitative and quantitative case study that examines how a future electric car fleet can affect Halmstad's local grid. With data from HEM Nät from a winter week that will correspond to extreme conditions for the grid, a model has been developed in Excel to test different proposed scenarios. What is analyzed is how V2G can work in practice depending on where and when charging takes place, and whether power regulation can be profitable for both private individuals and network operator. Results show that some form of power regulation will be needed in the future to deal with the consequences of uncontrolled electric car charging with an ever-larger electric car fleet, and that V2G may be an option. Despite the winter climate and consideration for battery wear, a significant power peak reduction can be achieved if sufficient participation is attained and a good control strategy is found. Financial analysis shows a negative outcome for private individuals who use V2G. The utility services that is provided can on the other hand reduce costs for the network operator through load balancing incentives and reduced subscriptions to overlying networks. This in turn can enable an interest in network operators to introduce local incentives for private individuals' involvement.

Evaluation of the challenges and opportunities of Vehicle-to-Grid technology and the potential revenue streams for BEV fleet owners and aggregators

Strandberg, Lukas, Sandberg, Madeleine January 2023 (has links)
The increasing amount of renewable energy being connected to the power grid, and the intermittent nature of these resources, calls for increased grid flexibility to ensure operational safety and stability. An effective solution to address this need could be through wider implementation of various energy storage technologies. Stationary lithium-ion battery energy storage systems have already been successfully deployed at various locations around the world and has a proven track record of providing valuable services to the grid. The increasing number of battery electric vehicles could imply a vast untapped resource of flexibility as they rely on similar battery technology.Realising this potential could be achieved through the successful implementation and adoption of vehicle-to-grid technology, enabling bi-directional charging between BEVs and the power grid. This thesis first explores the concept of vehicle-to-grid technology through a literature review. The second part of this thesis aims to quantify the revenue potential from one identified value stream for vehicle-to-grid enabled vehicles. This is done through the development of a model, quantifying the revenues generated from participation on the Swedish balancing markets with a fleet of electric trucks over one year. The literature review reveals over 100 documented projects worldwide with physically implemented vehicle-to-grid technology. Different AC- and DC system configurations are being tested as well as the implementation of standards and protocols developed by stakeholders in the vehicle-to-grid ecosystem. Key focus areas have been to ensure interoperability and safety, whilst social aspects of vehicle-to-grid technology remains inadequately explored in existing literature. Numerous value streams can be derived from vehicle-to-grid enabled vehicles and like stationary energy storage systems, its full economic potential can be unlocked by stacking these value streams. Focusing solely on one value stream, the model presented in the second part of this thesis indicates a yearly revenue potential ranging from EUR 6,577 to EUR 85,503 per electric truck participating in the FCR-D Up market in Sweden. However, as the developed model does not consider any costs associated with enabling this participation, no further insights regarding the profitability of V2G-enabled vehicles can be derived from the case study and should be subject for future work. / Den ökande mängden förnybar energi som ansluts till elnätet, och den intermittenta karaktären hos dessa resurser, kräver ökad flexibilitet i elnätet för att säkerställa driftsäkerhet och stabilitet. En lösning för att tillgodose detta behov kan vara genom en bredare implementering av olika energilagerteknologier. Stationära energilager med litium-jonbatterier används redan framgångsrikt på olika platser runt om i världen, och har bevisat sig kunna tillhandahålla värdefulla tjänster till elnätet. Det ökande antalet elektriska fordon skulle kunna innebära stora volymer av ytterligare flexibilitetsresurser eftersom de bygger på liknande batteriteknologier. Realiserande av denna potential skulle kunna uppnås genom en framgångsrik implementering och användning av ’vehicle-to-grid’ (V2G) teknik (svenska fordon-till-nät), som innebär möjliggörandet av dubbelriktad laddning mellan elfordon och elnätet. Detta kanditatarbete utforskar först konceptet med V2G genom en litteraturstudie. I den andra delen av arbetet kvantifieras intäktspotentialen för en av de identifierade värdeströmmarna för V2G möjliggjorda fordon. Detta görs genom utvecklandet av en modell som beräknar de intäkter som kan tänkas genereras av en flotta elektriska lastbilar som deltar på den svenska balansmarknaden under ett år, givet ett antal antaganden. Litteraturstudien visar att det finns över 100 dokumenterade projekt världen över med fysiskt implementerad V2G teknik. Viktiga fokusområden för ett framgångsrikt genomförande är interoperabilitet och säkerhet, där utvecklingen av branschstandarder pågår med en hög grad av internationellt samarbete mellan aktörer involverade i ekosystemet för V2G. Tester av olikatekniska utföranden som konfigurationer för AC- och DC systemlösningar pågår, medan sociala aspekter av V2G är mindre utforskade i befintlig litteratur. Många värdeströmmar kan fångas med V2G teknik och i likhet med stationära energilagringssystem kan dess fulla ekonomiska potential realiseras om dessa värdeströmmar staplas. Modellen som presenteras i den andra delen av detta arbete fokus emellertid endast på en av dessa, men indikerar en årlig intäktspotential på mellan 6 577 EUR och 85 503 EUR per elektrisklastbil som deltar på FCR-D Upp marknaden i Sverige. Den utvecklade modellen tar dock inte hänsyn till kostnader som är förknippade med möjliggörandet av detta deltagande, och av denna kan lönsamheten för V2G möjliggjorda fordon ej bedömas med denna fallstudie, utan bör vara ämne för framtida arbete.

A package deal for the future: Vehicle-to-Grid combined with Mobility as a Service

Bränström, Amanda, Söderberg, Jonna January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this report is to evaluate how a future commercially owned fleet of self-driving electric vehicles (EV:s) would be able to provide power in order to avoid power exceedances in the power grid. Exceedances occur when network agreements between grid operating companies are exceeded. Exceedances are problematic, since they infer penalty fees for the paying company and make dimensioning the grid capacity more difficult for the supplying company. Capacity deficiency regarding the infrastructure of the grid is expected to increase, likely resulting in higher penalty fees. Integrating transport and power systems by using self-driving EV:s as Mobility as a Service combined with Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology is a potential solution for this problem. By modeling the EV-fleet as the New York City taxi fleet, a usage pattern deemed to resemble Mobility as a Service is created. An economic value for the V2G service is estimated by comparing the availability of the EV-fleet with local exceedances from Uppsala as well as regional occurring exceedances. The highest income during the first quarter of 2019 is 96 000 SEK for the whole fleet, or 1100 SEK per EV and hour-long exceedance. The time of exceedance and the power magnitude have to interplay with the availability of the EV-fleet in order to enable the system. The EV battery capacity highly impacts the system, but is concluded to not be a limiting factor due to market logic. Lastly, key features such as market formation as well as geographical and technical aspects are presented and discussed.

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