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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Substituição da valva mitral com tração e fixação dos músculos papilares em pacientes com miocardiopatia dilatada / Mitral valve replacement with complete chordae tendinae preservation in end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy.

Gaiotto, Fábio Antonio 05 June 2006 (has links)
Introdução: A insuficiência cardíaca é uma síndrome clínica grave e freqüente. Nos estágios avançados, pode se apresentar em associação com a insuficiência mitral secundária. O quadro clínico piora e a sobrevida diminui quando a insuficiência mitral está presente. A abordagem cirúrgica da insuficiência mitral secundária tem sido motivo de investigação e a tração quádrupla dos músculos papilares com implante de prótese biológica pode ser uma opção. Objetivo: Avaliar, através da ecocardiografia trans-torácica, a geometria e a função do ventrículo esquerdo após a troca da valva mitral com tração e fixação quádrupla dos músculos papilares, nos pacientes portadores de insuficiência cardíaca terminal com insuficiência mitral secundária. Casuística: Foram operados de forma consecutiva 20 pacientes portadores de insuficiência cardíaca terminal por miocardiopatia dilatada com insuficiência mitral secundária. O sexo masculino predominou: 70%. A idade variou entre 27 e 72 anos, com média de 50,2 +- 9 anos. O número de admissões na enfermaria no ano precedente à operação foi em média 5,4 por paciente e 2,4 na unidade de terapia intensiva. Onze (55%) estavam em uso prolongado de drogas vasoativas. A fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo, determinada pelo método de Teicholz, foi menor ou igual a 30% em todos os pacientes. Dezessete (85%) estavam em classe funcional IV (NYHA). Método: Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à troca da valva mitral com tração e fixação quádrupla dos papilares. Dezoito (90%) receberam biopróteses de pericárdio bovino um tamanho menor que a medida calculada no ato operatório e dois (10%) receberam próteses mecânicas. A plástica tricúspide (DeVega) foi realizada em 12 (60%) pacientes. No seguimento, os exames ecocardiográficos foram agrupados em períodos: três, 6, 12 e 18 meses. As variáveis ecocardiográficas estudadas foram o volume sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo, a fração de ejeção, os diâmetros sistólico e diastólico finais e os volumes sistólico e diastólico finais. O estudo estatístico foi estruturado com a análise de variância para dados repetidos e o teste nãoparamétrico de Friedmann, objetivando a avaliação do comportamento das variáveis ao longo do tempo. A sobrevida foi aferida pelo método de Kaplan-Meyer e a classe funcional avaliada pelo método de McNemar. Resultados: Dois (10%) pacientes faleceram no período imediato: broncopneumonia e falência de múltiplos órgãos. A sobrevida ao final do primeiro ano foi de 85%, do segundo 44%, do terceiro 44%, do quarto 44% e do quinto 44%. Aos 48 meses de seguimento, a classe funcional melhorou (p<0,001), bem como aos 54 meses. A comparação entre os momentos pré e 3 meses, empregando-se a análise de variância para dados repetidos, não revelou alteração significativa para o volume sistólico (p=0,086). Houve acréscimo da fração de ejeção (p=0,008) e decréscimo do diâmetro diastólico final (p=0,038); do diâmetro sistólico final (p=0,008); do volume diastólico final (p=0,029) e do volume sistólico final (p=0,009). Para a avaliação dos momentos pré, 3 e 6 meses, empregou-se o teste não-paramétrico de Friedmann e não houve significância para nenhuma das variáveis ecocardiográficas. Na avaliação dos momentos pré, 3 meses e última avaliação (final), empregando-se a análise de variância para dados repetidos, não houve significância para os dados estudados. Conclusão: Há melhora significativa da fração de ejeção, dos volumes sistólico e diastólico finais e diâmetros sistólico e diastólico finais do ventrículo esquerdo; até o terceiro mês de pós-operatório. A partir de então, as variáveis permanecem estáveis. / Background. We aimed to evaluate mitral valve replacement results and a new technique for complete chordae tendineae adjustment for left ventricular remodeling. Methods. Twenty end-stage idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy patients with severe functional mitral valve regurgitation underwent mitral valve replacement from July 2000 to December 2003. Three (15%) were in New York Heart Association functional class (FC) III; 17 (85%) were in FC IV. Hospital admissions for congestive heart failure in the 12 months prior to surgery were 5.4 ± 3.1 and 2.4±1.2 in the intensive care. Both anterior and posterior leaflets of the mitral valve were divided to obtain 4 pillars of chordae tendineae. These were displaced with traction toward the left atrium and anchored between the mitral annulus and a valvular prosthesis. To evaluate the left ventricular remodeling doppler echocardiography were performed. The statistical analysis was structured with variance analysis and Friedman´s test. Results. Two (10%) early deaths occurred from bronchopneumonia and multisystem organ failure. Kaplan-Meyer showed survival at one year post-operative was 85%, 2 years was 44%, 3 years was 44%, 4 years was 44% and 5 years was 44%. At 48 and 54 months of follow-up, McNemar test showed improvement in Functional Class (p<0.001). At third month of follow-up, variance analyses showed improvement in ejection fraction (p=0.008) and decreasing in end-diastolic diameter (p=0.038), end-sistolic diameter (p=0.008), end-sistolic volume (p=0.029) and end-diastolic volume (p=0.009). No statistical difference were noted in systolic volume. Comparing pre-operative, third and six months of follow-up, Friedmann test showed no statistical differences for all variables studied. Variance analyses for pre, third and final evaluation showed samething. Conclusion. This new technique of mitral valve replacement, involving the positioning of the chordae tendineae, should improvement in EF and decreasing in DD, SD,SV and DV till third month of follow-up. The variables sustain this changes during follow-up. An improvement in functional class and survival were assignated in this group.

A influência do estrogênio na hipertensão arterial pulmonar : papel do estresse oxidativo

Siqueira, Rafaela January 2011 (has links)
A hipertensão arterial pulmonar é uma síndrome caracterizada por vasoconstrição e remodelamento vascular pulmonar, levando a um aumento progressivo na resistência vascular pulmonar, que eleva a pós-carga imposta ao ventrículo direito, gerando consequente hipertrofia e insuficiência cardíaca direita. Essa doença acomete duas vezes mais mulheres do que homens. O estresse oxidativo está envolvido na patogênese da hipertensão arterial pulmonar. O hormônio estrogênio, comportando-se como scavenger de radicais livres, é capaz de modular o estresse oxidativo. O modelo experimental de hipertensão arterial pulmonar induzido por monocrotalina vem sendo utilizado por mimetizar as alterações que decorrem desta patologia em humanos. Dessa maneira, o objetivo desse estudo foi testar a hipótese de que o estrogênio poderia atenuar a hipertrofia do ventrículo direito e sua progressão para insuficiência cardíaca, modulando o estresse oxidativo, nos animais que receberam a monocrotalina. Ratas wistar fêmeas com 60 dias foram ovariectomizadas ou sofreram simulação da mesma. Após sete dias, receberam implantação de pellets subcutâneos com 17β-estradiol ou óleo de girassol. Neste momento, foi também administrada injeção intraperitoneal de monocrotalina ou salina. Os grupos experimentais foram: sham (S) - simulação da cirurgia de ovariectomia, não submetidas ao tratamento com MCT; sham + MCT (SM) - simulação da cirurgia de ovariectomia, e tratadas com MCT; ovariectomia (O) - cirurgia de ovariectomia, não submetidas ao tratamento com MCT; ovariectomia + MCT (OM) - cirurgia de ovariectomia, e tratadas com MCT; ovariectomia + MCT + reposição estrogênio (OMR) - cirurgia de ovariectomia, tratadas com MCT e estrogênio. As medidas hemodinâmicas foram realizadas 21 dias após a administração da monocrotalina ou salina nos animais ovariectomizados e, nos outros grupos, na fase do diestro. Foi verificada a pressão diastólica final do ventrículo direito, pressão sistólica do ventrículo direito e frequência cardíaca. Após a análise, as ratas foram mortas por deslocamento cervical e o coração, pulmão, fígado e útero foram coletados. As análises morfométricas foram realizadas após a retirada dos órgãos para avaliar hipertrofia cardíaca, congestão pulmonar e hepática. Amostras de ventrículo direito foram utilizadas para analisar a concentração de peróxido de hidrogênio, a razão da glutationa reduzida/oxidada, lipoperoxidação e defesas antioxidantes enzimáticas. O imunoconteúdo de ANP (peptídeo natriurético atrial) foi também avaliado em homogeneizado cardíaco. Os dados de pressão sistólica, hipertrofia cardíaca, defesa antioxidante enzimática, concentração de peróxido de hidrogênio e lipoperoxidação não mostraram diferença entre os grupos. Houve congestão pulmonar no grupo OM, sendo esta diminuída no grupo OMR. Isto sugere que o estrogênio esteja atenuando a resistência vascular pulmonar. Também houve aumento da pressão diastólica final do ventrículo direito nos grupos OM e OMR. A razão das glutationas se mostrou diminuída nos grupos O, OM e OMR, assim como a glutationa reduzida nos grupos O e OM, sugerindo a influência do estrogênio na modulação do estado redox celular. Os dados sugerem que o estrogênio possa exercer grande influência no equilíbrio redox celular, podendo este efeito contribuir para evitar o surgimento do edema pulmonar, característico deste modelo de hipertensão arterial pulmonar e insuficiência do ventrículo direito. / Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a syndrome characterized by vasoconstriction and pulmonary vascular remodeling, leading to a progressive increase in pulmonary vascular resistance, which increases the afterload imposed on the right ventricle, causing consequent hypertrophy and heart failure. This disease affects twice as many women as men. The oxidative stress is involved in pulmonary artery hypertension, as well as the estrogen hormone modulating the oxidative stress, behaving like scavenger of free radicals. The experimental model of pulmonary hypertension induced by monocrotaline has been used to mimic the changes from this pathology. Thus, the objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that estrogen could attenuate ventricular hypertrophy law and its progression to heart failure, modulating oxidative stress in animals received monocrotaline. Female Wistar rats aged 60 days were ovariectomized or underwent sham same, 7 days after implantation of pellets were subcutaneous 17β-estradiol or sunflower oil more intraperitoneal injection of monocrotaline or saline. The experimental groups (n = 9-13 per group) were: SHAM (S) – sham surgery, ovariectomy, no treated with MCT, MCT + SHAM - simulation of ovariectomy surgical and treated with MCT; OVARIECTOMY (O) – ovariectomy surgical, no treated with MCT, MCT + OVARIECTOMY (OM) –ovariectomy surgical, and treated with MCT; MCT + + OVARIECTOMY ESTROGEN REPLACEMENT (OMR) - surgery, ovariectomy, and treated with MCT estrogen. Hemodynamic measurements were performed 21 days after administration of saline or monocrotaline in ovariectomized animals and other groups in diestrus phase with anesthetized animals. The ventricular end diastolic pressure right ventricular systolic pressure and right heart rate was verified. After analyzing, the rats were killed by cervical dislocation and the heart, lung, liver and uterus were collected. Analyses morphometry were performed after withdrawal of agencies to evaluate cardiac hypertrophy, congestion lung and liver. The right ventricular mass was used to analyze the redox status (hydrogen peroxide and glutathione ratio) antioxidant enzymatic defenses and protein expression of ANP. The Data for systolic blood pressure, cardiac hypertrophy, antioxidant defense enzyme concentration hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxidation showed no difference between the groups, which may be related with normal distribution. There was congestion pulmonary CO group and decreased in group OMR, suggesting that estrogen is attenuating the pulmonary vascular resistance, as well as increased end-diastolic pressure in the right ventricle OMR and OM groups. The glutathione ratio was shown decreased in groups O, CO and OMR, as well as reduced glutathione in groups O and CO, suggesting the influence of estrogen on modulation of cellular redox state. The data suggest that estrogen can exert great influence on the cellular redox balance and this effect may help to avoid the appearance of pulmonary edema, a characteristic of pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure.


Liu, Zhan-Qiu 01 January 2019 (has links)
Statistical data from clinical studies indicate that the death rate caused by heart disease has decreased due to an increased use of evidence-based medical therapies. This includes the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is one of the most common non-invasive approaches in evidence-based health care research. In the current work, I present 3D Lagrangian strains and torsion in the left ventricle of healthy and isoproterenol-stimulated rats, which were investigated using Displacement ENcoding with Stimulated Echoes (DENSE) cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging. With the implementation of the 12-segment model, a detailed profile of regional cardiac mechanics was reconstructed for each subject. Statistical analysis revealed that isoproterenol induced a significant change in the strains and torsion in certain regions at the mid-ventricle level. In addition, I investigated right ventricular cardiac mechanics with the methodologies developed for the left ventricle. This included a comparison of different regions within the basal and mid-ventricular regions. Despite no regional variation found in the peak circumferential strain, the peak longitudinal strain exhibited regional variation at the anterior side of the RV due to the differences in biventricular torsion, mechanism of RV free wall contraction, and fiber architecture at RV insertions. Future applications of the experimental work presented here include the construction and validation of biventricular finite element models. Specifically, the strains predicted by the models will be statistically compared with experimental strains. In addition, the results of the present study provide an essential reference of RV baseline evaluated with DENSE MRI, a highly objective technique.

Right heart function in health and disease : a doppler echocardiography and doppler tissue imaging study / Högersidig hjärtfunktion hos hjärtfriska och vid hjärtpåverkan : en studie i Doppler ekokardiografi och vävnadsDoppler

Lindqvist, Per January 2005 (has links)
Background: It is well known that performance of the right ventricle (RV) determines exercise capacity and may confer prognostic information in different cardiopulmonary diseases. To allow optimal patient management, ideal methods to assess right heart function are therefore important. Echocardiography is an attractive investigation for that purpose, although limited by the anatomical and functional complexities of the RV. The aim of the present thesis was to present applicable methods useful in clinical practice by traditional 2D/Doppler echocardiography and Doppler tissue imaging (DTI) in the assessment of global and regional RV function in both health and disease. Methods: The studies were performed on 4 different groups; (1) 255 healthy subjects (125 females), (2) 92 consecutive patients with different cardiac diseases (36 females), (3) 26 patients with systemic sclerosis, (SSc) (21 females) and (4) 26 consecutive patients with heart failure (8 females) undergoing cardiac catheterisation. Results: RV outflow tract fractional shortening (RVOT fs), which is a new method in the assessment of RV function, correlated significantly with RV systolic long axis motion (r= 0.66, p&lt; 0.001), pulmonary artery acceleration time (r= 0.80, p&lt; 0.001) and RV-right atrial peak systolic pressure drop gradient (r= -0.53, p&lt; 0.001). Furthermore, RVOT fs was reduced in patients with pulmonary hypertension whereas RV systolic long axis motion was not in difference. This finding was confirmed after comparing RV function with invasive pressures. In healthy subjects, while the systolic myocardial velocities were preserved over age, the peak isovolumic contraction velocity (IVCv) was weakly increased with advanced age (r= 0.34, p&lt; 0.01). Furthermore, both global and regional E/A ratios were reduced (r= -0.57, r= -0.67, p&lt; 0.001 for both) with age whereas no alteration was found in the myocardial isovolumic relaxation time (IVRt). In patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) both global (64± 23 vs. 39± 12 ms, p&lt; 0.001) as well as regional (83± 40 vs. 46± 24 ms, p&lt; 0.001) IVRt were prolonged. After evaluating echocardiographic parameters with invasive pressures we found a significant correlation between DTI derived IVRt and pulmonary artery systolic pressures (r= 0.83, p&lt; 0.01) while the IVCv was related to the state of contractility (r= 0.77, p&lt; 0.001). Furthermore, an IVCv below 6 cm/s was shown to be an accurate marker of increased right atrial pressure (&gt;6 mm Hg). In conclusion, RVOT fs can be used as a complementary measurement of RV systolic function, being more sensitive to elevated pulmonary artery systolic pressures than the systolic longitudinal RV motion. Right heart function, mainly the diastolic function, is relatively weakly influenced by age compared to the left heart function. In patients with SSc, we found diastolic disturbances, including a prolonged IVRt and proposed the findings to be early markers related to intermittent pulmonary hypertension. This observation was strengthened after evaluating IVRt against invasive pulmonary artery systolic pressures. IVCv can be used to determine the state of RV contractility and also be used to identify patients with elevated filling pressures. The presented methods can be used to detect early signs of RV dysfunction which might prohibit right heart failure. All presented methods are non-invasive, reproducible, easy obtainable, and thus useful in clinical practice.

Transposició d’un pedicle adipós pericardíac sobre el miocardi: una nova opció terapèutica per a limitar la cicatriu postinfart

Gàlvez Montón, Carolina 26 June 2012 (has links)
Recentment ha estat demostrada l’existència de cèl.lules progenitores en el greix que envolta el cor. Aquesta nova font cel!lular ha esdevingut una bona alternativa per a regenerar el miocardi infartat. Per aquest motiu, és possible que posant en contacte el teixit adipós cardíac en forma de biomembrana amb la zona infartada es pugui limitar l’extensió de l’infart de miocardi. Els objectius de la present tesi són: 1) Generar els perfils genètics de l’evolució de l’IM en el model porcí. 2) Determinar l’existència de cèl.lules mesenquimals al teixit adipós d’origen pericardíac i caracteritzar-les. 3) Avaluar l’efecte de la transposició d’un pedicle adipós pericardíac vascularitzat sobre: a. l’IAM en el model porcí per a valorar els possibles efectes beneficiosos sobre la mida de l’infart i la funció ventricular. b. l’ICM en el model porcí per a valorar els possibles efectes beneficiosos sobre la mida de l’infart i la funció ventricular.

Pulsatile fontan hemodynamics and patient-specific surgical planning: a numerical investigation

de Julien de Zelicourt, Diane Alicia 06 April 2010 (has links)
Single ventricle heart defects, where systemic and pulmonary venous returns mix in the single functional ventricle, represent the most complex form of congenital heart defect, affecting 2 babies per 1000 live births. Surgical repairs, termed "Fontan Repairs," reroute the systemic venous return directly to the pulmonary arteries, thus preventing venous return mixing and restoring normal oxygenation saturation levels. Unfortunately, these repairs are only palliative and Fontan patients are subjected to a multitude of chronic complications. It has long been suspected that hemodynamics play a role in determining patient outcome. However, the number of anatomical and functional variables that come into play and the inability to conduct large scale clinical evaluations, due to too small a patient population, has hindered decisive progress and there is still not a good understanding of the optimal care strategies on a patient-by-patient basis. Over the past decades, image-guided computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has arisen as an attractive option to accurately model such complex biomedical phenomena, providing a high degree of freedom regarding the geometry and flow conditions to be simulated, and carrying the potential to be automated for large sample size studies. Despite these theoretical advantages, few CFD studies have been able to account for the complexity of patient-specific anatomies and in vivo pulsatile flows. In this thesis, we develop an unstructured Cartesian immersed-boundary flow solver allowing for high resolution, time-accurate simulations in arbitrarily complex geometries, at low computational costs. Combining the proposed and validated CFD solver with an interactive virtual-surgery environment, we present an image-based surgical planning framework that: a) allows for in depth analysis of the pre-operative in vivo hemodynamics; b) enables surgeons to determine the optimum surgical scenario prior to the operation. This framework is first applied to retrospectively investigate the in vivo pulsatile hemodynamics of different Fontan repair techniques, and quantitatively compare their efficiency. We then report the prospective surgical planning investigations conducted for six failing Fontan patients with an interrupted inferior vena cava and azygous continuation. In addition to a direct benefit to the patients under consideration, the knowledge derived from these surgical planning studies will also have a larger impact for the clinical management of Fontan patients as they shed light onto the impact of caval offset, vessel flaring and other design parameters upon the Fontan hemodynamics depending on the underlying patient anatomy. These results provide useful surgical guidelines for each anatomical template, which could benefit the global surgical community, including centers that do not have access to patient-specific surgical planning interfaces.

Echocardiographic measurements of the heart : with focus on the right ventricle

Loiske, Karin January 2011 (has links)
Echocardiography is a well established technique when evaluating the size and function of the heart. One of the most common ways to measure the size of the right ventricle (RV) is to measure the RV outflow tract 1(RVOT1). Several ways to measure RVOT1 are described in the literature.These ways were compared with echocardiography on 27 healthy subjects.The result showed significant differences in RVOT1, depending on the way it was measured, concluding that the same site, method and body positionshould be used when comparing RVOT1 in the same subject over time.One parameter to evaluate the RV diastolic function (RVDF) is to measure the RV isovolumetric relaxation time (RV-IVRT), a sensitive marker ofRV dysfunction. There are different ways to measure this. In this thesis two ways of measuring RV-IVRT and their time intervals were compared in 20 patients examined with echocardiography. There was a significant difference between the two methods indicating that they are not measuring the same interval.Another way to assess the RVDF is to measure the maximal early diastolicvelocity (MDV) in the long-axis direction. MDV can be measured bydifferent methods, hence 29 patients were examined and MDV was measured according to two methods. There was a good correlation but a poor agreement between the two methods meaning that reference values cannot be used interchangeably.Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is characterized by apical wall motion abnormalities without coronary stenosis. The pathology of this condition remains unclear. To evaluate biventricular changes in systolic long-axisfunction and diastolic parameters in the acute phase and after recovery, 13 patients were included and examined with echocardiography at admission and after recovery. The results showed significant biventricular improvementof systolic long-axis function while most diastolic parameters remainedunchanged.

Die Magnetresonanztomographie im Therapiemonitoring liposomaler Glukokortikosteroide in zwei Tiermodellen der Multiplen Sklerose unter Berücksichtigung von Läsions- und Seitenventrikelgröße sowie Liquorsignalintensität / Magnetic resonance imaging in therapy monitoring of liposomal glucocorticosteroids in two animal models of multiple sclerosis in consideration of the size of lesion and lateral ventricle as well as cerebrospinal fluid signal intensity

Kehrer, Dominique Peter 20 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Spatio-temporal Approach to Transport Dynamics in the Mammalian Ventricular System

Faubel, Regina Johanna 22 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

A influência do estrogênio na hipertensão arterial pulmonar : papel do estresse oxidativo

Siqueira, Rafaela January 2011 (has links)
A hipertensão arterial pulmonar é uma síndrome caracterizada por vasoconstrição e remodelamento vascular pulmonar, levando a um aumento progressivo na resistência vascular pulmonar, que eleva a pós-carga imposta ao ventrículo direito, gerando consequente hipertrofia e insuficiência cardíaca direita. Essa doença acomete duas vezes mais mulheres do que homens. O estresse oxidativo está envolvido na patogênese da hipertensão arterial pulmonar. O hormônio estrogênio, comportando-se como scavenger de radicais livres, é capaz de modular o estresse oxidativo. O modelo experimental de hipertensão arterial pulmonar induzido por monocrotalina vem sendo utilizado por mimetizar as alterações que decorrem desta patologia em humanos. Dessa maneira, o objetivo desse estudo foi testar a hipótese de que o estrogênio poderia atenuar a hipertrofia do ventrículo direito e sua progressão para insuficiência cardíaca, modulando o estresse oxidativo, nos animais que receberam a monocrotalina. Ratas wistar fêmeas com 60 dias foram ovariectomizadas ou sofreram simulação da mesma. Após sete dias, receberam implantação de pellets subcutâneos com 17β-estradiol ou óleo de girassol. Neste momento, foi também administrada injeção intraperitoneal de monocrotalina ou salina. Os grupos experimentais foram: sham (S) - simulação da cirurgia de ovariectomia, não submetidas ao tratamento com MCT; sham + MCT (SM) - simulação da cirurgia de ovariectomia, e tratadas com MCT; ovariectomia (O) - cirurgia de ovariectomia, não submetidas ao tratamento com MCT; ovariectomia + MCT (OM) - cirurgia de ovariectomia, e tratadas com MCT; ovariectomia + MCT + reposição estrogênio (OMR) - cirurgia de ovariectomia, tratadas com MCT e estrogênio. As medidas hemodinâmicas foram realizadas 21 dias após a administração da monocrotalina ou salina nos animais ovariectomizados e, nos outros grupos, na fase do diestro. Foi verificada a pressão diastólica final do ventrículo direito, pressão sistólica do ventrículo direito e frequência cardíaca. Após a análise, as ratas foram mortas por deslocamento cervical e o coração, pulmão, fígado e útero foram coletados. As análises morfométricas foram realizadas após a retirada dos órgãos para avaliar hipertrofia cardíaca, congestão pulmonar e hepática. Amostras de ventrículo direito foram utilizadas para analisar a concentração de peróxido de hidrogênio, a razão da glutationa reduzida/oxidada, lipoperoxidação e defesas antioxidantes enzimáticas. O imunoconteúdo de ANP (peptídeo natriurético atrial) foi também avaliado em homogeneizado cardíaco. Os dados de pressão sistólica, hipertrofia cardíaca, defesa antioxidante enzimática, concentração de peróxido de hidrogênio e lipoperoxidação não mostraram diferença entre os grupos. Houve congestão pulmonar no grupo OM, sendo esta diminuída no grupo OMR. Isto sugere que o estrogênio esteja atenuando a resistência vascular pulmonar. Também houve aumento da pressão diastólica final do ventrículo direito nos grupos OM e OMR. A razão das glutationas se mostrou diminuída nos grupos O, OM e OMR, assim como a glutationa reduzida nos grupos O e OM, sugerindo a influência do estrogênio na modulação do estado redox celular. Os dados sugerem que o estrogênio possa exercer grande influência no equilíbrio redox celular, podendo este efeito contribuir para evitar o surgimento do edema pulmonar, característico deste modelo de hipertensão arterial pulmonar e insuficiência do ventrículo direito. / Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a syndrome characterized by vasoconstriction and pulmonary vascular remodeling, leading to a progressive increase in pulmonary vascular resistance, which increases the afterload imposed on the right ventricle, causing consequent hypertrophy and heart failure. This disease affects twice as many women as men. The oxidative stress is involved in pulmonary artery hypertension, as well as the estrogen hormone modulating the oxidative stress, behaving like scavenger of free radicals. The experimental model of pulmonary hypertension induced by monocrotaline has been used to mimic the changes from this pathology. Thus, the objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that estrogen could attenuate ventricular hypertrophy law and its progression to heart failure, modulating oxidative stress in animals received monocrotaline. Female Wistar rats aged 60 days were ovariectomized or underwent sham same, 7 days after implantation of pellets were subcutaneous 17β-estradiol or sunflower oil more intraperitoneal injection of monocrotaline or saline. The experimental groups (n = 9-13 per group) were: SHAM (S) – sham surgery, ovariectomy, no treated with MCT, MCT + SHAM - simulation of ovariectomy surgical and treated with MCT; OVARIECTOMY (O) – ovariectomy surgical, no treated with MCT, MCT + OVARIECTOMY (OM) –ovariectomy surgical, and treated with MCT; MCT + + OVARIECTOMY ESTROGEN REPLACEMENT (OMR) - surgery, ovariectomy, and treated with MCT estrogen. Hemodynamic measurements were performed 21 days after administration of saline or monocrotaline in ovariectomized animals and other groups in diestrus phase with anesthetized animals. The ventricular end diastolic pressure right ventricular systolic pressure and right heart rate was verified. After analyzing, the rats were killed by cervical dislocation and the heart, lung, liver and uterus were collected. Analyses morphometry were performed after withdrawal of agencies to evaluate cardiac hypertrophy, congestion lung and liver. The right ventricular mass was used to analyze the redox status (hydrogen peroxide and glutathione ratio) antioxidant enzymatic defenses and protein expression of ANP. The Data for systolic blood pressure, cardiac hypertrophy, antioxidant defense enzyme concentration hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxidation showed no difference between the groups, which may be related with normal distribution. There was congestion pulmonary CO group and decreased in group OMR, suggesting that estrogen is attenuating the pulmonary vascular resistance, as well as increased end-diastolic pressure in the right ventricle OMR and OM groups. The glutathione ratio was shown decreased in groups O, CO and OMR, as well as reduced glutathione in groups O and CO, suggesting the influence of estrogen on modulation of cellular redox state. The data suggest that estrogen can exert great influence on the cellular redox balance and this effect may help to avoid the appearance of pulmonary edema, a characteristic of pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure.

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